S R enior eview

April 2012
Tri-Cities/Walla Walla/NE Oregon
Information and Calendar/Classifieds from Senior Pages
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Advanced Medical
& Respiratory Supply
How to Determine if You
Should Move in Retirement
Most of us have fantasized about moving to “paradise” when we retire: the
beach or the hillside that we love or the vacation spot that never disappoints.
But moving in retirement is no small decision, and the best way to start the
process, even if the answers seem obvious, is to ask yourself, “What would I
gain (and lose) by moving?
Weigh the reasons. Many people want to live in a friendly and receptive
place in retirement, such as a small town or walkable neighborhood, where
they can meet new people and make connections.
What’s to love. Outside of a friendly place, retirees most want to be
around grandchildren or in a place where they can pursue their passions or
even a second career. That means considering what’s around you now and
what a new place has to offer.
Assess the trade-offs. One of the hardest parts of moving is leaving
family and friends though that may matter less if you’re going to be near
grandchildren or other family or friends who you enjoy. Other parts of your
life that are important, whether it’s a church, museum or fishing hole, should
also be considered in your calculation.
Establish your network. You’ll also need to build a new support
network if you move so you’ll want to be sure any specific health services
you might need will be readily available and that there are options nearby if
you eventually need assisted living or nursing care.
Take the temperature. Consider whether your personality will fit in with
a possible retirement destination. The energy level of the place and the
proximity of your neighbors could impact how content you are in your new
Being local. Be realistic about your chance for fitting in with your new
surroundings, especially if you’re moving to small town from a big city. Most
likely you’ll find yourself hanging out with other retirees from the same area
of the country you moved from.
Ready to join. If you want to fit in, you’ll need to be ready to
join groups -- such as a religious institution, social group or volunteer
organization -- to meet people with similar interests.
more on
on page
page 3...
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
TriCities Internet Provider
KENNEWICK: “Clay Sculpting” – Meet
other enthusiastic sculptors and sculpt
new creations or finish an existing project,
no experience necessary. Please bring
your own supplies and projects. Class is
ongoing, join anytime! Join us Mondays,
1 pm – 2 pm, $1.00 per person. For
information call the Kennewick Senior
Center at (509) 585-4301
HERMISTON: “Look Good, Feel Better”
FREE classes sponsored by the American
Cancer Society for those seeking makeup
and skin care strategies to help when
cancer and cancer treatment causes
sensitive skin and hair loss issues.
Conducted by local cosmetologists with
specialized training and licensing. These
classes are interactive and provide free
makeup kits for all participants. 2:004:00 pm at Good Shepherd Community
Wellness Center. Please call Mary Hensal
at (541) 449-1352 to pre-register.
Fleur de’ Lis
Adult Family Homes
at Canyon Lakes
Walla Walla
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
HERMISTON: “Exercise Band Class”
Increase our strength and flexibility.
Perfect for seniors! Mondays: 12:00-12:30.
Wednesdays 11:30-12:00 pm. Instructor
Paula Hagel, BS, GSMC Wellness
Coordinator, Certified American College
of Sports Medicine-Clinical Exercise
Specialist. to be held in the Good Shepherd
Community Wellness Center. Fee: $15
for 10 weeks; $5 per resistance band. For
more information please call (541) 6673509
WALLA WALLA: Free blood pressure/
sugar test at The Center At The Park, 720
Sprague on the second Tuesday of the
month at 11:30 am.
HERMISTON: “WISE Yoga for Seniors”
Free one-month class. Gentle standing
and seated yoga for seniors. Increase
your strength and flexibility. Improve
your balance and focus. October 7-29th,
HERMISTON: “Tobacco Cessation
11:00am-Noon. Sponsored by Good
Classes” Have you make a commitment
to quit smoking or using chewing tobacco, Shepherd Medical Center. To be held in the
Wellness Center. Instructor: Judy Ricketts.
but need support? This four-class series
provides you with effective tools to increase For information call (541) 289-0656
your chances of success. New sessions
RICHLAND: “Tai Chi For Arthritis” 10:45start every month! 6:00-7:00 pm at Good
11:45. Tired of those aching joints? Join
Shepherd Hospital Conference Centers 6
& &. Fee: $25 for the four-class series. For us i this safe and interesting program,
which is easy to learn for people of almost
more information please call (541) 667any physical condition or age without
prior knowledge of Tai Chi. The goal is
to achieve maximum relief from pain and
RICHLAND: “Better Bones & Balance I”
10:30-11:30 am. Osteoporosis can be life- stiffness, gain general health benefits, and
altering. With this class you will be on your improve relaxation Sponsored by Kadlec
Regional Medical Center at the Richland
way to reducing your risk of osteoporosis
Community Center, 500 Amon Park Dr. For
ad falling. Designed for people with
information call (509) 942-2660
osteoporosis or low bone density, but
everyone will benefit. Sponsored by Kadlec
Regional Medical Center at the Richland
Community Center.
PENDLETON: “First Aid Class” First
Monday of each month (unless holiday
then Second Monday) 1:00-5:00 pm or
5:00-10:00 pm. Please call for further
information. Certification cards are valid
for two years. Registration in advance is
required to ensure seat availability. Large
group discounts are available. Held at St.
Anthony Hospital, 1601 SE Court Ave. Preregistration required. Contact Lori Weaver
(541) 278-3233 Fee: $35 Class + $15
a free service to and for the
advertisers of Senior Pages
throughout the Northwest. It
is e-mailed to individuals and
businesses in the senior industry at the beginning of each
month. If you have any announcements similar to those
below please e-mail them to
Walla Walla
Seminars / Retirement Moving Article
RICHLAND: “Breath N’ Easy” 10:30-11:30.
