2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 18, 2015 2801 EAST FOURTH STREET • DULUTH, MINNESOTA 55812 MASS SCHEDULE Weekday ...... Monday-Friday 7:00 AM (Except Wednesdays) School Mass Wed. 9:00 AM Weekend .............. ….Saturday 4:30 PM ………………..Sunday 8:00 and 10:30 AM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 10:30-11:30 am or by appointment. HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL Phone ..................................... (218) 724-8565 Principal .......................... Mr. Jesse Murray Development Director……..Ms. Lee Stubenvoll FAITH FORMATION Phone..................................... (218) 728-6985 Kari & Maria Landgren: K-8 Betsy Kneepkens: High School RCIA (CONVERTS) Phone..................................... (218) 525-2962 Bob & Sandi Arola MARRIAGE PREPARATION Please contact the Parish well in advance. Interview with Father Muhich or Deacon Brannan and marriage preparation class required. BAPTISM Please call the parish to make arrangements. A preparation class is required for the baptism of a first child. NURSERY Nursery service available for the 8AM and 10:30 AM Masses, lower level. NEW PARISHIONERS THE MOST REVEREND PAUL SIRBA BISHOP PARISH OFFICE & RECTORY Phone ..................................... (218) 728-3646 Office Hours…..Mon.-Th. 8:00 AM 4:00 PM ............................. .Fri. 8:00 AM-1:00 PM Email..... duluthcathedral@ gmail.com PARISH STAFF Rector ................................ Fr. Peter Muhich Parochial Vicar………………..Fr. Elias Gieske Deacon ............................... Rodger Brannan Business Manager ................. Terry Coombe Communications ..................Jack Worachek Director of Music…………...Catherine Brown PT Receptionists..……………...Toni Landgren ………………….Sarah Mehle Please phone the parish office to register. The parish community welcomes you sincerely and invites you to join us in all parish endeavors. BULLETIN DEADLINE Announcements due by Monday 4 PM. www.duluthcathedral.com Congratulations to: Brock Iverson and Anya Dorn who were married at the Cathedral recently. Our prayers are with them as they begin their married life together and welcome children from God as the fruit of their married love. Ordinary Income: (Adult Envelopes, Children Envelopes, Plate) Francis Steele came to the end of his earthly pilgrimage recently. Eternal rest grant unto him, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Francis and all of the faithful departed rest in peace. Altar Server Commissioning at the weekend Masses January 24th and 25th our altar servers who have been training or updating their training will be commissioned in their ministry of altar serving. We are asking families of altar servers to come be part of the celebration. $ 53,882.46 10,237.89 19,414.71 Goal: Over/ (Left to collect) $(24,229.86) ******* Our Stewardship goal includes: Operating budget, funding for future major maintenance projects and replenishing our parish reserves. Annual Goal (July 01, 2014 – June 30, 2015): Collected to date: The Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for their 2nd annual Wine Raffle in the narthex starting this weekend through Fat Sunday Feb. 15. The money raised will be used to buy laptops for Holy Rosary School. Tickets are $10 each for 3 or 4 bottles of wine valued at $40 to $80 per group and you don't need to be present to win. Goal: Over/ (Left to collect) $765,899.00 407,212.25 $(358,686.75) When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. Young Adult (Ages 21-39) Duluth-Superior Catholic Young Adults: Third Tuesday Adoration: This Tuesday join us for Adoration/ silent prayer/ benediction with Fr. Eli. Confession available. January 20th, 6:30-7:30 PM at the Cathedral in Duluth. Enter through east side door and follow steps up to sanctuary. Our email is dscya1@gmail.com, or friend us on Facebook. Q A AROUND THE DIOCESE Bulletin Notices The 4th Annual Together for Life Banquet, sponsored by Guiding Star of Duluth, Sunday, January 25th at the Greysolon Ballroom, Duluth. The “Life is Tropical in Duluth” event starts at 4:30 PM with exhibit tables from the different Culture of Life organizations in the northland. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM. The keynote speaker is Dan Kulp, a pro-life comedian. There is no cost for the dinner. However, you (or your business) may sponsor a table for 10 at $500.00 or a table for 12 at $600.00 (limited number available). All proceeds benefit the Culture of Life organizations who have partnered with Guiding Star in hosting this banquet. For more info and to register for the event, go to www.guidingstarduluth.org. Registrations are required by January 19th due to limited seating. Free parking is available in the ramp across the street from the Greysolon. Northland Family Programs invites you to “Tea for Two” a mother/daughter event for girls ages 9-12 and their mothers (or a female relative, friend or mentor in place of the mother). The program is designed to help strengthen the mother/daughter relationship during this time of change. Learn about body changes and cycles, self-image and effective mother/daughter communication in a short presentation. Then the two of you will sit down to a pretty table with fancy treats, tea and punch and have time to talk. The tea will be held on Sunday, February 1st from 2-4 PM at Essentia Health, St. Mary’s Medical Center in Duluth. Cost of the program is $20.00 for mother and daughter. Pre-registration is required. To pre-register or for more information call Kathy at 218-786-2378 or 800-842-0279. Registration deadline is January 27th. January Goal: Jan 4th – Jan 11th Contributions: Dec 29TH – Jan 4th Contributions: Why do we have a liturgical season called ordinary time? Can you explain? Ordinary time is the longest season of the liturgical year. It begins the Monday after January 6, the Epiphany, and goes until the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. That period can last anywhere from five to eight weeks, depending on when Easter is celebrated. Ordinary time picks up again the Monday after Pentecost Sunday and lasts from twenty-three to twenty-seven weeks, until the end of the liturgical year, the Saturday before Advent begins. Why the name ordinary? "Ordinary" is not in contrast to "extraordinary" or "special" but rather stresses the Latin language notion of "ordinal" or numbered Sundays. The Latin title for the season, "tempus ordinarium," conveys the sense that this time of the year is measured or numbered time. Measured time can allude simply to the numbered Sundays, or the notion that these Sundays are a "measured" time to deepen and immerse ourselves completely in the realities of Jesus' incarnation, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection. Ordinary time offers us the measured opportunity to connect the ordinary lived experiences of our lives with those of Jesus, who modeled for us how to live a truly human existence. As we experience the season of ordinary time, let us immerse ourselves in the extraordinary task of deepening our relationship with Christ in the ordinary events of life. 2 © Liturgical Publications Inc. ARCHBISHOP ROGER SCHWIETZ TO CELEBRATE 25TH YEARS AS BISHOP: Archbishop Roger Schwietz will be back in Duluth to celebrate his 25th Anniversary of episcopal ordination with a special Mass at the Cathedral on Monday February 2nd at 5:00 p.m. I’m sure Archbishop Schwietz would love to see you if you are able to attend. The Diocese of Duluth is most grateful for his 11 years of service as our bishop. A MESSAGE FROM FATHER PETER MUHICH DULUTH CITY COUNCIL VOTES NOT TO GIVE ST. PETER’S LANDMARK STATUS: The Duluth City Council voted unanimously not to designate St. Peter’s Church as an historic landmark. After a “committee of the whole” meeting and discussion during the city council meeting the members of the council unanimously agreed that placing historic landmark status on St. Peter’s without our consent was not the right thing to do. I am grateful to Denise Campanario and Patrick Valentine for their help in explaining the church’s point of view. I am also grateful to Marilyn Kunz and Ed Grochowski for being present to lend their support. My thanks also goes out to John Vigen for his expert advice and assistance. My intention is to continue efforts to find a buyer for the building and property. “MADE FOR MORE” LIGHT SUPPER/ DISCUSSION: Continuing this Wednesday (January 21st) you are invited to join us for a light (complimentary) supper at 5:30 PM in the Cathedral Social Hall with a discussion of the book “Made For More” to follow from 6:00 to 7:00. This is the book that was handed out at Christmas Eve Masses. We’ll read chapter 2 of the book and share our thoughts and our faith. Parishioners from St. Mary Star of the Sea/ Our Lady of Mercy as well as the Cathedral are most welcome. Our candidates are now studying The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, the title of the second part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They are learning about liturgy, the seven sacraments and sacramentals. Please pray for them as they continue their preparation for their profession of faith and reception of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. Holy Rosary School News www.holyrosarymn.org Each year HRS joins Catholic schools nationwide and celebrates Catholic Schools Week. Special activities and events are planned at our parish from January 24th30th. We invite all members