1 EC2314 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING UNIT – I - INTRODUCTION 1. What is meant by signal and signal Processing? A signal is defined as any physical quantity that varies with time, space, or any other independent variable. Signal processing is any operation that changes the characteristics of a signal. These characteristics include the amplitude, shape, phase and frequency content of a signal. 2. What are the classifications of signals? There are five methods of classification of signals based on different features: a) Based on independent variable. (i) Continuous time signal (ii) Discrete time signal b) Depending upon the number of independent variable (i) One dimensional signal (ii) Two dimensional signal (iii)Multi-dimensional signal c) Depending upon the certainty by which the signal can be uniquely described as. (i) Deterministic signal (ii) Random signal d) Based on repetition nature (i) Periodic signal (ii) Non-Periodic signal e) Based on reflection (i) Even signal (ii) Odd signal 3. Define – Discrete System Discrete time system is defined as a device or algorithm that operates on a discrete time input signal x(n) , according to some well-defined rule, to produce another discrete – time signal y(n) called the output signal. 4. What are the classifications of discrete time systems? The classifications of discrete time systems are: 1. Static and Dynamic system 2. Time-variant and time-invariant system 3. Linear and non-linear system 4. Stable and Unstable system 5. Causal and noncausal system 2 5. Differentiate Continuous time from Discrete time signal. Continuous time signal: It is also referred as analog signal i.e., the signal is represented continuously in time. Discrete time signal : Signals are represented as sequence at discrete time intervals 6. Define – Digital Signal A discrete time signal or digital is defined as which discrete valued represented by a finite number of digits is referred to as a digital signal. 7. What is deterministic signal? Give example. A signal that can be uniquely determined by a well-defined process such as a mathematical expression or rule, or look-up table is called deterministic signal. Example: A sinusoidal signal v(t ) Vm sin t 8. What is random signal? A signal that is generated in a random fashion and cannot be predicted ahead of time is called a random signal. Example : Speech signal , ECG signal and EEG signal. 9. Define – Periodic Signal and Non-periodic Signal Periodic signal: A periodic signal is defined as the signal x(n) is periodic with period N if and only if x(n+N) = x(n) for all n. Non-periodic signal: A non-periodic signal is defined as if there is no value of N that satisfies the equation x(n+N) x(n). 10. What are the symmetric and antisymmetric signals? Symmetric signal: A real valued signal x(n) is called symmetric if x(-n) = x(n). Antisymmetric signal: A signal x(n) is called antisymmetric if x(-n) = -x(n). 11. What are energy and power signals? Energy signal: The energy of a discrete time signal x(n) is defined as E n x(n) 2 A signal x(n) is called an energy signal if and only if the energy obeys the relation 0 E . For an energy signal P = 0. Power signal : The average power of a discrete time signal x(n) is defined as 3 N 1 P lim x(n) N 2 N 1 n N 2 A signal x(n) is called power signal if and only if the average power P satisfies the condition 0 P . 12. What are the different types of signal representation? The different types of signal representation are: 1. Graphical representation 2. Functional representation 3. Tabular representation 4. Sequence representation 13. What are the different types of operations performed on discrete-time signals? The different types of operations performed on discrete-time signals are: 1. Delay of a signal 2. Advance of a signal 3. Folding or Reflection of a signal 4. Time scaling 5. Amplitude scaling 6. Addition of signals 7. Multiplication of signals 14. Represent the following duration sequence x(n)={1, 3, –1, –4} as a sum of weighted impulse sequences. Given: x(n)={1, 3, -1, -4} We can write x(n) 1 x(k ) (n k ) 2 1 (n 1) 3 (n) 1 (n 1) 4 (n 2) 15. What is a static and dynamic system? A discrete time system is called static or “memory less” if its output at any instants „n‟ depends on the input samples at the same time , but not an past or future samples of the input. Example: y(n) = ax(n) Y(n) = ax2(n) In any other case, the system is said to be dynamic or to have memory. Example: y(n) = ax(n-1) + x(n-2) y(n) = x(n) + x(n-1) 4 16. What is a time-invariant system? A system is called time-invariant if its input-output characteristics do not change with time. Ex.: y(n) = x(n) + x(n-1) 17. What is a causal system? A system is said to be causal, if the output of the system at any time depends only on present and past inputs, but does not depend on future inputs. This can be expressed mathematically as, y(n) = F[x(n), x(n-1), x(n-2)………] 18. Define – Stable System Any relaxed system is said to be Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO) stable if and only if every bounded input yields a bounded output. Mathematically, their exist some finite numbers, Mx and My such that, x(n) Mx and y(n) My 19. What is a linear system? A system that satisfies the superposition principle is said to be a linear system. Superposition principle states that , the response of the system to a weighted sum of signals be equal to the corresponding weighted sum of the outputs of the system to each of the individuals input signals. 20. Define – Unit Sample Response (Impulse Response) of a system The unit sample response is defined as the output signal designated as h(n), obtained from a discrete time system when the input signal is a unit sample sequence (unit impulse). The output y(n) of an LTI system for an input signal x(n) can be obtained by convolving the impulse response h(n) and the input signal x(n). y(n) x(n) h(n) k x(k )h(n k ) 21. What is the causality condition for an LTI system? The necessary and sufficient condition for causality of an LTI system is, its unit sample response h(n) = 0 for negative values of n i.e., h(n) = 0 for n<0 22. What is the necessary and sufficient condition on the impulse response for stability? The necessary and sufficient condition guaranteeing the stability of a linear time-invariant system is that its impulse response is absolutely summable. h(k ) 23. What is meant by discrete or linear convolution? The convolution of discrete – time signal is known as discrete convolution. Let x(n) be the input to an LTI system and y(n) be the output of the system. Let h(n) be the response of the 5 system to an impulse. The output y(n) can be obtained by convolving the impulse response h(n) and the input signal x(n). y ( n) x ( k ) h( n k ) k (OR) y ( n) h( k ) x ( n k ) k 24. What are the steps involved in the convolution process? The steps involved in the convolution process are 1. Express both sequences in terms of the index k. 2. Folding: Fold the h(k) about the origin and obtain h(-k). 3. Time shifting: Shift the h(k) by n units to right if n is positive or left if n is negative to obtain h(n-k). 4. Multiplication: Multiply x(k) by h(n-k) to obtain w(k)=x(k)h(n-k) 5. Summation: Sum all the values of the product w(k) to obtain the value of output y(n). 6. Increment the index n, shift the sequence h(n-k) to right by one sample and do step4. 25. What is meant by sampling process? Sampling is the conversion of a continuous time signal(or analog signal) into a discrete – time signal obtained by taking samples of the continuous time signal ( or analog signal ) at discrete time instants. 26. State sampling theorem. A sampling theorem states that the band limited continuous time signal with highest frequency(band width) fm hertz , can be uniquely recovered from its samples provided that the sampling rate fs is greater than or equal to 2fm samples per second. 27. Define – Nyquist Rate The Nyquist rate is defined as the frequency 2fm, which under sampling theorem, must be exceeded by the sampling frequency. 28. What is meant by quantization process? The process of converting a discrete time continuous valued signal into discrete time discrete valued signal is called quantization. 29. What is meant by aliasing effect? The superimposition of high frequency component on the low frequency is known as “frequency aliasing” or “aliasing effect”. 30. How can aliasing be avoided? To avoid aliasing the sampling frequency must be greater than twice the highest frequency present in the signal. 6 31. What is an anti-aliasing filter? A filter used to reject frequency signals before it is sampled to reduce the aliasing is called an anti-aliasing filter. 32. What is meant by critical sampling? If the sampling frequency is exactly equal to the Nyquist rate is known as critical sampling. 33. What are the steps involved in the A/D conversion? The steps involved in the A/D conversion are: 1. Sampling 2. Quantization 3. Coding 34. What is meant by quantization error? It is the difference between the quantized value and actual sample value. eq(n) = xq(n) - x(n) 35. What is meant by quantization level? The value that allows in a digital signal is called the quantization level. 36. Define – Resolution or Quantization Step Size The resolution is defined as the distance between two successive level. 37. What is meant by SQNR? The quality of the output of the A/D converter is usually measured by the Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR), which is ratio of the signal power to noise power. P SQNR av Pq 38. What is the use of a sample and hold circuit? The sample and hold circuit is used to hold the sample the analog signal and hold the sampled value constant as long as the A/D converter takes time for accurate conversion. 39. Define – Conversion Time Conversion time may be defined as the time taken by an ADC for converting a given amplitude, expressed in decimal value, of a quantized analog signal applied across its input terminals into corresponding binary – equivalent value. 40. Define – Voltage Resolution The voltage resolution is defined as Votageresolution VFS 2n 1 Where, VFS - full scale voltage and n - number of bits. 7 42. Define – Percentage Resolution Percentage resolution is defined as 1 %resolution n 100 2 41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of counter-ramp type ADCs? The advantages of counter-ramp type ADCs are: 1. The principle is simple and straightforward. 2. It is very easy to construct this ADC. 3. This basic principle is employed in many advanced ADCs. The disadvantages counter-ramp type ADCs are: 1. Only increasing voltages can be measured. 2. The system is very slow. 3. This may be mainly used to read DC voltages. 42. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SAADC? The advantages of SAADC are: 1. It is more accurate than the stair case (counter ramp ) ADC. 2. It maintains a high resolution. 3. It is much faster. 4. Its conversion time is much less. The disadvantages of SAADC are: 1. It requires a complex register called the successive approximation register. 2. It is costly, as it contains more components. 43. Write the formula for conversion time of SAADC? n Conversiontime f where, n – number of bits and f – clock frequency 44. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flash converter? The advantages of flash converter are: 1. The fastest conversion process (governed only by propagation delay of the gates. 2. Highest accuracy 3. Highest resolution possible by increasing the number of comparators. The disadvantages of flash converter are: 1. Very complicated circuitry 2. Cost is proportional to the number of comparators, which in turn depends on the resolution required. 8 45. What are the different types of analog to digital converters? The different types of analog to digital converters are: 1. Flash A/D converter 2. Successive approximation converter 3. Counting type A/D converter 4. Over sampling Sigma – Delta converter 46. What are the different types of digital to analog converter? The different types of digital to analog converters are 1. Weighted – resistor D/A converter 2. Resistor – ladder D/A converter 3. Over sampling D/A converter 47. Define – Z-transform. The Z-transform of a discrete time signal or sequence is defined as the power series. X ( z) x ( n) z n n 48. What is meant by region of convergence? The region of convergence (ROC) of X(z) is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value. 49. What are the properties of region of convergence? The properties of region of convergence are: 1. The ROC is a ring or disk in the Z – plane centered at the origin. 2. The ROC cannot contain any poles. 3. The ROC of an LTI stable system contains the unit circle. 4. The ROC must be a connected region. 50. What are the properties of z-transform ? 1. Linearity: z a1 x1 (n) a2 x2 (n) a1 X 1 ( z ) a2 X 2 ( z ) m1 2. Shifting: (a) zx(n m) z m X ( z ) x(i) z mi i 0 m 3. (b) zx(n m) z X ( z ) m d 4. Multiplication: z n x(n) z X ( z ) dz m n 1 5. Scaling in z- domain: z a x(n) X a z 1 6. Time reversal : zx( n) X ( z ) 7. Conjugation: z x (n) X ( z ) 9 n 8. Convolution: z h(n m)r (m) H ( z ) R( z ) m 0 9. Initial value: zx(0) Lt X ( z ) z 10. Final value: zx( ) Lt (1 z 1 ) X ( z ) z 1 51. State Parseval‟s relation in z-transform. Parseval‟s relation in z-transform state that If x1(n) and x2(n) are complex valued sequences, then 1 1 x1 (n) x2 (n) X 1 (v) X 2 v 1dv 2j c v n 52. What is the relationship between z-transform and DTFT? The z-transform of x(n) is given by X ( z ) x ( n) z n …….