What Is Your Favorite Animal?

Vol. 114, No. 3 • Established 1897 • March 15, 2011
What Is
Management Team
Howard J. Wolfe, President
e-mail: jwolfe@wflains.org
A Message From The
Chairman of the Board
Craig Van Dyke
Senior Vice President and Treasurer
e-mail: cvdyke@wflains.org
Donald Nieland
Vice President of Information Technology and
e-mail: dnieland@wflains.org
Ann Day Freeman, Vice President and Chief
e-mail: aday@wflains.org
Jack Minder, Controller
e-mail: jminder@wflains.org
Daniel Anderegg, Manager of Sales and Marketing
e-mail: Danderegg@wflains.org
Board of Directors
Howar d J. Wolfe
120 N 19th Ave., Hiawatha, IA 52233
District 1, Terry Hynek
2375 County Rd. Q, Wilber, NE 68465
(402) 821-3167 • terryhynek@hotmail.com
District 2, Joseph L. Kuzma
1609 Marion Ave., S. Milwaukee, WI 53172
(414) 762-5289 • cuzooma@yahoo.com
At our last Convention held in Cedar Rapids, the Delegates
voted for change and changed the bylaws of the Association and
our governance system. Part of that change requires the Board of
Directors to nominate a person to lead the Association as President.
Duane Jirik
President shall be nominated
In Article 4, Section 24, reads in part, and I quote, “
by the Board of Directors and elected by the Convention for a four year term subject
to removal pursuant to Section 26.”
I am pleased to announce, at the Board of Directors
meeting on February 18, the Board unanimously voted to
nominate Howard “Jim” Wolfe to serve as our President.
As you all know, Jim has served the Association for over 43
years in various roles, the last three and a half years as our
President. Please join me, and the rest of the Board, and
let’s unanimously elect Jim as President at the 27th National
Convention in Frankenmuth, Michigan in August.
Fraternally yours,
Duane Jirik
District 3, Donald R. Krall
2324 25th St. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
(319) 365-8873 • dkrall@imonmail.com
Additional 50-Year Members
District 4, Duane J. Jirik
Chairman of the Board
1006 3rd St. NE, New Prague, MN 56071
(952) 758-4885 • dajirik@bevcomm.net
James M. Jedlicka, Lodge No. 192, Alexandria, MN
Additional 75-Year Members
Ronald Nadherny, Lodge No. 74, Dorchester, NE
Elaine Naidl, Lodge No. 360, Manitowoc, WI
District 5, Thomas Bradley, Sr.
6845 E Grenlund Rd, Bannister, MI 48807
(989) 862-5378 • jollyboh@gmail.com
District 6, Alois Ruman
PO Box 273, Tabor SD 57063
(605) 463-2372 • acruman@hcinet.net
Howard J. Wolfe
inside this issue
Official Organization of
Western Fraternal Life Association.
Published monthly by the Home Office of Western
Fraternal Life Association: No commercial advertising accepted. Periodical Postage Paid at Cedar
Rapids, IA and additional Mailing Office. Post-Master:
Send change of address to: Western Fraternal Life
Association, 1900 1 st Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA
52402. Printed by Automatic Printing Co. in Omaha,
NE (ISSN 0006-9256).
Fraternal Manager
Kathryn Chadima
Publications Coordinators
Linda Grove
Darcy Kelley
Kristi Kidd
1900 1 st Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Toll-free 1-877-wflains (935-2467)
(319) 363-2653 Fax: (319) 363-8806
wflains@wflains.org • www.wflains.org
Mon. - Thurs., 7:45 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. (CST)
Friday , 7:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. (CST)
Message From Chairman of the Board .... 2
50 and 75-year members .............................2
Annual Report from Donald Nieland......3
Youth Art Contest......................................... 4
Lodge Awards................................................ 5
Graduate Drawing .....................................11
NCSML Update ............................................12
Czech Embassy............................................12
Damborice Ball ............................................13
Czech Phrases ..............................................13
Producers Page ..............................................6
Financial Planning.........................................7
Calendar ...................................................... 8-9
Referral Update ..............................................9
Kitchen Talk .................................................. 10
Spotlight .........................................................11
Fraternal Focus ......................................14-29
In Memoriam .........................................29-31
September Claims...................................... 30
Check out these great wfla
sponsored organizations
National Czech & Slovak Museum
& Library: find out upcoming events and
special exhibits: www.ncsml.org
WOES FM: The Polka Palace, a noncommercial, educational radio station
broadcast from Ovid-Elsie High School, Elsie,
MI: www.oe.k12.mi.us
Czech-American TV
PO Box 100001, Cape Coral, FL 33910
(708) 813-0028 www.catvusa.com
Czech Radio Programs
Cleveland, OH
Joe Kocab, WHK Radio 1220 AM
Sundays from 3:03 to 5 p.m.
Access your certificate information through our Member
Access at: www.wflains.org
March 2011
Annual Report from Donald Nieland
Vice President of Information Technology and Secretary
It is an honor and a pleasure to report to you on behalf of the Administration
The XXVII National Convention in Frankenmuth, MI is rapidly approaching and
we have started receiving delegate registrations in the Home Office. With this comes
all of the final preparations for what we hope will be a fantastic event for the delegates
and guests. This will be my first Convention as Secretary but I have attended three
prior Conventions as head of the Convention office.
The Association continues to operate in 18 states with 120 lodges and 39,998
members. I would like to congratulate the 373 75-year and 335 50-year members who
will be receiving these honors in 2011. Thank you for your continued support and
dedication to the Association.
I would also like to thank all of the members that referred 303 potential new
members in 2010 through the Lodge Referral Program. Referrals from current members are our best source for new members.
From these referrals, 161 sales have already been made with more possible. More than half of these referrals resulted in sales
and new members, and any agent will tell you no other leads have those kinds of results.
On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to applaud all of the lodges that participated in the Lodge Awards Program
in 2010. A total of 99 lodges received awards with 75 achieving Level I status, 10 at Level II and 14 at Level III. I would like
to especially recognize the following lodges for receiving awards in 2010 after not receiving an award in 2009: Samo No. 32
Level I, and Vysehrad No. 53 Level III. I would also like to recognize lodges Vesmir No. 162, Velehrad No. 243, Western
View No. 246, Nova Chechie No. 247 Level II, Cechu Vitezstvi No. 253, Kolin No. 260, Pilgrim No. 330, and North Texas
No. 446 for receiving Level I awards after receiving a lower award last year. We are all proud of your accomplishments!
The Board of Directors and Management Team are in the final stages of creating a lodge model which will be sent to all
lodges. This model contains guidelines to help all lodges become more active and help ensure their existence in the future. We
presented the model to two lodges last fall and are seeing some encouraging results. We will be sending the model to all lodge
presidents and ask them to review it at a meeting with their members. I would welcome calls from anyone wanting to discuss
anything in or not in the model.
A new look to the website was released recently and we have received positive feedback on the changes. We are currently
working on adding Facebook into our online presence and will let you know through the Fraternal Herald when it will be
opened to the public. With that, we will be creating some guidelines for all lodges to use in creating their own Facebook
account or website. These guidelines will incorporate compliance regulations to reduce liability issues.
A new Family Benefit was approved at the February 2011 Board of Directors meeting. Look for details of this new benefit
in the March lodge newsletter and April Fraternal Herald.
You have a dedicated, hard-working staff in the Home Office, and I would like to thank them for their efforts over
the past year. A new imaging system was installed in 2010, and they worked diligently to implement the system into their
daily routines. The new system provides a backup of all paper documents in case of a disaster, as well as providing operating
efficiencies and quicker responses to member and agent requests for information. Three staff members celebrated special
anniversaries in 2010: Accounting Assistant Sally Sawyer - 25 years, IT Specialist Jane Dunkel - 10 years, and Member Service
Representative Susan Hubler - 10 years.
My wife, Linda, and I are looking forward to meeting many of you in our upcoming travels to each of the districts.
Donald M. Nieland
Vice President, Information Technology and Secretary
March 2011
Youth Art Contest
Favorite A nimal
Youth Art Month is an annual observance each March to
emphasize the value of art education for all children. Art education
develops self-esteem, appreciation of the work of others, selfexpression, cooperation with others, and critical thinking skills. These
skills are vital to the success of our future leaders, our children.
This year our theme is Favorite Animal. Draw your favorite
animal in the whole world. Be creative in how you picture that animal.
Check out our web site with last year's winners www.wflains.org under
the Fraternal Benefit side bar menu, contests.
The Prizes Are
Category 2
Ages 8-9
Category 1
Ages 5-7
First $25
Second $15
First $20
Second $10
Any wfla youth member between the ages of 5 and 15.
Who Can Enter?
What Can Be Entered?
Any original drawing of your Favorite Animal; no smaller
and no larger than 8½" x 11". All entries must be on plain
white paper or poster board suitable for mounting. (Do not
use tracing or light weight paper).
Category 3
Ages 10-12
Category 4
Ages 13-15
Second $20
Third $15
How Do I Enter?
Entries are due May 31, 2011. Entries need to include a
school photo (if possible), along with your name, address, phone
number, wfla lodge number, city, and state. Please put your
name on the back of your entry and on your photo. Describe
what you have drawn on another sheet of paper.
What Materials Can Be Used?
Colored pencils, crayons, water colors, markers, poster
paints, ink, oils, or acrylics. No chalk!
General Rules
1. Artist must be a member of wfla.
2. Entry must be received by May 31, 2011.
3. Judges reserve the right to accept or reject any or all
entries. Their decisions will be final.
4. Contestants may submit two entries.
5. Contestants can win only one prize.
6. Winners will be announced in the August Fraternal Herald.
7. Work will be handled at the Home Office with the utmost
care and will be returned.
Send all entries and your school photo to:
Art Contest
Western Fraternal Life Association
1900 First Avenue NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5372
WFLA reserves the right to photograph or reproduce entries.
March 2011
Lodge Award Winners
The list below indicates the lodges who have received a lodge award for activities performed in 2010. On behalf of the
Board of Directors, the Management Team, Managers, Agents, and the Home Office staff, I would like to congratulate all the
lodges that participated in the lodge award program. Seventy-five lodges received the Level I Award, ten lodges received the
Level II Award, and fourteen lodges received the Level III Award.
Fraternally yours,
Donald Nieland,
Vice President of Information Technology and Secretary
377 Golden West, Los Angeles
431Colorad, Denver, CO
330 Pilgrim, Brookfield, IL
7 Cedar, Cedar Rapids, IA
13 Karel IV, Cedar Rapids, IA
85 Iowa, Protivin, IA
160 Klas, Center Point, IA
243 Velehrad, Mason City, IA
262 Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, IA
400 Four Hundred, Swisher, IA
423 Hawkeye, Cedar Rapids, IA
500 Five Hundred, Cedar Rapids, IA
19 Novy Tabor, Munden, KS
95 Hvezdnaty Prapor, Timken, KS
121 Trocnov, Caldwell ,KS
128 Moravan, Rossville, KS
153 Cesti Vlastenci, Jennings, KS
203 Kansasky Vysehrad, Glasco, KS
246 Western View, Alton, KS
28 Zapadni Svornost, Clarkson, NE
29 Vladislav I, Prague, NE
45 Hvezda Svobody, Omaha, NE
54 Praha-Libuse, Wilber, NE
56 Lipany, Lynch, NE
68 Cecho-Moravan, Brainard, NE
74 Tabor, Dorchester, NE
76 Milligan, Milligan, NE
84 Premysl Otakar II, Table Rock, NE
101 Jan Kollar, Du Bois, NE
112 Slavin, Comstock, NE
152 Cech, Farwell, NE
296 Zest, Omaha, NE
342 Karlin Junior, Spencer, NE
389 Saline Center, Western, NE
426 Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
437 Loup Valley, Ord, NE
North Dakota
106 Kosobud, Lankin, ND
46 Oklahoma, Prague, OK
109 Laska, Oklahoma City, OK
South Dakota
71 Star of South Dakota, Utica, SD
162 Vesmir, Gregory, SD
253 Cechu Vitezstvi, Hamill, SD
446 North Texas, Dorchester, TX
260 Kolin, Kolin, LA
225 Michigan, Bannister, MI
247 Nova Cechie, Flint, MI
44 Zare Zapadu, Hayward, MN
69 Orel, St. Paul, MN
107 Canby, Canby, MN
127 Owatonna, Owatonna, MN
168 Zahrada Minnesoty, Mahnomen, MN
192 Ledec, Alexandria, MN
219 Boleslav Jablonsky, Strathcona, MN
346 Willow River, Willow River, MN
361 Meadowlands Jr., Meadowlands, MN
3 Nebraska, Crete, NE
5 Bila Hora, Verdigre, NE
9 Plzen, Morse Bluff, NE
14 Dennice, Ord, NE
March 2011
181 Seattle, Seattle, WA
20 Zapadni Jednota, Whitelaw, WI
32 Samo, Hillsboro, WI
108 Verna Laska, Denmark, WI
141 Bratri Novych Hradu, Cadott, WI
142 Verni Bratri, Two Rivers, WI
144 RIP, Mosinee, WI
193 Adams, Adams, WI
196 Ratolest Wisconsin, Black River Falls, WI
221 Pokrocilost, Menchalville, WI
236 Nadeje Slovanu, Phillips, WI
332 Northern Star, Weyerhaeuser, WI
360 Manitowoc Jr., Manitowoc, WI
365 Kewaunee, Kewaunee, WI
391 Pilsen, Luxemburg, WI
408 City Point, City Point, WI
34 Lumir, Hutchinson, MN
38 Zare Svobody, Austin, MN
155 Montgomery, Montgomery, MN
8 Sladkovsky, Verdigre, NE
158 Dwight, Dwight, NE
67 Jan Zizka, Yukon, OK
73 Perun, Menominee, MI
100 Hvezda Wisconsinu, Haugen, WI
126 Ashland, Ashland, WI
355 Severni Cechoslovak, Ladysmith, WI
22 Budoucnost, Oxford Junction, IA
39 Fort Dodge, Fort Dodge, IA
427 Oxford, Oxford, IA
2 Cechoslovan, New Prague, MN
10 Cesky Lev, Minneapolis, MN
53 Vysehrad, Niobrara, NE
158 Dwight, Dwight, NE
North Dakota
188 Hodonin, Minot, ND
248 Vitezslav, Willow, OK
South Dakota
237 Winner, Winner, SD
401 Dallas, Dallas, TX
402 Texasska Libuse, Ennis, TX
Wisconsin/Upper Michigan
48 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
357 Racine, Racine, WI
WFLA Leaders for the Month of January
Region of the Month
Nebraska Agency
J. David Butler, FIC, LUTCF
(319) 358-2522
James J. Neuhardt, FICF
(605) 554-2020
Matthew K. Schernikau, FIC
(402) 464-2500 or (877) 464-9352
ND/MN Paul D. Vaagene, LUTCF
(701) 799-2150 or (888) 898-8863
MI/OH Daniel Zeiger, FIC, LUTCF
(734) 542-7360
Matt Schernikau, FIC
TOP career
most annuity premium
Rudy Kolarik (WI)
Wanda White (NE)
top commercial &
Most life premium
H.D. Gillett (NE)
Most Certificates Placed
Brad Gilson (KS)
Jack Brauker (MI)
March 2011
Financial Planning Matters:
"Managing Your Cash Flow"
By Julie Cole, CFP®, FLMI, Annuity Product Manager
Where we spend our money or don’t spend our money tells the story of our lives.
If we consciously know where we spend our money today, we will have a strong link
to our future. Money is interwoven into the fabric of our lives. The less we rationally
think about how we spend our money, the greater power money will have over our lives and negatively affect our future
choices and outcomes. Recently, I heard a debt management counselor say that 100% of decisions we make are emotional. He went on to say
that “Most financial decisions happen in the front seat of a car on the car dealership lot, standing in front of a big screen
TV at Best Buy, or standing in a model home with a realtor who wants to sell you the home.” There are many things in our lives that we have no control over. Cash flow is one that you do have control over. Managing
your cash flow is about making rational decisions about your purchases. It’s thinking about what you have done in the past,
what you are doing right now, and how your choices have or will affect your future. The biggest cash flow decisions we make in our lifetime are about home purchases. We tend to get caught up in wanting
our “dream home.” The decision should be about what we can afford that meets our family’s needs. A home purchase decision could affect you and your family for the next 30 years. Today, lenders generally want your monthly housing expenses
[principal, interest, real estate taxes, and home owners insurance (PITI)] not to exceed 25 – 28% of your gross monthly
income. Additionally, your total monthly obligations (add in credit cards, auto loans, student loans, alimony, and child
support payments) should not exceed 38% of your monthly income. As an example, a couple with $4,000 of gross monthly
income should have a house payment maximum of 28% of monthly income or $1,120. If this couple has a car payment,
the maximum monthly payment should not exceed $400. Now they will have reached a 38% debt load ($1,120+$400=1,5
20/4,000=38%). About 15 years ago, I worked with an amazing couple on an estate plan. They had a remarkable story about how they
had acquired their wealth. They hadn’t inherited it or won the lottery. They hadn’t invested in any wildly successful stocks
or businesses. They stressed that their financial success had nothing to do with the investments they made. They had never
worked with an investment professional until he retired at age 65. The gentleman had worked in a factory for 45 years and
never brought home more than $1,000 a month. His wife did not work outside of the home until the children were in college.
They went on annual family vacations that gave them wonderful memories. They never earned much, yet they had achieved
all of their financial goals, which included educating their son, an attorney, and daughter, a physical therapist. They owned
a very comfortable home in a good neighborhood. They were just ordinary middle class folks with extraordinary wisdom
and discipline. Their financial success was based on a commitment to their vision of success. At the time that I met with
them, their only concern was in planning for the distribution of their wealth to their family without incurring any estate
taxes. Their key to financial success was rooted in the philosophy that every financial decision has a long-term consequence.
This couple made all financial decisions together. Their advice was very simple. Stick to the family budget and question
why you make a purchase that is outside of the budget. Unlike the rest of us, they didn’t make emotional purchases. Any
purchase that was outside of their normal budgeted expenses (there were very few of these purchases) had to pass a two
question test. 1) If we make this purchase what long-term goal may be jeopardized? 2) How will this purchase improve the
quality of our family life? The discipline they maintained over the years allowed them to have a fulfilled and stress free life. Asking questions about
the purchases we make can keep us focused on long-term goals and improving our quality of life.
March 2011
Mar 15 — Lodge No. 80, Tyndall, SD—Mtg., 7 p.m.; Margie Hovorka's
— Lodge No. 296, Omaha, NE—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Sokol South
Omaha Hall; corned beef & cabbage dinner by Frank.
Mar 16 — Lodge No. 128, Rossville, KS—Mtg., 1 p.m.; lodge hall.
Mar 17 — Lodge No. 9, Morse Bluff, NE—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; lodge hall.
Mar 19 — Lodge No. 32, Hillsboro, WI—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Holvy's.
— Lodge No. 38, Austin, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Mower County
Senior Citizen Center.
Mar 20 — Lodge No. 121, Caldwell, KS—Mtg., 2 p.m.; St. Patrick's
Day; snacks.
— Lodge No. 168, Mahnomen, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Red Apple
Café; planning district mtg & JHD activity.
Mar 24 — Lodge No. 260, Kolin, LA—Mtg., 4 p.m.; Kolin lodge hall.
Mar 26 — Lodge No. 141, Cadott, WI—12:30 p.m.; Bohemian Hall;
spring cleaning of the Bohemian Hall, meeting to follow.
Mar 27 — Lodge No. 141, Cadott, WI—Mtg.; 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; pancake
breakfast with meeting to follow.
— Lodge No. 260, Kolin, LA—Mtg.; 4 p.m.; Kolin Lodge Hall.
Apr 2 — Lodge No. 32, Hillsboro, WI—Mtg., 1 p.m.
Apr 3 — Lodge No. 3, Crete, NE—Mtg., 1:30 p.m.; Centennial Terrace.
— Lodge No. 82, Yuba, WI—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Yuba Community
— Lodge No. 144, Mosinee, WI—Mtg., 1:30 p.m.; Marcell
Wielock's home.
— Lodge No. 225, Bannister, MI—Mtg., 1:30 p.m.
Apr 4 — Lodge No. 68, Brainard, NE—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Sunshine Court,
David City.
— Lodge No. 74, Dorchester, NE—Mtg., 7:30 p.m.; Tabor Hall.
— Lodge No. 152, Farwell, NE—Mtg., noon; Farwell Fire Hall;
Easter gathering.
Apr 5 — Lodge No. 221, Menchalville, WI—Mtg., 8 a.m.; K-City Diner;
breakfast mtg.
— Lodge No. 262, Cedar Rapids, IA—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Hus
Memorial Church; will discuss Earth Day and JHD.
Apr 7 — Lodge No. 332, Weyerhaeuser, WI—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Agnes
Styczynski's home.
Apr 8 — Lodge No. 246, Alton, KS—Mtg.
Apr 9 — Lodge No. 95, Timken, KS—Mtg.; Timken Fire Station; lunch
at 1 p.m. with mtg to follow.
— Lodge No. 128, Rossville, KS—Mtg., 11 a.m.; Moravan
lodge hall; dinner & auction fundraiser.
— Lodge No. 141, Cadott, WI—Mtg.; Historic Society play at
the hall.
Apr 10 — Lodge No. 14, Ord, NE—Mtg.; Ord Veteran's Club; 11:30
a.m. dinner with meeting to follow.
— Lodge No. 193, Adams, WI—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Big Flats Town
Hall; potluck dinner with mtg to follow; bring item for food
pantry or family center.
— Lodge No. 225, Bannister, MI—Mtg.; presentation of 50 &
75-year pins & initiation of new members. Mtg 10 a.m. with
potluck to follow. Collection for Veterans.
Apr 11 — Lodge No. 20, Whitelaw, WI—Mtg., 7 p.m.; Kellnersville
Community Center; discuss joint lodge bowling and project
for JHD.
— Lodge No. 127, Owatonna, MN—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Isaac Walton
— Lodge No. 142, Two Rivers, WI—Mtg., 7 p.m.; Eagle's Club.
Apr 12 — Lodge No. 45, Omaha, NE—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; South Omaha
Sokol Hall; collection of items for Stephens Center-cleaning
products, toilet paper, etc.
Apr 13 — Lodge No. 158, Dwight, NE—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Tom Tom's; Easter
egg hunt.
— Lodge No. 342, Spencer, NE—Mtg., 7:30 p.m.; Frank &
Connie Zidko's home.
— Lodge No. 346, Willow River, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Wild River
Apartments, Sandstone, MN.
Apr 14 — Lodge No. 147, Mandan, ND—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; lodge
hall, south of Mandan; discussion on events to be held for
upcoming year.
— Lodge No. 330, Brookfield, IL—Mtg., 11:30 a.m.; Sokol
Apr 15 — Lodge No. 9, Morse Bluff, NE—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; lodge hall;
plan Easter egg hunt.
Apr 16 — Lodge No. 8, Verdigre, NE—Mtg., 5 p.m.-9 p.m.; Pishelville
Hall; pancake & ham supper.
— Lodge No. 38, Austin, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Mower County
Senior Citizen Center.
— Lodge No. 260, Kolin, LA—Mtg., 2 p.m.; Kolin Lodge Hall;
Easter party.
Apr 17 — Lodge No. 121, Caldwell, KS—Mtg., 2 p.m.; spring party;
— Lodge No. 260, Kolin, LA—Mtg., 4 p.m.; Kolin Lodge Hall.
— Lodge No. 408, City Point, WI—Mtg., noon; City Point
Community Center; potluck & bingo; food pantry collection,
Easter party - hide Easter eggs for kids, plus chocolate
bunnies for each.
Apr 19 — Lodge No. 296, Omaha, NE—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Sokol South
Omaha Hall; potluck soup & sandwiches; members bring a
can of soup (non-creamed), sandwiches furnished by lodge.
Apr 20 — Lodge No. 128, Rossville, KS—Mtg., 9 a.m.; cleaning of the
Czech Moravan Cemetery; meeting will follow.
Apr 28 — Lodge No. 141, Cadott, WI—Mtg., 5:30 p.m.; Bohemian Hall;
hall meeting setup for Squeeze Box.
Apr 30 — Lodge No. 225, Bannister, MI—Mtg.; JHD; sewing for
Friends of Hospice; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; contact Diane Bradley
May 1 — Lodge No. 3, Crete, NE—Mtg., 1:30 p.m.; Centennial Terrace.
— Lodge No. 168, Mahnomen, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Red Apple
Café; JHD activity.
— Lodge No. 144, Mosinee, WI—Mtg., 1:30 p.m.; Marcell
Wielock's home.
— Lodge No. 225, Bannister, MI—Mtg.; Mother's & Father's
Day program; mtg at 10 a.m., potluck at noon, followed by
— Lodge No. 260, Kolin, LA—Mtg., 3 p.m.; Kolin Lodge Hall;
Annual fish fry; lodge will furnish fish and soft drinks, members
furnish food etc (covered dish).
— Lodge No. 437, Ord, NE—Mtg.; JHD; fill containers with
cookies, candy, etc & take to the residents.
— Lodge No. 446, Dorchester, TX—Mtg., 2 p.m.; West Side
Park; Community Easter egg hunt; covered dish supper,
games for kids & adults, kite flying.
May 2 — Lodge No. 68, Brainard, NE—Mtg., 5 p.m.; Sunshine Court,
David City; Mother's Day/JHD.
— Lodge No. 74, Dorchester, NE—Mtg., 7:30 p.m.; Tabor Hall.
— Lodge No. 155, Montgomery, MN—Mtg., 7 p.m.; John &
Evelyn Duban's home, Lonsdale.
May 3 — Lodge No. 152, Farwell, NE—Mtg., noon; Farwell Fire Hall;
Mother's day.
May 5 — Lodge No. 332, Weyerhaeuser, WI—Mtg.; Gertie Bonczyk's
May 6 — Lodge No. 141, Cadott, WI—Mtg. before Squeezebox.
— Lodge No. 246, Alton, KS—Mtg.
May 9 — Lodge No. 20, Whitelaw, WI—Mtg., 7 p.m.; Kellnersville
Community Center; prepare for JHD; discuss veteran speaker
for June mtg.
— Lodge No. 127, Owatonna, MN—Mtg., 6 p.m.; Isaac Walton
lodge; spring potluck supper before mtg.
May 10 — Lodge No. 221, Menchalville, WI—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; Community Center.
— Lodge No. 45, Omaha, NE—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; South Omaha
Sokol Hall; collecting for YES Kids-personal care products,
snacks, t-shirts, socks.
May 11 — Lodge No. 20, Whitelaw, WI—Mtg.; visit shut-ins with gifts.
— Lodge No. 342, Spencer, NE—Mtg., 8 p.m.; Dr. Charles &
Donna Zidko's home.
— Lodge No. 346, Willow River, MN—Mtg., 1 p.m.; Wild River
Apartments, Sandstone, MN.
May 12 — Lodge No. 147, Mandan, ND—Mtg., 6:30 p.m.; lodge hall;
discussion on Memorial Day service at St. John Cemetery;
lodge hall property clean-up; discussion on volunteering to
work Mandan Rec-Reel Sporting event.
— Lodge No. 330, Brookfield, IL—Mtg., 11:30 a.m.; Sokol
May 14 — Lodge No. 95, Timken, KS—Mtg.; Timken Fire Station;
Mother's & Father's Day dinner at 12:30 p.m. with mtg to follow.
March 2011
Board Meetings 2011
May 5/6
— WFLA Board of Directors, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Aug 23-26 — WFLA Board of Directors, Frankenmuth, MI
Oct 27/28 — WFLA Board of Directors, Cedar Rapids, IA.
District Meetings 2011
Mar 27
Apr 3
Apr 10
Apr 16
May 1
May 14
May 15
June 4
June 5
June 26
Apr 2
State Meetings 2011
Apr 10
June 11/12 —
Aug 14
Nov. 6
May 7
May 13/15
May 15
May 27/29
June 11/12
June 16/18 —
March 2011
NE District 6, Host Lodge 14, Ord, noon lunch,
1:30 p.m. mtg, Ord Senior Center.
MN District 1, Host Lodge 168, Red Apple Cafe, Mahnomen, noon lunch.
MI Spring District Mtg, Host Lodge No. 247, 9:30
a.m. coffee, 10:30 a.m. mtg; Wally's East, Flint.
NE District 2, Host Lodge No. 101, 2 p.m., ZCBJ Hall, rural Du Bois.
MN District 2, Host Lodge No. 192, hall; Alexandria.
NE District 5, Host Lodge No. 56, Lynch Community Hall, noon potluck.
WI/Upper MI, Advisory Scholarship mtg, 10 a.m., Central, WI Airport, Mosinee, WI (downstairs).
MN District 3, Host Lodge No. 11, noon, Timber Lodge Steakhouse, Bloomington.
MN District 4, Host Lodge No. 44, noon; Brick Hall, Hayward.
NE District 4, Host Lodge 68, Sunshine Court,
David City, NE.
WI District 1, Host Lodge No. 48, noon; Grobschmidt Center, 2424 15th Ave, S. Milwaukee, WI.
WI District 2, Host Lodge No. Lodge 360, noon.
Manitowoc Jr., Reindl's in Menchalville.
WI District 5, Host Lodge No. 408, noon; City Point.
WI District 3, Host Lodge No. 73, noon; Tradewinds, W3305 State Hwy 64, Marinette.
WI District 4, Host Lodge No. 355, noon; Ladysmith; Russ Co. Fair Grounds, Senior Citizens Center.
MI Summer District Mtg, Host Lodge No. 225, Owosso,
ZCBJ Hall; 9:30 a.m. coffee, 10:30 a.m. mtg.
KS State Mtg, Host Lodge 121, Caldwell, KS; Masonic Hall, 20 S. Main.
TX State Mtg, Catholic Czech Club, Military Pkwy,
Dallas; 11 a.m. register, noon lunch, mtg to follow.
IA State Mtg, Clarion Hotel & Convention Center.
Cedar Rapids, IA, registration 10 a.m., mtg 11 a.m.
OK State Mtg, Lodge hall, Prague, OK.
NE State Mtg, Carol Joy Holling Retreat &
Conference Ctr, 27416 Ranch Rd, Ashland, NE.
WI/Upper MI State Mtg, Dekoven Center, 600 21st St., Racine, WI 53403; 1-262-633-6401.
MN State Mtg, Cabela's, Owatonna, MN; 3900
Cabela Drive, Owatonna, MN. Lodging: AmericInn, 245 Florence Ave, Owatonna, MN; 507-455-1142,
SD State Mtg, Host Lodge No. 253, Iona Community Center, Iona, SD 57533.
MI State Mtg, Host Lodge No. 225, ZCBJ Hall, Bannister.
Czech Festivals
OK, Prague Kolache Festival, Prague.
IA, Houby Days, Cedar Rapids.
TX, TCHCC Slavnost May Fest, La Grange.
TX, 45th Annual National Polka Festival, Ennis.
WI - Ceske Den, Hillboro Firemen’s Community. Center, Hillsboro.
SD, 63rd annual Czech Days Celebration, Tabor.
June 17/19 —
July 22/24 —
Aug 6/7
Aug 7
Aug 14
Sept 10
Sept 17
Oct. 1
Oct 9
Apr 15
Apr 22
Apr 15/17 —
May 7
Aug 25-26­—
Sept 11
Oct. 22
WI, 28th Annual Phillips Czech-Slovak Community Festival, Phillips, http://czech-slovak.tripod.com.
MN, Kolacky Days, Montgomery.
NE, Wilber Czech Festival & Miss Czech Slovak US Pageant, Wilber.
MI, Czechoslovak Harvest Festival, dinner 11:30 am to 2 p.m., program at 2:30 pm, dance at 4 pm with Millie Okopal, Lodge Hall, Bannister.
MN, 19th Annual Czech Heritage Festival, Bechyn.
TX, Kolache Festival, Caldwell.
MN, Dožínky Festival, 26th Annual Dozinky Festival, New Prague NE - Fourth Annual Dumpling Cookoff, City Auditorium 11-4, 6th & Nebraska St., York.
OK, Oklahoma Czech Festival, Czech (Lodge) Hall, Yukon.
NE, 8th Annual York Czech Festival, City Auditorium .
11-4, 6th & Nebraska St., York.
Special Activities
Convention Delegate/Alternate list due at Home Office
Earth Day
Global Youth Service Day
National Convention, Frankenmuth, MI
National Community Service & Remembrance Day
National Make-a-Difference Day
2011 Lodge Referral Program
Congratulations to the members who submitted referrals
between January 16-February 15, 2011:
Referrer Name
Pam Brandstatter
Kari Clark
Marilyn Clark
Douglas Horak
Sandra & Richard Hosek NE
Ernest Maly
Marcella Ruman
Joseph Sailor Jr.
Agnes Styczynski
Edward Vilt
Brian Zoubek
Lodge 500
2010 Lodge Referral Program
We inadvertantly left this list out of the magazine last month.
Congratulations to the members who submitted referrals
between November 16-December 15, 2010:
Referrer Name
Pam Brandstatter
Elizabeth Dubcak
Mary Lou Dugan
Janice Egr
Amy Fornusek
Bernice Hamilton
Sandy Hosek
Cheryl Kliment
Ernest Maly
Bryan E. Mancheski Sr.
Irene Pavelec
Dorothy Platek
Denise Spale
Greg J. Spevak
JoAnn Vilda
Lodge 500
Salmon & Black-Eyed Pea Spread
Micro-way Carmel Corn
Dorothy Roy, Lodge No. 431, Denver, CO
oz can black-eyed peas, drained & rinsed
oz can salmon
3 T lemon juice
tsphot sauce
½ tsp salt
tspblack pepper
½ tsp cumin
T olive oil
2 T low fat sour cream
C finely chopped red onion
¼ C finely chopped fresh parsley
C finely chopped celery
¼ C finely chopped kalamata
In a food processor, combine the black-eyed peas,
salmon, lemon juice, hot sauce, salt, pepper, and cumin.
With the processor running, add the olive oil and process until smooth,
about 1-2 minutes. Scrape down sides of the bowl, and then add sour
cream and pulse to combine. Add the red onions and parsley and
pulse to combine. Transfer to a bowl and mix in celery and olives.
Romaine Lettuce Salad
JoAnn Ryba, Lodge No. 106, Lankin, ND
2 bunches romaine lettuce
2 red apples
C cashews
C Swiss cheese shredded
½ C salad oil
½ C sugar
1 tsp grated onions
2 T poppy seed
dash of pepper and salt
½ tsp dry mustard
⅓ C white wine vinegar
Tear lettuce into pieces, put in a large bowl with cashews, swiss
cheese, and apples (that have cores removed and diced with the peel
on). Blend together oil, sugar, vinegar, mustard, onion, salt, and
pepper in a blender. Add poppy seed. Pour into jar, put on lid, and
shake before pouring over lettuce etc. Toss lightly. Serves 8.
Chocolate Jelly Roll
Dorothy Roy, Lodge No. 431, Denver, CO
5 2 tsp
2½ T
¼ C
1 C
pinch of salt
baking powder
C sugar
C flour
tsp vanilla
powder sugar
whipped cream
tsp gelatin (plain)
Put wax paper on a cookie sheet and pour the batter on the sheet.
Bake at 350˚ until done and roll immediately. When cool, unroll and
spread with filling. Spread filling on roll and refrigerate. Re-roll.
Blueberry Buckle
Lowell Kotas, Lodge No. 389, Western, NE
½ C margarine
1 egg
2½ tsp baking powder
½ C milk
½ C sugar
½ tsp cinnamon
sifted flour
fresh blueberries
½ C flour
¼ C margarine
Cream sugar and margarine, add egg, beat until fluffy. Fold in dry
ingredients, alternately with the milk. Spread batter in a 9x12" greased
cake pan. Top with blueberries.
Combine the dry ingredients for the topping, add the margarine mix
till crumbly. Sprinkle over berries. Bake at 350˚ for 40-45 minutes.
Cut into squares, serve warm. Serves 12-15.
Margie Muth, Lodge No. 147, Mandan, ND
4 -5 qts popped popcorn
½ C butter or margarine
½ tsp salt
1 C brown sugar
¼ C honey
Cook brown sugar, honey, salt, and butter 3-5 minutes in a sauce
pan over medium heat to form a syrup.
Spray Pam a large paper grocery bag and put popcorn into the bag.
Pour syrup over it and shake bag. Put the bag in the microwave for
1½ minutes, take out and shake; microwave again for 1 minute, take
out and shake again. Microwave for last time another ½ minute take
out and place open bag on a cookie sheet to cool. Store in tin until
ready to snack on.
Refrigerator Pickles
Marie Michlaski, Lodge No. 14, Ord, NE
salt (scant)
celery seed
onions, sliced
whole mustard seed
medium cucumbers
Mix and let stand all except onions and cucumbers. DO NOT
BOIL. Slice 3 onions into jars, add 3 medium cucumbers sliced into
jars with onion. Pour cooled syrup over sliced cucumbers and seal.
Store in refrigerator. Ready to eat in 5 days.
Blue Berry Muffins
Lou Ann Laurin, Lodge No. 73, Menominee, MI
fresh or frozen blueberries.
tsp baking powder
tsp salt
tsp nutmeg
tsp cinnamon
C flour
Preheat oven to 375⁰. Grease and flour muffin tin or line with cupcake
papers. In a large mixing bowl, combine oil, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and
milk. Stir well. Add in baking powder, salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, and
flour. Stir well.
Fold in berries, avoid over stirring or your batter will turn purple.
Spoon batter into prepared muffin tins, filling ⅔ of the way to the
top. Bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown on the top and feel
"springy" when pressed.
Note: baking time depends on size of muffins.
Note 2: Raspberries or cut up strawberries may be substituted for
the blueberries.
Correction from February Kitchen Talk
Pickled Beets
Marie Michalski, Lodge No. 14, Ord, NE
There should have been a ½ C sugar added to the recipe.
Kitchen Hints
Butcher Block: Minimize stains and cover scratches by
rubbing mineral oil on surfaces. Mineral oil is odor-free
and nontoxic.
Please submit your favorite recipes to be featured in our
Kitchen Talk section. Please indicate the number of servings.
Please send recipes to:
Western Fraternal Life Association, Attn: Fraternal Department,
1900 First Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
March 2011
Member Brian Bianco of Lodge No. 181,
Seattle, WA received his Associate Degree
in Electronics from the Community
College of the Air Force. He was promoted
to Staff Sergeant in November 2010.
Member Mary Byczek of Lodge No. 332,
Weyerhaeuser, WI received her certificate
of Honorary Membership.
Member Bessie Stanek of Lodge No. 141,
Cadott, WI celebrated her 98th birthday.
Members (l-r) Julie, James, Jennifer,
Katja, and Jacquline Schultheiss of Lodge
No. 101, Du Bois, NE are a 100% wfla
Four family generation Member Violet
Kycek of Lodge No. 44, Hayward, MN
holds great-grandson John Thomas
Clum, (back row) Natalie Twohig Clum,
members Ron Kycek, and Kristi KycekTwohig.
Member Loretta Prantner of Lodge No.
44, Hayward, MN received her Honorary
Membership certificate.
Graduate Drawing
If you are graduating from high school, college, or technical school, and are
a member of Western Fraternal Life Association, we would like to acknowledge
you in the June issue of the Fraternal Herald. We will also enter your name in
a drawing for three prizes of $100 each. Please send in the completed form by
May 15. Mail to: Fraternal Department, Western Fraternal Life Association,
1900 First Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5372
I would like to enter my name in the Graduate Drawing.
Please Print
Address_ ______________________________________________________________
Phone No._____________________________________________________________
Lodge No. 389, Western, NE thanked
President Nancy Kotas for her 25 years as
Lodge No._____________________________________________________________
Mail To: Fraternal Department, Western Fraternal Life Association, 1900 First Avenue
NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
All materials must be received by May 15. For more information, call 1-877-wflains.
March 2011
National Czech & Slovak
Museum & Library Update
Since the 2008 flood, there has been much
discussion concerning the new resting place
for the National Czech & Slovak Museum &
Library (NCSML). The museum's board of
directors decided to move the present museum
and elevate it on top of a parking garage. The
museum building will be moved to its new
position beginning April 26. The museum
will then be rolled onto the new foundation
and finally secured in place on May 21. The
building will be elevated 11 feet above where
it sits today. According to the International
Association of Structural Movers, the 1,400ton museum will be the largest museum ever
moved. An addition will be built adding The excavated site of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library with
the old NCSML in the background (web camera 2-15-2011).
50,000 square feet to the museum. This will
create room for additional galleries, collection Photo provided courtesy of National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, Cedar Rapids, IA.
storage, a theater, enlarged programming
space, and a museum store. The new museum is scheduled to open in May 2012. Even if you are far away, you can keep track of
the process through the web. Two web cameras have been operating at the site to capture preparations and the move. To watch
the museum’s progress, go to: www.ncsml.org.
Member Charlotte “Toni” Brendle Visits the
Washington DC Czech Embassy
Toni Brendle, member of Lodge No. 236, Phillips, WI traveled to the Czech
Embassy in Washington DC this past December. She wanted to raise awareness
about the monument to the Village of Lidice in Sokol Park, Phillips, WI with the
Czech Embassy. Toni brought with her a letter from the Phillips Mayor Jeffrey Fahl.
Second Secretary and Head of the Cultural Section Barbara Karpetova and First
Secretary, Head of the Political Section Jiri Ellinger met with Toni for an hour long
visit. Toni described the monument and invited them to send a representative to the
Phillips Czech Festival and the annual Lidice Memorial Service on June 17, 2011.
It was pointed out that the Phillips monument is unique in that it was designed
and built by Czech immigrants. The monument has a good deal of symbolism in its
creation. The silo-like pillar on the left depicts the United Nations and three rods
leaning into the pillar represent the About Lidice, Czech Republic
Czechs, Moravians, and Slovaks lean- Lidice is a village in the Czech Republic
ing on the United Nations for sup- north west of Prague. It was built on the
port. An evergreen spray on the up- site of a previous village with the same
Lidice Monument, Phillips, WI
per front of the monument signifies name. The original village was completely
destroyed by German forces in reprisal for
that Lidice shall have life everlasting. the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
The rising sun to the right indicates that Lidice, like the sun, shall rise again. Toni’s in late spring of 1942. On June 10, 1942,
efforts were successful in that a recommendation was made to send a representative all 192 men over 16 years of age from the
village were murdered on the spot by the
to Phillips in 2011.
Germans. The rest of the population were
The monument, thanks to efforts by member Therese Trokjak, is now on the sent to Nazi concentration camps where
National and Wisconsin State Register of Historical Places.
many women and nearly all the children
were killed.
March 2011
Dambořice Ball
By Maggie Slepičková Grove
When you open the main doors to the Dambořice annual ball in Dambořice, CZ, the first things you see are two huge boars,
a deer, a row of pheasants, and rabbits. All are dead and all are prizes that will be raffled off around midnight that night. While
an unexpected prize for me, an American from Cedar Rapids, IA, these prizes seem to be desired by the hundreds of villagers
who have come together for a night of dancing and drinking.
The tradition of holding winter balls began over a hundred years ago. Pavel Rozsypal, a villager in Dambořice, explained
that in the past, life in Czech villages slowed down in the winter months. There wasn’t much house work to do, it was too cold to
work in the fields, and most people couldn’t go anywhere outside the village because of the poor condition of the roads. Holding
a ball allowed the villagers to get out of their houses and have some fun. Now times are different.
Most inhabitants of Dambořice have flats in Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, about 20 miles north of
Dambořice. Most of these people live and work in Brno during the week and come home to Dambořice only for the weekend.
But even in these modern times, Czech’s in villages all over the Czech Republic still hold annual balls as a tradition.
Each ball is hosted by a different organization. The ball that I attended on January 21, 2011 was hosted by the Forest Rangers
of Dambořice, hence the prizes of animal game. In Dambořice, the event is held in the village’s recreation hall, which is used
for dance lessons and as a cafeteria to serve food to the elderly and needy.
