The Ingenics Customer Magazine 2011 / Issue 02 Trends, Challenges and Opportunities How to Best Cope with the Demographic Change 1. A growing workload will be assigned to a workforce that is decreasing in numbers and increasing in age. 2. Skilled personnel will be urgently needed and intensely courted. 3. Corporate age-structures and hierarchies will change radically. 4. Permanent training and education will take an even higher priority than it has today. 5. Acquiring and retaining experienced professionals and skilled managers will become more important than ever before. Against this backdrop, the efficiency of work processes, structures, and productivity will become an even more decisive factor for corporate success – and, in some cases, even survival. Similarly, Dear Reader, employee motivation, productivity, and loyalty will prove critical. with the recent stock market crisis and the political and economical That’s where Ingenics comes in. Our comprehensive lean strategies instabilities companies are facing, it’s easy to overlook a major shift help companies effectively set the stage today to achieve success in that has taken place in the last few years; the aging of our society. tomorrow’s changed world. We hope you’ll let us help you do just that. This change will have a significant impact on our world in the decade ahead, with implications on the political, economic, and social levels. By the way: the upcoming demographic change will also profoundly But what about your business? How can today’s manufacturers best affect society as a whole, its structure, and its needs. While the final meet the challenges of a graying population? implications are still uncertain, one thing is clear: a demographic change will lead to a new market...which also leads to new demand. It’s important to prepare now in order to effectively address this That’s good news for businesses everywhere – as long as we are question in the years to come. After all, nothing less than our ready, able, and willing to respond to it. economic viability and our domestic welfare are at stake. Small and midsize companies will likely see the biggest impact. Unlike larger Good luck and happy reading, corporations, they rarely have a long term HR strategy in place to ensure adequate staff planning and train junior manpower. When strategizing for the future, businesses should take into account Oliver Herkommer Jörg Herkommer the following possible scenario: Managing Partner Managing Partner content · 11th Ulmer Dialogs Demographic Change: · Brazil – More than just Samba and Carnival How Companies Are Preparing for the New Reality · The Automotive Industry in France: New Challenges in Store · How Goldhofer Boosted Its Bottom Line · How a Long Time Vision Is Becoming a Reality on China’s Roads · Why T+H Metallwarenfabrik Relies on Ingenics · The Home Run: US Companies Reconsider Domestic Production · Book Review/Events/Career 2011 / Issue 02 11th Ulmer Dialogs Demographic Change: How Companies Are Preparing for the New Reality For the 11th time in the last few years, Ingenics invited top executives from around the world to its Ulmer Dialogs conference this past May. With more than 200 participants heeding the call, attendance was at an all-time high. At the event, Ingenics shared some other impressive numbers as well. “2010 was our most successful year. In this past decade, our sales volume increased five-fold,” said Ingenics’ Oliver Herkommer Oliver Herkommer. In the coming years, the company expects continued success and average annual growth rates of some 15%. “To support this growth, we expect to hire 100 additional engineers, and are actively seeking qualified applicants,” said factors that threaten competitiveness and Herkommer. This simple statement opened the dialogue to the main issue at hand: productivity, and updated our resource the major demographic shift taking place all around the world right now. model for Operational Excellence accordingly,” he explained. “The key: continuing to Peter Hahne put people at the heart of the production We Need Optimistic, Inspiring Role Models The fact that a full one-third of high system. As a result, our Ingenics concept school graduates are currently considered now includes the components Attractive The expected demographic change and its “untrainable” shows the extent of the chal- Company and Attractive Region, helping to impact on our society and economy was lenge - but also its far-reaching potential. rapidly identify essential areas for action.” indeed the main topic of the event. “In Hahne’s advice? “Be a role model, offer per- political discussions, this important topic spective, and avoid an exodus of the best Not One Magic Bullet – is largely ignored,” asserted TV anchor and talent in your company. We need people But Several Effective Solutions bestselling author Peter Hahne. According who give us hope. The future belongs to to Hahne, there are three interconnected those who can offer encouragement to the According to Herkommer, Ingenics identifies