(1) n where, z re j Substituting z value in eqn (1) we get, X (re j ) x(n)r n e jn …………… …..(2) The Fourier transform of x(n) is given by X ( e j ) x ( n )e j n …………………… .(3) n Eqn(2) and Eqn(3) are identical , when r=1. In the z-plane this corresponds to the locus of points on the unit circle z 1. Hence X (e j ) is equal to X(z) evaluated along unit circle , or X (e j ) X ( z) | z e j For X (e j ) to exist, the ROC of X(z) must include the unit circle. 53. What are the different methods of evaluating inverse z-transform? The different methods of evaluating inverse z-transform are: 1. Long division method 2. Partial fraction method 3. Residue method 4. Convolution method 10 54. Find the convolution of the following using z-transform. x(n) 1,1,1 ; h(n) 1, 2,1 Solution: Z x(n) h(n) X ( z ) H ( z ) X ( z )(1 z 1 z 2 ) H ( z ) (1 2 z 1 z 2 ) X ( z ) H ( z ) (1 3z 1 4 z 2 3z 3 z 4 ) x(n) h(n) 1,3,4,3,1 55. Define – System Function Let x(n) and y(n) be the input and output sequences of an LTI system with impulse response h(n). Then the system function of the LTI system is defined as the ratio of Y(z) and X(z), i.e., Y ( z) H ( z) X ( z) where, Y(z) is the z – transform of the output signal y(n) X(z) is the z – transform of the input signal x(n) UNIT – II FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM 1. Define – Fourier Transform of a discrete time signal. The Fourier transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is defined as F x(n) X ( ) x ( n )e jn n 2. Why is the FT of a discrete time signal called signal spectrum? By taking Fourier transform of a discrete time signal x(n) , it is decomposed into its frequency components. Hence the Fourier transform is called signal spectrum. 3. List out the difference between Fourier transform of discrete time signal and analog signal. 1. The FT of analog signal consists of a spectrum with a frequency range to . But the FT of discrete time signal is unique in the range to ( or 0 to 2 ) , and also it is periodic with periodicity of 2 . 2. The FT of analog signals involves integration but FT of discrete time signals involves summation. 11 4. Define – Inverse Fourier Transform The inverse Fourier transform of X() is defined as F 1 X ( ) x(n) 1 2 X ()e jn d 5. List out some applications of Fourier transform. The applications of Fourier transform are 1. The frequency response of LTI system is given by the Fourier transform of the impulse response of the system. 2. The ratio of the Fourier transform of output to Fourier transform of input is the transfer function of the system in frequency domain. 3. The response of an LTI system can be easily computed using convolution property of Fourier transform. 6. What is the frequency response of LTI system? The Fourier transform of the impulse response h(n) of the system is called frequency response of the system. It is denoted by H(). 7. Write the properties of frequency response of LTI system. The properties of frequency response of LTI system are 1. The frequency response is periodic function with a period of 2 . 2. If h(n) is real then H () is symmetric and H ( ) is antisymmetric. 3. If h(n) is complex then the real part of H ( ) is antisymmteric over the interval 0 2 . 4. The frequency response is a continuous function of . 8. Write short notes on the frequency response of first order system. A first order system is characterized by the difference equation y(n) x(n) ay(n 1) The frequency response of first order system depends on the co efficient “a” in the difference equation governing the LTI system. When the value of “a|” is in the range of 0<a<1, the first order system behaves as a low pass filter. When the value of “a” is in the range –1<a<0, the first order system behaves as a high pass filter. 9. Write short notes on the frequency response of second order system. A second order system is characterized by the difference equation y (n) 2r cos 0 y (n 1) r 2 y (n 2) x(n) r cos 0 x(n 1) The frequency response of second order system depends on the parameters “r” and “ 0 ” in the difference equation of the LTI system. When the value of r is in the range of 0<r<1, the second order system behave as a resonant filter with center frequency 0 . When the value of r is varied from 0 to 1, the sharpness of resonant peak will increase. 12 10. Define – Discrete Fourier Series Consider a sequence xp(n) with a period of N samples so that xp(n)=xp(n/N); Then the discrete Fourier series of the sequence xp(n) is defined as N 1 X p (k ) x p (n)e j 2kn / N n 0 11. What are the two basic differences between the Fourier transform of a discrete time signal with the Fourier transform of a continuous time signal? 1. For a continuous signal, the frequency range extends from to . On the other hand, the frequency range of a discrete – time signal extends from to ( or 0 to 2 ) . 2. The Fourier transform of a continuous signal involves integration, whereas, the Fourier transform of a discrete – time signal involves summation process. 12. Find the Fourier transform of a sequence x(n) = 1 for 2 n 2 = 0 otherwise. Solution: X ( ) x(n)e jn n 2 e j n n 2 e j 2 e j 1 e j e j 2 1 2 cos 2 cos 2 13. Define – Discrete Fourier Transformation of a given sequence x(n) The N- point DFT of a sequence x(n) is N 1 X (k ) x(n)e j 2kn / N k= 0, 1, 2……..N-1. n 0 14. Write the formula for N- point IDFT of a sequence X(k). The N-point IDFT of a sequence X(k) is 1 N 1 x(n) X (k )e j 2k / N n= 0, 1 , 2 …..N-1 . N K 0 15. List out any four properties of DFT. 1. Periodicity If X(k) is N- point DFT of a finite duration sequence x(n), then x(n N ) x(n) for all n X (k N ) X (k ) for all k . 2. Linearity If X1(k)=DFT[x1(n)] and X2(k)=DFT[x2(n)], then DFT[a1x1(n)+a2x2(n)]=a1X1(k)+a2x2(k) 13 3. Time reversal of a sequence If DFT {x(n)}=X(k), then DFT{x((-n))N}=DFT{x(N-n)}=X((-k))N=X(N-k) 4. Circular time shifting of a sequence If DFT {x(n)}=X(k), then DFT{x((n-l))N}=X(k) e j 2kl / N 16. IF N-point sequence x(n) has N- point DFT X(k) then what is the DFT of the following? (i ) x (n) (ii) x ( N n) (iii) x(( n l )) N (iv) x(n)e j 2 ln/ N Solution: (i ) DFT{x (n)} X ( N k ) (ii) DFT{x ( N n)} X (k ) (iii) DFT{x((n l )) N } X (k )e j 2kl / N (iv) DFT{x(n)e j 2 ln/ N } X ((k l )) N 1 17. Calculate the DFT of the sequence x(n) = 4 n forN 16 N 1 Solution: X (k ) x(n)e j 2kn / N K=0, 1 , 2…..N-1 n0 n 15 1 e j 2kn / 16 n 0 4 1 e j k / 8 n 0 4 15 n 16 1 1 e j 2k 4 1 1 e j k / 8 4 18. State the time shifting property of DFT. The time shifting properties of DFT states that j 2kn / N X (k ) If DFT[x(n)] = X(k), then DFT[x((n-m))N] = e 14 19. Find the DFT of the sequence x(n)={ 1,1,0,0 } Solution: N 1 X (k ) x(n)e j 2kn / N k=0,1,2,…..N-1 n 0 3 x ( n)e j 2 kn / 4 k 0,1, 2 , 3. n 0 3 X (0) x ( n) {1 1 0 0} 2 n 0 3 X (1) x ( n)e j n / 2 {1 j 0 0 } 1 j n 0 3 X (2) x ( n)e j n {1 1 0 0 } 0 n 0 3 X (3) x ( n)e j 3 n / 2 {1 j 0 0 } 1 j n 0 X ( k ) {2,1 j , 0,1 j } 20. When is the DFT X(k) of a sequence x(n) imaginary? If the sequence x(n) is real and odd (or) imaginary and even, then X(k) is purely imaginary. 21. When is the DFT X(k) of a sequence x(n) is real? If the sequence x(n) is real and even (or) imaginary and odd , then X(k) is purely real. 22. State the circular frequency shifting property of DFT. The circular frequency shifting property of DFT states that If DFT[x(n)]=X(k), then DFT[x(n) e j 2 ln/ N ] X (( k l )) N 23. What is meant by zero padding? What are its uses? The process of lengthening the sequence by adding zero – valued samples is called appending with zeros or zero – padding. Uses: 1. We can get “better display” of the frequency spectrum. 2. With zero padding, the DFT can be used in linear filtering. 15 24. What is meant by understand by periodic convolution? Let x1 p (n) and x 2 p (n) be two periodic sequences each with period N with DFS x ( n) X DFS x1 p (n) X 1 p (k ) 2p 2p and (k ) ……………………………(1) If X 3 p (k ) X 1 p (k ) X 2 p (k ) then the periodic sequence x3 p (n) with Fourier series coefficients X 3 p ( k ) can be obtained by periodic convolution, defined as N 1 x3 p (n) x1 p (m) x 2 p (n m) ………………………………(2) n 0 The convolution in the form of eqn(2) is known as periodic convolution, as the sequences in eqn(2) are all periodic with period N, and the summation is over one period. 25. Define – Circular Convolution The convolution property of DFT is defined as the multiplication of the DFTs of the two sequence equivalent to the DFT of the circular convolution of the two sequences. X 1 (k ) X 2 (k ) DFT{x1 (n) x2 (n)} N 1 x3 (n) x1 (m) x2 ((n m)) N m 0 26. How is the circular convolution obtained by using graphical method? Given two sequences x1 (n) and x 2 (n) , the circular convolution of these two sequences x3 (n) x1 (n) Nx 2 (n) can be obtained by using the following steps. 1. Graph N samples of x1 (n) , as equally spaced points around an outer circle in counter clockwise direction. 2. Start at the same point as x1 (n) graph N samples of x 2 (n) as equally spaced points around an inner circle in clock wise direction. 3. Multiply corresponding samples on the two circles and sum the products to produce output. 4. Rotate the inner circle one sample at a time in clock wise direction and go to step 3 to obtain the next value of output. 5. Repeat step 4 until the inner circle first sample lines up with the first sample of the exterior circle once again. 27. Distinguish between linear and circular convolution of two sequences. Sl. No. Linear Convolution Circular convolution If x(n) is a sequence of L number of If x(n) is a sequence of L number of samples and h(n) with M number of samples and h(n) with M number of 1 samples , after convolution y(n) will samples , after convolution y(n) will contain N=L+M-1 contain N=Max(L,M) samples. 16 2 3 Linear convolution can be used to find Circular convolution cannot be used the response of a linear filter. to find the response of a filter. Zero padding is not necessary to find Zero padding is necessary to find the the response of a linear filter. response of a filter. 28. What are the steps involved in circular convolution? The circular convolution involves basically four steps as the ordinary linear convolution. They are: 1. Folding the sequence 2. Circular time shifting the folded sequence 3. Multiplying the two sequences to obtain the product sequence 4. Summing the values of product sequence 29. What are the different methods performing circular convolution? The different methods of performing circular convolution are: 1. Graphical method 2. Stockhman‟s method 3. Tabular array method 4. Matrix method 30. Obtain the circular convolution of the following sequences x(n)={1, 2, 1 }; h(n)={ 1, -2, 2 } Solution: The circular convolution of the above sequences can be obtained by using matrix method. h(0) h(2) h(1) x(0) y (0) h(1) h(0) h(2) x(1) y (1) h(2) h(1) h(0) x(2) y (2) 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 y (n) 3, 2, 1 31. How is obtain linear convolution obtained from circular convolution? Consider two finite duration sequences x9n) and h(n0 of duration L samples and N samples respectively. The linear convolution of these two sequences produces an output sequence of duration L+M-1 samples, whereas, the circular convolution of x(n) and h(n) give N samples where N=Max(L,M) . In order to obtain the number of samples in circular convolution equal to L+M-1, both x(n) and h(n) must be appended with appropriate number of zero valued samples. In other words, by increasing the length of the sequences x(n) and h(n) to L+M-1 points and then circularly convolving the resulting sequences we obtain the same result as that of linear convolution. 17 32. What is meant by sectioned convolution? If the data sequence x(n) is of long duration , it is very difficult to obtain the output sequence y(n) due to limited memory of a digital computer. Therefore, the data sequence is divided up into smaller sections. These sections are processed separately one at a time and combined later to get the output. 33. What are the different methods used for the sectioned convolution? The two methods used for the sectioned convolution are: 1. the overlap-add method 2. the overlap-save method. 34. Differentiate overlap-add method from overlap – save method. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Overlap – add method In this method the size of the input data block is N=L+M-1 Each data block consists of the last M-1 data points of the previous data followed by the L new data points. In each output block, M-1 points are corrupted due to aliasing, as circular convolution is employed. To form the output sequence the first M-1 data points are discarded in each output block and the remaining data is fitted together. Overlap – save method In this method the size of the input data block is L. Each data block has L points and we M-1 zeros are appeared to compute N-point DFT. In this no corruption due to aliasing as linear convolution is performed using circular convolution. To form the output sequence, the last M-1 points from each output block is added to the first (M-1) points of the succeeding block. 