COPD? Emphysema? Severe asthma?
Other pulmonary problems? This class is
just right for you! Although exercise does
not improve lung function, it improves the
body’s ability to use existing lung function.
Exercise builds muscle strength, improves
shortness of breath, and increases ability
to do daily activities for long periods of
time. Class includes stretching, cardio,
education, strength training and breathing
exercises, as well as social support.
Sponsored by Kadlec Regional medical
Center at the Richland Community Center,
5009 Amon Park Dr. (509) 627-6258
KENNEWICK: Develop a health habit
with this free and friendly walking group.
Get to know new people and rediscover
Keewaydin Park and Downtown
Kennewick. For those interested, we will
walk on Monday and Wednesday mornings
at 9:00 am. Free for anyone interested.
For information call the Kennewick Senior
Center at (509) 585-43031
NE Oregon
KENNEWICK: “Casual Woodcarving”
Have a love for woodcarving? Come meet
with others that share the same passion.
We have many figurines, ornaments and
projects to choose from. Participants
provide their own wood, tools, and
supplies. Ongoing class at Kennewick
Senior Center 1:00-3:00 pm. Fee: 50 cents.
To register call (509) 585-4303
third Wednesday of the month. 1:005:00 pm or 6:00-10:00 pm. Our classes
are all inclusive, Adult, Child and Infant
CPR/AED. Certification cards valid for
two years. Registration in advance is
required to ensure seat availability. Large
group discounts are available. Held at St.
Anthony Hospital, 1601 SE Court Ave. Preregistration required. Contact Lori Weaver
(541) 278-3233 $35 Class + $15 manual
...continued from page 1
Personal style. Retires who
relocate tend to be more assertive,
more aggressive and more likely to
have been managers or decisionmakers. But that strong personality
may not play so well in a new
Dollars and sense. Sometimes
retirement finances dictate a move
because your current home is just
too expensive for a long retirement.
Odds are, your retirement will last
longer than you expect.
Downsizing your life. If
you’re going to need equity from
your current home in retirement,
you’ll need to be sure you can
downsize enough in a move to
free up sufficient equity. If that will
require being farther from town than
you like or accepting far less space,
you’ll need to decide if the tradeoff
is worth it.
Other options. If you will
be looking for an active adult
community or a community where
you can move from independent
living to assisted living, if necessary,
you’ll want to be sure that such
a place exists and that it’s in a
neighborhood reasonably near other
places you’ll want to be.
Do the math. There are
several websites that will help
you figure out differences in cost
of living and amenities, including
www.factfinder2.census.gov/, www.
retirementliving.com and www.
What not to do. Don’t assume
your choices are limited. With some
homework and an open mind, you
may be able to find a way to stay
in your community or you may find
exactly what you want somewhere
more on page 6...
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Seminars / Calendar
RICHLAND: On the first Wednesday of
each month, Healthy Ages, a program of
Kadlec Medical Center, conducts a class
devoted to sorting out Medicare questions.
The class is tailored to meet the needs of
those with retiree plans as their secondary
insurance, and for those who need to find
a Medigap or Medicare Advantage Plan.
Class also includes information regarding
Medicare Part D drug plans. 9:00 am-1:00
pm. and 1:000-3:00 pm. To register call
Janet at Health Ages. (509) 942-2700
HERMISTON: “Tobacco Cessation
Classes” Have you make a commitment
to quit smoking or using chewing tobacco,
but need support? This four-class series
provides you with effective tools to increase
your chances of success. New sessions
start every month! 6:00-7:00 pm at Good
Shepherd Hospital Conference Centers 6 &
&. Fee: $25 for the four-class series. (541)
RICHLAND: Free blood sugar and blood
pressure testing on the third Thursday each
month. A nurse from Richland Rehab &
Eagle Assisted Living will be giving the free
tests. The test takes just minutes and there
is no need to fast prior to being tested.
Blood sugar results are given immediately.
No appointments are necessary. 1:00-1:30
WALLA WALLA: Foot Care by
appointment only with Denise Schilling at
KENNEWICK: Free blood pressure test on The Center At The Park, 720 Sprague. For
the third /thursday of every month at the
RICHLAND: “Better Bones & Balance I”
information call (509) 527-3775
10:30-11:30 am. Osteoporosis can be life- Kennewick Senior Center, 500 S. Auburn. A
altering. With this class you will be on your certified nurse from The Manor at Canyon WALLA WALLA: Legal Counsel the fourth
Lakes is at the center from 9:00-10:00 am. Thursday of the month with Larry Siegel
way to reducing your risk of osteoporosis
No appointments required.
ad falling. Designed for people with
or Carol Jean Thompson at The Center At
osteoporosis or low bone density, but
The Park, 720 Sprague. For information
everyone will benefit. Sponsored by Kadlec PENDLETON: “Caregiver Support Group” call (509) 527-3775
Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
Regional Medical Center at the Richland
at McKay Creek Estates, 1601 Southgate
Community Center.
Pl the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30
RICHLAND: Free hearing screenings and pm. Facilitator: Duane Thomson. for
hearing aid checks and cleanings the third additional information call (541) 278-5683
Tuesday of each month from 10:00-11:00
RICHLAND “Healthy Steps” 4:45pm in the wellness room at the Richland
APRIL 5-HERMISTON: “First Aid Class”
Community Center, 500 Amon Park Dr. The 5:45 pm. A therapeutic exercise and
6:00-9:00 pm. Classes taught according
movement program designed to help you
free tests are courtesy of Columbia Basin
to American Heart Association guidelines.
