In association with No 2 | 5 September 2012 Lowering CO2 output is one of the biggest challenges of the shipping industry Photo: HMC IMO Secretary-General Sekimizu: “We have a good story to tell” Koji Sekimizu, the new secretary-general of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has been in office for about nine months now. He gave an interview expressing his appreciation of the progress made by the ship- ping industry towards more sustainability. “I’m more than happy to talk about the activities that the regulator of the international shipping industry has taken, as IMO has a very good story to tell in this respect,” he said. Mr Sekimizu, what has the shipping industry done to help lower CO2 output? SEKIMIZU: Mandatory measures were adopted by governments within IMO last year and will require, once they have en- tered into force in 2013, a progressive improvement in vessel efficiency and a consequent reduction in CO2 emissions. But they leave it to the industry to determine exactly how the targets will be met. There are plenty of innovative What is the future of shipping? For us it’s about energy management. Discover more at energymanagement or talk to us at SMM – stand B4.EG.211a Lloyd’s Register is a trading name of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries. For further details please see “It’s a must!” SMM DaIly neWS | INTERVIEW X cOntentS SMM Opening by German economics minister ......................... 4 Germanischer Lloyd: efficiency opportunities ................ 8 Interview with Vice-Admiral HansJoachim Stricker ......... 12 Ballast Water Management Convention.................. 16 SMM Daily News Hall Plan ............ 18 SMM Daily News Selected Diary ............ 19 New design for LNG dual-fuel ships .... 25 New engines by MAN ........................ 26 technologies that the industry can adopt to improve vessel efficiency and reduce CO2 output. It will be interesting to see which ones find favour. What concepts do you envision for dealing with sulphur emissions, especially in ports? SEKIMIZU: Sulphur emissions are regulated in MARPOL Annex VI, a revised version of which entered into force on July 1st 2010. It requires a progressive reduction, globally, in emissions of SOx, NOx and particulate matter, and introduces the concept of Emis- SMM DaIly neWS | CLASSIFICATION sion Control Areas (ECAs) to reduce emissions of those air pollutants further in certain designated sea areas. To address air quality issues in a specific sea area, such as a busy port, any party to MARPOL Annex VI may propose the designation of an Emission Control Area based on criteria and procedures laid down in that treaty. Under the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the global sulphur cap is reduced initially to 3.50 per cent (from the previous 4.50 per cent), effective from January 1st 2012; then progressively to 0.50 per cent, effective from January 1st 2020, subject to a feasibility review to be completed no later than 2018. The limits applicable in ECAs were reduced to 1.00 per cent, beginning on July 1st 2010 (from the original 1.50 per cent); being further reduced to 0.10 per cent, effective from January 1st 2015. Again, these measures do not prescribe exactly how the emission limits should be met, which should allow innovation and technical advances to flourish. But, in essence, the shipowner has to either burn cleaner, low-sulphur, fuel, or employ a method of cleaning the ship’s exhaust gas to meet the required standards. Regarding LNG and alternative energy sources: What, in your opinion, are the most promising technologies to achieve better protection of the environment and more efficient ships? BV-classed fleet exceeds 10,000 vessels The international classification society Bureau Veritas (BV) announced at a press conference on Tuesday that the BV-classed fleet now numbered 10,055 vessels totalling 93.4m gt. In addition, 1,790 inland water vessels have been classed by BV. It attributed the growth to strong deliveries of newbuildings and a strong inflow of vessels in service attracted by BV’s range of services. X IMprInt Koji Sekimizu, the new secretary-general of the IMO SEKIMIZU: IMO’s approach is not to regulate in favour of any one technology or energy source, but rather to set efficiency targets and leave it to the industry to find the best ways to meet those targets. In this way, innovation is encouraged. However, IMO is engaged in the development of a code for gas-fuelled ships, as LNG has proven to be a good alternative marine fuel, in particular in Emission Control Areas. Photo: IMO Although we can all hope for a technological breakthrough that would solve the issue, or a new zero-carbon fuel to come on the market, there will be no magic bullet or single solution. Hull shape, improved diesel engines and propulsion systems, to mention but a few, will continue to be the focus, besides speed reductions, which may prove to be the single most important issue in energy efficiency. Germany’s most important Offshore Trade Fair and 10th WAB Offshore Conference, 17 – 20 June 2014 in Bremen Successfully invented in 2012: 260 international exhibitors , 6.000 visitors MEET US: HUSUM WindEnergy 2012, Hall 1, Booth 1E02 SavE ThE DaTE: 9th WAB Offshore Conference, 4 – 6 June 2013 in Bremerhaven for exhibitors Early booking discount 2 201 ber em until 31 Dez 2 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 eDItOrS: Dr Silke Sadowski (resp.) Laura Keller, Behrend Oldenburg, Annette Krüger (BONUM GmbH) tranSlatIOn: Tim Obojski layOut: Christoph Jöns aDVertISeMentS: Florian Visser DIStrIButIOn: Riccardo di Stefano prInt: Albert Bauer Companies, Hamburg cOpyrIGht: DVV Media Group GmbH Picture © Rickmers Group DON‘T MISS OUT! SMM DaIly neWS is published daily during SMM 2012 by DVV Media Group GmbH | Nordkanalstr. 36, D-20097 Hamburg Tel: +49/(0) 40/237 14-374 BV is the world’s second-largest classification society by number of vessels classed and has about 20 per cent of the world newbuilding order book by number of vessels. A total of 38.1 per cent of its fleet is made up of bulk carriers, followed by 18.7 per cent tankers, 12.8 per cent container ships, 7.9 per cent cargo ships, 7.4 per cent gas carriers, 4.5 per cent passenger vessels, 2.6 per cent offshore units and 8 per cent other kinds of ships. Significant new services launched by Bureau Veritas in the recent past include a suite of environmental tools and a simplified online certification system. The society’s energy efficiency services include voluntary conformity assessment, technical assistance, consultancy and training. The company can deliver Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) file preparation, verification and attestation, Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) preparation, validation, SEEMP notation, SEEMP monitoring and review, and ISO 50000 auditing and Bernard Anne (left), executive vice-president, managing director of the BV Marine Division, and Hans J. Gaetjens, vice president Marine, North Central Europe, Baltic and Russian Region Photo: BONUM / Höner certification. Consultancy also provides Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) calculation with energy performance indicators calculation and voyage consumption / emission simulation and reporting. Retrofitting of energy-saving devices efficiency assessment is facilitated by the calculation potential of BV’s relationship with HydrOcean. Together they provide high-level CFD calculation and modelling of design changes to the vessels’ hull form or propeller to model the best energy-saving compromise for newbuildings or retrofitting. Energy efficiency performance prediction analysis can be carried out using BV’s new software tool SEECAT (ship energy efficiency calculation and analysis tool), which provides a full model of a ship’s energy flows tough Our proven rudder systems are the perfect choice for all types of ships. A tough working environment requires a sturdy, individual design combined with superb manoeuvring properties. Seasoned captains rely on Becker rudders for their reliability, safety and exceptional manoeuvrability. and allows yards and owners to model and test the effect of different design, equipment and operational changes. BV has put in place a completely new IT-based certification and ship status system. It is aimed at reducing the workload of shipowners and operators and simplifying access to ship information and status. A ship’s classification certificate has grown from one simple page into a document with many pages and annexes that consist of both printed and handwritten entries. BV’s new certification system once more makes the ship’s Certificate of Classification a simple one-page document. Everything else is online in a standardised and easy-to-access format. Bureau Veritas at SMM: Hall B3.EG / Stand 101 Left: Ruby Rickmers Container · 142,105 dwt · built 2010 Twisted Leading Edge Visit us at the SMM 2012, the International Maritime Conference and Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany, 4th-7 th September 2012, Hall A1, Stand 328 W W W. B E C KE R - MAR INE - SYS TE M S .C O M SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 3 Green Technology SMM Daily News | SMM Opening Photos: HMC / Wallocha Efficient power engineering Dr Philipp Rösler, German federal minister of economics and technology Olaf Scholz, mayor and president of the senate of the city of Hamburg (left), and Dr Philipp Rösler Showtime at the SMM opening German economics minister officially opens SMM Germany’s federal minister of economics and technology, Dr Philipp Rösler, officially opened SMM (shipbuilding, machinery & marine technology international trade fair) in Hamburg