o t e m o c l We ey mon w ra ty ithd lectrici w d e ts it an e and oun c pos c m e i t a d r, al air ing icip nsfe opp Buy n a • h u r s T • ur dM v an y for yo t O v, G • Pa DSt , C T yM • Pa www.mtc.com.na ENG MTC MONEY MENu • Dial *140*682# to access the menu. • EnteryourPIN. • Selectyourpreferredoptionbyreplyingwiththecorrespondingnumber. 1 Main menu: MTC Money Welcome to MTC Money Please enter your PIN: Please select an option: 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Your balance is: N$xxx.xx hOW dO I BuY AIRTIME ANd PAY CONTRACTS? 1 Airtime: Airtime Please select an option: 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Please select an option: 1. Tango Airtime 2. Contract Prepayment 3. Contract Invoice Payment * Back Airtime Please enter the cellphone number: Your balance is: N$xxx.xx Airtime Airtime Please enter the amount: Please confirm the amount of N$ xx to xxxxxxxxxx 1. Confirm 2. Cancel * Back 5 ENG 2 Contract Prepayment: Please select an option: Contract Prepayment 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Please select an option: 1. Tango Airtime 2. Contract Prepayment 3. Contract Invoice Payment * Back Contract Prepayment Please enter the cellphone number: Your balance is: N$xxx.xx Contract Prepayment Please enter the amount: Contract Prepayment Please confirm the amount of N$ xx to xxxxxxxxxx 1. Confirm 2. Cancel * Back 3 ContractInvoicePayment-PayOwnInvoice: Please select an option: 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Airtime Please select an option: 1. Tango Airtime 2. Contract Prepayment 3. Contract Invoice Payment * Back Please select an option: 1. Pay own invoice 2. Other invoice Cellphone number 3. Other invoice account number * Back Contract Invoice Payment Contract Invoice Payment Your balance is: N$xxx.xx Contract Invoice Payment Please enter the cellphone number: 6 Contract Invoice Payment The number: +26481xxxxxx, is linked to invoice account xxxx. Please enter the amount: Please confirm the amount of N$ xx to invoice account xxxx: 1. Confirm 2. Cancel * Back ENG 4 ContractInvoicePayment-CellphoneNumber: Please select an option: 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Airtime Please select an option: 1. Tango Airtime 2. Contract Prepayment 3. Contract Invoice Payment * Back Please select an option: 1. Pay own invoice 2. Other invoice Cellphone number 3. Other invoice account number * Back Contract Invoice Payment Contract Invoice Payment Your balance is: N$xxx.xx Contract Invoice Payment Please enter the cellphone number: Contract Invoice Payment The number: +26481xxxxxx, is linked to invoice account xxxx. Please enter the amount: Please confirm the amount of N$ xx to invoice account xxxx: 1. Confirm 2. Cancel * Back 5 ContractInvoicePayment-AccountNumber: Please select an option: 1. Airtime 2. Electricity 3. Account Payment 4. Transfer Money 5. PIN Change Airtime Please select an option: 1. Tango Airtime 2. Contract Prepayment 3. Contract Invoice Payment * Back Please select an option: 1. Pay own invoice 2. Other invoice Cellphone number 3. Other invoice account number * Back Contract Invoice Payment Contract Invoice Payment Your balance is: N$xxx.xx Contract Invoice Payment Please enter the account number: Contract Invoice Payment The number: +26481xxxxxx, is linked to invoice account xxxx. Please enter the amount: Please confirm the amount of N$ xx to invoice account xxxx: 1. Confirm 2. Cancel * Back 7
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