HOW TO GET A PH.D.: Methods and Practical Hints I-II (2011(2011-2012) Aarne Mämmelä, 20.10.2011 19/10/2011 2 Research methods: systems approach Aarne Mämmelä The systems approach, which is also called the holistic approach, is a complementary approach to the conventional analytical approach described in an earlier session. It is not meant to replace the analytical approach. The systems approach started to develop only in the 1950’s, including systems analysis and systems engineering. It is not yet at all complete due to challenges met. A system is a set of parts so related as to form a whole with a certain purpose. Most manmade systems are hierarchical and modular with a minimum number of interfaces between modules. The fundamental system resources include material, energy, and control information. (Continued) 1 19/10/2011 3 Research methods: systems approach Aarne Mämmelä (Continued) The aim of a designer is to use those resources as efficiently as possible. It is known that optimization of separate parts does not necessarily result in an optimal system. The performance is usually measured by functionality, reliability, convenience, and price. Systems are difficult to analyze because of the many interacting parts with many nonlinear feedback loops. On each hierarchy level there are some emergent properties that come from the interactions and they cannot be easily explained. Some deterministic systems are even chaotic unless they are designed carefully. The design of systems is not completely sequential but highly iterative. Some examples of fundamental problems will be briefly described. A chronology of scientific and engineering discoveries is briefly presented to demonstrate the importance of the history in improving of our awareness of our work. 19/10/2011 4 Summary of my lectures A doctor must be able to discover new scientific knowledge independently (lecture 1) Existing knowledge in the literature is best found through bibliographies, citations, and databases (lecture 2) All documents are written using a hierarchical top-down approach (lecture 3) The actual research is a learning process where the opposite bottom-up approach (analytical approach) is used (lecture 4) Also top-down approach (systems approach) can be useful to foster creativity and support learning (lecture 5) 2 19/10/2011 5 Scientific Method Note: the term ”analytical approach” refers to the breaking up part of the scientific method, the term ”bottom-up approach” to the combining part of the scientífic method 19/10/2011 6 Newton’s Method of Analysis and Synthesis 3 19/10/2011 7 19/10/2011 8 Axiomatic System Some Philosophy: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 4 19/10/2011 9 Research methods: systems approach Introduction Limitations of analysis Science and technology Definition of a system Reductionism and holism Measurement of performance Basic resources Analysis, simulations and experiments Order and hierarchy Fundamental limits and open problems History and roadmaps Researcher and organization Conclusions References 19/10/2011 10 Introduction 5 19/10/2011 11 19/10/2011 12 Introduction Methodological Approaches and Research Methods 6 19/10/2011 13 Introduction Systems approach (top down approach, holistic approach) is complementary to the analytical approach. Whole is more than a sum of its parts. Interactions between parts create emergent phenomena. Everything depends on everything. This is especially true for nonlinear systems which cannot be separated into independent parts. Integrating studies are necessarily crude. 19/10/2011 14 Analytical and Systems Approach In the analytical approach the relationships between parts are assumed to be weak and simple In the systems approach relationships are taken into account (emergence) 7 19/10/2011 15 19/10/2011 16 Balloon in a Car What happens to the helium balloon? Limitations of analysis 8 19/10/2011 17 Limitations of Analysis I. Newton 1687 L. E. Boltzmann 1884 K. F. Sundman 1912 19/10/2011 18 Limitations of Analysis [Bertalanffy99], [Checkland99], [Bohm00] World is fundamentally stochastic (as in quantum mechanics), but for engineering purposes it looks deterministic and causal although sometimes chaotic if studied carefully enough [Nagel79], [GellMann94]. 9 19/10/2011 19 Levels of Awareness [Skyttner05], [Arbnor97], [Checkland99] Man-made systems work on the lowest syntactic level (relationships between symbols) Engineers have not been able to tell to a computer the relationship of symbols with reality (= meaning) in the semantic level. 