on Monday evening. “The shipbuilding trade fair SMM is a powerhouse of the world economy. Our shipyards, suppliers and marine technology industry are impressively demonstrating here that they’re well positioned for global competition,” Rösler said. “I’m pleased that Hamburg’s mari- time industry trade fair is now taking place for the 25th time under the umbrella of SMM.” Rösler said the international exhibition of top technology showed that the maritime industry had a bright future. Such major challenges as climate change, Germany’s nuclear power phase-out and secure supplies of raw materials cannot be mastered on land alone, he noted. Consequently, he added, a huge market for new technologies was rapidly developing, for example in the field of offshore wind energy – ranging R Anschütz Navigation Systems Help Save Fuel! Live Showcase: • September 5, from 10-12 • September 6, from 10-13 Hall B6, Booth 304 More information: 4 Daily News_Schiff+Hafen_183x63 1 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 from wind farm foundations to installation-, maintenance- and transport ships as well as base and service ports. “The maritime industry is making an important contribution to successful reorganisation of our energy supply,” Rösler said. Bernd Aufderheide, chairman of the board of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, welcomed some 800 invited guests from business and politics on the eve of the first exhibition day. The list of speakers at the 25th anniversary celebration included not only leading representatives from the maritime industry but also Olaf Scholz, mayor and president of the senate of the city of Hamburg. All in all, the SMM special events programme will offer roughly 150 top-flight workshops, symposiums and conferences, including events such as the Turkish Maritime & Naval Summit and the CIMAC (International Council on Combustion Engines) Circle 2012 on September 6th, and the Marine Coatings Conference on September 5th. NEXT GENERATION NAVIGATION • • • • Advanced Steering Control System Fuel-Saving Autopilot ECDIS with Weather Charts IMO-compliant Integrated Navigation System Raytheon Anschütz GmbH D-24100 Kiel, Germany Tel +49(0)4 31-30 19-0 Fax +49(0)4 31-30 19-291 13.08.12 13:23 Engine and Marine Systems Power Plants Turbomachinery PrimeServ Our customers seek the most efficient and cost-effective solutions and count on the reliability of our products and services. MAN Diesel & Turbo’s commitment to green technology and continuous development of enviro-friendly benefits is trendsetting. By means of a wide power engineering portfolio, we offer turnkey solutions prepared for the future’s even stricter environmental legislations. Find out more at SMM DaIly neWS | FILTER SySTEMS Moss hydro – a new provider of ballast water treatment filters A new provider of ballast water treatment (BWT) filters is introducing itself at SMM 2012. “Moss Hydro filters, which will hit the market in Q4 this year, have been designed specifically for the treatment of ballast water – to meet the challenges of the environment in a way that our competitors can’t,” said Stein Foss, CEO of the newcomer. “There is a genuine need – a hunger – for our products,” remarked Foss. “Current ballast water treatment filters are prone to blockage, threatening the operation of BWT systems and therefore the ships that use them. Added to that, there aren’t enough filter suppliers in the market, meaning there will be huge bottlenecks as IMO ballast water mandates come into force up to 2016.” To meet the highest requirements, Moss Hydro is using a self-adjusting pressure-balanced cleaning head that travels around the filter screen, removing any detritus. Increased backwash fluid velocity rinses the system clean with focused force, while its closed nature ensures that external components won’t get stuck. “It’s the best available technology on the market,” Foss Get maximum flexibility for your IT, improve working conditions for your staff and store your equipment in protected technical areas – by deploying KVM technology from Guntermann & Drunck. By switching and extending computer signals, KVM technology allows you to operate your IT systems from anywhere thus enhancing your crew’s flexibility. G&D’s user-friendly KVM technology offers you superior user interfaces, highest reliability with redundancy concepts and special safety features such as monitoring and SNMP. Moving computers out of control rooms gives you space and improved working conditions without distracting noise and heat. Now you can remove your valuable IT equipment from rough environments. Protect your valuable equipment Eric Leegwater, Moss Hydro senior vice-president, Sales & Marketing asserted. But how can a new company promise to meet the demands of the “super-hot” BWT market? “Through clever collaboration,” explained Eric Leegwater, Moss Hydro’s vice president of Sales & Marketing. Leegwater said the company had struck an exclusive manufacturing agreement with a leading European producer of stainless steel pressure vessels, giving Moss Hydro access to a state-of-the-art production facility of 20,000m² along with 200 staff members and a huge workload capacity. “These resources give us an extremely short turnaround time for orders,” Leegwater said, “a crucial point of difference as the approaching regulations threaten ever-larger supplier backlogs in the sector.” According to Foss, Moss Hydro believes that its filter housings Photo: BONUM / Höner will benefit from a super-duplex stainless steel construction rather than the traditional carbon steel casings. This innovation gives the company’s filters substantial weight advantages over rivals (they are 50-70 per cent lighter), making them easier to install, with less need for foundation work and support. Meet us at SMM: Hall B8, Stand 200 Moss Hydro at SMM: Hall A4.FG, Stand 011 DVICenter system Efficiency is what drives us: solutions for maritime applications by Bosch. 6 03-06830_SMM DailyNews_183x63_EN.indd 1 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 Bosch is the only company in the world to offer the most up-to-date diesel technology for clean, powerful, and economical engines from 10 kW to 40,000 kW. Our products range from diesel and heavy-fuel-oil injection to electronic engine management and exhaust-gas treatment. Please visit us at booth 428 in hall A1 at the fair to learn all about our systems and components for maritime applications. We look forward to seeing you. 07.05.12 11:40 The matrix switch DVICenter displayed here allows many controllers to simultaneously access multiple remote computers in real-time without any loss in quality and performance, making it the perfect fit for your tasks on the bridge or for special application controls e.g. on dredge vessels, on off-shore platforms, in harbours or in the vessel traffic service. Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Phone: +49 (0) 27 39/89 01 - 333 | Leading the way in digital KVM KVM Extender | Switches | Matrix Switches SMM DaIly neWS | BENEFITS SMM DaIly neWS | ENERGy OPTIMISATION Green operation with alfa laval Further fair highlights include the PureBilge unit, the ballast water treatment system PureBallast 2.0, the Aalborg boiler series, waste heat recovery and thermal fluid systems, and inert gas systems. A technological leader in heat transfer, separation and fluid handling, Sweden’s Alfa Laval Group focuses on energy optimisation, environmental protection and food production. “A programme of growth and targeted acquisitions has transformed the GL Group into a global service provider”, said Erik van der Noordaa (right), GL Group’s CEO Photo: BONUM / Oldenburg Seizing opportunities through greater efficiency Efficiency was the watchword at classification society Germanischer Lloyd’s press conference at SMM on Tuesday. A multi-tier market in which owners and operators of optimised vessels hold a significant advantage over those running older tonnage is on the horizon, a top executive from the company said. CEO Erik van der Noordaa examined how research and development, innovation efforts and state-of-the-art software from the GL Group would continue to minimise sea transport risks and emissions, increase vessel availability, lower life-cycle costs and bring operational improvements. The benefits of an interdisciplinary approach and the synergies that have arisen through integration at the GL Group were pointed out by COO Torsten Schramm, who looked at how GL has been able to leverage its expertise by merging its offshore competencies. GL’s head of Research and Rule Development, Dr Pierre Sames, gave an update on LNG, showing how it was emerging as a viable alternative to HFO, especially in Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Albrecht Grell, head of GL’s Maritime Solutions, evaluated new opportunities in the shipping markets. Given the current circumstances, sailing speeds have been reduced across the board and fuel efficiency has become the biggest lever to increase cost competitiveness, he noted. Investors with the ability to finance new vessels in the current economic climate could lock in significant competitive advantages over the existing fleet. In a multi-tier market that differentiates between vessels based on their efficiency, this will result in significantly improved employment opportu- nities and earnings. These benefits stem from three sources, Grell said: the design of new vessels for lower speed, the utilisation of state-of-the-art optimisation technology and services, and significantly lower newbuilding prices. According to GL research, the financial benefits are so substantial that a newly built, fully optimised vessel will be more economical