Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy © 2009 SCIENCE IN CHINA PRESS Springer-Verlag How to estimate the effect of an intense meteor shower on human space activities WU GuangJie National Astronomical Observatories/Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650011, China In the present age, the potential threat to space projects coming from some intense meteor storms has been noticed. Especially, the increasing activities of mankind in space for scientific, commercial and military purposes have led to an increase in safety-related problems about the satellites, space stations and astronauts. Several new techniques for observing meteors and meteor showers have been developed. However, how to estimate even predict the effect of an intense meteor shower should be further studied. The initial definition about a meteor storm based on visual observations with a Zenithal Hourly Rate of over one thousand seems insufficient, since it only means a storm or burst of meteors in numbers. In 2006 the author suggested a synthetical index of the potential threats about intense activities of meteors; however, it is too complex to determine several parameters. In this paper, the author suggests a Special True Number Flux Density (STNFD). Set a certain energy-limit, or a certain electric-charge-limit, and then calculate the number flux density. Through the comparison between two of the 10 strong meteor showers in recent years it is found that the important factor affecting the space flight security is not only the number of meteoroids, but also their velocities, their average energy and the population index r. Calculations show that Giacobinids, even June Bootids, should be one of the most hazardous meteor showers. meteors, meteorites and tektites, spacecraft/atmosphere interactions, observation and data reduction techniques The chance of a comet or other small celestial bodies impacting the Earth is uncommon. However, their various debris: The meteoroids have been impacting the Earth incessantly. In general, the meteoroids have not so big or heavy as the man-made space debris, but they have high velocities up to 11-72 km/s and high energies. In addition, the meteoroids can exist anywhere and a tremendous number of meteoroids might be encoun- tered in a short time[1 4]. Therefore, the threat coming from the meteoroids may not be smaller than that coming from the man-made space debris. Moreover, the meteoroids may cause extensive destruction. Due to impact, the shock waves can be generated and propagate along the impacted bodies, compressing and heating both the target and meteoroids themselves. A plasma cloud may enclose the target and expands into the surrounding vacuum, emitting electromagnetic radiation in a widely spectral range. In fact, the increasing activities of mankind in space for scientific, commercial, and military purposes have led to an increase in safety-related problems. The actual destruction of space projects has been recorded and reported, like the International Sun Earth Explorer (ISEE-1) which lost its 25% of the data in 1977 and the Olympus Telecommunication Satellite of ESA which lost its control and culminated in an early end of its mis- sion in 1993[5 9]. In general, Leonids is regarded as one of the most dangerous meteor streams, even though under the normal conditions, some people thought that the level should - have been closer to 15000 in 1966 than 150000[8 10]. Received July 23, 2008; accepted February 20, 2009 doi: 10.1007/s11433-009-0167-1 † Corresponding author (email: Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 However, based on their astronautic definition of the meteor storms, Ma et al. thought the Giacobinids (Draconids) in 1998 might be the strongest one among the 10 active meteor showers in recent years[11]. Anyway, the initial definition about a meteor storm coming from a Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) of above one thousand is not sufficient. As for the problems how to define and forecast the intense activity of a meteor storm and how to reduce the underlying damage as