19/10/2011 20 Science and technology 10 19/10/2011 21 Technology: Natural Science and Engineering 19/10/2011 22 Sciences, Practices, and Technology [Wilson99], [Schwanitz99] 11 19/10/2011 23 Definition of a system 19/10/2011 24 What a System is [Hall62] System is a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unity or organic whole (for example, the solar system) a set of parts with relationships between the parts and between their properties 12 19/10/2011 25 Set--member and partSet part-whole relations [Honderich05] A whole consists of parts, properties, relations, and events. A process is a series of changes with some unity or unifying principle (time is the dimension of change). 19/10/2011 26 Classification of Systems Systems are divided into two classes [Pagels88] Hierarchical systems (serial organization, most engineering systems) Network systems (parallel organization, there is no top and bottom, much redundancy, for example brain) Our analytical tools are not valid in complex systems [Bertalanffy98], [Pagels88] Properties of a system depends on the parts and their relations (“everything depends on everything”, for example three-body problem in physics, two-body problem corresponds to a feedback system) Complex systems may have a chaotic behavior 13 19/10/2011 27 General Properties of Systems [Burrell79] System is identified by a boundary between the system and its environment System is essentially a process in nature Basic model includes input, throughput, output, and feedback Operation can be understood in terms of satisfaction of system needs System is composed of subsystems Subsystems have their own boundaries and have mutual interdependence Operation can be observed in terms of the behavior of its elements Critical activities are those which involve boundary transactions internally or externally 19/10/2011 28 Reductionism and holism 14 19/10/2011 29 Reductionism and Holism [Checkland99], [Honderich05] reductionism: theory that every complex phenomenon can be explained by analyzing the simplest, most basic physical mechanisms that are in operation during the phenomenon (scientific approach) holism: theory that whole entities have an existence other than as the mere sum of their parts (systems approach) emergence: occurrence of properties at higher levels of organization which are not predictable from properties found at lower levels [Nagel79], for example transparency of water, temperature of a gas, life, consciousness 19/10/2011 30 Example: System Theories in Communications [Wolfram02], [Checkland99], [Bertalanffy98], [White76], [Nau08] 15 19/10/2011 31 Measurement of performance 19/10/2011 32 Performance [Bock01], [amc03], [VIM] Performance metric (criterion) is a function (for example meansquare error) of a quantity whose output is performance Performance is the numerical value of the performance metric, to be compared with the performance requirement Performance requirement is desired performance value that describes some user need 16 19/10/2011 33 Trueness, Precision, and Accuracy, [amc03], [VIM] Trueness (small systematic error) Precision (small random error) Accuracy (small total error) 19/10/2011 34 Uncertainty [amc03], [VIM] Each statistical measurement result should be presented with three numbers: 1) average, 2) confidence interval, and 3) confidence level [Kreyszig83], these numbers represent the uncertainty of the measurement 17 19/10/2011 35 Accuracy and uncertainty [VIM] Accuracy “closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a measurand” Trueness “closeness of agreement between the average of an infinite number of replicate measured quantity values and a reference quantity value” Precision “closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values obtained by replicate measurements on the same or similar objects under specified conditions” Uncertainty “non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the quantity values being attributed to a measurand, based on the information used” Reference quantity value: “quantity value used as a basis for comparison with values of quantities of the same kind”, “a reference quantity value can be a true quantity value of a measurand, in which case it is unknown, or a conventional quantity value, in which case it is known” 19/10/2011 36 Basic resources 18 19/10/2011 37 Conversion of materials, energy, and information (signals) [Pahl07], [Asimov74] Three basic flows in any system include materials, energy, and information flow Systems are roughly divided into three groups (apparatus, machine, device) depending on the main flow Engine is a machine that takes energy from some material (burning or flowing) and turns it into work in the form of rotating motion Motor a machine that takes energy from electricity and turns it into work in the form of rotating motion 19/10/2011 38 A Basic Resource: Energy