Hartsville High School International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme An Explanation Magnet School Q & A WHAT IS THE PROGRAMME? INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET The International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme was authorized by the Darlington County School Board in order to enable students to take rigorous Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. The International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme provides students with the opportunity to earn an International Baccalaureate Diploma, the most prestigious high school diploma available. Hartsville High School is an International Baccalaureate World School. Hartsville High School was notified in December, 2007 of its accreditation. IB courses are currently offered to juniors and seniors. WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME? The International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme offers an opportunity for students to earn a diploma based on international standards that emphasize a global perspective. The unified curriculum was developed to ensure a holistic education, yet it allows a degree of specialization in the selection of courses. Foreign language fluency is a major component of this course of study. WHAT IS THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME ? The IB Diploma Programme is a two-year program for high school juniors and seniors. This course of study was developed to provide a rigorous, holistic education for students throughout the world. The broadly based curriculum incorporates international standards and a variety of assessment tools. IB Diploma candidates are assessed in six academic areas over a two year period. They also research and submit an Extended Essay of 4000 words, take the Theory of Knowledge class, and complete 150 hours in the Creativity, Action, and Service program. Students who successfully complete these requirements and whose IB subject area examination scores meet the required criteria are awarded an IB Diploma. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE IB PROGRAMME AND THE AP PROGRAM? Holistic Approach vs. a Single Strength Approach IB students are challenged to develop strengths and skills in six required academic areas, while AP students elect to take courses in the areas of their choice. The IB program is a well–rounded curriculum based on international standards. To ensure that IB students become contributing members of their community, they are expected to devote significant extra-curricular time to school and community activities. IB students are provided abundant opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned. 1 Portfolios, Papers, and Projects No one examination (as in the AP Program) is used in the IB Programme to determine success. Assessment is measured in the IB Programme by assignments which are graded by classroom teachers, as well as national and international assessors. English and foreign language students submit audio tapes of individual and group discussions, laboratory science students submit lab books for moderation, and history and mathematics students submit projects and papers for examination. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE IB PROGRAMME AND THE DUAL-CREDIT PROGRAM? The International Baccalaureate Programme is an internationally recognized criteriabased honors program. This challenging curriculum is continually monitored to ensure that the highest academic standards are maintained at each school in which the IB Programme is offered. For IB credit to be awarded, the student must pass rigorous internal and external assessments and examinations. The academic rigor of dual-credit courses may vary from school to school and from teacher to teacher. Students should check with prospective colleges or universities in order to determine policies toward granting college credit for IB, AP, and dual-credit courses. WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME ? IB classes are taught from an international perspective. Students are encouraged to apply lessons from the classroom to real world issues. The IB Programme celebrates international diversity and gives students the chance to develop genuine foreign language skills. At the same time, students foster an appreciation of our country’s heritage (nationalism) and its role in a global society (internationalism). IB Diploma students master subject matter in six IB curriculum areas and develop critical and analytical thinking skills. This often forces IB Diploma students to address areas of weakness rather than to focus on areas of strength. Extra-curricular activities are also essential to the IB Programme. Students are required to complete 150 hours of service for the Creativity, Activity, and Service (C.A.S.) component of the IB Programme. Successful IB Diploma candidates traditionally have been extremely competitive in gaining admission to top colleges and universities. HOW DO YOU EARN THE IB DIPLOMA? IB Diploma students are required to take exams in each of the six subject areas. Exam grades range from 1 – 7. IB Diploma candidates also may earn up to three additional points for their Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge class. Students who earn a total score of 24 or greater (there are a few exceptions known as “failing conditions”), have completed the Extended Essay and C.A.S. requirements, and have fulfilled the Theory of Knowledge requirements will be awarded an IB Diploma. 