topics that need to be urgently addressed next generation.” Four Building Blocks for Success that can and resolved. They include: the loss of fundamental values; the state of emergency Demographischer Wandel be applied to any organization. First, there Time to See, Time to React is the Demographic Check, which employs in education; and the demographic change. Jörg Herkommer Andy Häussler an age structure analysis, interviews with to coping with the demographic change. “Once ideological values deteriorate, mate- The question of how to manage the future staff and senior management, load-oriented Rather, they should implement a number of rial values rapidly follow suit,” explained with the personnel that’s still active in the activity, and environment analysis. The proven, individual solutions that will help Hahne. The fixation on quick profits and workplace – especially given the fact that other three include Empowering People, them effectively meet the upcoming chal- hazardous money market speculations are hundreds of thousands of people reach Developing Production Systems, and Mak- lenges, one by one. leading to the worst possible type of crisis the official retirement age in Germany ing the Company More Attractive – all – a crisis of trust. “If we can no longer rely each year was also the subject of Jörg designed to help a business attract and To close out the event, things took a light- on honesty and truthfulness, we retreat Herkommer’s lecture, entitled “Demographic retain the best talent. “During one of our hearted turn as psychic Andy Häussler, into inner emigration. We need clear goals; Changes in the Company.” According to client projects, we learned that the average also know as “The Enterbrain,” regaled the employees must know what their execu- Herkommer, although we are bound to lose age of the workforce, which is now 48.8, audience with a stimulating, fun, interactive tives stand for – what concepts, visions millions of qualified workers by 2020, and will increase to 55.5 in 2020,” explained presentation. Overall, the conference was and strategies they follow.” As for the although businesses, especially those in Herkommer. That means now is the time to a tremendous success, and we’re already demographic change, Hahne believes that rural areas, will find it difficult to replace act. Most companies already realize it, but looking forward to the 12th Ulmer Dialogs! there is simply no excuse for ignoring this those departing employees – we still have many are asking for a single perfect solu- important topic. “We know what will hap- time to prepare. Naturally, the Ingenics tion to ensure them the most predictable pen in 30 years, and while we can’t stop the CEO came fully prepared with a number ofStadthaus development, we have a chance to control concrete suggestions on how to best handle remember that there is no such thing as a its effects,” he maintained. the situation. “At Ingenics, we analyzed the magic bullet or perfect ROI when it comes 11. Ulmer Gespräche 26. Mai 2011 Ulm results. Herkommer advises companies to Next Event: ange Demographic Ch er Dialog, at the Hamburg , 2011 September 22nd Visionen, strategien, MethoDen Der Zukunfts gestaltung in unternehMen. 2011 / Issue 02 From Value Analysis to Value Creation: How Goldhofer Boosted Its Bottom Line Some may say it’s best to reduce costs – but here at Ingenics, we also think it’s a good idea to avoid them altogether. In fact, we’ve seen through our work with clients around the world that using state-of-the art value analyses to eliminate expenses in Goldhofer AG manufacturing projects can help achieve dramatic results. After all, the more cost-efficient the value chain, the larger the value Whether heavy goods or semi-trailer, creation at the end. A case in point: Goldhofer, a leading manufacturer of specialty vehicles for general road traffic, heavy- self-driven heavy goods module vehicles, duty, and special transportation needs. Over the course of a single year, Ingenics completed six projects for Goldhofer – saving aircraft haulers without bars or vehicles the company hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition to the cost-savings, Ingenics helped Goldhofer make far-reaching for transporting rotor blades and towers improvements in its corporate structure and personnel efficiency, thanks to the intensive, cross-departmental involvement and for wind turbines: Goldhofer AG from training of employees on all levels. . Memmingen is an expert in the field of road, heavy goods and special transport. More than 600 employees working Reducing Is Silver, Avoiding Is Gold: The the fat” is to go on a diet – but it’s often a the object analysis, functional specifications, Value of Value Analysis tough, arduous road. Of course, if you start a list of ideas and solutions, and more – out slim already, it’s much easier to maintain ultimately culminating in the definition and The earlier the lean principle is applied in your weight over the long-term by avoiding, implementation of specific solutions. Using practice, the more sustainable it proves to rather than eliminating, fattening foods. different creative techniques and practical be. Think about it: what applies to bodies applies to business. An effective way to “trim on the almost 120,000 square metre company premises produce around 950 vehicles per year for a load capacity range of 25 to 10,000 tons as well as 100,000 spare parts. The traditional company, that can trace its history examples, Ingenics and the team simulated When it comes to lean manufacturing, the real-life processes to outline construc- best approach is to do both – go on a diet tive ideas and appropriate solutions, and (that is, reduce costs) and stay slim (that systematically practice the methodological is, avoid costs from the get-go). And that’s steps necessary to implement them. Armed exactly what Ingenics did at Goldhofer. In with the tools of this successfully completed fact, the company’s first objective was to training, the team was ready to tackle the avoid costs where possible. At the same next phase: the start of the “real” project. back to the year 1705, has produced more than 32,000 vehicles to date and delivered them to more than 70 countries. time, it sought to significantly cut existing manufacturing costs by reducing material From Project Training to Project Success Do you think about these issues too? and production expenses, and paying better attention to the function of products and With the objective in mind to drive up pro- components. duction efficiency and minimize/avoid costs, n I s cost reduction already in the early the project went into its application phase. With these goals in mind, Ingenics started your PDP considering methods of phase of the product creation phase? This phase specifically focused on improv- n I s your developer thinking of costing the first stage of the project, a two-day ing the production efficiency of an aircraft in-house training with Goldhofer employees tractor, a semi-duty and heavy-duty vehicle, To capture all parameters, such teams may concrete results. The costs savings projected involved in design, planning, and production. and a welding robot. To enhance the use of sometimes even integrate employees from at the start of the project turned out to n D o you use target-costing? After learning about the philosophy, the materials and introduce improvements across suppliers and corporate partners as needed. be realistic and were fully achieved. As an n D o you use methods like value flow objectives, and the benefits of value analysis, the entire process and manufacturing chain, The result: the project was a huge success – added bonus, the project led to a stronger participants were ready to zero in on specific it was necessary to cooperate across various a perfect textbook case for the six-stage team spirit among all participating employ- work methods based on a six-stage work departments. Ingenics and Goldhofer worked work plan and value analysis. Goldhofer’s ees – setting the stage for the successful plan. This plan described the step-by-step together to create interdisciplinary teams, highly motivated staff delivered creative execution of future projects that are sure Then contact Gundolf Müßig, approach necessary to analyze and success- including employees from such diverse ideas that led to better, yet entirely feasible to positively impact Goldhofer’s corporate Partner, Ingenics Academy Manager fully execute value analysis projects. In addi- departments as development, manufactur- solutions. Those were, in turn, translated structure, philosophy, and bottom line for tion to project preparation details, it included ing, production planning, and purchasing. into strategies, and implemented to achieve years to come. structures? analysis or value flow design? n D o you want to know more about lean development? 2011 / Issue 02 Improving Efficiency and Generating Added Value in the Metal Industry: Why T+H Metallwarenfabrik Relies on Ingenics “When it comes to start-up times, we are almost on target already, and in terms of Ingenics was recently selected by German-based T+H, a mid-size manufacturer of metal stamping, pressing, and bending quality assurance we have identified additional potential and are making rapid progress,” components for the aerospace, automotive, medical, and mechanical engineering industries, to help streamline operations, says Jürgen Truckemüller, Managing Partner at T+H. improve material efficiency, and increase the company’s overall value creation. Ingenics began by working closely with T+H’s management to define project parameters and objectives. Starting with a thorough analysis of the status quo, Ingenics focused on existing corporate processes and communication structures before within just six weeks. Though challenging, for them to embrace the change that was agree that it was Ingenics that enabled developing several approaches and evaluating them individually to find the best possible optimization strategy for T+H. this approach involved T+H’s employees coming. In fact, at the onset of the project, them to implement “massive improvements” directly in the process, making it even easier T+H managers wrote in an internal memo: within their company. “Continuous improvements bring amazing resources and opportunities to light.” The analysis revealed significant oppor- analysis to determine the individual steps The results have proven them 100 % T+H Metallwarenfabrik GmbH tunities for improvement in the areas of and their respective shortcomings before correct. Overall factory productivity and This medium-sized company consists transport times, waste, and procurement. holding a customized, dedicated set-up availability were improved by almost 20 of the T+H Werkzeugbau GmbH, the T+H’s stamping area alone showed an annual workshop. percent; employee productivity rose by T+H Metallwarenfabrik GmbH and the savings potential of over $185,000. “We basically created an ideal process, T+H Oberflächenbehandlung GmbH and employs in total around 150 Focused on the Essentials with significantly shorter set-up times, According to Hebsacker, the project has and offered it to T+H’s staff as a guide helped his company boost value generation Ingenics proceeded by updating the entire for how to improve and streamline by up to 15 percent. And both executives people, who generate a sales volume of over 20 million EUR. over 10 percent. team about the project, driving acceptance processes overall,” explained Ingenics’ The most important products are and ensuring everyone was on the same Stefan Meitinger. As a result, start-up metal stamped, pressed and bent page. “The process was quick and painless – times, set-up times, and material waste components for use in aerospace all of our employees welcomed the plan were all dramatically reduced, and T+H applications, automotive and with open arms,” said T+H Managing Partner was able to cut reworking costs by mechanical engineering, medicine Frank Hebsacker. 33 percent. Development Shims Stamping Plant 2 Development Shims and measuring technology. The Focusing specifically on two major areas – Next, each department received a special Truckenmüller and Frank Hebsacker, material efficiency and set-up times – assignment: to work on a task of their are continuing to strengthen the Ingenics first performed a material flow choosing, and solve all related problems high quality and flexible availability of their services. T + H Metallwarenfabrik GmbH D-89547 Gerstetten Average amount per week 250 Managing Shareholders, Jürgen position of T+H GmbH with the 200 150 100 50 0 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 calendar week For more information, visit 2 Per Day Moving Average (Development Shims) 300 Scrap reduction during retraction of the parts S:\Ingenics\Vertiefungsberatung\Liste Einstellteile _10_11_2010 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 2011 / Issue 02 Brazil – More than just Samba and Carnival The Automotive Industry in France: New Challenges in Store With the World Cup scheduled to be held in Brazil in 2014, “Pelé Land” is gearing up for a year focused on all-out soccer. When While the crisis in Japan has recently demonstrated the vulnerability of the global automobile industry, it has also highlighted its they arrive in Brazil for the big event, visitors from around the world will likely discover a country that looks quite different from increasing strength. After all, just a decade ago, a similar disaster would have produced far greater damage. Today, the automotive just a few years ago – thanks to continued economic growth, an influx of investments, a stable political climate, and a population industry is flexible enough to rapidly bounce back. Indeed, while some suppliers are still struggling, reports are showing that most that is enjoying an almost unprecedented financial boom. manufacturers have been able to eliminate bottlenecks in production and supply after only four short months. Still: the automotive sector in general faces a new set of challenges. And in France, manufacturers are preparing accordingly. Tourists come from all points of the globe in Brazil. But expansion to the region is still establishing operations in Brazil face to visit the region, and more recently, inter- risky for companies just getting over the another set of challenges, including secur- national corporations have been following economic pitfalls of the last few years. And ing appropriate funding and finding skilled suit. As companies from Asia, Europe, and Brazil still has some tricky issues to navigate personnel.” North America expect increased growth in – including a high government spending A New Perspective on Growth While both electric engines and other alternative business concepts, such as car the coming years, they’re investing billions ratio, a relative skills shortage, rising infla- Ingenics can help, offering targeted support sharing models like Car2Go, and Auto-Lib, of dollars in Brazil. ZTE, Huawei, Chery, Valeo, tion, towering interest rates, an investment- on the ground to provide businesses with are generating a lot of interest in France, Fiat, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, MAN, AGCO, inhibiting tax policy, and what some might site analysis and selection, company set- they have yet to impact industrial Delphi and Foxconn are among the global consider rather unusual bank business up, factory planning, and recruitment. For performance in any significant manner. businesses setting up shop in Brazil. Daimler, practices. Still, future-oriented companies companies already maintaining operations for its part, recently announced the com- see the opportunity that Brazil offers and in Brazil, Ingenics also recommends projects To understand the real challenges of the pany’s plans to create 1,550 additional jobs are already operating successful subsidiar- that increase production efficiencies. Due automotive industry, let’s first look at in the South American truck sector. The real ies there. In fact, German companies alone to the strong position of employee repre- the market development. After the draw for these businesses is simple: Brazil’s currently provide 400,000 jobs in Brazil, sentatives in Brazil, these projects need to economic downturn and the end of economy is booming, yet it’s still slightly lag- and account for 10 percent of the country’s be exceptionally well prepared and com- incentive programs such as “cash for ging behind other BRIC countries. As a result, gross domestic product (GDP). municated. Gundolf Müßig also suggests a clunkers” (or “prime à la casse” as the methodical supplier development program. French say), competitive pressure is experts see promising growth potential in a variety of industries, from transport and According to Ingenics’ Gundolf Müßig, a infrastructure, to high-tech and automation, successful market entry requires a system- “The issues we encounter in Brazil closely race, manufacturers are passing on the to services and IT. atic approach. “The Brazilian tax system is resemble those we have been helping costs to suppliers and sales networks. complex, and often puts companies operat- international companies overcome in China Platform and modular construction To take advantage of this economic promise, ing from abroad at a disadvantage,” explains for many years,” explains Müßig. In Brazil, methods have not yet reached their OEMs, suppliers, and machine builders from the business unit leader and South America however, the cultural differences are less peak, and there is a slight trend towards around the world need local representation expert. “At the same time, companies pronounced, which is why Western corporations typically have an easier time here.” once again on the rise. To stay in the Still, Müßig warns companies not to venture Building adequate logistics capabilities. bolster the potential of France’s automotive insourcing of some core components. In the global environment, manufactur- industry. Flexible factory design, simple Against this background, the optimization ers must consider every scenario, includ- logistics processes, and stringent adhesion of business structures, processes, and cost ing the fact that some countries do not to the “Do More With Less” principle will factors is becoming imperative. have enough trucks to transport the cars provide a new perspective on growth. n themselves. to Brazil alone and unprepared. “Local partners are essential in helping businesses The fact that the global automotive n Ensuring reasonable delivery times. By the way: What’s true for France’s negotiate concessions and sales contracts, sector has started growing once again n Optimizing supply chains to minimize automobile manufacturers also applies to manage procurement, search for the most makes logistics flows ever more “remote” storage (for complete vehicles their international peers. Which is why, at appropriate suppliers, put logistics in place complex. It is therefore necessary to and /or spare parts). Ingenics, we invite global players in the and deal with employees and employee implement a highly efficient supply Simultaneously developing a local sup- automotive industry to successfully meet representatives,” he explains. Ingenics has chain that meets the current require- plier network and global sourcing. new market challenges by drawing on our extensive experience and expertise in all of ments of international markets. For these areas, and can help companies suc- French manufacturers, this means: ceed in the promising Brazilian marketplace. n extensive experience and track record of For Ingenics, the case is clear: successfully success in this particular sector. Contact us applying lean thinking will significantly for more information today. 2011 / Issue 02 Electric Vehicles: Making Great Strides How a Long Time Vision Is Becoming a Reality on China’s Roads 快速发展中的电动汽车产业 中国2011年初公布的最新的五年计划应该有助 于缓解这种状况。该计划旨在推动中国由出口国 转化为更加具有环保意识的消费社会。新计划 的主要组成部分加大了对替代动力的重视,尤 其是电力发动机及相关电池技术的开发。过去, The Home Run: US Companies Reconsider Domestic Production 中国错过了汽车技术最新发展的潮流,三十年 来一直在努力追赶。