Hearing & Balance Center. To schedule an thrive through use of the Lebed Method!
First aid class covers basic techniques for
This wellness program is for everyone
appointment call (509) 942-7529
providing first aid assistance. Fee: $25
regardless of age and ability level. It helps Sponsored by Good Shepherd Health
anyone with breast cancer or other forms of Care, 610 NW 11th St. For information
WALLA WALLA: Diabetes workshops
cancer, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, call (541) 667-3509 or email: healthinfo@
at Providence St Mary Medical Center,
fibromyalgia, and more. Regain range
Mother Joseph Room, 11:00am-2:00 pm
on the second Wednesday of each month. of motion, increase flexibility, improve
physical balance, reduce swelling, improve APRIL 9-WALLA WALLA: “American
Workshops are for newly diagnosed
emotional well-being, promote positive
diabetic or those who need a review of
Heart Association CPR” 6:30 pm. In this
self image, stabilize weight. Held at Leslie one-part class you will learn how to perform
diabetes self-management. Workshops
provide information that is easily adaptable Gage Health Center, 560 Gage Blvd, Site cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and
202, Richland. For informaiton call (509)
to your lifestyle. Information will be
the Heimlich Maneuver on adults as well
provided on nutrition, medications, home
as infants and children. Participants will
glucose monitoring, exercise, and avoiding
receive an America Heart Association
long and short-term complications.
certification card. $35. Sponsored by Walla
Facilitated by certified diabetes
Walla General Hospital. (509) 522-2424
educators, dietitians an other health care
professionals. 509) 525-3320, etc. 282
APRIL 10-WALLA WALLA: “Basic First
Aid” 6:30 pm. In this one night class you
WALLA WALLA: Grief support group
will learn how to perform basic first aid and
March 23-May 25. A morning group will
receive American Heart Assn. First aid
meet from 10:00-11:30 am and an evening
Certification. Fee: $25 Sponsored by Walla
group meets from 6:00-7:30 pm at the
Walla General Hospital. (509) 522-2424
Walla Walla Hospice office. The WWCH
bereavement team will facilitate the group.
The book Understanding Your Grief by Dr.
Allan Wolfelt is used as a guideline. IT’s
FREE, but register by calling the WWCH
office at 525-5561 or by email to info@
wwhospice.org before March 17, 2011
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
CALENDAR (continued)
APRIL 12-RICHLAND: “Prescription
for Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself”
Nationally acclaimed speaker and author
on caregiving, Wendy Lustbader, MSW
will speak to caregivers about what’s so
hard about being dependent and what’s so
hard about taking care of someone who is
dependent? Registration $35, professionals
seeking CEUs $50, Family Caregivers
$25, scholarships available. Lunch and
refreshments are included. Presented by
Kadlec Neurological Resource Center
at Three Rivers Convention Center. To
register call (509) 943-8455 or online at
APRIL 18-KENNEWICK: “Spring Fling
Luncheon” 12:00-1:30 pm. Join us for
our Spring Fling Luncheon! We will have
great food, fun, and a live band so you
can dance the afternoon away! You don’t
want to miss tis event at Parkview Estates
Senior Living Community, 7820 W Sixth
Ave. (509) 734-9773 www.parkviewslc.com
APRIL 18-KENNEWICK: “Heartsaver
CPR for the Layperson” 6:00-8:30 pm.
This course is offered to those individuals
requiring a credential (a card) documenting
successful completion of a CPR course
that provides instruction on Adult, Child,
and Infant CPR as well as training in the
use of Adult and Child AED. Sponsored
by Kennewick General Hospital. Fee: $35.
Pre-registration is required. Please call
(509) 586-5119
APRIL 16-WALLA WALLA: “Basic First
Aid” 6:30 pm. In this one night class you
will learn how to perform basic first aid and
receive American Heart Assn. First aid
Certification. Fee: $25 Sponsored by Walla
APRIL 19-WALLA WALLA: “Basic First
Walla General Hospital. To register call
Aid” 6:30 pm. In this one night class you
(509) 522-2424
will learn how to perform basic first aid and
APRIL 16-HERMISTON: “Red Cross Blood receive American Heart Assn. First aid
Drive” 1:00-6:00 pm. American Red Cross Certification. Fee: $25 Sponsored by Walla
Walla General Hospital. To register call
Blood Drives are held the third Monday
(509) 522-2424
of each month. at Good Shepherd Health
Care, 610 NW 11th St., in the Conference
Centers 1 & 2. To schedule an appointment APRIL 19-PENDLETON: “CPR Class”
1:00-5:00 pm. and at 6:00 pm. Healthcare
call (800) 733-2767
Providers/General public: learn adult/
APRIL 17-RICHLAND: “Know the 10 Signs child/infant CPR/AED and obstructed
airway/choking. Classes meet every 3rd
of Alzheimer’s disease” 6:00-8:00 pm.
This introductory workshop is intended for Wednesday. Certification good for 2-7ears.
Advance registration required Sponsored
broad audiences to learn the 10 warning
by St Anthony Hospital in the Blues Room.
signs, the importance of early detection
Fee: $50. Contact Lori Weaver (541) 278of Alzheimer’s Disease and the difference
between Alzheimer’s and normal aging.
To be held at Wynwood of Columbia
Edgewater, 1629 George Washington Way. APRIL 19-20-KENNEWICK: “AARP
Driving Class” 9:00 am-2:00 pm. The
Refreshments will be served. Free. For
nation’s first and largest classroom 2-day
more information call (509) 946-4600 or
refresher course for motorists age 50 and
(509) 713-3390
older. Washington state law requires that
certified participants receive discounted
auto insurance. AARP members are
Heart Association CPR” 6:30 pm. In this
one-part class you will learn how to perform eligible for the discounted price of $12.
Non-members $14. To be held at the
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and
Kennewick Senior Center, 500 S. Auburn.
the Heimlich Maneuver on adults as well
(509) 585-4303
as infants and children. Participants will
receive an America Heart Association
certification card. Fee: $35. Sponsored by
Walla Walla Gen’l Hosp. (509) 522-2424
Combo Class” (Taught in one session) 9:00
AM-3:00 pm. Classes taught according
to American Heart Association guidelines.
CPR class includes adult, child and infant
CPR and AED instruction. Must pre-register
and pre-pay. Fee: $50 Sponsored by Good
Shepherd Health Care, 610 NW 11th St.
For information call (541) 667-3509 or
email: healthinfo@gshealth.org
APRIL 20-RICHLAND: “Reducing Risk
for Type 2 Diabetes” 1:30-2:30 pm. Learn
how simple changes can reduce your
risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Recent studies
have shown that comprehensive lifestyle
behavior change helped at-risk people
reduce or delay their risk of developing
Type 2 Diabetes by as much as 58%.
Sponsored by Kadlec Regional Medical
Center in the Diabetes Learning Center,
1305 Mansfield, Site 4, Richland. For
information call (509) 942-2620
APRIL 18-HERMISTON: “Red Cross Blood
Drive” 1:00-6:00 pm. American Red Cross
Blood Drives are held the third Monday
of each month. at Good Shepherd Health
Care, 610 NW 11th St., in the Conference
Centers 1 & 2. To schedule an appointment
call (800) 733-2767
APRIL 18-KENNEWICK: “Mind & Body
Connection” Noon-1:00 pm. A series of
free seminars empowering you with a plan
for positive change. This month’s topic is
“The Beauty Behind Growing Older”. Learn
about the blessings of becoming older,
wiser, faster, and stronger and become
educated on the lies we’ve all been told
about the aging process. To be held in the
City of Kennewick Council Chambers. No
reservations needed.
APRIL 18-KENNEWICK: “Heartsaver
CPR for the Layperson” 6:00-8:30 pm.
This course is offered to those individuals
requiring a credential (a card) documenting
successful completion of a CPR course
that provides instruction on Adult, Child,
and Infant CPR as well as training in the
use of Adult and Child AED. Sponsored
by Kennewick General Hospital. Fee: $35.
Pre-registration required. (509) 586-5119
Click Here to see our slideshow on SeniorPagesVideos
more on page 6...
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Calendar / Retirement Moving Article
CALENDAR (continued)
Combo Class” (Taught in one session) 9:00
AM-3:00 pm. Classes taught according
to American Heart Association guidelines.
CPR class includes adult, child and infant
CPR and AED instruction. Must pre-register
and pre-pay. Fee: $50 Sponsored by Good
Shepherd Health Care, 610 NW 11th St.
For information call (541) 667-3509 or
email: healthinfo@gshealth.org
APRIL 23-WALLA WALLA: “Basic First
Aid” 6:30 pm. In this one night class you
will learn how to perform basic first aid and
receive American Heart Assn. First aid
Certification. Fee: $25 Sponsored by Walla
Walla General Hospital. (509) 522-2424
APRIL 30-RICHLAND: “Reducing Risk
for Type 2 Diabetes” 1:30-2:30 pm. Learn
how simple changes can reduce your
risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Recent studies
have shown that comprehensive lifestyle
behavior change helped at-risk people
reduce or delay their risk of developing
Type 2 Diabetes by as much as 58%.
Sponsored by Kadlec Regional Medical
Center in the Diabetes Learning Center,
1305 Mansfield, Site 4, Richland. Fee: $25
For information call (509) 942-2620
MAY 1-RICHLAND: “Better Bones &
Balance I” 10:30-11:30 am. Osteoporosis
can be life-altering. With this class you
will be on your way to reducing your
risk of osteoporosis ad falling. Designed
for people with osteoporosis or low
Support For the Health Care Provider Initial bone density, but everyone will benefit.
Course” 6:00-9:00 pm. Course is intended Sponsored by Kadlec Regional Medical
for participants who need a credential,
Center at the Richland Community Center.
(card) documenting successful completion
of a course. $60 Sponsored by Kennewick MAY 3-HERMISTON: “First Aid Class”
General Hospital. (509) 586-5119
6:00-9:00 pm. Classes taught according
to American Heart Association guidelines.
APRIL 25-KENNEWICK: “Heartsaver
First aid class covers basic techniques for
First Aid” 3:00-5:30 pm. First Aid only.
providing first aid assistance. Fee: $25
Sponsored by Kennewick General Hospital. Sponsored by Good Shepherd Health
Fee: $40. Pre-registration required. Call
Care, 610 NW 11th St. For information
(509) 586-5119
call (541) 667-3509 or email: healthinfo@
APRIL 26-RICHLAND: “Reducing Risk
for Type 2 Diabetes” 1:30-2:30 pm. Learn
MAY 4-KENNEWICK: “Edith Bishel
how simple changes can reduce your
Center For The Blind & Visually Impaired
risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Recent studies
Golf Tournament” To be held at Canyon
have shown that comprehensive lifestyle
Lakes Golf Course. Blind Putt & Chipping
behavior change helped at-risk people
Contests at 11:00 am, Shotgun start at 1:00
reduce or delay their risk of developing
pm. For additional information call Larry
Type 2 Diabetes by as much as 58%.
