WHAT IS COASTAL KZN FET COLLEGE? Coastal KZN FET College is a Public Further Education and Training (FET) college under the National Department of Higher Education and Training. It strives to provide high-quality education and training to help you equip yourself with the qualifications and skills you need to start out on a chosen career path. You will gain invaluable life skills to meet the many challenges of the working world with more than just a qualification on paper. PROGRAMMES OFFERED 1. NATIONAL CERTIFICATE VOCATIONAL (NCV) The National Certificate (Vocational) is offered at levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Each level takes a full year of study. A student is required to take a total of 7 subjects per level. Entry requirement: Grade 9 or higher / ABET Level 4 Registration: January Only 2. NATED PROGRAMMES NATED programmes are delivered under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training and quality assured by Umalusi. These programmes are offered in both Engineering and Business Studies. Engineering is offered as trimester courses (3 months per level) and Business Studies as semester courses (6 months per level) NOTE: A National Diploma (M+3) qualification is awarded to students who have completed their N6 in a specific field and have completed a relevant 18 month in-service training with the organization of their choice. ENGINEERING STUDIES Entry requirement: N3 or Grade 12 with Maths as a passed subject. Registration: January, May & September BUSINESS STUDIES Entry requirement: N3 or Grade 12 Registration: January & July 3. SKILLS PROGRAMMES. We also offer a range of skills programmes. These programmes are mainly practical based and certification is done by the college unless otherwise specified. Contact Details NB: DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING (DHET) FET COLLEGES BURSARY SCHEME is available to students enrolled for NCV and NATED Programmes (Terms & conditions apply). This FET Colleges Bursary Scheme is administered by NSFAS. CENTRAL ADMIN OFFICE Tel: 031-905 7000/1 cao.ckzcao@feta.gov.za DURBAN CAMPUS Tel: 031-206 0617 durban.ckzdur@feta.gov.za UMBUMBULU CAMPUS Tel: 031-905 7200 umbumbulu.ckzbul@feta.gov.za APPELSBOSCH CAMPUS Tel: 032-294 8400 gwalal.ckzcao@feta.gov.za SWINTON CAMPUS Tel: 031-462 2333 swinton.ckzswr@feta.gov.za UMLAZI-BB CAMPUS Tel: 031-909 3800/11 umlazi-bb.ckzubb@feta.gov.za AS-SALAAM SATELLITE CAMPUS Tel: 039-9711087 Majamse.ckzassalaam@webmail.co.za UBUHLE-BOGU, KWAQIKO Tel: 039-9719068 mazibukov.ckzcao@feta.gov.za UMLAZI-V CAMPUS Tel: 031-907 2666/72/76 umlazi-v.ckzumv@feta.gov.za PROGRAMMES OFFERED NATIONAL CERTIFICATE VOCATIONAL (NCV) – FULL TIME ONLY Civil Engineering & Building Construction Electrical Infrastructure Construction Engineering & Related Design Finance, Economics & Accounting Information Technology & Computer Science Management Marketing Office Administration Primary Agriculture Tourism Hospitality Education & Development NATED PROGRAMMES (N4-N6) PART TIME & FULL TIME Financial Management (6 months per level) Marketing Management (6 months per level) Public Management (6 months per level) Management Assistant (6 months per level) Tourism (6 months per level) Civil Engineering (3 months per level) Electrical Engineering (3 months per level) Mechanical Engineering (3 months per level) MDDOP/Draughting (Ukudweba ama-Plan) N4& N5 (3 months per level) Wastewater Treatment (Only N3) (3 months) Installation Rules SELF ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMES / SKILLS TRAINING Computer Studies Garment Making / Sewing Cabinet Making Carpentry Welding / Boilermaking Fitting Electronics Electricity Plumbing Bricklaying Motor Mechanics Know Your Car Motor Body Repair / Panel Beating Tool, Jig and Die Making Printing & Silkscreen Hair Care Beauty Technology exhb031212_ncv_flyer UBUHLE BOGU SWINTON UMLAZI-V UMLAZI-BB UMBUMBULU DURBAN AS-SALAAM APPELSBOSCH CAMPUSES
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