How to intervene in the A2L file export

FAQ 728
How to intervene in the A2L file export
A2l file; DD3
How can I influence the A2L file export? Is it possible to automatically intervene in the A2L export
1) Preliminary information about the A2L export
The A2L file export is done in three phases (see also dSPACE Data Dictionary ASAM MCD-2 MC
Import and Export > Exporting ASAM MCD-2 MC Files > Exporting an A2L File > Advanced Practices:
Intervening in the A2L File Export Process > Phases of the A2L File Export).
During the first phase, some preliminary actions are performed, i.e., calibration and measurement data
is collected. The subsystems area in the Data Dictionary (located under //DD0/Subsystems) is used as
the source for all information on the structure and use of calibration and measurement data. The
address data is collected from the build object within the application object. Note that a build object is
created when a SIL or PIL simulation is built. It is also possible to create a build object manually. For
more information, see dSPACE Data Dictionary ASAM MCD-2 MC Import and Export – Exporting
ASAM MCD-2 MC Files – Specifying the Build Object.
During the second phase, this information is written to DD3 together with the information from
//DD0/Subsystems. The DD3 node normally is hidden from view (the necessary steps are described
below; see also dSPACE Data Dictionary ASAM MCD-2 MC Import and Export – Exporting ASAM
MCD-2 MC Files – Exporting an A2L File – Advanced Practices: Intervening in the A2L File Export
Process – How to Open the Intermediate DD Node).
In the third and last phase, the information stored in DD3 is written to the final file using an XSL
stylesheet transformation. Between phase 2 and phase 3, you can intervene in the export by changing
the information stored in DD3.
2) Calling the different phases and accessing the DD3
You can execute the first two phases of the A2L file export by
Selecting ConvertToA2l for the phase in the A2L Export dialog (if you are using the Data
Dictionary Manager) or
Setting the Phase parameter to ConvertToA2l (if you are using the Data Dictionary
To take a look at the DD3, you have to use one of the following methods:
TargetLink versions older than TargetLink 3.3:
You have to start the Data Dictionary Manager in debug mode. This can be done by invoking
“dsddman(’DebugMode’,’on’)“ in the MATLAB Command Window and selecting Extras –
Switch To Workspace 3 in the menu of the Data Dictionary Manager. Via Extras – Switch To
Workspace 0, you can get back to DD0, which is the standard view.
Target versions TargetLink 3.3 or newer:
Activate DataDictionary Manager->View->Show DD Workspace Overview
How to intervene in the A2L file export
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Open the tab for DD3.
Press “Show Pane”.
Make your changes in DD3. Then invoke the last phase of the A2L file export by
selecting WriteA2Lfile for the phase in the A2L Export dialog (if you are using the Data
Dictionary Manager) or
Setting the Phase parameter to WriteA2Lfile (if you are using the Data Dictionary
DD3 (including the applied changes) is now written to the final A2L file.
3) Automated intervention in the A2L file export
If you want to intervene in the export process automatically, you can apply your changes via the Data
Dictionary MATLAB API. In addition to the “dsdd('Get',...);” and “dsdd('Set',...);”
commands, you might find “dsdd('Find',...);“ useful. As you can see in the dSPACE Data
Dictionary MATLAB API Reference, you can use regular expressions in the Find command using the
RegExp parameter. This is often very helpful, because objects of the same kind (e. g.,
“CHARACTERISTIC”) have a number appended to make their name unique (e. g.,
In a reasonable workflow for developing scripts which intervene in the A2L export, you can explore the
DD3 using the DebugMode of the Data Dictionary Manager to find out the names and properties of
objects and determine the hierarchy of child objects. When debugging your script, you can also see
whether the DD3 objects are changed as intended.
At the end of this document, you can find a link to a sample model with some scripts. The model itself
contains three Gain blocks whose gain values are calibratable. Two of them are located inside a
subsystem with a function block. The model also contains two outports which are specified as
Additionally, the example contains three different scripts, each of which generates an A2L file. The
A2L files are also included. Note that the Subsystem object in the Data Dictionary was generated for
the host PC with LCC compiler.
4) Example: make_a2l.m
The first example, “make_a2l.m”, generates the original.a2l file.There is no intervention in the export
process in this script. Both the script and the generated A2L file serve as a reference for the other
The script is divided into three sections:
1. In the configuration section, you can adapt the export process as required. The host PC with
LCC compiler was used for the examples. If you change the settings, make sure that you
generate code again, so that all the information in the Subsystems node of DD0 is correct.
2. Next, the first two phases of the A2L export are called by the dsdd_export_a2l_file
command. Note that only options are used that are necessary for this part of the export
process. For example, no file name is specified, since the information is written only to DD3.
