Cleaning with Essential Oils Recipes All Purpose Cream Cleaner 2/5 cup – 3oz of baking soda ½ cup – castile soap 10 drops essential oils Shake before each use All Purpose Spray Cleaner Mix equal amounts of vinegar and distilled water Add 20 drops of your favorite antiseptic or antibacterial essential oil Shake before each use Cleaning Wipes Version 1 1 roll premium paper towels 2 cups warm water 2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil 3 drops On Guard Protective Blend 3 drops Lemon essential oil 1-2 tablespoons On Guard Foaming Hand Wash An airtight storage container Instructions: Cut paper towel in half widthwise with a serrated or electric knife. Use half the roll now, and half later. Combine water, fractionated coconut oil, essential oils, and On Guard Foaming Hand Wash in a small bowl. Pour the mixture over the paper towels and then cover with the airtight lid letting the mixture absorb for 10 minutes. Turn the container over and let sit for another 10 minutes. Remove and discard the cardboard middle. Just pull the wipes from the center when you are ready to use. Cleaning Wipes Version 2 ¾ cup vinegar ¾ cup water 20-30 drops of essential oils of your choice (Recommended melaleuca, lemon, wild orange, or purify) T-shirt squares Mason jar or other glass container Combine liquid ingredients in Mason jar. Cut cotton fabric or t-shirt into squares (10x10). Add pre-cut clothes to jar and press down firmly. Secure lid and tip jar upside down for a few minutes to thoroughly moisten wipes. To use: wring out cloth into jar, wipe down surface, wash, and re-use! Garbage Disposal Refreshers 2 cups baking soda 1 cup salt 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup liquid castile soap (any scent) 30 drops Lemon essential oil Directions: 1. Combine baking soda and salt into bowl. 2. Add castile soap and essential oil into mixture. 3. Add water 1 tablespoon at a time while stirring with hands until it forms into the consistency of “damp sand”. It should stay together when you press it together. If you add too much water just add some more baking soda and salt until the consistency is right. 4. Grab a tablespoon measurement device and scoop packed spoonfuls onto parchment paper 5. Once the mixture has been scooped, let dry for 24 hours or until they are hard. One batch should make about 36 garbage disposal refreshers. 6. Put into glass jar and use the next time you do dishes! Just put 1-3 refreshers into the garbage disposal and turn it on. You will immediately smell the refreshing Lemon essential oil. Toilet Bowl Cleaner ½ cup white vinegar 5 drops essential oil ½ cup baking soda Combine vinegar and essential oils in a large pitcher or toilet bowl. Then add in the baking soda – add to toilet bowl if you haven’t already - and stand back! Mixture will foam, allow to sit for a couple of minutes and then scrub toilet bowl. Room Freshener Fill a spray bottle with 10-20 drops of essential oils, depending on the size of the bottle. Use to refresh fabrics like bedding or rugs **It is recommended that you use glass spray bottles or containers when using essential oils. It is especially important if you are using citrus oil, as it may eat through a plastic container. **If you get an oil in your eye, do not try to wash it out with water. Use a carrier oil to clear it out of your eyes. Personal Care Recipes Body Butter ½ cup Shea Butter (can be found on 1 cup coconut oil ½ cup Fractionated coconut oil or almond oil 30 drops essential oil of your choice (recommended: peppermint & lime) Double boiler Using double boiler, combine all ingredients except essential oils and slowly melt. Once melted, let sit for 5 minutes and then add in essential oils. Stir. Put mixture in refrigerator or freezer to solidify. Once solid, beat mixture with a stand or hand mixer until fluffy. You’re done! Store in a glass jar. *This recipe is easily customizable to what you like. You can change the type of oils and butters, but keep same ratios. Sweet & Salty Body Scrub *This recipe is easily customizable. Include salt & sugar or only one. Ratio should be 1:1 with sugar/salt and liquid oil (not essential oils). But feel free to add more salt/sugar if it is too oily for your liking! ½ cup sugar and/or salt (brown sugar, turbinado sugar, white sugar Epsom salt, Pink Himalayan salt, etc.) ¼ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil, almond oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, or another of your choice 15-20 drops of essential oils Combine all ingredients in a glass container until well combined. To use: apply a small amount to hands or other body parts and scrub for 30 seconds. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Deodorant ¼ cup aluminum free baking soda ¼ cup arrowroot (can substitute corn starch) 3-5 tablespoons coconut oil 1 oz melted Shea butter 15 drops essential oils (recommended: melaleuca, purify, lemongrass) 1 empty deodorant container Combine baking soda, arrowroot, and essential oils into a bowl. Combine coconut oil and Shea butter one tablespoon at a time until mixture reaches desired consistency. _Press firmly into empty deodorant container and let oils solidify (may put in refrigerator for this step). Apply as needed. **It is recommended that you use glass spray bottles or containers when using essential oils. It is especially important if you are using citrus oil, as it may eat through a plastic container. **If you get an oil in your eye, do not try to wash it out with water. Use a carrier oil to clear it out of your eyes. For more information please contact: JoAnna Holt 615-417-2506
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