Annual Council Meeting Minutes 2012 (Unapproved) CD2 - Council Document 2 Please keep this document safe, you will need it to participate in BYC’s Annual Council Meeting 2013. If you need this document in another format contact or on 020 7250 8373 CD2 Minutes of the British Youth Council Annual Council Meeting 2012 (Unapproved) 1st September 2012 Cardiff Welcome and Introductions. Marc Kidson, Chair: o o o o Welcome and introductions of key members of board and event team Housekeeping, first aid Equal opportunity statement Welcome first time delegates and encourage positive atmosphere Marc Kidson explained the key purpose of ACM 2012: o o o Accountability: The presentation of the annual report and financial accounts. Elections: officers and ordinary trustees Policy : debate and votes for policy motions put forward by the membsership to join our 2012-2014 manifesto 2011 Minutes – presented for approval by the meeting. Marc Kidson presented the ACM 2011 minutes for approval by the council and they were approved. Reports and Finance. Marc Kidson introduced Liam Preston, outgoing chair, to present the trustee report and the finance report in the absence of the treasurer Thomas Turrell. Questions put to the chair were: 1. As chair what do you feel BYC’s greatest achievement has been this year? 2. What policies have the board put in place to diversify funding streams/income? 3. Trustee Board. What are you doing to positively empower women to stand for democratic election? In response to question 1 Liam said BYC’s work in facilitating young people directly engaging with government officials, including a critical role, truly representing what young people think. In response to question 2 Liam explained firstly by increasing partnerships with the private sector, secondly by increasing income from events, training and consultancy, and lastly discussions are ongoing about setting up a trading company. In response to question 3 Liam explained that until this year, 50% of candidates available for election have been female. From this members elect who they want to be on the Board of Trustees and the decision is out of the Board’s hands. Having reserved places for women has been discussed but the membership decided against it. He said it was disappointing that there were fewer female applicants this year. It is an ongoing discussion that the board needs to work on with the members. Election of BYC Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair Finance, Vice-Chair Campaigns and Communications, Vice-Chair Participation and Development Marc Kidson introduced Ewan McDonald as Deputy Returning Officer (DRO) for elections and handed the next part of the meeting over to him. Ewan McDonald introduced the election and how it would run, including the following points: o o Treat candidates with respect. Each officer candidate will have three minutes to make a speech and will receive a warning when they have thirty seconds remaining. Page 2 of 8 o o o o There is an opportunity to ask questions directed at all candidates – sheets for putting forward questions are provided on the tables and they should be handed to BYC staff on the floor. Candidates will have two minutes to answer questions. How you vote using the STV system. Candidate called RON – this stands for re-open nominations and you have the right to vote for this candidate. The Speeches Chair of Board o o o Ben Mallon Rosina St. James RON Questions collected from the floor and asked as described above. Vice-Chair - Finance o o Dan Derricot RON Questions collected from the floor and asked as described above. Vice-Chair - Campaigns and Communications o o Dara Farrell RON Questions collected from the floor and asked as described above. Vice-Chair - Participation and Development o o o o o Josh Cape: Read by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Josh’s behalf Sam Hale Michael Li Carly Walker-Dawson RON Questions collected from the floor and asked as described above. The vote collection Ewan McDonald announced that we now collect the ballot papers. Key Points: o o o o Everyone asked to hold the ballot papers in the air against their delegate voting card and with their wristband visible. Ballot box is shown empty to the council floor and then sealed. Door stewards seal the doors and do not allow anyone in/out while the ballot papers are being collected. Candidates are reminded that they will be able to send an observer to the count. Policy Debate Marc Kidson takes back chair and informs the council that we are now going to discuss the first of the new policy motions that have been submitted by BYC members for inclusion in the manifesto 2012-2014. Key Points Covered: How the Manifesto is used by the BYC. Page 3 of 8 The order of the motions was chosen by members prior to the ACM using our new online voting platform. We hope to discuss and vote on all of the motions in the time available but if we are unable to, the remainder will be referred to the Policy Response Group for a decision as normally happens between ACMs. Each motion has a 2 minute proposition speech, followed by the opportunity for a 2 minute speech against the motion. After that, 1 minute speeches will be taken, alternating between for and against the motion. There is also the opportunity for a 1 minute summation speech by the proposer if they wish to take it. Encourage members to keep their contributions succinct so that we can cover all the motions – the time allowed for speeches is a limit, not a target. If you wish for clarification or to submit a procedural motion please use the form provided and submit it to Ian and David. Motion 17: Youth Unemployment. Proposer for the motion: Wandsworth Youth Council gave two minute summation in favour for the motion. Proposer of amendment: Youth Action Kouncil gave a two minute summation in favour of their amendment. No speech against the amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the add amendment. Passed. No speech against the whole motion. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Internal Policy Motion Reigate and Banstead Youth Council gave a two minute summation in favour of their motion. NUS gave a two minute summation in favour of their amendment. No speech against the amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the amendment. Passed. Two minute speech against the full motion by Liam Preston, BYC Board. No further speeches. The vote was collected against the motion. Failed. LUNCH Marc Kidson hands stage back to Ewan McDonald to announce results of officer elections. BYC Chair: Rosina St. James duly elected with 64 votes. BYC Vice-Chair – Finance: Dan Derricott duly elected with 104 votes. BYC Vice Chair – Campaigns and Communication Dara Farrell duly elected with 100 votes. BYC Vice-Chair – Participation and Development: Carly Walker-Dawson duly elected with 57 votes. Ordinary Trustee Election: Page 4 of 8 Ewan McDonald explains the ordinary trustee election. Explained that Rosina and Dara’s names are to be scored through as they have been elected in officer elections. The Speeches (2 minutes each) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Alastair not in attendance, no speech