然而中国政府已经认识到 Think globally, produce locally. It’s a trend that many manufacturers are starting to 了这些缺点,正在积极推动电动车辆的发展。有 adopt, as the US becomes an increasingly attractive, cost-effective alternative to over- 针对性地推广“纯电力驱动”技术的举措可能 seas production. China has long been impressing the world with the size and scope of its rapidly growing mega-cities. No other place on Earth has a pop- 正是官方面对国民不断增长的环保意识首次作 ulation density like China in cities with more than 5 million inhabitants. Estimates foresee that another 400 million people will immigrate 出的反应之一。 A few years ago, outsourcing was all the creating a clear path to accelerated ROI. to China’s cities over the next 20 years. But even now, these cities struggle with exploding traffic volumes and air pollution readings. 其实,北京中央政府近期创建了由超过16家国 rage. But the Wall Street Journal recently Ingenics can help. With a long-time pres- 长期以来,中国大城市快速发展的规模与范围震撼着世界。地球上没有其它国家像中国这样拥有超过500万的城市人口密度。预计未来 有企业组成的联盟,它们对电动车辆投资的总 noted that many global businesses are ence in the US market and extensive expe- 20年中国城市人口将新增4亿。然而,即使是现在,这些城市已在急剧膨胀的交通流量与空气污染指数面前举步维艰。 额达到1000亿人民币(约116亿欧元)以上。该 starting to return previously outsourced rience helping companies launch domestic 联盟包括能源和汽车等行业的代表,也有来自 production sites and capacities to the US. operations, we’ve got a home field IT和航空部门的代表。不过,中国已经在正确的 Why? Rising salaries in formerly low-wage advantage when it comes to maximizing China’s latest five-year plan, released at the been severely limited and sometimes even infrastructure, China is offering exciting 道路上迈出了一大步。虽然“电动自行车”刚刚 countries, increasing energy and logistics opportunities here. Our focused approach beginning of 2011, should help alleviate the prohibited in the country’s 90 largest cities. As opportunities for companies in the space of 开始在欧洲和美国引起关注,它们已经成为中 costs, as well as mounting commodity ensures that you’ll be prepared for long- situation. It is geared to help transform China a result, over 140 million e-bikes are currently alternative vehicles, machine and factory 国及其它亚洲国家日常生活的一部分,到现在 prices and travel expenses have diminished term success – not just a single home run. from an export nation to an ever more eco- rolling on China’s roads, and China maintains construction, and high-tech. With many years 为止已有十多年的历史了。与此同时,摩托车的 the advantage of producing abroad. And That means empowering your team in conscious consumer society. A major compo- an unparalleled know how in the development of experience working with companies in the 销售受到了严厉限制,中国90个大型城市有时 what’s more, many US states are now addition to maximizing the efficiency of nent of the new plan is the increased emphasis of powerful batteries for these bikes. This spe- arena of alternative vehicles, Ingenics is ideally 甚至禁止摩托车行驶。结果,中国目前使用的电 offering attractive tax incentives to sweet- your production and logistics processes. on driving alternatives, particularly the devel- cialized know-how is already highly beneficial positioned to help businesses succeed in this 动自行车数量达到了1.4亿以上,中国在电动自 en the pot for domestic manufacturers. Our comprehensive solutions span every- opment of electric engines and related battery to Chinese industry, and is sure to continue to exciting new marketplace. Contact us today, 行车电池开发方面保有无与伦比的专业技术。 technologies. In the past China had missed the be a differentiator in the years to come. and find out more about how our factory and 这种特殊的专业技术已经对中国工业产生了非 Still, if you’re considering setting up shop or to training employees to making sure they thing from planning, to implementation, production planning, logistics planning, and 常有利的影响,并且必然在今后几年继续发挥 expanding your manufacturing site in the have not only the right qualifications, tive technology, and has been trying for three China’s government also leverages its direct efficiency improvement solutions can help you 优势作用。 US, it has to be done the right way to ensure but the commitment necessary for overall decades to catch up. But the government has influence on electricity generators, network maximize opportunities in China. 中国政府还利用其对发电厂、网络运营商和汽车 total costs remain low. That means finding a success. learned from these shortcomings and is now operators, and automotive manufacturers to 制造商的直接影响,将它们引导到共同的方向, sustainable business location, putting a flex- actively promoting electric vehicles. The tar- steer them in a common direction, leading 促使它们以具有成本效益和可控的方式开发必 ible infrastructure in place for growth, and geted promotion of “e-drives” may well be one them to build the necessary technology and 要的技术和基础设施。政府本身也投入巨资扩 of the first official reactions to the Chinese infrastructure in a cost-effective, controlled 建方便私人使用电动车辆的基础设施。中国目 population’s growing eco-consciousness. manner. The government itself is also invest- 前拥有超过6000多家小型和75家大型电力服务 boat on the latest developments in automo- ing heavily in expanding the infrastructure 站,这种大型服务站可以同时为超过45辆车充 Indeed, the central government in Beijing for the private use of electric vehicles. China 电。仅在上海,目前行驶的电动汽车就有1000辆 recently created an alliance of more than 16 currently has more than 6,000 small and 75 左右,可供利用的充电站有500家。