Origin of energy: nuclear energy (sun, ground heat) Energy conservation law: energy is constant in the universe Entropy law: available useful energy is reduced all the time (it will never increase) 19 19/10/2011 39 A Basic Resource: Material Origin of materials: nature Conservation of mass: mass is constant in the universe (actually energy and mass are conserved) Entropy law: materials can be partially reused 19/10/2011 40 A Basic Resource: Information Origin of information: human brain? Information is an immaterial resource Information flow refers to essentially the control information [Checkland99] Information flow is using energy (what about bottle post) 20 19/10/2011 41 Performance, Complexity, and Resources High performance and low complexity are closely related problems but somewhat conflicting aims High performance (priorities, throughput, reliability, delay, etc.) implies efficient use of resources Low complexity (number of parts and their relations) implies efficient use of resources 19/10/2011 42 Resources are Converted into Properties (1) [Checkland99], [Honderich05] Performance is the manner in which something reacts or fulfils its intended purpose, measures the efficiency in using the basic resources Complexity refers to the number of parts and their relations, measured by the amount of used resources 21 19/10/2011 43 Resources are Converted into Properties (2) [Checkland99], [Christensen03], [Honderich05] 19/10/2011 44 Analysis, simulations, and experiments with prototypes 22 19/10/2011 45 Analysis, Simulations, and Experiments (1) Analysis Simulation Prototype 19/10/2011 46 Analysis, Simulations, and Experiments (2) 1. Mathematical analysis (theoretical model) creates best scientific papers simple, mathematically tractable problem, must be often linear and random variables must be Gaussian (numerical results needed) 2. Simulations (numerical analysis of the theoretical model) complicated systems can be developed rapidly, but slow to simulate basic idea: lower level blocks are simplified and idealized (hierarchy) key problem: realistic models for the environment (e.g. channel) 3. Prototyping (empirical research) more convincing than “pure” simulations, not so flexible, slow and expensive to develop complicated systems environment (channel) simulators still needed (approximations!), field tests expensive, repeatability/reproducibility? 23 19/10/2011 47 Building a Prototype Build the prototype from complete components as high integration as possible Build a focused prototype instead of comprehensive prototype [Ulrich95] demonstrate the novel properties Build a scaled prototype [Honderich05] macroscopic or microscopic (miniature) model example: use 100 Hz instead of 1000 Hz (time scaled down by ten, spatial dimensions scaled up by ten) Build a virtual prototype simulation models are time-scaled models 19/10/2011 48 Order and hierarchy 24 19/10/2011 49 Order: Sequential Process [Bohm92] Different forms of order include 1) timeless order (e.g. crystal structure), 2) sequential order, and 3) generative order Sequential process is characterized by a regular sequence of events [Bohm92], [Honderich05] In project design this kind of process is called waterfall model where the project is divided into rather independent phases [Calvez93], [Leppälä03] 19/10/2011 50 Order: Generative (Iterative) Process [Bohm92] Iterative or generative process is an overall process from which the manifest form of things emerges creatively, internal interrelations are included, especially iterations In project design this kind of process is called spiral model: the whole process is repeated and each time the result improves [Calvez93], [Leppälä03] 25 19/10/2011 51 19/10/2011 52 V Model (V Cycle) [Calvez93] Different Hierarchies [Calvez93], [Simon96] Description Levels Nested Hierarchy Formal Hierarchy (layered pattern, successive layers) 26 19/10/2011 53 Fundamental limits and open problems 19/10/2011 54 What is Guiding Our Work Systems engineering History & roadmaps Fundamental limits System models, relationships, complexity analysis Reviews of literature Physical limits, optimal systems, performance analysis 27 19/10/2011 55 Fundamental Limits (about 18501850-1950) conservation of mass-energy (Lavoisier, Joule, Einstein) entropy law (Carnot, Clausius) absolute zero (Kelvin) – lowest temperature upper velocity limit (Einstein) – velocity of light uncertainty principle (Heisenberg) incompleteness theorem (Goedel) – axiomatic systems cannot be made complete (there are theorems that cannot be proven) speed of transmission of information (Nyquist, Shannon) Refs. [Lundheim02], 19/10/2011 56 Some Fundamental Engineering Problems Sun Information Energy