far as possible, dissectional and groping work is still needed. In the last paper, a synthetical index denoting the activity and potential threat of an intense meteor shower is suggested[12]. However, the parameters in the synthetical index should be further analyzed and discussed. In this paper, these important factors affecting the space flight security have been pointed based on the calculations of the 10 active meteor showers. In addition, according to the newly defined Special True Number Flux Density, it is shown that among the most hazardous meteor streams there should be Giacobinids, even June Bootids. where NObs is the total number of meteors recorded by the observer, Teff the effective observing time in hours and hr the elevation of the shower’s radiant at the observing time. The perception correction cp varies between 0.4 and 2.5, having a median value close to 1.0[14]. Usually, we can adopt γ = 1.0[15,16], but in some cases its value may be up to 1.4, even 1.8[14,17]. These measures may be obtained by different observers at different places in variable environments, however, through the above formula they are reduced under a standard condi- tion and can be compared worldwide[14,16,18 21]. For the whole visual observations the ratio of the total true number to the observed one N Obs = ∑ N m,Obs is 1 The Zenithal Hourly Rate and ZHR* Though several new kinds of techniques for observing meteors have been developed in modern meteor astronomy, the visual observation is still the most popular and most fundamental. From the simple records of the number and magnitudes of the meteors, the ZHR and the population index r of the meteors can be calculated and compared worldwide, indicating the intensity of the meteors and their magnitude distribution, respectively[13]. The population index r represents the ratio of the true numbers of the meteors in two consecutive magnitude classes of (m) and (m−1): N r= m . (1) N m −1 In general, it is assumed that r is a constant at least in the whole magnitude range covered by the visual observations. This can give a simple relation: N m = N0 × r m . “perception function” and Δm is the magnitude difference: Δm = LM − m, (4) where LM is the limiting stellar magnitude for this observation. The observed ZHR is defined as N ZHRO = Obs × r 6.5− LM × sin(hr )−γ × cp−1 , (5) Teff (2) +∞ c(r ) = ∑ r −Δm ∑ Nm = 0 , +∞ ∑ N m,Obs ∑ r −Δm × P(Δm) (6) 0 which can be used to get the total true number of meteors through the corrections of NObs or ZHRO. In recent years, we suggested an analytic function: P(Δm) = 0.5 + 0.505 × tanh(0.66Δm − 0.013Δm 2 − 2.43), (7) while Δm < 9.4633, otherwise P (Δm) ≡ 1, to calculate the probability of perception P (Δm). In addition, eqs. (6) and (7) are used to calculate the values of the c(r ) directly[13,22]. For studying the potential hazard of a strong meteor shower, Ma et al.[11] suggested a special Zenithal Hourly Rate ZHR*: ZHR∗ = ZHRO × 1, 000 × c( r ) ⎛ M 6 ⎞ × Ared ⎜⎝ M χ ⎟⎠ s −1 However, in visual observation, since a meteor moves fast and stays in the sky for less than one second normally, only a fraction of meteors can be caught by a naked eye. The number of the observed meteors at a certain magnitude m is (3) N m,Obs = P(Δm) × N m , where M6 and Mχ are the masses of the meteoroids with Magnitude 6 and Magnitude χ, respectively. s is the mass distribution index[20]: s = 1 + 2.3 × log(r ). (9) where P(Δm) is called the “probability of perception” or Ared is called the reduced area, which represents the 1162 WU GuangJie Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 , (8) area surveyed by an observer at the meteor level (the height H = 100 km)[19,20]: Ared = 37200 × (r − 1.3) −0.748 2 km . (10) In fact, the ZHR* is defined as the number of meteoroids passing over the zenith area of 1000 km2 per hour and each meteoroid can form a crater which is not less than 1 cm in diameter on an aluminum surface. It means M χ V02 2π 3 = (11) R ρε , 2 3 where R is the radius of the least crater impacted, ρ the mass density of the spaceflight instrument and ε the requested energy to destroy 1 