to operate than an existing vessel even if the existing vessel’s capital costs are removed from the calculation. Germanischer Lloyd at SMM: Hall B4.EG / Stand 105 At this year’s SMM, Alfa Laval is showcasing a wide range of maritime solutions aimed at such key areas as boosting efficiency and reducing operating costs. The trade fair is the launch pad for three new products by the manufacturer: PureSOx – a cost-effective exhaust gas cleaning unit, PureDry – an innovative waste fuel recovery system and a paradigm shift in separator design,and the AlfaNova fusion-bonded plate heat exchanger. Visitors will also be able to receive detailed information about the AQUA freshwater generator, the fuel-conditioning module (FCM) and advanced cooling system (ACS), filters, and the extended service network created by the union of Alfa Laval and Aalborg Industries. Alfa Laval´s PureDry system is on display Photo:Alfa Laval Alfa Laval at SMM: Hall A1 / Stand 228 Innovation for shipping SMM 2012 4-7sept. Hamburg Modern ships need innovative equipment Visit us at Hall B2, booth 201 (ground floor) 8 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 9 SMM DaIly neWS | MARINE LOGISTICS SMM DaIly neWS | MOORING Geodis Wilson establishes hamburg base , RGY E N lankhorst ropes for Sincreased ILDEE U R B O P I H H OFF G, S CE , N I G P N I REN IP D E H L F maritime safety I S BU OR CON A EX F V & E E SHIP N C N As both its cruise-related and cargo vessel supply businesses grow, the Marine Logistics division of Netherlands-based Geodis Wilson has ramped up its presence in Hamburg. Geodis Wilson is part of the SNCF Geodis Group, the global freight management arm of France’s SNCF. At SMM 2012, it is showing its tailored transport and logistics solutions for the cruise and merchant shipping industries. Geodis Wilson’s Marine Logistics division has established one of its global “control towers” in Hamburg. Initially, this was to facilitate successful management of two projects at the German port, in May and June, for Crystal Cruises. The Marine Logistics team handled transport and logistics management of an array of spare and replacement parts as well as other supplies involved in the overhaul and refitting of the Crystal Serenity and Crystal Symphony at the Blohm & Voss dry dock. Hamburg is now well-established as a cruise hub, and its importance as a regular port of call for liner vessels (both container and break-bulk) as well as being a major port for liquid and bulk cargoes make it a critical focal point for the delivery of Geodis Wilson Marine Logistics’ rapidly expanding services. You’re Invited KVH Industries cordially invites you to attend SATCOM Live Demo and Biergarten Find out about KVH’s new TracPhone® systems with fully integrated IT & communications features and how KVH became No. 1 in maritime VSAT • New TracPhone V7ip • New TracPhone V11 • Live demo of the mini-VSAT BroadbandSM Network German Bier und Wurst Bar All attendees will be entered to win an iPad® Date: Wednesday, 5 September 2012 Time: 15:00-16:00 Place: SMM Conference Room B6.4 Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH Hamburg For more information contact: Jens Gegner Andreasen E-mail: Tel: +45 45 160 183 Mobile: +45 23 224 919 10 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 , N IO HY • PING ERE & IBIT P P F I H A N X H R O E RTS forFuse G Ease of rope handling and op-R S developed on singleC O A O & P V O N , drum, self-tensioning E Fare A N F Y N E E O O G timising rope performance winches. I • C , C T R G N IBI &O NE INload-bearing, PHY REthe H E D S A E the themes of Lankhorst The seven-strand P X L I T E F I R E H R R O O BU core O VAyear’s EANOG R S high strength CONstand •atNE this &Ropes Y, P FSH Fcombines SHIP F G N , C E R O O Y G O C N , I E H SMMA inPHamburg. low elongation. EN PIN ING S& ITIO IBIT REN and P E T R I D B E H I R L R H G F X I H The O S O N O U X Tipto winch -line has a ,P Geodis Wilson´s team handling transport on board Photo: Geodis VA E EAN In addition FOR OofG785 FFA3SH & CO HIPB GYto VA E C N NEWilson the Lankhorst breaking force kN with O S E E R N O A , , C E N O E I G G N N splice, the • C splice, compared with T N N E E I S& I I Y O R T B P rope stand features the A3 D E H I E R & L P P H I F S HI PO on FSHOR theIP BUwinch GRA ORE the A3 splice. CON line andSChalwithout In addition to being a source bulkers that usually trade A EX R ORT 682FkN O H V H Tipto F O & P N S E F S O , A N N , , F E • G G, developed GY CELankoforceBrope. Ropes has of the skill sets and expertise the spot market, are also NG lenger-coated INwell ITIO G, OLankhorst PINabrasion-resistI splice & OC E ENER PHY RENin 2010, N P IPPI I I H A E S H D H X Introduced the A3 F an innovative, required, Hamburg’s diverse represented at the port. R T S L E ONRS OR CLankoforce BUI CONhas an N VA of POR NOG Oant H FOR P E & , F A I S & efficiency 100 per cent, coating for its marine activity provides syner- With the help of the Hamburg Y E F H E N C S C IO RG OF ION Y• & isOno Y • sithere loss in ENE mooring gy with Geodis Wilson’s three “control tower”, Geodis Wilson REN ING, Hropes, IBIT and towing S NG, IBIT E APHwhich means I P P H T H F E R D P A X R I N R L G R E multaneously I O H O rope due S toHsplicing, abrasectors of Marine Logistics op- aims to cope with this variabili- ANO Pstrength Y,Dutch NOG improving & CO EVA IPBU OR S Aresistance Gthe N FF says. N H F , E R • O S Y company It also sion and making the eration. The division’s cruise ty in demand via a consolidated O OCE E E C I , , G G EN & O ropes easier EtoRhandle. LDPHY INrope IBIT INGas ENC N A P H D S R makes handling easier business is well-established approach to service provision ORE E R L P T X E I I I F OG OR RE BU SH of the rope AE SH PBU is an alisFno doubling The Challenger through its headquarters in and visibility throughout the CON Y, P OR EAN SHO HIcoating NEV & SHIP there G F C S • , F R , N O E G Y O the mainAPH stiffness ternative Miami; the Hamburg loca- supply chain, thereby maximisING to the protective NCEjackENE G, O ITIin S& PIN ENorC splice H P E T N B R E I I P R R R I E R D E G H line as experienced tion extends this into Europe. ing efficiency and minimising O IL S et normally PO NFused to safeguard NO ONF A EXcommonly COduring GY, EAsplicing. A EX FFSH IPBU CE FOR EV R V with traditional rope the&rope handling. The commercial sector, which costs for customers in all three& C C O H N E E , O S N N • N , G & is a standard N IO Y The A3Ssplice handles scheduled vessels trading sectors. RE Efea- UILDIN HY • PING ERE RT IBIT APH O P P F O I H R H A N P X B H TS & S R O E S F winch line RSMM: Lankhorst RopesOat – aIP such as container ships, and G Y, ture of,the C FTipto A R H O G O & P V S O N R F, N Y 510 G, line N EA Hall A1 / Stand dedicated the industrial sector, involv- Geodis Wilson Germany at Efficient with Lankhorst Tipto winch lines Photo: G IO • NE ING floating CLankhorst , OF ENE CE Fmoorings INwinch T R I D O Y P G E L B P E H N I I & N I I P H H S ing vessels such as tankers and SMM: Hall B6 / Stand 203 ER BU RE E IPBUILD SHIP A EX ANOGRA ORT O OR S & CONF SHIP V P F H R E , S O E H F E S FF GY •N N ENC N NCE G, O NER ING, & OC ITIO PHY E E N P B A I FER S ITIO I R P E T R I D B E H I R L R H G F X I H O S N X BU R AE , PO SH ANO OG& CO VA E N NEV OFF SHIP E FO E RGY N OCE A , , C E N WE UNDERSTAND O E I G G & N N • N N E E IT TS & OC RE PHY HIBin ILDI Confirm IPPI your FER ORE A S X U H N position the POR T H R E S B O MARINE SEWAGE TREATMENT R S G P &C NO SHO EVA FOR SHI OFF , PO F A N N , , Y E F E O G • G G I C O C N , Y market I N IN ITRussian ING, Oat.... ENER H P E G P B I & P P R N P I I I H A E D H X F R TS SH ORE CON BUIL CON VA E POR NOG OR S H FOR P E & , F A I S & Y N E F H E N N S C IO RG OF OC Y• TIO Y REN ING, IBIT ENE S& NG, E APH I P H T HIBI F E R D P APH X R I N R L G R E I O H O O O G U P S A C H O B V S R AN Y, & , EAN • NE OFF SHIP NCE FO OCE ERG C ION , , Y T N O G I G RGY H E N B N & E P I I I E E N A P H D S R R E R T X E IL IP IL The MARINER OMNIPURE® Series M55 sewage treatment SHO POR NOG ONF ORE VA E PBU IPBU R SH , A I C H E H Y O E system is an electrolytic disinfection solution that maintains the S H N & S F G F C S • , F R , N O E C use of your vessel’s installed sewage and seawater pumps PHY ENE G, O ITIO S& PING ENC PING A T N B R E I I P REN R R I E R H D E G H O F L while utilizing your in-place collection/holding tanks. The system O X F I S P O N E H N U , Y B A AN FS OR A features a unique bulkhead mounted design. & CO & CO NEV ERG , OF OCE SHIP ENCE F N N • NEV , G & O E • G I N Y I S T N E H Y I I D R T R P H B L P E I O P OR UI RA - Accommodates varying crew complements TS ONF EXH 2013 SHIP24-27 GRA Y, P ST ,PETERSBURG, CSEPTEMBER FFSH , SHIPB RUSSIA, A R O G O & POR V O N R - BV Certification and USCG Certificate of Approval to IMO , E F A N E G Y N G E E O N N • I , E C IN TI RG OC Resolution MEPC.159(55) PHY REN UILD R SHIPP HIBI ENE DING S& A E B X L T E F I R P E - Easy to install, start up, operate I R R N U G A O O B O O SH & CO Y • NEV and service Y, P FOR EAN CE F 12THIONEVA SHIP FFSH G N , C E N R O E G O C , E THE EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE H N - Eliminates storage, handling and IN & IT P EN NG FER RE E RTS HIPP GRA FER XHIB ILDI purchase of hazardous chemicals O S O N O E U XHIB H P N O B R E A , S A C FOR SHIPPING, SHIPBUILDING, OFFSHORE P O V I F Y A E F E F & - No pre-treatment of raw inlet V N SH E OC ERG G, O • NE TION ENC ENPORTS sewage stream I S & ENERGY, INOCEANOGRAPHY ING, Y OCE R T B P D E H I E R & & L P R P H I I F O A S X U H N PO - Small footprint and weight R E S B RT SH & CO • NEVA NOG SHO FOR SHIP OFF , PO