of the Cathedral family to attend events. Be part of the fun and tradition in celebrating 91 years of our great school and Catholic education in our parish! For more information, contact Fr. Peter Muhich or Fr. Eli Gieske, 728-3646, or Bob and Sandi Arola, 525-2962, arola71@gmail.com, or visit www.duluthcathedral.com Saturday, Jan 24th (after 4:30 pm Mass)- Family Party Pizza, hot chocolate & sledding, HRS Wednesday, Jan 28th (7-8:30 am)Alumni Breakfast All alumni welcome, HRS Gym Friday, Jan 30th (5:30 pm)-HRS 19th Dinner & Auction, Greysolon Ballroom Did You KNOW??? Small classes make a difference. The average student-teacher ratio in Duluth Area Catholic Schools is 12-1 “Made for More” Discussion Group Wednesday nights. Need help in talking about your faith with others? Ever asked yourself, “why am I here”. Get some answers. Light dinner (free) at 5:30 PM, Discussion Group 6:00—7:00 PM. Every week in this space we acknowledge one of the advertisers who have so generously sponsored our weekly bulletin. Thank you! HUNT Electric Corporation And all of our bulletin sponsors! 3 MASS INTENTIONS Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM John Donovan Thomas Robert Wagner Thomas Dougherty Sr. Lillie Sayer Ruth Reider & Jacqueline Clancy Saturday Jan 24th and Sunday Jan 25th Lois Williams John Bogdovonich Parishioners Altar Servers 4:30 PM Catholic Schools Week Servers 8:00 AM Marie L’Abbe Anthony Landgren 10:30 AM Tim Hoeksema Noah Buraglio PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL LIFE: There is real power in prayer! We do have an active Prayer Support Ministry as part of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary community. If you need prayers said, or if you are interested in becoming part of the prayer line, call Mary Lemon at 724-8689. Eucharistic Ministers The Women’s Care Center invites you to join in Prayer for the Protection of Life with Expostition of the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday Jan 18th at 2:00 PM in the Cathedral. If you cannot make it to the Cathedral, please pray for the protection of all life. Register for the 2015 Catholic Men’s Conference Men of Faith –Disciples of Christ. Deacon Ralph Poyo, a nationally recognixed speaker at Catholic men’s conferences will be the featured speaker. The conference is February 21, 2015 at Marshall School in Duluth --Only $25 Registration through Feb. 9th is available on-line at www.duluthcatholicmen.org Come and pray with us! On Sunday, Jan 25th after the 10:30 Mass, join us in prayer. This is a small group for anyone who is seeking others to pray with them. We will be near the front of the Cathedral by the St. Joseph side chapel. You are welcome! EWTN GLOBAL CATHOLIC NETWORK ~ EWTN is a Catholic Media Apostolate that offers television, radio, Internet, news and publishing services. EWTN’s vast array of television programming includes live Daily Mass, devotionals, global Catholic news, powerful documentaries, music specials, exclusive teaching series, live call-in talk shows, young adult and children's programming and Church and Papal events. EWTN television is on channel number (180) on Charter and also available on DISH Network (261) and DIRECTV satellite systems (370). For more information, contact Joy Pyle at 724-4083 or go to www.ewtn.com 4:30 PM Holy Rosary School Staff for Catholic Schools Week 8:00 AM Diane Shusta Mary Bellanger *Open* *Open* 10:30 AM Bob Spehar Hilaire Hauer Kevin & Camille Murphy Lectors 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM Jesse Murray Colleen Renier Joy Pyle Please contact Jack at the Parish Office, 728-3646 to get on the schedule. Liturgical Ministers receive training before they are scheduled to serve. The schedule is also available through the parish website: www.duluthcathedral.com. Perpetual Adoration at St. Mary Star of the Sea substitutes needed, call Christine Ficken 724-7713. Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your generosity to the Collection for the Church in Latin America is invaluable to the future of the faith in this region. Your donations will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formation. Please give with a joyful and generous heart. Please support programs like these and give generously in next week's collection. Hour of Prayer for the Unborn at the Building for Women, 32 E. 1st Street, Duluth. Happens the LAST Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. 4 Include us in your future plans! Please keep the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary and Holy Rosary School Endowment in mind as you do your estate planning. Thank you! Complete Lines Of All Your Paper & Cleaning Needs Locally Owned Dist. Serving the Northland’s Business Needs. 218-722-6547 (Fax - 218-722-6729) 4223 Airpark Blvd., Duluth Charters • Motor Coaches 3941 E. Calvary Rd. (218) 724-1707 www.voyageurbus.com Best Selection in the Northland! 2500 Wines! 600 Beers! 1000 Liquors! 2530 LONDON ROAD • DULUTH 218-724-8818 Flowers, Inc. Inc 309 West Superior St. • Duluth, Minnesota 55802 www.petersonanderson.com (218) 722-0888 • 1-800-569-8113 CYCLES OF FAITH Skilled Nursing/Therapy Homemaking/Errands Home Health Aides Lifeline 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Jan. 18, 2015 For all your Home Care needs "What are you looking for?" When Jesus asked the two disciples this question, they didn't give an answer. Instead, they asked another question: "Where are you staying?" Obviously these men were interested in learning more about Jesus. They wanted to accompany him and be in his presence. They decided to spend the whole day with him. But they were not quite ready to reveal what they were really looking for. Remember that at the time, these men were disciples of John the Baptist. They had heard John announce the coming of the Christ, but they didn't know yet who he was. John's followers were certainly looking for something: the Messiah. Most likely, these men were interested in seeing for themselves whether or not this Jesus was the one they had been waiting for. Apparently, he was. Andrew was convinced by that daylong encounter with Jesus. In the verse that follows today's Gospel, we learn that "He first found his own brother Simon and told him, 'We have found the Messiah'" (Jn 1:41). What a joy this must have been for Andrew! He found what he was looking for. Indeed, the joy was so great that he couldn't wait to share the good news. When we, like Andrew, take time to "spend the day" with Jesus, getting to know who he really is through our daily prayer, then the happiness we experience will naturally overflow to others. The process may begin with questions about who Jesus is; that's only natural. But once we find what we are looking for, we can do what Andrew did by sharing the joy of the discovery with our own brothers, sisters, neighbors, and friends right here at home. Call us today! 722-0053 dougherty veterinary clinics Let’s start the discussion... Ask Alice (218) 343-5480 www.aliceb.remax-northcentral.com Italian Restaurant 1400 London Rd. thomas dougherty, d.v.m. 215 east 14th street duluth, minnesota 55811 phone (218) 722-3963 doughertyveterinary.com 728-5900 hours 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. monday - friday www.valentinisduluth.com Proudly Serving the Duluth Community FUNERALS • CREMATION Bell Brothers Funeral Home 601 N. 56 Ave. W. | Duluth, MN 55807 | 218-624-5745 Bell Brothers Jarvi Dowd Funeral Home 925 E. 4th St. | Duluth, MN 55805 | 218-722-5131 Owned and operated by Alderwoods (Minnesota), Inc. 4002 London Rd. • Duluth, MN 55804 218-625-7100 www.lakeshoreliving.org Contact Darla Flanders to place an ad today! DFlanders@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x 4049 David M. Choquette, M.D., F.A.C.S. Laura Feldhake, Aud. Todd Freeman, M.D., F.A.C.S. Chad Kittleson, Aud. St. Luke’s Pavilion Building 920 East First Street, Suite 301 • Duluth, MN 55805 Appt. 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An Independent Company Jim Boileau Investment Executive TARS & STRIPES ARROW STRIPING (218) 625-2430 www.lakesuperiorfinancial.com Calvary Cemetery A Non-Profit Cemetery Serving the Twin Ports for Over 100 Years • Traditional Burial Lots • Mausoleum • Memorial Markers • Cremation Niches • Cremation Lots • Burial Vaults 218-724-3376 • 4820 Howard Gnesen Rd, Duluth, MzN 55803 Securities offered through • 3M STAMARK CERTIFIED • BLACKTOP REPAIR • SEALCOATING • STRIPING • SWEEPING 218-590-4235 11 East Superior St., Ste. 544 • Duluth, MN 55802 Dogs • Cats Birds • Reptiles Small • Mammals Paul Fitzgerald, DVM Medical, Surgical & Dental Care Responsive * Trustworthy * Reliable www.aahduluth.com (218) 721-4874 727-0128 4259 Haines Rd. • Duluth 218-628-3323 www.huntelec.com www.chesneyautosalvage.com We Provide the Professional Care You Des Deserve 218-726-0167 Northland Medical Center South 925 E. 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Rehab., short and long term care provided Since 1961 • Driveways • Parking Lots • Concrete • Seal Coating 218-727-8321 3910 Minnesota Ave. • 218-727-8801 www.asphaltofduluth.com www.fhc.sfhs.org 5 AREA LOCATIONS PARISHIONER OWNED Kevin Murphy, MD Pediatric & Adult Physiatrist 1420 London Rd. Suite 210, Duluth (218) 728-6160 • (800) 903-7111 FOR AD INFO CALL Darla Flanders at 1-800-678-4574 • WWW.4LPi.COM Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, Duluth, MN A 2C 02-0834 12-29-2014 14:38:28
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