35. Distinguish between DFT and DTFT. Sl. No. 1. 2. DFT DTFT Obtained by performing sampling Sampling is performed only in time operation in both the time and domain. frequency domains. Discrete frequency spectrum Continuous function of 36. What is meant by FFT? The term Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) usually refers to a class of algorithms for efficiently computing the DFT. It makes use of the symmetry and periodicity properties of twiddle factor W NK to effectively reduce the DFT computation time. It is based on the fundamental principle of decomposing the computation of DFT of a sequence of length N into successively smaller discrete Fourier transforms. The FFT algorithm 18 provides speed increase factors, when compared with direct computation of the DFT, of approximately 64 and 205 for 256 points and 1024 – point transforms respectively. 37. How many multiplications and additions are required to compute N-point DFT using radix-2 FFT? The number of multiplications and additions required to compute N-point DFT using radix-2 N FFT are N log 2 N and log 2 N respectively. 2 38. How many multiplications and additions are required to compute N-point DFT directly? The number of multiplications and additions required to compute N-point DFT are N ( N 1) and N 2 respectively. 39. What is the speed improvement factor in calculating 64-point DFT of a sequence using direct computation and FFT algorithms? (OR) Calculate the number of multiplications needed in the calculation of DFT and FFT with 64point sequence. The number of complex multiplications required using direct computation is N 2 64 2 4096 The number of complex multiplications required using FFT is N 64 log 2 N log 2 64 192 2 2 4096 Speed improvement factor= 21.33 192 40. What is meant by radix-2 FFT? The FFT algorithm is most efficient in calculating N-point DFT. If the number of output points N can be expressed as a power of 2, that is N 2 m , where m is an integer, then this algorithm is known as radix-2 FFT algorithm. 41. What is a decimation-in-time algorithm? The computation of 8-point DFT using radix-2 FFT, involves three stages of computations. Here N = 8 = 23, therefore r= 2 and m = 3. The given 8-point sequence is decimated to 2-point sequences. For each 2-point sequence, the 2-point DFT is computed. From the result of 2-point DFT the 4-point DFT can be computed. From the result of 4-point DFT, the 8-point DFT can be computed. 42. What is decimation in frequency algorithm? It is the popular form of the FFT algorithm. In this the output sequence X(k) is divided into smaller and smaller subsequences. 19 43. What are the differences and similarities between DIT and DIF algorithms? The difference between DIT and DIF are: 1. In DIT, the input is bit-reversed while the output is in natural order. For DIF, the reverse is true, i.e., input is normal order, while the output bit is reversed. However, both DIT and DIF can go from normal to shuffled data or vice versa. 2. Considering the butterfly diagram in DIF, the complex multiplication takes place after the add-subtract operation. The similarities between DIT and DIF are: 1. Both algorithms require the same number of operations to compute DFT. 2. Both algorithms require bit-reversal at some place during computation. 44. What are the applications of FFT algorithms? The applications of FFT algorithms are: 1. Linear filtering 2. Correlation 3. Spectrum analysis UNIT – III DESIGN OF IIR FILTERS 1. What are the different types of structures for realization of IIR systems? The different types of structures for realization of IIR system are: 1. Direct form I structure 2. Direct form II structure 3. Cascade form structure 4. Parallel form structure 5. Lattice – ladder form structure 2. Distinguish between recursive realization and non-recursive realization. For recursive realization the current output y(n) is a function of past outputs, past and present inputs. This form corresponds to an Infinite – Impulse response (IIR) digital filter. For non-recursive realizations current output sample y(n) is a function of only past and present inputs. This form corresponds to an Finite Impulse response (FIR) digital filter. 3. How many numbers of additions, multiplications and memory locations are required to realize a system H(z) having M zeros and N poles in (a) Direct form – I realization (b) Direct form – II realization. 1. The Direct form – I realization requires M+N+1 multiplications, M+N additions and M+N+1 memory locations. 2. The Direct form – II realization requires M+N+1 multiplications, M+N additions and the maximum of (M,N) memory locations. 20 4. What is the main advantage of Direct form- II realizations when compared to Direct form – I realization? In Direct form – II realization, the number of memory locations required is less than that of Direct form – I realization. 5. Define – Signal Flow Graph A signal flow graph is defined as a graphical representation of the relationship between the variables of a set of linear difference equations. 6. What is transposed theorem? The transpose of a structure is defined by the following operations. 1. Reverse the directions of all branches in the signal flow graph 2. Interchange the input and outputs 3. Reverse the roles of all nodes in the flow graph 4. Summing points become branching points 5. Branching points become summing points According to transposition theorem if we reverse the directions of all branch transmittance and interchange the input and output in the flow graph, the system function remains unchanged. 7. What is canonic form structure? The direct form –II realization requires minimum number of delays for the realization of the system. Hence it is called as “Canonic form” structure. 8. What is the main disadvantage of direct form realization? The direct form realization is extremely sensitive to parameter quantization. When the order of the system N is large, a small change in a filter coefficient due to parameter quantization, results in a large change in the location of the poles and zeros of the system. 9. What is the advantage of cascade realization? Quantization errors can be minimized if we realize an LTI system in cascade form. 10. What are the different types of filters based on impulse response? Based on impulse response, the filters are of two types. They are: 1. IIR filter 2. FIR filter The IIR filters are of recursive type, whereby the present output sample depends on the present input, past inputs samples and output samples. The FIR filters are of non-recursive type whereby the present output sample depends on the present input sample and previous input samples. 21 11. What is the general form of IIR filter? The most general form of IIR filter can be written as M H ( z) b z k 0 k k N 1 ak k 1 12. Write the magnitude of Butterworth filter. What is the effect of varying order of N on magnitude and phase response? The magnitude function of the Butterworth filter is given by 1 H ( j) N 1, 2 , 3.............. 1 2N 2 1 c where, N is the order of the filter and c is the cut off frequency. The magnitude response of the Butterworth filter closely approximates the ideal response as the order N increases. The phase response becomes more non-linear as N increases. 13. List out the properties of Butterworth lowpass filters. 1. The magnitude response of the Butterworth filter decreases monotonically as the frequency increases from 0 to α. 2. The magnitude response of the Butterworth filter closely approximates the ideal response as the order N increases. 3. The Butterworth filters are all pole designs. 4. The poles of the Butterworth filter lies on a circle. 1 5. At the cut off frequency c , the magnitude of normalized Butterworth filter is . 2 14. What is Butterworth approximation? In Butterworth approximation, the error function is selected in such a way that the magnitude is maximally flat in the origin (i.e., at =0) and monotonically decreasing with increasing . 15. How are the poles of Butterworth transfer function located in s- plane? The poles of the normalized Butterworth transfer function symmetrically lies on an unit circle in s-plane with angular spacing of . N 16. What is Chebyshev approximation? In Chebyshev approximation, the approximation function is selected in such a way that the error is minimized over a prescribed band of frequencies. 22 17. What is Type –1 Chebyshev approximation? In type –1 Chebyshev approximation, the error function is selected in such a way that, the magnitude response is equi-ripple in the pass band and monotonic in the stop band. 18. What is Type-2 Chebyshev approximation? In type-2 Chebyshev approximation, the error function is selected in such a way that, the magnitude response is monotonic in pass band and equi-ripple in the stop band. The Type -2 magnitude response is called inverse Chebyshev response. 19. Write the magnitude function of Chebyshev low pass filter. The magnitude response of Type -1 low pass Chebyshev filter is given by 1 H a 1 2 C N2 c where, is attenuation constant and is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree N. C N c 20. How does the order of the filter affect the frequency response of Chebyshev filter? From the magnitude response of Type -1 Chebyshev filter it can be observed that the magnitude response approaches the ideal response as the order of the filter is increased. 21. How is the order N of Chebyshev filter determined? The order N of the Chebyshev filter is given by cosh 1 N cosh 1 s p 0.1 p where, 10 1 and 100.1 s 1 22. What are the properties of Chebyshev filter? 1. The magnitude response of the Chebyshev filter exhibits in ripple either in pass band or in the stop band according to the type. 2. The magnitude response approaches the ideal response as the value of N increases. 3. The Chebyshev type–1 filters are all pole designs. 4. The poles of Chebyshev filter lies on an ellipse. 1 5. The normalized magnitude function has a value of at the cutoff frequency c . 1 2 23 23. Compare Butterworth filter with Chebyshev Type -1 filter. Sl. No. Butterworth filter Chebyshev filter 1 All pole design All pole design The poles lie on a circle in s2 The poles lie on a ellipse in s-plane plane The magnitude response is The magnitude response is equi-ripple in maximally flat at the origin and 3 pass band and monotonically decreasing monotonically decreasing in the stop band. function of . The normalized magnitude response has a The normalized magnitude 1 1 value of at the cut off frequency response has a value of at 4 2 1 2 the cut off frequency c . c . 5. Only few parameters has to be calculated to determine the transfer function. A large number of parameter has to be calculated to determine the transfer function. 24. What are the different types of filters based on the frequency response? The filters can be classified based on frequency response. They are (i) low pass filter (ii)high pass filter (iii)Band pass filter (iv)Band reject filter. 25. Distinguish between FIR filter and IIR filter. Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. FIR filter These filters can be easily designed to have perfectly linear phase. FIR filters can be realized recursively and non – recursively. Greater flexibility to control the shape of their magnitude response. Errors due to round-off noise are less severe in FIR filters, mainly because feedback is not used. IIR filter These filters do not have linear phase. IIR filters are easily realized recursively. Less flexibility, usually limited to specific kind of filters. The round-off noise in IIR filters is more. 26. What are the design techniques of designing FIR filters? There are three well-known methods for designing FIR filters with linear phase. They are: 1. Windows method 24 2. Frequency sampling method 3. Optimal or minimax design. 27. What is meant understand by linear phase response? For a linear phase filter ( ) , the linear phase filter did not alter the shape of the original signal. If the phase response of the filter is non-linear, the output signal may be a distorted one. In many cases a linear phase characteristic is required throughout the pass band of the filter to preserve the shape of a given signal within the pass band. IIR filter cannot produce a linear phase. The FIR filter can give linear phase, when the impulse response of the filter is symmetric about its mid-point. 28. For what kind of application, can the anti-symmetrical impulse response be used? The anti-symmetrical impulse response can be used to design Hilbert transformers and differentiators. 29. For what kind of application, can the symmetrical impulse response be used? The impulse response, which is symmetric and having odd number of samples can be used to design all types of filters, i.e., low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject. The symmetric impulse response having even number of samples can be used to design low pass and band pass filter. 30. How are digital filters designed from the analog filters? 1. Map the desired digital filter specifications into those for an equivalent analog filter. 2. Derive the analog transfer function for the analog prototype. 