F A N , , Y E F E O G G G I C O C N N R , I I IT O HY Visit us at hall A1 stand 533 EN ENE S& HIPP DING R SHI XHIB FER RAP T E S L E N I G R R R U O O A O O Dolphin Exhibitions: B C N O FO Contact EV ,P To put our marine sewage treatment FFSH CEA SHIP CE F IO ON & PHY • N RGY O , O I N E , G T E & I N G N systems to work for you R I IBIT E S N IB E A I P H T H F E R D P X R I N R L G E I H O contact PO A ANO NO & CO IPBU OR S GY, NEV FFSH N H F or visit R • O S O OCE E E CEA I , , Y T C N O G I G H E N N B N & P I I I A S RE RE E EXH UILD HIPP NFE OGR ORT B S A SHO P N O ORE V P I R , A C H E H Y O E S N & S F G F C • , N O ER| 5 SeptemberG2012 G, CE , O| F NNews PHY E ITIO S& PING SMM Daily No 2 11PPIN A T B N REN E I I R R I E R H D G H O F L O X I S P O CON CO VA E GY, EAN FFSH IPBU FOR NEVA NEV A 2013 2013 SMM DaIly neWS | MS&D MARITIME SECURITy & DEFENCE particular is “A Changing Maritime Environment”, because developments in this area have a special impact on everything in the maritime industry. Maritime safety, climate change and the new dynamic in the offshore sector are issues that will concern us particularly in the short- to medium-term future. three questions for … hans-Joachim Stricker, viceadmiral (ret) of the German navy and chairman of the MS&D conference the offshore sector. Stricker sees holding the MS&D in the framework of SMM as “a very appealing feature”. In the following interview, Hans-Joachim Stricker, chairman of this year’s MS&D (Maritime Security & Defence) conference and vice-admiral (ret) of the German Navy, explains that the gathering covers all security and defence issues relevant to the maritime sector, including maritime safety, climate change mitigation and the new dynamic in Admiral Stricker, which subjects of the MS&D conference 2012 do you, as chairman, regard as particularly important? Operation Atalanta has not been able to completely solve the problem of pirate attacks and hijackings of ships off the coast of Somalia. How do you assess the effectiveness of this operation? STRICKER: The change in the maritime environment, the security of maritime logistics and the development of future maritime capabilities will be the key issues for us this year. A subject I’d like to emphasise in STRICKER: The effectiveness of an operation can always be judged only with respect to the mission assigned to it. The mission of Atalanta is to get the ships of the UN World Food Programme safely to Mog- Hans-Joachim Stricker, vice-admiral (ret) of the German Navy Photo: HMC/Zapf EnginEEring adishu. Since the hijacking of the Danish merchant ship Danica White in 2007, there have been no further hijack- tion Atalanta as very effective. And the number of hijackings in the Gulf of Aden has also been substantially reduced by dations and regulations given, relatively safe passage can be ensured. But it is also evident that the naval operations are only combating the symptoms and cannot eliminate the underlying causes of piracy. “It is evident that the naval operations are only combating the symptoms and cannot eliminate the underlying causes of piracy.” What chances do you see of the knowledge discussed and obtained at the conference having an impact on security efforts? ings of ships of the UN World Food Programme following the start of Operation Atalanta. So we can describe Opera- nEwBuilding ConvErsion rEpair the EU, NATO and international operations. It has been shown that, provided the captains keep to the recommen- offshorE STRICKER: The MS&D conference is of course not a body that can make binding decisions. But it does give participants a wide range of subjects, solutions, experience and insights, which will then be incorporated in key areas of their everyday work. I believe that is a decisive effect of the conference, and that is very much what the organisers want to achieve. YaChts www.lloYdwErft.Com aImInG hIGh ... ship conversions are marked by tough demands and high deadline pressure. this is why we give everything we‘ve got in everything we do. teamwork and partnership are essential for this – from our experience the best way to reach the top. Concepts Products Service visit us in hall B4, Booth 204. and Put us to the test. LLoyd Werft Bremerhaven aG © Ingrid Fiebak Photography Lindner Cruise Liner and Ship Fit-out . Definitely the right course. We provide all specialty products and services you need to implement your sophisticated ship project, from material supply through to complete interior fit-out. Our certified systems, developed by the Lindner R&D Department and manufactured in our own production facilities, are built to meet the highest requirements in the shipbuilding industry. Visit us at SMM 2012 in Hamburg. Hall B8, stand B8.205 Safer, Smarter, Greener – GL Group. Building New Solutions 12 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 +++ Visit us at SMM, Hall B4, Stand No. 105 +++ SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 13 SMM DaIly neWS | ELECTRO-TECHNICAL EqUIPMENT SMM DaIly neWS | PROPULSION Well networked with Interschalt Voith turbo: “the future of propulsion” For well over 50 years, Interschalt maritime systems AG, headquartered near Hamburg, has been developing, manufacturing and marketing maritime systems, electro-technical equipment, automation and information technology for the shipping and shipbuilding industry. Product highlights the company is presenting at this year’s SMM range from its new TROP trim optimisation software and IMO-compliant ship monitoring system to satellite communications and service solutions. plete, integrated remote monitoring of vessels. Whether it is inefficient vessel operation causing excessive fuel consumption, malfunctioning ship systems or the current status of fuel bunkers, Bluetracker’s system of automatic acquisition and transmission of operational data provides an almost realtime picture of exactly what is happening on board. At regular ted to shore, where the ship’s owner can view them by means of a web application without having to install any additional hardware. Different modules allow these captured data to be displayed, processed, analysed and exported as required. The fleet management system Bluefleet can be configured from a planned maintenance system to a fully equipped The new TROP trim optimisation solution The maritime shipping industry has been forced to contend with the key issues of energy efficiency and sustainability. Optimising the trim of a ship is a good way to achieve lasting reductions in fuel consumption. In fact, trim optimisation has been an object of investigation since the 1990s. Based on the findings, Interschalt added a ballast optimisation tool to its MACS3 loading computer system. The new TROP trim optimisation module is now fully integrated into Interschalt‘s proven MACS3 loading computer system. Bluetracker and Bluefleet – online connections Interschalt will also present its Bluetracker solution for com- Come visit us! Hall A1 Stand 330 Daily technical presentations! ment, making it truly a complete suite of software for comprehensive fleet management. Bridge navigational watch alarm system What has been mandatory for new ships since mid-2011 will now also be required for entire fleets by July 2014, as per IMO resolution MCS 128(75): a bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS). The good news is that Interschalt‘s BNWAS can be seamlessly retrofitted into existing systems. If desired, a ship’s onboard technicians easily and quickly install the BNWAS system themselves. All-in-one satellite communications solutions Ku band antenna by Interschalt intervals, Bluetracker automatically queries data from various onboard systems – such as engine room monitoring and control systems, automation systems and bunker fill-level sensors – collects them and then saves them in an SQL database. The data are transmit- Photo: Interschalt ISM fleet management system. With only one SQL database for the entire fleet, the user receives a fleet-wide overview of the technical stature of the vessels. Bluefleet can be enhanced with additional modules such as those for controlling, crew management and risk assess- AIRTIME – A global Ku band solution for ship-to-shore communication with an intelligent 1m VSAT antenna is a further highlight to see at Interschalt‘s stand. A small-diameter Ku band antenna, it is compact enough to be installed on any ship. The comprehensive Ku band solution includes airtime, hard- and software. Interschalt‘s intelligent Ku band solution is scalable and can be customised to meet specific user needs, from regional to multiregional satellite coverage all the way to global service. Germany-based Voith is displaying numerous new and further developments at this year’s SMM in Hamburg. Eyecatchers are a full-scale Voith Schneider Propeller and fullscale Voith Inline Thruster. In addition, Voith is presenting the new SteamTrac waste heat recovery system, a functional model of a new control stand and the Voith Radial Propeller. Voith is unveiling its proprietary control system for the steering and propulsion of vessels equipped with Voith Schneider Propellers or Voith Radial Propellers. The functional model of a control stand includes all bridge components such as joystick, steering wheel and propulsion lever, showing SMM visitors just how fast and precise the new control system operates. It will be installed for the first time in a double-ended ferry at the end of the year and go into series production by mid-2013. One eye-catcher at this year’s SMM is the size 36 Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP), which is about 6m high. A new Voith Radial Propeller (VRP) of the second size class, with a diameter of 3.8m, is also