RAYMOND JAMES ADVISORY SERVICES VOLUME X SPRING 2003 IN THE A FTERMATH OF WAR WITH IRAQ Russell assesses the impact on financial markets. FRANK RUSSELL SPECIAL TO ADVISORS NETWORK W posted some significant losses. Now the ques- financial markets. The uncertainty of the war situation with Iraq resulted in a market that hasn’t tion on most investors’ minds is where will the market go from here? bottomed the way we thought it would. It’s been a long time since the world economies have bot- scape and significantly influenced financial markets around the globe. Russell asked several of its money managers to tomed, and we think the war situation has held the market hostage,” says Stanley Palmer, an share their thoughts about the long-term impact of the Iraq conflict and other geopolitical and international large-cap growth manager at Marvin & Palmer. The decision, while controversial both at home economic issues. While several of these managers had similar opinions, they also expressed “For the past year, there has been a huge de- some significant differences—underscoring the value of maintaining a diversified investment pression on the market, building from the 2002 State of the Union address. Now we’re seeing a strategy. Overcoming War Jitters rebound, with the market up eight straight days, and that hasn’t happened in a good long while. However, as the market goes up, the volatility Generally, most of the managers agreed that anxiety toward the pending war with Iraq had index is also going up and holding at a very high level,” says Alec Cutler, a portfolio man- been holding the equity markets back. ager focused on large-cap value at Brandywine Asset Management. hen President George W. Bush ordered military ac tion to begin in Iraq, his command instantly changed the geopolitical land- and abroad, initially buoyed the U.S. equities markets, which had already experienced a sustained rally several days before Bush’s official declaration. However, as the conflict progressed and investors became concerned about the potential for a lengthy conflict, the markets “The conflict has had a major impact on the A “H OW T O” ON IMPAC B ILLING WAR continued on page 4 Table of Contents SARAH WICKHAM SENIOR ADVISORY CONSULTANT I MPAC Billing Deadlines and Cut visory. That day is always a Wednes- off Dates are often confused. day. The only exception to the rule is when Wednesday is a holiday. We There is an easy way to ensure that your billing will always be processed would then accept and process spreadsheets until 2pm the next business day. on time. Remember: Billing is always due on a Wednesday. The re- If the IMPAC Billing spreadsheet is not received by the appropriate “billing maining 2003 Billing Deadline Dates are listed within this article. deadline”, we will make our best effort to process this billing though we cannot guarantee anything. The “Cutoff The “Billing Deadline” is the date which your IMPAC Billing Spreadsheet must be submitted to RJFS Ad- IMPAC BILLING continued on page 2 Page 2: CPP Seminar Strategies Page 3: Notable Digest Sites Page 3: IMPAC Recognition Page 3: Portfolio Reporting Page 6: Featured Photos PAGE 2 ADVISOR’S NETWORK M ARKET CPP WITH S UCCESSFUL S EMINARS COLLEEN HARLAN MARKETING ASSISTANT S ince it’s inception, the Charitable http://www.raymondjames.com/rjfs/ Partners Program has helped cpp.htm. It gives an inspirational look at IMPAC BILLING continued from page 1 Date” is the payroll cutoff date for Accounting. All payroll information from the Home Office departments must be in to scores of Raymond James finan- the program, why it was started and tes- cial advisors tap into the lucrative mar- timonials from those who have benefited ket of charitably conscious investors. The from it. Contact RJ Advisory for your successful relationship begins with a copy. You can find the Billing Dead- marketing program. Use these sugges- Randy Carver, an RJFS financial advi- lines and more information about IMPACs billing require- tions to jumpstart your access to prospects sor from Ohio was recently featured in interested in this no-cost commitment to On Wall Street magazine for his seminar ments on the Digest. Go to the IMPAC Index under Tips For philanthropy. expertise. Randy who is paid by fund Successful IMPAC Billing: companies to teach wholesalers his skills, http://lawncrest.rjf.com/RJFS/RJAS/ Kick off your marketing efforts with a views seminars as his core marketing ef- IMPAC_billing.htm seminar entitled “How to be a Charita- fort. “Seminars are not a magic bullet. bly Conscious Investor”. This way, People are tired of being pitched…but you’ve specifically targeted your pros- they are interested in hearing about the IMPAC BILLING pects; investors interested in the differ- subjects that matter to them. You’ve got Billing Cut-off ent charitable investment vehicles. Use to be organized and follow all the steps.” Deadlines Dates commitment to an ongoing educational Accounting