DOC-028: How to view videos within InfoSys+ Kantar Media Spain 08/03/2013 INDEX 1 ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. 3 2 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 4 3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 5 4 IMAGES OUTPUT .................................................................................................................................. 6 5 VIDEO NAMING REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 7 6 TELLING INFOSYS+ WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE VIDEOS ........................................................................ 8 7 HISTORY .............................................................................................................................................. 10 1 ABSTRACT This document will help you to setup InfoSys+ and format and staore your videos in order to be able to play them from within the application. 2 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS Our integrated TWMPlayer can read both wmv and avi files, but may encounter certain issues with the latter, depending on the used codecs, therefore we recommend to work exclusively with wmv files. 3 INTRODUCTION In order to view videos, Infosys + offers the possibility of an Images report. Its output shows a graph with whichever units you’ve chosen and, in header, a video of what was broadcasted on that day, hour and channel, should the multimedia file exist and being properly named and pointed to within PathCfg.XML in the installation’s Config folder. 4 IMAGES OUTPUT This output allows you to define the offset (time range) between which you want InfoSys+ to search for videos in your predefined multimedia folders. The other options of the template will allow you to define the selected channel(s) and region(s) which is necessary information for InfoSys+ to extract the wanted images: Next screenshot shows an example of this output: 5 VIDEO NAMING REQUIREMENTS Videos must be placed in a path of folders named as follow: ViAAAABBBB, where AAAA is the channel code as reported by the data provider and BBBB is the year containing this particular video (i.e.: Vi00012013) ViAAAABBBBCC, where CC is the month of the year (i.e.: Vi0001201302) ViAAAABBBBCCDD, DD being the day of the month (i.e: Vi000120130228) The videos themselves must follow this detailed convention: ViAAAABBBBCCDDEEEEEEFFFFFGGGGHH ViAAAABBBBCCDD is once again Channel code, Year, Month and Day EEEEEEE is the start time in HH:MM:SS FFFFFFF is the end time in HH:MM:SS GGGG is the region code associated to this video HH are reserved bytes for future use (typically defaulting to 00) Here’s a complete example of the paths and video names, with the name detailed below: ..\Vi00012013\Vi0001201302\Vi000120130228\Vi000120130228023000023500000200.wmv Vi000120130228023000023500000200 0001 --> Channel code 20130228 --> English style date 02:30:00 - 02:35:00 --> Start and end times of the video 0002 --> associated region 00 --> free bytes for future use 6 TELLING INFOSYS+ WHERE TO LOOK FOR THE VIDEOS You can populate PathCfg.XML in the installation’s Config folder, that allows InfoSys+ to know where to look for the videos, either from the interface, either manually by editing the XML. a. From the interface: You can specify the videos path by channel from the Configuration Panel. To do so, click on Data in the Setup part, then choose Channels in the new dialog. Your list of channels will appear under the column TV Channels and you can choose which channel to edit by clicking on the right arrow, which will trigger a dialog asking to specify the associated videos path: You’ll have to fill up the line with the valid route where you choose to set your ViAAAABBBB folder such as: "\\scg-capwm-01\Video\Vi0001\ADNC0893V0048A\Vi00012010\" The grayed out part of the Path value is your selected route. As you may notice in the example, the folder referenced here is the one from 2010. InfoSys+ actually needs only the reference of one year to find out the videos from other years, so you won’t have to reference each next and previous ViAAAABBBB, like Vi00012011 or Vi00012009. If later on, you want to modify the selected path, you can do so by choosing an existing channel with videos and click modify: b. Manual edit of PathCfg.XML: As explained, you can also modify the information directly in the XML, following this editing method: <Channels> <Path value = "\\scg-capwm-01\Video\Vi0001\ADNC0893V0048A\Vi00012010\" name = "TVE1" idChannel = "1" idChannelPath = "1"/> </Channels> The Path name is just for your ease of use and won’t impact the calculations. idChannel and idChannelPath should be the same as the channel code that defines the AAAA part of ViAAABBBB. 7 HISTORY Version Author 1.0 KMSpain Date 08/03/2013 Comments Creation
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