Come as you are Grow in the Word Join in the journey

Cedar Creek Notes
Cedar Creek Notes - continued
Genealogy of Grace
Message: Tamar/Rahab—Abandoned/Fearful
Scriptures: Genesis 38, Joshua 2
Speaker: Ian Elliott
Rahab—Fearful (Joshua 2:1-14; Joshua 6:25)
Tamar—Abandoned (Genesis 38:1-7)
And then…
Onan rejected his duty
Shelah too young to fulfill duty
Judah abandoned Tamar and sent her back home “until Shelah
grows up”
Tamar realizes she has been abandoned and decides to deal
with this situation in her own way (Genesis 38:24-30)
Reasons Tamar should not be included in Jesus family tree:
Reasons why Rahab should not be included in Jesus family tree:
Foreigner (Canaanite)
A reason why Rahab might be listed in Jesus family tree:
She is an illustration of God’s grace moving a person from fear of
God to faith in God (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25)
For personal reflection and action:
Are there times when you have felt abandoned?
Why not accept God’s grace and live as one who has been
adopted into the family of God through the person of Jesus
Are there times you have feared for your life and future?
Why not accept God’s grace and have faith that God will accept
and provide for you regardless of your past
Foreigner (Canaanite)
Come as you are
Grow in the Word
Join in the journey
A reason why Tamar might be listed in Jesus family tree:
November 30, 2014
She is an illustration of God’s grace, moving a person from
being abandoned to being adopted (Matthew 1:4-5)
Ian Elliott— Team Leader
Gord Jackson—Associate
Chantal Audet—Associate
Karen Edworthy—Administration
Matthew Gray—Coldwater Canada
Cedar Creek exists to assist believers in fulfilling the Great
commandments (Matt. 22:37-39) and the Great Commission
(Matt. 28:18-20)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Celebration Service
Momentum (Young Adults 18-25)
Monday, December 1, 2014
Karate Leaders
Drama Team
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
MOPS Program
Kids WHAM Team
Extreme @ OCC Warehouse
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Worship Team Practice
Men’s Sports Night
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Karate Classes
Elders Mtg.
Items for Praise:
10:00 am @ the Creek
7:00 pm @ M&T Audet’s
7:00 pm (GA Rm)
7:00 pm (Edge Rm)
Praise/Thank God for His grace—
Romans 3:24
Cedar Creek family items for
Alex (Audrianna DeSouza’s dad) recently diagnosed with terminal
lung cancer; admitted to hospital
with pneumonia as well
Praise God for the safe arrival of
Hannah Rene Yzerman, baby girl born
Debi (friend of Sheri Robinson) to Jesse & Lindsay Yzerman on Nov.
struck by a car a few weeks ago; is
22, 2014, weighing 7 lbs. 9 ozs.
on a list for emergency MRI. Pray
for healing & quick MRI
Rita Attwell (Ev Widarski & Diane
10:00 am @ the Creek
6:30pm (GA Rm)
7:00 pm @ the Creek
6:45pm—9:00 pm
Mission Focus:
ELIC—Rhonda Desrochers
Palfrey’s mom) - for recovery from
cancer surgery; treatment plan as
cancer has spread into her lymph
7:00 pm (Auditorium)
7:00 pm (Gym)
7:00 pm (Gym)
7:00 pm (Library)
Memory Verses Week of
November 30:
Matthew 5:5-8
5 Blessed
Friday, December 5, 2014
Coldwater Information Mtg.
6:00 pm (Foyer)
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Karate Belt Testing
9:30 am (Gym)
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Celebration Service
10:00 am @ the Creek
NEXT WEEK…. Genealogy of Grace
We continue our Advent series looking at another two women mentioned
in Christ’s genealogy. For personal preparation read the book of Ruth and
2 Samuel 11.
are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Cedar Creek families to pray
for & encourage this week:
Williams, Craig & Chiyuki, Mako
Winger, Lee & Ann, Rachel, Emily,
Dean, Jake
Wood, Cathy
Woodland, Mark, Jake, Molly
Yzerman, Jesse & Lindsay, Jack, Eli,
Aldridge, Erin & Rob, Owen, Callie
Atkinson, Dave & Anne, Josh, Emma
Financial Update… General Fund
Weekly offering received $ 4,223.
Required weekly
$ 8,900.
Week of Nov. 23
Received Year to Date
Required Year to Date
Year to Date Variance
Library is Reopen! … New books, new DVDs, new system—
better equipped to serve you! Come and check us out!
Socks, Angels & More fundraiser for Rhonda Desrochers…
Today is the final day to do some Christmas shopping & help
support her work in Mongolia. See Daniela Innes at the tables in
the foyer.
Momentum (Young Adults 18-25)… Meets tonight @ 7pm at
Tyler & Malinder Audet’s, #3-307 Kitchener Rd. Cambridge. Mark
your calendars for Momentum’s Christmas Event on Dec. 14 @ 4
pm. Momentum is a group of young adults 18-25 learning to
gain momentum together in our faith & ultimately all aspects of
our lives!
Extreme Students & Parents… A reminder that Extreme
students will be volunteering at the OCC Warehouse, 1 Chandaria
Place, Kitchener this Tuesday, Dec. 2 from 6:45 pm—9:00 pm.
Parents—please drop off and pick up your student directly at the
OCC Warehouse.
Extreme Christmas Banquet… “Ugly Christmas Banquet” will be
held @ the Creek on Dec. 9 @ 6:30 pm. Ugly Christmas attire
required. Bring $5.00 & a 5 dollar gender neutral gift.