given Andy Gallant Ben Mallon Carl Konadu Chris Neal Clare McAvinchey Edison Huynh Emma Toal Danni Benbaw not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Danni’s behalf. Fergal Murphy not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Fergal’s behalf. Jack Green Jonathon McCormick not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Jonathon’s behalf. Josh Cape not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Josh’s behalf. Kyle Thornton not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, Returning Officer, on Kyle’s behalf. Michael Li Mita Desai Moy McKayle not in attendance, speech given by James Cathcart, returning officer, on Moy’s behalf. Rory Copeland Questions collected from the floor. The vote collection Ewan McDonald announced that we now collect the ballot papers. Key Points: o o o o Everyone asked to hold the ballot papers in the air against their delegate voting card and with their wristband visible. Ballot box is shown empty to the council floor and then sealed. Door stewards seal the doors and do not allow anyone in/out while the ballot papers are being collected. Candidates are reminded that they will be able to send an observer to the count. Ewan McDonald hands back the chair to Marc Kidson. Policy Debate Motion 8: Defending our members future Proposer for the motion: NUS gave a two minute summation in favour of the motion. Proposer of amendment: UNITE gave a two minute summation in favour of the amendment. Herts 11-25 gave a two minute speech against the amendment. Page 5 of 8 Woodcraft Folk gave a one minute speech for the amendment. The Scout Association gave a one minute speech against the amendment. NUS gave a one minute speech for the amendment. Stroud District Youth Council gave a one minute speech against the amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the amendment. Passed. Liberal Youth gave a two minute speech against the whole motion. NUS gave a one minute speech for the whole motion. Milton Keynes Youth Service gave a one minute speech against the whole motion. UNISON gave a one minute speech for the whole motion. Young NCB gave one minute speech against the whole motion. NUS gave a one minute summation for their whole motion. The vote was collected in favour of the full motion. Passed. Motion 13: Support for uniformed organizations Proposer for the motion: The Scout Association gave a two minute speech for their motion. Proposer for the amendment: NUS gave a two minute speech for their amendment. UK Youth Voice gave a two minute speech against the amendment. NUS gave a one minute speech for their amendment. Girlguiding UK gave a one minute speech against the amendment. NUS gave a one minute summation for their amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the amendment. Passed. Girlguiding UK gave a two minute speech against the amended motion. No summation. The vote was collected against the amended motion. Failed. Motion 14: Stop police privatization. UNISON gave a two minute speech in favour of their motion. No further speeches. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Motion 1: Restore face-to-face careers advice. Centrepoint Parliament gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. YAK gave a two minute speech proposing their amendment. No speech against amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the amendment. Passed. No further speeches. The vote was collected in favour of the amended motion. Passed unanimously. Motion 18: Support equal marriage. Wolverhampton Youth Council gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. Herts 11-25 gave a two minute speech against the motion. Woodcraft Folk gave a one minute speech in favour of the motion. Wolverhampton Youth Council gave a one minute summation. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Motion 4. Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide Liberal Youth gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. Page 6 of 8 Girlguiding UK gave a two minute speech against the motion. Young NCB gave a one minute speech for the motion. Woodcraft Folk gave a one minute speech against the motion. The vote was collected against the motion. Failed. Motion 2. Support skills from informal learning. The Scout Association gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Motion 7. Better access to training for young people. National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. No further speeches. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Motion 10. Business/Political Education. Reigate and Banstead Youth Council gave a two minute speech proposing their motion. NUS gave a two minute speech proposing their amendment. The vote was collected in favour of the amendment. Passed. Newport Youth Council gave a two minute speech against the amended motion. Reigate and Banstead Youth Council gave a one minute summation for their motion. The vote was collected in favour of the amended motion. Passed. Motion 3. Internships. Liberal Youth opened the speech to the floor. NUS gave a two minute speech proposing Liberal Youth’s Motion. The vote was collected in favour of the motion. Passed. Procedural Motion. Received from FURY. The Chair’s decision was to presume only two minute speeches each to speed up the meeting. FURY proposed PM2a to change to decision to have more time to debate. The Chair put this procedural motion to the council. The vote was collected against the procedural motion. Failed. Procedural Motion 1: BYC Manifesto BYC Board spoke for moving the policies from the 2010-2012 manifesto forward to the 2012-2014 manifesto. The vote was collected in favour of the procedural motion. Passed. Election Results Marc Kidson hands the meeting to James Cathcart, Returning Officer, to announce the results of the ordinary trustee elections. Board of Trustee election results The following were elected as BYC Trustees for a two year term: Ben Mallon Chris Neal Clair MacAvinchy Mita Desai The following was elected as BYC Trustee for a one year term: Carl Konadu Page 7 of 8 Election of BYC Honorary Presidents: Marc Kidson explains the procedures for the Honorary Presidents election including the change in format to include RON. Marc calls for a two minute speech to propose Jenny Willot MP as Liberal Democrat candidate. Liam Preston deferred to NUS who gave speech for. No speech for RON. The vote was collected in favour of the candidate. Elected. Marc calls for a two minute speech to propose Nigel Evans MP as Conservative candidate. Liam Preston gave speech on behalf of the BYC Board. No speech for RON. The vote was collected in favour of the candidate. Elected. Marc calls for a two minute speech to propose Julie Hillings MP as Labour candidate. Liam Preston gave speech on behalf of the BYC Board. No speech for RON. The vote was collected in favour of the candidate. Elected. Closing Marc invites outgoing chair, Liam Preston, to give a speech and thanks. Marc invites CEO, James Cathcart, to give a speech and thanks to outgoing chair Liam Preston. Marc invites Rosina St, James, incoming chair, to give closing speech. ACM 2012 ends. Page 8 of 8
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