' ! r— f — . iim a^i^MB^^K^M ^ iiirr II « •PI i vliill I I M H»1 l>»a . r ; ** ^ ru-u-u-u-u~t/-u~u''M~t<~M~a~« i i * — »— "™»»»^^»» Obc Cent a Word Eack RESETS CommissioD Plan EXPECT Working Is OAK HALL BUILD- Successfully in Grand PIMPLES. BLACK Junction. building. Government LV AND TRY A BOWL OF OUR hot soup and chile concarne any time. Order now your home-made English per plum pudding, only 25 cents pound. Mrs. Little, 26 East Fourth as Good as DROP D. Lake avenue north. 629 YOU GET YOUR Miss Kelly's .MONf:.Y"S Parlors, Halrdressing Directed Verdict. Judge Ensign of the district court this morning directed a verdict in favor of the Duluth Crushed Stone com- Todd. BROS. 121» East Seventh street. lodg^*, TO THE CHURCH CONGREGATION OR PARISH THE LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES. No. 188. A. F. and A. M., held last night Walter N. Totfor the coming year. DISTRICT NO. DISTRICT NO. FARM A EAR.V OF WISCONSLNS loam s-t»jl; level; Winters .supplies free. near town. G. A. McDermld, Eau Claire. Wi^i. FOR. SALE— GOOD TEAM. WEIGHS 5718 Grand avenue. 2,»00 pound»i. best land; rich clay "Through the direct legislation and ChrlNtuMis IJHta of the Poor. the people have the power to Courtenay Dinwiddle, secretary of The tne Associated Charities, asks that control the affairs of the city. those who have lists of people needing government of the city will now be Christmas aid send them In to the ofJust as good as the citizenship and no fices in the courthouse not later than We st Zenith 310 8. Duluth. .^ ^ :*•- r^ :<t government of at time were taken, and a charter was drafted combining what the citizens of Grand Junction considered the best features of all, with some new The charter is ideas of their own. liberal along municipal extremely that ownership « « '% form commission lines. In response to The Herald's question as to the reason for the change In Large furnished room: hot water heat, always warm; large closet; in new. modern, private residence table board near; Ea.st end; in must be .<een to be appreciated. Phone -Melrose 48^9. and reduced It to 27 mills." There has been no public sentiment for a return to the old system in Grand Junction and Mayor Todd says he sees nothing to condemn In the new plan in the short time it has been mills WA.\TEl»— AN E.XPERIE.NCED GROcery clerk. 9.12 East Fourth street.. MARRIAGES. in operation. Hans Honigman and Lulu Dalcour. BIRTHS. ATTEIITIUll — LUECK A daughter wa« born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lueck of 605 East Sixth — A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. Nelson of ^^19 West Sixth street Dec. DIETZ— son was born to Mr and R. Dietz of New Duluth Dec. WE P. prior to that date. 1 SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE on account of our having means through which you are receiving "more and better telephone service for less money," but because we give you the best Lon>? Distance and Local Service -at the .\ Mrs. SUBSCRIBERS Not only been the 3. — A son Bradley was born to Thomas Dec. Number sire call -street I>ec. 11. RR.\1>LEY I Our next Directory will go to press December 20th. Any changes you de- NELSC>N .Mrs. 12. Mr. and 2. lowest rates. Get your order in early and have your name in the new issue. Call Number 1 and our Solicitor will 1 call on you. DEATHS AND FUNERALS LaVIN — The funeral of Hjalniai .lohn ZENITH TELEPHONE Lavln. 21 years old, who died yester1 day the residence of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lavin, 827 West Third street, of typhoid fever, will take place Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence, and later from the Norwegian Lutheran church. Sixth avenue east and Third AVili — having been a nien.ber of the F. O. E. stolen. When ^ARD^OP^ THANKS. ^ TO TH.\NK OUR MANY Action to Recover Balance. friends and neighbors, the Painters' Before Judge Dlbell and a Jury In union and Samaritans for their kind- district court, Daniel J. Gutman and Ell ness and beautiful floral offerings Gutman are trying to recover 11,521.77, shown us during our late bereave- which they claim is due them on a bill xnent. the death of our father. of goods purchased by Frank and AnMR.'