3. Transform the transfer function of the analog prototype into an equivalent digital filter transfer function. 31. Write any two procedures for digitizing the transfer function of an analog filter. The two important procedures for digitizing the transfer function of an analog filter are: 1. Impulse invariance method. 2. Bilinear transformation method. 32. What are the requirements for a digital filter to be stable and causal? 1. The digital transfer function H(z) should be a rational function of z and the efficients of z should be real. 2. The poles should lie inside the unit circle in z-plane. 3. The number of zeros should be less than or equal to number of poles. co- 33. What are the requirements for an analog filter to be stable and causal? 1. The digital transfer function Ha(s) should be a rational function of s and the co-efficient of s should be real. 2. The poles should lie on the left half of s-plane. 3. The number of zeros should be less than or equal to the number of poles. 25 34. What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital filters? The advantages of digital filters are: 1. High thermal stability due to absence of resistors, inductors and capacitors. 2. The performance characteristics like accuracy, dynamic range, stability and tolerance can be enhanced by increasing the length of the registers. 3. The digital filters are programmable. 4. Multiplexing and adaptive filtering are possible. The disadvantages of digital filters are: 1. The bandwidth of the discrete signal is limited by the sampling frequency. 2. The performance of the digital filter depends on the hardware used to implement the filter. 35. What is impulse invariant transformation? The transformation of analog filter to digital filter without modifying the impulse response of the filter is called impulse invariant transformation (i.e., in this transformation the impulse response of the digital filter will be sampled version of the impulse response of the analog filter.) 36. What is the main objective of impulse invariant transformation? The objective of this method is to develop an IIR filter transfer function whose impulse is the sampled version of the impulse response of the analog filter. Therefore the frequency response characteristics of the analog filter are preserved. 37. Write the impulse invariant transformation used to transform real poles with and without multiplicity. The impulse invariant transformation used to transform real poles (at s = - pi) without multiplicity is 1 1 is transformed to piT s pi 1 e z 1 The impulse invariant transformation used to transform multiple real pole 1 s pi m is transformed to m 1 (at s = - pi) is m 1 (1) d 1 m 1 piT 1 (m 1) dpi 1 e z 38. What is the relation between digital and analog frequency in impulse invariant transformation? The relation between analog and digital frequency in impulse invariant transformation is given by Digital frequency, T where, - Analog frequency and T - Sampling time period 26 39. What is Bilinear transformation? The Bilinear transformation is a conformal mapping that transforms the s-plane to z-plane. In this mapping the imaginary axis of s-plane is mapped into the unit circle in z-plane, the left half of s-plane is mapped into interior of unit circle in z-plane and the right half of s-plane is mapped into exterior of unit circle in z-plane . The Bilinear mapping is a one – to-one mapping and it is accomplished when s 2 1 z 1 T 1 z1 40. What is the relation between digital and analog frequency in Bilinear transformation? In Bilinear transformation, the digital frequency and analog frequency are related by the equation, T Digital frequency, 2 tan 1 or 2 2 Analog frequency tan T 2 where, - Analog frequency T - Sampling time period 41. What is frequency warping? In bilinear transformation the relation between analog and digital frequencies is nonlinear. When the s-plane is mapped into z-plane using bilinear transformation, this nonlinear relationship introduces distortion in frequency axis, which is called frequency warping. 42. What is prewarping? Why is it employed? In IIR filter design using bilinear transformation, the conversion of the specified digital frequencies to analog frequencies is called prewarping. Prewarping is necessary to eliminate the effect of warping on amplitude response. 43. Explain the technique of prewarping. In IIR filter design using bilinear transformation the specified digital frequencies are converted to analog equivalent frequencies, which are called prewarp frequencies. Using the prewarp frequencies, the analog filter transfer function is designed and then it is transformed to digital filter transfer function. 44. Compare the impulse invariant transformation with bilinear transformation. Sl. No. Impulse Invariant transformation Bilinear transformation 1. 2. 3. It is many-to-one mapping It is one-to-one mapping. The relation between analog and digital frequency is linear. To prevent the problem of aliasing the analog filters should be band limited. The relation between analog and digital frequency is nonlinear. There is no problem of aliasing and so the analog filter need not be band limited. 27 4. The magnitude and phase response of analog filter can be preserved by choosing low sampling time or high sampling frequency. Due to the effect of warping, the phase response of analog filter cannot be preserved. But the magnitude response can be preserved by prewarping. UNIT – IV FIR FILTER DESGIN 1. What is the condition for the impulse response of FIR filter to satisfy constant group and phase delay and only constant group delay? For linear phase FIR filter to have both constant group delay and constant phase delay. ( ) For satisfying the above condition h(n) h( N 1 n) that is, the impulse response must be symmetrical about n N 1 2 If one constant group delay is desired, then ( ) For satisfying the above condition h(n) h( N 1 n) that is, the impulse response must be antisymmetrical about n N 1 2 2. What are the properties of an FIR filter? 1. FIR filter is always stable because all its poles are at the origin. 2. A realizable filter can always be obtained. 3. FIR filter has a linear phase response. 3. What are the steps involved in the FIR filter design? 1. Choose the desired (ideal) frequency response H d ( ) 2. Take inverse Fourier transform of H d ( ) to get hd (n) 3. Convert the infinite duration hd (n) to a finite duration sequence h(n) 4. Take Z – transform of h(n) to get the transfer function H (z ) of the FIR filter 4. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of an FIR filter? The necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of a FIR filter is that the phase function should be a linear function of , which in turn requires constant phase delay or constant group delay. 28 5. How is the constant group delay and phase delay achieved in linear phase FIR filters? Frequency response of FIR filters with constant group and phase delay H ( ) H ( ) e j ( ) The following conditions have to be satisfied to achieve constant group and phase delay: N 1 Phase delay, ( i.e., phase delay is constant ) 2 Group delay, ( i.e., group delay is constant) 2 Impulse response, h(n) = - h( N -1 – n ) (i.e., impulse response is anti symmetric ) 6. What are the possible types of impulse response for linear phase FIR filters? There are four types of impulse response for linear phase FIR filters. They are: 1. Symmetric impulse response when N is odd. 2. Symmetric impulse response when N is even. 3. Antisymmetric impulse response when N is odd. 4. Antisymmetric impulse response when N is even. 7. List out the well-known design techniques for linear phase FIR filter. There are three well known methods of design techniques for linear phase FIR filters. They are, 1. Fourier series method and window method. 2. Frequency sampling method. 3. Optimal filter design method. 8. Write the two concepts that lead to the Fourier series or Window method of designing FIR filters. The following concepts lead to the design of FIR filters by Fourier series method. 1. The frequency response of a digital filter is periodic with period equal to sampling frequency 2. Any periodic function can be expressed as a linear combination of complex exponentials 9. Write the procedure for designing FIR filter by Fourier series method. 1. Choose the desired (ideal) frequency response H d ( ) of the filter. 2. Evaluate the Fourier series co-efficient of H d ( ) which gives the desired impulse response hd (n) . 1 hd (n) 2 H d ( )e jn d 3. Truncate the infinite sequence hd (n) to a finite duration sequence h(n) . 4. Take Z – transform of h(n) to get a noncausal filter transfer function H (z ) of the FIR filter. 29 N 1 2 5. Multiply H (z ) by z to convert noncausal transfer function to a realizable causal FIR filter transfer function. H (z ) z N 1 2 N 1 2 h(0) h(n) z n z n n 1 10. What are the disadvantages of Fourier series method? In designing FIR filter using Fourier series method the infinite duration impulse response is N 1 truncated at n= . Direct truncation of the series will lead to fixed percentage overshoots 2 and undershoots before and after an approximated discontinuity in the frequency response. 11. What is Gibbs phenomenon? One possible way of finding an FIR filter that approximates H (e j ) would be to truncate N 1 the infinite Fourier series at n= .The abrupt truncation of the series will lead to 2 oscillation both in pass band and in stop band. This phenomenon is known as Gibbs phenomenon. 12. Write the procedure for designing FIR filter using windows. 1. Choose the desired (ideal) frequency response H d ( ) of the filter 2. Evaluate the Fourier series co-efficient of H d ( ) which gives the desired impulse response hd (n) 1 hd (n) 2 H d ( )e jn d 3. Choose a window sequence w(n) and multiply the infinite sequence hd (n) by w(n)to convert the infinite duration impulse response to finite duration impulse response h(n) h(n) hd (n) w(n) 4. Find the transfer function of the realizable FIR filter H (z ) z N 1 2 N 1 2 h(0) h(n) z n z n n 1 30 13. What are the desirable characteristics of the window? The desirable characteristics of the window are: 1. The central lobe of the frequency response of the window should contain most of the energy and should be narrow. 2. The highest side lobe level of the frequency response should be small. 3. The side lobe of the frequency response should decrease in energy rapidly as tends to . 14. What is window? Why is it necessary? One possible way of finding an FIR filter that approximates H (e j ) would be to truncate the N 1 infinite Fourier series at n= . The abrupt truncation of the series will lead to oscillation 2 both in passband and in stopband. These oscillations can be reduced through the use of less abrupt truncation of the Fourier series. This can be achieved by multiplying the infinite impulse response with a finite weighing w(n) , called a window. 15. List out the characteristics of FIR filter designed using windows. 1. The width of the transition band depends on the type of window. 2. The width of the transition band can be made narrow by increasing the value of N where N is the length of the window sequence. 3. The attenuation in the stop band is fixed for a given window, except in case of Kaiser Window where it is variable. 16. Write the procedure for FIR filter design by frequency sampling method. 1. Choose the desired frequency response H d ( ) ~ 2. Take N samples of H d ( ) to generate the sequence H ( k ). ~ 3. Take inverse DFT of H ( k ). to get the impulse response h(n) 4. The transfer function H(z) of the filter is obtained by taking Z-transform of impulse response. 17. What is meant by Optimum equiripple design criterion? Why is it followed? In FIR filter design by Chebyshev approximation technique, the weighted approximation error between the desired frequency and the actual frequency response is spread evenly across the pass band and stop band. The resulting filter will have ripples in both the pass band and stop band. This concept of design is called optimum equi-ripple design criterion. The optimum equiripple criterion is used to design FIR filter in order to satisfy the specifications of pass band and stop band. 18. Write the expression for frequency response of rectangular window. The frequency response of rectangular window is given by WR ( ) sin N sin 2 2 31 19. Write the characteristic features of Rectangular window. 4 1. The mainlobe width is equal to . N 2. The maximum sidelobe magnitude is -13dB. 3. The sidelobe magnitude does not decreases significantly with increasing. 20. List out the features of FIR filter designed using rectangular window. 1. The width of the transition region is related to the width of the mainlobe of window spectrum. 2. Gibb‟s oscillations are noticed in the passband and stopband. 3. The attenuation in the stopband is constant and cannot be varied. 21. Write the equation specifying Hanning windows. The equation for Hanning window is given by 2n ( N 1) ( N 1) for wH n (n) 0.5 0.5 cos n N 1 2 2 =0 Otherwise. 22. Write the equation specifying Hamming windows. The equation for Hamming window is given by 2n ( N 1) ( N 1) for wH (n) 0.54 0.46 cos n N 1 2 2 =0 Otherwise. 23. Write the equation specifying Blackman windows. The equation for Blackman window is given by 2n 4n ( N 1) ( N 1) for wB (n) 0.42 0.5 cos 0.08 cos n N 1 N 1 2 2 =0 Otherwise. 