Weiss (509) 735-0699
Sponsored by Kadlec Regional Medical
MAY 7-PENDLETON: “First Aid Class”
Center in the Diabetes Learning Center,
1305 Mansfield, Site 4, Richland. Fee: $25 1:00-4:30 pm. Learn what to do for a
For information call (509) 942-2620
stroke/heart attack/sock/seizure victim;
First Aid Basics - bleeding wounds, allergic
APRIL 26-WALLA WALLA: “Healthcare
reactions, adult/child choking, broken
Provider CPR” 6:30 pm. A CPR class to
bones/sprains, bandaging and splinting
meet the requirements for nurses and other extremities, etc. Certification good for
healthcare professionals. Sponsored by
20year. Advance registration required.
Walla Walla General Hospital. Fee: $35.
Sponsored by St. Anthony Hospital. Fee:
For additional information and to register
$50. To register call Lori Weaver (541) 278call (509) 522-2424
3233 or email loriweaver@chiwest.com
Interested in our Logo Sponsor
program? Call Dale 509 979-6882
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
...continued from page 3
Don’t be unrealistic. Small
towns may seem very romantic
when you think about where you
want to be, but the reality could be
quite different. You need to be sure
that the lifestyle and the financial
costs are a good fit for you.
Don’t forget to breathe.
Changing homes can be jarring in
the best of time and don’t take for
granted that a move in retirement
can be particularly unsettling when
thrown into the mix of adjusting
to new routines and new roles
and ironing out new wrinkles in
MAY 7-HERMISTON: “CPR Class” 6:009:00 pm. Classes taught according to
American Heart Association guidelines.
CPR class includes adult, child and infant
CPR and AED instruction. Pre-register
& pre-pay. $25 Sponsored by Good
Shepherd Health Care, 610 NW 11th St.
(541) 667-3509 or healthinfo@gshealth.org
MAY 10-RICHLAND: “Living With
Alzheimer’s Disease-The Early Stage”
1:00-5:00 pm. This seminar covers
topics that pertain to the early stage of
Alzheimer’s Disease including creating
your care team, staying organized,
planning ahead for the next stages, safety
issues and caregiver stress. To be held at
Guardian Angel Homes, 245 Van Giesen
St. Presented by Loren Eddy, Elder Law
Attorney. Refreshments served. Free. (509)
943-2100 or (509) 713-3390
MAY 16-KENNEWICK: “Heartsaver CPR
for the Layperson” 6:00-8:30 pm. This
course is offered to those individuals
requiring a credential (a card) documenting
successful completion of a CPR course
that provides instruction on Adult, Child,
and Infant CPR as well as training in the
use of Adult and Child AED. Sponsored
by Kennewick General Hospital. Fee: $35.
Pre-registration is required. (509) 586-5119
MAY 17-PENDLETON: “CPR Class” 1:005:00 pm. Healthcare Providers/General
public: learn adult/child/infant CPR/AED
and obstructed airway/choking. Classes
meet every 3rd Wednesday. Certification
good for 2-7ears. Advance registration
required Sponsor: St Anthony Hospital in
the Blues Room. $50. (541) 278-3233.
CALENDAR (continued)
MAY 18-HERMISTON: “CPR & First Aid
Combo Class” (Taught in one session) 9:00
AM-3:00 pm. Classes taught according
to American Heart Association guidelines.
CPR class includes adult, child and infant
CPR and AED instruction. Must pre-register
and pre-pay. Fee: $50 Sponsored by Good
Shepherd Health Care, 610 NW 11th St.
(541) 667-3509 or healthinfo@gshealth.org
MAY 21-HERMISTON: “Red Cross Blood
Drive” 1-6pm. American Red Cross Blood
Drives are held the third Monday of each
month. at Good Shepherd Health Care,
610 NW 11th St., in the Conference
Centers 1 & 2. To schedule an appointment
call (800) 733-2767
Calendar / Support Groups
you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s
Disease or related dementia? Whether you
are a caregiver, family member, or close
friend, this disease is hard to understand
and even harder to accept. It can make
a world of difference knowing that other
people understand the struggles you go
through every day...you are not alone! You
are invited to attend our group the third
Thursday of each month at 10:00 am in
our Ice Cream Parlor at Eagle Springs
Memory Care Community, 20 SE Larch
Ave. Contact: (509) 525-6335
GROUP: Free, ongoing bereavement
support group dealing with loss and grief
issues. Second /thursday of each month,
2;00-4:00 pm and fourth Monday of each
month, 7:00-9:00 pm Thursday group
meets in the Good Shepherd Medical
Center conference room 5. Monday group
meets in the Hospice office conference
room for information call (541) 667-3543
Third Thursday of each month. (Light
meal served) 5:30-7:00 pm at Callaway
Gardens. Held at 5505 W Skagit Ct in
Kennewick. Sponsored by The Kadlec
Neurological Resource Center. To confirm
times call (509) 783-5433
MAY 23-KENNEWICK: “Basic Life Support and Thursday nights, 6:00-7:00 pm at
For the Health Care Provider Initial Course” Good Shepherd Medical Plaza (620 NW
11t) meeting room 2 For information please ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP MEN
6:00-9:00 pm. Intended for participants
ONLY: At Callaway Gardens. 4th Monday
who need a credential, (card) documenting call (541) 720-1932 (Monday group) or
of the Month 12:30 pm. Lunch provided.
(541) 571-2965 (Thursday Group)
successful completion of a course. $60
Held at 5505 W Skagit Ct in Kennewick.
Sponsored by Kennewick General Hospital.
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: Meets the third Sponsored by The Kadlec Neurological
For more information call (509) 586-5119
Resource Center. To confirm times call
Thursday of each month, 1:00-3:00 pm,
(509) 783-5433
Good Shepherd Wellness Center (behind
MAY 23-KENNEWICK: “Heartsaver
the medical center). For information please
First Aid” 3:00-5:30 pm. First Aid only.
Sponsored by Kennewick General Hospital. call Dona Beck at (541) 720-7657
GROUP: This group is for people who have
Fee: $40. Pre-registration required. Call
breathing disorders. Education focuses on
(509) 586-5119
the 2nd Thursday of each month. Support improved quality of life. Family members
are encouraged o attend. 2nd Thursday of
MAY 24-KENNEWICK: “19th Annual High group for people dealing with a new or
long-term diagnosis of diabetes. Meetings each month from 10:30-Noon at Tri-Cities
Tea Social” 2:30-3:00 pm. Come dressed
Cancer Center. Contact: (509) 737-3418.
will have an educational presentation
in your vintage finest: lace, feathers,
as well as group discussion. Sponsored
pearls, hats, bonnets, flowers. (vintage
by Good Shepherd Medical Center,
wear is not required) and partake in a
Conference Center 2, 610 NW 11th St. For BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP:
variety of delicious delicacies, delectable
First and 3rd Friday of each month from
dresses,and other mouth watering goodies information call: (541) 377-9761
9:00-11:00 am and Second and Fourth
sure to delight your taste buds. We
Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm
encourage everyone to bring their favorite BREAST CANCER: Meets on the third
at Tri-Cities Cancer Center. Contact: (509)
Monday of every month, 6:30 pm, Good
tea cup or mug to sip tea. $8.50 per
737-3418 or visit www.tccancer.org
Shepherd Medical Plaza (620 NW 11th)
person. Limited to the first 85 registered.
To be held at Kennewick Senior Center. To Meeting room 1. For information please call
Shari at (541) 567-2024
register call (509) 585-4303
JUNE 14-WALLA WALLA: “Know the
10 signs of Alzheimer’s disease” Noon1:30 pm. Tis introductory workshop is
intended for broad audiences to learn the
10 warning signs the importance of early
detection of Alzheimer’s Disease and
the difference between Alzheimer’s and
normal aging. To be held at the Center at
the Park-Walla Walla Senior Center, 720
Sprague. Refreshments served. Free. For
information call (509) 527-3775 or (509)
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
third Wednesday of each month, 7:00-*:00
pm, Good Shepherd Conference Center 5.
For information please call John at (541)
564-89104 or Kathy at (541) 922-2753
(Northeast Oregon) Meets the second
Thursday of each month, 6:00-7:30 pm at
Good Shepherd Conference Center 2. For
information please call (541) 377-9761 or
(5410 289-7501
Support Groups
SUPPORT GROUPS (continued)
Weekly on tuesdays, 3:00-4:30 pm in the
Resource Center, Tri-Cties Cancer Center,
7350 W Deschutes Ave. This support group
provides an opportunity for people affected
by all types of cancer to share resources
and information. Meetings are open to
those experiencing cancer their adult family
members and caregivers. For information
call (509) 737-3418
GROUP: 5:30-7:00 pmA drop in group is
a group that individuals can attend one
time or as often as they like. The group is
an opportunity to be with other individuals
who have also lost a loved one to share
feelings and gain support. You may also
drop-in every 3rd Wednesday at 12:00-1:00
pm. Sponsored by st. Anthony Hospital in
the Home Care/Hospice Bldg. on corner of
court & SE 17th. Free.
Wednesday of each month, 2:00-3:00 pm at
The Kadlec Neurological Resource Center,
712 Swift Blvd., Suite 1. (509) 943-8455
Third Tuesday of each month at The
Neurological Resource Center, 712 Swift
Blvd., Suite 1. (509) 943-8455
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month from
4:00-5:00 pm in the Marian Room on Level
This group focuses on all kinds of cancer
1 near the cafeteria at Providence St. Mary
and is for patients, family and caregivers.
Medial Center. Helpful for people at any
First and Third Thursday of each month
stage of the cancer journey, form newly
12:00-1:00 pm. Meets at Cathedral of Joy, diagnosed to those who are many years
1153 Gage Blvd.. (509) 627-1109
in. They do not have to have received
treatment at St. Mary in order to attend.
