Wilson Creek School News H November Events

Volume 38, Issue 3
November 2014
Wilson Creek School News
Sharing your vision for student success
Dr. Mike Riggs, Superintendent
Sally Nelson, Principal
From the Superintendent
ow is my child doing in your classroom?” By Dr. Mike Riggs
is the frequent question teachers hear at this
time of year. Formal conference times are being
planned during the week of November 10 – 14, 2014. To accommodate the
need to have individual conferences, students will be released early on
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week. Tuesday,
November 11th is the Veteran’s Day holiday and school will not be in
session. The parent-teacher conference is an opportunity to learn more
about your child’s learning style and progress. This is also an opportunity to
learn about the academic goals and learning activities planned for the
current school year. Teachers also can learn a great deal about your child
from you. Communicate about concerns, or observations you have
regarding school work. The formation of a true partnership between home
and school requires your input and participation. Please know that teachers
have prepared conference materials and information for each student. Your
participation is important.
Tips for effective parent-teacher conferences:
 Make and keep appointment time(s) with each teacher involved
 Bring questions and concerns to the conference. Write your questions
or concerns down prior to the conference so that you and the
teacher take time to address them.
 Follow up with your child. Implement suggestions from the teacher for
improvement in study environment or schedule at home.
 Demonstrate to your child the importance of homework and school
related activities outside of school.
 Don’t let problems grow! When you have a question or concern feel
free to contact your child’s teacher. Direct communications can do
wonders to resolve issues related to school work.
 Monitor your child’s progress. Speak frequently with your child about
school work and activities. Show your interest and support for
academic success.
Parents often want to know about the Washington State Learning goals and
assessments for each grade level. A complete set of grade by grade
descriptions are available on-line at www.YourChildsProgress.com from
the Office of Public Instruction.
Thank you in advance for trusting your children to our school. We want
each student to know that they are safe, supported, and valued as a member
of our school. We also want each student to know that our job here is
learning, so we ask that all students follow directions, do quality work, be
respectful, and be responsible.
Dr. Mike Riggs
Jessica Herron, Editor
November Events
4: FBLA Leadership Conference
October Board Regular Meeting 6:00 pm
10-14: Parent-Teacher Conferences
EARLY RELEASE Students dismissed at 12:30
11: Washington State turns 125!
NO SCHOOL—Veteran’s Day Holiday
17-21: American Education Week
25: Board Regular Meeting 6:00 pm
26: EARLY RELEASE Students dismissed at 12:30
27-28: NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday
What’s inside?
 From the Principal ...........................................2
 From the Kitchen. ...........................................2
 GEAR UP News. ..............................................3
 Scholarship Information. ................................3
 November Menu..............................................4
 November Calendar .......................................5
 Yearbook Information. ...................................6
 Bus Zone Changes...........................................6
 Box Tops Collection Sheet ..........................7
 From the Library..............................................8
ItisthepolicyoftheWilsonCreekSchoolDistricttoprovideafreeandappropriateeducationtostudentsidenti iedunderSection504oftheRehabilitationAct
ear Parents, Guardians, and Community members,
From the Principal
As the summer continues to die out and the fall
welcomes some down time, Wilson Creek School is
doing just the opposite. We are working toward an outstanding year and By Ms. Sally Nelson
having fun while doing it. The first piece of exciting news that I have to share with
you is that our art teacher, Dorris Cronrath, has announced that our students in 7
grade art have been chosen to create Christmas Ornaments for the Governor’s
Christmas tree! Only 6 art classes in the state are chosen each year. This is so exciting as it is a time to really
celebrate our students’ creativity as well as the amazing education that our kids receive here at Wilson Creek.
Congrats Dorris! And thank you for all you do for our students. Also, our Gear Up program and our Human
Growth and Child Development class are teaming up with our Health/Fitness teacher, Dorris Cronrath, to
provide both a CPR and a First Aid class to 7th through 12th graders on November 13th and 14th. Finally, on a
volunteer aspect, Rebecca Pederson, a parent and volunteer has been working with me to make my office
brighter and more appealing to kids. We have decided to create and install a chalkboard area for students to
stop in and draw or leave me messages. In addition, she is and has been working with one of our juniors,
Kayla Cobb, to create a plywood sized mural that will go into my office on the wall. Finally, she will also be
painting school buses in my office as well to trim out the top. I am very excited and extremely
appreciative of her commitment to our positive move forward. Thank you again, Rebecca.
In closing, I want to thank all my staff for their hard work in the classrooms. Our children are so lucky to
have them as they give 120 percent to our kiddos. Several staff have met with me already to discuss
alignment of our curriculum and innovative ideas to help better support our kids on the new state
assessments. In addition, all of our math teachers will be attending training in Wenatchee throughout the
year to work on gaining a better understanding of the new requirements for math under the Common Core
Standards. They are then working together using what they’ve learned to align and discuss the best strategies
to support our kids.
I look forward to seeing all of you here for conferences in mid-November. Thank you again for all of the
support. I also appreciate your calls and emails on issues in which you have a concern. Enjoy the fall…it is
such a beautiful time of year…and yes…so are the deer…we all just have to be
very careful driving.
Ms. Nelson
New Charge for Second Servings
Recently, the Office of the Superintendent of Public
Instruction (OSPI) instituted some new dietary restrictions,
based on new federal Child Nutrition rules, that school lunch
programs are now mandated to enforce, such as calorie,
sodium, and fat limits. There are no restrictions for condiments
like ranch dressing and ketchup, but they do count toward the
calorie, sodium and fat totals. Second meals count toward the
totals for meals, while paid a la carte items do not.
