Bachelor of ACUPUNCTURE Program 學士學位針灸課程 The Bachelor of Acupuncture program is a postgraduate program that will lead to a Bachelor of Acupuncture issued by the Jiang Xi Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Chinese State Ministry of Education. This has been made possible through cooperation between the Jiang Xi Intitute of TCM, at the university in Nanchang China and Akupunkturakademin and the Swedish TCMCollege in Sweden. Until now Bachelor of Acupuncture has only been attained after five years of full time studies in China and in the Chinese language. Bachelor of Acupuncture is the level of education most TCM doctors have in China (a minor number go further for their masters- and doctor’s degrees). In some Chinese universities the same level of education is called Bachelor of TCM. After completing the Bachelor of Acupuncture program one can study further both for masters- and doctor’s degrees. This program will be held in English, for two years and the major part will take place in your own home or office, except for three weeks in Sweden at the end of the first year and ten weeks of clinical herbal training in China, during the second year. We plan to start a new class every year, in order to make it possible for all dedicated to TCM to attain a high level of TCM education. The Bachelor of Acupuncture at Jiang Xi Institute consists of both acupuncture science as well as herbal science. The acupuncture science will mainly carried out in Europe, before starting the program, and the herbal science will be done during the two year bachelor program. The topics will mainly cover single herbs, prescriptions and diseases treated with Chinese herbs. The Jiang Xi Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) located in Nanchang, the capital city of the Jing Xi province, is a higher learning institute of TCM sciences and pharmacology. The institute is authorised to grant bachelor and masters degree and accept doctor’s degree students. It has also been designated by the State Ministry of Education as one of the higher learning universities eligible for accepting overseas students. Due to conditions beyond our control, commence of the next class have to be postponed until September 2005. As for previous knowledge in TCM and western medicine, they remain the same. The curriculum will be changed a bit, but will mainly remain as been described in the following text. The new and complete curriculum will be published in the autumn 2004. APPLICATION Admission requirements: previous TCM-acupuncture education in an acupuncture school that is qualified by a European Acupuncture Society. You should have completed your acupuncture studies and western medical training. See separate heading for western medical curricula and acupuncture curricula. Application procedures and requirements: • Fill in the application form • Copy of diploma in acupuncture and acupuncture curriculum. • Copy of diploma in western medicine and western medicine curriculum. • Curriculum Vitae (*your personal history, education, family situation etc). • Registration fee 100 US$ to Swedish TCM-College, bank account 8166 9 739 186 931 Swift code: SWEDSESS. Swedbank S135 Stockholm, Sweden. The annual fee will be about 3000 US$ (we know the exact sum in the autumn 2004) which includes everything except literature, travel and living costs. When your application has been approved we will send you an invoice. The registration fee and annual fees are not refundable. For more information please contact: Akupunktureakademin Swedish TCM-College Mr. Jan Lindborg Mr. Reijo Pöyhönen Kloster 209 Hökviken 13 S-776 98 Garpenberg S-790 25 Linghed Sweden Sweden Tel/fax:46-225-23025 Tel:46-246-22135 1 E-mail: Fax: 46-246-22060 E-mail: Jiang Xi Intitute of TCM website: SUMMARY OF BACHELOR OF ACUPUNCTURE PROGRAM The curriculum consists of ten major topics: I. Chinese materia medica, II. Diagnostics of TCM, III. Prescriptions of TCM, IV. Internal medicine of TCM, V. Gynaecology and obstetrics, VI. Paediatrics, VII. Ophthalmology, VIII. Sugery of TCM, IX. Orthopedics-Traumatology of TCM and X. Otorhinolaryngology. Covering a total of 135 single herbs, 130 prescriptions and 235 diseases in all. I. The Chinese materia medica: the characters and functions of traditional chinese drugs. The processing of drugs. The application of drugs. Drugs for treating exterior syndromes. Heat-clearing drugs. Expectorants, antitussives anti-asthmatic drugs. Purgative Drugs. Drugs for eliminating dampness. Interior-warming drugs etc 135 single herbs. II. Diagnostics of TCM: The conception of TCM diagnostics. Diagnostic methods in TCM. The fundamentals of TCM diagnosis. The principles of TCM Diagnosis. Approaches and points of attention in interrogation. Contents of interrogation. Inspection of vitality. Inspection of skin colour. Inspection of the general appearance. Inspection of the tongue. Inspection of skin. Inspection of the superficial venues of the infant’s index fingers. Inspection of the excreta. Auscultation and olfaction. Pulse taking and palpation. Differentiating pathologic conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes. Differentiating of syndromes according to the state of qi and blood. Differentiating of syndromes according to pathologic changes of the viscera and interrelation. Differentiating of syndromes of a febrile disease in accordance with the theory of the channels. Differentiating of the development of an epidemic febrile disease by analyzing and studying condition of the four syndromes (Wei- qi, ying and xue systems). III. Prescriptions of TCM: formation of a prescription. Dosage forms of prescription. Methods of decocting and taking drugs. Heating-clearing prescriptions. Purgative prescriptions etc 130 prescriptions. IV. Internal Medicine of TCM: influenza, viral hepatitis, bacillary, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary abscess, Rheumatic Fever. Coronary Heart Disease, Essential hypertension. Sick sinus syndrome. Hyperlipoproteinemia. Chronic gastritis. Peptic ulcer. Chronic non-specific ulcerative colitis. Hepatocirrhosis. Cholecystitis. Aplastic anaemia, Thrombocytopenic purpura. Leucopoenia. Acute nephritis. Chronic nephritis. Nephrotic syndrome. Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Insipidus. Systemic lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Cerebral Thrombosis. Neurosis. Schizophrenia, Infection of Biliary Tract and Gall Stones. Urinary Calculus. Chronic Prostatitis. Hyperplasia of Prostate. Thrombotic Phlebitis. Thromboangitis Obliterans. Arteriosclerosis Obliterans of Limbs. Multiple Aorta-arteritis. Herpes Zoster. Impetigo. Tinea of Manus and Pedes. Chilblain. Contact Dermatitis. Eczema. Urticaria. Neurodermatitis. Exfoliative Dermatitis. Cutaneous Pruritus. Erythema Multiforme. Psoriasis. Pityriasis Rosea. Scleroderma. Acne Vulgaris. Seborrheic Dermatitis. Rosacea. Alopecia Areata. Leukotrichia. Vitiligo. Chloasma. Ichthyosis. Erythermalgia. Keloid. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. V. Gynecology and obstetrics: menoxenia, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhoea, polycystic ovary syndrome, premenstrual tension syndrome. Climacteric syndrome. Vulvovaginitis. Pelvic inflammation. Endometriosis. Leukorrhagia. Sterility. Colporrhagia during pregnancy and threatened abortion. Heterotrophic pregnancy. Pernicious vomiting. Edema during pregnancy. Eclampsia gravidarum. Hypogalactia. VI. Pediatrics: neonatal jaundice syndrome, scleroderma neonatorum, anorexia, acute upper respiratory tract infection, acute bronchitis, infantile pneumonia. Infantile diarrhea. Viral Myocarditis. Urinary Infection. Enuresis. Mixed Nutritional Anemia. Allergic purpura. Juvenile rheumatoid disease. Epilepsy. Acute toxic encephalopathy. Infectious plyradiculitis. Chickenpox. Epidemic parotitis. 2 VII. Ophthalmology: hordeolum, trachome, spring catarrhal, conjunctivtis, epidemic acute conjunctivtis, acute dacryocystitis, and superficial punctate keratitis. Herpes simplex keratitis. Serpiginous corneal ulcer. Inflammation of cornealstroma. Anterior scleritis. Exudative Iridocyclitis. Behct’s Syndrome. Glaucoma.Senile Cataract. Central Choroido-retinitis.Thrombosis of Central Vein of Retina. Embolism of Central Artery Of Retina. Paralytic Strabismus. Pigmentary Degeneration of Retina. Acute Optic Neuritis. VIII. Surgery of TCM: furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, acute phlegmon, acute lymphangitis, acute lymphnoditis, acute parotitis, phlegmonosa, acute systemic pyogenic infection. Tuberculosis of Cervical Lymph Noder. Thyroid Adenoma. Acute Mastadenitis. Hyperplasia of Lobular Mammary Gland. Gynecomastia. Acute Appendicitis. Perforation of Peptic Ulcer. Intestinal Obstruction. Infection of Biliary Tract and Gall Stones. Urinary Calculus. Chronic Prostatitis. Hyperplasia of Prostate. Thrombotic Phlebitis. Thromboangiitis Obliterans. Arteriosclerosis Obliterans of Limbs. Multiple Aorta-arteritis. Scleroderma. Acne Vulgaris. Seborrheic Dermatitis. Rosacea. Alopecia Areata. Leukotrichia. Vitiligo. Chloasma. Ichthyosis. Erythermalgia. Keloid. IX. Orthopedics-Traumatology of TCM: fracture of clavicle, fracture of surgical neck of humerus, fracture of humeral shaft, supracondylar fracture of humerus, fracture of elbow. Ulnar and Radial fracture. Fracture of Metacarpal-phalangeal Bone. Compression Fracture of Thoracolumbar Vertebral Body. Fracture of Pelvis. Fracture of Neck of Femur. Fracture of Femoral Shaft. Fracture of Patella. Fracture of Tibia and Fibula. Foot Fracture. Dislocation of Mandibular Articulation. Dislocation of Shoulder joint. Dislocation of Elbow Joint. Dislocation of Hip Joint. Scapulohumeral Periarthritis. Tennis Elbow. Osteochonclritis of Capitular Epiphysis of Femur. Acute Sprain of Lumber Muscle and Fascia. Chronic Lumbar Muscle strain. Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc. Synovial Incarceration of Small Joints of Lumber Vertebrae. Meniscus Injury of knee. Ligamentous Injury of Knee Joint. Suppurative Arthritis. Pyogenic Osteolnyelitis. Tuberculosis of Bone and Joint. X. Otorhinolaryngology: eczema of external auditory meatus, acute catarrhal otitis media, chronic catarrhal otitis media, acute suppurative otitis media, menier’s disease. Sudden Deafness. Bell’s Facial Paralysis. Acute Rhinitis. Chronic Rhinitis. Atrophic Rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis. Acute Nasosinusitis. Chronic Nasosinusitis. Acute Tonsillitis. Acute Pharyngitis. Chronic Pharyngitis. Ulcerative Stomatitis. Acute Laryngitis. Chronic Laryngitis. Cricoarytenoid Arthritis. ACUPUNCTURE TRAINING Acupuncture training before entering the Bachelor of Acupuncture program, should cover the following topics and a minimum of the indicated studying hours. I. Historical and philosophical background in TCM 15 lecturing hours 1.1. Introduction to Chinese medicine 1.2. History 1.3. Yin och yang II. Meridian system - jingluo 30 lecturing hours 2.1. The meridian system 2.1.1. Twelve- jing mai 2.1.2. Twelve - jing bie 2.1.3. Twelve - jing jin 2.1.4. Eight extraordinary meridians 2.1.5. Fifteen luo, xu li och bao mai III. Five elements - wu xing 10 lecturing hours 3.1. The concept of wu xing 3.2. Application of wu xing in Chinese medicine 3 IV. Diagnostical methods 60 lecturing hours 4.1. Eight diagnostic rules 4.2. Four examination methods 4.3. Aetiology V. Physiology and pathology of zang-fu, qi and blood 100 lecturing hours 5.1. Physiology and differentiation of qi, blood and body fluids 5.2. Physiology and differentiation of zang and fu 5.3 Physiology and differentiation of several zang and fu at the same time 5.4 Differentiation of pathogen qi VI. Acupuncture points 113 lecturing hours 6.1 205 acupuncture points that should be mastered: Name and Chinese pronunciation, number, localisation and local anatomy. Main functions, main indications. Needle technique and directions. Contraindications. Point groups. Methods for selecting points. See complete list. NB! On these 205 points, there will be a separate examination during the first year. All of the points don’t have to be mastered before entering the program. About 130 of the most commonly used points should be mastered prior to entering the program. VII. Treatments strategies 20 lecturing hours 7.1. Acupuncture treatment strategies 7.2. Introduction to treatment strategies from the shang han lun, wen bing san jiao VIII. Practical application of acupuncture 55 lecturing hours 8.1. Needle handling 8.2. Moxa 8.3. Cupping 8.4. Needle hammer and bleeding technique 8.5. Ear acupuncture 8.6. Scalp acupuncture 8.7. Electro acupuncture 8.7. The neurobiological basis 8.8. Introduction to Chinese herbal medicine, tuina, qi gong, tai ji quan and dietetics. IX. Treatment of common symptoms and diseases 40 lecturing hours 9.1 Differentiation and treatment of common symptoms and diseases, with needles, moxa, and cupping. X. Miscellaneous, journals, laws etc.7 lecturing hours XI. Thesis A minor thesis should be written, covering a number of treatments or a topic made by the student during the course. 450 lecturing hours and an additional 150 hours of clinical practice make up a total of 600 studying hours. ACUPUNCTURE POINTS • There are 205 acupuncture points that should be mastered. • Name and Chinese pronunciation • Number • Localisation and local anatomy • Main functions • Main indications • Needle technique and directions 4 • Contraindications An audiotape with the pronunciation of the point names will be sent when application has been accepted. THE LUNG CHANNEL OF HAND-TAIYIN Zhongfu (Lu. 1) Chize (Lu. 5) Kongzui (Lu. 6) Lieque (Lu. 7) Taiyuan (Lu. 9) Yuji (Lu. 10) Shaoshang (Lu. 11) THE LARGE INTESTINE CHANNEL OF HAND-YANGMING Shangyang (L.I. 1) Sanjian (L.I. 3) Hegu (L.I. 4) Pianli (L.I. 6) Shousanli (L.I. 10) Quchi (L.I. 11) Hand-Wuli (L.I. 13) Binao (L.I. 14) Jianyu (L.I. 15) Yingxiang (L.I. 20) THE STOMACH CHANNEL OF FOOT-YANGMING Chengqi (St. 1) Sibai (St. 2) Dicang (St. 4) Jiache (St. 6) Xiaguan (St. 7) Touwei (St. 8) Renying (St. 9) Liangmen (St. 21) Tianshu (St. 25) Shuidao (St. 28) Guilai (St. 29) Biguan (St. 31) Femur-Futu (St. 32) Liangqiu (St. 34) Dubi (St. 35) Zusanli (St. 36) Shangjuxu (St. 37) Tiaokou (St. 38) Xiajuxu (St. 39) Fenglong (St. 40) Jiexi (St. 41) Xiangu (St. 43) Neiting (St. 44) Lidui (St. 45) THE SPLEEN CHANNEL OF FOOT-TAIYIN Yinbai (Sp. 1) Taibai (Sp. 3) Gongsun (Sp. 4 Shangqiu (Sp. 5) 5 Sanyinjiao (Sp. 6) Diji (Sp. 8) Yinlingquan (Sp. 9) Xuehai (Sp. 10) Daheng (Sp. 15) THE HEART CHANNEL OF HAND-SHAOYIN (Common abbreviations H - He -Ht) Jiquan (Ht 1) Shaohai (Ht 3) Tongli (Ht 5) Yinxi (Ht 6) Shenmen (Ht 7) Shaochong (Ht 9) THE SMALL INTESTINE CHANNEL OF HAND-TAIYANG Shaoze (S.I. 1) Houxi (S.I. 3) Yanglao (S.I. 6 Zhizheng (S.I. 7) Xiaohai (S.I. 8) Jianzhen (S.I. 9) Naoshu (S.I. 10) Tianzong (S.I. 11) Bingfeng (S.I. 12) Jianwaishu (S.I. 14) Jianzhongshu (S.I. 15) Quanliao (S.I. 18) Tinggong (S.I. 19) THE URINARY BLADDER CHANNEL OF FOOT-TAIYANG Jingming (Bl 1) Zanzhu (Bl 2) Tongtian (Bl 7) Yuzhen (Bl 9) Tianzhu (Bl 10) Dashu (Bl 11) Fengmen (Bl 12) Feishu (Bl 13) Jueyinshu (Bl 14) Xinshu (Bl 15) Dushu (Bl 16) Geshu (Bl 17) Ganshu (Bl 18) Danshu (Bl 19) Pishu (Bl 20) Weishu (Bl 21) Sanjiaoshu (Bl 22) Shenshu (Bl 23) Qihaishu (Bl 24) Dachangshu (Bl 25) Guanyuanshu (Bl 26) Xiaochangshu (Bl 27) Pangguangshu (Bl 28) Zhonglishu (Bl 29) Baihuanshu (Bl 30) Shangliao (Bl 31) 6 Ciliao (Bl 32) Zhongliao (Bl 33) Xialiao (Bl 34) Chengfu (Bl 36) Yinmen (Bl 37) Weiyang (Bl 39) Weizhong (Bl 40) Gaohuangshu (Bl 43) Zhishi (Bl 52) Baohuang (Bl 53) Zhibian (Bl 54) Chengshan (Bl 57) Kunlun (Bl 60) Shenmai (Bl 62) Zhiyin (Bl 67) THE KIDNEY CHANNEL OF FOOT-SHAOYIN Yongquan (K. 1) Rangu (K. 2) Taixi (K. 3) Zhaohai (K. 6) Fuliu (K. 7) Dahe (K. 12) THE PERICARDIUM CHANNEL OF HAND-JUEYIN (Common abbreviations P - Pc) Quze (P. 3) Jianshi (P. 5) Neiguan (P. 6) Daling (P. 7) Laogong (P. 8) Zhongchong (P. 9) THE SANJIAO CHANNEL OF HAND-SHAOYANG (Common abbreviations Te - SJ) Guanchong (Te 1) Yemen (Te 2) Hand-Zhongzhu (Te 3) Yangchi (Te 4) Waiguan (Te 5) Zhigou (Te 6) Tianjing (Te 10) Naohui (Te 13) Jianliao (Te 14) Tianliao (Te 15) Tianyou (Te 16) Yifeng (Te 17) Ermen (Te 21) Sizhukong (Te 23) THE GALL BLADDER CHANNEL OF FOOT-SHAOYANG Tongziliao (G.B. 1) Tinghui (G.B. 2) Shangguan (G.B. 3) Shuaigu (G.B. 8) Yangbai (G.B. 14) 7 Head-Linqi (G.B. 15) Fengchi (G.B. 20) Jianjing (G.B. 21) Riyue (G.B. 24) Jingmen (G.B. 25) Femur-Juliao (G.B. 29) Huantiao (G.B. 30) Fengshi (G.B. 31) Yanglingquan (G.B. 34) Xuanzhong (G.B. 39) Qiuxu (G.B. 40) Foot-Linqi (G.B. 41) Xiaxi (G.B. 43) Foot-Qiaoyin (G.B. 44) THE LIVER CHANNEL OF FOOT-JUEYIN (Common abbreviations Liv - Lr) Xingjian (Lr 2) Taichong (Lr 3) Zhongfeng (Lr 