being presented at the show. Having an input power of 4,500 kW, these VRPs are particularly suited to drilling vessels and drilling platforms that are generally equipped with six to eight propulsion units. The company is also displaying two Voith Inline Thrusters (VIT) as well as a Voith Inline Propulsor (VIP), known as RIM drives, which support vessels during manoeuvring and dynamic positioning but can also be used as main propulsion systems. They combine electrical, mechanical and hydrodynamic elements and ensure low vibration, extremely smooth running, excellent hydrodynamic characteristics as well as an environmentally friendly, compact and low-maintenance design. Voith will present a VIT with a propeller diameter of 1m along with the new, currently most powerful VIT 2300 - 1500 thruster with Dr Martin Füllenbach (left), member of the management board of Voith Turbo, and Carsten J. Reinhardt, member of the corporate board of management Photo: BONUM / Höner an internal diameter of 2.3m and power of 1,500 kW. To date, this RIM drive technology power class is unparalleled. Further developments presented by Voith at SMM include the SteamTrac. During combustion of fuel in diesel engines, about 60 per cent of the energy is converted into waste heat. The Voith SteamTrac enables re-use of some of this energy, result- ing in an increase in propulsion energy and simultaneous decrease of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The SteamTrac is currently undergoing longterm testing on board the push boat Veerhaven X, which runs daily between Rotterdam and Duisburg. Voith Turbo at SMM: Hall A4 / Stand 203 Interschalt at SMM: Hall B6 / Stand 307 Safe winch operation with HATLAPA QuickRelease For more information see : | | OUR FUTURE PORTFOLIO ship conversion and repair installation of ballast water treatment systems offshore wind operation & maintenance facilities and concepts engine maintenance and repair combined power & heat plants installation of Dry Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Visit us .EG, in Hall B4 7 Booth 31 MWB Motorenwerke Bremerhaven AG | Barkhausenstrasse 60 | 27568 Bremerhaven | Germany | Tel: + 49 (0) 471 / 94 50 - 0 | Fax: + 49 (0) 471 / 94 50 - 200 | | 14 SMM Daily News | 7 5 September 2010 2012 | No 1 2 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 15 SMM DaIly neWS | GREEN TECH SMM DaIly neWS | GREEN TECH presented by compliance with Ballast Water Management convention Modern tanker, pumping out ballast water The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) is expected to enter into force in 2014 at the earliest. To help shipowners comply with the upcoming regulations, a number of guidelines have been developed. They include “Ballast Water: The Guide”, recently published by the UK-based service provider Fathom. It is estimated that the merchant shipping fleet transports up to 12 billion tonnes of ballast water around the globe annually. To prevent non-native Photos: Ship&Offshore species from invading alien ecosystems, in 2004 the IMO adopted the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention). It requires ships to conduct a ballast water exchange or meet a concentrationbased ballast water discharge standard in accordance with a gradually implemented schedule linked to the ship’s build date and amount of ballast on board. Since vessels have not been designed and equipped to treat ballast water, installation of a ballast water management system is necessary to ensure conformity with the strict water quality standards set in what is known as Regulation D2. However, the BWM Convention has yet to reach the required number of signatories for formal ratification. Entry into force will occur 12 months after ratification by 30 states representing 35 per cent of world merchant shipping gross tonnage. There are many installation challenges to overcome, such as compatibility with existing ballast pumps and tank stripping ejectors, as well as space, power and safety concerns. Careful consideration must also be given to how performance may vary as operating conditions – e.g. sediment content, algae, salinity and temperature – change. Initial purchase and installation costs are obvious factors, but operating costs over the life of the vessel need to be calculated, too. In cooperation with the classification society ABS, UK-based Fathom, a provider of market intelligence pro- X GlOBal DeManD FOr SySteMS Globally 68,000 ships need to get ready for compliance with the BWM Convention. However, it is questionable whether shipyards, equipment manufacturers, class societies and others will be able to meet the demands on time. To demonstrate the risk of possible bottlenecks in the installation and retrofi t of ballast water treatment systems, the classification society Lloyd’s Register has created the following diagram, showing the upcoming global demand for treatment systems: ducts and services for the marine and energy industries, has published “Ballast Water: The Guide”. It says the guide is an essential tool for shipowners in ories: mechanical, physical and chemical. The ballast water management system may be installed at various locations throughout a vessel. The acceptability of the location and arrangement depend on the type of treatment system under consideration, the installation specifications and the type of vessel involved. Each installation must be carefully evaluated to verify that potential safety concerns and pollution hazards are adequately addressed, according to Fathom’s guide. The publication can be accessed at: A modern ballast water treatment system examples of ballast water treatment systems The Coldharbour Marine inert-gas system has been optimised for large tankers, LNG/ LPG carriers and IGG-equipped bulkers BWMS with easy access for inspection and maintenance 16 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 17 SMM DaIly neWS | HALL PLAN SMM DaIly neWS | SELECTED DIARy presented by presented by SMM Booking Center Shuttle Bus to B Halls Admin. Underground Car Park, HMC Sternschanze West Entrance Lagerstr. Shuttle Bus to Hotels and Car Park Heiligengeistfeld Central Entrance A4 Me ssep latz A3 Planten un Blomen Park St .P A2 A1 et er sb B1 ur ge rS tr. Photo: HMC B2 Central Multi-Storey Car Park B3 B8 Karolinenstr. B7 Shuttle Bus to A Halls WEDNESDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 08:30 - 13:00 Seminar: DNV Software Nauticus Machinery B4 East Entrance Conference B, Kopenhagen 1 09:00 - 18:00 Seminar: Castrol Marine HALL B6, BOOTH 103 B5 09:30 - 18:00 Event: Experts Day GROMEX Eastern Underground Car Park Hall B1 National Pavilions Hall B2 Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry Production Equipment Ship Engineering& Design National Pavilions Hall B3 Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry National Pavilions Hall B4 Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry National Pavilions Hall B5 General Outfitting / Interior Outfitting, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Safety Equipment, Fire Protection Marine Coatings / Corrosion Protection Conference B / Kopenhagen 3 is Prime Movers and Propulsion Systems, Lubrication 09:30 - 17:30 Event: Marine Coatings Conference South Entrance 10:00 - 12:00 Event: How modern navigation technology can help reduce emissions and save fuel! Raytheon Anschütz GmbH ac Hall A3–A4 Messehallen Heiligengeistfeld Hall B6 / Stand 304 Hall B6 Navigation and Communication Electric Drives, Automation, Light, Sensors & Indicators, Software& EDP, Electric Equipment Marine Technology Hall B7 10:00 - 12:00 Event: MS&D - Security of Maritime Logistics Hamburg Messe und Congress Shipbuilding Material National Pavilions Maritime Security & Defence new s it u V i s S M M RG at MBU 012 A 2 in H s e p t B 6 4-7 Hall 103 nd Sta 10:30 - 11:30 Press Talk: MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 Conference B / Room Marseille 14:00 - 16:00 Seminar: Emissions to Air + Technology Solutions EGCSA Conference B / Kopenhagen 1 14:00 - 15:30 Event: NMMT - Information about NMMT - National Master Plan for Maritime Technologies KVH Industries A/S Foyer South Upper Floor B3.UF / Kopenhagen 3.1 15:00 - 16:00 Event: SATCOM Technology Update at SMM KVH Industries A/S Hall B6 / Stand 304 15:15 Event: Ship of the year 2012 Skipsrevyen Hall B7 / Stand 115 16:00 - 18.00 Event: AMVER Awards US Coast Guard Conference A / St Petersburg 16:00 - 16:30 Event: MS&D - Conclusion and Outlook Hamburg Messe and Congress Conference B / Room Marseille visit us Have a successful day at SMM.Further information can be found at at 0th11201 2 M M S B3.EG, Boo Please Hall BUREAU VERITAS S.A. Zweigniederlassung Hamburg Marine Department HanseNautic GmbH Herrengraben 31 . 