by Friday to meet the next payroll cycle. or call x33025. this time to provide an unbiased look at April 2 April 4 tools for producing a successful seminar April 15 April 17 vised fund, etc. Move on to the particu- including timelines, suggested materials, April 30 May 2 lars of the Charitable Partners Program. content, attendee lists, refreshments, ac- May 21 May 23 Focus on specifics that differentiate the ceptable locations and more. Access this unique aspects of the Raymond James site at: http://lawncrest.rjf.com/rjfs/con- June 4 June 6 program from others. You might mention tent/marketing/spon_semhow.htm June 18 June 20 July 1 July 3 the details of the Charitable Remainder On the Digest you will find invaluable Trust, Charitable Gift Fund, donor-ad- investors can open a traditional charitable account (i.e., CRT) or any type of account “I think it’s critical that the advisor ap- July 16 July 18 through the Charitable Partners Program. pears as the expert. If you’re not an ex- August 6 August 8 August 20 August 22 pert, become one,” said Carver. Nowadays, impressive seminars draw upon the use of advanced technology. Learn the intricacies of the program by September 3 September 5 Convey your message with a projector contacting Clay Curtis and Colleen September 17 September 19 displaying a PowerPoint presentation* Harlan, the marketing contacts associated October 1 October 3 specifically targeting your audience. Use with the Charitable Partners Program. a computer and projector for viewing of You will benefit from a comprehensive October 22 October 24 the professionally done promotional understanding of the program and a semi- November 5 November 7 video featuring celebrity spokesman, nar with the power to amaze even in these November 19 November 21 John Lynch of the Tampa Bay Bucca- skeptical times. December 3 December 5 neers. The video is located online at: * Professional design provided by Colleen Harlan in Advisory at ext. 39012. December 17 December 19 PAGE 3 ADVISOR’S NETWORK P ERFORMANCE R EPORTING R EVISITED COLLEEN HARLAN MARKETING ASSISTANT t’s no secret high-net worth clients I folio, management, performance, fixed in- are particularly discriminating. Meeting their demands in a down-market • Report included on quarterly statement. come style • Ability to provide consolidated report- Features of Turboport: supported within IMPAC. AA2000 software • Report generation as of any date • Income and expense summary • Qtrly realized and unrealized • Original amount invested or tax basis on mutual funds losses • Cost basis must be provided by FA acct over $250k becomes increasingly important. A some- ing (grouping of portfolios) • Time-weighted rate of return for varytimes-overlooked entrée into the sticking • Dollar-weighted and time-weighted per- ing time periods (since inception, current place of said clients is by providing so- formance qtr, past 12 mos and current fiscal yr) phisticated, regular performance report- • Tax lot accounting (individual or • On-screen access to data via Advisor’s ing. From simple to high-tech, various re- lumped) Resource system porting options are available and fully • Export to Excel, Word, Morningstar, RJ • Portfolio asset allocation Stand alone & Browser-based • Color-graphing • All RJFS accounts eligible • Report available any time on-demand. Find out more on the Digest at: http:// Turboport Features of AXYS: • 60+ high quality reports including port- • Free on Elite accts over $100k and any NOTABLE S ITES FROM THE D IGEST From the Raymond James Advisory Services Digest index: IMPAC Tips for Successful invoices IMPAC Billing. To help expedite the billing process we ask • that you adhere to the following suggestions. • When processing the IMPAC billing, please Billing for ___ Quarter. In the body of the e-mail, please remember to add a contact use the IMPAC Billing Spreadsheet Format. BILLING SPREADSHEET name and number to be reached for any questions. When sending corrections, (The sample spreadsheet will open in a new window. Click File / Save As and save the please indicate “Corrections” in the subject line along with the Branch # and FA #. file to a location on your hard drive. Make note of the location for future reference. You to lawncrest.rjf.com/did/custops/portrep/ index1.htm us via branch Top 5 IMPAC Producers mail. 1. Carl Stuart On the subject line of your email, please include: Branch #, FA # and • Do not list Account numbers with zero can also create a shortcut to this item on your desktop by locating the file in Windows Ex- fees or accounts remitting the fee. plorer, right-clicking it, and selecting Create Shortcut. A shortcut will be created within • the same folder. Click and drag this shortcut to your desktop.) count number to be billed. List each account’s amount individually. For example: • When billing one account for fees from several accounts, please provide only the ac- The spreadsheet contains only 5 headings: If billing account 12312312 for accounts 23232323 - $850.00 and 33333333 - $595.00, Account #, Name, Amount, Rep # and Branch #. We do not need any additional informa- please list as shown where this article continues on page 4. tion. You may send the client copies of the DIGEST continued on page 4 IMPAC R ECOGNITION Advent AXYS gains/ 2. Fred Dent 3. Dennis Martino 4. Fred Dowd 5. John Rafal Top 5 IMPAC Branches 1. 