Energy Nature Materials Energy Factory Information Products/ Services Waste Waste People People Problems: Distribution of information, energy, materials, products, and services, transportation of people, waste management, etc. 28 19/10/2011 57 Some Open Problems in Engineering General theory of systems (philosophy of technology, hierarchy theory) [Checkland99] Semantic information theory (Shannon’s statistical information theory does not cover the meaning of the information, only the amount of information) [Checkland99] Network information theory (statistical information theory covers only isolated links) [Cover91] Frame of reference problem (how a machine could decide the frame of reference or context) [Honderich05] 19/10/2011 58 Why are Some Design Problems Difficult to Solve? [Michalewicz04] no single performance metric that describes the quality of any proposed solution is available, but a set of performance metrics that should be weighted the number of solutions in the search space is so large as to forbid an exhaustive search for the best answer and the iterative methods (by trial and error) are too slow or unreliable to find the optimum solution the possible solutions are so heavily constrained that constructing even one feasible answer is difficult (reduction is used to simplify the problem and this adds an additional constraint) the performance metric is noisy or varies with time (need an entire series of solutions) our models may be too simplified so that any result is essentially useless some psychological barrier prevents us from discovering a solution 29 19/10/2011 59 History and roadmaps 19/10/2011 60 Example: History of Telecommunications [Haykin01], [Proakis01] 30 19/10/2011 61 19/10/2011 62 Cultural History [Boyer91] Legends (see previous page) 31 19/10/2011 63 19/10/2011 64 32 19/10/2011 65 Roadmap and Vision (for details of roadmaps, see [Kostoff01]) 19/10/2011 66 Tele-Immersion Tele( We define tele-immersion as that sense of shared presence with distant individuals and their environments that feels substantially as if they were in one's own local space. This kind of tele-immersion differs significantly from conventional video teleconferencing in that the user's view of the remote environment changes dynamically as he moves his head. 33 19/10/2011 67 Researcher and organization 19/10/2011 68 Researcher and Organization ROLE OF ORGANIZATION ROLE OF RESEARCHER 1. History and state of the art 2. Vision and roadmap 3. Fundamental principles and problems 4. Research problems and projects Problem Intial data collection (literature review) Tentative solution (hypothesis) 5. Marketing, recruiting, investing 6. Project plans 7. Research culture and education Analysis/ simulations/ experiments System model (prototype) Theory/paper (new knowledge) 8. Integration of results 34 19/10/2011 69 Structure of a Typical Research Project 19/10/2011 70 Researcher’s Work Positive: Intellectual pleasure [Feynman99], thrill, new knowledge, prestige [Hicks99], spirit of the scientific community: special research culture, freedom to think, suspect and criticize authorities, impersonal judgments of discoveries, integrity (= honesty) [Jain97], unique communication network [Jain97]. Negative: Jobs only in certain places, jobs may be temporary, work includes raising of funds, quality of work not straightforward to measure (citations have many weak points), sometimes rather narrow topics, guidance may be difficult to find, not all people understand the value of criticism but it is rejected 35 19/10/2011 71 19/10/2011 72 Conclusions Conclusions (1) 36 19/10/2011 73 Conclusions (3) use bottom-up (inductive) approach in research, which is essentially a learning process use top-down (deductive) approach in technical documents (reviews, monographs), this will make the presentation compact and easy to follow for experts (use IMRAD structure) use bottom-up approach in teaching (tutorials, textbooks), and integrate results by using the top-down approach remember that a doctoral thesis is not a textbook (writing a textbook is a large challenge), write the thesis for experts in the field 19/10/2011 74 Summary of my lectures so far General hints use bibliographies to improve your efficiency in literature reviews (start from books and reviews, see the introduction of original papers) learn the terminology, write a classification (taxonomy) for the state of the art, and see historical trends define a problem and hypotheses (use bottom-up empirical-inductive approach, make experiments early in your project) start to outline the paper right from the beginning (there will never be “more time”), emphasize good organization, use top-down deductive approach in documents reserve time for all phases in your project plan 37 19/10/2011 75 References (1) [amc03] “Terminology – the key to understanding analytical science. Part 1: Accuracy, precision and uncertainty,” AMC Technical Brief, September 2003 ( I. Arbnor and B. Bjerke, Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge, 2nd ed. Sage Publications, 1997. I. Asimov, Words of Science and the History behind Them. London: Book Club Associates, 1974. P. Belliveau, A. Griffin, and S. Somermeyer (Eds.), The PDMA Toolbook 1 for New Product Development. John Wiley & Sons, 2002. W. Bennis and P. W. Biederman, Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration. Addison Wesley, 1998. L. von Bertalanffy, General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, revised ed. New York: George Braziller, 1998. P. Bock, Getting It Right: R&D Methods for Science and Engineering. Academic Press, 2001. 19/10/2011 76 References (2) D. Bohm and F. D. Beat, Science, Order and Creativity. Bantam Books, 1987. C. B. Boyer, A History of Mathematics. Wiley, 2nd revision edition, 1991. G. Burrell and G. Morgan, Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. Ashgate, 1979 J. P. Calvez, Embedded Real-Time Systems: A Specification and Design Methodology. John Wiley & Sons, 1993. P. Checkland, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice: A 30-Year Retrospective. Wiley, 1999. C. M. Christensen, Innovators Dilemma. HarperBusiness, 2003. T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory. Wiley, 1991. R. P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out. Perseus Publishing, 1999. D. D. Gajski, Silicon Compilation. Addison-Wesley, 1988. M. Gell-Mann, The Quark and the Jaguar. W. H. Freeman and Company, 1994. A. D. Hall, A Methodology for Systems Engineering. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1962. S. Haykin, Communication Systems. 4th ed. Wiley, 2001. 38 19/10/2011 77 References (3) D. Hicks, “Six reasons to do long-term research,” Research and Technology Management, pp. 8-11, July-August 1999. T. Honderich (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, 2nd ed. Oxford Univ Press, 2005. R. K. Jain and H. C. Triandis, Management of Research and Development Organizations: Managing the Unmanageable. John Wiley & Sons, 1997. G. Klir, Facets of Systems Science, 2nd ed. Springer, 2001. R. N. Kostoff, “Science and Technology Roadmaps,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 48, pp. 132-143, May 2001. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1983. K. Leppälä et al., Professional Virtual Design of Smart Products. IT Press, 2003. Lars Lundheim, “On Shannon and ‘Shannon’s Formula’,” Telektronikk, vol. 98, no. 1-2002, pp. 20-29, shannonLarsTelektronikk02.pdf. 19/10/2011 78 References (4) Z. Michalewicz and D. B. Fogel, How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics, 2nd ed. Springer, 2004. E. Nagel, Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanation. Hackett Pub Co, 1979. R. Nau, BA 513: Ph.D. Seminar on Choice Theory, Fall 2008. Lecture notes, Duke University, Durham, NC, available at H. Pagels, The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988. G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J. Feldhusen, and K. H. Grote, Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach, 3rd ed. Springer, 2007. J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2001. D. Schwanitz, Bildung: Alles was man wissen muss. Frankfurt, Germany: Eichborn, 1999. H. A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd ed. MIT Press, 1996. L. Skyttner, General Systems Theory, 2nd ed. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2006. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1996. K. Ulrich and S. Eppinger, Product Design and Development. McGraw-Hill, 1995. 39 19/10/2011 79 References (5) [VIM] International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) ( D. J. White, Fundamentals of Decision Theory. North-Holland, 1976. E. O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. Random House, 1999. S. Wolfram, A New Kind of Science. Wolfram Media, 2002. 19/10/2011 80 Recommended Reading P. Checkland, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice: A 30-Year Retrospective. Wiley, 1999. A. D. Hall, A Methodology for Systems Engineering. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1962. L. von Bertalanffy, General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, revised ed. New York: George Braziller, 1998. (Originally published in 1971.) E. O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. Random House, 1999. 40 19/10/2011 81 VTT creates business from technology 41
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