1 How to make the most of the Nadcap Meeting Background Attending a Nadcap meeting will allow you to: Nadcap meetings take place three times each year in locations around the world. Learn more about Nadcap The meetings are organized deliberately to enable as many people as possible to attend: PRI recognizes that there are companies involved with Nadcap all around the world and it wouldn’t be fair to hold all the meetings in one sector. Consequently, the meeting schedule is based on the location of Nadcap stakeholders. As most Nadcap stakeholders are based in the US, at least one Nadcap meeting per year takes place in the Americas. Europe holds another large Nadcap population: as a result, at least one Nadcap meeting per year takes place somewhere on that continent. There is a growing Nadcap contingent in Asia so at least one Nadcap meeting every two years is held there. For Subscribers, there is the Nadcap Subscriber Orientation & Tutorial, which typically takes place on Monday morning. It provides an overview and history of the Nadcap program as well as the expectations and role of Nadcap subscribers. Immediately after this session, there is usually an eAuditNet Subscriber Tutorial, a practical demonstration of eAuditNet functionality from the subscriber perspective. (Both these sessions are open to supplier attendees as well, but the value will be limited). For Suppliers, there is the Nadcap Supplier Orientation & Tutorial, which typically takes place on Tuesday morning. It provides an overview of the Nadcap program as well as the expectations and role of Nadcap suppliers. Immediately after this session, there is usually an eAuditNet Supplier Tutorial, a practical demonstration of eAuditNet functionality from the Supplier perspective (Both these sessions are open to Subscriber attendees as well, but the value will be limited). Perspective Nadcap meetings take place three times each year in locations around the world. The meetings are organized deliberately to enable as many people as possible to attend. Have your say Participating in the Task Group meetings is a great opportunity to be involved in key elements of the Nadcap © Performance Review Institute 2011 2 Perspective How to make the most of the Nadcap Meeting program. One of the most crucial of these is checklist development. A lot of discussion at the Nadcap meetings centers on the checklists, as they are a vital part of the program. Task Groups welcome input from all attendees in order to improve the checklists for all stakeholders. Network Among the hundreds of Nadcap meeting attendees are existing and potential customers and suppliers as well as Nadcap Staff Engineers. Take the opportunity to have some invaluable face-to-face time with these individuals. Participate in free training eQuaLearn typically holds free training sessions at the Nadcap meetings. Make the most of your visit by attending one of these continual improvementoriented opportunities which were developed with input from industry experts – learn more at www.eQuaLearn.com Perspective Travel Arrangements Other Preparation PRI is sometimes able to negotiate discounted flights. Please contact PRI at PRINadcap@sae.org for more information before each meeting. Prior to each Nadcap meeting, agendas are published on the PRI website for all the sessions. Take the time to read these – they will help you plan your week, especially if you want to attend more than one Task Group meeting. The agendas are available at http://www.pri-network.org/ nadcap/nadcap-meetings The sleeping rooms in the hotel where the Nadcap meeting is taking place get booked up quickly. PRI arranges for an overflow hotel but you are advised to make your hotel reservation early if you want the convenience of staying in the same hotel as the Nadcap meeting. Review the Nadcap meeting agenda-at-a-glance before you make any flight or hotel reservations. You may find that there are certain days eg Monday or Friday that do not feature meetings you want to attend. By checking the meeting schedule before making any reservations, you can optimize the time you spend at the Nadcap meeting. Registration Nadcap meetings are free to attend. You are encouraged to register your attendance at the Nadcap meeting in advance on the PRI website. This helps PRI to plan the meeting and to have a printed name badge ready for you on your arrival, which saves you time. If you are not able to register in advance online, you may register on arrival at the Nadcap meeting. Read the minutes of the last Nadcap meeting so you are up-to-date on discussions. It can be frustrating for all participants to keep discussing the same things each time and it inhibits the continual improvement process. Make sure that you have arranged suitable cover at work for your absence. You cannot make the most of the Nadcap meeting if you are continually being interrupted by your colleagues. There will, of course, be times when they need you, but try to keep this to a minimum or you may miss vital parts of the Nadcap meeting discussions. If in doubt, ask! Contact PRI for guidance on which sessions will be the most beneficial for you and we will be happy to help. All PRI staff contact details are on the PRI website at http://www.pri-network.org/about-pri/contactus © Performance Review Institute 2011
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