2 WHAT IS AN IB CERTIFICATE? Students may elect to take selective IB classes without being enrolled in the full IB Diploma Programme. These students are eligible to receive an IB Certificate for successful completion of a particular IB class. For example, a student with strong science skills may elect to take IB Biology. This option provides an opportunity for students to experience the rigor of IB subject matter. Certificate students are not required to complete the Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge class, or the C.A.S. requirements. DO COLLEGES GRANT CREDIT FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF IB COURSES? Colleges and universities from around the world grant credit for successful completion of Higher Level IB courses. Most institutions publish or make available IB acceptance criteria. For a listing of colleges and universities that grant college credit, please visit the International Baccalaureate website at http://www.ibo.org/diploma/recognition/. WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF THE IB PROGRAMME? “The International Baccalaureate Organization was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1968 as a non-profit educational foundation. Its original purpose was to facilitate the international mobility of students preparing for university by providing schools with a curriculum and diploma recognized by universities around the world. Since then its mission has expanded, and it now seeks to make an IB education available to students of all ages” [http://www.ibo.org/history/]. Currently IB schools are located in 124 countries. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME? IB educates the “whole person” IB realistically prepares students for the rigors of college IB teaches students to appreciate diverse cultures and attitudes and become informed and tolerant citizens IB emphasizes the development of critical and analytical thinking skills that prepares students to become lifelong learners IB promotes standards that are accepted internationally by other IB high schools, colleges and universities IB provides students with a competitive advantage when applying to upper tier colleges and universities 3 WHAT CHARACTERISTICS SHOULD AN IB STUDENT POSSESS? High motivation and independent learning skills Critical and analytical thinking skills Effective writing skills Time management skills Intellectual curiosity WHAT IS THE IB CURRICULUM? The IB Diploma students are required to take subjects from six curriculum areas. These curriculum areas include the following: Group One - Language A1 (English HL) Group Two - Second Language (French SL or Spanish SL) Group Three - Individuals and Societies (History of the Americas HL, Information Technology in a Global Society SL, or Psychology SL) Group Four - Experimental Sciences (Biology HL or Chemistry HL) Group Five - Mathematics and Computer Science (Math Studies SL) Group Six - The Arts (Music SL or HL or another subject from Groups 2 – 5) Students must take three courses at the Higher Level (HL). These courses must include a minimum of 240 hours of teaching time, over a two-year period. Standard Level (SL) courses require a minimum of 150 hours of teaching time. IB Diploma students must also successfully complete the Theory of Knowledge (T.O.K.) class (2 semesters), submit an Extended Essay, and complete 150 hours of extra curricular time in the Creativity, Action, Service (C.A.S.) program. Students are required to produce Internal Assessments (IAs) for each IB course. These IAs vary by subject area and may include historical investigations, portfolios, oral presentations, labs, or written essays. IAs are implemented and supervised by subject area teachers and count as a portion of the IB exam score. WHAT ARE THE COURSES OF STUDY IN THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME? Students will complete honors level (or higher) courses in the academic core areas, as well as four years of foreign language. IB Certificate Student Students agree to complete at least one IB Higher Level course or at least one IB Standard Level course during the junior and senior years. IB Certificate Student With Honors Students agree to complete at least one IB Higher Level course and at least two IB Standard Level courses during the junior and senior years. 4 IB Certificate Student With Excellence Students agree to complete at least two IB Higher Level courses and at least two IB Standard Level courses during the junior and senior years. International Baccalaureate Diploma Students successfully complete one course from each of the six IB subject groups. Students are tested in all areas by the conclusion of the 12th grade. Usually two tests are taken during the junior year, and the remaining four tests are taken during the senior year. DOES THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME HAVE A PARTNERSHIP WITH ANY LOCAL COLLEGE? Yes, the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme has an agreement with Coker College that allows students to use the Coker College Library for research purposes. WHAT ARE THE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS OF PARENTS WHOSE STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROGRAM? All Advanced Placement examination fees are paid by the State of South Carolina. All IB Fees, other than late fees, are paid by the Darlington County School District. Parents are responsible for costs incurred by students who participate in optional field trips or overseas trips with the Foreign Language Department. WHAT DIPLOMA WILL STUDENTS RECEIVE? Students who complete graduation requirements will receive a State of South Carolina High School Diploma from Hartsville High School. In addition, students who meet the diploma requirements of the International Bacculaurate Organization will receive an International Bacculaurate Diploma. WHAT SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS DOES THE FACULTY POSSESS? The International Bacculaurate Magnet Programme faculty is among the most qualified in the Darlington County School District. Each faculty member within this program is required to undergo either IB or AP training (several teachers have trained in both programs). Currently ten faculty members within the program are National Board Certified teachers, and three additional teachers are currently undergoing this certification process. 