Facilitated by Barbara Bates, a social
community diabetes education program
worker, and Mardi Hagerman, a registered
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at Trifacilitated by the Diabetes Learning Center nurse. Providence St. Mayr Regional
Cities Cancer Center from 3:00-4:30 pm.
staff of Kadlec Medical Center. Topics
Cancer Center, (509) 522-5700
Contact: (509) 737-3418 or visit www.
include broad range of interest areas to the
diagnosed diabetic individual and support
person/care partner interested in learning
Walla Walla Community Hospice January
4-March 7, 2012, Wednesdays at 10-11:30
Chaplaincy offers a variety of grief support to manage this disease. Meets 3rd Wed
am and 6:00-7:00 pm. There is no charge,
groups that ease the pain after the loss of a each month 5-6pm. (509) 942-2620
but please pre-regster for the groups by
loved one and promote emotional healing.
calling the WWCH office at (509) 525-5561
thee groups are open to anyone in the
GROUP: First Tuesday of each month.
or email to: info@wwhospice.org
community. Coming to terms with Loss,
Co-sponsored by the MS Society and The
Grieving Parent’s Support Group, Men’s
Loss Group, Survivors of Suicide, Widowed Kadlec Neurological Resource Center. 2:00 MS SUPPORT GROUP: Second Tuesday
pm at 712 Swift Blvd., Suite 1. 943-8455
of each month at 11:00 am at Trinity
Support Group, Understanding Grief. for
Lutheran Church, 109 S Roosevelt St.
more information about these groups
Contact: Candy S (509)_ 527-3340 or Gail
please call (509) 783-6243
The Kadlec Neurological Resource Center S. (509) 529-7699
MEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: The associated with Kadlec Medical Center
provides emotional support, education,
primary focus of this group is on prostate
information and referrals for people with
Providence St Mary Medical Center Stroke
cancer, however, men with all types of
neurological disorders, families, caregivers, Support Group meets the third Tuesday
cancer are welcome. Third Thursday of
and the community. Sponsors a variety of
of t the month from 6:00-7:00 pm in the
each month at Tri-Cities Cancer Center
groups including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Providence Room on Level 1 of Providence
from 6:30-8:00 pm. Contact: (509) 737chronic pain, and traumatic brain injury.
St. Mary Medical center. For information
3418 or visit www.tccancer.org
Lending library also available. 712 Swift
contact Becky Betts, Providence St. Mary
Blvd., Suite 1. (509) 943-8455 or knrc@
/stroke Support Group Coordinator (509)
522-5821, ext. 2117
GROUP: Second Tuesday of each month.
1:00-2:00 pm at St. Anthony Hospital, 1601
SE Court Ave. For additional information
please call (541) 276-5121
continuous educational support to help
individuals manage their disease more
effectively. Monthly meetings offer the
latest information on diabetes self-care,
nutrition and an opportunity to talk to others
with diabetes. For information call (509)
Wednesday of each month, 7:00-8:00 pm.
St. Anthony Hospital, 1601 SE Court Ave.
(541) 276-5121
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Easter Season
The Senior Companion Program, a
non-profit Federal program sponsored
by Catholic Family & Child Services, is
seeking a few committed volunteers. If
you like visiting and helping your elderly
neighbor and you are 60 years of age or
older, you might be eligible to become
a Senior Companion. Volunteers are
needed to provide transportation, weekly
visits, a caring heart and listening ears.
Qualified volunteers may receive a tax free
stipend and reimbursement of expenses.
Background checks are required and
Hermiston Senior Center is always looking
training is provided. Volunteers are needed
for volunteers in such programs as fund
in Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla
raising, food prep, bookkeeping, Meals on
Counties. Call Diane Hart or Carole Bowles
Wheels delivery, public relations and more.
If you can help call (541) 564-3582
Anyone over the age of 18 can volunteer at at (509) 545-6145 for more information.
Kadlec Medical Center. You can become a
Regency Hermiston is looking for
member of the Auxiliary or work under the Veteran Volunteers Needed For Hospice:
volunteers to spend time with their
direction of the Volunteer Coordinator and Hospice at the Chaplaincy is looking for
residents. Please contact Chirelia at (541) Unit Managers in specific areas, including veterans (of any age, fro any branch of
education and rehabilitation. All volunteers service) to volunteer to spend time with
hospice patients who are also veterans.
undergo orientation and take a TB test
Sun Terrace Assisted Living in Hermiston, before they begin service. For information Please call our Volunteer Coordinators at
Oregon would love to speak to you if you
contact Meg Fallows, volunteer coordinator (509) 783-7416 if you would like to help.
are interested in volunteering your time
at (509) 946-4611, Ext. 4666
with the wonderful people who live in our
community. Please contact Robyn at (541) Kadlec’s Music Program is another way to In becoming a part of the volunteer
program at Providence St. Mary Medical
volunteer at the Medical Center. Over 20
musical volunteers play a baby grand piano Center, you are joining a team of people
dedicated to high-quality patient care. It is
in the main lobby or walk the halls laying
our belief that working together as a team
Meals-On-Wheels needs drivers! Would
their instruments. The musicians range
you or someone you know be willing to
from age 10 to over 70. Volunteers provide sharing a common objective of excellent
service has earned Providence St. Mary
help our community by volunteering to
music throughout the week which can be
deliver meals to elderly shut-ins in the
heard not only in the Lobby, but also in the Medical Center the recognition of being
Pendleton area. 10:30-Noon any weekday. Critical Care Waiting Area. For information one of he finest health care providers
Mileage reimbursement available and free call Meg Fallows, Volunteer coordinator at in Southeastern Washington. Volunteer
positions available: Information Desk,
lunch. For information call the Pendleton
(509) 946-4611, Ex. 4666
Escort-Errand, Cancer Center, Emergency
Senior Center, (541) 276-1926
Room, Charting, and Gift Shop. For
additional information contact Dennis
Maughan, Providence St Mary Foundation
Director, (509) 525-3320, etc. 2695
Lower Valley Hospice is opening its second
thrift store in Benton City, following in
the footsteps of their Prosser shop. The
shops are volunteer-operated and clothing
donated, proceeds go to extend hospice
care, bereavement counseling and in-home
care for children with complex medical
conditions. Store number is (509) 5883930. To volunteer call 1-800-474-6008
and ask for Jennifer.