3. Then the information from the DD3 is written to the final file.
The generated A2L file, original.a2l, contains the following objects (and others):
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CHARACTERISTIC: A CHARACTERISTIC is generated for each calibratable variable. Its first
property, the name, is the same as in the generated code, e. g., Sa1_Gain_gain.
MEASUREMENT: A MEASUREMENT can be found for each measurable variable. Its
properties are similar to those of the CHARACTERISTIC.
FUNCTION: FUNCTIONs in an A2L file are used to group functional parts. A FUNCTION is
generated for each function generated in the code. FUNCTIONs are also generated for atomic
subsystems. In the example, there are three functions – the main function representing the top
level of the TargetLink subsystem, and the functions representing the two contained
subsystems. In the main function, the other two functions are referenced under
SUB_FUNCTION. Note that the FUNCTION objects also contain references to the contained
Some examples which actually intervene in the A2L file export are described below.
5) Example: make_a2l_identifier.m
The make_a2l_identifier.m script resembles the make_a2l.m script described above except that DD3
is also changed between the second and the third phase of A2L export. First all objects under
//DD3/A2L/PROJECT/MODULE whose names start with “CHARACTERISTIC” are found, optionally
followed by a “(#<any number>)”. This yields a list of handles of all objects representing the
calibratable variables.
Next, the script iterates over all the handles. First the variable object handle in the Subsystems node
of the DD0 is obtained. Then this handle is used to obtain the variable class which originally was set
for the variable. Next the LongIdentifier property of the “CHARACTERISTIC” is edited such that it
contains some text including the original TargetLink variable class.
Note that without this intervention, the LongIdentifier would contain the description specified for the
original variable. In the example model, there are no descriptions, so without intervention, all
LongIdentifiers are generated empty (as can be seen in original.a2l generated by make_a2l.m as
described above).
When you look at the generated A2L file, changed_CAL_identifier.m, you will see that the
LongIdentifier of all ‘CHARACTERISTIC’ objects has changed (added text in blue):
Sa1_Gain_gain /* Name */
"Sa1_Gain_gain, TL variable class CAL"
/* LongIdentifier */
6) Example: make_a2l_function.m
The make_a2l_function.m script is used to generate the changed_function_hierarchy.a2l file. It
changes the FUNCTION structure in DD3 so that only one FUNCTION remains in the A2L file.
The script is much more complex than the previous example. It uses a subfunction to determine the
name of the subsystem containing the object whose handle is used as an input argument. This name
is then returned.
The intervention starts by obtaining a list of all FUNCTION handles, which is stored in the“hFcnList
variable. Then all objects which are possible child objects of a FUNCTION are found. These are:
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Since the child objects of references to calibratable variables are slightly different than those of
measurable ones, the script first iterates over all found REF_CHARACTERISTIC and
LOC_MEASUREMENT. All of these objects and their child objects are copied to new FUNCTION
Note that the iterations are executed until all objects are finally part of one FUNCTION on the topmost
level, //DD3/A2L/PROJECT/MODULE/. Now all other FUNCTION objects are deleted. Since the
intermediate FUNCTION objects are all appended with the syllable _BLA, the final FUNCTION is
renamed such that it no longer contains this syllable.
DD3 now contains only a single FUNCTION(#<number>), where <number> is 1 added to the total
number of FUNCTION objects originally created in DD3 by the first two phases of the A2L export. It is
not necessary to rename this object FUNCTION, as it will be generated as FUNCTION in the A2L file
Instead of dsdd_export_a2l_file(...);, you can also use
dsdd(‘Export’,’Format’,’A2L’,...); for your scripts.
For further information on objects in DD3 or the A2L file, refer to the ASAM MCD 2MC
For basics about making variables calibratable (or measurable), refer to TargetLink Advanced
Practices Guide – Configuring TargetLink and Adapting Code to Company Coding Styles –
Examples of Working with Variable Classes – Example of Making Parameters Calibratable (or
to TargetLink Advanced Practices Guide – Configuring TargetLink and Adapting Code to
Company Coding Styles – Examples of Working with Variable Classes – Example of Making
Block Outputs Observable).
Example model
You can download a zip file containing the example model and scripts described above. After
unzipping the file, run ‘start’ in the MATLAB Command Window.
Example model for TargetLink 2.1
Example model for TargetLink 2.2
Example model for TargetLink 2.3
Example model for TargetLink 3.0
Example model for TargetLink 3.1
The models were created with the lowest Simulink version supported by their TargetLink version. Only
major releases have example models, since the same model file and Data Dictionary file can be used
with later minor releases.
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