“123 Ways to Tickle Your Innards” This is a free book, please feel free to pass it on to as many folks as you may wish Thank you for downloading this free book, I sincerely appreciate it. My web site www.howtofacelife.com As an added bonus, and for your convenience, listed at the bottom of this book is a unique directory of self items that could help you in many ways” Limits of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While all attempts have been made verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business. The author and publisher also disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability what so ever on the behalf of any Purchaser or Reader of these materials. ABOUT THE AUTHOR MY NAME ---(JESSE) MARSHALL WADE BORN IN CHARLESTON, MISSOURI ON FEBRUARY 14, 1941---64 years young & grateful I was born into this healthy, wonderful country. As you are more than likely aware, we live our lives in our minds...and if you wish to live a fairly happy life, you have to have a good attitude, care about yourself, read, write, travel, and help others when and if you can. WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK As I am only human, there is this innate desire to give back to the world at least some of what it has given me...to somehow return to others what they have done for me. DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my son Marty, his lovely wife Jeanet, both of whom I am extremely proud. Introduction Folks, I sincerely hope you not only discover a lot of good ideas you can use, but also hope that it is also entertaining. Naturally there are no chapters, so please make your self happy! You first --- remember that if you are not happy, you cannot make others happy. Smile --- look in the mirror and sincerely smile at yourself – it helps me. Take a nice walk --- and as you do so, smile at others, notice the flowers, the clouds, and how others walk…some are quite different. Make new friends --- my own son will tell you that I never hesitate to speak to strangers in a public place…its amazing how many of them have really pepped up my day, and even given me new ideas on how to handle problems. Scream --- yep, if you are home alone, scream. Or if you are driving, find a secluded spot, stop, get out, and scream. Scream as long and loud as you can, for it will release a lot of stress and free your mind. Take a warm bath --- you may even consider …….uh, I better not mention that here. Rake up some leaves --- then just plop on top of them……uh, I better not mention that here either. Speak up --- give others your opinion about whatever the conversation is about… remember that they may not have ever heard your ideas and opinions before, and therefore help them by doing so. Praise other folks --- you will not only make their day, but very possibly a new friend. Make suggestions --- if you are a male, ask her to help you wash the car…if she doesn’t want to do that, I’m quite sure you can think of other great suggestions. (no, I won’t list them here). Got a problem? --- ask others for help…here again, it can be a great conversation starter because almost everyone loves to help others, and it makes them feel wanted and important. Feel unloved? --- hug your children…they are excellent when it comes to returning the favor. Do it tomorrow? --- the heck with that…do it today, for it will give you a great feeling of accomplishment, and instill more confidence in you. Stretch --- just be sure what you stretch, where you stretch it, and when you stretch it. Is it a warm rain? --- take a stroll in it, and like me, pretend it is washing away all of your worries and problems. Anticipate --- anticipate anything good…it will get your imagination running wild and come up all sorts of ideas of how to fulfill it. I know fellows, but you better get her permission first. Have a great ambition? --- make it your destiny and go for it. Hate? --- stop it now! You will end the stress and worry in your life…time you could be improving yourself. Angry? --- be careful what you say, for you may have to eat the words later. Need permission? --- not to be happy. Read and write --- just be careful what you read and write about, for it will become you. Talk to yourself? --- good…the more you do it, the more you will discover the real you. Crying? --- it’s a good thing, for it is one of the best methods a human can use to relieve a lot of stress. Paint your fingernails --- no, not you fellows. On the road? --- stop be a creek, take off your shoes, and let the water flow over your feet…I did it a lot when I was a traveling salesman…its great…just be sure its warm and safe. Laugh --- heck, sometimes when I am feeling low, I look in a mirror and think of something silly I did in the past, and laugh at myself…makes me know I am human, and that is a nice thing to know. Dance --- as an older fellow, and divorced, I went to a singles dance…they were just bouncing around and not even holding the gals…so yours truly began tossing in some Elvis moves (I learned it when a teenager)…next thing I knew, folks were laughing, and afterwards, I made a whole lot of new friends…and fellows, I may have looked silly, but I got a lot of dates out of it. Being insulted? --- picture them (in your mind only) sitting on a “throne” with the lower part of their rear anatomy corked up solid … if that doesn’t ease your stress and anger, nothing will. An important action? --- I hope it is making you and your loved ones happy. Get rid of old clothes --- not the short shorts gals. Help others --- you just might be amazed at how wonderful you feel. Help your kids --- help them find their talents and abilities…then show them how they can earn a good living doing them…then help them lay out the steps needed to attain those goals…once they realize they really have those talents and abilities, and can earn a good living at it, their eyes will not only light up, but you will have given them hope and confidence in themselves --- not to mention the fact that they will always love you for it. Should you or not? --- the answer is inside you…just get some where alone, and listen to your heart…it has the answer. Said the wrong thing? --- apologize, because it shows others that you are a good human, and have the courage to prove it. Thinking of someone special? --- let them know it…they will love it. Love doing something? --- why did you stop? Want progress? --- do what my father told me when I was young… “get off your _____(you fill in the blank space), and do what you know you have to do!” Mirror images --- what do you see in your mirror? I hope it’s a good person, because we need a whole lot of those folks. Make mistakes? --- wonderful, at least I know you are human. Feel unloved? --- hug your children…they will return it. Jealous? --- stop it! Learn how to smile --- its easy…just help a child and then watch them. Want respect? --- earn it! Want peace? --- watch the snow flakes fall, or listen to the raindrops. Feel nature --- go