20459 Hamburg +49 40 37 48 11-0 . RZ_HanseNautic_SMM_DN_183x63.indd 1 14:00 - 16:00 Event: MS&D - Future Maritime Capabilities Hamburg Messe und Congress 15:00 - 16:00 Product Introduction: Fuel Cost Reduction by Propeller Thrust Measurement VAF Instruments BV Conference B / Room Marseille Hall B8 Hall A3 / Stand 305 18 Hall B6 / Room B6.5 Hall A1 / Stand 518 Shuttle Bus to Hotels gl Pumps, Valves, Compressors fen hhö Kirc n e d Bei en Hall A2 B6 lst Ship Operation Equipment, Environmental Technologies Deck Equipment, Cargo Handling Systems Ho Hall A1 Hall B6 / Room B6.1 13:00 - 16:00 Seminar: For Sales Agents KROHNE Skarpenord Hall A2 / Room A2.2 Stephansplatz 11:00 - 12:30 Workshop: ECDIS DIGITAL NAVIGATION Admiralty Veritaskai 1, 21079 Hamburg Tel.: +49 40 23625-0 Fax: +49 40 23625-620 E-Mail: 8/23/2012 10:05:33 AM SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 19 SMM DaIly neWS | DIESEL ENGINES SMM DaIly neWS | FIRE PROTECTION The new 6M19.3 diesel engine Photo: Moteurs Baudouin KJ FireOff water mist system for roro ferries Knaack & Jahn Schiffbau GmbH, a piping and fire-fighting systems specialist with headquarters in Hamburg, is presenting its KJ FireOff water mist fire protection system for RoRo ferries at SMM 2012. the new diesel engines by Moteurs Baudouin Moteurs Baudouin is a subsidiary of China’s Weichai Power Company, a global diesel engine provider for the industrial, heavy vehicle and marine sectors whose European R&D centre is located at Moteurs Baudouin’s headquarters in France. Moteurs Baudouin is presenting two new products from its electrical power solutions portfolio at SMM in Hamburg: the 4W105S marine generator set and the 6M19.3 marine diesel engine. The company says the 6M19.3 high-pressure, common rail (HPCR) marine diesel engine offers reliable and economical propulsion for the marine and inland shipping industries. Specially developed for typical marine cycles, the 6M19.3 achieves outstanding specific fuel oil consumption in its category down to 192 g/kWh in towing speed / max power. The engine’s increased efficiency simultaneously allows high power availability in- cluding high torque at intermediate and idling speed. The six-cylinder inline 6M19.3 engine covers a power range from 331 to 425 kW at 1,800 to 2,200 rpm. The electronically controlled engine also ensures lower airborne noise, significantly reduced NOx and particulate values and offers optimised operating costs at extended maintenance intervals, according to the manufacturer. The 4W105S marine generator KJ FireOff is the brand name for effective fire protection on ships. The special water mist sprinkler system is available in a wet and a dry version. Both have been tested as per MSC1/ Circ.1272, which replaced the earlier IMO test standard MSC/Circ.914. The regulation includes approval scenarios and tests of system performance in fire suppression. In simulated fires on RoRo car and truck decks, the reliability and durability of the nozzles The fire protection systems operate with seawater and are corrosionresistant Photo: Knaack & Jahn were tested. They also operate with seawater and are corrosion-resistant. KJ FireOff OHM-PX1 automatic nozzles are for wet system detection with glass bulbs. Detection by means of the bulbs is extremely fast and reliable – their aesthetic design is combined with high functionality. KJ FireOff OHM-OPX1 is the open nozzle for deluge systems. This newly designed nozzle is for dry applications. The release functions both automatically and manually. Deluge systems will be the preferred solution on decks at risk of freezing. The Knaack & Jahn system and all individual components fulfil all relevant shipbuilding industry requirements, and all marine approvals are available. Knaack & Jahn Schiffbau GmbH at SMM: Hall B5 / Stand 522 set adds an 85 (105) kVA – 50 (60) Hz prime power solution to the company’s portfolio. Based on a four-cylinder, inline diesel prime mover with mechanical injection, the 4W105S consolidates Moteurs Baudouin’s comprehensive power range up to 845 (875) kVA. The 4W105S is also available with standby power ratings of 95 (115) kVA. Moteurs Baudouin at SMM: Hall A3 / Stand 112 Expand your business with leading maritime events in Asia Expand your business with leading maritime events in Asia 21 - 23 November 2012 Poly World Trade Centre Guangzhou, China 5 - 7 March 2013 Saigon Exhibition Convention Centre (SECC) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 8 - 10 October 2013 Bombay Exhibition Centre Mumbai, India Three industry events offering an unparalleled opportunity for international i and regional players to promote and grow their business in Asia. Be part of this growth. For stand enquiries and sponsorship opportunities contact: Guru Prasath K R Group Exhibitions Director T: +65 6517 3002 E: 20 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 Satyam Chopra Sales Manager T: +65 6319 2668 Kristian Schischke E: German Pavilion – Sales Agent T: +49 30 61 78 43 / 40 M: +49 172 6048 321 E: SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 21 SMM DaIly neWS | BOOK TIP SMM DaIly neWS | SHIPBUILDING X THE MARITIME BOOKSTORE RECOMMENDS handbuch Schiffssicherheit – Erkennen, Bewerten, Entscheiden, Handeln (“Ship Safety Manual – Recognising, Assessing, Deciding, Acting”) The second edition of the “Ship Safety Manual” provides comprehensive, upto-date information on how to effectively develop and implement the safety management required on seagoing vessels, and particularly on how to deal with imminent dangers during the operation of a vessel. Working through the manual’s major topics such as fire protection, grounding, water ingress and hazardous materials – with example calculations and cases – the student / ship’s officer can acquire the professional expertise necessary to recognise and assess poten- tially dangerous situations in advance, and to organise the appropriate protective measures for conceivable emergencies. A chapter on averting dangers / security – currently of great interest – was newly added, with important suggestions on how to defend a ship against threats, e.g. pirate attacks. There is also an extensive chapter, including many diagrammatic representations, on surviving emergencies at sea. The diverse objective and subjective factors in each phase of a rescue procedure are described, and proposals are made for the proper responses. Image of a fast supply intervention vessel (FSIV) Publisher: Joachim Hahne ı DVV Media Group/Seehafen Verlag ISBN: 978-3-87743-832-9 ı Price: EUR 78 (incl. VAT., excl. shipping costs) SAMCon – Shore Connection Systems On-Shore and Onboard Power Supply piriou exhibits together with Seatech engineering The France-based shipbuilding group Piriou will present its three core activities – shipbuilding, repairs and naval engineering – at SMM 2012. Thanks to the adaptation of its successful engineering approach (study, supply and logistics) to suit its worldwide industrial sites, the Piriou group SAM Electronics GmbH Behringstrasse 120 22763 Hamburg . Germany Photo: Piriou brings global customised solutions to its customers – from ship design to shipbuilding and maintenance under operational conditions during production. Building vessels for the offshore oil and gas industry has also become an important business area. A new range of FSIVs (fast supply intervention vessels) as well as a series of 60 FRBs (fast rescue boats) are currently under construction in Vietnam. Piriou also has a presence in Poland: its design office Seatech Engineering, which is a co-exhibitor at SMM. From traditional fishing to tug supply vessels for 160-tonne oil rigs, from lightweight anti- pollution ships to 90 m industrial refrigerated tuna seiners, and from maritime to fluvial vessels – all of these references serve as stepping stones to further progress, and innovate and reinforce a know-how cultivated by this diversity. Piriou at SMM: Hall B8 / Stand 107 Phone: +49 - (0)40 - 88 25 - 27 20 Fax: +49 - (0)40 - 88 25 - 41 02 AHO-041-AdvEuroport-63x183-drukklaar.indd 1 Please visit us at SMM 2012, 4 - 7 September, Hall B6, Stand 310. 8/16/2012 9:54:36 AM SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 23 SMM Daily News | CRANES SMM Daily News | SHIP DESIGN Cargotec improves efficiency of global cargo flows Design of LNG dual-fuel ship on market At SMM in Hamburg, Cargotec will showcase its solutions for loading and unloading goods on land and at sea. Cargotec presents its wide range of loading and unloading systems at SMM Photo: Cargotec The Finland-based company works closely with shipowners, shipyards, classification societies and consultants to improve cargo flow efficiency and deliver sustainable solutions to the marine and offshore industries. Wide product range for the offshore industry Through its MacGregor brand, Cargotec offers hatch covers, cranes, RoRo cargo and passenger access equipment, selfunloading systems and lashing systems. Cargotec at SMM: Hall A1 / Stand 308 Offshore – Maritime Weather Forecasts Deutscher Wetterdienst Postfach 301190 20304 Hamburg E-Mail: Internet: Special advice and forecasts Source: Vestas For ports and terminals, Cargotec delivers MacGregor linkspans, shore ramps and passenger gangways as well as Siwertell bulk handling equipment. Its product portfolio for the offshore industry includes a broad range of advanced solutions for subsea load handling, anchor handling as well as towing and mooring operations. Cargotec’s fully integrated cargo flow solutions can secure costeffective operations and long service lifetimes by harmonising the essential functions of cargo access, towage, care and handling. Our Offshore support General weather situation, text and graphics Tabulated forecasts for any position Forecasts for all important weather elements in high resolution Wind forecasts at different levels On request individual advice by qualified meteorologists Update twice a day mooring Easier & safer... … with DYNEX™ towing lightweight floatable 33 0º 30 º º Mid Range BN 80 BN Cylinder liner displaying a mixture of rust and corrosion Cylinder liner displaying no significant corrosive wear Helmut Radebold (left), project director of Technolog GmbH, and Hans Jürgen Voigt, managing director of Technolog GmbH Photo: BONUM / Höner matched. LNG supply on board is ensured worldwide by means of an innovative and flexible tank arrangement consisting of both fixed and mobile bunker tanks. The container tanks can be taken on and off board with the normal container loading and unloading system. Achieving fuel savings of up to 33% compared with conventional newbuilds, a Stream container ship with a capacity of 4,200 TEU emits as many as 500,000 fewer