How to order your School’s AFL Jumpers with AFL Queensland AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 Contents Administration • Key contact details ........................................................................3 • Supplier contact details .................................................................4 How to order your jumpers (Schools) • Before you order ...........................................................................5 • Subsidy orders versus non subsidy orders ....................................6 • Ordering process ...........................................................................7 • Artwork approval ..........................................................................7 • Confirming your order ...................................................................7 • Payment ........................................................................................7 Appendix: Brand Guidelines (Suppliers) • Artwork and logos .........................................................................9 • Jumper specifications (front and back) .......................................12 • Supplier branding ........................................................................18 • AFL Queensland branding ...........................................................19 • Expectations of quality ................................................................24 General Reminders .......................................................................................26 AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 2 Key Contact For all enquiries relating to ordering your school AFL jumpers, please contact AFL Queensland: AFL Queensland Sarah Hopkins – School Programs Manager Direct: 07 3033 5426 Mobile: 0417 016 922 Email: For all enquiries relating to suppliers and manufacturing, jumper design, time frames and quotes, please contact one of our preferred suppliers (details are on the following page). AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 3 Supplier Contact Details LUKE FAULKNER CLAYTON MCERLANE E: M: 0407 528 087 M: 0410 698 104 IAN BUTLER CRAIG FITZSIMON M: 0430 031 921 E: M: 0400 910 516 DAVID LAKE E: E: M: 0418 957 645 TONY TUCKER E: M: 0418 150 880 AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 4 Before You Order AFL Queensland have a group of preferred suppliers who have been licensed to reproduce the AFL Queensland and AFL Schools logos on apparel. A list of our preferred suppliers and their contact details can be found on the previous page (page 4). Things to consider before ordering your AFL jumpers QUANTITY & SIZE: • How many jumpers does your school need? • What age group are they for? (eg: upper primary, lower secondary, etc) STYLE: • Are the jumpers for boys or girls? Some suppliers make male and female cuts. DESIGN: •Do you have a set of jumpers already you would like replicated? •Do you have a specific design in mind (eg: an AFL Club)? •Do you want to design your own? Our preferred suppliers can assist you with all these queries. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 5 Before You Order (cont) The difference between subsidy orders and non-subsidy orders Yes, I’ve been offered an AFL Queensland subsidy: As major sponsor of the AFL Schools program, the AFL Schools logo must be placed on the jumper, on the front right chest. Once your order is completed, please invoice AFL Queensland for the subsidy amount offered to your school. I haven’t been offered an AFLQ subsidy but would still like to order AFL jumpers for my school: Our preferred suppliers offer great rates for schools. Please contact them directly to get a quote. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 6 Ordering Process Five Step guide to ordering: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Seek permission from your school to order your new set of jumpers. Contact our preferred suppliers (page 4) to obtain a quote and commence ordering process. Once design is formalised, submit to AFL Queensland for branding approval [subsidy orders only] A copy of your design and order will be provided for you to confirm; once you do this production can start. Jumpers will be delivered to your school on completion (or nominated address on your order). Payment: The supplier will invoice the school for the cost of the jumpers. Jumpers are delivered to the school (or the address you nominate at time of ordering). If you are ordering as part of the AFLQ jumper subsidy scheme, the school will then need to invoice AFL Queensland for the allocated subsidy amount. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 7 Appendix Approvals and brand guidelines: • Artwork and logos • Jumper specifications (front and back) • Supplier branding • AFL Queensland branding • Expectations of quality AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 8 Approvals and Brand Guidelines AFL Schools BLUE AFL Schools RED AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 9 Artwork Approval • Email the AFLQ School Programs Manager with artwork for the AFL Schools logo on all new jumpers. • Refer to AFL Queensland Brand Guidelines when providing new artwork. • Schools must sign-off on final artwork; production cannot begin until this has been done. • When producing artwork, logo size specifications must be included for approval. Important to note, both height and width specifications must be supplied. Please see mock example on the following page. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 10 Logo Size Specifications AFL SCHOOLS LOGO OR SCHOOL LOGO W: 8.5cm H: 7.5cm W: 10cm H: 9.5 cm N.B. please provide both height and width specs MANUFACTURER LOGO Please note this image is a GUIDE ONLY and is not a true reflection of exact logo placement and dimensions. N.B. Manufacturer Brand to be a maximum of 8cm square AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 11 On-field Jumper: Front • AFL Queensland must sight and approve all new jumper designs. • All schools must seek written approval from an AFL club should they wish to use their registered jumper design. Any schools who wish to use a registered AFL design must contact the AFL Queensland School Programs Manager to obtain the appropriate contacts and seek written permission to use that design. • The AFL Schools logo is to be worn on the right breast of all playing jumpers. The logo should be approximately 20cm down from the shoulder seam and 12cm across from the side seam of the jumper and must be at a size of 8.5cm at the widest point of the logo ellipse* . (Please refer to jumper layout diagram - Logo A, page 14) *whilst maintaining the logo is still in proportion to the size of the jumper (i.e. should be smaller for a junior guernsey), i.e. 7.5cm x 7.5cm AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 12 On-field Jumper: Front (cont) • The school emblem (ideally sublimated) to a maximum size of 100 square centimetres may be affixed on the left side front of the jumper worn by a player. (Please refer to Logo B on page 14) • One only logo at a maximum width of 10cm and maximum height of 5cm may be positioned under* the logo badge on the left hand side of the jumper. (Please refer to Logo C on page 14) * maximum of 2cm gap between logos. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 13 Jumper Layout - Front Logo B (SCHOOL LOGO) Maximum size of 100 square centimeters Approx. 20cm from the shoulder seam and 12cm from side seam. Logo C (OPTIONAL) Maximum size 10cm wide and 5cm high, to be positioned under the logo badge on the left hand side of the jumper Logo A (AFL SCHOOLS LOGO) Is 8.5cm wide from middle of logo ellipse Please note this image is a GUIDE ONLY and is not a true reflection of exact logo placement. Please use measurements provided for accurate positioning. Manufacturer’s Logo Maximum size 8cm square and must be positioned exactly 1cm under the ‘v’ neck. If the garment has an alternate neck line to a ‘v’ the manufacturer must provide sample artwork to the Corporate Relations Department for guidance. In addition, the logo must be in ONE colour that is complimentary to the jumper design, must be approved by AFL Queensland’s Corporate Relations. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 14 Jumper Layout: Back • A logo, to a maximum size of 240 square centimetres (example: 30cm wide x 8cm deep or 16cm wide x 15cm deep), regardless of the shape, may be positioned directly under the number on the rear of the jumper. No variation to this dimension stated above is permitted, unless it is a reduction in logo size. • Schools are permitted to have a sponsor logo and/or text of the school’s abbreviation (e.g. BCSS). • Text of the school’s abbreviation is to be in plain text (e.g. Arial font) and is to be the maximum height of 4cm. • If a logo is positioned above the number, the size of the logo must be at a maximum size of 12cm wide x 4cm high. No variation to this dimension is permitted, unless it is a reduction in logo size. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 15 Jumper Layout: Back SCHOOL NAME/INITITALS Max of 12cm wide x 4cm in height BCSS SCHOOL NAME/INITIALS Max of 4cm in height NUMBERS Choose colour and number sequence (eg: white 1-22) SPONSOR (OPTIONAL) Maximum size of 240 square centimeters N.B. A school cannot have both the logo and text option above the number. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 16 Supplier Branding • A manufacturers (preferred apparel supplier's) logo is permitted only below the front V collar of a guernsey and is be placed in the middle of the garment, exactly 1cm below the ‘V’. If the garment has an alternate neck line to a ‘Vshape’ the manufacturer must provide sample artwork to the AFLQ Schools Coordinator for guidance and approval. This logo is to be a one-colour version. • The one-colour manufacturer’s logo, must complement the design of the jumper. For example, if the jumper is blue, with white numbers, the logo should be white. In consultation with the club, the colours must be approved by AFL Queensland’s School Coordinator. • Proofs on ALL final artwork must be shown and approved by the AFL Queensland School Programs Manager. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 17 Expectations of Quality IMPORTANT If the AFL Queensland or AFL Schools logo is reproduced at a lower standard than outlined/expected, the supplier will be asked to reproduce the garments in question, at their cost. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 18 Expectations of Quality (cont) • Sample embroidery of AFLQ and AFL Schools logo must always be provided to AFLQ School Programs Manager prior to production. • Embroidery omitting the ® Trade Registered symbol will be judged on an each case basis, written approval from the AFL must be given via AFL Queensland. • As a contracted preferred apparel supplier, licensed to reproduce the AFL Queensland and AFL Schools logo , they must be reproduced in line with the AFL State Administration – Queensland Brand Guidelines (pages 20-23). Any alteration to the logo set out in the guidelines or changes to the approved final artwork will result in the supplier reproducing the garments at the suppliers cost. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 19 General Reminders • Reminder: no one is allowed to reproduce the AFL logo without the permission of the AFL. • The AFL Queensland and AFL Schools logos cannot be reproduced on any printed matter, without the prior, written approval of final artwork from AFL Queensland. For any queries regarding your school AFL jumpers, please contact the AFL Queensland School Programs Manager. AFL Queensland Preferred Supplier School Jumper Guidelines 2013 -14 20
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