g material. The geocentric velocity V0 is in units of km/s and can be got from its velocity V∞ in space: V02 [11] = V∞2 + 2 × 398600.5 / 6470. (12) * Ma et al. thought the number of ZHR should be directly proportional to the impact probability, so that, they call it “the astronautic definition of a meteor storm”. Performing the calculations, Ma et al. gave the result that 1998 Giacobinids has had a ZHR* as high as 8429[11], much greater than the others among the 10 active meteor showers since the 1990s. 2 The ZHR* and True Number Flux Density ten as ZHR∗ = ZHRO × 1,000 ⋅ c(r ) mlow −6.5 . ⋅r Ared (17) From eqs. (17) and (15), one may obviously have ZHR∗ = 1000 × QN ( E ≥ Elow ). (18) Here, we rewrite the range of m ≤ mlow to E ≥ Elow , since Ma et al.[11] set the Elow directly, but not mlow. The above equation says that the ZHR*, in nature, is a kind of number flux density. 3 The relationship between the mass and the luminosity For determining the mlow from Elow, you need know about their relationship. In the literature several kinds of empirical mass-magnitude formulae for meteoroids have - been used[18 20,23,24]. Among them, we prefer to use m = 14.247 − 2.5log M − 10.0log V∞ mag., (19) [12,25] where the mass M is in units of gram formula, it is easy to get M m1 − m2 = 2.5 × log 2 . M1 . From this (20) According to the definition of the magnitude, we have L m1 − m2 = 2.5 × log 2 , (21) L1 In the study of the meteors, the True Number Flux Density of the meteors with a magnitude of mlow at least can be reduced as[12,19,20] ∑ Nm . QN (m ≤ mlow ) = (13) T ⋅A where L1 and L2 are the luminosities of the two meteors. Therefore, we can get the simplest “ratio of the mass to luminosity” as L = C ⋅M, (22) For mlow = 6.5 it can be written as where C is a constant. If we adopt another formula, like[19] eff QN 6 = ZHRO × red c(r ) , Ared (14) L = C ⋅ M b, QN (m ≤ mlow ) = QN 6 ⋅ r mlow −6.5 (24) where b = 0.92, which also appears in the relationship: (15) On the other hand, since the ratio of the cumulative numbers of meteoroids brighter than M χ and M 6 can be written as[19,20] φ ( M χ ) ⎛ M 6 ⎞ s −1 mlow −6.5 , = =r φ ( M 6 ) ⎜⎝ M χ ⎟⎠ (23) the “ratio of the mass to luminosity” will become so ZHRO × c(r ) mlow −6.5 = ⋅r . Ared m = 40 − 2.5 × log(2.732 × 1010 M 0.92V03.91 ), α X = 7.7 × 10−10 M 0.92V03.91 m−1, where α X is the maximum electron line density along the meteor trail[26]. In like manner, Hughes et al. gave a succinct formula: α X = 2.0 × 1010 MVi 4 m−1, (16) then, the ZHR* introduced by Ma et al.[11] can be rewrit- (25) (26) where the mass M in units of gram and the impact velocity Vi of the meteoroid with the atmosphere of the Earth is in units of km/s[27,25,21]. It is obvious that the WU GuangJie Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 1163 exponent of b = 0.92 is close but not equal to a unit. In addition, the exponent of 3.91 in eq. (25) is close but not equal to 4. These exponential non-integers will make other calculations more complex, but do not change the result largely. 4 The definition of a special true number flux density As a special number flux density, the definition of ZHR* gives us a good ideal. Therefore, we can define a new Special True Number Flux Density (STNFD): QN∗ = ZHRO × β1 × β 2 , (27) where β1 = 10000 × c(r ) −6.5 ⋅r , Ared (28) β 2 = r mlow . (29) The calculation range can be set as m ≤ mlow , E ≥ Elow or α X ≥ α X ,low and so on. The QN∗ is the number of meteoroids passing over the zenith area of 100×100 km2 (about the order of the central area surveyed by an observer) per hour and each meteoroid has an mlow , Elow or α X ,low etc., at least. Obviously, it should be directly proportional to the impact probability. Tables 1 and 2 directly show you the effect of r and mlow to the values of β1 and β 2 . Table 1 indicates that except for r = 1.4, which is a little special, the larger is r, the smaller is β1. However, the value of β1 keeps in a small range with a difference about one order, while β 2 has a very large variation with r. In addition, Table 2 r 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 