April 2006 Volume : 6 Issue : 9 (Annual Subscription 25/- only) Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Editor: J. Selvakumar HOW TO LEAD A PROSPEROUS AND DEBT FREE LIFE? From Your Brother... M y loving greetings to you in the sweet name of Jesus. We had declared the month of March as the month of prayer. God guided us wonderfully. We went on a prayer journey to the thirty states of Tamil Nadu and prayed for them. Wherever we went, pastors, evangelists and believers of all churches came together without any difference and prayed for Tamil Nadu. God graciously helped me to take part in the prayer journey in nine districts. Bro. Appadurai and the Jesus Redeems team members participated in the journey in other places and led the prayer. In each city, prayer of repentance and prayer of confession were offered. Children of God confessed the sins of the Christians and prayed with tears. The Lord, besides blessing the prayer session, blessed also the people who came to pray. Some received the anointment of the Holy Spirit. Some others received miraculous healing and deliverance and gave their testimony. Glory be to God. We shall continue to pray very specially for Tamil Nadu. Pray particularly for the elections to be held on May 8, 2006. Pray that God’s will be done in the victory of the candidates who would form the Government. Five states are preparing for elections (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry, Assam, West Bengal). Please pray for the elections in all these five states. This month, meetings are to be held in a grand way in two cities, in Chennai and Trichy. For these meetings, I need your very special and fervent prayers. Please pray for me, Bro. Appadurai and the Jesus Redeems team. If possible, please fast and pray for us during these days. I express my gratitude for each and every one who had prayed and sent greetings to me on the 34th of my Spiritual Birth Day which falls on March 18th. We are praying for you and your family too. As the Lord has promised, “The Lord shall do great things for you.” (Joel 2:21) Every day, with faith, expect great things. Pray as a family without fail every day. Grace be with you! Your Brother, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19. "The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it." Prov. 10:22. "The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow." Deut. 28:12. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich." II Corin.8:9. Look! The Lord desires to supply all our needs. He wishes to bless us and make us lenders and not borrowers. He became poor so that we may get rid of our poverty and become rich. To receive the fullness of blessings that the Lord Jesus extends to us, believe! Believe that the Lord will transform your poverty into blessing! Believe that He shall remove your problem of debt and make you lenders of money! It is not enough if you just believe. You should also obey the words of the Lord. Only when you believe, can you see miracles! HOW TO LEAD A PROSPEROUS GIVE! AND DEBT FREE LIFE? "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38. The man of God Moses was in the presence of God day and night for forty days, on the Mountain. At that time, the Lord conveyed many matters for his people, through Moses. Do you know what was the first message that He conveyed? "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering." Exodus 25:1, 2. G od wishes us to lead a prosperous life only. But, many of us are not leading blessed life. It is common to see the majority of people living in poverty, debts and financial difficulties. The reason for this is that many are not aware of the blessings that the Lord has in store for us and the way in which they can avail these blessings. When we intently read the scriptures, the word of God, we get to know the blessings that God is keeping for us. When we obey His words, we can receive His blessings. Jesus Redeems 1 April 2006 "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:8-10. Only because the tithe is not given to the lord, in many people's lives, they confront a curse in all financial aspects. That is why in many families, problems of debts and poverty never vanish. Their house for ever faces financial problems. If you want financial problems to vanish from your house, and blessings to fill your house, give tithe to the Lord. That is, give one tenth of your income to the Lord. I know a bother who hails from a small neighbouring village to my village. Now, he is running a business in Chennai. He once narrated to me the miracle that the Lord had done for him. A few years ago, his father gave him Rs.500 and asked him to eke out a living doing business with that amount. What business could he start with Rs.500 as investment? He can't even rent a shop for that amount. He can't buy any material for the shop. This brother submitted this amount at the feet of the Lord and prayed: "Lord, this is all I have. With this little amount, you can bless me. If you bless me, I shall be a blessing to the church and the nation." The Lord opened up a way for him to start a business. He started giving one tenth of his earning to the Lord. God blessed him more and more. The Lord blessed his small business and it expanded and grew big. The business which was started in Chennai, grew branches in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi and all over India. He himself ascertained the cause of his blessing. As God blessed his business more and Why does god ask them to bring their offering to Him? He is a rich God. The earth and all its plenty belongs to Him. Silver and gold is his. He is rich enough to meet the needs of His ministry. Yet, why does He request us to bring our offering to Him? It is because, only with what we give, He can bless us. Only to bless