Zusma provides holistic exercise physiology, personal training and nutrition. The word ‘Zusma’ is derived from Sanskrit, it means ‘strength’, ‘energy’, and ’vigour’. Assessment and prescription is for the whole person. Drop by zusma.com.au and learn how you can start creating your own healthy and energized life! Step towards a functional and flat core: June 2013 Newsletter The first step in core conditioning is to realize that there are An exercise that can be performed anywhere and two functional units that make up the abdominal wall. tones the inner unit is the tummy vacuum. The outer unit are the muscles you see in the mirror. They The progression should be from 4-point (as shown provide movement of the trunk HOWEVER exercising these below) to standing. will not produce flat abs! Once mastered, it should be incorporated into all The inner unit are the transversus abdominus (TVA) and exercises—especially in the movement preparation internal oblique (IO). The inner unit acts like a girdle, when phase of your program. activated it creates a drawing in action—moving the belly button towards the spine. A well functioning inner unit creates the flat abs that everyone desires! An optimal functioning inner unit also serves other key functions such as: Improving joint health in the torso as well as stability . Supporting internal organs—stopping the ‘droop’ which can lead to backpain. Improved breathing capacity Improved circulation and immune function. 4 - point vacuum: Start: On hands (under shoulders) and knees (under hips). Movement: So ensuring you have a well functioning inner unit is critical not only for looks but health. One of the most effective ways to engage your inner unit is to use breathing exercises. Exhale and draw belly button into your spine whilst maintaining a natural curve in your lower back Hold for as long as you comfortably can Inhale, relaxing your abdominal wall Repeat 10x How to get rid of body fat and increase energy! Adults who do not undertake regular strength and resistance exercise lose muscle consistently on a yearly basis, which in turn leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. Research (Westcott & Guy 1996) shows that over an 8 week strength and resistance exercise training period the typical response for men and women (training 23x/week) is an increase in Strength exercise increases our muscle mass and metabolic rate! With more muscle and a higher metabolic rate the ability to decrease body fat (and those 'love handles/beer bellys!) becomes much easier! (Campbell et al. 1994). muscle mass of 1.5kg. By adding this much muscle, research also tells us that our resting metabolic rate increases by 7% (Campbell et al. 1994). References: Campbell, W. et al. Increased energy requirements and changes in body composition with resistance training in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994 Aug; 60(2):167-75. Westcott, W. and Guy, J. (1996). A physical evolution: Sedentary adults see marked improvements in as little as two days a week. IDEA Today, 14 (9): 58-65 CONTACT JEREMY @ZUSM A.COM .AU 0413 377 905 24 M URR AY VIE W R D ALB URY 2640 AB N 28 898 515 6 87 M E DI C AR E N O . 43 61512 T
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