24. Write the equation specifying Bartlett windows. The equation for Bartlett window is given by 2n ( N 1) ( N 1) wT (n) 1 for n N 1 2 2 =0 Otherwise. 32 25. Write the equation specifying Kaiser windows. The equation for Bartlett window is given by 2n 1 N 1 wk (n) I 0 I 0 ( ) for n ( N 1) 2 =0 Otherwise. where, is an independent parameter. I 0 (x) is the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind 1 x k I 0 ( x) 1 k 1 k! 2 2 26. Write the characteristics features of Triangular window. The characteristics features of Triangular window are: 8 1. The mainlobe width is equal to . N 2. The maximum sidelobe magnitude is -25dB. 3. The sidelobe magnitude slightly decreases with increasing . 27. Why is the triangular window not good a good choice for designing FIR filters? In FIR filters designed using triangular window the transition from passband to stopband is not sharp and the attenuation in stopband is less when compared to filters designed with rectangular window. For the above two reasons the triangular window is not a good choice. 28. List out the features of hanning window spectrum. 8 1. The mainlobe width is equal to . N 2. The maximum sidelobe magnitude is -31dB. 3. The sidelobe magnitude slightly decreases with increasing . 29. List out the features of hamming window spectrum. 8 1. The mainlobe width is equal to . N 2. The maximum sidelobe magnitude is -41dB. 3. The sidelobe magnitude remains constant for increasing . 33 30. Compare Rectangular window with Hanning window. Sl. No. Rectangular window Hanning window The width of mainlobe in window The width of mainlobe in window 4 8 1 spectrum is spectrum is N N The maximum sidelobe magnitude The maximum sidelobe magnitude in 2 in window spectrum is -13dB. window spectrum is -31dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude slightly decreases with 3 magnitude decreases with increasing increasing In FIR filter designed using In FIR filter designed using Hanning 4 rectangular window the minimum window the minimum stop band stop band attenuation is 22dB. attenuation is 44dB. 31. Compare Rectangular window with Hamming window. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Rectangular window The width of mainlobe in window 4 spectrum is N The maximum sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -13dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude slightly decreases with increasing In FIR filter designed using rectangular window the minimum stopband attenuation is 22dB. Hamming window The width of mainlobe in window 8 spectrum is N The maximum sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -41dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude remains constant. In FIR filter designed using Hamming window the minimum stopband attenuation is 51dB. 32. Compare Hanning window with Hamming window. Sl. No. Hanning window Hamming window The width of mainlobe in window The width of mainlobe in window spectrum is 8 8 1 spectrum is N N The maximum sidelobe magnitude The maximum sidelobe magnitude in window 2 in window spectrum is -31dB. spectrum is -41dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude In window spectrum the sidelobe remains constant. Here the increased sidelobe magnitude decreases with 3 attenuation is achieved at the expense of increasing constant attenuation at high frequencies. 34 In FIR filter designed using Hanning window the minimum stop band attenuation is 44dB. 4 In FIR filter designed using Hamming window the minimum stop band attenuation is 51dB. 33. Compare Hamming window with Blackman window. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Hamming window The width of mainlobe in window 8 spectrum is N The maximum sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -41dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude remains constant with increasing In FIR filter designed using Hamming window the minimum stop band attenuation is 51dB. The higher value of sidelobe attenuation is achieved at the expense of constant attenuation at high frequencies. Blackman window The width of mainlobe in window 12 spectrum is N The maximum sidelobe magnitude in window spectrum is -58dB. In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude decreases rapidly with increasing In FIR filter designed using Blackman window the minimum stopband attenuation is 78dB. The higher value of sidelobe attenuation is achieved at the expense of increased mainlobe width. 34. List out the features of Blackman window spectrum. The features of Blackman window spectrum are: 12 1. The mainlobe width is equal to . N 2. The maximum side lobe magnitude is -58dB. 3. The sidelobe magnitude slightly decreases with increasing . 4. The higher value of sidelobe attenuation is achieved at the expense of increased mainlobe width. 35. List out the features of Kaiser window spectrum. 1. The width of mainlobe and the peak sidelobe are variable. 2. The parameter in the Kaiser window function, is an independent variable that can be varied to control the sidelobe levels with respect to mainlobe peak. 3. The width of the mainlobe in the window spectrum (and so the transition region in the filter) can be varied by varying the length N of the window sequence. 35 36. Compare Hamming window with Kaiser window. Sl. No. Hamming window Kaiser window The width of mainlobe in window The width of mainlobe in window 1 8 spectrum depends on the values of and spectrum is N. N The maximum sidelobe magnitude with The maximum sidelobe magnitude respect to peak of mainlobe is variable 2 in window spectrum is -41dB. using the parameter . In window spectrum the sidelobe In window spectrum the sidelobe magnitude remains constant with 3 magnitude decreases with increasing increasing In FIR filter designed using Kaiser In FIR filter designed using window the minimum stopband 4 Hamming window the minimum attenuation is variable and depends on the stopband attenuation is 51dB. value of . UNIT –V PROGRAMMABLE DSP CHIPS AND QUANTIZATION EFFECTS 1. What are the classification digital signal processors? The digital signal processors are classified as 1. General purpose digital signal processors. 2. Special purpose digital signal processors. 2. Write some examples for fixed point DSPs. Some examples for fixed point DSPs are: 1. TMS320C50 2. TM 320C54 3. TM 320C55 4. ADSP-219x 5. ADSP-219xx 3. Write some examples for floating point DSPs. Some examples for floating point DSPs are: 1. TMS320C3x 2. TMS320C67x 3. ADSP-21xxx 4. What are the factors that influence selection of DSPs? 1. Architectural features 2. Execution speed 3. Type of arithmetic 4. Word length 36 5. What are the applications of PDSPs? The applications of PDSPs are: 1. Digital cell phones 2. Automated inspection 3. Voicemail 4. Motor control 5. Video conferencing 6. Noise cancellation 7. Medical imaging 8. Speech synthesis 9. Satellite communication, etc. 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of VLIW architecture? The advantages of VLIW architecture are: 1. Increased performance 2. Better compiler targets 3. Potentially scalable 4. Potentially easier to program 5. Can add more execution units, allow more instruction to be packed into the VLIW instruction. The disadvantages of VLIW architecture are: 1. New kind of programmer/compiler complexity 2. Program must keep track of instruction scheduling 3. Increased memory use 4. High power consumption 5. Misleading MIPS ratings 7. What is meant by pipelining? Pipelining a processor means breaking down its instruction into a series of discrete pipeline stages which can be completed in sequence by specialized hardware. 8. What is pipeline depth? The number of pipeline stages is referred to as the pipeline depth. 9. What is the pipeline depth of TMS320C50, TM 320C54x? TMS320C50 – 4 TM 320C54x – 6 10. What are the different stages in pipelining? The different stages in pipelining are: 1. the Fetch phase 2. the Decode phase 3. Memory read phase 4. the Execute phase 37 11. Write the different buses of TM 320C5x and their functions. The „C5x architecture has four buses. They are: 1. Program bus (PB) 2. Program address bus (PAB) 3. Data read bus (DB) 4. Data read address bus (DAB) The program bus carriers the instruction code and immediate operands from program memory to the CPU. The program address bus provides address to program memory space for both read and write. The data read bus interconnects various elements of the CPU to data memory spaces. The data read address bus provides the address to access the data memory spaces. 12. List out the various registers used with ARAU. 1. Eight auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) 2. Auxiliary register pointer (ARP) 13. What are the elements that the control processing unit of „C5X consist of? 1. Central arithmetic logic unit (CALU) 2. Parallel logic unit (PLU) 3. Auxiliary register arithmetic unit (ARAU) 4. Memory mapped registers 5. Program controller 14. What is the function of parallel logic unit? The function of the parallel logic unit is to execute logic operations on data without affecting the contents of accumulator. 15. List out the on chip peripherals in „C5x. The on-chip peripherals interfaces connected to the „C5x CPU include 1. Clock generator 2. Hardware timer 3. Software programmable wait state generators 4. General purpose I/O pins 5. Parallel I/O ports 6. Serial port interface 7. Buffered serial port 8. Time-divisions multiplexed (TDM) serial port 9. Host port interface 10. User unmaskable interrupts 38 16. What are the arithmetic instructions of „C5x? The arithmetic instructions of „C5x are: 1. ADD 2. ADDB 3. ADDC 4. SUB 5. SUBB 6. MPY 7. MPYU 17. What are the logical instructions of „C5x? The logical instructions of „C5x are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AND ANDB OR ORB XOR XORB 18. What are the shift instructions? The shift instructions are: 1. ROR 2. ROL 3. ROLB 4. RORB 5. BSAR 19. What are load/store instructions? The load/store instructions are: 1. LACB 2. LACC 3. LACL 4. LAMM 5. LAR 6. SACB 7. SACH 8. SACL 9. SAR 39 20. What are the different types of arithmetic in digital systems? There are three types of arithmetic used in digital systems. They are: 1. Fixed point arithmetic 2. Floating point arithmetic 3. Block Floating arithmetic 21. What is meant by a fixed-point number? In fixed-point arithmetic the positions of the binary point is fixed. The bits to the right represent the fractional part of the number and those to the left represent the integer part. For example, the binary number 01.1100 has the value 1.75 in decimal. 22. What is meant by block floating point representation? What are its advantages? In block floating point arithmetic the set of signals to be handled is divided into blocks. Each block has the same value for the exponent. The arithmetic operations within the block uses fixed point arithmetic and only one exponent per block is stored, thus saving memory. This representation of numbers is most suitable in certain FFT flow graphs and in digital audio applications. 23. What are the advantages of floating point arithmetic? The advantages of floating point arithmetic are: 1. Larger dynamic range 2. Overflow in floating point representation is unlikely 24. Compare fixed point arithmetic with floating point arithmetic. Fixed Point Arithmetic Fast Operation Relatively economical Small dynamic range Round off error occur only for additions Overflow occur in addition Used in small computers Floating Point Arithmetic Slow Operation More expensive because of costlier hardware Increased dynamic range Round off errors can occur with both additions and multiplication Overflow does not arise Used in larger, general purpose computers 25. What are the three quantization errors due to finite word length registers in digital filters? The three quantization errors due to finite word length registers in digital filters are: 1. Input quantization error 2. Coefficient quantization error 3. Product quantization error 40 26. How are the multiplication and addition carried out in floating point arithmetic? In floating point arithmetic, multiplications are carried out as follows: Let f1=M1 x 2c1 and f2 = M2 x 2c2, then f3=f1x f2 = (M1xM2)2(c1+c2) That is, mantissas are multiplied using fixed point arithmetic and the exponents are added. The sum of two floating point numbers is carried out by shifting the bits of the mantissa of the smaller number to the right until the exponents of the two numbers are equal and then by adding the mantissas. 27. Write short notes on coefficient inaccuracy. (OR) What is coefficient quantization error? What is it‟s effect? The filter coefficients are computed to infinite precision in theory. But, in digital computation the filter coefficients are represented in binary and are stored in registers. If a b bit register is used, the filter coefficients must be rounded or truncated to b bits, which produces an error. Due to quantization of coefficients, the frequency response of the filter may differ appreciably from the desired response and some times the filter may actually fail to meet the desired response and the desired specifications. If the poles of desired filter are close to the unit circle, then those of the filter with quantized coefficients may lie just outside the unit circle, leading to unstability 28. What is product quantization error? Product quantization errors arise at the output of a multiplier. Multiplication of a b bit data with a b bit coefficient results in a product having 2b bits. Since a b bit register is used, the multiplier output must be rounded or truncated to b bits, which produces an error. This error is known as product quantization error. 