us does He demand offering from us. I am acquainted with a brother who went through very difficult times in the initial years of His business. His earned just enough to meet his expenses. He could never make a profit. If any servant of God visited him to pray, he used to regret his inability to offer anything. He used to lament: "I am not able to give an offering even to the servants of God!" With so much sadness, He prayed for this to God. Then, God assured him, "First, you give; Then, I shall bless you". Believing in the word of God, from the little that he had, he gave offering to the servants of God. Then, God started blessing him. His business expanded. His servants multiplied in number. The blessing of the lord increased. Every week, he started giving five thousand rupees as offering. God blessed him more. He offered for God ten thousand rupees per week. God blessed him even more. His offering too increased to twenty thousand…thirty thousand …per week. Now he gives thirty five thousand per week as offering, he says. Look! As he was giving more and more, the Lord blessed him and made him prosper. You give for the Lord, you shall see fullness of blessing. We, who know of the Lord, should at least give tithe to the Lord. That is, we should give one tenth of what we earn to the Lord. The scripture says: "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy unto the LORD." Levi. 27:30. We should give the Lord whatever is due to Him. Only then can God bless us. In the event of our not giving, it becomes a curse. See what God says about this. Jesus Redeems 2 April 2006 more, he cheerfully gave tithe to the lord. He says, now, every month he has been giving Rs. 2 ½ lakhs as tithe to the lord. Not only that, he has been supporting missionary work. They have been building churches in villages where there aren't any churches. Thus as they gave willingly, the Lord blessed them and expanded his business. When you give tithe to the Lord, think how true is the word of the Lord, which says that He will open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. You too can test the Lord, giving him the tithe. "And he -Abraham- gave him tithes of all." Gen.14:20. "…the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things." Gen. 24:1. When Jacob had nothing when he prayed to the Lord, he took a wow that he would give the tithe of whatever that the Lord gave him (Gen. 28:22). So God blessed Jacob and multiplied him. The Lord of Abraham, the Lord of Jacob and now, our Lord! He shall bless us also like that. When we are not truthful in our offering unto the lord, we not only lose the blessing of the Lord, we also bring curse upon ourselves (Malachi 3:8, 9). So, be truthful in your giving to the lord. I know another family in Chennai. Both the husband and the wife are employed in an ordinary company. As soon as they receive their salary, they used to submit it at the feet of the Lord and pray together. After praying, they set aside the tithe for the lord. With the remainder, they used to spend for the family. The Lord blessed and exalted them. He helped them to buy a land; In a short time, he helped them to build a house on that land. God blessed their children. Today in their life, I see that the Lord has blessed them in such a way that there is no problem for money. He shall do this for you too. He shall transform your financial problems and free you of your debts. On your part, you obey the word of the Lord and offer your tithe. As the Lord has promised He shall bless you that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Jesus Redeems EXPECT YOUR MIRACLES! When we believe in the word of the Lord, and dedicate ourselves to act accordingly, we should expect blessings and miracles, as promised by His words. Only when we do expect miracles, do we reveal our faith. Jesus has said: “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." Luke 6:38. When we give, Jesus Himself has assured us that we shall be given good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. We should expect that we shall receive blessings in the way Jesus has promised. That is faith! We have heard others saying: "We shall never expect to receive manifold from God what we have given him. We shall never give expecting something in return." I also had similar notions once. "Jesus has given His life for us; our offering is nothing compared to that! We receive from him and give something back to Him. So, we should not wait for Him to give us", I used to think. But, years ago god revealed to me the meaning of this verse, through an event. A vendor, who carries goods and sells in streets, met me once for prayer. When I asked him, why he was carrying things instead of setting up a shop to do business in one place, he very sadly replied that he didn't have the financial means to set up a shop. When I finished praying for him he gave Rs.50 as offering. When I received it from him, the spirit of the lord induced me to pray for him, repeating Luke 6:38. So I spoke to the brother: I asked him, "Why, and with what faith do you give this offering?" He replied that he was just giving a share of God's blessing for His ministry; and there was no other intention. When I again asked him with what faith he was giving the offering, he again reiterated that he 3 April 2006 never gives with such intentions. Then I read for him Luke 6:38, and asked. "Do you believe that Jesus shall return to us manifold whatever we give Him, as he promises in this verse,", he replied that he believes the words of the lord. When I asked him, "Do you believe that as Jesus has promised He shall return to you this 50 rupees in multiples?" he began to think. He replied: "So far I have never given expecting a return from God. Yet, I do believe in the words of Jesus." I read Luke 6:38, and