Bedford Baptist Church Enter His Gates With Praise Memorial Carillon

Welcome to
Bedford Baptist Church
Service of Worship – July 31st, 2011 – 10:30 a.m.
Enter His Gates With Praise
Call To Worship
Memorial Carillon
Ministry Opportunities
*Time Of Praise
(Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)
Children’s Story
(KidZone Children may head downstairs during singing of last verse)
Our Response To Him
Tithes & Offering
*Offertory Response #600 ―Praise God From Whom…‖
Prayers of the People
Ministry Of The Word
2 Chronicles 7:14 (Pew Bible, OT pg. 393)
Ready For Revival
Pastor Bob Ohsberg
―Just A Closer Walk With Thee‖
How To Contact Us
158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, NS B4A 3X5
Phone: 835-5966
Fax: 835-3984
Radio: CHSB 99.3 Hilltop FM
Prayer Chain: Doug & Donna Peverill
Phone: 434-8054 or E-mail:
We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to
worship and fellowship with us this morning. If you are
a first time visitor with us, please take time to fill out a
“Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it in
the offering plate.
Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them
to our Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.
We also have a Pre-School Program (ages 3-5) that runs
during our Worship Service in the Church Time PreSchool Room. One of our ushers would be happy to
help you locate either one of these facilities.
Elementary School children are invited to take part in
our KidZone program which starts after the first part of
our Worship Service downstairs in the Vestry.
About Us
Bedford Baptist Church has been a part of this community
for 112 years.
We seek to be a fellowship of believers
building on the principles of love, grace, and compassion as
first modeled by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
that end, we offer a wide variety of programs and services
for every age group.
On a larger scale, we are affiliated
Canadian Baptist Ministries.
Ministers – All Of Us!
Rev. Robert Ohsberg
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Ida Whitehouse
Associate Pastor
Lic. Kevin Haggarty
Youth Pastor
Rev. Nelson Metcalfe
Pastor Emeritus
Mrs. Lianne MacMinn
Ministry of Music
Supervised Field Education Student
Lic. Miriam MacDonald
Mr. Peter Metcalfe
Office Administrator
Mr. Joel Scott
Ms. Kaleigh Rand
Summer Ministry Coordinator
Ms. Laura Coyle
Summer Ministry Coordinator
Please Be In Prayer For Our Sick & Shut-In
Halifax Veteran’s Memorial
Mr. Bill Gallant
Mrs. Anna Rogers
Mrs. Eleanor Reeves
(Tony Reeves’ mother)
Walter Reid Veteran’s Hospital
Mr. Adam Keys
Ivany Place
Mrs. Evelyn Ross
Ms. Brenda Carson
Mrs. Freda Bender
Albert & Ruth Moulton
Mrs. Barb Bishop
Mrs. Helen Beeler
Mrs. Norma Sutherland
Mrs. Beth Kennedy
Mrs. Ruby Shuve
St. Vincent’s Nursing Home
Dykeland Lodge
Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall)
(Herman & Vivian’s Nephew)
(Nancy Ohsberg’s mother)
Windsor Elms
Mrs. Marjorie Levy
Berkeley Retirement
Northwood Center
At Home
Mrs. Lola Freeman
(Marlene Davies’ Mother)
(Judi Hayes’ Mother)
Mrs. Joyce Tavener
Mrs. Sydney Derrah
(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)
Ms. Carol Lumsden
Mrs. Gloria Campbell
Ms. Jan Robar
Mrs. Hilda MacDonald
(Tena Poirier’s Mother)
Mrs. Ruth Chiasson
Mr. Nick Dearman
Mrs. Mona Ellis
Ms. Liz Logan
Mrs. Jane Brown
(Heather Ross’ mother)
Last Week’s Offering (July 24, 2011)
TOTAL= $8,002.78
Total Annual Budget = $388,400
Last Week’s Offering Towards Budget
Weekly Offering Needed To Make Budget
Weekly Surplus/Deficit
Year To Date Surplus/Deficit
Special Donations & Non-Budget Offering
Week At A Glance
Sunday To Sunday July 31st – August 7th
Next Sunday
10:45 am
After Worship
Lemonade On The Lawn
6:30 pm
Youth Fireside
7:00 pm
Drive-In Service
6:00 pm
Youth Drop-In
Plan To Protect Review Committee
7:00 pm
6:30 pm
