How to use your Yahoo email account (beta) To open your Yahoo! Account: 1. Open the Internet by double-clicking on the Internet Explorer icon Click once in the address bar , type and press return. 2. On the Yahoo! Homepage, click the My Mail 3. Click in the Yahoo! ID box button and type your Yahoo! ID (the part of your e-mail address before the @). 4. Click in the Password box 5. Click the Sign In button. Last modified on 01/06/2010 by AP and type your password. To read your e-mails: 1. Click on the Check Mail button 2. Any e-mails you have will be listed showing who sent it, what the subject is and when it was sent. Double click on an e-mail to open it. The full e-mail will now appear. Once you’ve read it, you can do things with it by using the buttons along the top: 3. Click to reply to the sender of the e-mail. This will open a new e- mail with their address already inserted. All you do is type your reply and click Send. 4. Click to forward the e-mail to someone else. 5. Click to move through your e-mails. The down arrow takes you to the previous one in your Inbox; the up arrow to the next one. 6. Click to print the e-mail. (It lets you print just the e-mail – not all the other stuff on the screen.) 7. Click to throw it in the bin. 8. Click to report this e-mail as spam. This marks it as junk mail and any future e-mails from this sender will be automatically sent to the Spam folder, not your Inbox. Last modified on 01/06/2010 by AP To write an e-mail: 1. Click the Compose button or press the letter n on the keyboard Your e-mail can be 10 words or 10,000 words – the box will expand as you type. 2. When you are ready to send your e-mail, click at the top left of the e-mail. 3. When you have finished with your e-mail, always close your Yahoo! Account safely by click on Sign Out Last modified on 01/06/2010 by AP
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