Message from the Principal Woodrow Wilson School

Message from the Principal
Woodrow Wilson School
It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School.
Kindergarten is such an important grade as your
child begins their education journey. You have a
very important role in the education of your child.
It is an important partnership that we want to
create with you.
Wake Up Wilson broadcasts on in-school
Stunning library facility and reading lounge
Planet Book – inexpensive non-profit
bookstore for students
We have opportunties here at Woodrow Wilson to
promote parent involvment. We have begun a
Parent University in partnership with Jewish
Family Services and Mass Bay Community College.
They are holding workshops throughout the year
to help parents help their children in the learning
process. In addition, they are providing resources
to assist parents in attaining their own educational
Reading is Fundamental (RIF) — distributes
free books to our students
School-wide Title 1 support for struggling
Character Education – Open Circle and STAR
(Safety, Tolerance, Positive Attitude, Respect
and Responsibility)
English as a Second Language classes for
students who are working towards English
We have a very active PTO and we meet the first
Wednesday of each month. The PTO holds many
events throughout the year that benefit all our
We also have a School Council that addresses the
educational needs of the school by writing the
school improvement plan, and gathering data
from surveys to help improve our school. Parent
representation in this group is critical.
Portuguese bilingual program for students
new to the country
Support from community organizations such
as Jewish Family Services, Burton Boys,
Helping Hearts Foundation, and Read to a
Finally, we have a dedicated kindergarten staff
that welcomes all parents and is always willing to
discuss your child’s progress. Additionally, Mrs.
Da Costa, our Vice Principal and I, are always
available and pride on having an open door policy
to discuss issues and concerns.
Again, we want to welcome all of you to this very
special learning community. We look foward to
meeting all of you.
Woodrow Wilson
An International
Baccalaureate Candidate
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
169 Leland St.
Framingham, MA 01702
SAGE – a program that supports gifted and
talented students with critical and creative
Phone: 508-626-9164
Exceptional volunteers who support our
school on a daily basis
Active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
21st Century Afterschool Programs
Web Site:
Mr. John Haidemenos, Jr.
Where every child is a star!
The United Way of Tri-County is pleased to be the major funder of the International
Baccalaureate teacher training at Wilson Elementary School. UWTC is eager to
support young learners as they begin their education to become inquisitive, knowledgeable, and caring people who understand academic subjects and how they connect to
the world in which they live. In the 2013-2014 school year we will sponsor15 teachers
to complete trainings necessary for the school to be authorized as
an International Baccalaureate World School.
Our Curriculum
Our Mission Statement
Each day provides an
At Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, we
opportunity for students
celebrate the diverse population we serve. Our
to actively learn about the
quest to become an IB program enriches the
world around them.
standard curriculum with learning that expands
Baccalaureate (IB)
Primary Years Program
children’s personal knowledge of the world. At
Reading is an integral component of all that we
do. Through a balance approach — reading aloud,
shared reading, guided practice, and independent
reading — teachers support students as they
expand their skills and strengthen their reading
repertoire. While learning content, students are
also learning to form opinions and share their
learning orally through cooperative experiences.
Writer’s Workshop provides students with an
opportunity to learn how to become authors.
Since many of Woodrow Wilson’s students are
Woodrow Wilson, children learn about different
groups of people and their cultures and worldwide
The Woodrow Wilson School is an International
global issues. Students are also exposed to the
Baccalaureate (IB) Candidate School. The IB
origin and development of history and cultures, as
PYP program focuses on the development of
well as geography. The goal is to create and
the whole child as an inquirer, both in the
understanding of commonalities across cultures and
classroom and in the world outside.
universal human traits. Students also gain an
The program:
understanding as to how history and geography
human rights and global issues around the world.
opportunties for learning English in a purposeful
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop
inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people
encourages a positive attitude to learning
reflects real life through meaningful, indepth inquiries into real issues
who help to create a better and more peaceful world
Our teachers are committed to meeting the
through intercultrual understanding and respect.
needs of all students through engaging and
teachers to become life-long mathematicians who
engage in problem solving and in depth thinking.
encourages international-mindedness in IB
students learn that they need to be advocates for
also language learners, teachers provide
Our math program encourages students and
shape people and their values. Additionally,
rigorous curricula.
To this end the organization works with schools,
governments and international organizations to
develop challenging programmes on international
education and rigorous assessment.