*. M. JENSEN A.VD CHILDREN. ton Klimek. Changed Their To H. Barnett, frame store. West Michigan street, between Eleventh and Twelfth avenues | 3,000 F. S. Gnilty. CI-Al'S violation of the city ordinance, was found guilty In municipal court yesterday afternoon. A fine of $25 was imposed. He is agent of the E. D. Humane Agent Flfer, as the result of statements made to him by a 17-year-old orphan girl. was discovered by the The girl humane agent walking the streets. She stated that her mother and father were dead, and told the humane agent a story which shocked even that official, hardened as he Is to such tales. He immediately swore out warrants for the arrest of Hullenbeck and Milguro. The girl's name is withheld. complaint of Dupont De Nemours Powder company. The findings were made upon the filings of stipulations of facts. The case will be appealed to test the validity of the ordinance. Dnluth-Made Rooks. Thwlng-Stewart Co., Phone 114. Held as Witness. Lizzie Crittenden, colored, the police station with her face a mass of blood and bruises last evening, to lodge a charge of assault against Otis Hance, she was not allowed her freedom. She was detained by the police as a witness. They hav-j had trouble In the past when complaints were made and the persons to making them failed COPPER MARKET COMPLETE 8ECO.\D AVE. HO.ME: B. copper market was dull and weak today until toward the close when short covering caused a slight rally. Values in most issues closed with net losses for the day. The curb The police court this morning will be tried this afternoon. and In and the local markets were especially weak, nearly all of the local stocks declining, some sharply. There seemed to be pressure to sell from tired holders. The steel business is dull and the copper trade shows a slight falling oil. The weakness In Steel common and BROWNS BRONCHIAL TROCHES Instantly relieve Hoarseness and Coughs. ^>^>^>^k^k^«^>^>^t^>^k^>^k^>^^^^^^S^^N^^^^^^^>^i F. O. E. , ST. P. sellers of copper are not dishold supplies for higher to Inprices and quotations in many stances have been shaved from 13c to We Dressed About one-half of these are Sleeping Dolls, the average length of these dolls is 12 inches, and most stores would get more than double our sale price. For this sale, (^^ %J> only Two Harbors was Spalding. Miss J. Pearson of Port Arthur is a guest at the Spalding. Miss J. Pearson of Port Arthur is a guest at the Spalding. M. Curley of Coleraine Is registered at the Spalding. Chase of Faribault is Louis. a guest at No' phone orders. the St. Louis. A. Smith of Hibbing Louis. at is at the St Dr. Albert J. Chesley, a representative of the state board of health, arrived in Duluth today to supervise the work of stamping out diphtheria in St. Mary's hospital, which was placed under quarantine by the city health department yesterday. Cultures will be taken from all patients in the hospital, the building will be thoroughly fumigated and no patients will be received until it is certain that no traces of the disease exist. Dr. Cheslev is working with Dr. H. E. Webster, health commissioner of the city, in the case of the hospital. put on sale twcnty-flve <28) fonr (4) piece Solid Oak Mlanlon t,lvlnK Ruvin Sets. We have these tfets finished In dull golden oak, mm., E.«riy Engllah ^ Early I!.nKiIsa antl fumed oak: these are not toys, but full sized pieces of furniture and upholstered spring seats: covered Boston leather: the settee has shaped back and measures 43 Inches long; these 0ats if sold by others In the regular way would cost from 128.50 to $33.50 per set: our special sale price, only (for four pieces) $-1 ii.85 14 The chairs alone in this set are worth at least $6 to $8 each. This is a wond>erfuI bargain and must be seen to be appreciated. There are only a few shopping days left before Chrlatmaar and our storks In all departments are most complete. We have everything from toys of all descriptions to the best china and furniture. See us before pla^ ing your ord'^r. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. -^ - -* ik-:r.«t9 — November's failure to show 1 last. more than a nominal reduction in production was a disappointment to tlie trade and the impression is creeping in Jan. ' that the much talked of production curtailment is something of a failure, or at least so far as the substantial results that were expected to accrue are concerned. The average dally production for 1910 to Aug. 1, the latter date being the time when curtailment Is supposed to have begun, was 3,944.098 pounds. A curtailment of 16 per cent would have reduced the average daily rate to 3.424,484 pounds, but as will be seen In the following table production has not as yet come anywhere near that level. Production ProduGtlon over Deliveries November October September August July EVEN HUMANE AGENT. June May Joseph Hullenbeck were arrested this . • 295.576 3.97S 435 4,079,654 ...3,98i.000 4,113.«97 ,3,818.387 ,4.240,^39 ,....3.975,563 3.015,921 3.S73.144 ,4,02o.446 3,750 f.89 307,47'^ 669,BS3 66.675 72,732 265,3:iS 694,898 605.310 and Fred Mllgure March . 626.676 afternoon on the February 311,596 1,396,864 January Ninety days wa» the time allowed for mine reduction to stiow In refined cop- Wherever there April is Pain apply an PLASTER Th* World'* Or«at«st Ixtomal ll«ni«dy. . . . . per output and that time has already elapsed without any more than a nomAlinal effect on the refined output. lowing for all prtaslble contingencies such as stocks at the refineries, imports, etc.. It would appear that if the curtailment does not appear in the December statistics the trade may as well make up lis mind that copper production has about reached its low MMM^MMfe mcmiaB * -• • ^^ j ^ pd. . Copper Queen Cordova, Cordova, pt. fl. & 22c 15c . 7 3 23 29% 6 1% Pittsburg . . Warrior Development 6% . Warren Development Superior 6% 50% pd pd Denn-Arizona Duluth & Moctezuma Giroux Sonsolidated Gfeene-Cananea — 13% HEALTH — — — . 1% 76c 7'/4 75c 75c 17c 8% 1% 1% Consolidated Toroda — -*^" .< *- WE WE . — — 22c 9 80c 1% 1% 70c 6 88c 25c POc 131 DR. A.DA.1VIS WEST SUPERIOR STREET. & CO., Over Happy Hour Theater. thousands of dollars in attempting to self, but many force the Federal government to pay friends. the famous 2 5-16 Soldiers' of his relatives and Durkee claims, died He home in Danville, 111., at the Dec. 12. died penniless and alone. The case had its inctpiion In — — WE HEAL AND CURE MEN! Guarantee Lasting Cures Wliere Otliers Only Promise *'Honest Treatment** WE POINT 'WITH PRIDE to the endless number of If you are suffering from any of the diseases or cures we have effected. Our success is the result of superior knowledge gained by years of conscientious study and exj^erience in diseases or weakness peculiar to men. cre. There is nothing doubtful or experimental about our method know of Jtfst better to be safe than sorry. treated We household synonym years owing to our long establishment in Duluth and to our remarkable suc- Longost EsttbUf^hed, Most cess In the treatment and cure Succeaiful and HcUable Bp«of the class of ailments that dalUt Id DUM»f3 'X Uon. constltut*d our specialty. For OTcr 20 rears In Duluth. We have Investigated and tested all known methods for the treatment and cure of diseases and weaknesses of men, which gives us the right to Judge between the false and the true between shallow pretension and solid worth between substance and shadow. Musty and ancient theories and methods cannot stand out against our advanced modes of treatment, against progressive medical science and undisputed evidence of hundreds and hundreds of All that expert skill, vast experience cases cured. p.nd scientific attainment can accomplish are now being done for those who apply to us for the help they been It Is All our professional dealings with our patients are as sacredly confidential between ourselves. treatment. We what can be done by our modern and