Mini Symposium WBox2: Redox Biocatalysis Date: 24 October 2013

Mini Symposium WBox2: Redox Biocatalysis
24 October 2013
Dreijenplein 8, Building 316, Room C8, Wageningen
Novelties with respect to redox biocatalysis will be presented and discussed during the Mini
Symposium WBox2 at Wageningen University. Please find below the program and join to
discuss results, to find opportunities for collaborations, and to expand the view on current
research topics.
10:00 Willem van Berkel (BIC, WUR)
10:15 Dirk Tischler (EMB, TuBF)
11:00 Tomas Kuijpers (FCH, WUR)
11:30 Willem van Berkel (BIC, WUR)
Project GETGEOWEB – White Biotechnology
Inhibition of tyrosinase for food applications
Multi-copper oxidases from Aspergillus niger
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Marco Fraaije (BIC, RUG)
13:30 Thomas Heine (EMB, TuBF)
14:00 Maarten Jongsma (PRI, WUR)
Stereoselective biocatalysis
Artificially fused monooxygenases
P450-mediated biosynthesis of sesquiterpene
lactones and pyrethrins in daisy flowers
14:30 Break
15:00 Frank Hollmann (BOC, TuD)
Novel regeneration systems for oxidoreductases
15:30 Dirk Holtmann (DECHEMA, Frankfurt) Electrochemically driven biocatalysis
16:00 Anika Riedel (EMB, TuBF)
Enoate reductases from Rhodococcus
16:30 Caroline Paul (BOC, TuD)
NAD(P)-mimetics for enoate reductases
17:00 Drinks
If you plan to join the meeting, please email your contact details before 21th October to, so we can arrange sufficient snacks, coffee, and drinks.
De Nederlandse Biotechnologische Vereniging (NBV) is dé beroepsvereniging van professionals werkzaam in de
toegepaste Life Sciences. De 1000 leden zijn werkzaam op gebieden als farma, landbouw, voedsel, milieu en
industriële biotechnologie. Kennisuitwisseling en netwerken staan centraal bij ons. Meer informatie: