How to place an order and make payment

How to place an order and make payment
Product Code!
Price in YEN"
To bag a product, simply click on this
image. When this image is found next
to the price, the product is available.
Once you bag a product, this shopping bag window appears.
Product Code!
Proceed to the Order form"
Continue shopping"
$Order form
All orders from overseas are packed and sent with an invoice.
Fill in the % compulsory fields.
&Payment option. For overseas customers, credit card
payment only. Choose the first option.
'Billing option. First option only.
'Delivery timing – inapplicable
Your name
Please Choose
is not
accepted by our
Postal code
the last option:
Payment system
for security reason
= Overseas
Phone number *
*Please enter 054-653-4700 in Phone number. This is the number of our customer centre.
The current shopping cart is not accepting any international phone number. Security may
shut the window down if you enter any foreign number.
Please leave your
actual phone number
in this message box.
Browser to remember
the information you
entered. If you are using
any shared PC, remove
Email newsletter subscription
(free). Available only in
Japanese. In case you do not
wish one, click and remove
Proceed to
' Back to the
previous page
$Confirmation page
purchase total"
'shipping cost
!Billing amount
(in Yen)
Below – your details.
If you wish to make changes, click on the left button at the bottom
and go back to the previous page.
When all the information correctly entered, press the right button
and place your order.
$Order number
This is your Order Number.
It is also emailed to the
address entered above.
Click this button "
and proceed to the
Payment form.
When you successfully placed an order, you would receive a confirmation email from (HOKKYOKU SHIROKUMADO)
'Amount billed (in Yen)
You will find phone number field automatically filled with the number entered in the previous
Order form. (0546534700) Please leave it as it is.
Phone number*
Your name (as shown
on your credit card)
is not
accepted by our
Payment system
for security reason
If you change the number to any international phone number and press submit button, it
may disturb the whole process and cause failure.
credit card number &
expiry date
Click on “Submit” and you would receive an email from
– proxy credit card settlement firm) confirming that the payment has been successfully
Thank you for shopping with us,