skinny dipping --- careful fellows. Want to know yourself? --- write about yourself. Create a dream --- on a warm clear night, gaze towards the center of our galaxy. See something new --- go for a train ride…you will notice beauty that you will never see driving the highways. Create new energy --- go to a beach…if you are a female, watch the young fellows go by…if you are a male, watch the bikinis go by…but whatever you do, keep your thoughts to yourself folks. Set goals --- just be certain that all of them will make you happy. Motivate yourself --- get up and do something you want to do. Stop nagging --- it won’t get you love. Accept failure --- but only for a few seconds. Not perfect? --- thank goodness. Think & imagine --- get all of those one billion neurons (brain cells) co-operating… you never know what they will come up with….watch it fellows. How old are you? --- who cares? You are still a good individual. What do you fear? --- I hope it is fear itself. Regret something? --- stop it! Can’t change it? --- change the way to look at it. When others insult you --- ignore it, because it only means that they have nothing better to do with their life. A destiny --- what? You haven’t created yours yet? Take control secrets --- each day, do what you have to do, then what you should do, and then what you want to do. No talents? ---horse dung! You have lots of talents…you just haven’t discovered them yet. Losing? --- Are you aware that as long as you keep on trying, you will eventually win? Holding a grudge? --- What? Please don’t tell me you are wasting your life doing that! Want a world of wonders? --- Open your imagination. Learn determination --- watch a child explore his/her surroundings. Want a good friend? --- Be one! Have peer pressure? --- If they are your peers, why not let them experience your pressure? Want belief in yourself? --- That’s wonderful! Go ahead, you have my permission. Got goals? --- I hope so, otherwise you have no idea of where you are, or where you are going. Do you have courage? --- Of course you do…you got out of bed didn’t you? Want to learn a lot? --- Listen a lot. Do you want rights? --- Stand up for them. Want to create something good? --- How about you? Want to see a good human? --- Have you looked in the mirror lately? Want a great future? --- Plan it, and then put your plan into action. Want to be a hero? --- Show your children you love them. Like great surprises? --- Look inside and discover you. Like to be encouraged? --- Just imagine what you can do if you will just get up and do it. Afraid of the unknown? --- It’s not there if you explore it. Discover your senses --- close your eyes and listen. Fear? --- if you don’t fear, it disappears automatically…then courage steps in. Hate negatives? --- become positive. Fear death? --- Why? Don’t you realize that it is the door way to forever? Have a dream of life? --- I hope so, for it is what you are. Do you know success? --- it is following your dream. Want something to live for? --- How about your family and your dreams. Discover listening --- be quiet. Listen close --- the really great you is calling from deep inside you. Want to hear something wonderful? --- you can be any type of individual you wish to be. Want a powerful belief? --- believe in you. Do you realize that knowledge and imagination is an extremely mighty combination that will take you where ever you want to go? Be all you can be --- you can, because you live in America, and under the American flag…thanks to the United States Military. Who is it whispering that you can be any one you wish, go almost any where you wish, and do almost anything you wish? --- it is the love of life in you. Do you forgive others? --- Good, but don’t forget to forgive yourself. Want to prove something fantastic? --- how about yourself to yourself? What will you do? --- with the rest of your life? Imagine all the wonderful things you possibly can, and then imagine what you can do with you. Be impressive, and follow your dreams. If you wish to listen to supreme sounds, try listening to your mind and imagination with your heart. If you desire to discover the most important person in the universe, look into a mirror. If you have a really strong desire to enjoy life, just check out the next step to fulfill your dream…you did lay out the steps to attain it, didn’t you? If you have a deep craving to be interesting and wise, help your children and friends to fulfill their dreams. Not sure of any of you folks, but I have been told that I’m easily amused…and I truly believe that is a fantastic complement, because I laugh a lot more than I cry. Want to discover the most important thing in your life? It’s you! Do you know that if you listen to others with your heart, you will soon understand theirs? Want to learn patience? --- watch a flower grow, and the rain drops fall. Do something beautiful for your children, write the memoirs of your life for them. If you open your mind and imagination, you open whole new worlds for you. If you do your best, you will soon exceed yourself. When you are determined, you are no longer tired. When you initiate your dream, your possibilities multiply exponentially. One of the most important thoughts you can think is when you remember that you can create your own reality. The most simple life one can have, is when one realizes what is, and what is not, important. Part of success is when you seek help from those you trust. Are you aware that the edge of your dreams are the edge of your reality? And are you also aware that now is the magic moment you can change your life? Be wise, and know that you are the sum total of all you believe you are…and your thoughts have created it all. Inspire someone to follow their dream, and you will walk away inspired. Dance with a loved one under the stars. Remember that we live our lives in our minds…you may as well live it happily. 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Cure Your Depression Permanently --- Without Expensive Medication! Millionaire Society --- Here's a truly inspiring, mind-blowing, money-making video you need to watch right now Memorize Names, Numbers And Everything Else --- Memory Expert And Record Holder For Fastest To Memorize A Deck Of Cards Reveals The Secrets To Routinely Recalling 100 Digit Numbers, Names, Chapters Of Books, Product Knowledge, Poems, Foreign Languages, Information From Classes And Much More! Because Hypnosis works --- Why have Tiger Woods, Kevin Costner, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and Jackie Kennedy all used hypnosis? Did you know that the Russian Olympic Team has 6 Professional Hypnotherapists on Staff? Why have all of these people used Hypnosis? How To Survive Anything --- How to Survive Anything may seem like a stretch, but here’s what I mean by survive anything: Be totally ready for ANY major disasters, whether it’s a hurricane, tornado, flood, civil war or even terrorist attack. 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