86W (Robert Buehler, Jason Crane, Jason Ruther, Bruce Ferguson) 2. 87L (John Rafal, Jeb Embree, Joanne White, Romaine Macomb) 3. 61N (Carl Stuart) 4. 6UO (Dennis Martino, Tom Kane, Dean Dignoti) 5. 58J (Fred Dent) PAGE 4 ADVISOR’S NETWORK DIGEST continued from page 3 Make sure the correct account number is listed on each page of the Agreement. ACCT # NAME AMOUNT REP # BRANCH verify each account has sufficient funds prior to submitting billing. We will check for available cash in IRA accounts only. If the cash is not showing as available cash we will remove those from the billing file. All other accounts will be deducted and if no funds are 12312312 SMITH 850.00 1111 74A 12312312 SMITH 595.00 1111 74A • To enable you to be paid in a timely manner you will need to available they will incur a debit balance. It is the branch’s responsibility to make sure the debit balance is corrected with the Customer If possible: Accounts Department. When typing names please use last names only in “all caps”. Do not leave any blank lines between account numbers. • • account and remember to send along a copy of the New Account Form with the IMPAC Agreement for Compliance approval. Please use normal font (12 Arial or Times New Roman) - no oversized or bold print. When inputting amounts do not use dollar signs. In order for us to be able to process billing we must have signed agreements on file. When sending agreements make sure to send those directly to Raymond James Advisory Services. Discretionary Accounts must be setup in designated ranges. Please be sure to advise New Accounts/RPS when opening a discretionary Remember when billing an IRA Account, only the fees incurred in that IRA are allowed to be deducted. No additional account(s) fees may be deducted from that IRA Account. WAR continued from page 1 says. “Uncertainty surrounding the war caused the markets to be oversold, so when we get the war behind us, no matter how long it takes or in what fashion we rebuild Iraq, the markets should benefit. We are reacting, perhaps, too much to geopolitical uncertainty and not enough to good domestic policies underlying the economy. Investors need to remember that while political events cannot always be predicted, they tend to have a strong short-term impact and a much weaker long-term impact,” says Tom Press, portfolio manager for Next Century Growth Investors, a smallcap growth manager. “The war is less of a factor than it might have been, since it is going well. The market is already demonstrating something of a sigh of relief,” says Jim Simmons, CFA, a senior portfolio manager and chief investment officer focused on small-cap value stocks at ICM Asset Management, Inc. Going Forward: A Bull or a Bear? “We’ve increased our weightings in areas like trucking, freight forwarding, some of the consumer groups and added some technology. We expect our position to show a good move on a short-term basis, which would be the start of a good move that could last 12 to 18 months,” Press predicts. “I’m optimistic in the broadest sense. Global growth should be somewhere around 3% by the second half of the year and increasing into 2004. In that environment, because companies have their cost base down to such a competitive level, top-line growth will actually lead to unprecedented levels of earnings growth. Additionally, the equity risk premium we’re seeing in stocks is at 40-year highs. So I expect, between earnings growth and a reduction in the equity risk premium, we’ll see better markets—above the single-digit returns that the consensus seems to be expecting. I’d expect a very significant increase in market prices over the After a prolonged equity market decline, the managers Russell interviewed next year or year and a half,” says Ted Tyson, an international small-cap manager at Mastholm Asset Management. expressed varying levels of optimism, ranging from mildly enthusiastic to genuinely bullish for the near future. “I think this is really an interesting time as a small-cap value manager. In “After three years of a grinding bear market, we believe world markets the small-cap market, everything is down dramatically, which creates opportunities. If we have minimal casualties and clear control in Iraq, are ready to do better. And we are positioned for that to happen,” Palmer we’ll see the small-cap market rally. Getting past the terrorist issues re- WAR continued on page 5 ADVISOR’S NETWORK PAGE 5 WAR Continued from page 4 main a real question, however. And we remain concerned, and have been for a