29. What is meant by input quantization error? In DSP, the continuous time input signals are converted into digital using a b bit ADC. The representation of continuous signal amplitude by a fixed digit produces an error is known as input quantization error. 30. What is meant by truncation? Truncation is process of reducing the size of binary number by discarding all bits less significant than the least significant bit that is retained. (In the truncation of a binary number to b bits all the less significant bits beyond bth bit are discarded) 31. What is meant by rounding? Round is the process of reducing the size of a binary number to finite word size of b bits such that the rounded b-bit number is closest to the original un-quantized number. 41 32. What is Quantization step size? In digital systems, the numbers are represented in binary. With b-bit binary we can generate b 2 different binary codes. Any range of analog value to be represented in binary should be divided into 2b levels with equal increment. The 2b levels are called Quantization levels and the increment in each level is called Quantization step size. If R is the range of analog signal then, Quantization step size, q = R/2b. 33. What is called limit cycle? In recursive systems when the input is zero or some nonzero constant value, the nonlinearities due to finite precision arithmetic operations may cause periodic oscillations in the output. These oscillations are called limit cycle. 34. What is zero input limit cycle? In recursive system, the product Quantization may create periodic oscillations in the output. These oscillations are called limit cycles. If the system output enters a limit cycle, it will continue to remain in limit cycle even when the input is made zero. Hence these limit cycles are also called zero input limit cycles. 35. What is meant by dead band? In a limit cycle the amplitudes of the output are confined to a range of values, which is called dead band of the filter. 36. How can the system output be brought out of limit cycle? The system output can be brought out of limit cycle by applying an input of large magnitude, which is sufficient to drive the system out of limit cycle. 37. What is meant by overflow limit cycle? In fixed point addition the overflow occurs when the sum exceeds the finite word length of the register used to store the sum. The overflow in addition may lead to oscillations in the output which is called overflow limit cycle. 38. How can overflow limit cycle be eliminated? The overflow limit cycles can be eliminated either by using saturation arithmetic or by scaling the input signal to the adder. 39. What is saturation arithmetic? In saturation arithmetic when the result of an arithmetic operations exceeds the dynamic range of number system, then the result is set to maximum or minimum possible value. If the upper limit is exceeded then the result is set to maximum possible value. If the lower limit is exceeded then the result is set to minimum possible value. 42 CS2211 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING UNIT I 1. List out the four Object Oriented Programming concepts. (D-09) The Object Oriented Programming concept includes: 1. Objects 2. Classes 3. Data abstraction and encapsulation 4. Inheritance 2. What is abstract class? (D-09) An abstract class is one that is not used to create objects. An abstract class is designed only to act as a base class(to be inherited by other class). It is a design concept in program development and provides a base upon which other classes may be built. 3. Differentiate a class from a structure. Class 1. In class, the data members are private by default. 2. Scope resolution operator (::) is used for defining member functions. 3. New and delete operators are used for allocation and release of memory. 4. What is meant by data hiding? (M-10) Structure 1. In structure, the data members are public by default. 2. No such operators are used. 3. Malloc and Free are used for allocation and release of memory. (D-10) The insulation of the data from direct access by the program is called data hiding or information hiding. The data is not accessible to the outside world, and only those functions which are wrapped in the class can access it. 5. Define − Abstraction and Encapsulation (M-11) Data abstraction: Data abstraction refers to the act of representing essential features without including the background details or explanations. Data encapsulation: The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation. The data is not accessible to the outside world. 43 6. What is polymorphism? Polymorphism is another OOP concept. Polymorphism, Greek term, means the ability to take more than one form. An operation may exhibit different behaviors in different instances. The behavior depends upon the types of data used in the operation. 7. Differentiate local variable from a data member. Local variable 1. Local variable is a variable that belongs to the current scope. 2. The variables declared inside the function are called local variables. 3. Accessibility is not public. It can be accessed only inside the function. (D-11) Data member 1. A member variable is a variable that belongs to an object. 2. The member belonging to the class are member variables. 3. Variables outside the class, cannot be accessed. 8. What is static data member? The data member declared with the keyword “static” is called static data member. Static variables are normally used to maintain values common to the entire class. It has the following features: 1. It is initialized to zero when the first object is created. No other initialization is permitted. 2. Only one copy of that member is created for the entire class and is shared by all the objects. 3. It is visible only within the class. 9. What is static member function? The member function declared with the keyword static is called static member function. A static member function is the one which has the following properties: 1. A static member function can access only other static members declared in the same class. 2. It can be called using the class name instead of objects as follows, 3. class_name :: function_name; 10. Define − Pointers to Member The address of a member of a class is taken and assigned to a pointer. This is called as pointers to member. The address of a member can be obtained by applying the operator and to a “fully qualified” class member name. A class member pointer can be declared using the operator ::* with the class name. 11. What is the copy constructor? (D-09) The copy constructor takes a reference to an object of the same class as itself as an argument. A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from another object. integer (integer & i) ; integer I 2 ( I 1 ) ; or integer I 2 = I 1 ; The process of initializing through a copy constructor is known as copy initialization. 44 12. Let out any four special properties of constructor. (D-10) The special properties of constructor are: i.A constructor is a special member function whose task is to initialize the objects of its class. ii.It is special because its name is same as the class name. iii.The constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created. iv.It is called constructor because it constructs the values of data members of the class. 13. What is an explicit constructor? In explicit constructor, constructor is defined explicitly by using the keyword “explicit” is known as an explicit constructor. The explicit constructor will be executed when we call the constructor explicitly. Eg: explicit brother (string name) { Body of the explicit constructor } brother is a class name. 14. Define − Default Constructor The constructor with no arguments is called default constructor . Eg: Class integer { int m,n; Public: Integer( ); ……. }; integer::integer( )//default constructor { m=0;n=0; } the statement integer a; invokes the default constructor. 15. What is an inline function? An inline function is a function that is expanded in line when it is invoked. That compiler replaces the function call with the corresponding function code. The inline functions are defined as Inline function-header { function body } 45 UNIT II 1. What are the operators that cannot be overloaded? The operators that cannot be overloaded are: 1. Class member access operator (. , .*) 2. Scope resolution operator (::) 3. Size operator ( sizeof ) 4. Conditional operator (?:) (D-09) 2. What is the need for overloading the assignment operator? (M-11) The assignment operator is used to assign a value on the right hand side to a variable on the left side & if it is of a different data type then we have to perform data conversion or type Conversion. 3. What are the different types of type conversions? The Different types of type conversion are, 1. Conversion from basic type to class type.(data type to object) 2. Conversion from class type to basic type.(object type to data type) 3. Conversion from one class type to another class type. 4. Conversion from one data type to another data type. 4. What is operator overloading? C++ has the ability to provide the operators with a special meaning for a data type. This mechanism of giving such special meanings to an operator is known as Operator overloading. Operator overloading provides a flexible option for the creation of new definitions for C++ operators. 5. What is function prototype? Function prototyping is not necessary in java, but what function prototyping means is simply establishing the "signature" of the "function" (functions are referred to as 'methods' in Java) before the method is defined. The signature includes the visibility of the function (public, private, protected), the return type, the method name, the list of arguments the method takes, and any throws, extends, or implements clauses. 6. What is function overloading? Write an example. #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* Function arguments are of different data type */ long add(long, long); float add(float, float); 46 int main() { long a, b, x; float c, d, y; cout << "Enter two integers\n"; cin >> a >> b; x = add(a, b); cout << "Sum of integers: " << x << endl; cout << "Enter two floating point numbers\n"; cin >> c >> d; y = add(c, d); cout << "Sum of floats: " << y << endl; return 0; } long add(long x, long y) { long sum; sum = x + y; return sum; } float add(float x, float y) { float sum; sum = x + y; return sum; } 7. What is meant by dynamic casting? (M-11) Dynamic casts are only available in C++ and only make sense when applied to members of a class hierarchy ("polymorphic types"). Dynamic casts can be used to safely cast a super class pointer (or reference) into a pointer (or reference) to a subclass in a class hierarchy. If the cast is invalid because the the real type of the object pointed to is not the type of the desired subclass, the dynamic will fail gracefully. 8. What are templates? (D-10) Template is one of the features added to c++ recently.it is a new concept which enables us defined generic class and functions and thus provides support for generic programming a template can be used to create a family of classes or functions. A template can be considered as a kind of macro. when an object of specific type is defined for actual use, the template definition for that class is substituted with the required data type. 47 9. What is a function template? (M-11) Function templates are special functions that can operate with generic types. This allows us to create a function template whose functionality can be adapted to more than one type or class without repeating the entire code for each type. `The format for declaring function templates with type parameters template <class identifier> function_declaration; template <typename identifier> function_declaration; 10. What are the visibility modes in inheritance? There are three visibilities of class members. They are 1. Public visibility (D-09) 2. Private visibility 3. Protected visibility Public : The class members are visible to the base class, derived classes and outside the class through the objects. Private : The class members are visible only to the base class itself but not to the derived class. Protected: The class members are visible to the base and derived classes. 11. What are access specifiers? There are 3 access specifiers for a class/struct/Union in C++. These access specifiers define how the members of the class can be accessed. Of course, any member of a class is accessible within that class(Inside any member function of that same class). Moving ahead to type of access specifiers, they are: 1. Public - The members declared as Public are accessible from outside the Class through an object of the class. 2. Protected - The members declared as Protected are accessible from outside the class BUT only in a class derived from it. 3. Private - These members are only accessible from within the class. No outside Access is allowed. 12. What is meant by inheritance? Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of another class. It supports the concept of hierarchical classification. It provides the idea of reusability. Additional features can be added to an existing class without modifying it by deriving a new class from it. The syntax of deriving a new class from an already existing class is given by, class derived-class : visibility-mode base-class { body of derived class } 48 13. Write the rules for virtual function. (M-10) The rules for virtual function are: 1. Virtual functions must be member of some class. 2. They cannot be static members and they are accessed by using object pointers Virtual f unction in a base class must be defined. 3. Prototypes of base class version of a virtual function and all the derived class versions must be identical. 4. If a virtual function is defined in the base class, it need not be redefined in the derived class. 14. What is a pure virtual function? Write the syntax. (M-11) 1. A pure virtual function is a virtual function whose declaration ends in =0: 2. A pure virtual function makes the class it is defined for abstract. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. Derived classes need to override/implement all inherited pure virtual functions. If they do not, they too will become abstract. UNIT III 1. What happens when a raised exception is not caught by catch block? (M-10) When a raised exception not caught by catch block, if the match is not found, the catch block calls a built in function terminate(), which terminate the program execution by calling a built in function abort(). 2. What is an exception? (M-11) Exceptions are the one which occur during the program execution, due to some fault in the input data. Exceptions are classified into: i) Synchronous exception ii) Asynchronous exception 3. Differentiate realloc() from free(). Realloc() 1. Realloc() is used to reallocate the memory for variable. 2. It is used to resize the memory held by the pointer to the number of bytes specificed. If the new size is larger than current size, new memory is allocated. If it is less, the remaining (additional) bytes are released to general OS/application consumption. 3. realloc(ptest,sizeof(test)*2); (M-10) Free() 1. Free() is used to free the allocated memory of a variable. 2. It releases the memory of the pointer passed as parameter, to the OS/application consumption. Using the pointer after free() will result in undefinded results. 3. free(p); 49 4. What are the different mechanisms of traditional error handling? What is the problem with them? Traditional error handling is done in 3 different ways. They are: 1. Returning error number: When a function is written, arguments are accepted and processing start. If something in the argument is wrong or something goes wrong while processing, The function returns an error code. 2. Global flag manipulation: There is an error variable which is globally available to all c library functions. They can set the value of errno to indicate error. After calling the library function ,we can check the value of errno can be checked to find out actual error. 3. Abnormal termination of program: Whenever something goes out of bound exit() or abort() is called. 5. What is unexpected() function? Write an example to explain the need of it. When a function with an exception specification throws an exception that is not listed in its exception specification, the C++ run time does the following: 1. The unexpected() function is called. 2. The unexpected() function calls the function pointed to by un expected-handler. By default, unexpected-handler points to the function terminate(). The default value of unexpected-handler can be replaced with the function setunexpected(). 6. List out the features included in C++ for formatting the output. (D-10) C Formatted I/O you have learned the formatted I/O in C by calling various standard functions. Module will discuss how this formatted I/O implemented in C++ by using member functions and stream manipulators. If you have completed this C++ Data Encapsulation until C++ Polymorphism, you should be familiar with class object. In C++ we will deal a lot with classes. It is readily available for us to use. Discuss the formatted I/O here, for file I/O and some of the member functions mentioned in this Module, will be presented in another module. The discussion here will be straight to the point because some of the terms used in this Module have been discussed extensively in C Formatted I/O. The header files used for formatted I/O in C++ are: 1. <iostream> 2. <iomanip> 3. <fstream> 4. <strstream> 5. <stdiostrem> 50 7. Write a short note on the meaning of the flag ios::out. ios::out - Open for output operations For ifstream and ofstream classes, ios::in and ios::out are automatically and respectively assumed, even if a mode that does not include them is passed as second argument to the open member function (the flags are combined). For fstream, the default value is only applied, if the function is called without specifying any value for the mode parameter. If the function is called with any value in that parameter, the default mode is overridden and not combined. File streams opened in binary mode perform input and output operations independently of any format considerations. Non-binary files are known as text files, and some translations may occur due to formatting of some special characters (like newline and carriage return characters). Since, the first task that is performed on a file stream is generally to open a file, these three classes include a constructor that automatically calls the open member function and has the exact same parameters as this member. Therefore, the previous myfile object is declared and is conducted. (eg): ofstream myfile ("example.bin", ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary); 8. What is a C++ manipulator? (M-10) 1. Manipulators are functions specifically designed to be used in conjunction with the insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators on stream objects, for example: cout << boolalpha; 2. They are still regular functions and can also be called as any other function using a stream object as argument, for example: boolalpha (cout); 3. Manipulators are used to change formatting parameters on streams and to insert or extract certain special characters. 9. What are streams? How are they useful? The stream is the central concept of the iostream classes. You can think of a stream object as a smart file that acts as a source and destination for bytes. While useful for files, can also be used with cin, where the user types a key combination representing the "end-of-file" character 1. On Unix and Mac systems, type ctrl-d to enter the end-of-file character 2. On Windows, type ctrl-z to enter the end-of-file character count.cpp -- An example that reads in a file consisting of any number of integers, using eof() to decide when to stop, then computes sum and average. 10. What is manipulator? Distinguish between manipulator and ios function? Manipulators are the most common way to control output formating. #include <iomanip> I/O manipulators that take parameters are in the <iomanip> include file. Default Floatingpoint Format. 51 11. What is file mode? (D-10) File Mode - Reading and Writing Files: File must be specified is to be opened. This means whether to create it from new, overwrite it and whether it's text or binary, read or write and if you want to append to it. This is done using one or more file mode specifiers which are single letters "r", "b", "w", "a" and + (in combination with the other letters). "r" - Opens the file for reading. This fails, if the file does not exist or cannot be found. "w" - Opens the file as an empty file for writing. If the file exists, its contents are destroyed. "a" - Opens the file for writing at the end of the file (appending) without removing the EOF marker before writing new data to the file; this creates the file first, if it doesn't exist. 12. What is namespace? (M-11) A namespace is designed to overcome and is used as additional information to differentiate similar functions, classes, variables, etc., with the same name available in different libraries. Using namespace, the context is defined where in which names are defined. In essence, a namespace defines a scope. Defining a Namespace: A namespace definition begins with the keyword namespace followed by the namespace name that follows: namespace namespace_name { // code declarations } To call the namespace-enabled version of either function or variable, prepend the namespace name as follows: name::code; // code could be variable or function. 13. What is name conflict problem? How can it be solved using namespaces? Namespaces are a relatively new C++ feature are starting to appear in C++ compilers. Some aspects of namespaces in subsequent newsletters. What problem do namespaces solve? Well, suppose that you buy two different generalpurpose class libraries from two different vendors, and each library has some features that you'd like to use. You include the headers for each class library: #include "vendor1.h" #include "vendor2.h" and then it turns out that the headers have this in them: // vendor1.h ... various stuff ... class String { ... }; // vendor2.h ... various stuff ... 52 class String { }; 14. What are the three standard template library adapters? (D-11) The STL adapters are stack, queue and priority_queue. Adapters are not first-class containers; They do not provide the actual data-structure implementation in which elements can be stored, because adapters do not support iterators. 15. What are the file stream classes supported by standard template library. The file stream classes supported to STL are: 1. ostream, istream, iostream base classes 2. The istringstream and ostringstream string streams 3. Stream iterators UNIT-IV 1. What are the features of java? The features of Java are: 1. Simple, Small and familiar 2. Object oriented 3. Distributed 4. Robust 5. Secure 6. Platform independent 7. Portable 8. Compiled and Interpreted 9. High performance 10. Multithreading and interactive 11. Dynamic and extensible (J-07) 2. What is the interpreter for byte code? (J-07) Byte-code compiled system, source code is translated to an intermediate representation known as bytecode. Bytecode is not the machine code for any particular computer, and may be portable among computer architectures. The bytecode may then be interpreted by, or run on, a virtual machine. The JIT compiler reads the bytecodes in many sections (or in full rarely) and compiles them interactively into machine language. So,the program can run faster. 3. Define – Bytecode (J- 10) Bytecode is the intermediate representation of Java source code which is produced by the Java compiler by compiling that source code. This byte code is an machine independent code. It is not an completely a compiled code but it is an intermediate code somewhere in the middle which is later interpreted and executed by JVM. Bytecode is a machine code for JVM. But, the 53 machine code is platform specific, whereas bytecode is platform independent that is the main difference between them. 4. Define – JVM (D-09) A Java Virtual Machine (JVM), an implementation of the Java Virtual Machine specification, interprets compiled Java binary code (called bytecode) for a computer's processor (or "hardware platform"), so that it can perform a Java program's instructions. Java was designed to allow application programs to be built that could be run on any platform without having to be rewritten or recompiled by the programmer for each separate platform. A Java virtual machine makes this possible because it is aware of the specific instruction lengths and other particularities of the platform. 5. “Java is platform independent language”. Why? (J-11) One of the major features of java includes that why java is called platform independent language. Javac – compiler that converts source code to byte code. JVM- interpreter that converts byte code to machine language code. 6. Write a simple java program. Example 1: Display message on computer screen. class First { public static void main(String[] arguments) { System.out.println("Let's do something using Java technology."); } } 7. Write the syntax to declare strings in java. Declaring a string Syntax: String nameOfString = "stringValue"; String nameOfString = new String("stringValue"); Example: String aString = "This is a string"; String aString = new String("This is a string"); (D-07) 54 8. What are the types of comments in java doc? There are two kinds of Javadoc comments: class-level comments, and member-level comments. Class-level comments provide the description of the classes, and member-level comments describe the purposes of the members. Both types of comments start with /** and end with */. For example, this is a Javadoc comment: /** This is a Javadoc comment */ 9. List out the some of the java doc tags. To add a class hyperlink, we have to add a tag in the comment. The format of class hyperlink tag is: {@link <FullClassName> [Display Text]} To add a hyper link to a method of the same class, we use the @link tag like this: {@link #<MethodSignature> [Display Text]} To add a hyper link to a method in a different class, we use the @link tag like this: {@link <ClassName>#<MethodSignature> [Dsplay Option]} 10. Write the syntax of an array in java. Declaring Array Variables: dataType[] arrayRefVar; // preferred way. or dataType arrayRefVar[]; // works but not preferred way. Note: The style dataType[] arrayRefVar is preferred. The style dataType arrayRefVar[] comes from the C/C++ language and is adopted in Java to accommodate C/C++ programmers. Example: double[] myList; // preferred way. or double myList[]; // works but not preferred way. 11. What is a documentation comment? Documenting the code is crucial to help others understand it, and even to remind oneself how your own older programs work. Unfortunately, it is easy for most external documentation to become out of date as a program changes. For this reason, it is useful to write documentation as comments in the code itself, where they can be easily updated with other changes. 