advanced methods, and we do not hold out false inducements and promise more. Our name has for «i weaknesses peculiar to men, call and consult us In time. The least expense is always incurred through the early employment of genuine professional skill. It will cost you much less to secure proper treatment at the commencement than to experlnrc'nt and place yourself under the doubtful ability of a medio- a many — — need. do not publish testimonial letters, photographs or prices, thereby disclosing your secrets to the world. Men can repose confidence In us and our treatment and be restored to a healthful condition without receiving undesirable publicity. It has required years of conscientious study and experience to establish such a reputation. have been for over 20 years in Duluth, have spent $10,000 for the scientific equips nyent of our office. believe in fair dealings and We We honest methods, which together with our experience, iklll and ability, are the only qualifications and conditions that can really GUARANTEE a cure. We cure by the latest apd best m'.:'thods, RronchItU, Catarrh^ Dlseaaen of tbe Stomach, RhenmattNin, Ner«-oaa Die. eaaea. Lost A'ltallty, Obntmetlonii, Vartroae Velaa» Blood Poison, E><>xenia, Plmplea, Skin DUeases, Piles. Rupture, Kidney and Bladder Dlneaiies, and all Lla» verlnsr and Special Ulseasea of Men and their comf>lications in the Shortest Posulble Time, and at tha. owest cost for Sklllfol Service and Snceesstttl Treat* meat. CoBsnltatloa Free. Office only. Hours: 9 a. 1^'rtte If m. to yoo eanoot 8 p. m. ; •wV, call today. Sundays, 9 to 1 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION^ N«. 1 West Sapcrlor Stvacty Dalatk, MIbii. 0#voslte Fretmntk's Department Stor*. mmmimmu f "— fl. 30,441 York. The net result of the moveof the copper metal for the current calendar year to Dec. 1, has been a decrease in world's visible stocks of about 62,382.000 pounds. Of this decrease the United States has contributed 11,377,000 pounds and the foreign devisible 61.000.000 pounds. Total crease Is equivalent to approximately 16 per cent of world's stocks as of ment DIPHTHERIA 18 pt. pd.| Butte-Ballaklava Calumet & Arizona .... Cactus Development local New GIRL'S STORY SHOCKS We jr — OBITUARY W. .1. West, superintendent of the Hlbbing district for the Oliver Iron Mining company, is in town today. P. L. Ranquist of Coleraine is a guest W. to Able bodied, healthy, vigorous, ambi- of fistula aft'^r two operations by Duluth and Superior doctors had proven failures. Shortly after our cure, he married. Case No. 364 Mr. F. Cook, cured after he had spent $600 with various Duluth doctors. He also soon after got married and has brought at least twenty-five patients to our office In thankeye of the employer quickly chooses fulness. Cast- No. 606 Rev. Father K. man who looks healthy and strong. Michigan, was cured of lumbago, and Duluth the He kflnows that SUCCESS FOLLOWS says our methods suritass those of specialists of Chltago and Milwaukee whose treatments he had taken. Case IS Asked. No. 603 Mr. S.. brakeman. after docALSO REQUIRED tors of Duluth and Supt>riur had failed. 1% FOR REAL HAPCase No. 607 Mr. H., elenographvr and 18% PINESS. We have 2 shorthand writer, city, cured after three proved both in our home doctors had failed, the last of 4% successful p r a c them advising an operation. This cure 7% tlce here In Du60% luth. took but little time. He holds a much 26c better position since the cure. Further Men who were 22c has sent two brothers to us. Case No. down and out, or 60c 824 Mr. K.. meat cutter, cured after received low sal75c several doctors had failed, of chronlo aries, since cured 15-16 by us have been ulceration of both legs. These cases 2 ar«e but a few of the thousands we have promoted, and ana 6% able to hold We are busy, our offices are cured. 