year, that the consumer will run out steam and no one will be able to justify further refinancing. Then we’ll be challenged to find the drivers to go forward, so the general market could remain challenged. There will also be more competitive fights for world market share and generally profitability will be a hard thing to grow, but this does not preclude individual companies from doing better. Overall, the U.S. is far better positioned that most other countries. Demographically the United States is an amazingly robust society, with a very constructive mix of energy and experience,” Simmons says. “In terms of geographical leadership, in 2001 and 2002, the best performing areas have been emerging markets and the Pacific, excluding Japan, and we think that should probably continue because both of those areas were depressed from the Asian crisis and from the technology bust. China’s and Russia’s impact is going to be quite positive for the world. However, there are more questions than usual about Europe, largely because of the German economic situation and some of the diplomatic questions raised by the French regarding the Iraq conflict,” Palmer says. Terrorism, of course, remains a significant background threat. “There is no way you can incor- Questions for Advisory staff? porate a 9-11 type risk scenario into a portfolio strategy. Instead of trying to cushion against one particular event, you just have to assume, as a matter of course, that this is something that we will be dealing with for years. It’s not liver cancer, its diabetes. It’s a chronic condition, so it will have increasingly less impact on the financial markets,” Tyson says. “The individual investor’s memory is about two to three years and the institutional investor’s memory is about twice that long. So what investors remember is either painful equity markets or the good old days of the 1990s. What we need to remember is the 1990s was the anomaly. The world is generally a conflicted, scary and anxious place, not the passive, benign nirvana of the 1990s. Think about the 1960s, when we had all of the negatives—threats of nuclear annihilation, a corrupt government…. Yet, we had incredible stock market rallies,” Cutler says. RJAS Operational Questions Bonnie Hill x39009 IMPAC Billing (Branches 50s & 60s) Gabrielle Walker x33073 IMPAC Billing (40s, 70s & 80s) Rachel Jallick x33068 IMPAC Marketing Questions Clay Curtis x33071 Colleen Harlan x39012 Independent RIA Registration Rachel Jallick x33068 SEI, Russell, Saratoga Rachel Jallick x33068 Professional Partners Operations Sarah Wickham x33025 Benefiting from Diversification Professional Partners Marketing This sampling of manager opinions emphasizes Charitable Partners Operations Gabrielle Walker x33073 Living With Uncertainty the conflicting nature of investing. Despite extensive knowledge of the financial markets, it is While many experts expect the actual military action to be swiftly decided in favor the United commonplace to hear vastly different opinions from various financial experts. At Russell, we States—which gives rise to much of the optimism about the stock market—reaching a con- don’t claim to know whether the war with Iraq will be short or long, and we don’t know how sensus about the long-term repercussions of this war is not nearly so easily determined. For ex- the financial markets will react. ample, several other geopolitical events remain outstanding, including North Korea and the on- What we do know is that strategically diversified investing helps lessen volatility. By care- going threat of terrorism. fully selecting multiple managers with distinctly different investment strategies, we help you Short-term, the next issue is North Korea. The U.S. will most likely enter into a direct negotia- manage risk through diversification. Russell’s investment solution is designed to provide tion with North Korea. While there will be some tension, the most likely outcome is positive, greater consistency during all types of markets— even highly uncertain ones. Tyson predicts. Copyright© Frank Russell Company 2003. Clay Curtis x33071 Colleen Harlan x39012 Charitable Partners Marketing Clay Curtis x33071 Colleen Harlan x39012 Department Management Andy Butte x33014 Clay Curtis x33071 Contact Advisory at (727) 573-3800 Send an Email to RJAS@rjfs.com Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC 880 Carillon Parkway St. Petersburg, FL 33716 PAGE 6 ADVISOR’S NETWORK F IRST A NNUAL RJFS P ICNIC WELCOME N EW A RRIVALS Advisor’s Network PLEASE HELP US IN CONGRATULATING Clay Curtis and his wife, Lauren on the birth of their first child JAMES RYAN born February 10 Bonnie Hill and her husband, Travis on the birth of their second child, NICOLE MACKENZIE born February 19 Editor: Mike Di Girolamo Associate Editor: Colleen Harlan Contributors Clay Curtis Andy Butte Bonnie Hill Rachel Jallick Sarah Wickham Gabrielle Walker
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