Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 A Phoenix Police Department Case Review for the IACP LEIM Conference May 22nd, 2013 Det. CJ Wren, Phoenix Police Department What is the focus of your SM policy in your department? Do you have one? Are we protecting Officers from themselves, or others? Or is the main focus to protect our agency and it’s i ’ reputation? i ? ANSWER : ALL OF THE ABOVE 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 1 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 "Let someone, homeless or not, try and stab me with a pen, knife, spoon, etc, not only will he fail, he'll probably end up shot. These people should have died when they were young anyway, i'm just doing them a favor." (FB Post from a Trooper, 2009) FREE SPEECH? 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 2 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 The 9th & 11th Circuit Court have both covered this topic extensively of the “Free Speech” of Officers… The Th proper analysis l i when h regulating l ti employee free speech is the balancing test announced in Pickering v. Board of Education, 391 U.S. 563 (1968). The test is a balance between the employee speech and the proper functioning of government offices. As a generation of new officers who have grown up with access to these social networking sites enter the ranks, they are less inclined to th problem bl ith social i l networking t ki sites it and d employer l l d see the with placed limits on their off-duty use. Just as a prior generation of officers were forbidden to frequent certain establishments when off-duty, a new generation of officers may be precluded from their activity on the Internet. ~Excerpt “Pitfalls for Police Officers on Facebook” (Dwyer/2010/policeone.com) 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 3 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 DO’S Facebook • Maintain a web presence — Facebook, a Blog, Twitter — but be responsible and aware what you post is not necessarily private • Limit those who have access to your online profile • Create Firewalls and other protections to your computer and personal web pages • Utilize the internet for networking, training and other positive interactions among fellow law enforcement professionals • Check to see if your agency has a policy on online communications for officers DON’TS • Write about, criticize or offer your opinion about work, co-workers or ongoing investigations/cases/arrests • Post potentially embarrassing photos of yourself or co-workers, especially when in uniform or involving department equipment or vehicles • Post photographs of crime scenes • Identify yourself as a police officer or the department you work for • Assume anything you post will never be found by others in the vast internet universe … It was a dark and stormy night… We have so few of those type of nights in Phoenix, it was easy to remember. Little did I know at the time, I wouldn’t have any trouble remembering this evening. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 4 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 d the th FBI h ll d thi DOJ and have called this case th the llargestt single incident of cyber stalking /compromise of Law Enforcement identities to date. In an effort to give you the most information possible ibl on this hi case, I am going i to mention i names and share photos October 23rd, 2010 – 2330 hours M i C t Sheriffs Sh iff Offi ti Maricopa County Office D Deputies respond to a 9-1-1 call of a person asleep at the wheel of a running vehicle. Deputies contact Roy Tacy a 38 year old, career criminal who is obviously under the influence. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 5 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Criminal record: Ignition Interlock device g Required !!!! Aggravated Assault x3 PODD x4 Intent to Sell x2 Misconduct w/ Weapons x4 Taking identity of Another x6 DUI x7 Etc,etc,etc… Current Booking 4/11/11 Deputies begin to interview Tacy, after they separate him from the vehicle vehicle. As Tacy is getting out of the vehicle he points back to the passenger seat, he says… “Are you gonna have a detective talk to me about that?” Sitting in the passenger seat (in plain view) was a CD with the word “COPS” COPS written in marker on it. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 6 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 The deputies asked Tacy what was on the disk, cops”. and he said “photos photos of undercover cops When asked why would he need that he admitted “so we don’t sell drugs to undercover cops”. To justify his comment he added…“You know what we look like, what lik we need d to t know k h t you all ll look like!” The deputies asked for permission to view the disk, which Tacy gave… yg (Not Recommended…) The deputies then put the disk into their in-vehicle laptops… And they began to view the photos, that I will show you in a few minutes. Important to note…the Deputies did not believe Tacy until they k knew T til they th saw the th photos…now h t th they needed to contact a Detective and a Supervisor. No detective could come out that night. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 7 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Over the next 2 days, MCSO reviewed the names and photos to ensure that none of the photos were MCSO officers. Once they realized that none of their personnel were involved…they contacted a Phx PD Sgt they had recently worked a joint case with, and turned the disk over to him. him The PPD Sgt. instantly recognized a lot of the photos and names on the disk, disk and began calling them. (Not Recommended) About halfway through the list, the Sgt. called and told his Lt. about this disk, and he was told to stop and give me a call. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 8 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 i th k and d iinterview t i th t on what h t I view the di disk, the S Sgt. he said to the people he had called. Why would that matter? 1974 & 1976 Case hearings / Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California Not all states have a law like this on the books - Common Courtesy… Unified, clear, concise message No opinions, guesses, or “making crap up!” Notify…don’t scare or make the victims angry 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 9 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Re-contacted the persons who had already tube) been called called. (Toothpaste out of the tube). Called and informed the rest (that I could identify) Wide range of reactions… Set up a “Investigative-Command Post” at the ACTIC 2 days later invited all the effected employees to the ACTIC for a briefing… (most attended) Case Briefing (fact from fiction) Assisted employees in redacting their information Assisted them in “locking down” their FB accounts Dealt with their concerns, questions, & stress What kind of stress would these folks be dealing with? Family Peers Supervisors 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 10 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 On November 6th, I was contacted by an auto theft detective that had been given printed photos from a Confidential Informant 3 weeks earlier. As the ACTIC Bulletin made it’s rounds, started getting many more calls. Every disk to date – Same exact photos No discernable ties between the people found with disks – except criminal background. 94 disks have been found to date – latest one 4/17/2013. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 11 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 We really missed our chance… Tacy I did go and interview Tacy… Because of my height and weight I don’t think I could actually pull off what Tacy told me to go do… Hardened criminal…He knew he was under g to arrest, was mirandized, and still was willing talk…in OCTOBER. We have seized others computers, and there have just not been any leads as good as Tacy from the other disks that have been found. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 12 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 i i th f lk iin th i t I am giving the folks these pictures more privacy then they gave themselves on FB. Question to ask yourselves as we are going through the photos…did these officers do anything wrong?... Would you do anything different? 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 13 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 14 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 15 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 16 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 17 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 18 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 19 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 20 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 21 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 22 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 23 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 24 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 25 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 26 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 27 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 28 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 29 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 30 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 31 Leadership in a Cyber World 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track Wednesday, May 22, 2013 32 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Undercover – Special Projects Detective Ugly Divorce Wife’s family had extensive criminal history May, 2010 – Wifes Cousin tried to sell information on PPD UC detective to another UC officer from a different agency 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 33 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 “DONK” 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 34 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 E i l d with ith this thi case (except ( t 1) Every person involved had changed their profile photo to the “Thin Blue Line”. Not everyone was “friends” with “Donk”…but they friends h did have h f i d iin common. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 35 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Our best guess… page Suspects were watching “Donks” Donks facebook page, to see if he mentioned what he was working on. When Officer Murphy was killed they started seeing all the “TBL” profile pics showing up, and they copied down the names. As the custom, once Officer Murphy was laid to rest, rest the officers put up photos of themselves, themselves and the “bad guys” took advantage. The dates of the disks all seem to corroborate this working hypothesis. 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 36 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 What would you criminally charge someone? Stalking? Threats? Criminal Syndicate? Financially Benefiting from Criminal Activity? Do nothing? …Officers personal choice to be on FB FB. Mandate zero participation? Create a squad to “troll” social networking sites? Department Policies? 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 37 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Final Outcome… Where the case is today… Continued Interviews History repeating itself? 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 38 Leadership in a Cyber World Wednesday, May 22, 2013 F F th C t t/I f ti For Further Contact/Information: CJ WREN Detective / Phoenix Police Department Email – cj.wren@phoenix.gov cj wren@phoenix gov 2013 LEIM Conference Workshop Communications Track 39
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