prayed for him: "Thank you Lord for you shall return manifold to this brother whatever he has given to you, as you have promised in this verse." A few days later, he came back to me and exclaimed: "As you said, a miracle has happened in my life." He continued: "A few days ago my father-inlaw, who is a very miserly man, came to see me. In spite of being aware of our difficulties, he wouldn't spare a paisa even as loan. Such a man offered me Rs. 15,000 and told me, "With this amount you start a business. You needn't return this amount to me." "It was a great surprise to me. How did my father-in-law give me such a big amount? This is the act of God! As per the verse: "Give and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 6:38), I just offered Rs. 50 for the Lord's ministry. The Lord returned it to me as Rs.15,000", he exclaimed cheerfully. Only after this incident, I started giving believing in this verse. The Lord blesses me without any limit. So, there is nothing wrong in giving with expectations. Only when we expect, we show our trust in His words. The Lord respects our trust and blesses us. This giving to the Lord is what is referred to as sowing a seed on earth: "He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corin. 9:6,7. When we sow seeds, we do expect a harvest. Does any one sow without expecting a harvest? Jesus Redeems Similarly, when we give to the Lord, we shall with expectations. When we give your offering to the church, missionary work, or gospel work, whatever you give is given to the Lord. The Lord shall return unto you what you give. When we reap the harvest, we reap many times more than what we sow. If we sow one sack of paddy, we don't reap just one sack of rice. If we sow one sack of paddy, we reap cart loads of rice. Similarly, when we give god, He returns unto us in great multiples. Recently, the children of God who contribute to the Tabernacle of God that we are constructing testify to this phenomenon. I am giving a few samples here for you to know the truth of the blessings of His verse: PROBLEM OF DEBTS TRANSFORMED! As urged by God, I have sent Rs. 300/- for the construction of the Tabernacle of God. In turn, our loving Lord has blessed me to repay my debt of Rs.30,000 in the same month itself. - Selvam, Pallappalayam. MARRIAGE SOLEMNISED! I sent an offering of Rs. 500/when the marriage proposal for my sister was hindered for some reason or the other. After sending the offering, all obstacles surprisingly vanished and the marriage was fixed. Though we had no money to meet the marriage expenditure at that time, the Lord miraculously bestowed His grace and we managed to get the jewellery, cash and other things to the tune of Rs. 3,50,000/- and the marriage took place in a grand manner. - Marial Punitha, Mannarkudi. BLESSED ME WITH A HOUSE OF MY OWN! For many years I lived in a rented thatched hut. During rainy season, the thatched roof used to leak a lot. At such times, I and my 5 children carefully 4 April 2006 HOW SHALL WE GIVE? used to choose a dry place in the hut and keep on standing the whole night. Some times harmful creatures entered into our hut. In this situation, I made a vow and prayed to the Lord for a house of our own and began to send Rs. 20/every month to the construction of the Tabernacle of God.The Lord heard the prayer and gave me a good house of my own even before the completion of the construction of the Tabernacle of God. We read in the Bible about a church which stands as testimony for giving to the Lord. “Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia; How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality. For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves; "And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God." II Corin. 8:1-3,5. Read these verses again and again carefully and understand them. Before giving your offering to the Lord, you should give yourself. Without giving yourself, if you lead a sinful life, but give regular tithe and offerings in plenty, you can't receive any blessing. Only if you love every one and then give your offering, the lord will accept your offering. Read the words of the Lord: "Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." Matt. 5:23, 24. If you expect God to accept your offering and bless you, you should not give way to hostility and bitterness, and should live with others peacefully. Next, when we offer to the Lord, we should offer generously and not in a miserly way. The Lord can only bless us in proportion to our giving. We should also give cheerfully, and not grumblingly, with reluctance. We should feel cheerful that we are giving unto the lord. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corin. 9:7. - Esther, Mangala kurichi. DEBTS AND OTHER PROBLEMS SOLVED! My family confronted a lot of problems, sufferings and debts. I never had anything for myself. Not even a paisa remained in hand. Whenever I eagerly read the testimonies in the Jesus Redeems magazine, I used to long for such miracles in my life and used to weep. In this miserable state, I sent Rs. 300 for the Tabernacle of God, and with tears and prayers I was waiting, wondering whether my troubles would come to an end at least after this! The Lord whom I trusted, did a miracle for me in an incredible way. I had sent a meager Rs.300 and what he gave me back was Rs.3 lakhs. I continue to send my offering for the Tabernacle of God. God has helped me by relieving me of my sufferings and debts! -Yesu Marial, Malumichampatti.