该项目目前正 state-owned companies that are investing large e-service stations, the latter of which 在向另外5个城市扩展,目标是到2012年底使公 a total of over 100 billion RMB (about 11.6 can load more than 45 vehicles simultaneously. 共部门拥有6万辆电动车辆。 billion Euro) in electric vehicles. The alliance In Shanghai alone, the approximately 1,000 将凭借这一新环境政策以及不断改善的基础设 includes representatives from the energy and electric cars that currently travel the city’s 施,中国在替代能源汽车、机械和工厂建设以及 automobile industries, as well as from the IT roads have access to 500 charging stations. 高新技术等领域为企业提供激动人心的机会。 and aviation sectors. And already, China has The project is currently being extended to an 英见公司在替代能源汽车领域拥有多年与各个 taken a big step in the right direction. While additional five cities with the goal of having 公司合作的经验,具备绝佳的条件,可以帮助企 “e-bikes” have only lately started to generate more than 60,000 electric vehicles operating in 业在这个激动人心的新兴市场之中获得成功。马 interest in Europe and in the US, they have the public sector by the end of 2012. 上与我们联系,您就可以了解,我们的工厂与生 been a part of daily life in China and other 产规划、物流规划以及提高效率的解决方案会 Asian countries for more than ten years now. With this new environmental policy and At the same time, the sale of motorcycles has increased development of the country’s 如何帮助您最大程度地提高您在中国的机会。 Contact us today to find out more. 2011 / Issue 02 Book Review “The Age of Aging: how demographics are changing the global economy and our world“ by George Magnus This book started life as a couple of research projects that looked at They can also be found in the heat of the the financial and asset market implications of demographic change. current economic and financial turbulence. It became increasingly apparent that the footprints of demographic We are dealing with a cyclical slump in the change were everywhere, and not just in economic and financial economy, structural change in the way the spaces. They can be found in the discussions and debates we have (and world works, and a generational shift as will have) about immigration, family structures, pensions and retire- the baby boomers begin to head off into ment, work and education, globalisation, religion in a secular world, retirement, and as Generation X steps up uncomfortably to fill secularism in religious countries and communities, and global security. the shoes that are better suited to the next internet generation. Events 3rd Annual Hamburger Dialog Go East - Go West - September 22, 2011 | Kai 10 - The Floating Experience, Hamburg On September 29, 2011 in Stuttgart Airport, Germany Visions, Strategies, and Methods for Shaping the Future in Business Which factors should be taken into account to be profitable when The world’s demographic development is a much-debated topic these Going Global? Which obstacles need to be overcome? What do you days, one that most recently took center stage at our 11th annual Ulmer need to consider from the point of view of a financial expert? You will Dialogs. What impact will an aging population have on society and find out from our experts at our Ingenics Symposium this year. business? How can we prepare for the new situation? Register now at Open Up Global Markets with a Profit These and other related questions will be answered by proven experts at our upcoming “Hamburger Dialog” meeting. As usual, we will analyze the topic using concrete studies and implementation models, and offer Lean Leadership - interesting and inspiring presentations to debate the issue and illustrate Discussion on November 17, 2011 in the Lago Conference Hotel solutions. Impulses from Practice in a Premium in Ulm, Germany How do employees grow together into a team that dedicates itself to Join us for an informative and insightful day featuring a full roster of the implementation of company goals and actively participates? prominent speakers, including German TV broadcaster and moderator You will find out how you can successfully manage this process as a Peter Hahne. leader and awaken the willingness to make a change at this premium event. Save the date: September 22, 2011 in Hamburg, Germany. For more information and to register visit Register now at lean-leadership Career Opportunities with Efficiency Find Exciting Job Opportunities At Ingenics! With subsidiaries in China, France and the US, Ingenics manages projects for leading global players around the globe, from Europe, to South Africa, to North and South America, to Asia, and more. The key to our success is the international experience of our team. This experience offers a tremendous benefit to our customers, but is also a major draw for employees who want to become project managers and trainers in our growing global network. If this sounds like a fit for your career objectives, why wait? Call us for further Information. Contact information inGenics AG · Schillerstrasse 1/15 · 89077 Ulm · · Phone +49 731 93680 - 0 · Fax 93680 - 30 Ulm · Stuttgart · Munich · Hamburg · Paris · Shanghai · Atlanta
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