Organica Jane’s Guide to Essential Oils INHALATION TOPICAL Inhalation: Place one (1) Total drop of Essential Oil in the palm of one hand, massage palms together and hold the hands a safe distance way from nose, close eyes and gently inhale. For Infants: Cotton Ball: Place 1 - 3 Total drops of Essential Oil on a cotton ball, place cotton ball just under nose and gently inhale. Place cotton ball in zipped, plastic bag to preserve and re-use. For Children, Elderly, Compromised Immunity, Thin/Fair Skin and Pregnancy: Diffusers: Place 20 – 30 Total drops of Essential Oil in the glass nebulizer of a cold-air diffuser. Use a timer and set to diffuse for 10 minutes every hour on the hour. * Do not add carrier oils to diffusers Steam Inhalation: Place boiling water in glass bowl, add one (1) 1 Total drop of Essential Oil to bowl filled with water, Then stir with spoon; cover head in a tent-like fashion with a towel, close eyes and inhale gently for 10 – 15 minutes. * Asthmatics should use caution with this method Blank Inhaler: Add 15 Total drops of 1 or 2 Essential Oils to a blank cotton wick, drop the wick inside the tube and click on the bottom to seal; place the inhaler at the edge of the nostril, gently inhale. Blend one (1) Total drop of Essential Oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil or natural unscented lotion. 1% Dilution: Blend 5 - 6 Total drops of Essential Oils with 1 ounce of carrier oil or natural unscented lotion. For Daily Use, Massage, Body: 2% Dilution: Blend 10 – 12 Total drops of Essential Oils with 1 ounce of carrier oil or unscented lotion. For Acute Illness or Injury: 3% Dilution: Blend 15 - 18 Total drops of Essential Oils with 1 ounce of carrier oil or unscented lotion. 2013 Copyright Organica Jane – Page 1 INTERNAL Dilute with 1 Tablespoon honey or pure maple syrup when adding to drinking water or hot tea. * Avoid with children 0 – 5 years old . CARRIER OILS: Castor Oil, Grape seed oil, Jojoba, Olive oil, Sweet almond oil, V-6 Mixing Oil (Young Living) BATH: Essential Oils are not completely soluble in water. For baths, blend 5 Total drops of Essential Oil with 1 ounce of castile soap (Dr. Bronner’s). Then shake well, and then pour in to bathtub. ROOM SPRAY: For every 1 ounce of water, add 5 – 6 Total drops of Essential Oils. Shake well before using. Avoid direct eye contact. CLEANING: In a 32 oz spray bottle, add 1 cup white vinegar, then water; add 20 – 30 Total drops of Essential Oils. Shake well before using. Avoid direct eye contact. SAFETY: 1. Avoid direct eye contact; in the event of eye contact, place a few drops of carrier oil on a cotton cloth, close eyes and wipe away 2. Avoid using perfume or fragrant oils for Therapeutic use 3. Keep essential oils, diffusers and burners out of reach of children and pets 4. Citrus essential oils are photosensitive and may cause a rash or dark pigmentation on skin exposed to direct sunlight or UV rays within 12 hours after application. 5. Avoid direct eye contact when using Essential Oils. Do not handle contact lenses or rub eyes after handling Essental Olis. 6. Vary Essential Oils that are used and diffused 7. Never drop Essential oils in the ear 8. During Pregnancy, dilute Essential Oils at 1%; avoid using essential oils during the first trimester of pregnancy. 9. Do not place the following Essential Oils around the mouth or nose of children 5 years and younger: Basil, Eucalyptus dives, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Laurel Leaf, Myrtle, Peppermint, Ravintsara, Rosemary ct camphor, Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). 10. Use caution with the following Essential Oils: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass, Melissa, Oregano, Peppermint, Thyme ct carvacrol, Thyme ct thymol, Wintergreen as they are irritating to mucous membranes and can cause skin irritation. 11. Store essential oils in cool, dark place, away from heat and light CARRIER OILS: ESSENTIAL OILS: ESSENTIAL OIL DIFFUSERS, BAGS, BLANK INHALERS: Abundant Health at GLASSWARE: JOJOBA: massage therapy . essential oils . natural living 2013 copyright Organica Jane
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