At the September board meeting, the School Board of Directors voted
unanimously to start charging an a la carte charge of 5¢ per second serving. This
change will start on December 1, 2014.
Seconds will only be served to the students after everyone is served, and if there is
enough food available. Second milk is still 30¢. If you have any questions, please
contact the office or Kathy in the Kitchen.
November will be a busy
month for GEAR UP
students, with lots of
activities planned. We are
By Anne Garrett
Gear Up Coordinator excited to have Brandon
speaker coming to speak to our students on
Wednesday, November 12th. Also, on the 12th,
the 8th grade students will be taking the EXPLORE Test and the 10th grade will be taking
the PLAN Test. These are pre-ACT Tests
opportunity to practice, see their results and
plan for the future. On the 13th and 14th of
November GEAR UP students will have the
opportunity to receive their First-Aid and
CPR certification. This will not only be a
great life skill but also make our students
more employable. All of these activities will
be in conjunction with the half day of ParentTeacher Conferences.
Ten Reasons Why You
Should Apply for
The cost of tuition and housing is expensive and your
financial resources are limited.
You have studied many long hours to get great grades.
Scholarships are investments in assisting you to pay for
your educational expenses.
Not all scholarships are based on need, some are based
on academic or personal achievements.
Scholarships are a great way to pay for school - it is
funding that you don't have to pay back!
You are unique in all that you do and it is about time
that you tell someone else about it, why not in a
scholarship application personal essay?
Asking for letters of recommendation gives you a
chance to connect with your teachers.
There are many scholarships that were established for
students with your interests and talents.
Writing an essay about yourself may not be an easy task,
but is good practice for writing cover letters, resumes
and personal statements.
Women in Engineering
The number one reason to apply for a scholarship is
you might get one!
Four young ladies, Roz Dowers, Kelsey
Kane, Jordan James and Gloria Trumble
ventured to the University of Idaho on
October 24th, for Women in Engineering
Day. This gave these young ladies a firsthand look at the engineering program, the
opportunities for careers in engineering,
hands-on activities and a tour of the
Seniors, it’s never too early to start
working on your college scholarships!
Check out our website
www.wilsoncreek.org for some of the
scholarships that we have available.
Come on by the office for information on
some more. And if you know about one
that we don’t, tell us about it so we can
add it to our list!
We are in the early stages of doing a year
book this year and we need your help!
Start gathering photos of the kids at games, events, being silly,
etc. Parents, relatives, and friends are often the best source for
these since they especially eager to capture these moments on
film. PLEASE send us your photos, along with any helpful
information to explain the photos, to our new yearbook email
address: wilsoncreekyb@gmail.com.
Help us tell the story of this year in pictures!
Your help is very much appreciated.
Bus Loading and Unloading Zones Have Changed
Due to an increase in concern of too many
vehicles mixed in with the buses, as well as icy
conditions on the steep roads, we will be
moving our bus loading and unloading zone to
the area in front of the old building. We are
asking cars refrain from passing through the
area during these times of loading and
unloading. Students can be dropped off and
picked up in the upper parking lot. We are also asking staff to park in the upper
levels if they will be entering or exiting campus during loading and unloading
times. Buses usually unload in the mornings between 7:40 and 8:00. At the end
of the day they will be parked in front of the building at 2:55 and leave the
campus at 3:20. Thank you for respecting our changes and helping us keep our
children safe!
6 cups of milk
6 packets of powdered hot chocolate OR ½ lb. of
dark chocolate bits
1 1/2 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice
Lots of whipped cream
Heat milk to almost boiling. Place hot chocolate mix
into mugs and thoroughly mix in ¼ T of pumpkin
pie spice in each cup. Pour in hot milk and stir well.
Load on the whip cream. Sprinkle cinnamon on
top. Serves 6.
Pooh’s Hunny Holiday Tarts
Frozen puff pastry (1 sheet, defrosted and ready to use)
1 or 2 apples (peeled, cored, and sliced very thin)
Cinnamon sugar
Heat the over to 400 degrees F. Line the baking sheet with
parchment paper. Use a round cookie cutter (about 2.75 inches)
to cut rounds of pastry, and arrange them on a baking sheet.
Have your child place three apple slices on each pastry circle.
When he's done, ask him to sprinkle each tart with a pinch of
cinnamon sugar. Bake the tarts until the pastry turns golden
brown and the apples become slightly tender (about 12 minutes
or so). Drizzle honey on the baked tarts and then transfer them
to a cooling rack.
From the
Wilson Creek School wants
to say a big thank you to
Shannon Rickert, who went
out of her way to help bring
a little color to the library recently with a gift of
curtains she made herself.
The bright blue
curtains have made a huge difference in making the
library an inviting place to spend time. Pictured are
(l-r) third-graders Nolan Willis, Zane McMillan,
Aleena Gilley, Izzy Hochstatter, Tania Puente, Alena
Speed, and librarian Carol O’Callaghan.
If you are interested in helping revitalize the library,
consider becoming a Friend of the Library. Ideas
and creativity in many areas are needed and
welcome. Please contact Carol at the school.
(Photo by Kellie Ribail)
May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
May your pies take the prize,
May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs.