Purbrook Park School Who to Contact & How to Contact Them High Achievement for All is a Shared Responsibility CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Keeping Parents and Pupils informed 2 SECTION A – CARE & GUIDANCE ENQUIRIES Pastoral and Admin Support Managers – Year 7, 8 & 9 and Years 10 & 11 Personal Tutor Pupil and Family Support Adviser Behaviour Support Team Police Liaison Officer Pupil Services Medical Room 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 SECTION B – TEACHING & LEARNING ENQUIRIES Personal Tutors Subject Teachers and Lead Teachers Special Educational Needs Gifted and Talented Exams Officer 11 11 11 11 12 SECTION C – ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, CATERING & SITE ENQUIRIES Main Reception Finance Office Catering Site Management 14 14 14 14 SECTION D – CONTACTING THE SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Headteacher Lead Assistant Headteacher – Teaching & Learning Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion Assistant Headteacher – Data & Assessment 16 16 16 16 SECTION E – CONTACTING THE SUBJECT LEADERS Subject Leaders e-mail addresses 18 Page 1 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Keeping Parents & Pupils Informed In recent months many changes have taken place at Purbrook Park School to help raise standards. We have employed additional specialist support staff to provide improved pastoral care and to perform many of the administrative tasks previously carried out by teachers. These changes are enabling teachers to spend much more of their time improving teaching and supporting pupils’ learning. The purpose of this booklet is to introduce parents to the roles of the different staff who support pupils and parents in many different ways. Parents are advised to keep this booklet for future reference as it contains contact details and other useful information. Contacting the most appropriate member of staff in the first instance helps us to deal quickly and efficiently with any enquiry. Additional sources of information can be found on our website www.purbrookparkschool.co.uk and in the following publications: Pupil Planners Parent Bulletin Parent Newsletter The Purbrookian – our termly magazine Prospectus Key Stage 4 Course Information Booklet The telephone number for the Main Office is: (02392) 370351 8.00am – 4.30pm Monday – Thursday 8.00am – 4.00pm Friday An answer phone service operates outside these hours and during periods of school closure Parents are advised that all calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes In order that your telephone queries can be dealt with promptly, you will be asked to provide the following information when you call: Child One Child’s name Year Tutor Group Personal Tutor’s name Page 2 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Child Two Child Three Frequently Asked Questions If I have an enquiry, how quickly can I expect an answer? This depends on the nature of the enquiry, as explained below. Telephone Enquiries Most straightforward telephone enquiries can be dealt with immediately. If the member of staff is unable to answer your query straight away, they will indicate approximately how long it will take before they can get back to you with an answer. If a message is left for a member of staff who is unable to take your call, you should receive a return call within 24 hours. Voice Mail Enquiries The number of times staff check their voice mail depends on the nature of their duties which can vary from day-to-day. However, staff are expected to check their voice mail box at least once each school day. Staff will aim to return the call within 24 hours either with an answer to the query or an indication of how long it will take before they are able to respond. E-mail Enquiries The number of times staff check their mail boxes also depends on the nature of their duties. Staff are expected to check their mail box at least once each school day and will aim to reply to e-mail enquires within 24 hours either with an answer to the query or an indication of how long it will take before they are able to respond. Letters We aim to acknowledge receipt of correspondence within three school days if it requires a response. The letter will either provide an answer to the enquiry or indicate how long it will be before a member of staff is able to respond. Note in Pupil Planner If a note is written in the Pupil Planner it is the pupil’s responsibility to ensure that it is seen by the relevant member of staff. The member of staff will sign the note to acknowledge that it has been read. If appropriate, they will also indicate what action will be taken in response to the note. What if my enquiry is urgent and I get through to a voice mail box? If the person you contacted is not available and your enquiry is urgent, please phone the Main Office and the receptionist will help you. Page 3 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 What should I do if I haven’t received an acknowledgement of my correspondence? If you have not had an acknowledgement within the time-frame indicated above, please contact the School Receptionist, who will investigate whether your correspondence has been received. What should I do if I have received an acknowledgement and an indication of when I should receive a full response, but I haven’t received one by this date? Should this happen, please contact the School Receptionist and they will investigate why you have not received a reply. Our aim is to respond fully to all enquiries within 5 school days. FOR UPDATES PLEASE CHECK THE SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.purbrookparkschool.co.uk Page 4 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 SECTION A CARE & GUIDANCE ENQUIRIES Page 5 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Pastoral & Admin Support Managers Year 7 – 11 Attendance Issues Mrs Claire Hulme Years 7, 8 &9 Miss Hayley Collishaw Years 10 & 11 (02392) 370351 Ext: 224 chulme@purbrook.hants.sch.uk (02392) 370351 Ext: 208 hcollishaw@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Please phone or e-mail the Pastoral and Admin Support Managers to inform us of your child’s absence or to discuss issues that may be affecting their attendance or punctuality. The Pastoral and Admin Support Managers will need to know your child’s: Name Year Tutor Group When leaving a message on the answer machine, please remember to state your name and give a contact phone number. If you know in advance that your child is going to be absent from school or arrive late, e.g. because of a medical or dental appointment, please write a note or complete one of the slips in the back of the Pupil Planner. Your child should hand the completed slip or note in to Pupil Services. Please note If your child is absent, and we have not been notified of the reason, one of our Pastoral and Admin Support Managers will aim to contact you as soon as possible to establish why your child is not in school. The Pastoral and Admin Support Managers deal with pupil welfare and discipline. Parents who are concerned about any aspect of their child’s welfare, including incidents of bullying, can contact the Pastoral and Admin Support Manager linked to their Year Group. If the concern is related to an incident that happened in school, the Pastoral and Admin Support Manager will investigate and inform the parent of the outcome. We aim to complete investigations and report back to parents within 5 school days. Page 6 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Parents who wish to discuss any of the following issues should contact the Pastoral and Admin Support Manager in the first instance: Work for Pupil absent due to prolonged illness Work for excluded Pupils Friday Detentions Personal Tutors The Personal Tutor deals with pupil welfare and discipline. Parents who are concerned about any aspect of their child’s welfare, including incidents of bullying, can contact the Personal Tutor. If the concern is related to an incident that happened in school, the Personal Tutor will investigate and inform the parent of the outcome. We aim to complete investigations and report back to parents within 5 school days. You can contact your child’s Personal Tutor via Main Reception on (02392) 370351 or by e-mailing them directly. Pupil and Family Support Adviser Mrs Diane Howell (02392) 370351 Ext: 206 dhowell@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mrs Howell works with young people and their families if there is a problem with punctuality, irregular attendance or prolonged absence. She will investigate the reasons behind poor attendance and/or punctuality. Mrs Howell can also provide young people with help on a wide range of issues, for example: ● ● ● Relationships and counselling Managing emotions Confidence/self-esteem ● ● ● Social skills Physical and mental health Personal development The Pupil and Family Support Advisor can also refer pupils to specialist support agencies if it is needed. Pupils can access the service by self-referral (by attending the drop-ins), staff referral or referral from parents. Each referral will be discussed and priority will be given to those most in need. Page 7 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Behaviour Support Team Mr Martyn Rafferty (Ready 2 Learn Manager) Mrs Jo Smith (Green Room Manager) Mr Noel Evans (Behaviour Support Assistant) (02392) 370351 Ext. 312 (02392) 370351 Ext. 222 (02392) 370351 Ext. 222 mrafferty@purbrook.hants.sch.uk jsmith@purbrook.hants.sch.uk nevans@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Parents who wish to discuss any of the following issues should contact the Behaviour Support Team in the first instance: Ready 2 Learn Referrals Behaviour Contracts Pastoral Support Plans Alternative Education Referrals Police Liaison Officer PC 23162 Maria Nixon 0845 0454545 PC Nixon visits the school regularly and advises pupils on crime prevention and protective behaviour. PC Nixon is also the school’s liaison officer regarding any criminal offence that may have been committed involving a Purbrook Park pupil, either as a victim or as a perpetrator. Page 8 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Pupil Services Mrs Tracy Fox (Admin Assistant) Miss Megan Barker (Admin Apprentice) (02392) 370351 Ext. 201 or 213 tfox@purbrook.hants.sch.uk mbarker@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Pupil Services is open from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm Monday – Thursday, and 8.00 am – 3.30 pm on Fridays. Pupil Services supports pupils in many different ways. For example, pupils may purchase essential equipment or replacement ties. They also lend uniform, collect letters, issue absence request forms and look after lost property. Pupil Services allocate lockers and help pupils who have lost or misplaced their locker key. Medical Room Mrs Tracy Fox (02392) 370351 Ext: 201 tfox@purbrook/hants.sch.uk To ensure your child is cared for appropriately, it is important that we are aware of any medical condition that he/she may be suffering from, whether it is long term or temporary. Mrs Fox updates medical records and ensures that staff who need to know are properly informed. If a pupil requires medication during the day, parents should discuss this with Mrs Fox. We work with the Local Health Authority and the School Nurse Service to administer the routine vaccination programmes. Parents will receive notification of such events and written permission is needed before the Health Authority nurses administer any vaccinations. Page 9 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 SECTION B TEACHING & LEARNING ENQUIRIES Page 10 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Personal Tutors Your child’s Personal Tutor is able to give general advice on how to support his/her learning. Personal Tutors have responsibility for overseeing a pupil’s overall academic progress and any concerns