LP 252 07/11 V5 WFO How to contact us Endoscopy Department Telephone 01709 427029 Switchboard Telephone 01709 820000 Rotherham Hospital Moorgate Road Rotherham S60 2UD Telephone 01709 820000 www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk Sustainable Forests / Low chlorine Outpatients Banding of Haemorrhoids patientinformation Rotherham HospitalYour health, your choice, our passion Banding of haemorrhoids Your treatment You have been treated with rubber band ligation. This means that a small rubber band has been placed over the base of the pile. This rubber band will cut off the blood supply to the pile which should fall off in 5 to 10 days. You may or may not notice this. You may also see some light bleeding for 4 to 5 days. This is quite normal. Do’s and don’ts l You may experience temporary discomfort for a few days. This is not unusual, and you may take a mild analgesic such as Paracetamol. Avoid medication containing Salicyclic (Aspirin) as it can increase the risk of bleeding. l No special diet is advised, but excessive consumption of alcohol should be avoided for a period of two weeks. l Constipation and hard faeces should be avoided by using bulk products (high fibre) to facilitate the passage during the healing process. l Strong laxatives, enemas and suppositories should be avoided. 3 Banding of haemorrhoids l You should avoid strenuous physical activity for 1-2 weeks. l In the unlikely event that you: - feel unusually feverish - have loss of large amounts of blood - have difficulties passing urine - experience swelling of the anus - pass blood with urine You should immediately contact: - Your General Practioner - Endoscopy unit 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday on 01709 427029 - or Accident and Emergency on 01709 424455 4 Banding of haemorrhoids Notes 5 Banding of haemorrhoids Useful contact numbers NHS Direct Telephone 0845 4647 Patient Services Telephone 01709 424461 Freephone 0800 9531303 Health Info Telephone 01709 427190 Stop Smoking Service Tel: 01709 422444 For GP out of hours, contact your surgery Useful websites www.nhs.uk www.direct.gov.uk www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk If you require this document in another language, large print, braille or audio version, please contact Big Word on 0800 8620625 or email patientinformation@rothgen.nhs.uk Produced by Outpatients Department, February 2003. Revised April 2005, December 2007, November 2008, July 2011. Revision due July 2013. Version: 5.0 ©The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust 2011. All rights reserved. 6 How to find us Hospital site plan Day Nursery Child Development Unit E P D R IV OAKWOO D H AL L Oakwood Hall Greenoaks Day Surgery Centre Maternity Entrance Rotherham & P Hospital Accident Emergency Healthcare for Older People Main Entrance Mental Health Unit On eW ay Bus stop Oakwood Centre for Rehabilitation P Pre-Admission Centre BA K One ER STR EET A61 RGATE ROAD P PAY AND DISPLAY PARKING Bus stop y wa Bus stop MOO P 8 Rotherham main routes To Leeds To Doncaster Parkgate Thorpe Hesley 35 B6089 A633 Kimberworth Park A630 A629 Kimberworth A630 TOWN CENTRE Clifton A6123 Bramley A6109 North Herringthorpe Rotherham Hospital 34 South 34 To A1, M62 & Hull East Dene M1 Woodside M18 A631 Brinsworth A630 33 Whiston M1 32 A630 To Sheffield Wickersley Moorgate A618 A631 To Sheffield A631 1 A631 Treeton A618 M1 To Nottingham and the South
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