(Covai) We have been receiving lots of such testimonies. How true are the words of the lord: "give and it shall be given unto you." Luke 6:38 What we give the Lord, he returns to us as a blessing that we are in need of. He returns in multiples. So, we shall give to the Lord and expect miracles with faith. Then you shall see wonders. Not just money, we could also give our time, our work, our talents, even our love for Him. In the appropriate time, He shall return it to us as a blessing! Jesus Redeems 5 April 2006 You should give according to your capability or even more than your capability. When you have the means to offer Rs. 1,000, if you offer Rs. 100, how can God bless you? Give unto the Lord, in accordance with your capacity. It doesn't mean that you should borrow and offer to the Lord. Even if you offer what you can, He shall bless you. You can even offer a little above your means. In the synagogue, Jesus was watching a poor widow, giving her offering. She was giving her last coin for the Lord. It was much more than what she could afford. Jesus specially mentioned her act of generosity as a testimony (Mark 12:41-44). God would have certainly blessed her. The reason is her faith. After giving her last penny, what would she do for her next meal? She trusted the Lord and believed that he would take care of her needs. We should also give, with faith. We should believe that the Lord shall return to us whatever we give, manifold. We should give with expectations. As you continue to give, He shall continue to bless you! Your poverty will change! Your debts will vanish! Your life shall be blessed and be prosperous! Give your offering with this prayer! Dear Lord of Blessings! I thank you! I thank you because you wish for me a debt free, blessed life! I believe in your words: Give and it shall be given unto you! Believing in your words, even amid my needs, I shall give you! I believe that you shall return unto me whatever I give, manifold! I expect miracles! At first, I offer myself to you! I offer my time, my talents, and my deeds to you! In faith I expect a harvest of blessings! In the name of Jesus. Amen! Amen! In Covai In AMERICA Perinba Peruvizha THIRAPPIN VAASAL FASTING PRAYER 2006 Date: 2006 May 17/18/19/20/21 Date : th 2006 July 20 Evening, th th July 21 & 22 Place: V.O.C. Park Ground, Avinasi Road, Covai-641 018. Place: Camp Wo-Me-To 1200 Knopp Road, Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084. U.S.A. Time: Daily 6:00 p.m. Messages: www.campwometo.org Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Bro. A. Jawahar Samuel Bro. J. Sam Jebadurai Bro. D. Arulraj Bro. Gruze Dhivakaran Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus will bring the word of God on 21st May 2006 Bro. Mani, Tel : (301) 445 5646 (or) (240) 417 9993 E-mail : kartharjesus@hotmail.com (Messages in Tamil & English) For further details Please contact: Dr. Sam Bhaskaran, Tel : (301) 262 2546 Bro. Rajesh, Contact: Jesus Loving Ministry, Covai-641 044. (Ph: 0422-2217488) Jesus Redeems (Jesus Redeems Representative, U.S.A) Tel : 301 2109558, Email: rjohn@umd.edu 6 April 2006 TABERNACLE OF GOD! T contributing for 1 sq.ft., or 1 sq.mt. or more than that. According to the verse: he construction work of the Tabernacle of God is progressing day by day by the prayer support of the children and the Lord’s immense grace. "Even by the God of thy father,...Who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under..." Gen. 49:25. Many of you love this great plan of God and hence you are supporting this work through your contribution and prayer. I thank you all from the depth of my heart. May the Lord bless you as this verse promises. Behind the stage, work for the basement and the concrete roofing is going on.. If you are urged by the Spirit of the Lord to contribute to this project, kindly send your D.D., or Cheque drawn in favour of Mohan C. Lazarus, payable at State Bank of India-Main Branch, Tirunelveli and send it to the following address. In the hall, raising pillars above balcony level is also in progress. Have a look at the miracle rendered by God to Bro. Antony Packiaraj of Thoothukudi who contributed to the construction of the Tabernacle of God! As the Lord my God urged me, I sent Rs. 300 for the construction of the tabernacle of God. As a consequence, God built for me 5 houses worth Rs. 6 lakhs. We have named the house gifted by God 'Glory to God'. I kindly invite each one of you to participate in this Lord's mega project. For 1 sq.ft., Rs.300/- - Mohan C. Lazarus. Address: TABERNACLE OF GOD, JESUS REDEEMS, NALUMAVADI-628 211. THOOTHUKUDI DIST., FORM IV 1. Place of Publication 2. Periodicity of its Publication 3. Printer’s Name 4. Address 5. Whether Citizen of India 6. Publisher’s Name 7. Address 8. Editor’s Name 9. Address : Nalumavadi. : Monthly. : Joyce Lazarus. : Angel Printers, Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., : Yes. : J. Selvakumar : “Jesus Redeems”, Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., : J. Selvakumar : As above. I, J. Selvakumar, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. For 1 sq.mt., Rs. 3,000/If God gives you a leading to contribute to this great project, you can do so by Jesus Redeems Date : 15.04.2006. 7 April 2006 Sd Signature of Publisher. News from Bangalore:- Our Brothers along with other Servants of God Choir For many months, we were prayerfully arranging a Deliverance Festival in Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka state. This time the usual venue was shifted to Shesadripura Jakkarayangere ground where non-Christians are in majority. Bro. P. Selwyn, Bro. Thanaraj and Bro. Prabhudoss arranged the meeting in an exemplary manner. The people came together in multitudes everyday for the meeting. Among them majority of the people were non-Christians. The LORD had compassion on those people. Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. Appadurai and Bro. Yesanna delivered the LORD’s messages. These messages brought in realization of sin and redemption among the participants. The people turned toward the LORD and accepted Him as their personal Saviour. Each day the Power of the God Almighty manifested tremendously and redeemed the people from their sins, diseases and curses. Many of them glorified the God through their testimonies. On Saturday morning, a special meeting was arranged exclusively for the youth. They attended that meeting in large number. The “Power Team” of Bro. Steave made the enchanted the participants through their challenging feats. Youth Gathering – Challenging Feats of Bro. Steave’s Power Team The special message given by Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus from the life of Joseph brought blessings and anointment among those youth. During the concluding session, Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus delivered the LORD’s message on the topic – ‘Curse’ which filled the people with awe and fear of the LORD. So many people turned from their sinful ways; and freed The Youth who dedicated themselves to the LORD. themselves from their wretched clutches of curse. The Sun of Righteousness engulfed those who were hitherto in the darkness. The people who came with tears returned with exultation . Glory be to the LORD! - Meeting Coordinator. IN BANGALORE THE PEOPLE WHO WERE IN DARKNESS WITNESSED A GREAT LIGHT! Bro. Ayman translated the messages by the Servants of God into Kannada. Jesus Redeems 8 April 2006 Jesus Redeems 9 April 2006 the fear of death. Since the unclean spirit convulsed me often, I couldn't go out. At this juncture, I attended the meeting and prayed with the brother. The Lor d touched me and made me whole. The 20year long dominion of the devil in my life came to an end in a second. I am happy and healthy now. BANGALORE MEETING TESTIMONIES! UNCLEAN SPIRIT LEFT! I was being possessed by an evil spirit for the past few years. Because of this , I had untold infirmities all over the body. I had hip pain and I found it difficult to sit and stand and couldn't walk either. There is no word to describe my agony both physically and mentally. At times the evil spirit used to convulse me that I was put to unbearable shame During the prayer hour, when our brother rebuked the devil, the tormenting spirit left my body completely. As soon as it departed, I was healed of all my infirmities also. Shanthi, Siddharthanagar-Bangalore. 40 YEARS OF ASTHMA HEALED ! I was affected by Asthma from the days of my childhood and I remain asthmatic for the past 40 years. Medication could do nothing in this regard. I was just fed up of tablets and medicine. At last, with much agony and sigh, I attended the meeting with a question ," Will Jesus be merciful unto me and heal me "? The power of God descended upon me in the prayer hour mightily. In the next moment I could feel the Divine Deliverance all over my body by His healing touch .40 years of torment has gone forever. Praise God ! Boaz, Jeinagar. HEALING TOUCH! For the past few years, I had been affected by skin allergy and I had itching all over the body. As a result, there was festering and at times I was being tormented with unbearable pain. Even though I had taken a lot of tablets, it was of no use at all. At the time of prayer, brother called me by name and said, " Prakash! you have come here with a skin disease and you have tablets in your pocket. The Lord touches you right now." I couldn't believe my eyes and the next moment my body was transformed and looked like new. Leela, Bangalore. AFTER 10 YEARS ! I had been oppressed greatly at all sides for the past 10 years due to jobless state. At times, I felt dejected and planned to die. In this juncture, I attended the meeting and prayed to God for my job, with tears. The Lord has done a miracle on the third day and I have got a job with a good salary. The basic pay is Rs.8000. Prakash, Bangalore. FEAR OF DEATH VANISHED! An unclean spirit has bound me up for the past 20 years because of which I was haunted by an unreasonable fear. Fear surrounded me wherever I went and of whatever I saw. I couldn't sleep in the night. My body was also getting weaker and I had Jesus Redeems Babu, Mahadi Road. 10 April 2006 Jesus Redeems’ pore a g n i SOUL WINNING TRAINING CAMP In S Place: Speakers: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. A. Appadurai Bro. Sam Jebaraj Song - Worship: Bro. John Panneerselvam His Sanctuary, 6, Mc Nair Road, Singapore 328515. Date: 2006 May 11,12,13 Daily 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Promise: “I will make you fishers of men.” Matth. 4:19. Rare opportunity! Don’t miss it! Do come! Participate! Camp Registration Fees 30 Silver. Contact Address : Ps. Vincent, King of Glory Church, 35A Norris Road, Singapore 208277. Tel: 67535359, 63922060, 93801352 Email: vincent@kingofglorysingapore.com, kingofglorychurch@yahoo.com In Erode GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR OF THE MINISTRY OF Jesus Redeems’ BRO. JEEVANANTHAM FESTIVAL OF DELIVERANCE-2006 I have been acquainted with the man of God Bro. Jeevanantham for the past thirty years. I have been blessed by his messages. Though the Lord has used him mightily in many nations, he continues to proclaim the word of God in villages as he used to do in the past. We wish to honour this man of God who has been in the ministry of God for fifty years. We are planning to release a souvenir, compiling his experiences in the ministry. If you know anything special about his ministry, or if you have received any blessing through his ministry, please write to us, giving details in Tamil. If you have any photographs, please send them too to the address given below. God willing we shall publish them. st rd th Messages: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Bro. Appadurai Pray! Participate! “YOUR SORROW WILL BE TURNED INTO JOY.” (John 16:20) Contact: Brough Youth Erode, (Ph : 98427-78454, 94437-87978, 98424-84860) Bro. Jeevanantham Jubilee Souvenir, Jesus Redeems, Nalumavadi - 628211. Tuticorin dist., Jesus Redeems nd On 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 of June 2006 At 06:00 PM everyday. 