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
St. Anthony Hospital has volunteer
opportunities that make a positive
difference in peoples’ livers every day.
Frequent volunteer opportunities include:
Auxiliary Gift Shop, Information Desk
where you greet and direct visitors, Shawl
Ministry, Foundation, Patient Service,
sewing including making stuffed animals
for pediatric patients and passing quilts
for those who are dying an Hospice home
visitor. If you’d like to discuss how you can
joint the St. Anthony Hospital family contact
June Mohrland, 1601 SE Court. Phone
(541) 278-3218. e-mail: junemohrland@
Volunteers / Vacancies
The Volunteer Connection is the
community resource center for volunteers
and a coordination center for community
agencies and organizations that need
volunteers. They have the ability to offer
training and technical support to non-profit
agencies n the issues and needs that they
have. The Volunteer Connection helps
match needs and opportunities with the
skills and talents of volunteers. To find out
more call (509) 527-3775
HERMISTON: Affordable housing
apartments for seniors 62 and over.
Rents are based on your income. Water,
sewer, garbage and electric paid. Free
WI FI Hotspot. Non coin operated laundry
facilities. One bedroom and mobility
impaired units include carpet, tile, full
sized stove, full size fridge and more. No
application fees. For more information call
(541) 667-8607 or stop by for a tour at 986
W Juniper, Hermiston, OR.
The Senior Companion Program, a
non-profit Federal program sponsored
by Catholic Family & Child Services, is
seeking a few committed volunteers. If
you like visiting and helping your elderly
neighbor and you are 60 years of age or
older, you might be eligible to become a
Senior Companion. Provide transportation,
weekly visits, a caring heart and listening
ears. Qualified volunteers may receive
a tax free stipend and reimbursement
of expenses. Background checks are
required and training provided. Volunteers
are needed in Benton, Franklin and Walla
Walla Counties. Diane Hart or Carole
Bowles (509) 545-6145
Senior Pages, the
#1 Directory of
Senior Services...
And it’s FREE!
Look for the Senior Pages for
your area! It’s the most complete directory for 55+ Seniors
that live, work, and retire here.
You can find all the services,
care, retirement facilities and
medical resources you need
for an active, mature life. Pick
up your free copy at your local senior center, retirement
facility, medical clinic or senior
service business today! If you
can’t find one in your area
give us a call, send us an
email, or download our entire
directories at
Walla Walla Community Hospice is
currently recruiting individuals to serve
as Patient Care Volunteers. Volunteers
work in tandem with the professional team
of physicians, nurses, social workers,
chaplains and aides. Volunteers provide
companionship to hospice patients and
allow family members and caregivers
opportunities for needed breaks. No
specific medical experience or training is
necessary. for more information, contact
Mary Wollmuth, Volunteer Coordinator
at 525-5561 or mary@wwhospice.org. A
video about a hospice volunteer is also
available at http://www.youtube.com/
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Spokane County
North Idaho • Tri-Cities
Lewis-Clark Valley/Palouse
Walla Walla/N E Oregon
Wenatchee Valley
Moses Lake/Ephrata/Othello
Golf Tournament
Friday, May 4th, 2012
at Canyon Lakes Golf Course, Kennewick, WA
Blind Putt & Chipping Contests: 11:00am
Shotgun start: 1:00pm (11am check-in)
$100 per player , $400 per team
Includes: 18 holes of golf with cart, blind putt & chipping contest,
entry for closest to pin , longest drive, & closest to line, 1 mulligan ,
7 raffle tickets, range balls, prime rib & salmon dinner, & award prizes.
Hole in One Sponsor:
Canyon Lakes Golf Course
3700 W Canyon Lakes Dr
Kennewick, WA 99337
Hole Sponsor with Sign:
Closest to Pin Sponsor:
Longest Drive Sponsor:
Team Entry fees
Tee Sponsor
Company sign on hole
Recognition at Award
All proceeds benefit this 501(c)(3)
non-profit center.
For more information:
Larry Weiss (509) 735.0699
Jeff Spriggle (509) 628.0892
Sponsor Company or Team Name:
I’d like to enter
# of players___ x $100 =
# of teams ___ x $400 = $____
I’d like to be a sponsor
Check (E.B.C.) Visa MasterCard Discover
Account #
Name as it appears on credit card
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Expiration Date
Hole in One
Closest to Pin
Longest Drive
Hole Sponsor
Team Sponsor
Golf Player
Mail entry form to:
Edith Bishel Center for the Blind
628 N. Arthur St. , Kennewick,
WA 99336 or Fax 509-735-4074
By April 27, 2012
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Helping Veterans
Kennewick Senior Center
Kennewick Senior Center
April 2012
Thank you for your interest
in the Kennewick Senior
Center. Please enjoy this
summary of our fun and
exciting activities. A complete listing is available on
our website. Enjoy!
Kennewick Senior Center
500 South Auburn
In This Issue
Bunco Tournament
Easter Egg-Stravaganza
High Tea Social
Mind & Body Wellness Seminars
Upcoming Trips
509.585.4303 • seniorcenter@ci.kennewick.wa.us
By: Allison McGreevy, Licensed Massage Practitioner, CR
Feet Reflexology has been clinically
proven to relax, rejuvenate and energize
every cell in your body by stimulating
over seven thousand nerve endings in
your feet. Some of the benefits include:
Increased Relaxation
Improved Circulation
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And many more...
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
Spring Fling
Spring Fling Luncheon
©Senior Pages, APRIL 2012
7820 W. Sixth Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99336