about general progress should be discussed with them in the first instance. The Assistant Headteacher for your child’s Year Group is able to provide additional support and advice should it be needed. You can contact your child’s Personal Tutor via Main Reception on (02392) 370351 or by e-mailing them directly. Subject Teachers Our subject teachers should be contacted if you need subject specific advice on how to support your child’s learning, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of the course being studied. Concerns about a pupil’s progress in a particular subject should be discussed with the subject teacher in the first instance. If you still have concerns after speaking to the subject teacher then you should ask for the issue to be referred to the Subject Leader. You can contact subject teachers and subject leaders via the Main Reception on (02392) 370351 or by e-mailing them directly. Special Educational Needs Miss Amy Haywood (SEN Administrator) Mrs Stephanie Welland (SEN HLTA) Miss Emma Browne (Assistant Headteacher SENCo) (02392) 370351 Ext. 331 (02392) 370351 Ext. 217 (02392) 370351 Ext. 217 ahaywood@purbrook.hants.sch.uk swelland@purbrook.hants.sch.uk ebrowne@purbrook.hants.sch.uk All issues relating to Special Educational Needs should be referred to Mrs Welland in the first instance. Page 11 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Gifted and Talented Mr Matthew Doe G&T Coordinator (02392) 370351 Ext. 311 mdoe@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mr Doe has responsibility for our Gifted and Talented programme. If you wish to discuss any aspect of Purbrook Park’s Gifted &Talented provision with Mr Doe please contact him directly. Exams Officer Mrs Linda Taylor (Exams Officer) (02392) 370351 Ext. 303 ltaylor@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mrs Taylor should be contacted about any issue relating to examination entries, examination timetables, statements of entry, exam clashes and the collection of result statements and certificates. Page 12 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 SECTION C ADMINISTRATION, FINANCE, CATERING & SITE ENQUIRIES Page 13 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 School Bursar Mrs Kerry Georges (02392) 370351 Ext. 203 kgeorges@purbrook.hants.sch.uk (02392) 370351 jbullock@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Main Reception Mrs Jean Bullock (Receptionist) All general enquiries should be directed to the Main Office (02392) 370351 Admissions Mrs Claire Hulme Miss Hayley Collishaw Years 7, 8 &9 Years 10 & 11 (02392) 370351 Ext: 224 (02392) 370351 Ext: 208 chulme@purbrook.hants.sch.uk hcollishaw@purbrook.hants.sch.uk For information on Purbrook Park’s Admissions criteria please see our website. Finance Office The Finance Team deals with all money matters. Parents with a payment related enquiry should contact the Finance Team. (02392) 370351 Ext. 214/215 Catering Mrs Vanessa Cooper (Catering Manager) (02392) 370351 Ext: 316 vcooper@purbrook.hants.sch.uk We aim to provide pupils with a wide variety of nutritious snacks and meals using, wherever possible, fresh locally supplied ingredients. Our Catering Manager, Mrs Cooper, is always pleased to discuss special dietary requirements or other issues relating to our catering service. Site Management Mr Mark Thomas (Site Manager) (02392) 370351 Ext. 211 mthomas@purbrook.hants.sch.uk The Site Manager has responsibility for cleanliness and maintenance as well as site security. Page 14 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 SECTION D CONTACTING OUR SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Page 15 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Headteacher – Mr Paul Foxley PA: Mrs Lin Dudman (02392) 370351 Ext. 202 For an appointment with the Headteacher, please contact Mrs Lin Dudman. Lead Assistant Headteacher – Mrs Jane Wood Admin Support: Mrs Barbara Gulliver (02392) 370351 Ext. 303 If you have an issue relating to the Quality of Teaching and Learning and would like to discuss this with Mrs Wood please contact Mrs Gulliver. Assistant Headteacher – Behaviour, Safety, Inclusion & Years 8 & 9 – Miss Emma Browne Admin Support: Mrs Claire Hulme (02392) 370351 Ext. 224 If you have an issue relating to Years 8 or 9 and would like to discuss this with Miss Browne please contact Mrs Hulme. She can also help with enquiries about Parents’ Evenings. Assistant Headteacher – Data, Assessment, Achievement & Years 10 & 11 – Mrs Hannah Brown Admin Support: Miss Hayley Collishaw (02392) 370351 Ext. 208 If you have an issue relating to Years 10 or 11 and would like to discuss this with Mrs Brown please contact Miss Collishaw. She can also help with enquiries about Parents’ Evenings. Page 16 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 SECTION E CONTACTING OUR SUBJECT LEADERS Page 17 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 Subject Leaders Subject Leader Subject E-mail Address Mrs C Gissing English & Drama cgissing@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mr R Gunn Maths and IT rgunn@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mr B Lloyd Science blloyd@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Miss N Aggett Modern Foreign Languages Physical Education naggett@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Miss L Hughes Ethics & Philosophy lhughes@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mrs C Faunch/Mr S Pykett Music cfaunch@purbrook.hants.sch.uk spykett@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Mrs L van den Braak Miss M Harris/Mr D Art & Photography Kirby Ms J Summers Mr R Wills mharris@purbrook.hants.sch.uk dkirby@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Design & jsummers@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Technology inc Food History & rwills@purbrook.hants.sch.uk Geography Page 18 Who’s Who – Mar 2013 lvbraak@purbrook.hants.sch.uk
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