7% steady jobs. SUCcrowded. We succeed and make others 3% CESS HAS FOLLOWED health. Many to succeed and ilve happily. Do not go 24 of our former young men patients have to fakirs, who are either self-styled 29% gotten married after having made doctors, hire a doctor to protect them, 6% strong, healthy and well by been HAP- or hide under spurious firm names. Tlwey us. HAS FOLLOWED HEALTH. are sharpers after your money and "1% PINESS We do not publish names, but of the cure no one. 4% hundreds of patients, whome we have We are graduates of several univer24% cured, a goodly number have from pure sities and their medical departments. 13% gratitude, us to refer to them Are licensed physicians and surgeons. 1% any man Inasked ARE HERE TO STAY. DO doubt. Se we give a few 6% cases references. BUSINESS UNDER OUR OWN NAME as ilustratlons and 241 Mr. W., manager wholesale AND USE OUR OWN PHOTOGRAPH. 1% Case Duluth; cured after several doc- We cure men of any any all diseases. house, 85c tors here and in St. Paul had failed. Hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.. 7 to 8 nighta. 7% Case No. 362 Mr. C, attorney; cured Sundays, 11 to 1 noon. 78c Mm. Hanna J. Jack, aunt of Mrs. William H. Taft and sister of Judg© 1874. John W. Herron of Cincinnati, died In 2c when Charles Durkee, governor of Decatur. 111., Dec. 13, of pneumonia. 62c TTtah and an uncle of Blalsdell's wife, She was 89 years old. 6 died in Salt Lake City. His estate was 18c Family Han Close Call. 1% left in a tangle. Included itf the assets IH were bonds valued at many millions, 4-54 Linton, N. D., Dec. 13. (Special to 4% owned by Durkee. Leland C. Stanford The Herald.) Awakened by the heat 3 and Collis P. Huntington. As Mrs. 7.325. Plal.sdell was the only heir to the and smoke of a fire in the lower part estate, Blaisdell took charge of the of their home, the family of Chris Amalgamated sold at $63.62% to matter. He found the bonds had been George near here had a narrow escape $62.37% to $63.12% and then at $63, Issued on account of the building of from death. All slept on the second Butte Ballaklava at $7 to $6.75, Caluthe Union Pacific railroad. He main- floor, and the three children were met & Arizona at $51.75 to $50 to tained there was no record at Wash- rescued with at $6.87%, $50.25, Giroux greatest Greene at difficulty ington that the bonds had been paid through the upper windows?, beln^ $7.12%, North Butte at $29.50 to $29 for. Officials of the Union Pacific com- helped out by their father and taken to $29.25, Shattuck at $24.50, Superior Leonard C. Blaiiidell, who spent more pany asserted otherwise. & Pittsburg at $14 to $13.75. in charge by the mother when they than thirty-five years and hundreds of Blaisdell not only impoverished him- reached the ground. • * • The Boston News Bureau said today: of Virginia is a guest CLEARING UP 22c C HEALTH. I 1% . market was weak. Butte Mowitza Ballaklava sold at 17.25, Sierra at North American SI. 75, North American at $2.31*4 to Rawhide Royal $2.37%. Copper Queen at 15c, Denn at Summit $3.91^, Live Oak at San Antonio $4, $3.87 % and $23.25, Red Warrior at $1.81%, $1.56% St. Mary and $1.62^^, Shattuck at $24.62V^ to Sierra $24.37%, Butte & Superior at $7.50. Tuolumne Butte & Superior, old, at 75c and 77c Vermilion Steel & Iron. Calumet & Montana at 80c. Cliff at Total number shares $l.o/%, $1.75, $1.62% and $1.68%. The at the Spalding. Ed Syver.son of Ironton is registered at the Spalding. J. J. Driscoll of Winnipeg is at the S. • tons compared Elenita Development... with 24,028 tons in the same period Keating Gold Lake Sup. & Sonora... last year, an increase of 6,413 tons. amounted a Duluth visitor today. St. Butte Coalition Butte-Alex. Scott, Butte-Alex-Scott, Exports of copper for November, In- Cliff Southern and Pacific porta, Duluth Paul in the afternoon. A • American Saginaw Chief cluding Kennedy * Closing quotations on the Stock exchange, today follow: LiiHted Stovka Bid. electrification several Calumet & Montana... of the of branches of the New Haven railroad Calumet & Corbin has placed in abeyance large orders Calumet & Sonora of the red metal, which had been ex- Carman Consolidated.. Walter J. Smith and wife of Eveleth were In the city