On the evening of this ball, the main lobby is filled with prizes and men in uniform who sell the raffle tickets. On the left
side of the building is a large ballroom with huge windows, a dance floor, a stage filled with a large polka band, tables filled with
bottles of wine, and walls decorated with animal skins. All evening, and into the late night, the dance floor is filled with the
young and old from the village dancing traditional waltzes and polkas. There is not a single person in the village who doesn’t
know the dances. Most people are dressed in gowns similar to prom dresses and a few people are dressed in the traditional folk
costumes that represent the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic. Upstairs is a dining hall for those who need a break
from the dancing. People can feast on traditional Czech dishes, such as potato pancakes, sausages, goulash, and beer.
Dambořice is a wonderful village to visit even if there isn’t a ball. Located in a valley in South Moravia (about three hours
south of Prague) there is only one road into the village and one road out. As you arrive from the north and see the village from
the top of the valley, you feel as if you’re traveling into a magical land. Whether it is summer or winter, mist collects around
the village. From the top of the valley, all you can see are the orange roofs of terraced houses and a church in the distance. The
church is the Saint Martin of Tours church and is a protected monument. Also of interest in this small village of 1,318 people
are three cemeteries, Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Jewish, as well as a Jewish quarter where 42 of the original 63 buildings
still stand today.
Czech Phrases
Bez práce nejsou koláče.
Without work, there are no koláče (Czech pastry).
Kdo hledá, najde.
He who looks, finds.
Co je doma, to se počítá.
What's at home, counts.
Kdyź kocour není doma, myši mají pré.
When the cat is not home, the mice have a party.
Co můžeš udělat dnes, neodkládej na zítřek.
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Mluviti stříbro, mlčeti zlato.
Speaking is silver, silence is gold.
Dobrá rada nad zlato.
Good advice is better than gold.
Na kaźdém šprochu pravdy trochu.
There's a bit of truth in every gossip.
Hněv je špatný rádce.
Anger is a bad advisor.
Opakování matka moudrosti.
Repetition is the mother of wisdom.
March 2011
Lodge Golden West, No. 377, Los Angeles, CA
Linda Phillips, Correspondent
On January 16, members met at Marie Callender’s
restaurant in Northridge for their first meeting of the year.
We moved our meeting to this location due to a conflict with
the restaurant where we had originally planned to meet. At
this meeting, members made a motion and unanimously
agreed to keep all of our officers the same for this year. We
discussed our meetings and activities for this year. Members
all enjoyed the wonderful breakfast buffet and conversation
at the end of the meeting.
Our February meeting was the 20th at the Phillips’ home.
Members assembled bags of personal and baby items for Saint
Anne’s Home for Unwed Mothers.
Our March meeting place has yet to be decided. Some of
the projects we will be doing this year will be to assemble
school supply bags, Halloween bags, December toy collection,
and hygiene bags for abused women. We also hope to have a
canned food drive later this year. We are still collecting box
tops, soup labels, pop tops, magazines, gently used paper
back and hard cover books, travel size toiletries of all kinds,
greeting card fronts, eyeglasses, and cases. We are no longer
collecting pill bottles, as we have lost our connection with
the free medical clinic for the time being.
We are also looking for more referrals. If you know of
someone who may be interested in joining or would like to
have more information, please send in their name as a referral.
We would also like to see more members participate in our
meetings and activities. Come see what you are missing.
If you need more information about our meetings or activities, please call Larry or Linda Phillips at (818) 368-4855.
Lodge Pilgrim No. 330, Brookfield, IL
Blanche Hobart, Correspondent
Officers of our lodge met on January 27 at Secretary
Rosemary’s home to finalize and sign paper work for 2010.
Due to inclement weather on February 10, officers had to
meet again and handle some old business to discuss plans
for the coming year.
Our second meeting of 2011 will be on April 14 at 11:30
a.m. at Sokol Stickney. We hope to see everyone there; old
members and new members who have transferred into our
lodge. Let’s start the year with great attendance. If you have
any questions, please call and leave a message for Secretary
Rosemary Davis at 630-620-5324.
Our upcoming meeting dates will be April 14, May 12,
June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, and October 13 at
Sokol Stickney.
Lodge Cedar No. 7, Cedar Rapids, IA
Melissa Clapp, Correspondent
Our officers for 2011 were nominated and voted in. We
have three delegates for the Convention but are still looking
for an alternate or two. Members enjoyed our potluck
munchies and cut out over 100 fabric hearts for the Mended
Heart project. They provide pillows for heart surgery patients.
A thank-you note was read that we received from the family
we sponsored for the 2010 holiday season.
Members Julie Cole,
Sally Sawyer, Tony
Nieland, Larissa Curl,
and JoAnn White
cutting out hearts for
Mended Hearts.
Member and Agent
Mike Sabers bowling
for our project as
member Chris Schantz
We h a d t e n
members and two
guests bowl at the Big Brothers/Big Sisters bowling event
the 12th of February. Our team raised over $1,600.
Mark your calendars for the Special Olympics, April 16,
and JOIN HANDS DAY on May 7. Our April meeting will
be held on the 12th. We are looking at touring a local winery,
so contact us for details.
For 2011, we will hold meetings on the second Tuesday of
each month at locations to be determined at prior meetings.
If you have an idea or would like to host a meeting, please
call Jack or Don at 319-363-2653.
If you would like to be included in our email distribution
list for up-to-date information on events and meetings, please
send an email to mclapp@wflains.org SUBJECT: Lodge 7
distro list.
Lodge Iowa No. 85, Protivin, IA
Cindy Kostohryz, Correspondent
Members met at noon on January 23. All of the officers
and trustees were present, except President Ron Pecinovsky.
March 2011
The installation of officers was held with results as follows:
Trustee Nancy Bodensteiner installed Ken Zajicek as vice
president, Cindy Kostohryz as secretary, Lois Zajicek as
treasurer, Gregg Ellingson, Larry Kostohryz, and Cindy as
trustee. President Ron Pecinovsky will be installed at the
next meeting in February.
Officers being installed.
Cindy Kostohryz
has sent out the
guidelines, form,
and a cover letter
to nine local guidance counselors. They have been sent
to Howard Winneshiek, Turkey Valley, MFL Mar Mac,
Eastern Allamakee, Allamakee, Decorah-North Winn, South
Winn, Riceville, and Postville Schools. Each counselor has
responded back that they have received the information.
Lois Zajicek reported that the financial audit is finished
and will be sent in. Cindy Kostohryz reported that the Level
I Award is finished and will be sent in.
Tentatively, we have nine members going to the IA State
Meeting in Cedar Rapids on April 10. We will need to have
the final list at the February 20 meeting.
Eyeglasses that lodge
members collected for
our community project
for the Lions Club.
discussed who will
be attending the
National Convention in Frankenmuth, MI in August. Cost
will be $125 per delegate attending the convention. Our
lodge can send eight delegates. More discussion on this will
be at the February meeting. Cindy Kostohryz will call Mel
Svoboda to find out information about riding the bus.
A moment of silence was held for all deceased members.
Notice was received from the Home Office about the death
of member Sharon Topel. Our members present recorded 219 volunteer hours since
their last meeting.
Many used pairs of eyeglasses were collected as our community service project and given to a local Lions Club.
Community service project will be used, clean pill bottles
to give a local pet shelter.
March 2011
Lodge Klas No. 160, Center Point, IA
Ramona Williams, Correspondent
On February 12, members met at Cooper’s Mill for a meal
and meeting. Don Williams called the meeting to order. It
was reported that the audit was completed and members
approved the audit.
We decided that our lodge will again save pop tabs, soup
labels, box-tops, card fronts, used pill bottles, and batteries.
We feel all of these items are important for our youth and
Don reported delivering our homemade Valentine’s to
KHAK to participate in “Valentines For Vets.” A thank-you
note was received for our efforts.
Discussion was held on the state meeting that will be held
on April 10. We will get a count of those attending at our
next meeting.
Lodge Four Hundred No. 400, Swisher, IA
Mary Ann Siems, President
Members met on January 19 at the Clarion Inn.
Correspondence was received from the Home Office
regarding the National Convention, Jim Wolfe wished us a
prosperous New Year, and information about wfla. We read
letters from Waypoint, Tanager, and Four Oaks asking for
a donation, and an invitation from the Czech and Slovak
History and Culture Conference on March 11-12.
We will be doing JOIN HANDS DAY with Tanager Place
on April 30. The Czech School chili supper is March 12 at
St. Ludmila’s.
The auditing committee is Donna Ruegsegger and Bonnie
and Jerry Becicka.
After the meeting, members enjoyed playing cards.
Members met at the Clarion Inn on February 9. We
received information from the Home Office regarding the
lodge grant monetary amounts and other information on the
lodge awards.
The auditing committee reported that the books were in
Cereal box tops and Campbell soup labels were taken to
Heights Elementary and pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald
A donation was made to the American Heart Association.
Lodge Oxford No. 427, Oxford, IA
Susan Rugger, Correspondent
We met on January 13 at Slim’s Saloon. The minutes from
the last meeting were read and the 2010 end-of-year audit was
discussed and approved. Discussion included donations for
several organizations coming up: Annual CCA Elementary
Fun Fair, IC Hospice Walk for Dignity (where several
members will be walking) in April, CCA softball, and CCA
A team for the Johnson County Big Brothers/Big Sisters
bowling benefit was formed for February 27. Our lodge will
donate money towards this to help the funds raised for the
Oxford lodge team. Following the bowling, we will meet at
Rugger’s for chili.
Final discussion about the August convention in MI took
place, and the forms were filled out. Everyone also joined in
to wish Bud Miller Happy Birthday with a delicious cake
baked by Susie Sax.
Lodge Five Hundred No. 500, Cedar Rapids, IA
Debra Krall, Correspondent
We met at the Home Office on February 7 and enjoyed
a potluck supper of chili and various items from members.
The lodge received two new members, Fred Garity and youth
Evan Meder, great-grandson of members John and Trudy
Plotz. We were saddened by the death of member Stella J.
Brown. A donation will be sent to her family.
Thirty-three magazines were taken to St. Luke’s Hospital
and Mercy Hospital. Two hundred and fifty empty
prescription vials were delivered to the Free Medical Clinic.
Sixty-eight labels for education were taken to Mt. Vernon
Middle School and 83 Swiss Valley milk caps were taken to
St. Ludmila’s School.
The election of officers was held with results as follows:
President Lee Merta, Vice President Trudy Plotz, Secretary
Linda Grove, and Treasurer Kae Morgan. We also elected
our delegates and alternates for the Convention. They are
delegates: Carl Jungjohann, Deb Krall, Kae Morgan, Charlie
Fisher, Madeline Trpkosh, Trudy Plotz, and Lee Merta. The
alternates are Dale Usher, Marjeanne Jungjohann, Marriyln
Merta, John Plotz, LaVerne Fisher, and Joe Morgan. President
Lee Merta will look into getting a bus for the Convention.
Lodge Novy Tabor No. 19, Munden, KS
Margaret Benyshek, Secretary
Our lodge met on February 13 and President Franklin
Rytych called the meeting to order after a potluck dinner.
Congratulations to Mary Kunc, who was chosen as
“Sweetheart” at the Golden Bell Haven Valentine’s party.
President Franklin Rytych was invited to a meeting in
Oklahoma City to elect a District 7 Director. Candidates
are Travis Dubac and Brad Evans.
The 2010, lodge officers will continue their duties in 2011.
Sympathy is extended to the families of Roger Lachman,
Lorene Lahodny, and Hubert Brabec. Memorials were sent
to the families. Four hours of fraternalism were accounted
An invitation was extended to Josephine Sheridan and
Virginia Molzahn, and their families, to attend dinner and a
meeting March 13 to accept their 75-year membership pins.
Cuba Rock-A-Thon is March 20-26. We will give away
two bicycles.
Maurene Rytych sent congratulations to two 50-year
members and several get-well cards.
Lodge Hvezdnaty Prapor No. 95, Timken, KS
Jonea Hartshorn, Correspondent
At our February 12 meeting, we elected our officers for
2011. We also elected Viola Roland and La Vern Honomichl
as our delegates for the April KS State Meeting in Caldwell.
Remember, all members are welcome to attend the state
Luke Palmer was the winner of our
bicycle giveaway at the Rush County
It was decided that members
attending each monthly meeting will call a member who did
not attend and remind them
about the next meeting. This year, we will collect aluminum
cans for recycling and continue collecting Box Tops for
Education and Campbell’s labels. A moment of silence was held for our departed members
Donald “Donnie” Holopirek and Elnora A. Stejskal. Our
thoughts and our prayers are with their families.
Lodge Trocnov No. 121, Caldwell, KS
Vlasta Albert, Correspondent
The meeting was brought to order in regular session
on a cold winter afternoon. The auditing committee was
appointed to audit the 2010 books.
The state meeting was discussed more and several things
were finalized. The letters have been written and will be
mailed in the next two weeks. The KS State Meeting will
be April 2 at Sugar Sisters in Caldwell, KS.
The 2011 lodge calendars were passed out.
As there was no more discussion, the meeting adjourned
to enjoy refreshments at the beautiful decorated tables.
Let-it-snow was the theme.
Lodge Moravan No. 128, Rossville, KS
Marjorie Hromada, Correspondent
Members met on December 15 at the lodge hall.
Correspondence was read from the Home Office.
March 2011
Our treasurer reported on paying our mower and making
a partial payment of the property tax for 2010.
We discussed plans for our fundraiser on April 9 and
Memorial Day service at the Czech Moravan Cemetery May
Lodge members voted to make a monetary donation to
The Topeka Rescue Mission.
Can tabs and canned food were collected to be given to
the Topeka Ronald McDonald House.
Magazines were collected to be given to the Eventide
Convalescent Center.
We held our election of officers.
Members met February 9 at Grove Hall. Correspondence
was read from the Home Office. A member reported taking
magazines to the Rossville Manor.
Lodge Kansasky Vysehrad No. 203, Glasco, KS
Troy Boucek, Correspondent
Yes, we are still in operation despite no articles appearing for
the past few months. At the end of June 2010, lodge president
Roger Boucek died. Since he was the sitting president and
was on several key committees, we have been in a rebuilding
mode. Although I have not sent in any articles, we have been
very busy.
On January 18, 2010 we held the first meeting of the year.
Due to weather, the meeting was cut short. The lodge officers
were voted on and installed. The 2010 officers were President
Roger Boucek, Vice President Roger Miller, Secretary/
Treasurer Betty Miller, and Correspondent Troy Boucek.
Discussion was held on the Christmas dance. Despite the
weather, 85 people attended, and this was less than 30%
of the normal attendance. This will have an impact on our
activities. Since it was cold, the meeting adjourned.
We met on February 22 and discussed the upcoming lodge
anniversary party.
Members met on March 22, at 8 p.m. A moment of silence
was held in memory of Vladie Wolfe. Discussion was held
on the upcoming lodge anniversary party.
On March 28, we held our 101st Lodge Anniversary party at
the Bohemian Hall. The social started at 5:30 p.m., followed
by a wonderful potluck meal. The lodge provided the main
course. President Roger Boucek and Vice President Roger
Miller presented the history of the lodge. Then we had a cake
walk to help burn the calories off. After, we enjoyed a few
games of bingo. We thank Kathleen Newland, Roger and
Betty Miller, Roger, Shirley, and Troy Boucek for getting
things ready and preparing the food for the event.
Members met on April 19 to discuss the activities of the
last month. It was reported that earlier in the month a group
of members gathered to spruce up the hall. The floors were
March 2011
cleaned and waxed, a general cleaning of the building was
done, and needed repairs were made. We thank Roger and
Betty Miller, Kathleen Newland, Troy and Roger Boucek.
We decided to do a fundraising dinner event with the local
chapter of Quails Forever. The local chapter promotes wildlife
conservation and provides hunting activities for youth. They
also assist in hunting education to area youth, along with
wildlife habitat development to help insure a place for the
young people to hunt in the future.
May was a busy time around the lodge. On the first day
of the month, we gathered with some of the local youth and
cleaned up the roadsides near the Bohemian Hall. On May
8, Roger and Betty Miller celebrated their 40th wedding
anniversary with a dance at the Bohemian Hall.
On May 17, we held a lodge meeting at the Bohemian Hall
with President Roger Boucek calling the meeting to order at 8
p.m. The fundraiser with the local Quail Forever chapter was
a huge success. Discussion was held on the upcoming events
later in the month including the Relay for Life event, and
the Memorial weekend activities. We were unsure if anyone
from the lodge would be attending the state meeting. Several
local events took place the same day that involved many of
the local members.
On May 21, we participated in the Cancer Society’s Relay
for Life at the city park in Beloit. We gave away popcorn to
those attending and also walking laps to raise funds. We also
made a monetary donation to the event.
On May 30, we held an open house at the Bohemian Hall
for Memorial Day. Refreshments, homemade cookies, and
other goodies were served. Many people stopped to rest, visit,
and exchange stories of the past. Later in the day, we gathered
with a group of local youth and placed flowers on graves at
the Bohemian National Cemetery and First Creek Cemetery.
On the following day, the lodge sponsored a community
picnic dinner.
Due to the upcoming Wheat Harvest, it was decided that
we would not have a meeting in June.
On June 28, we lost our President Roger Boucek. Funeral
services were held at the Bohemian Hall on July 1. The lodge
provided a lunch for the mourners following the funeral
services. Member Gerald Miller’s wife, Sandy, died on July
29, and the lodge assisted with her funeral lunch.
On August 16, we held our monthly lodge meeting at the
Bohemian Hall. Vice President Roger Miller conducted the
meeting. A moment of silence was held in memory of Roger
Boucek and Sandy Miller.
Discussion was held on the activities of the previous two
months and the upcoming Bohemian reunion. With no
further business, the meeting was adjourned.
On August 21, Gene and Lila Mihm celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary with a dance at the Bohemian Hall.
The 11th Annual Bohemian Reunion was held at the
Bohemian Hall on September 4. Our lodge assisted with
the event. This year’s event attracted close to 150 people.
The lodge gave Halloween trick-or-treat bags to youngsters
attending the event.
We held the September meeting on the 20 th at the
Bohemian Hall. Vice President Roger Miller opened the
meeting and discussed the condition of the main cooler.
The unit quit during the reunion and it was decided to have
a service person look at it.
The October 18 meeting was held at the Bohemian Hall
with Vice President Roger Miller calling the meeting to order.
We discussed the cooler. A repairman was called, and it was
decided it would be good enough for now.
The November 22 meeting was held at the Bohemian Hall
with Vice President Roger Miller calling the meeting to order.
A moment of silence was held for Albert Lee Prochaska, who
died in October.
We discussed two upcoming activities, the Thanksgiving
dance, and the bike giveaway when Santa Claus comes for
the holiday season. We also decided to send invitations to
family members who have not attended for awhile.
December was a busy month for the lodge. On the 11th, we
held the lodge Christmas party at the Bohemian Hall. The
hall was decorated with Christmas decorations and wreaths
on the doors. The night’s activities started with social hour,
and all sorts of nibbles that went well with the hot spiced
apple cider and other refreshments. Members placed food
items into the box for the food bank project. We also signed
Christmas and get-well cards for those who were not able to
Following the social time, we enjoyed dinner. The lodge
provided ham and turkey for the main course. After dinner,
we had a cake walk, a grab-bag gift exchange, and enjoyed
bingo. The traditional treats of apples and oranges were
given to those in attendance. All of this would not have been
possible without the work of those on the committee: Roger
and Betty Miller, Kathleen Newland, and Shirley and Troy
On December 20, we held the monthly meeting.
Nominations for lodge officers were made. Discussion was
held on the Thanksgiving dance, the problems with the
cooler, popcorn machine, and other related issues.
A report about the lodge Christmas party and bike
giveaway was given.
We donated to the Glasco Public Schools youth activity
fund. A report was made that the aluminum cans for the
Thanksgiving dance were taken to the recycling center. Plans
were made for the Christmas dance.
Our next event will be our lodge anniversary on March 27
at the Bohemian Hall. Social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m.
with dinner at 6 p.m. Guests to bring covered dish and their
own table service.
Lower Michigan
Lodge Michigan No. 225, Bannister, MI
Joanne Fornusek, Correspondent
The February 13 meeting was called to order by President
Robert Ladiski. Correspondence included a thank-you letter
from the family of Frank Wassa expressing appreciation for
the floral arrangement, funeral dinner, and service by Tom
Bradley. The Red Cross thanked the lodge for the blood drive
held during the Christmas holidays and requested another
drive be scheduled for May 23. Michelle Davis thanked the
membership for their donations to Toys for Tots, reporting
that the Gratiot County Chapter helped more than 600
children this Christmas. Thank-you notes were received
from Sparrow Hospital and Gratiot Medical Center thanking
Penny Nieman and the lodge for the recent delivery of hats.
Penny reported that in 2010 she donated 216 crocheted hats
in the name of the lodge to local hospitals, senior centers,
and the MI Fraternal Congress. She also made crocheted
toys, scarves, and booties. In the last five years, she has
crocheted and donated 1,885 hats for babies, seniors, and
chemo patients.
Dates were received for the 2011 Adopt-a-Highway
The lodge welcomes 52 transfer members and new members: Tyrone and Mishae Liggons, Adrian Cervini, Jonathan
and Susan McNeel, Rebecca Yankee, Hanna, Hayden, and
Alexander Fedewa, Beverly and Paul Henry, Hali and Kais
Bates and Charlotte Bates-Bashaara, Joyce Knapp, Jarmayne
and Jasmine Meadows, and Braydon and Jacob Schaub.
The public is invited to the Mid-winter Jamboree on
February 27. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. with a potluck
dinner at noon. There is no cost to attend this afternoon of
good music, singing, and dancing.
An Appreciation Dinner will be held at Fire Mountain
Restaurant in Lansing on March 6.
The 100th anniversary dinner and dance has been changed
to October 1, which is the exact date the lodge began one
hundred years ago.
Tom Bradley reported that the trustees met to audit the
treasurer’s books and found all financial records to be in
March 2011
Committees discussed progress on plans for the National
Convention scheduled in Frankenmuth in August.
Members donated more than $1,400 in used clothing to
a local mission project. March’s community service project
will be to collect items for the Women’s Aid Society.
Bags of clothing our
members donated to a
local mission project.
Corresponding Secretary Pamela Kotval will send personal
welcome letters and information about our lodge meetings.
We decided to delay our March meeting by one week to
March 27 so we can attend the annual “Flavors of Slovakia”
dinner at Sokol MN in St. Paul. Following adjournment,
Pamela Kotval and Rosie Pavelka completed the 2010 annual
audit. Rosie Pavelka offered dessert and coffee.
Lodge Zare Svobody No. 38, Austin, MN
Ordella Rolfson, Correspondent
Coming events
include District
Meeting in Flint
on April 3. Coffee
at 9:30 a.m. and
meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Walli’s East. On April 10, we will
honor our 50 and 75-year members and welcome our new
members. Meeting starts at 10 a.m. with a noon potluck
and a program to follow. A collection for Veterans is also
planned for this meeting. April 30 is JOIN HANDS DAY.
We will be sewing for Friends of Hospice from 8 a.m. until
4 p.m. Please contact Diane Bradley at 989-862-5378 with
questions. Our Mother’s and Father’s Day program is May 1
at 10 a.m., with a potluck at noon and the program to follow.
We met at the Mower County Senior Center on January
15 for our postponed Christmas dinner and meeting. After
a prayer by Mary Haggerty, we enjoyed a very good meal.
Following dinner, President Robert Baley Sr. opened the
Members Georgia
Oxley, Robert Baley
Sr., and Archie Baley
enjoying the Christmas
Members Dorothy Denisen and
Eleanor preparing dinner.
Lodge Hopkins No. 11, Hopkins, MN
Rosella Pavelka, President
Members held the December meeting at the home of
President Rosie Pavelka. We discussed our annual charitable
donations and chose the ICA Food Shelf, Meals at Your Door,
and the MN wfla Scholarship Fund. We discussed delivering
kolace as a holiday greeting to several of our local shut-in
members. After the meeting, we enjoyed social time, coffee,
and an assortment of Christmas cookies baked by Pamela
We held our January meeting at the home of President
Rosie Pavelka. Joan Benson and Bill Jersak reported on
delivering the kolaces and visiting with members; all were
appreciative of the special treat.
We noted the names of four 75-year and 50-year members
that appeared in the January issue of the Fraternal Herald.
Secretary Evelyn Vraspir shared a letter from the MN wfla
Scholarship Fund identifying names of four student members
who are eligible to apply for a 2011 state scholarship. Evelyn
also shared information from the Home Office about three
members who have transferred to our lodge from other
lodges, and one new member. We welcome Mary Croce,
Sylvia Swierczek, Georgiana Tiedeman, and Orla Otzen.
March 2011
During the election of officers, we elected President Bonita
Sawyer, Vice President Mary Haggerty, Secretary Ordella
Rolfson, Treasurer Louise Weber, Senior Guard Robert Baley,
Guide Jeanne Rolfson, and Trustees John Cafourek, Ordella
Rolfson, and Mildred Baley.
Members turned in their volunteer hours and all their
community activities and donations for 2010. Stamps, tabs,
card, and labels were turned in. We also voted to continue to
keep meeting at the Mower County Senior Citizen Center for
our 2011 meetings. We made our annual donation for 2010,
as we were unable to do so in December. We made monetary
donations to the MN Scholarship Fund, Meals on Wheels,
and the Hormel Cancer Institute.
Bonita Sawyer brought pictures of Eleanor Haeska and the
youth group singing Christmas Carols in Lake City. Jeanne
Rolfson played Santa’s helper and presented each member
with a gift.
The center piece was won by Georgia Oxley
Lodge Zare Zapadu No. 44, Hayward, MN
Lodge Zahrada Minnesoty No. 168, Mahnomen, MN
Marie Krikava, Correspondent
Pearl Uhlir, Correspondent
Members met on February 6 at the Glenville Legion for
their annual Valentine potluck dinner. Following our meal,
Vice President Georgia Jech asked members to observe a
moment of silence in memory of member Clifford Reichl,
who recently died.
Secretary Krikava presented a copy of the annual reports,
which were completed and sent to the Home Office.
The Financial Statement was approved and will be clipped
to the minutes in our lodge book.
The Home Office stresses the importance of sending in
referrals again this year. They give a bonus for referrals, so
let’s work hard!
Thank-you notes were received from the Salvation Army
Food Shelf for the 55 lbs of food we donated, from the Ronald
McDonald House Wish List items we donated, for the fruit
plates we delivered to shut-ins, and for the donations we
made to wfla MN Scholarship fund and the Glenville Legion
WFLA National Convention will be held August 25-26 in
Frankenmuth, MI. Our lodge voted to send Marie Krikava,
Marcella Nelson, and Roger Rayman as our three delegates.
Freeborn County Commission Chairman, Dan Belshan,
presented a check of $1,050 to Alton Krikava, who accepted
it for our lodge. This is the remaining 10% of the grant
money we were awarded in 2010 from the MN Historical
and Cultural Heritage Grant. Thank you! We will have a
celebration on June 25. We hope many will come to see our
Historic Hall and enjoy Czech music and food.
Members met January 23 at the Red Apple Café in
Mahnomen at 5 p.m.
We held a discussion on the upcoming district meeting
and other events for this year.
The meeting adjourned and dinner was served.
Our next meeting will be at 1 p.m. on March 20 at the
Red Apple Café. The MN District Meeting is April 2 with
registration at 11 a.m., dinner at noon, and the meeting at 1
Freeborn County Commission
Chairman Dan Belshan presenting
a check to our Project Director Alton
Krikava for the cultural heritage grant
we received.
Our first lodge activity of the year was making Valentines
with our young members. They were made on January 30th
and were taken to the residents of two assisted living centers
in Moose Lake just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Darlene Rayman won the Valentine
box of candy.
Darlene Rayman won the Valentine box of candy donated
by Frances Kycek-Swenson. Her uncle, Leland Kycek, was
last year’s winner. Our former director Harold Svejkovsky
started this tradition.
Lodge Ledec No. 192, Alexandria, MN
Donald Trousil, Correspondent
Our January meeting was held at Donald Trousil’s home.
After President Connie Klimek opened the meeting, we
installed new President Kevin Klimek.
Thank-you notes were shared from donation sources. The
new rules concerning lodge grants were discussed. We have
been notified that several members of another lodge were
transferred to our lodge. There was more discussion about the upcoming National
Convention and people interested in being delegates. We
then put together our annual calendar of events for 2011.
Lori and Bernice Trousil assisted Sidney Trousil in her
third grade class taking orders for Cupigram Valentine’s at
Lincoln School. This raises money to assist students with
purchasing school supplies.
Lodge Willow River No. 346, Willow River, MN
Barbara Alm, Correspondent
(l-r) Marley
Doboszenski, Braxton
Waldhalm, Zadie
Karulak, Bailey
Waldhalm, Kaia
Doboszenski, Rose
Ann Doboszenski,
and Jill Mach making
We also have begun the planning for our JOIN HANDS
DAY project with the Girl Scouts in Willow River. We will
be making birthday party kits for both children and seniors
served by the Bruno Food Shelf.
Our next meeting will be April 13.
March 2011
Lodge Nebraska No. 3, Crete, NE
Helen Cejka, Correspondent
President Viola Pracheil led the meeting according to form.
The 2011 officers are: President Viola Pracheil, Vice President
Dorothy Rejcka, Treasurer Irene Patak, and Secretary Helen
Cejka. Viola filled the committee places.
Correspondence from the Home Office was read. Thankyou notes were received from the bloodmobile and the Crete
Fire and Rescue Department.
We were reminded of the district meeting on March 6 at
the Saline Center and the state meeting in Ashland on June
11 and 12.
December 23 bingo helper at Tabitha in Crete was Evelyn
Buzek. Helpers there on January 20 were Viola, Cheryl
Retherford, Evelyn, Helen, and Evelyna Burianek.
convention at the same time. Our trip to the new Werner
Park and the Storm Chasers game will be a special highlight
of the meeting.
Our next meeting will be April 12. At that time, we will
collect cleaning products for Stephen Center. We always meet
at 6:30 p.m. so come and join us.
Lodge Praha-Libuse No. 54, Wilber, NE
Doris Hynek, Correspondent
Members George
Hynek and Doris
Hynek attended the
Halloween party at the
Gingerbread House
on October 28, 2010.
Our youngest member
Collin Kohout sits on
Doris’ lap.
Lodge Zapadni Svornost No. 28, Clarkson, NE
Lodge Lipany No. 56, Lynch, NE
Stanton Hrouda, Correspondent
Marita Placek, Correspondent
Correction from the January Fraternal Herald: Alice Teply,
and other members, brought lots of Campbell’s Soup Labels
and Box Tops for Education for our school.
Members met on January 17 at the home of Trudy and
Todd Nelson.
Discussion was held on the lodge award activities for 2010
and all requirements are fulfilled. Trudy will get the form
and attachments sent to the Home Office.
Trudy was reimbursed for the flower bouquet purchased for
the lodge to give Marita. Marita has 25 years of hosting and
organizing the Veteran’s Day program at the Lynch School.
Trudy read correspondences from the Home Office.
All officers will retain their same offices for 2011.
After adjournment, a delicious lunch was served by Trudy.
Lodge Hvezda Svobody No. 45, Omaha, NE
Jerri Underwood, Correspondent
Our condolences go out to the families of Jack Seidenglanz,
Bessie Benak, and Rosalie Tessin who recently died.
Sympathy cards have been sent to the families.
All local lodge members were mailed a schedule of our
activities for 2011. In addition, there was an invitation for
any lodge member to join us for the state meeting or a night
out to see the Omaha Storm Chasers in action at their new
Our February meeting was held at Sokol South Omaha
Hall on February 8. We collected warm weather items for
Open Door Mission. President Jerri and Secretary Janet
provided lunch.
We voted to send President Jerri and Secretary Janet to the
National Convention in August. Frank and Virginia Ourada
will be alternates. We also approved the Lodge Finance
At the March meeting, we will collect non-perishable food
items for St. Vincent DePaul pantry. Secretary Janet will
provide us with corned beef and cabbage, so come and enjoy.
We are still working on the NE State Meeting. Information
was sent to the lodges in NE and to our lodge members. This
will be held June 11-12 at Camp Joy Holling in Ashland.
Contact President Jerri at 402-689-3299 if you have any
gifts you’d like to donate. We are also planning a youth
March 2011
Lodge Cecho-Moravan No. 68, Brainard, NE
Dorothy Schultz, Correspondent
Due to inclement weather conditions, we held our meeting
a few days later than planned. Members enjoyed a soup and
sandwich meal.
A thank-you letter was received from Dorothy Dobesh’s
Sally Schmid and Darlene Rech worked at the Bloodmobile
in Brainard in January.
Members baked and packaged cookies to be given to Butler
County Senior Services for Meals on Wheels. Cookies were
donated to Butler County Senior Services for the coffee bar.
We donated paper products, dish detergent, toothpicks, and
coffee filters to the Sunshine Court.
We welcome Susan Schwartz to our lodge. She was
transferred from another lodge.
We wished a happy 90th birthday to Aggie Svoboda. Several
lodge members attended her open house.
Our next meeting will be April 4 for an Easter meeting at
6 p.m. at Sunshine Court.
Lodge Tabor No. 74, Dorchester, NE
Pam Fuller, Secretary
Our lodge met February 7 at the house of Marlene Stehlik.
We held a moment of silence for Joe Duchek, Mildred
Dewark, Mary Synovec, and Marvin Sefrna.
A memorial service was given in memory of the members
we lost in 2010.
Pam Fuller was appointed Secretary pro tem.
The deadline for our lodge scholarship application is
April 1 for senior members. Contact Marilyn Clark at (402)
826-5312 for more information.
Thank-you notes were read from the Crete Fire Department,
Rudy and Delma Freeouf, Gertrude Aksamit, Bertha Zak,
and Grace Odvody.
Member Irene Vosika of Idaho has outlived her certificate,
she will be an Honorary Member.
Lodge Milligan No. 76, Milligan, NE
Scott Oliva, Correspondent
Our 6th Annual Chili Fest on January 30 was a great success
again this year. The annual event is held at the Underground
(auditorium basement) during the time it is open on Sunday
afternoon and evening. There were 12 entries in the “sane”
division and five in the “insanely hot” division. This has
always been largely a locally attended event, but this year,
we found many out-of-town attendees enjoying the event,
and lending their chili judging prowess.
Our NE Wines Festival was February 13, just a day before
Valentine’s Day. Many come and go during the four-hour
event, but at its height, just about every table was occupied.
We had five wineries in attendance this year. It is truly
amazing how far people travel for this affair. We attract
people from all over Southeast and central NE and parts of
Kansas. The weather was fantastic; we could have held it
outside. Amazing, considering last year we had to postpone
it two weeks because of weather.
Helping with the Wine Festival, including setting up
table, chairs, decorating the night before, cutting the cheese
the day before, and running the event, were members John
Zelenka and son Dalton, Wade Sluka, Dan and Jo Vavra,
Scott Oliva, Leonard Sluka and wife Mona, Galen Kuska,
and wife Sharon, and Mike Kassik and wife Deb. Other
community members helped as well.
During and after the Wine Festival, the Underground was
open and did very well.
Our lodge will be serving the meal for Grasslands Day,
held at the Auditorium on March 1 again this year.
Plans are almost complete for our upcoming 5th Annual
Beers of NE, scheduled for March 19. We will make a meal
consisting of roast hog, dumplings, and kraut. We will be
looking for help to make at least 400 dumplings (would like
to make more as we ran out last year), so if someone would
like to learn how to make dumplings, this will be your
Beginning in April, we will go back to meeting in the
evening at the Milligan Auditorium.
Lodge Premysl Otakar II No. 84, Table Rock, NE
Dorothy Fritch, Secretary
Members and one guest met at the Senior Center on
February 9 for our regular meeting. Due to the weather, our
Christmas party and January meetings were cancelled.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of Carl
Albers. A memorial was given to the Table Rock Historical
Society in his memory.
The monthly newsletters were read from the Home Office.
Donations were made to Table Rock Community Club for
a Christmas drawing, Senca food bank for Pawnee County,
American Heart Association, HTRS Prom, and two bicycles
were also given at Christmas. Winners were Trey Siebel and
Joe Lamb. A thank-you note was received from Trey. Coloring
books and treats were given to Storyhour and Headstart, 27 in
all for Christmas. We also gave treats to the same two groups
for Valentine’s Day. They look forward to us coming. We also
gave Valentine treats to a children’s class that is attending a
school for the blind.
Headstart children with
their Valentine treats.
Storyhour children
with their Valentine
March 2011
We will continue to collect used stamps, can tabs, labels,
and have donated several boxes of used clothing.
The district meeting will be held at ZCBJ Hall in Du
Bois, NE, April 3 at 2 p.m. The state meeting will be held on
June 11 and 12 in Ashland, NE. The National Convention
is August 25 and 26 in Frankenmuth, MI.
We have six new 50-year and four new 75-year members.
The audit was done following the fried chicken lunch at
the Senior Center.
Lodge Jan Kollar No. 101, Du Bois, NE
Ila Mae Helms, Correspondent
We were sorry to have lost 50-year member Gary Husa.
Our deepest sympathy goes to his family.
We were very proud to have Casey Pettinger earn a $1,000
scholarship. He is a very deserving young man.
Member Casey Pettinger is the
recipient of a $1,000 Presidential
Scholarship from Cloud County
Community College.
Donna Svanda was honored for her 35 years with the
County Assessor’s Office.
Plans are being made for our many activities after this
winter ends. Our district meeting will be April 3 and the
annual Easter egg hunt will take place on April 17.
Lodge Slavin No. 112, Comstock, NE
Shirley Knapp, Secretary
We met for our regular monthly meeting on February 3 at
6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center in Ord. Delmer and Cindy
Wondercheck were present following a light dinner. President
Richard Bilka opened the meeting.
President Bilka reported that travel expenses would apply to
mileage only for the state and district meetings for delegates.
Vice President Sharon Osentowski reported on the Land-OLakes Milk “Save 5” program for school. It would require
our lodge to pair up with a school to promote children to
save the lids from Land-O-Lakes milk cartons that contain
the sticker “Save 5.”
President Bilka reported that Lodge No. 426 in Lincoln
is thinking about chartering a bus to take to the National
Convention in Frankenmuth, MI. The bus would depart on
August 24 and return August 27.
Laddie Bruha, Richard Bilka, and Shirley Knapp received
pop tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House.
March 2011
Laddie Bruha was appointed to chair the 2011 Craft Show
to be held at the National Hall on October 23 from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Marvin and Faye Rybin agreed to purchase the
bicycles and take care of registration at the Craft Show.
A Valentine’s Day gift exchange was done and Joyce Pesek
had a game for all the members to play.
Lodge Cech No. 152, Farwell, NE
Dorothy Bonczynski, Correspondent
Agent Delmer Wondercheck and his wife Cindy attended
our chicken dinner. Stuart Teter celebrated his birthday and
treated us to a delicious cake and ice cream.
A very interesting discussion was held on letters we received
from the Home Office and on filling the forms out. Volunteer
hours were reported, and we are really busy with all the things
we do. We also discussed JOIN HANDS DAY and other
duties we want to try for the lodge.
We are proud to get two new members joining our lodge.
A member gave a report on “When Did Social Security
Start.” Very interesting.
A couple members sang songs in Bohemian, and we also
played cards and had Valentine’s candy for treats.
Sympathy and get-well cards were sent to a couple of
The QRT’s are having a Valentine’s party, dinner, and
dance and a couple members are attending.
Lodge Zest No. 296, Omaha, NE
Doris Ettlin, Correspondent
On May 17 at 6 p.m., we will hold our 50 and 75-year
membership banquet at the Bohemian Café. Make reservations by May 1. For cost and meal selection, call Martha
Talmon at 402-731-4121, Lillian Komor at 402-399-0891,
or Fran Riha at 402-731-2360. The 50 and 75-year members
were printed in the January Fraternal Herald. Those honored
will receive a free meal, but reservations are still needed for
meal selection.
College or trade school student members can apply for our
Zest Lodge 296 scholarship given in September 2011. The
application deadline is May 17. For applications, call Fran
Riha 402-731-2360, or write her at 2408 Chandler Road E.,
Bellevue, NE 68005.
Our next meeting will be March 15 at 6 p.m. for a corned
beef and cabbage dinner by Frank.
We will have a bicycle drawing on April 9 at the Sokol
Western District Slet, Sokol South Omaha Hall.
Lodge Saline Center No. 389, Western, NE
Joan Kotas, Secretary
Past President Nancy Fritz called the February 6 meeting
to order. She then presented the gavel and her keys to Darrell
Kotas, the newly-elected president. President Kotas thanked Nancy for her 25 years as
president. In honor of her years of service, he presented a cake
baked and donated by Barb Schwisow, which was served at
the conclusion of the meeting. Our newest member Phillip Zoubek,
son of Brian and Katie Zoubek.
Past President Nancy
Fritz presents the
gavel and keys to new
President Darrell Kotas.
members are
Regie Riley, Lacy
Homolk a, a nd
Phillip Zoubek. Phillip attended his first meeting and
brought ice cream for everyone present.
Members received their 50 and 75-year pins. The board of trustees, president, and vice president met
prior to the meeting to re-evaluate the duties of the officers
and managers.
Anyone wishing to rent the hall for a future event, contact
Lowell Kotas at 402-821-3191.
Delegates elected to the National Convention were Darrell
Kotas, Marvin Kohout, and Lowell Kotas. Alternate delegates
are Lumir Kotas, Nancy Fritz, and Joan Kotas. Our next meeting is April 4, at 8 p.m.
Lodge Lincoln No. 426, Lincoln, NE
Velma Kotas, Correspondent
Our lodge held a meeting on February 13 at the WOW
Hall. We enjoyed a soup dinner with three different soups
that were made by three members, Betty Soukup, Denise
Spale, and John Kirby.
We received a letter from Mel Svoboda, as he is trying to
organize the transportation to the National Convention.
Our members hope he is successful, since we always have a
wonderful time when we travel together.
We were honored to have Lumir Vajgrt in attendance.
We enjoyed his company and congratulated Lumir on his
75-year’s of membership. President Rich Hosek awarded
Lumir his membership pin.
Our Lincoln Czech Day will be May 1 at a new location,
Pla-Mor, this year. Our lodge will participate by giving a
bicycle away and a scholarship.
Betty Soukup, Donna Aschwege, and Erma Ruhl will visit
lodge members who are shut-ins. They will visit or remember
our members in a wonderful way, as these are wonderful
ladies. So, if you know of anyone who needs a visit who
cannot get out, call one of the gals, and they will respond.
Our JOIN HANDS DAY activity will be finalized at the
April meeting. We will contact a Boy Scout troop to see if
they would like to participate. Sandy Hosek is chairing this
Susan Casne has responded to involving the youth in our
lodge. She provided the children an opportunity to make
Valentines for a nursing home. It was a joy to see our children
working together to complete the Valentine’s. After the meeting, our children took the Valentine’s to Gateway Manor.
Susan also provided the children with an interesting article
about Albert Einstein. He taught in the Czech Republic in
Prague and played a Violin. Food was brought in for the Lincoln Food Bank, as well
as a collection. Our lodge donates often to the food bank.
They provided information in reference to what they gave
in the year of 2010. Our Lincoln Food Bank gives 32,000
lbs of food away every day.
Our lodge received a new member, Kathryn Lloyd, by
transfer. We welcome Kathryn and hope she will enjoy
our lodge. We always enjoy each other at our meetings and
We are happy and congratulate Vi and Helen Berst on their
65th wedding anniversary.
Our April 10 meeting will be at the Garage Sports BarGrill, which is located at 5551 South 48th. This is our dine-out
meeting, you will order off the menu and our lodge will give
$5 to each adult member and $3 to the children to offset the
cost of the meal.
Lodge Loup Valley No. 437, Ord, NE
Linda Ptacnik, Correspondent
Doris David welcomed Delmer and Cindy Wondercheck.
Agnes read the thank-you notes. A card was signed for Delores
We will celebrate our 50 and 75-year members at a later
We turned in 2,822 coupons and 1,000 pop tabs for the
Ronald McDonald House.
For the trustee committee, Delores Skolil’s 3-year term was
up. Lillian Setlik will replace her. The new trustee committee
is Pat Konkoleski, Linda Ptacnik, and Lillian Setlik. We will
hold our election of officers in February.
March 2011
Linda Ptacnik will check on the number of people at the
Valley Co. Nursing Home and Grandview Assisted Living.
Ord Elementary Grade School and St. Mary’s students will
be asked to make Valentine’s Day cards.
Members filled 66
boxes for the needy in
Valley County for Make
Christmas Happen.
or watched as they were made. Warm kolaches were served
to everyone present.
A thank-you note was read from the rest home at the
Members brought two blankets and one lap robe to give
to the Lakota rest home after the meeting.
Blankets to be given to the Lakota Rest
Members Pat
Konkoleski, Doris David,
and Agnes Janda with
the gifts for Make
Christmas Happen.
President Doris David called the February 6 meeting to
order at the Ord Veteran’s Club. We welcomed Agent Delmer
Wondercheck and his wife, Cindy.
We held the election of officers with the following results:
President Doris David, Vice President Agnes Janda, Treasurer
Marie Iwanski, Secretary Sandy Psota, and Trustee Lillian
Stelik were elected.
A lice Stevens and Agnes Janda each received an
Outstanding Member Certificate from wfla.
Our next district meeting will be March 27 and will be
hosted by Lodge No. 14.
North Dakota
Lodge Kosobud No. 106, Lankin, ND
Jo Ann Ryba, Secretary
Our lodge met on February 6 at the Lankin Senior Center.
A moment of silence was held for deceased members Ida
Henschel and Mae L. Hall-Brunner.
The 2010 financial report was read and audited at this
We made monetary donations to the Kosobud Cemetery
in memory of Ida Henschel and Mae L. Hall-Brunner.
President Daniel reported getting thank-you notes from
Hospice in Park River and the Adams First Response for
2010 donations.
On January 26, lodge members Jo Ann and Jean were at
the rest home in Lakota making kolaches. Resident members
Mary Ann, Frances, and many others helped make kolaches
March 2011
Valentine’s for Park River Rest Home.
We have five 75-year members and four 50-year members
who were listed in the January issue of the Fraternal Herald.
Plans are in the process for honoring the members at either
our April or May meeting. Letters will be sent to the honorees.
Campbell’s soup labels and Box Tops for Education were
given to the Park River, Fordville, and Lakota schools.
Lodge Hodonin No. 188, Minot, ND
Joan Peterson, Correspondent
Our winter meeting in January brought forth discussions
on the fraternal calendar.
The election of officers was held, and they will remain
the same. This was all discussed at a luncheon at the Parker
Senior Center, downtown.
Our February meeting at the Parker Center left some at
home due to weather. A lovely cherry cake was made by Mrs.
Smith for birthday ladies, Elaine Foltyn and Lucille Moffitt.
Boxes of Valentine’s candy for each lady from President
Novak completed our sugar quota for the day. All necessary wfla paperwork was completed.
April plans are in the making for a meeting with members
in the towns of Stanley and Ross, with a visit to the lovely
Ross Cemetery.
Any Bohemian translations may be directed to the college
in Minot for help.
Warnings are already out for the expected spring flooding
in ND, which we are anticipating with reluctance. No matter
what the weather throws at us, we still manage to find our
way to the meetings.
Lodge Oklahoma No. 46, Prague, OK
Cindy Fridrich, Correspondent
Members met at the Bohemian Hall on February 13.
A moment of silence was observed for departed member
Lorraine Sykora.
Valentine candy hearts were distributed to everyone
Plans continue for the OK State Meeting, which will be
hosted by our lodge in Prague, OK this year. The meeting is
scheduled for April 10 at Vision Bank. Lunch will be served
at 12:30 p.m. with the meeting immediately following. After the meeting, members enjoyed Valentine’s treats
provided by Barbara Sands and Cindy Fridrich.
Lodge Jan Zizka, No. 67, Yukon, OK
Natalie Stejskal, Treasurer
Members met on January 16. We decided to collect and
donate items again to Yukon Pets and People.
Our lodge sponsored two candidates for the OK Czech/
Slovak Royalty pageant for 2011. They both won in their
categories. Congratulations to the Junior Queen Abby
Rideout and the Prince Caleb Tlapak-Simmons. They will
have a fun and exciting year representing OK Czechs in various activities across the state. They have already participated
in two parades.
Lodge Dallas No. 401, Dallas, TX
Correction: The state meeting is April 2, not April 9.
Lodge Seattle No. 181, Seattle, WA
Paula Hughart, Correspondent
Prior to our business meeting, we joined the Czech Slovak
Interest Group at Fire Station #22 in Kirkland, WA for a
genealogy workshop that focused on cadastral maps. Lodge
181 member, Rosie Bodien, led the workshop.
Highlights of the business meeting include the re-election
of current officers and election of Paula Hughart as delegate
to the National Convention in Frankenmuth, MI. The
decision was made to hold our regular lodge meetings on
the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Our first community service project for the year is a food
collection for the Hopelink Food Bank in Kirkland. Members
brought non-perishable food items to our meeting.
Lodge members meet
for lunch after the
January business
OK Czech/Slovak Junior Queen Abby
Czech Slovak Interest
Group and wfla lodge
OK Czech/Slovak Prince Caleb TlapakSimmons.
Mark your calendars for May 27 when the Leo Lonnie
Orchestra from NE will play at the hall.
South Dakota
South Dakota Scholarship
Applications for the SD wfla State Scholarships must
be received by April 1, 2011. Please see www.wflains.org/
scholarships.html or contact Alois Ruman at 605-463-2372
for an application.
Members were
encouraged to
research potential charitable activities for our lodge. Rosie
Bodien announced that she would be presenting a “Czech It
Out” workshop on February 12 at the Seattle Genealogical
Society Research Library. This is a lodge community
service activity, since Rosie asked for help with her kroj and
baking kolace for the attendees. Rosie will put on her kroj
for workshop attendees to see and enjoy. The next lodge
meeting will be held (restaurant to be determined) before
the workshop so that members may attend both the business
meeting and “Czech It Out” workshop.
After the business meeting, some of the members went to
the Wah Luck Chinese Restaurant for lunch and fellowship.
March 2011
Wisconsin/Upper Michigan
District 2 Dinner/Dance Meeting
Dorothy Schmoock, Secretary
The meeting was called to order on January 16 at Reindle’s
Supper Club in Menchalville by President Joyce Cisler. After
our meal, we held a moment of silence for our deceased
members. Roll call was held and all seven lodges were present
with 39 members in all.
Our dinner/dance will be held at noon on April 3 at the
Rendezvous Inn in Luxemburg. The Jerry Krueger Band
will be our entertainment. Each lodge should bring $4 or
$5 unwrapped gifts. Any 50 to 75-year members are greatly
welcome, everyone is welcome.
Our District 2 Meeting will be held May 14 at Reindl’s
Supper Club in Menchalville. Lodge No. 360, Manitowoc
will host. There will be a noon dinner meeting.
The WI State Convention will be held June 11-12 in
Racine. The District 1 host lodge is 357. Get your delegates
picked for this event.
The National Convention is August 25 and 26 in
Frankenmuth, MI. Hope to see many of you there.
Lodge Samo No. 32, Hillsboro, WI
Brenda Osterman, Correspondent
Well, it has been quite a month working phone calls, emails,
etc. for coordinating upcoming events for our 2011 activities.
As for recent activities, in February our lodge sent
Valentine’s to the residents at our local resident assisted living
facility. We hope they enjoyed their Valentines!
We didn’t have a lodge meeting in February, as we worked
on our lodge financials and lodge award forms at our January
2011 meeting. They were submitted to the Home Office in
January as well. Our next meeting is planned for March 19 at 1 p.m. at
Holvy’s Cafe. Also, don’t forget to check out our website at
www.hillsborosamolodge32.shutterfly.com. Lodge Bratri Novych Hradu No. 141, Cadott, WI
Cade Sikora, Correspondent
Boyd’s Bears were delivered to Don and Rose Dvorak
of Ladysmith on January 29. We shared the Bears with
Ladysmith Lodge No. 355. On January 29, boxes of Boyd
Bears were brought to the Family Resource Center in
Chippewa Falls and Sacred Heart Hospital Heart Ward in
Eau Claire.
Member Bessie Stanek celebrated her birthday on the 29th
of January!
The Bohemian Hall Scholarship is available online at our
website, www.cadottbohemianhall.com
March 2011
Upcoming meetings and events: March 26 will be spring
cleaning at the Bohemian Hall at 12:30 p.m. with a meeting
afterwards. The Potato Pancake and Jaternice Breakfast will
be March 27 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Lodge RIP No. 144, Mosinee, WI
Martha Eberle, Correspondent
Attention new transfers from Lodges No. 98, Peshtigo and
No. 47, Antigo into No. 144, please refer to the meetings
dates and events listed in the Fraternal Herald. We invite
you to our meetings and social events. We report on our
activities in our monthly newsletter. You are invited to
attend our meetings and activities. If you are interested in
attending these meetings and events, please call Gladys Ruha
715-687-4025 or Janice Wieloch 715-693-4449. They will
be pleased to answer your questions.
Our regular monthly meeting was held on February 6 at
Martha Eberle’s residence and hosted by Martha.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of Betty
Weix and Rose Keller.
Correspondence was received from the Home Office
notifying us of transfers to our lodge from lodges 98 and 47.
Welcome new members. We hope to see you at our meetings
and social events.
Thank-you notes were received from St. Jude’s Ranch for
sending greeting card fronts for the children. They create new
greeting cards to be sold to customers. This enables them
to learn entrepreneurial skills. We also received thank-you
notes from Stamps for Wounded for the cancelled postage
stamps, Mosinee Community Center of Hope food pantry,
Mosinee Circle of Joy food pantry, Marshfield’s Hannah
Center maternity home, and from Martha Eberle for the
Christmas gift for serving as the lodge correspondent.
We discussed various projects to participate in this year.
We were reminded that reservations to the National
Convention are due by April 15.
Lodge Lena No. 157, Lena, WI
Eileen Duffeck, President
Our lodge, along with Peshtigo Lodge No. 98, has been
merged with Menominee MI Lodge Perun No. 73. There
were not enough members in either lodge who were able to
attend meetings. Most of our member are in nursing homes
or live way out of the area. As a last fraternal act, we made
several financial donations to area charities.
Lodge Adams No. 193, Adams, WI
Cleo Hendricksen, Correspondent
Our February meeting was called to order and reports were
given and approved.
We donated our activity fund monies to the WI-Upper
MI State Scholarship fund. We made monetary donations
to the A-F High School Scholarship and to the American
Red Cross A-F blood drive to defray costs for kitchen (food)
expenses. We also continue to collect for the Family Center,
the food pantry, Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s labels,
milk covers for the local grade school, and save can tabs for
the Ronald McDonald House.
Congratulations to Cleo on being a finalist as Fraternalist
of the Year in 2010.
Food pantry items were delivered on January 27 with 127
lbs of items. Can tabs were delivered to the Ronald McDonald
House in Madison on February 10.
Box Tops for Education, milk covers, and Campbell’s labels
were delivered to A-F Elementary School on February 14.
At our meeting, members brought in more food pantry
and family center items again to start saving up.
Our next meeting will be April 10 at Big Flats Town Hall
at 1 p.m. Bring an item for the food pantry or family center.
We will have a potluck dinner before the meeting.
Lodge Nadeje Slovanu No. 236, Phillips, WI
Therese Trojak, Correspondent
The February 6 meeting was held at the Zellinger’s home.
Thank-you notes were read from Flambeau Health, Home
and Hospice, and the Trinity Food Pantry for donations they
Members will host the Aspirus Pleasant View Nursing
Home birthday party April 12. We will also sponsor and
participate in the fourth grade polka and waltz dance class
in March and obtain the musicians for live music at Phillips
Elementary School.
The donation listing was reviewed. February donations will
be made to Aspirus Regency House Adult Day Care Center
and Price County Antique Association.
Our annual bike giveaway will take place at the Price County
Fair Grounds during the Antique and Tractor Expo on July 9.
JOIN HANDS DAY plans were made with two other
groups, plus individuals from organizations, to all participate
Lodge Northern Star No. 332, Weyerhaeuser, WI
Gertie Bonczyk, Secretary
Our monthly meeting was opened by President Joe at 2
p.m. This was our Christmas party, and everyone had a
wonderful smorgasbord. After the dinner, we continued on
with our meeting.
An afghan was made by Stefania Mazon for a prize at the
Christmas party. Virginia won the top prize. Many items were
brought by members for raffle. They all enjoyed the prizes
as their names were pulled out. Apples, oranges, candy, and
nuts were packaged by Agnes and her family. Everyone at
the party had a bag to take home.
A monetary donation was made to Mary Mckula from
Chetek for the death of Marian Hansen. We also made a
monetary donation to Morine Vobornik’s family for the
death of their loved one.
Projects brought forward from the beginning of the year
are now completed. Joe Kuzma sent a monetary donation
to the WI State Scholarship. Chetek and Weyerhaeuser
Community Club received donations of winter clothing.
Mrs. Moan accepted them and noted that 50 families were
involved and 112 children received warm clothing.
Gertie and Agnes reported what the lodge has done over
the past year and what could be done in the future. Some
feedback was: stuffed toys for the women’s shelters and
hospitals or caps for children who have a disease or lose their
hair. Children love baseball hats and softball hats.
We held our election of officers, they are as follows:
President Stefania Mazon, Vice President Frank Bonczyk,
Secretary Gertie Bonczyk, and Treasurer Agnes Styczynski.
Our February meeting was opened by President Stefania
at 1 p.m.
Discussion was held on giving our past president a donation
for her services for the past 25-years.
Projects and community services were planned for the year
of 2011. They are as follows: scholarships, Ronald McDonald
House, St. Jude’s Cancer Research, WI Scholarship, Food
Pantry at Bruce, JOIN HANDS DAY, Weyerhaeuser/Chetek
Community fund for children, and the animal shelter.
We gave Clara Shadick a donation for her services in
delivering prescription bottles to Chippewa Falls.
Lodge Severni Cechoslovak No. 355, Ladysmith, WI
Shirley Neidel, Correspondent
After a delicious potluck lunch at Don and Rosie Dvorak’s
home, we took care of business.
Don discussed the National Convention.
We had a phone call from a long time member who had
moved out of the area and wanted to hear from us and
converse with members.
We voted to give the Fair board a donation for an advertisement.
Shirley took children’s books, color books, note books, and
seals for children to play with while at the Time Out Shelter.
We enjoyed visiting with members after the meeting.
Lodge Manitowoc Jr. No. 360, Manitowoc, WI
Cathy Groelle, Correspondent
We met in Manitowoc on January 8 for our first meeting of
the year. We elected new officers for 2011, they are as follows:
March 2011
President Carol Jebavy, Vice President Florence Rusboldt,
Secretary/Correspondent Carthy Groelle, and Treasurer
Lumir Jebavy.
President Carol Jebavy
with some of the
children that received
treats and presents
from our lodge for the
Christmas holidays.
We set up our meeting schedule for the year. Here are
the tentative dates: April 9, May 14, July 16, September 10,
October 8, and November 12.
On January 29, Carol Jebavy, Cathy Groelle, and Florence
audited the books from last year and worked on the annual
report for the Home Office.
We selected Lumir and Carol Jebavy, Cathy Groelle,
Florence Rusboldt, and Barb Schneider to go to the planning
meeting in Menchalville, which was held in January.
We discussed our activities for the upcoming year but
made no final decision. We will discuss it again at our next
Lodge Kewaunee No. 365, Kewaunee, WI
Hyacinth Aude, Correspondent
The February meeting was held at the home of Richard
and Carolyn Kinstetter after lunch at the Village Kitchen in
Graduate members’ names will be placed in a drawing for
three prizes of $100 each from the Home Office. You must
send in your form by May 15 to appear in the June issue of
the Fraternal Herald. If you graduate from high school, tech
school, or college, send in your information.
We have three 75-year members and two 50-year members
this year. They will be honored at our July picnic.
We distributed the dinner/dance information. Hope to see
you all there at the Rendezvous in Luxemburg on April 3.
St. Patrick’s
March 2011
In Memoriam
Life is but a stopping place,
A pause in what’s to be,
A resting place along the road,
To sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
But never meant to stay.
Our destination is a place
Far greater than we know,
For some the journey’s quicker
For some the journey’s slow.
Clara C. Volf
Lodge No. 39, Fort Dodge, IA
Sister Clara Volf was born October
22, 1916 in Moorland, IA to John
and Emma (Spirek) Vosika and died
January 1, 2011 in Fort Dodge, IA.
Funeral services were held January
5, with interment at Graceland
Clara married Ulric Volf September 16, 1936 in Fort
Dodge. She was a 75-year member.
Survivors include son, Charles (Jan) Volf of Ankeny,
IA; daughter, Dorothy (Don) Rogers of Fort Dodge, IA; 6
grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
LaVonne Linn, Secretary
Lorene M. Lahodny
Lodge No. 19, Munden, KS
Sister Lorene Lahodny was born November 7, 1928 in rural
Cuba, KS to Edward and Lenora (Havel) Svoboda and died
January 16, 2011 in Belleville, KS. Funeral services were held
January 21, with interment at Tabor Cemetery in Munden,
Lorene married Malcome Lahodny July 30, 1950. She was
a 50-year member.
Survivors include husband, Malcome Lahodney of
Belleville; daughter, Susan Kohl of Cawker City; son, Robert
(Pam) Lahodny; 2 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
Margaret Benyshek, Secretary
George W.
Lodge No. 431,
Denver, CO
Brother George
Vasicek was born
January 21, 1914
to Wencel and
Helen Vasicek
a nd died November 20, 2010 in
Denver, CO. Funeral services were held
December 7, with interment at Crown
Hill Cemetery in Wheatridge, CO.
George married Tillie Urban on June
29, 1937. He was a 75-year member.
Survivors include sons, Marvin, Alvin,
and Donald Vasicek; 7 grandchildren
and 6 great-grandchildren.
Ruby Henderson, Correspondent
Tillie F. Vasicek
Lodge No. 431,
Denver, CO
Si s ter Ti l l ie
Vasicek was born
October 7, 1914
in Prague, OK
to Charles and
Frances Urban
and died January 18, 2011 in Denver,
CO. Funeral services were held January
28, with interment at Crown Hill
Cemetery in Wheatridge, CO.
Tillie married George Vasicek on June
29, 1937.
Survivors include sons, Marvin,
Alvin, and Donald Vasicek; sister, Irene
Meyer; 7 grandchildren and 6 greatgrandchildren.
Ruby Henderson, Correspondent
Roger D. Lachman
Lodge No. 19, Munden, KS
Brother Roger Lachman was born
March 22, 1927 in Cuba, KS to Charles
and Marie (Shimek) Lachman and died
January 6, 2011 in Green Valley, AZ.
Funeral services were held January 9,
with interment in Green Valley, AZ.
Roger married Muriel Fletcher August
6, 1949 in Minneapolis, MN. He was a
75-year member.
CLAIMS FOR January 2011
Name Place of Death
Adams, Keith F.................
Bacon, Helen O................
Bell, Reva M.....................
Benesch, Geraldine E........
Bohr, Adam J....................
Brdicko, Joe F...................
Brown, Stella J..................
Chizek, Donald E.............
Cole, Jean C......................
Damman, Donald . .........
Dawson, Florence W.........
Dillon, Rodger L...............
Dora, Earl.........................
Dragoo, La Verne M.........
Fabel, Helen L...................
Foreman, Elizabeth...........
Garbers, Marie R..............
Goranson, Elsie.................
Griffin, Weldon L.............
Harebo, Alma M...............
Havel, Frank E..................
Headman, Debra A...........
Horak, Merry Jo................
Humiston, Sheila A...........
Husa, Gary W...................
Kamerling, Mary L...........
Kovada, Frank...................
Kovanda, Louis E..............
Kral, Stanley......................
Lund, Gloria W................
Mc Minn, Rosye...............
Melton, Margie D.............
Mikus, Frank....................
Motz, Anna.......................
Nault, Beverly P................
Pechacek, Lorraine............
Peterson, Robert E............
Petru, John A....................
Proskocil, Patty E..............
Rose, Eldred A..................
Seidenglanz, Jack...............
Vobeda, Edwin F...............
Vodehnal, Betty J..............
Woodruff, Elizabeth M.....
Minneapolis, MN........
Moline, IL...................
Cedar Rapids, IA.........
Lincoln, NE.................
Iowa City, IA...............
Fremont, NE...............
Clinton, IA..................
Fridley, MN.................
Dubuque, IA...............
Two Rivers, WI............
Columbus, NE............
Howard, WI................
Marinette, WI..............
Aurora, CO.................
Lilydale, MN...............
Eustis, FL....................
Black River Falls, WI...
Omaha, NE.................
San .........Antonio, TX
Tomah, WI..................
Wilber, NE..................
Elko, MN....................
Cedar Rapids, IA.........
Park Rapids, MN.........
Dallas, TX...................
Cedar Rapids, IA.........
Dubuque, IA...............
Nothbrook, IL.............
Denver, CO.................
Oklahoma City, OK....
New Braunfels, TX......
Kansas City, MO.........
Woodridge, IL.............
St Johns, MI................
Green Bay, WI.............
Willmar, MN...............
Coon Rapids, MN.......
Commerce Township, MI
Ord, NE......................
Menominee, MI..........
Arizona City, AZ.........
Kenosha, WI................
Ord, NE......................
Fort Worth, TX...........
Date of
March 2011
Sur vivors include wife, Muriel
Lachman of Green Valley, AZ; sons,
Kent (Laura) Lachman of Alliance,
NE and Kirk (Teri) Lachman of Las
Vegas, NV; daughter, Karen (Dean)
Champine of Marshall, MN; brother,
Richard (Barbara) Lachman of Narka,
KS; sister, Margaret Lachman of Cuba,
KS; 4 grandchildren and 1 greatgranddaughter.
Margaret Benyshek, Secretary
Hubert A. Brabec
Lodge No. 19, Munden, KS
Brother Hubert Brabec was born
January 23, 1920 in Narka, KS to
Elmer and Helen (Kozeluh) Brabec and
died January 6, 2011 in Billings, MT.
Funeral services were held January 11,
with interment at Bridger Cemetery.
Hubert married Patricia Joan Hares in
1947. He was a 75-year member.
Survivors include sons, Ronald Brabec
of Layton, UT, Gregory (Penny) Brabec,
Eric (Marie) Brabec both of Billings, MT,
James Brabec of San Antonio, TX, and
Mark Brabec of Bridger; daughter Diane
(Mike) George of Bridger; sister, Kathryn
Wilson of Billings; 19 grandchildren and
18 great-grandchildren.
Margaret Benyshek, Secretary
Dorothy Dobesh
Lodge No. 68, Brainard, NE
Sister Dorothy Dobesh was born June
27, 1932 in Tobias, NE to Joe and Lydia
(Lorenz) Baxa and died January 8, 2011
in David City, NE. Funeral services were
held January 13, with interment at Holy
Trinity Cemetery in Brainard.
Dorothy married Irvin Dobesh May
26, 1953 in Tobias.
Survivors include son, Thomas (Mary)
Dobesh of David City; daughters,
Patricia (Leo) Meister of David City,
Marcella (Alan) Svoboda of Bettendorf,
IA, and Dorothy (Dennis) Young of
Omaha; brothers, Leonard (Marvel)
Baxa and Joe (Eleanor) Baxa, Jr. both of
March 2011
13 grandchildren, 2 step-grandchildren,
and 9 great-grandchildren.
Dorothy Schultz, Secretary
Ella Kreshel
Lodge No. 389, Western, NE
Sister Ella Kreshel was born June 13,
1917 on a family farm in Wilber, NE to
Adolf and Bessie (Zoubek) Duba and
died February 7, 2011 in Wilber, NE.
Funeral services were held February
10, with interment at Wilber Czech
Ella married Lumer Kreshel March 12,
1941 in Wilber, NE. She was a 50-year
Survivors include son, Dr. Charles
Kreshel of Lincoln and daughter, Dr.
Peggy Kreshel of Athens, GA.
Joan Kotas, Secretary
Joe J. Duchek
Lodge No. 74, Dorchester, NE
Brot her Joe Duchek wa s born
December 20, 1921 in Saline County,
NE to Henry and Anna (Houster)
Duchek and died January 2, 2011 in
Wilber, NE. Funeral services were held
on January 6, with interment at Wilber
Czech Cemetery.
Joe married Mildred Duchek. He was
a 50-year member.
Sur vivors include sons, Dwight
Duchek of Lincoln and David Duchek
of International Falls, MN; brother, Orin
Duchek of Crete; sisters, Agnes Wagner
of Crete and Helen Senff of Bradshaw.
Marilyn Clark, Secretary
Marvin Frank Sefrna Sr.
Lodge No. 74, Dorchester, NE
Brother Marvin Sefrna Sr. was born
November 14, 1930 in Dorchester, NE
to Frank and Agnes (Fritz) Sefrna and
died January 31, 2011. Funeral services
were held February 10, with interment at
Bohemian National Cemetery.
Marvin married Betty Ann Filip August
2, 1951 and later married Ruby Crider June
17, 2006. He was a 50-year member.
Survivors include wife, Ruby; daughter, Barb (Bob) Elznic of Smith Center,
KS; step children, Ron (Sue) Olson, Ken
(Sharon) Crider, and Charles Crider;
sister, Betty Jean (Rudy) Spousta of
Milligan; 4 grandchildren; 4 greatgrandchildren; 9 step grandchildren and
1 step great-grandchild.
Marilyn Clark, Correspondent
Patty E. Proskocil
Lodge No. 112, Comstock, NE
Sister Patty Proskocil was borned
March 23, 1934 in Ansley, NE to Vern
and Mildred (Hollenbeck) Sundstrom
and died December 28, 2010 in Ord, NE.
Funeral services were held December 31,
with interment at Ord City Cemetery.
Patty married Leonard Proskocil
August 1, 1953 in St. Paul, NE.
Survivors include husband, Leonard
Proskocil; sons, Larry Proskocil, Dennis
Proskocil, and Dale Proskocil all of
Ord, and Gary Proskocil of Riverdale;
daughters, Donna Bresley and Debra
Potratz both of Grand Island; brother,
Vern Sundstrom of Stockton, CA; sisters,
Kay Campbell of Council Bluffs, IA and
Peggy Salina of Lansing, KS; 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
Shirley Knapp, Secretary
Betty Jane Vodehnal
Lodge No. 112, Comstock, NE
Sister Betty Jane Vodehnal was born
February 27, 1925 in Garfield County,
NE to Frank and Anna (Kokes) Stanek
and died December 11, 2010 in Ord, NE.
Funeral services were held December 15,
with interment at Cottonwood Cemetery
in Burwell, NE.
Betty married Gordon Ziegler June
26, 1942 and later married Rudolph
Vodehnal June 16, 1968.
Survivors include sons, Jim Ziegler
of Burwell and Bill Ziegler of Ericson;
daughters, Patricia Glos of Bethune, CO
and Rhonda Miller of Elgin; 13 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
Shirley Knapp, Secretary
Deciding whether to open a Roth IR A or Traditional IR A is a major decision with
potentially large financial consequences. Both forms of the IR A are great ways to save
for retirement, although each offers different advantages.
Traditional IRA Profile
• Tax deductible contributions (depending on income level).
• Withdrawals begin at age 59½ and are mandatory by 70½.
• Taxes are paid on earnings when withdrawn from the IR A.
• Funds can be used to purchase a deferred annuity.
• Available to everyone not covered by a pension plan; no income restrictions.
• All funds withdrawn (including principal contributions) before 59½ are subject to
a 10% income tax penalty (subject to exception).
Roth IRA Profile
• Contributions are not tax deductible.
• No Mandatory Distribution Age.
• All earnings and principal are 100% tax free if rules and regulations are followed.
• Funds can be used to purchase a deferred annuity.
• Available only to single-filers making up to $105,000 or married couples making a combined maximum of $166,000 annually.
• Principal contributions can be withdrawn any time without penalty (subject to some minimal conditions).
Tax Deferred vs. Tax Free
The biggest difference between the Traditional and Roth IR A is the way the U.S.
Government treats the taxes. If you earn $50,000 a year and put $5,000 in a traditional
IR A, you will be able to deduct the contribution from your income taxes (meaning you
will only have to pay tax on $45,000 in income to the IRS). At 59½, you may begin
withdrawing funds but will be forced to pay taxes withdrawals or all distributions.
On the other hand, if you put the same $5,000 in a Roth IR A, you would not receive
the income tax deduction. If you needed the money in the account, you could withdraw
the principal at any time (although you will pay tax penalties if you withdraw any of the
earnings your money has made). When you reach retirement age, you would be able to
withdraw all of the money 100% tax free. The Roth IR A is going to make more sense
in most situations. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for a Roth. A person filing
their taxes as single can not make over $105,000. Married couples are better off, with a
maximum income of $166,000 yearly for 2010 contributions.