What is SIRWEC? Further information 16 International Road

Further information
What is SIRWEC?
The latest updated information will always be
available on the Conference website.
The 2nd Announcement, covering preliminary
programmes and detailed information on
registration and hotel bookings, will be available
in October 2011, and can be downloaded via the
Conference website:
- www.sirwec2012.fi
The Standing International Road Weather
Commission (SIRWEC) operates as a forum
for the exchange of information relevant to
road meteorology. This includes management,
maintenance, road safety, meteorology,
environmental protection and any other area of
interest considered relevant by the Commission.
16th International Road
Weather Conference
23-25 May 2012
Helsinki, Finland
SIRWEC seeks to identify new areas where
increased research and development may yield
improvements in practices, techniques, systems
and methodologies.
1st Announcement and Call for Papers
The expected conference fee will be 300 €.
Further details on payment will be provided on
the website and in the 2nd Announcement.
Sponsorship Packages and
Commercial Exhibition
If your institution is interested in sponsoring the
conference or participating to the commercial
exhibition, please contact the local organisers:
Mr. Pär-Håkan Appel
- par-hakan.appel@liikennevirasto.fi
Mr. Yrjö Pilli-Sihvola
- yrjo.pilli-sihvola@ely-keskus.fi
Mr. Pertti Nurmi
- pertti.nurmi@fmi.fi
SIRWEC exists to encourage meteorologists, road
masters, highway engineers and others interested
in road weather issues to express and exchange
ideas in making our roads safer under all weather
SIRWEC, originally established in Europe in 1984,
became fully international by extending to other
continents in 1992.
SIRWEC Member states: Austria – Belgium –
Canada – China – Czech Republic - Denmark –
Estonia – Finland – Germany – Iceland - Italy –
Japan – New Zealand – Norway – Slovenia –
Sweden – Switzerland – United Kingdom – USA
SIRWEC 2012 Conference is jointly organised by:
Main sponsor of SIRWEC 2012 Conference:
Helsinki, Host of SIRWEC
2012 Conference
The SIRWEC 2012 Conference will take place
in Helsinki, the World Design Capital of 2012.
The Conference venue is the centrally located
Helsinki Exhibition & Convention Centre.
- web.finnexpo.fi/en
For further information on Helsinki, the modern
European city of culture, leader in design,
technology and events, please visit:
- www.helsinki.fi/en
- www.wdc2012helsinki.fi/en
- www.visitfinland.com/en
Conference Session Topics
Topics of the conference include,
but are not necessarily restricted to:
You may submit an abstract for either oral or
poster presentation. The Scientific Programme
Committee reserves the right to convert a
request for a oral presentation to a poster, or vice
versa, considering the most appropriate form of
presentation. The poster sessions will receive
a special attention at the conference. Poster
contributors will have the opportunity to briefly
present the key findings of their work within the
oral sessions.
T1: Winter road forecasting techniques
T2: RWIS sensors and equipment
T3: Winter road treatment methods and actions
T4: Decision support systems
T5: Best practice and user experience
T6: Communication with road users
T7: F
uture scenarios (ITS, new technology,
climate change affecting winter roads, etc)
You are invited to submit a paper if your field of
expertise belongs under any of the session topics
and you wish to present your ideas or results.
You are also welcome to participate if you are
interested in the topics of the Conference and
keen to learn more about the progress in these
areas. Please consult the Conference website for
more information on the programme and on how
to register:
- www.sirwec2012.fi
Abstract submission will open in September and
deadline for submissions is: 16 December 2011
Short, concise abstracts are to be submitted
in English and be no longer than 500 words in
length. Each session theme will be assigned a
panel of experts, constituting the international
Scientific Programme Committee, whose task
will be to review the abstracts. Authors of
selected papers will be notified via e-mail by
mid-January 2012 and invited to send their full
extended abstracts by 29 February 2012.
To submit an abstract please go to
- www.sirwec2012.fi