yesterday, Roing to the Dolls . EN WANTED! was A. 1.080 tons. P., « • * & of C. & Vnllated Stock* Brass manufacturers Amazon Montana have been buying sparingly and their Butte & Ely commitments for the near future are Butte & Superior exceedingly small. The postponement Butte & Superior, old.. pected. of S. 12%c a pound. terday. Ilug'h For Tomorrow Morning Put on Special Sale Several Dozen i> 1911 1, The report of the Butte & Supe- tious, brainy, strong men are wanted in rior company for November is attracting some attention. It shows a ton- every walk of life. Uncle Sam, the railnage milled of 11,160. The net earn- roads and other larger employers of ings of the company amounted to men require a physical examination of If this rate is maintained $26,834.35. they are given emthe company can meet its fixed applicants before Where examination is not charges and quickly accumulate a ployment. required the critical and experienced called. Large I Thomas Owens of the North Butte OJibway Red Warrior Savanna, pt. pd Savanna, fl. pd Shattuck-Arfzona posed St. and $1. • November production 965 tons ponding corres- Issues. other softness In Strength In the market which appeared at the close, appeared first in the Western rails, which rallied on short covering due to a report that the prospective strike of Western engineers will not be All members of Dnhith Acrle No. 70 and \isitlnir meinhern \\V\ assemble at the hall at 8:30 Wednesday mornlnfr \o attend the funeral W. * • Keweenaw Live Oak Dev Amalgamated today caused a H. Lawrence of Two Harbors is In the city on legral business. Guy A. Eaton went to St. Paul yes- FURNISHERS. AND SUPERIOR 1 as * * • Shattuck has declared dividend payable Jan. 20. I pearance to prosecute them. The officers say that the two have been living together and that they had a fight over a domestic difference. Hance, also colored. pleaded not guilty DULL AND WEAK IS D. I ContestBeginsDee.l3,19ie level, except for such falling off usually comes with cold weather." surplus for dividends. an ap- to put in guilty HEADai'ARTEHS. friends to help. Be Appealed. ' S.VXTA Here is an opportunity to help your cliurch Get busy and get your i^in a neiv piano. HALL-KREIDLER MUSIC CO and household goods from Kelly Furniture company, some time ago pleaded not to for. and Closes Feb. SEIMD ALL VOTES TO Full Address Implicated !n the thefts and who guilty, changed their pleas 100 Votes. to mention the :hurch you are voting » of furniture the purchaser to 2,000 will entitle the payer to Voting Coupon arrested John and William Kubickl, the two men who were F. will entitle the Niunc of Church our late brother, Jas. Carroll. Bring badges. W. E. BROWN, Pleas. payment thereon This Coupon Is good for 5 Votes when properly filled out and sent to Hail-Krcidler Music Co., 214 U'cst First St. of BUILDING PERMITS. initial charged with storing dynamite back of Duluth Heights in Callahan came back yesterday to try to get more money on It the proprietor of the pawnshop called the police. the all Orr, When The young man was employed WE WISH Case D. F. came as a clerk at the postofRce. Besides !Vor4hland Piinterj. his parents he is survived by five Good Printing. Call Zenith 494. brothers, all residents of Duluth. In. terment will be at the Lutheran Ttventy DayH in Jail. cemetery. John Callahan, arrested yesterday on CARROLL The funeral of James Carsuspicion of having stolen a watch roll. 50 years old, who died Sunday at the home of A. l»uff, 20 Seventh ave- which he p&wned, pleaded guilty to nue west, will take place tomorrow vagrancy in police court this morning morning from the cathedral, with in- and got $20 and costs or twenty days. terment at Calvary cemetery. He is He went over the hill, -\fter the watch survived by a brother In Texas. He had been pawn«ed it was reported as was r on a charge of keeping a house of Ill-repute, following a raid on her place on West Michigan street, between Eleventh and Twelfth avenues, when three couples were arrested on statutory bookings, was found