,A-+?,4,? B@)/ 4(@A118) Rabbi Josh Bennet 3 Commercial Development Manager, KF Kosher From time immemorial, religious Jews have Chaim 173”. On the spot, however, the Darkei Moshe EHHQH[WUHPHO\FDUHIXODERXWQRWPL[LQJƮVK (by R’ Moshe Isserles) says that R’ Yosef Karo must and meat. The source for this is not in the have mixed up milk and meat! (And yes, he does seem Torah itself. Rather, it is considered dangerous, to intend the play on words). He insists that we have to the point that it can cause tsora’as. There is also a halachic principle of chamira sakanta me’issura, danger is more severe than prohibition, which according to some poskim means that although certain issurim never heard of such a problem. This would imply that the Rema had never seen the commentary of Rabbeinu Bachye on Parshas Mishpotim. There, on the posuk of đĚČ čĘēč ĕďĎ ĘĥčĦ ČĘ, he states that it is dangerous to FRRNƮVKDQGFKHHVHWRJHWKHU Of course, this all really begs the question of why are botul in mixtures,that would not apply didn’t R’ Yosef Karo bring down this halocho in the WRGDQJHUVOLNHƮVKDQGPHDW,QDGGLWLRQWR Shulchan Aruch? In fact, he makes it quite clear that it the obvious applications this has, one lesser LVSHUPLWWHGWRFRRNƮVKDQGPLONWRJHWKHU known problem is the use of Worcestershire The answer may lie in the severity of the danger Sauce, which usually contains anchovies, in FDXVHG E\ ƮVK DQG PLON $OWKRXJK LW LV JHQHUDOO\ meaty dishes. Certain hechsherim do not insist accepted that there is a danger of tzora’as caused by RQLQGLFDWLQJWKDWWKHSURGXFWFRQWDLQVƮVKLILW WKHFRQVXPSWLRQRIPHDWDQGƮVKDOWKRXJKWKH0RJHQ is less than one sixtieth of the product. If one Avrohom, amongst others, suggests that this may no LVPDFKPLUWKDWƮVKLVQŞWERWXODOWKRXJKWKH basic halocho is that one can be meikel, one would need to check the ingredients listing to FKHFNIRUƮVKFRQWHQW$VDPDWWHURISROLF\WKH ORQJHUEHWUXHWKHGDQJHUFDXVHGE\PLONDQGƮVKPD\ KDYH QHYHU EHHQ VR VHYHUH WR UHTXLUH LW WR EH FRGLƮHG in halocho, and it may just be a matter of avoiding unhealthy foods. In fact, as one can perhaps infer from Rabbeinu Bachye (as pointed out by the Aruch Federation would insist that a Worcestershire +DVKXOFKDQ WKH SUREOHP PD\ EH OLPLWHG WR RQO\ ƮVK Sauce with even a tiny amount of anchovies and cheese, and not actual milk. VKRXOGLQGLFDWHWKDWLWFRQWDLQVƮVK Somewhat less well known, and unfortunately VRPHWLPHV ULGLFXOHG LV D FXVWRP WR QRW PL[ ƮVK DQG PLON $Q RYHUVLPSOLƮFDWLRQ RI WKLV PLQKDJ LV WKDW LW FEDERATION Fish And Milk Do They Go Together? As to how one should conduct one’s self, although it is clear that the Rema, Shach, Taz and the majority of the Ashkenazi poskim held this not to be a problem, and as we have seen, it isn’t even mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch, a number of poskim, including the applies to Sephardim and not Ashkenazim, however, as Levush and the Pri Megadim, hold that one should be we shall see, it may not be so simple. machmir. Additionally, R’ Ovadiah Yosef in his sefer 7KHƮUVWRFFDVLRQPRVWSHRSOHZLOOVHHWKLVEURXJKW Yechaveh Da’as makes it clear that Sephardim should tends to be in the Beis Yosef, the commentary on the be machmir, although he holds that there is no need for Tur by R’ Yosef Karo. In Yoreh Deiah 87-3, he wrotes Ashkenazim to be. So the next time you see someone WKDWŠRQHVKRXOGQRWHDWƮVKDQGPLONWRJHWKHUEHFDXVH avoiding a salmon and cream cheese bagel, or an of the danger involved, as it is explained in Orach DQFKRY\SL]]DWKHUHDVRQPLJKWQRWEHVRƮVK\DIWHUDOO DO YOU HAVE A SHAILA? Post your question and get a response from the Federation Beis Din within 24 hours FEDERATION OF SYNAGOGUES SHAILAONLINE ?? Quiz Time Questions & Answers from Ohr Sameach. Answers can be found on back page. ,A-+?,4,? B@)/ 4(@A118) groups/askthefederation 3. [Vayakhel] Why does the Torah specify the particular prohibition of lighting a fire on Shabbat right after it had already noted the general prohibition of doing work on Shabbat?
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