4) Ququan (Lr 8) Zhangmen (Lr 13) Qimen (Lr 14) THE DU CHANNEL (Common abbreviations Du - Gv) Changqiang (Du 1) Yaoshu (Du 2) Yaoyangguan (Du 3) Mingmen (Du 4) Zhiyang (Du 9) Taodao (Du 13) Dazhui (Du 14) Yamen (Du 15) Fengfu (Du 16) Naohu (Du 17) Baihui (Du 20) Shangxing (Du 23) Shenting (Du 24) Suliao (Du 25) Renzhong (Du 26) THE REN CHANNEL (Common abbreviations Ren - Cv) Huiyin (Ren 1) Zhongji (Ren 3) Guanyuan (Ren 4) Shimen (Ren 5) Qihai (Ren 6) Shenque (Ren 8) Shuifen (Ren 9) Xiawan (Ren 10) Jianli (Ren 11) Zhongwan (Ren 12) Shangwan (Ren 13) Jiuwei (Ren 15) 8 Shanzhong (Ren 17) Tiantu (Ren 22) Lianquan (Ren 23) Chengjiang, (Ren 24) APPENDIX: EXTRAORDINARY POINTS Yintang, Taiyang, Sishencong, Dingchuan, Huatuo Jiaji, Shiqizhui, Jianqian , Sifeng, Shixuan, Baxie, Xiyan, Lanwei, Bafeng. WESTERN MEDICAL TRAINING Western medical training before entering the Bachelor of Acupuncture program has to cover the following topics with a minimum of lecturing hours indicated. Topographic anatomy*…………………….……….......................……………40 Western examination techniques**………….……………..................…… ..40 Microbiology, cell biology and general pathology*…........................... .....35 Circulatory system*……………………………………….................................35 Nervous system*………………………………..……………………….……. 35 Locomotive system* …………………………………………………...……...35 Digestive system* ……..……………………………………………………….35 Sensory system* .........................................………...........………............ .........30 Genital system*………..………………………………………….…………….30 Respiratory system*…………………………………………..………… …….20 Blood and fluid balance*…………………………………….………… …….20 Biochemistry and nutrition……………………………………………… …..15 Urinary system* …………………………………………….....……………….10 Paediatrics* …………….……………………………….....……………………10 Endocrine system* ………………………………………....……………… ….10 Skin and female breast* ………………………………..……………………… 8 Western pharmacology……………………………….………………………. .8 Psychiatry……………………………………………….....……………………..8 Medical psychology …………………………………..………………………….6 Social medicine ………………………………………....……………………… 5 Environmental medicine……………………………….………………………...5 * Indicate that anatomy, physiology and pathology are included in the studies. ** That covers among other things, anamnesis, heart- lung, neurological and abdominal status. We emphasize that one should have western medical training high enough to be able to make a western medical assessment. The applicant could update him/herself during the course if some topic is missing. Usually people are missing western medical examination techniques, which we consider especially important when making a western medical assessment. For the Swedish students that are missing this topic (klinisk propedeutik) we can arrange a separate course. 9 APPLICATION FORM FOR BACHELOR OF ACUPUNCTURE JIANGXI COLLEGE OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE Name.......................................................................... Foto Address...................................................................... City............................................................................. Sex............................................................................... Date of birth............................................................... Nationality................................................................. Telephone.................................................................. Fax............................................................................... E-mail......................................................................... Profession, education and employment (in English) ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Health status.......................................................................................…....... ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................... Date of application.......................................................................................................... Signature............................................................................................................................ 10
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