guilty in police court yesterday afternoon after a trial. She was fined $100 with the alternative of sixty days in the county Jail. A stay was granted until Dec. 19. Woman CITY BRIEFS fail discomfort of pedestrains. CO., Lyceum Bids. 300 at street. In registering votes, don't 27. ^'oman Pound Anna Carney, Superior, including ^ Every $10 paid on old accounts Denied n Divorce. Harold E. Elden was denied a divorce from his wife, Charlotte D. Elden, yesterday, by Judge W. A. Cant. He alleged cruel and Inhuman treatment, but his claims were not substantiated. He la 33 years old and Mrs. and Votes. i.f '.» ' cities Purchasing a new piano and paying the Nearly forty cases have been continued over until the next term, which begins Jan. 4. is EACH DISTRICT REGISTERING of Duluth and Superior. — Comprises the 2— Comprises the territory surrounding Duluth 1 for Thursday. she IN HOW TO GET VOTES * Grand Junction, Mayor Todd writes: Cc<mplain of Caal Chnte. « "We are a progressive people and More complaints were made to the % want the best. The granting of some city authorities this morning relative * franchises here didn't good to the coal chute at th<. old Masonic % andthewe concluded we wouldlook niu.... temple building. Second avenue east % own affairs." close and Superior street. It in is # our•Quick action and economy are the to the building and when c«'al dust *• features of ilie new plan." Mayor Todd was unloaded there this morning it * writes. "We found a tax levy of i\ clew In all dIrecMons, to the great FOR RENT. BROS. Range towns. recall, All the different there Nov. 2, 1909. charters In effect In cities having the DRAPER Ionic Lodge Election. At the annual •meeting of Ionic West Superior s treet. GARMENTS TAILORED LADIES' ma<le to order; prices right; satisW. better," is the way Thomas M. Todd, Friday of this week. He also desires a Mrs. G. guaranteed. faction 115 West Superior street, mayor of Grand Junction, Colo., puts list of those that are being cared for Davis, over Wlelar.d'.«. by others so that the local societies his views on the commlBslon form of will not duplicate the work. «JET vol R WINTER HAT .NOW AT government. % price. East End Milliner. 705 East Jury CuacM Pininhed. Grand Junction is a city of about l-'ourth street. The jury calendar of the district 9,000 people and the first election un- court for this term Is about finished. FOR SALE— PAIR OF YOUNG MARF]S^ der the commission plan was held Twenty-four court cases have been set weigh 3,000 pounds. S. M. Kaner, 131 $300 ABSOLUTELY FREE DRAPER worshipful master; Warren E. Greene, senior wtrden; Carl E. Lonegren. Junior warden; Burr Porter, secretary. H. W. lUchardson is the outPlans for going worshipful master. and the date of the Installation ceremonies will be announced later. KLAUSEN, WORTH AT Minn. Carlton, at began sessions at Carlton on Oct. IS and Just finished his last case Monday. man, Says Mayor Citizenship/' street. KOR SALE— LUTE FISH. of court session Judge Cant action In the defendant the brought against U by August Davis, father of Stanley Davis, a minor, who. It was claimed was hurt by an explosion of dynamite caps at the company's quarry In West Duluth. - greasy heads, blotches or oily and •ktn to disappear without treatment. Hall Consult Miss Horrigan, Oak trict pany, Consuitatiun free. DONT TWO PIANOS GIVEN AWAY LonK Court Term at Carlton. of the discourt is home after holding a long Judge William A. Cant » In^. clears complexions, banishes age and ill-health lines and promotes luxuriant hair eri'owth. ^ tenced them. The other two men who pleaded guilty yvsterday were given two years each at Stillwater. IN MIXTUKE, SACHET POW- once used, always wanted. Miss Horrlsran Hair Shop. der, MISS HORRIGAN. 13, 1910. Dlbell of the dlslrlct court late yesterday afterJudge Dlbell has not yet sennoon. COI^RADO InaerllOB. IS Ccata No Advert iMment Lesa Thaa OWN December when brought before Judge LATE CLASSIFY OV\K THE DULVTH HERALD Tuesday, 10 i
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