1164 when mlow is larger or smaller than zero-magnitude, β2 has an inverse variation: that is very important! Table 1 The variation of c(r) in eq. (6), Ared in eq. (10) and the parameter β1 in eq. (28) r 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 c(r) 3.43 5.22 7.33 9.69 12.23 14.91 17.67 20.47 23.27 26.05 28.79 31.49 34.12 36.68 Ared 208229.8 91549.6 62476.0 48574.6 40250.3 34640.3 30571.3 27468.0 25013.1 23016.3 21356.1 19951.7 18744.9 17696.3 β1 0.01849 0.02687 0.02570 0.02203 0.01807 0.01454 0.01160 0.00924 0.00737 0.00589 0.00473 0.00382 0.00310 0.00253 The value of m low can be changed into Elow and V∞ , since mlow = 14.247 − 10 log V∞ 2 Elow ⎛ ⎞ − 2.5log ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝ V∞ + 2 × 398600.5 / 6470 ⎠ = 13.4944 − 2.5log Elow − 10 log V∞ + 2.5log(V∞2 + 2 × 398600.5 / 6470). (30) Table 3 gives the calculated values. Since (2× 398600.5/6470) = 123.2, which is much smaller than V∞2 , in general. Therefore, mlow ≈ 13.4944 − 2.5log Elow − 5.0log V∞ , (31) is their main relationship. The variation of the parameter β2 in eq. (29) mlow = 8.0 mag. 14.757891 42.949673 110.199606 256.000000 548.758735 1100.753142 2088.270646 3778.019983 6561.000000 10995.116278 17857.939049 28211.099075 43477.921385 65536.000000 mlow = 6.0 mag. 7.529536 16.777216 34.012224 64.000000 113.379904 191.102976 308.915776 481.890304 729.000000 1073.741824 1544.804416 2176.782336 3010.936384 4096.000000 mlow = 4.0 mag. 3.8416 6.5536 10.4976 16.0000 23.4256 33.1776 45.6976 61.4656 81.0000 104.8576 133.6336 167.9616 208.5136 256.0000 mlow = 2.0 mag. 1.960 2.560 3.240 4.000 4.840 5.760 6.760 7.840 9.000 10.240 11.560 12.960 14.440 16.000 mlow = 0.0 mag. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 mlow = −2.0 mag. 0.510204 0.390625 0.308642 0.250000 0.206612 0.173611 0.147929 0.127551 0.111111 0.097656 0.086505 0.077160 0.069252 0.062500 WU GuangJie Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 mlow = −4.0 mag. 0.260308 0.152588 0.095260 0.062500 0.042688 0.030141 0.021883 0.016269 0.012346 0.009537 0.007483 0.005954 0.004796 0.003906 The value of mlow is determined by Elow (unit: J) and V∞(unit: km/s) Table 3 Elow 70.7×10−2 70.7×10−1 70.7 70.7×101 70.7×102 70.7×103 70.7×104 70.7×105 70.7×106 V∞= 10.0 V∞= 20.0 12.24 9.74 7.24 4.74 2.24 −0.26 −2.76 −5.26 −7.76 10.16 7.66 5.16 2.66 0.16 −2.34 −4.84 −7.34 −9.84 V∞= 30.0 V∞= 40.0 V∞= 50.0 V∞= 60.0 V∞= 70.0 9.12 6.62 4.12 1.62 −0.88 −3.38 −5.88 −8.38 −10.88 8.44 5.94 3.44 0.94 −1.56 −4.06 −6.56 −9.06 −11.56 7.93 5.43 2.93 0.43 −2.07 −4.57 −7.07 −9.57 −12.07 7.52 5.02 2.52 0.02 −2.48 −4.98 −7.48 −9.98 −12.48 7.17 4.67 2.17 −0.33 −2.83 −5.33 −7.83 −10.33 −12.83 Obviously, both values of β1 and β 2 are determined by r, V∞ and Elow . The lowest catastrophic energy Elow can be set by the special research, however, the factors of r and V∞ are the inherent characters of a meteoric shower. 5 The efficiency of the transition of energy We see that the question about the astronautic definition of a meteor storm suggested by Ma et al.[11], in substance, is a kind of STNFD. The only special matter is the critical energy Elow being set as[11] πρε = 70.7 J. (32) Elow = 12 They hope that every meteoroid must have the ability to create a crater no less than 1 cm in diameter on an aluminum surface, but they might set the critical energy too low. The question is whether or not all of kinetic energies of the meteoroid can be changed into the heat creating the crater without any waste. For the impact of Leonids meteors with the Moon, a value of s = 1.6 ± 0.1 might be appropriate, which corresponds to an r of 1.82[28]. The flashes are mainly the result of thermal emission from hot plasma plumes created by the impact[28,29]. An important parameter in the impact of the meteoroid with the Moon is the fraction of the initial kinetic energy converted into the radiation or luminous efficiency η. From the observations of 1999 Leonids impacting the Moon, a value of η = 2 × 10 −3 in the wavelength range of 400-900 nm was obtained with an uncertainty roughly one order of magnitude. This efficiency is significantly larger than that previously estimated, since very high-velocity collisions like Leonids are much more difficult to reproduce in the laboratory. Certainly, the transition efficiency η must also exist in the impact of the meteoroid with the spaceflight instrument, which might be as large as 2×10−3 or less. As an example, we can still use the 10 active meteor showers as Ma et al.[11] used in their paper. Through eq. (30) and by adopting Elow,1 = 70.7 J, mlow,1 can be obtained. Our calculations are listed in Table 4. It is surprising that the mlow of the showers 1998 June Bootids and 1998 Giacobinids can be as faint as about 10.0 mag., which is much lower than the visual limit and makes the QN∗ be very large. By considering the transition efficiency, setting Elow,2 = Elow,1 /(2 × 10−3 ) = 3.535 × 104 J, even considering that the efficiency η may be lower again about one order and setting Elow,3 = Elow,1 / (2 × 10−4 ) = 3.535 × 105 J, the calculated values are also given as QN∗ ,2 and QN∗ ,3 in Table 4. It is obvious that even η = 2 × 10−4 , 1998 Giacobinids and 1998 June Bootids still have a positive magnitude of mlow,3, that is because they have lower velocity of 20, even 18 km/s. Moreover, r = 3.0 is the largest value among the 10 showers, which made 1998 Giacobinids has a larger β 2 value. In general, 1998 Giacobinids has a mlow about 3 mag. fainter than that of Leonids, and about 2.6 mag. fainter than that of Perseids. Therefore, 1998 Giacobinids has the biggest QN∗ ,2 and QN∗ ,3 and is one of the most hazardous meteor showers. Certainly, if on the Moon, Perseids may be one of the most hazardous meteor showers[12]. However, anyway, do not ignore June Bootids, which always has the faintest mlow and may have a larger threat either on the Earth or the Moon. In Table 4, the value of r is supposed as a constant for a meteor shower. Actually, people thought that r can be WU GuangJie Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 1165 Table 4 Calculations of 10 meteor showers, by setting Elow,1 = 70.7 J, Elow,2 = 3.535×104 J and Elow,3 = 3.535×105 J Meteor shower V∞ 1991 Perseids 1992 Perseids 1993 Perseids 1994 Perseids 1995 α Mon 1998 June Bootids 1998 Giacobinids 1999 Leonids 2001 Leonids 2002 Leonids 59 59 59 59 65 18 20 71 71 71 r 1.9 2.1 1.8 1.8 2.51 2.22 3.0 2.3 2.25 2.92 ZHRO mlow,1 mlow,2 QN∗ ,2 mlow,3 QN∗ ,3 350 250 300 250 350 102 720 3700 3430 2940 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.34 10.4 10.2 7.14 7.14 7.14 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.59 3.70 3.41 0.39 0.39 0.39 14.09 9.11 12.39 10.32 7.74 34.43 224.66 83.37 80.88 36.13 −1.69 −1.69 −1.69 −1.69 −1.91 1.20 0.91 −2.11 −2.11 −2.11 2.83 1.43 2.85 2.38 0.78 4.69 14.41 10.39 10.65 2.48 supposed as a constant for a trail erupted in one return of a comet. However, a meteoric storm may be a mixed stream including several trails erupted in different returns. As an example, the value of r is indeed different for the 4 showers of Perseids, is also different for the 3 showers of Leonids in Table 4. But then, we can still use a constant for a meteor shower. Reason 1, r represents a distribution of the numbers along magnitude according their brightness or sizes of the particles in a stream. In fact, r is not a strict constant in the whole visual magnitude range but approximately. Reason 2, the value of r is dynamic at any moment. It means the distribution-self in a stream is not uniform. Reason 3, in a mixed stream, since all of the particles are erupted from one and the same comet, in general, the value of r can be preserved in a reasonable range, which may be much different from other stream or comet, so that a new r could be found to represent the mixed distribution approximately. Reason 4, as a matter of fact, nobody find that a constant r cannot be used even in a short-time meteor observation. 6 Discussion [12] In our last paper, Wu suggested a synthetical index of the potential threats about intense activities of meteors. In this index several aspects of the intensities are considered, such as the number, mass, impulse, energy and electric charge, etc. For different special purposes, the parameters can be modulated. However, for determining these parameters correctly, a lot of work may be needed. In fact, eq. (19) gives an important relationship about the magnitude, mass and velocity. Rewrite this equation as m = 14.247 − 2.5 × log( MV∞4 ), will be equal to MV∞4 . Therefore, the larger the velocity, the smaller the mass M, momentum MV∞ and energy MV∞2 / 2. Eq. (26) constitutes also a very important relationship between the mass, velocity and maximum electron line density. The comparison of eqs. (33) with (26) says that a bright meteor must have the larger maximum electron line density as m ≈ 40.0 − 2.5 × log(α X ). (34) In other words, if the streams have the equal number flux density QN in a certain magnitude range, the stream with a larger velocity V∞ will have the smaller mass flux density QM , smaller impulse flux density QI , smaller energy flux density QE and about equal charge flux density QC . In a word, the velocity V∞ is a very important parameter and the multifarious flux densities ( QN , QM , QI , QE , QC ) may have certain relationships. See the tables, in Table 1, except for r = 1.4 having a little difference, the parameter β1 becomes smaller while r is larger in the range of r = 1.6 to 4.0. However, the value of β1 changes only about 7.3 times. In Table 2, β 2 varies largely with the variation of r. Since β 2 = r mlow , the variety is anti-symmetric. For mlow = 0, the value of β 2 keeps a unit. For mlow > 0, the value of β 2 becomes larger with the increase in r. For mlow < 0, the value of β 2 becomes smaller with the increase in r. For mlow = ±2, the value changes about 8.16 times in the range of r = 1.4 to 4.0. Since r 8 = (33) (r 4 ) 2 = ((r 2 )2 ) 2 , for mlow = ±8, the value will change which means that the meteors with the same magnitude about 4440 times. Therefore, in the conversion of 1166 WU GuangJie Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron | Aug. 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 8 | 1161-1168 ZHRO to QN∗ in eq. (27), the effect of β 2 may be obtain the QN∗ only. larger than that of β1 , in general. Of course, the effect then, the population index r for the natural characters of meteor streams. The relationship of V∞ with QN , As you know, the Leonids meteor shower has been known as the strongest meteor stream. Indeed, it has - been an outstanding exhibition in history[3,18,30 34]. For the future, Yeomans et al. hold that because of planetary perturbations, it will be another century after the 1998- 2001 events before the significant Leonids meteor appears once again. Moreover, the Leonids may have gone forever after AD 2500[30]. It is a pity that in literature we have not found any reports which confirm the endangerment of Giacobinids or June Bootids. For the future prediction, since scientists know the velocities V∞ of the main meteor showers very well, QM , QI , QE and QC tells us, in most cases, that only the important question is to set a reasonable Elow (or the consideration of QN may be enough. The defini- M low , I low , Clow and so on), and the most possible tion of QN∗ tells us that in different cases, we can set a population index r is estimated. special mass-limit, impulse-limit, energy-limit or charge-limit, of course, and a magnitude-limit, and then The authors would like to thank Mr. Ling Zongxu for the improvement on English of this manuscript. of β1 makes the QN∗ ZHRO , in general. See Table 3, when Elow is set and if V∞ is larger, then the needed mlow must be brighter. In addition, the value of mlow changes faster along V∞ than along Elow . While V∞ changes from 10 km/s to 70 km/s, it is needed that the value of Elow changes over two orders. All of the analysis mean that in the conversion of ZHRO to QN∗ , the firstly important parameter is V∞ , 1 McNaught R H, Asher D J. Leonid dust trails and meteor storms. WGN J IMO, 1999, 27(2): 85-102 2 Astrophys, 1994, 287: 990-1013 Bellot Rubio R L. Effects of a dependence of meteor brightness on the entry angle. 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