11 April 2006 News from Nalumavadi-House of God:- “...HE SHALL BRING IT TO PASS.” (Psalms 37:5) Don’t feel troubled. The Lord shall make things happen for you. We should pray for this. The Lord has established the Thirappin Vasal prayer only to pray for you. Have a look at the miracles that the Lord has done heeding to our prayers. HE HEARD OUR PRAYER! prayer. The LORD heard our prayers. He cured miraculously all those diseases and revived her from her death bed. Even after 2½ years of my married life, I never had a child. Twice I suffered miscarriage. When I became pregnant for the third time, I was suffering from excessive bleeding. I was admitted in a hospital for 1½ months. Up to the delivery time, I was kept in my bed at a slanting position. My husband sent prayer requests to the ‘Thirappin Vaasal Jebam’. The LORD heard the prayers and blessed me with a beautiful girl child in a normal delivery. – Paulraj, Kaliyakkávizhai. TUBERCULOSIS GOT CURED! After marriage I lost a child soon after birth because of my tuberculosis. I attended the ‘Thirappin Vaasal Jebam’ with a heavy heart. I prayed for my recovery and also for a child. The LORD heard my supplication. He miraculously cured me and blessed me with a healthy boy child. – Dr. Phinola Kingston, Palayamkottai. – Mrs. Golden, Thalapathi Samudhram. CHANGED THE DEATH BED! ULCER HEALED! My mother was in her death bed and her whole body was insensitive due to blood pressure and sugar complaints. Medical treatment was of no use. In this situation we sent prayer requests to the ‘Thirappin Vaasal Jebam’ and also availed telephone Jesus Redeems My son was suffering from ulcer in his gastrointestinal tract. There was no positive result after various medical treatments. I attended the ‘Thirappin 12 April 2006 Vaasal Jebam’ and prayed for him specifally. The LORD heard my prayer and healed him completely. healing. The LORD heard my prayers and made the 18 year old tumour vanish. – Anandham, Kattathurai. – Anantharaj, Palayamkottai. HEARD THE PRAYER ! HE SAW MY TEARS! The medical check up for the swelling of my stomach showed that my lungs had fluid. The doctors said that within a month I might die. I began to count my days on this earth. In this circumstance I came to the ‘Thirappin Vaasal Jebam’ and prayed for my healing with a heavy heart. The LORD heard my tearful prayers and healed me completely. – Sahayamary, Kanyakumari. 18 YEAR OLD LUMP VANISHED! For the past 18 years I was suffering from a tumour in my stomach. After all medicines failed me, I attended the ‘Thirappin Vaasal Jebam’ and with tears prayed for my There was a tumour in the part of my breast. Doctors suggested an operation. With a heavy heart, I sent a letter to the Thirappin vasal prayer with a requisition for prayer. Our compassionate Lord performed a miraculous healing in the particular part of my body without operation. -Lilly, Kakithapuram. REVITALISED! For the past 7 months, I was suffering from physical infirmities that caused weakness in my body that I couldn’t do even a light work. I underwent a number of investigations in more than 20 hospitals that resulted in failure. In this situation, I came to the Thirappin vasal prayer and prayed for my healing. The Lord answered my prayer and brought to me good health. -John Bennet, Kanjiracode. YOUR MIRACLE DAY: APRIL 29 Jesus Christ who did miracles to these people will also do the same for you. Whatever may be your situation, write to us with your postal address clearly. Please fast and pray on this day with faith. “Jesus Christ will do a miracle for you too!” On this Thirappin vasal prayer day, we will pray from 9.00am to 3.00pm.You do pray in the same hour wherever you are. We shall let you know the answer given by God. Contact Address: Thirappin Vasal Jebam, Nalumavadi-628 211. Thoothukudi Dt., Jesus Redeems 13 April 2006 (Continuation of February Article) "If this is the case, then the temperature of the Red Stars must be even higher than all these varieties" you may think! That is not true! The temperature of the Red Stars are far less than that of the Sun; i.e., 3,500º Celsius! On our earth it is hard to bear if the temperature rises above 35º C. If it goes beyond 40º C deaths by heat become common. Now imagine the temperature of 3,500º Celsius! Danger above the head! In the last Issue we analyzed elaborately four startling facts about the twinkling dangers that are hanging above our heads. Now let us continue with the fifth one. F ifth in this row is man-made satellites that have been sent to the space for scanning the universe, to set right the telephone connections, to drive away our sleeps by telecasting variety of cinemas, to make Internet connections, etc., etc., etc. They can be visible depending upon their position in the sky and the time. We can see them only because of the light that is reflected by them. But we believe that these are also stars. Among these six varieties, which we call stars, apart from the man-made satellites, meteorites and Bro. Vincent Selvakumar Voice of Jesus Ministries, Ramanathapuram The sixth variety is the tiny planets! In the Universe such countless tiny particles are floating! 