tonnes of CO2 in its lifetime, depending on its operating area. Stream stands for “Sustainable Transport, Reliable, Economical and Ambitious”; it can also be adapted to other types of ships. The first Stream design for an LNG dual-fuel powered offshore transport ship has been contracted by China’s Jiangsu Hantong Ship Heavy Industry. Delivery is scheduled for April 2014. The vessel, to be operated by the shipping company owned by the Jiangsu Hantong Group, will service the route from Nantong, China, to Wilhelmshaven, Germany, and transport foundations and components for the construction of offshore wind farms. According to Technolog, the ship has a range of 22,000 nautical miles, so it is possible to make a round trip without refuelling. Technolog at SMM 2012: Hall B5 / Stand 304 Slow Steaming. Does your Cylinder Lubricant have a High Enough BN to Protect your Engine like BP Energol CL 805? • BP Energol CL 805 is BP’s advanced high Base Number (BN) cylinder lubricant offering excellent corrosion protection when slow steaming, without the need to increase lubricant feed rates • BP Energol CL 805 is the only lubricant approved by Wärtsilä for slow steaming operations up to 3.5% sulphur fuels at minimum feed rates 60 90º customized ropes SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 The pictures show liner material exposed to the reaction of two different lubricants at 60 o C and sulphuric acid levels equivalent to 2%HFO. 0º lifting deep sea operations 24 friendlier ships, but also save costs and minimise business risks,” said Hans-Jürgen Voigt, Technolog’s managing director. IPP partner Technolog recently put the first design of an LNG dual-fuel powered container ship on the market. Its “Stream 4200 LNG” concept was jointly developed over several years with such well-known companies as the classification society Germanischer Lloyd (GL), TGE Marine Gas Engineering, the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA), Cargotec, and MAN Diesel & Turbo. The design, already tested and approved by GL, is applicable to container ships with capacities ranging from 3,000 TEU to wide-bodied vessels carrying 5,000 TEU. With breadths of 32.2 to 37.4 m, Stream ships are meant for global deployment. All of the engineering and construction – from the dual-fuel propulsion technology to a waste heat recovery unit, optimised hull design and open cargo holds without hatch covers, allowing individual stowage – were efficiently more safety long lasting Beginning in 2015, ships in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) may only operate with fuel having a maximum sulphur content of 0.1 per cent. LNG is completely sulphur-free and contains less carbon than bunker oils, which also reduces ships’ emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Most shipping companies remain very sceptical of the new fuel, however, because LNG supply in ports is not yet ensured and operating LNG-powered ships is more expensive – or so they assume. Technolog begs to differ. “By switching to LNG operation, shipping companies can not only offer environmentally towing high breaking strength tugging Experts are already touting liquefied natural gas (LNG), which meets International Maritime Organization (IMO) fuel sulphur limits, as the ship fuel of the future. Hamburg-based Technolog GmbH, a partner of the German engineering alliance IPP (Ingenieur Partner Pool), has put the first design for an LNG dual-fuel powered container ship on the market. BP Energol CL 805. The right solution for slow steaming. phone +49 (0)431-220 2121 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 25 SMM DaIly neWS | DIESEL ENGINES SMM DaIly neWS | EMISSIONS Man presents new mediumspeed dual-fuel engine Federal-Mogul serves the marine industry Germany-based MAN Diesel & Turbo, a provider of large-bore diesel engines and turbomachinery for marine and stationary applications, highlights some of its current areas of focus at this year’s SMM in Hamburg. The US-based Federal-Mogul Corporation designs, engineers, manufactures and distributes technologies to improve fuel economy, reduce emissions and enhance vehicle safety. As an exhibitor at this year’s SMM in Hamburg, the company is presenting a range of technologies designed to boost the efficiency and lower the emissions and fuel consumption of diesel engines in the shipping industry. WHR: MAN Diesel & Turbo offers highly efficient steam and gas turbines as part of its innovative waste heat recovery (WHR) system portfolio. The company is a package supplier that can integrate a WHR system – including economisers, steam/power turbine generator and condensing unit – into a vessel and guarantee the performance of the complete WHR system cycle. It can also deliver a package that includes the shaft generator/motor system, which provides substantial flexibility for a complete WHR cycle. Dual-fuel engine: The company’s development of its new, medium-speed, four-stroke L35/44DF engine continues the expansion of its product programme with a dual-fuel engine based on common-rail technology. The engine is a highefficiency unit with a specific power output in accordance with IMO Tier II emission lim- MAN Diesel & Turbo´s new, medium-speed, four-stroke L35/44DF engine Photo: MAN Diesel & Turbo its in diesel mode, and fulfils future IMO Tier III emission regulations in gas operation with a high degree of fuel flexibility (HFO, MDO, MGO and natural gas). With an output of 530 kW/ cylinder, the inline 35/44DF engine is available in 6- to 10Lcylinder configurations that imply a power output range from 3.2 MW to 5.3 MW, the highest power output in the segment. The 35/44DF has been specially developed to accommodate the retrofit of the 32/44CR-T2 engine, using a high level of component synergies and the same crankcase, which can be remachined on board. G-engines: During a ceremony in Shanghai in April 2012, CMD (CSSC-MES Diesel Co, Ltd) officially signed a contract to construct the first Chinese-built MAN B&W design Green Series 7G80ME-C9.2 engine. Due for delivery in June 2013, the engine is bound for a 319,000-dwt, ABS class VLCC (very large crude carrier) to be built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co, Ltd (SWS) for Maran Tankers of Greece. Kappel propellers: On March 20th 2012, MAN Diesel & Turbo approved the takeover of Kappel Propeller – including designs, Win an iPad! Enter our lucky draw! Just drop off your business card at stand A1.523. Daily draw prize one Seehafen Verlag book Weekly draw prize one iPad 26 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 For over seven decades, FederalMogul has specialised in devel- oping, designing and manufacturing piston ring technology for large-bore reciprocating engines. The company’s product range of compression and oil rings, which will be on display at SMM, starts at a diameter of 145 mm and covers ring solutions of up to 1,080 mm. While the same set of requirements applies to most combustion engines, each application may still require individual ring properties. This is why the company has dedicated engineering capabilities for large-bore engine rings. In addition to ring software, and intellectual property. The companies’ collaboration goes back to 2004, when MAN Diesel & Turbo supplied highly efficient Kappel CP propeller blades as part of extensive refurbishment of two Scandlines ferries. MAN Diesel & Turbo aims to mature the energysaving propeller technology and implement it in a greater variety of customer solutions, including the hydrodynamic integration of rudder bulbs, high-efficiency rudders, hull flow-guiding devices and ducts. MAN Diesel & Turbo at SMM: Hall A3 / Stand 200 Federal-Mogul´s stand at SMM 2012 materials, Federal-Mogul offers a substantial portfolio of highperformance coatings, such as GDC (Goetze Diamond Coating), CKS, chromium, plasma coatings, PVD (physical vapour deposition) and twin-layer coatings. Federal-Mogul at SMM: lKZ Oil ring comparison Federal-Mogul’s patented LKZ oil control ring, unlike conventional or standard oil rings, combines a stepped surface and taper on its contacting edge, or “land”, and reduces oil consumption by up to 50 per cent and friction by up to 15 per cent, thereby improving fuel economy and emissions. Depending on the level of wear resistance required by engine manufacturers, Federal-Mogul can apply a variety of surface treatments, or “coatings”, to minimise wear or even further reduce engine friction Photo: BONUM / Höner No voodoo – just know-how. When we deliver a perfectly insulated cruise-ship we use over a million insulation needles – and a technique some call voodoo. We call it long-term know-how. Find out more about our approach to all challenges in the planning and execution of all kinds of vessels and maritime applications at the SMM in Hamburg. Visit us at the SMM: Hall B5, Booth 106 or online SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 27 SMM Daily News | Protection SMM Daily News | chart management systems Fire safety on board with Autronica Safe navigation with Thomas Gunn Autronica Fire and Security is a Norway-based fire and gas safety systems manufacturer. The company is showing its entire portfolio, which is relevant to the merchant, tanker, offshore and passenger ship markets, at this year’s SMM. There are several new systems on display, including a new flame detector and gas panel solution, both of which offer a number of improvements over existing solutions. Fire suppression technology is another highlight at the Autronica stand due to the growing trend of some vessels to move Visitors at SMM 2012 have the opportunity to see the new Voyager 4, the latest development of the automated chart management system from Thomas Gunn Navigation Services, the British navigational chart and equipment specialist. away from traditional CO2 fire suppression to water mist suppression. Significant benefits Water mist systems such as Autronica’s FlexiFOG provide significant benefits, e.g. they can be activated the moment a fire is detected, rather than having to wait for personnel to clear and seal the area before a fire can be suppressed. Upgrades to Autronica’s AutroMaster ISEMS (integrated safety and emergency management system), which enable safety officers to ensure completely integrated incident manage- Packed full of new applications, Voyager 4 is said to offer an easyto-use, cost-effective and highquality database of navigational data neatly displayed using an interactive map interface with Autronica´s AutroSafe 4 was launched at SMM ment processes, are also being highlighted. The system – used by some of the largest passenger vessels – continues to be expanded with new features and Admiralty information overlay that can be customised to individual voyage requirements. Thomas Gunn said it had incorporated a number of industry firsts into the new Voyager. The new route-planning functionality will enable the operator to plot an optimum route and then automatically receive a tailored list of corrections for that route alone, while the digital loose-leaf application delivers digitised updates straight to the vessel. Thomas Gunn is also very proud of its partnerships with organisations such as Shipping Guides, Regs4ships and SPOS, and of new features such as ENC display and touchscreen technology, which have been developed in response to customer feedback. Voyager 4 will ensure the bridge has access to the specialist navigation tools essential for a safe and efficient passage, the company said. Thomas Gunn at SMM: Hall B6 / Stand 234 Photo: Autronica functionality that Autronica is also showing at SMM 2012. Autronica Fire and Security at SMM: Hall B7 / Stand 116 Professional Publications for Shipping, Marine and Offshore Technology The Voyager 4 chart management system, the latest development with new navigation functions Editor in Chief Dr Silke Sadowski greets Maritime Industry Co-ordinator Hans-Joachim Otto Photo: BONUM / Oldenburg Germany’s maritime industry co-ordinator visits DVV Media Group During an opening day tour of SMM on Tuesday, a delegation headed by Hans-Joachim Otto, the German federal government’s maritime industry co-ordinator, stopped by the stand of the DVV Media Group, publisher of the SMM Daily News. The delegation was greeted by Dr Silke Sadowski, editor in chief of the Germanlanguage shipping magazine Schiff&Hafen and its Englishlanguage sister publication, Ship&Offshore. She gave a brief overview of the comprehensive, advertisement-rich trade fair daily and of other DVV publications as well. For Otto, SMM is a high-tech window that opens every two years. “Whoever wants to get an idea of the global shipbuilding and marine technology markets should look through this window,” he remarked. And the specialist media are an indispensable aid. DVV Media Group at SMM: Hall A1 / Stand 523 Photo: Thomas Gunn In tion associa with 2010 No 4 | 10 September ministerial director Dr. Manfred Schubert, sector the offshore dangers face in Germany’s Federal Economics Ministry, addresses the offshore but major forum: Big growth HMC/M. Zapf Photo: the premiere for ue Successful shore Dialog first SMM Off Hall A1, Stand 126 Federal Ecotor in Germany’s future potential nomics Ministry. SMM about the Chairman of in the sector. John Westwood, and challenges challenges the Gulf of Mex- British consultancy company potential. Offshore Dia“The events in exploiting this The first SMM Ltd., forelarge the staged as have showed how for the Douglas Westwood logue conference, heard that are from the ico growth in the 2010, technical challenges Dr. Man- cast continued for the Around 400 experts part of SMM in said politics and is expected five years offshore industry, days of de- offshore sector,” massive growth direc- coming two and gas exploraSchubert, ministerial research met for offshore oil during the fred and power generabate and discussion tion, mining faced in will also be PartnerShip | Please visit us Hall B7, Stand 511 years but huge tion in coming 03.08.2012 09:53:37 s_Tag4.indd 1 SMM-10_DailyNew Visit us! Stand A�.��� 28 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 29 SMM Daily News | ballast water treatment SMM Daily News | ship design Optimarin forecasts bottleneck in meeting BWT regulations Latest development SWASH@A&R Optimarin, a leading provider of ballast water treatment (BWT) systems, announced its current turnover figures at SMM on Tuesday. The Norwegian company is showing a robust 3rd quarter, with revenue climbing to NOK 150 million (EUR 20.5 million). This is a more than 100 per cent increase over last year’s aggregate turnover of NOK 77 million. But Optimarin says the shipping industry has to act faster to meet IMO ballast water regulations taking effect in 2016. hull). For greater stability, the SWASH has two outriggers on either side, similar to a trimaran. The outriggers provide a further advantage: “With them we get a plane surface required to berth safely,” explained Karsten Fach, head of sales and marketing at A&R. “In principle the SWASH type works as well as a SWATH boat.” But in contrast to a SWATH, the SWASH is a monohull in which the entire propulsion technology – diesel engine, generator, gearbox, propeller shaft and thruster – is located. This means that more space is available on deck, which accommodates up to ten people. The lifting hull is placed approximately 3m under the water surface and is connected to the deck area via struts. “For us, the SWASH development is a stabilised single hull, where the lifting comes from the middle tube,” Photos: BONUM / Höner; A&R SWASH (small waterplane area single hull) is a 20 m boat and further development of the shipyard’s successful SWATH (small waterplane area twin “We estimate that only 5 per cent of the some 77,800 BWTapplicable ships in the world fleet have ordered their systems. Hundreds of shipowners are stalling decisive action, which will severely affect future operations and earnings,” said Pål Sanner, CEO of Optimarin. Approximately 18,200 general cargo vessels, 6,400 passenger ships and 6,300 offshore vessels must meet IMO’s BWT criteria by 2014. A large number of vessels, including 9,000 bulk carriers, 14,000 tankers, 19,500 chemical carriers, RoRo and combination vessels and 4,900 container vessels must meet the 2016 BWT deadline. “There can be a serious bottleneck when shipowners Holger Elies, Optimarin regional sales manager Germany W SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 Abeking & Rasmussen at SMM: Hall B4.EG / Stand 208 The new SWASH that year – an average of 45 systems per day. “We are facing a very strong demand in the next months, but the big question is whether the supply side will be able to handle future BWT system demand,” Sanner said. Optimarin recently signed a major fleet-wide retrofit ballast agreement treatment contract with Saga Shipholding for NOK 100 million and celebrated a second contract, valued at approximately NOK 25 million, with Evergreen Marine Corp for ten newbuild container ships. Total Evergreen contracts with Optimarin stand at nearly NOK 70 million. The company’s current order book comprises 130 confirmed orders. In all, some 180 typeapproved Optimarin Ballast Systems (OBS) have been sold and about 35 systems are now installed on ships around the world. scramble to meet global BWT regulations in a few years’ time. With the US Coast Guard now pushing its own ballast water regulation, global shipowners must ramp up their BWT decision-making processes,” Sanner said. If all shipowners plan a BWT retrofit during a vessel’s five-year survey, about 11,000 retrofits will have to be completed between 2013 and 2016. Market observers estimate a peak in 2017, with 16,500 vessels needing to be retrofitted Fach said. The main propulsion will be provided by a 900 kW diesel engine powering a pitch propeller that brings the boat to respectable speeds of up to 18 kn. The first trials are expected to be conducted this autumn, at which time interested parties can have a closer look at the finished boat. Photo: BONUM / Höner Optimarin at SMM: Hall B7, Stand 115A Karsten Fach, head of sales and marketing at A&R invitation Supplier of elcome to our Breakfast 30 Well known internationally for its outstanding and revolutionary ship designs, the shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen, located near Bremen, is presenting its latest development at this year’s SMM in Hamburg: SWASH@A&R. 53.56177 / N 53° 33‘ 7‘‘ 9.97498 / E 9° 58‘ 5‘‘ 9:30 -10:30 DVV Media‘s Hall A1/Stand 523 • life-saving equipment • lifting appliances • complete life-saving packages for the civil, commercial, military and special shipbuilding d-i davit international gmbh Phone: +49 (0)4271 9327-0 Fax: +49 (0)4271 9327-27 Join us at SMM Hall B5 Booth 219 SMM Daily News | 5 September 2012 | No 2 31 Future energy management Challenging regulations New technology Higher fuel costs At Lloyd’s Register we know that managing energy is about understanding the complex relationship between challenging regulations, new technology and higher fuel costs. We can help you negotiate this complexity and improve energy performance – without reducing safety. For us it’s about energy management. Discover more at or talk to us at SMM – stand B4.EG.211a Lloyd’s Register is a trading name of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries. For further details please see
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