5 WHAT DETERMINES A STUDENT’S ACCEPTANCE INTO INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME? THE Academic Transcript & Current Class Schedule 30% Teacher Recommendation 10% Standardized Test Scores 20% Writing Sample 20% Interview 10% Discipline Record 5% Attendance 5% Students who have successfully completed Algebra I Honors and English I Honors and have achieved a score of 80% or higher on the Admission Requirement Rubric are eligible for selection to the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme. Students are selected on their academic merits. WILL THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME BE HOUSED ON A SEPARATE CAMPUS? No, the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme will be housed on the campus of Hartsville High School. The IB Programme is a school within a school. HOW MANY STUDENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED INTO THIS PROGRAM? Forty rising 9th grade students will be accepted the each year. Each year vacancies in grades 10 and 11 will be filled on a case-by-case basis through an application process. CAN STUDENTS ENTER INTO THE IB PROGRAMME IN THE 11th GRADE IF THEY HAVE TAKEN ALL PREREQUISITE COURSES? The number of students who may participate in the International Baccalaureate Programme is limited, however it is possible for students to transfer into the programme. Students previously enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme are given preference for admission to the IB Programme. Students not enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme, but who have taken the prerequisite courses, will be considered for admission to the IB Programme only after International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme students have been given consideration. DO STUDENTS HAVE TO RESIDE IN DARLINGTON COUNTY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAM? Yes, the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme is only available to students who reside in Darlington County. 6 WILL STUDENTS BE ABLE TO ATTEND BOTH THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME AND THE DARLINGTON COUNTY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY? Generally speaking, students in the 9th and 10th grades will be able to take classes at the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme and the Darlington County Institute of Technology. Students enrolled in the IB Programme (11th and 12th grades), due to the demands of the IB Programme and the constraints of the master schedule, would not be able to take classes at the Darlington County Institute of Technology. CAN STUDENTS IN THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME PARTICIPATE IN ATHLETICS OR THE BAND PROGRAM? Students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme would be able to participate in athletics at Hartsville High School. Eleventh and 12th grade students in the IB Programme are currently participating in baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, softball, tennis, track, soccer, swimming, volleyball, and wrestling. Band students are required to participate in marching band and either concert or symphonic band. Approximately 25% of pre-IB and IB students participate in the band, chorus, or strings program. Activities such as athletics and music are encouraged by the IB Programme. WHAT IS THE PULSE PROGRAM? The PULSE Program is a $5,000,000 initiative by Sonoco Products Company in cooperation with the Darlington County School District, the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics, and Coker College. Through the Accelerated Learning Opportunities component, Hartsville High School students are offered the opportunity to take courses from the Governor’s School and Coker College. WHAT COURSES ARE OFFERED THROUGH PULSE? Currently Chemistry, Pre-calculus Applications, Calculus Applications and Mandarin Chinese I and II are being taught on the HHS campus by professors from the Governor’s School and Coker College. Hartsville High students also take Fine Arts classes at Coker College. These Fine Arts classes earn college credit. 7 WILL ADDITIONAL COURSES BE ADDED TO THE PULSE PROGRAM? Yes. Plans are to expand the Chinese language class to level three. The Governor’s School will offer students the opportunity to take Organic Chemistry, Calculus Based Physics, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. In addition, Coker College will expand its offerings to include Art, Design, Music, Theater, and Dance. WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO TAKE PULSE COURSES? All Hartsville High School students are eligible to apply to the PULSE Program. The Governor’s School and Coker College determine individual eligibility. CAN A STUDENT PARTICIPATE IN THE PULSE PROGRAM AND THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE MAGNET PROGRAMME? Yes. Currently we have students participating in both programs. The schedules of individual students, the Governor’s School, and Coker College have to be taken into consideration. The IB Programme hopes to offer a dual foreign language program of studies (French OR Spanish and Mandarin Chinese) in the future. HOW DO I LEARN MORE ABOUT THE IB PROGRAMME? The International Baccalaureate Organization has an excellent website that can provide more information about this program. Visit the IBO website at http://www.ibo.org. To learn more about the International Baccalaureate Magnet Programme, please contact: Johnny Andrews International Baccalaureate Coordinator Hartsville High School 701 Lewellyn Avenue Hartsville, SC 29550 Phone: 843.857.3729 FAX: 843.857.3715 E-Mail- JohnnyA@darlington.k12.sc.us 8
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