'Icarus' that threatened to fall down on the earth and changed its course some years back was also one such tiny planet like particle! While the Massachusetts Research Center in the USA says that the number of such small planets that are encircling the earth is 45,000, the Russian Space Research Station countered that they have seen 2 lakhs of such space bodies. Let them come to a conclusion of their own! At the outset we can understand that thousands of such tiny objects are floating around our earth! Tidings of Admonition! What we call 'stars' include the aboveexplained six illuminating objects! We do astrological calculations by a few of the above said six illuminating stellar items and use it for fixing the matrimonial alliances! Minor Planets or Asteroids are more prone to fall upon the earthen surface. In general, if we stare at the stars, they seem to be illuminating in various vibrant colors. There is nothing new in such falling of meteorites on the earthen surface. Everyday thousands of such meteorites fall on the earth. Since they enter into the earthen atmospheric area with the exorbitant speed of 45,000 km per hour, the friction in the air causes them to burn out totally. On rare occasion a very minute portion of these objects can fall on the ground. On the basis of these colours, the stars are distinguished as 'Red', 'Yellow', 'Blue', etc. These colours are formed by the heat emanating from these objects. The Sun also belongs to the family of stars. It has been called the 'Yellow Star'. The heat on its surface is 6,000º Celsius. The temperature of the Blue Stars are even higher than this; i.e., 35,000º Celsius! Jesus Redeems If a big object falls, a considerable portion would remain after it burns out! In Hobawest of Africa, a 60 ton remains of an asteroid is found. In Arizona of USA there is a big 14 April 2006 cavity of one mile width on the surface due to the meteorite falling. The researchers say it must be 22,000 years old. One such meteorite, which has been exhibited in New York, has a weight of 31,000 kilograms. Besides these meteorites, Minor Planets or Asteroids are also more prone to fall on the earth. Don't think that Minor Planets means small rubber ball like structures. The 'Icarus' planet has the circumference of one mile! Lakhs and lakhs of such minor planets that look like small hills, wander in the space. Many of them have no regular orbits. At times many of them come closer to the earth. In 1982, the astronomical scholars saw a red light in the sky while they were scanning the space for their research. When they explored it through infra red cameras they found that it was nothing but a conglomeration of about 40,000 meteorites which traverse in the wrong path. If such an assemblage comes near the path of the earth and get attracted by the gravitational pull, it would splash on the surface as torrential rain. It may look like the falling of ripe fruits from the tree. The 'Icarus' planet came near the earth in 1968. At that time it was feared that due to gravitational pull it would collide upon the earth. In 1973, the planet 'Hermis' entered into the orbit of the earth. 'Amor', a tiny planet once in 8 years crosses the orbit of the earth. Therefore, it is highly inevitable that any of such astral bodies may bump into the earth at any moment. What will happen if such an occurrence takes place? When a small planet hit the 'Tunguska' jungle area of Siberia, the sound of that impact was heard up to 500 mile distance! Numerous trees spreading over miles together were charred completely! Like this place, there are more than 100 locations where such meteorites have hit the earth, for centuries. In India, the biggest such crater made by a meteorite is at Vidharba of Maharashtra State. Today it looks like a lake full of water. It has a depth of 660 feet and has a width of 5,900 feet. Suppose, a bigger planet falls down now what will happen? When that planet is nearing the earth, Jesus Redeems the temperature will escalate unimaginatively; trees will break apart into pieces; the television sets in our homes will create jarring noise; bang … the cloud of dust will shoot up; the people on the roads will be thrown up to several miles and before they realise whether they are in rupture, they will be thrown vehemently from that high altitude and will break into pieces. Every vehicle on the road will also line up into the same experience! Due to the sand and stones that will be thrown up in the sky in such voluminous mass, the sun light will be blacked out up to 20 days. If these masses fall into the sea, giant waves will rise up and destroy the towns and cities on the shore. Ships will bring heavy loss to its owners. Several islands will vanish from the world map. Such 3,900 small planets that may cause such devastation have been named, numbered and put under constant watch. 'Eros' and 'Seris' are the two planets that threaten the earth frequently. Among them 'Seris' is the bigger one having 60 mile width. The third one is 'Vesta', an illuminating object. When you were a small child you may have sung the nursery rhyme 'Twinkle … Twinkle Little Star', when you saw this planet. Such chances were always there! Suppose due to the impact of such giant bang, the axis of the earth may change its position. If it is the case, then the gravitational force will pull up numerous meteorites towards the earth. The scene may be beautiful and awesome but no one will be there to view and enjoy the sight. Today the Astronomical Science accepts the fact that this is possible: but, even before the invention of mere lens, the Word of God tells these facts clearly! Is it wonderful? "… shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" [Matthew 24:29] The twinkling stars of today are waiting for the command of the Lord almighty to fall down upon the earth in the last days. This is God's armory in the sky. (In the next Issue we will discuss this Armory in the Sky elaborately.) April 2006 15 N E W CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN! ª ª 1,54,333 were the total no.of crimes registered against women in the year 2004. In 2003, it was 1,40,601. This statistical data is based upon the cases registered in the police department. No one can count the crimes that didn't come to light. As far as the crimes against women are concerned, Delhi, the capital city of India and Andra pradesh occupy the 1st and 2nd places respectively. Among the total crimes registered, 24.1% of took place only in Delhi. The states namely; Jharkhand and Bihar compete with each other in kidnapping and selling of women at a larger level. ª The number of people who used C.D.M.A mobile phones like, 'RELIANCE', and ' TATA INDICOM' has increased to 1.9 crores at present. 1.46 crore people are having Reliance cell phones and 44 lakhs of people have C.D. M .A TATA cell phones. In Feb. 2006, 3.1 lakhs people have purchased TATA cell phones. The total no. of people who have cell phones has increased to 8.22 crore at present. (Courtesy It has been recorded that several thousands of Hens died in Nundurbhar district of Maharashtra. Lakhs of Hens were being killed in order to protect them from the disease. The Government of Kerala has imposed a ban to import Hens and eggs from Tamilnadu. Hence the production of hen and egg is affected. Nearly 2 crore of eggs are being produced in Namakkal daily. 40 % of the egg production is being purchased by Kerala. Kerala has been paying nearly 40 crore rupees for the eggs produced in Tamilnadu for a month. (Courtesy'Araikooval' - 2006 March, page 32). In Tamilnadu, a girl is being assaulted sexually once in 3 days. The committed assaults of rapes recorded in Tamilnadu are 234. Among them the number of girls counted as victims are 195. Most of the felonies have been committed by the family relations only. Hence, many such incidents are being concealed. [Courtesy- 'Dhinakran'- Nellai,2006- March 8, page 8] (Pray unto the Lord to eradicate such curses from India ). ª INDIAN ECONOMY has developed rapidly. SENSEX is recording achievement in the field of SHARE MARKET. Indian companies have also come into the line. In 2005, Indian companies have performed a great deal in purchasing 100 foreign companies. Rs.10,670 crore has been paid from our Indian companies in this regard. On the one side, foreign companies are shaddowing native companies but on the other hand, a healthy competition prevails among the native companies and they got upper hand over one another. 625 business contracts were signed in the year 2005 only. The total value of these contracts is Rs.73,400 crore. Jesus Redeems ! 'Dhinakaran '- Nellai, 2006- March 7, page 11). The information which going to find its place in the year report of 2005 seems to be painful. In 2004, the report tells us, that every day has witnessed a rape and a murder that happened in the city of Delhi from Oct. 19th to Nov. 12th. the total no. of crimes done against girls children in the year 2004 were 3,541 in national level. ª S The ratio of the two genders in the population of the villages in Hariyana is 270 male for 132 female. Brutal killing of female babies and the premature deaths are the reasons for the unequal ratio in the population. Since the number of women is less than men, marriage seems to be an impossible one there. To change this situation, young women are being kidnapped from the states of Jharkhand and Uthranjal to be sold in the villages of Hariyana, it is rumoured. Girls are being sold for Rs. 7,000 according to the information. (Courtesy - ' Dhinakaran '- Nellai, 2006- March 7, page 9). Our Address J E S U S R E D E E M S M i n i s t r y Nalumavadi-628 211. Thoothukudi Dt., For 24 Hrs Prayer Request: 04639 - 235 315 Ph : (04639) - 235 305, 235 705 Fax : (04639) - 235 415 Email : info@jesusredeems.com Visit : http://www.jesusredeems.com/ 16 April 2006 Jesus Redeems’ In N A L U M A V A D I May Date: 25 Morning 9:00 to Evening 3:00 Place: 27 House of God, Nalumavadi. God’s Messages: Theme: “Look,... Be saved.” (Isaiah 45 : 22) Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Bro. A. Appadurai Rev. Milton Lazarus (Singapore) Bro. Yesanna (A.P) At the Camp Sweet Songs with music! Reviving sermons! Prayer sessions that bring deliverance! “Santhiya Prayer Time” at the wilderness! Important Notes:° The Meeting will take place from morning 9’o clock on the first two days 25th (Thursday) & 26th (Friday). ° On 27th (Saturday) Thirappin Vasal Jebam will take place from Morning 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. ° The registration fee for the camp is Rs. 5/- (Food Charges extra). ° Individual places have been allocated for men & women. ° Full Fasting during the day time & dinner will be provided in the night. ° Please bring your bedding, plate & tumbler. Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit and Deliverance in Body, Soul and Spirit! THIS DELIVERANCE CAMP IS JUST FOR YOU! For Details: Jesus Redeems, Nalumavadi-628 211. Thoothukudi Dt.,. (Ph: 04639-235 305) R.N.P. No. TNENG/2000/3545. Postal Regn. No. TN/SR-166/2006-2008. Licence to Post W.P.P. No. TN/WPP-36/SR/2006-2008. Overseas Regn.No. TN/SR-193/2006-2008. In CHENNAI Jesus Redeems’ DELIVERANCE FESTIVAL-2006 St. George Hr. Sec. School Ground, (Opp: Patchaiappa College) Place: Poonthamalli High Road, CHENNAI. Date: April 20, 21, 22, 23 THIRAPPIN VASAL PRAYER will be held at Daniel Matriculation School, Near Thandayarpettai Railway Station, Korukkupettai, on 22.04.2006 from 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus will deliver God’s Message. Time: Daily Evening 6 : 00 Messages : Struggling in Sin? Suffering pain due to Sickness? Troubled by Witchcraft? Come! Participate! n ce Entra e! Fre Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Bro. A. Appadurai “YOUR SORROW WILL BE TURNED INTO JOY.” (John 16:20) Contact for Trichy Meeting: Bro. Jeyaram Cell: 94433 40647 Contact for Chennai Meeting: Jesus Redeems Branch Office, Chennai Ph: 044-25971954, 25985753
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