E HOT, TONED & RIPPED Chef Extraordinaire David Corrigan Talks Shop for the Collegiate Gourmet By August Johnson McLaughlin, CN, CPT S uper chef David Corrigan was on the road to becoming a forest ranger when he realized how much mind-bending math was involved and promptly switched gears. He turned his ranger hat in for an apron and the rest is history. He now runs Victuals, a topof-the-line catering and personal chef company that provides, fresh, seasonal foods, prepared in an eclectic, Cajun DQG6RXWKHUQLQÁXHQFHGVW\OHDOORI David’s own design. He took some time out of his hectic schedule (part chef, part CEO, part stay at home dad) to shed some light on healthy, gourmet cooking for college students, which, according to David, can be done. First, David recommends students pick up a few key pieces of equipment, such as a hibachi or Weber kettle grill and a rice cooker. Both are inexpensive and versatile. “Grilling is healthy and JLYHVDÁDYRU\RXFDQ·WJHWDQ\RWKHU way,” Corrigan says. “And rice is just plain healthy.” Since both of these are portable you can put them to use in dorm rooms or at parties and sporting events. Second, stock up on simple, healthy ingredients. Corrigan recommends seasonal groceries purchased at farmers or other local markets. “When you buy locally, the food’s been touched by the fewest hands. It’s fresher and healthier and actually a lot cheaper. Organic is only expensive at the grocery store,” he explains. Good point. Next, David recommends you “throw out your red and white cans of pepper” and pick up fresh peppercorns you can grind yourself. Toss out the familiar Morton’s salt canister as well. “Salt DQGSHSSHUVKRXOGDGGÁDYRUQRWFRYHU it up,” he explains. Though there are many varieties of salts available, he recommends kosher salt. It comes in a 26 ÁDNH\IRUPWKDWPHOWVHDVLO\DQG´DOO the great chefs use it!” “Garlic, ginger, onion and olive oil are additional must-haves,” Corrigan says. “But make sure your olive oil is extra virgin, which means it comes IURPWKHÀUVWSUHVVLQJDQGWKXVKDV EHWWHUÁDYRUµ5HPHPEHUWKDWPHDQV it also has an olivey taste. So if you GRQ·WZDQWWKHROLYHÁDYRULQÀOWUDWLQJD particular dish, he suggests canola oil. One of David’s specialties is seafood and it isn’t GLIÀFXOWWRSUHSDUH´7KH NH\WRÀVKLVFRRNLQJLWDWKLJKKHDW but not for too long,” Corrigan says. Fish’s freshness is extremely important to a good end result. He recommends purchasing it at a local market where you’re allowed to “sniff the paper” that WKHÀVKKDVEHHQUXEEHGRQ,ILWVPHOOV like the ocean, it’s fresh. If it smells ÀVK\LW·VQRW If you’re really serious about FRRNLQJÀQGDFKHIRUUHVWDXUDQWWKDW serves the kind of food you want to learn about. “It’s like culinary school for free,” he says. “And restaurants are always looking for an extra pair of hands.” If he could share any wisdom with college students he’d say this: “Follow your dream. For me it’s all about passion. [Cooking] doesn’t feel like work.” He also hopes to inspire others to pursue cooking as a career or hobby. “When I was in college, you had to play guitar. Now to be considered a rock star you have to cook!” That said; KLVÀDQFpKHUGDXJKWHUKLVSDUHQWV clients and fans are all thrilled he didn’t end up in forestry. For more information on David Corrigan and his company, visit www. thevictuals.net ULMAGAZINE.COM NOV 2009 / STAY CONNECTED. GET LINKED. How to Carve a Turkey By Breanne Durning, Ithaca College Okay, you’re home with family and friends over the holidays and get suckered into carving the Thanksgiving turkey. All eyes are on you, haphazardly stabbing at the bird. This will only anger your already hungry guests, so ULM has created an easy-to-understand, step-by-step process to walk you through traditional turkey carving. 1 You will need a sharp knife and a two-pronged fork (helps to steady the bird whilst carving). Let the turkey sit for several minutes to cool off a bit. This lets the proteins relax and the juices redistribute throughout the meat. 2 Legs & Wings: Use the fork to steady the bird (breast side up) and using the knife slice the meat between the breast and leg (drumstick) and pull the leg outward. Repeat for the other leg and two wings. 3 Cut between the joint to separate the drumstick and thigh. Make sure the drumstick is secured with the fork and cut the meat lengthwise along the bone. Turn after each slice. 4 Carving the breast: Use the fork and steady it close to WKHEUHDVWERQH7KHÀUVWFXWVKRXOGEHDERYHWKHOHJDQG shoulder joints. The meat should be cut vertically, parallel to the breastbone. 5 Lift off each slice and layer on a serving platter. 6 Serve and enjoy.
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