Pre-Marriage Course
Fantastic Friday—Water Day
Ivany Place Worship Service
2:00 pm
New York Mission Team Departs
10:00 am
Pre-Service Prayer
10:30 am
Communion Service
10:30 am
Nursery (Nancy Ohsberg & Kaleigh Rand)
10:30 am
Preschool (Donna Peverill & Wanda Tingley)
10:45 am
After Worship
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Lemonade On The Lawn
Youth Fireside
Drive-In Service
Servants in the Lord’s Work
Deacon On Duty
This Week
Kathy Cochrane
Stephen Johnson &
Rebecca Forbes
Warwick White
Hattie Nickerson and
Minnie Daniels
Next Week
Ron McLean
Bruce & Nancy Duffy
Phillip Cox
Leela Bates &
Arlene Metcalfe
Worship Service Attendance
Morning Service
Drive-In Service
Last Week: 145
Last Week: 42
Year Ago: 162
Year Ago: 37
Nuptial News
Congratulations are extended to Christopher and Emily
(née Archibald) Burris who were united in marriage at the
Pictou Lodge in Pictou, NS by Dr. Ida and Rev. John
Campbell on Saturday, July 30th, 2011.
News & Events
Relief Effort Update
Thanks to your generous donations we were able to raise
$1150 for the Somali Refugee relief effort that CBM is
helping carry out in Dadaab, Kenya. It’s still not too late to
give. You can mark ―CBM—Somalia Refugee Camp‖ on
your offering envelope. If you are writing a cheque,
make it out to Bedford Baptist Church but mark it for the
refugee camp on the memo line.
Our Prayer Initiative
We are invited to join together in prayer for one another.
As we move through our fellowship alphabetically, look for
your name to appear. If it doesn't, please let Peter know,
for we wish to be in prayer for YOU. This week, please be
in prayer for: Melvin, Janette, Erin, Haley & Maggie
Fiander (and Samantha & Nick Krauch), Peter & Margaret
Foote, Clive & Alana Foster, and Scott, Tina & Devin Frail.
Also be in prayer for our New York Mission Team
which leaves this Saturday, August 6th.
Birthday Greetings
Belated best wishes are extended to Evelyn Ross who
celebrated her 86th birthday on July 18th, to Helen Beeler
who celebrated her 88th birthday on July 26th and to Helen
Connors who celebrated her 91st birthday on July 28th.
Congratulations to Lloyd & Sharon Hughes of Surrey BC
who adopted River Kieran Jack Hughes (born in China on
April 18th, 2009) into their family on June 20th, 2011.
Proud grandparents are Ed & Dorothy Hughes.
Soup Kitchen Volunteers
We have an opening for two volunteers for the St.
George's Soup kitchen for our next visit on August 27th. If
interested please contact Bonnie Matthews.
News & Events (Cont’d.)
Vacation Notices
Peter is away on vacation this week (August 1 – 5). In his
absence Stephanie Wambolt will be filling in as Office
Administrator for the week. Pastor Bob will also be away
on vacation this week while Dr. Ida will be working from
Berwick Camp for part of the week but will also be in the
office periodically as well.
We are pleased to have Rev. Ron McLean bring
the message at next week’s morning service while Dr. Ida
will preach for the Drive-In Service next Sunday.
Fantastic Fridays
All through the month of August our Summer Ministry
Team will be hosting Fantastic Fridays each and every
Friday from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. These special events are
open to those in Grades P-6. Those planning to attend are
asked to bring a bag lunch and wear old clothes for what
promises to be a fun-filled day of exciting activities. The
first Fantastic Friday (August 5th) will be a Water Day!
Please get in touch with Kayleigh or Laura for further
Help For Preschool
Looking for a fun, easy and rewarding way to volunteer in
our church? Consider spending time with our small group of
church time preschoolers. One person is currently needed
on the 4th Sunday of every month and 2 are needed on the
5th Sundays (only a few each year). For more information,
please contact Michelle Vekeman.