HOW TO EXPORT CUSTOMER DATA TO EXCEL 1 14 15 16 1. Before beginning this procedure, you must contact Thermeon Customer Support and ask them to configure your user profile for this capability. This includes: a. Access to the Backup/Report server. b. Creation of a “tmp” directory underneath your home directory on the backup server. 2. At the time of this writing, this procedure must be performed on the Backup/Report server. You access this server via the CARS+Internet Switchboard. It will be the last item on the Switchboard menu (either item #7 or #8). Note that after making that selection, you will get a new switchboard. This switchboard will remind you that you are on the Backup/Report server. 3. From the Backup/Report server Switchboard, choose option #1, “Connect to Your Session”. Log in to CARS+ as you normally would. Note that the screen colors are different than they are on the main system. This is to remind you that you are on the Backup/Report server. 4. From the CARS+ Main Menu, access the Selected Customer Reports program either via the Customer Maintenance Menu or by typing CUSTRPT from any menu OPTION field. Once in that program, the following fields must be set as shown. All other fields may be set at your discretion in order to get the subset of data you desire. Please consult the CARS+ Manual if you do not understand the effect the various fields will have on the report. Report Type 1 Print/Display Create Flat File? Field Delimiter P Y T (1=personal data,2=sales data,3=credit card data, 4=employer data,5=ticket/damage data) (S=spaces, T=tab, C=comma) 5. This will both create the export file and print the report to your report printer. If you do not wish to have a printed copy, either change your printer to /dev/null or switch off your printer. If you switch off your printer, you will also need to delete the print job from the Windows print spooler when CARS+ is done printing. If you do not know how to change the printer to /dev/null, please contact Thermeon Customer Support. 6. After pressing F1 to create the report and file, you will see a prompt “Enter Directory Path” on the screen where Field 16 would have been as shown: 14 Print/Display P 15 Create Flat File? Y ENTER DIRECTORY PATH: T (S=spaces, T=tab, C=comma) 17 Bad Customer Y (Y=include, N=exclude, O=only bad cust) 18 Include Privacy Customers? N 1BEGIN 2 3ERASE BUILDING WORK FILE... 4 5BACKUP 6 7HELP 8 7. When you see this prompt, enter: /home/xxx/tmp where xxx is your username. For example, if your username is abc1, then you would enter /home/abc1/tmp Make sure you type this in lowercase letters. Note that you will see this being entered on the very last line of the screen, which is the one that will be flashing “Building Work File”. Press the enter key after typing the appropriate directory path as described. This process will create a file called CSTRPT.TXT in the tmp directory underneath your home directory. 8. Exit from CARS+ and return to the Switchboard on the Backup/Report server. From the Switchboard, choose option #3, “Access Your Email Account”. You will then see the Pine Email Main Menu as shown below: PINE 4.44 MAIN MENU Folder: INBOX No Messages ? HELP - Get help using Pine C COMPOSE MESSAGE - Compose and send a message I MESSAGE INDEX - View messages in current folder L FOLDER LIST - Select a folder to view A ADDRESS BOOK - Update address book S SETUP - Configure Pine Options Q QUIT - Leave the Pine program Copyright 1989-2002. PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington. [4 messages expunged from folder "INBOX"] ? Help P PrevCmd R RelNotes O OTHER CMDS > [ListFldrs] N NextCmd K KBLock 9. Type the letter “C” to Compose a new email message (or you may use the arrow keys to highlight that option and then press enter. You will now see a blank email screen as shown: PINE 4.44 COMPOSE MESSAGE Folder: INBOX No Messages To : Cc : Attchmnt: Subject : ----- Message Text ----- ^G Get Help ^C Cancel ^X Send ^D Del Char ^R Rich Hdr ^J Attach ^Y PrvPg/Top ^K Cut Line ^O Postpone ^V NxtPg/End ^U UnDel Line^T To AddrBk 10. In the “To:” field, enter an email address for yourself (or one for your office) that is not connected to Thermeon (i.e. it does not have either “” or “” as part of the address). 11. Press enter until the cursor is in the “Attchmnt” field. With the cursor in this field, type <Ctrl-T> (hold down the Ctrl key and press the “T” key). This will display a file list as shown below. Use the arrow keys to highlight the entry which says “tmp dir” and then press enter. PINE 4.44 BROWSER .. (parent dir) .ssh (dir) .addressbook 2.3 KB base.tar.gz 382 KB .bash_logout 24 B .bashrc 124 B .emacs 333 B .pinerc 15 KB .screenrc 3.4 KB ? Get Help Dir: /home/msp mail tmp .bash_history .bash_profile dead.letter .pid .pinerc-msp .viminfo E Exit Brwsr S [Select] W Where is (dir) (dir) 2.6 KB 2.1 KB 342 B 314 B 6 B 14 KB 5.5 KB Prev Pg Spc Next Pg D Delete R Rename C Copy A Add 12. You will now see a screen similar to the one shown below. Use the arrow keys to select the entry for CSTRPT.TXT and press enter. PINE 4.44 .. (parent dir) BROWSER CSTRPT.TXT Dir: /home/msp/tmp 50 KB [ Select/View ".. parent dir" to return to previous directory. ] ? Get Help E Exit Brwsr Prev Pg D Delete C Copy S [Select] W Where is Spc Next Pg R Rename A Add 13. You will now see a screen similar to the following. You may optionally fill in the Subject field and a brief message. When done, type <Ctrl-X> to send the email message. You will be prompted if you really want to send the message. Answer “Y” to send the message. Then type the letter “Q” to quit the Pine email program. Again, you will prompted if you really want to quit; again respond with “Y”. PINE 4.44 COMPOSE MESSAGE Folder: INBOX No Messages To : Cc : Attchmnt: 1. /home/msp/tmp/CSTRPT.TXT (50 KB) "" Subject : Customer Report ----- Message Text ----Customer data for August 2003. ^G Get Help ^C Cancel ^X Send ^J Justify ^R Read File ^Y Prev Pg ^W Where is ^V Next Pg ^K Cut Text ^O Postpone ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell 14. After a few minutes, check your email program for the address you sent this email to. Open the email and instruct the program to save the attachment. If you are using Microsoft Outlook, you do this by clicking “File | Save Attachments”. Note that other email programs (such as Netscape or Eudora) may have different methods for doing this, so you may need to modify this instruction. Be sure to note the full path and directory name where you saved the attachment. 15. Start up the Excel program and click on “File | Open” or click on the corresponding icon (the one that looks like a file folder). When the File Open dialog box appears, click on the list arrow for the “Files of Type” and select “Text Files (*.prn, *.txt, *.csv)”. Then at the top, select the appropriate directory where you saved the attachment from the email in the previous step. The complete screen should be similar to the following: 16. Select the file CSTRPT.TXT and click “Open”. Excel will detect this as a delimited file as shown. 17. Click the “Next” button. Make sure there is a check in the “Tab” box as shown. 18. Click “Next”, then click “Finish”. 19. After manipulating the data as you desire, click “File | Save” or the corresponding icon (the one that looks like a diskette). When the File Save dialog click on the “list arrow” for “Save As Type” and select “Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls)” as shown below. This will save the file in Excel format.
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