12. Justify whether java is case sensitive or not. Java is multi-platform-> Platform Independent language, so it is used widely in very big softwares or games where multiple variables are needed. To differentiate among that huge no of variables, Java is case sensitive. If these tips are followed while coding in Java, one should avoid the most common case sensitive errors: * Java keywords are always written in lowercase. One can find the full list of keywords in the reserved words list. 55 13. What is a pointer? Does java support pointers? Pointer is a user defined data type which creates special types of variables which can hold the address of primitive data type like char, int, float, double or user defined data type like function, pointer etc. or derived data type like array, structure, union, enum. 1. Java do not use pointers because using pointer the memory area can be directly accessed, which is a security issue. In this way, Java has fixed a much debated issue with C/C++ programming. 2. The JVM memory management is much more efficient and hence, it make sense that let JVM manage the memory related things. 14. What are local variables? 1. Local variables are declared in methods, constructors, or blocks. 2. Local variables are created when the method, constructor or block is entered and the variable will be destroyed once it exits the method, constructor or block. 3. Access modifiers cannot be used for local variables. UNIT-V 1. Write a simple program for interface. Declaring Interfaces: /* File name : NameOfInterface.java */ import java.lang.*; //Any number of import statements public interface NameOfInterface { //Any number of final, static fields //Any number of abstract method declarations\ (J-07) 2. What is the use of runnable interface? (D-11) The runnable interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread. The class must define a method of no arguments called run. 3. Define – Interface An interface in Java is similar to a class, but the body of an interface can include only abstract methods and final fields (constants). A class implements an interface by providing code for each method declared by the interface. 56 4. List out some of the java I/O classes. (J-12) 5. Define – Thread (J-07) A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. A thread is similar to a real process in that a thread and a running program are both a single sequential flow of control. However, a thread is considered lightweight because it runs within the context of a full-blown program; It takes advantage of the resources allocated for that program and the program's environment. 6. Define – Inner Classes Local classes are classes that are defined in a block, which is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces. Local classes are typically found and defined in the body of a method. Program of inner class: class OuterClass { class InnerClass { } } 7. Define – Local Inner Classes and Anonymous Inner Class A class that is created inside a method is known as local inner class. If one has to invoke the methods of local inner class, one must instantiate this class inside the method. Anonymous Classes: Anonymous classes enable us to make our code more concise. They enable you to declare and instantiate a class at the same time. They are like local classes except that they do not have a name. Use them if you need to use a local class only once. 57 8. Write a program for try and catch exception. try { // statements that might cause exceptions // possibly including function calls } catch ( exception-1 id-1 ) { // statements to handle this exception } catch ( exception-2 id-2 ) { // statements to handle this exception . . . } finally { // statements to execute every time this try block executes } (J-08) 9. What is an uncaught exception? (J-09) Uncaught Exception Handler can be defined at three levels. From highest to lowest they are: 1. Thread. Set Default Uncaught Exception Handler 2. Thread Group. Uncaught Exception 3. Thread. Set Uncaught Exception Handler 10. What are the different states of a thread's lifecycle? A thread can be in one of the five states in the thread. According to sun, there is only 4 states new, runnable, non-runnable and terminated. There is no running state. But for better understanding the threads, we are explaining it in the 5 states. The life cycle of the thread is controlled by JVM. The thread states are as follows: 1. New 2. Runnable 3. Running 4. Non-Runnable (Blocked) 5. Terminated 11. What is the use of synchronized keyword? Synchronized keyword is an essential tool in concurrent programming in Java. Its overall purpose is to only allow one thread at a time into a particular section of code, thus allowing us to protect, For example, variables or data from being corrupted by simultaneous modifications from different threads. Synchronized in Java to produce correctly functioning multithreaded programs. 12. What are the constructors present in the thread class? Several constructors are available for creating new thread instances. 1. Thread() 2. Thread(String) 3. Thread(Runnable) 58 EE2301 POWER ELECTRONICS UNIT I POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Power Diode 1. What is fast recovery diode? (N/D 04) The fast recovery diode has low recovery time, normally less than 5 microsec. They are used in choppers, SMPS, induction heating 2. What is reverse recovery time? (A/M 06) The reverse recovery time is defined as the time between the instant, forward diode current becomes zero and 25 % of the maximum reverse current. Power BJT 3. What are the advantages of GTO over BJT? 1. 2. 3. 4. (N/D 04) Higher voltage blocking capability It is majority carrier Devices High ratio of peak surge current to average current Operates as a switch always 4. What are the advantages of MOSFET over BJT? MOSFET Power MOSFET has lower switching losses (A/M 08) BJT BJT has higher switching losses It has low conduction losses It has more conduction losses It is current controlled device It is a voltage controlled device It is a bipolar device It is a unipolar device 5. Why is a BJT called a current controlled device? Power BJT is a current controlled device, because the output (collector) current can be controlled by base current. 59 6. Draw the V–I characteristics of SCR and mark the holding current and the latching current on the characteristics. (N/D 04) 7. Define – Holding Current and Latching Current of SCR (A/M 08) The holding current is defined as the minimum value of anode current below which it must fall to for turning off the thyristor. The latching current is defined as the minimum value of anode current which it must attain during turn on process to maintain conduction when gate signal is removed. 8. Write any two advantages of GTO over SCR. 1. GTO has faster switching speed 2. It has more di/dt rating at turn on 9. What are the factors that influence the turn-off time of a thyristor? Some factors that influence the turn off time of a SCR are, 1. Recovery process 2. Recombination process (A/M 04) (N/D 06) 10. What is meant by the turn off time of a converter grade SCR? Mention its value. SCR with slow turn off time is called converter grade SCR. The turn off time for converter grade SCR is 50-100 ms. 11. What is meant by the turn off time of an inverter grade SCR? SCR with fast turn off time is called inverter grade SCR. The turn off time for inverter grade SCR is 3-50 ms. 12. What are the different methods of turning on of a thyristor? The following methods are used to turn on the thyristor: 1. Forward voltage triggering 2. Gate triggering 3. dv/dt triggering 4. Temperature triggering 5. Light triggering 60 Power MOSFET 13. Why are MOSFETs not preferred for low frequency applications? (M/J 06) MOSFETs have high switching losses so it can‟t use low frequency application. 14. Define – Pinch Off Voltage of MOSFET (N/D 07) If the gate source voltage VGS is made negative enough, the channel will be completely depleted, offering a high value of RDS and there will be no current flow from the drain to source, IDS=0. The value of VGS is called pinch off voltage. Power IGBT 15. Why are IGBTs becoming popular in their applications in controlled converters? IGBT is very popular nowadays because it has, 1. Lower gate requirements 2. Lower switching losses 3. Smaller snubber circuit requirements TRIAC 16. What are the advantages of TRIAC? The advantages of TRIACs are, 1. TRIACs can be triggered with positive or negative polarity voltage. 2. A TRIAC needs a single fuse for protection, which also simplifies the construction 3. A TRIAC needs a single heat sink of slightly larger size, whereas anti-parallel thyristor pair needs two heat sinks. 4. In some DC applications, SCR is required to be connected to be connected with a parallel diode to protect against reverse voltage, where a TRIAC used may work without diode as safe breakdown in either direction is possible. UNIT II PHASE CONTROLLED CONVERTERS Two pulse converter 1. What is a two pulse converter? (N/D 11) Two pulse converter is defined as two triggering pulses or two sets of triggering pulses are to be generated during every cycle of the supply to trigger the various SCRs. 2. What is meant by full converter? (N/D 04) A fully controlled converter or full converter uses thyristor only and there is a winder control over the level of DC output voltage. It is also known as two quadrant converter. 3. Define – Firing Angle α (A/M 04) The firing angle is defined as the angle between the zero crossing of the input voltage and the instant the thyristor is fired. 61 4. List out the merits of phase control of SCR. Merits of phase controlled SCR are 1. Controlled output voltage 2. Less harmonics (A/M 04) 5. Why is the power factor of a semiconverter better than that of a full converter? (A/M 08) When supply is given to load, the semiconverter receives less reactive power due to freewheeling action when compared with full converter. Therefore, the power factor is better in semiconverter. 6. What are the conditions under which a single phase fully controlled converter operates as an inverter. (N/D 07) In line commutated converter, when the firing angle is 90 º to 180 º it acts as a inverter. 7. List out the applications of phase controlled converters. (N/D 06) The applications of controlled rectifiers are, 1. Steel rolling mills, printing press, textile mills and paper mills employing DC motor drives. 2. DC traction 3. Electro chemical and electro-metallurgical process 4. Portable hand tool drives 5. Magnet power supplies 6. HVDC transmission system 8. What is a half controlled rectifier? A half controlled rectifier or semiconverter uses a mixture of diodes and thyristors and there is a limited control over the level of DC output voltage. It is also known as onequadrant converter. Here, the output current and output voltage is always positive. 9. What is the function of a free-wheeling diode in controlled rectifier circuits? (N/D 06) 1. It serves two processes. 2. It prevents the output voltage from becoming negative. 3. The load current is transferred from the main thyristors to the freewheeling diode, thereby allowing all of its thyristors to regain their blocking states. 10. What is meant by commutation? It is the process of changing the direction of current flow in a particular path of the circuit. This process is used in thyristors for turning it off. 11. What is meant by forced commutation? In this commutation, the current flowing through the thyristor is forced to become zero by external circuitry. 12. What is meant by natural commutation? Here the current flowing through the thyristor goes through a natural zero the thyristor to turn off. and enable 62 13. What are the different types of commutations? The different types of commutations are 1. Natural commutation 2. Forced commutation 14. What is inversion mode in a single phase fully controlled converter? In a single phase full converter, α>90, the voltage at the DC terminals is negative. Therefore, power flows from load to source and the converter operates as a line commutated inverter as source voltage VS is negative and source current is positive. This is known as inversion mode or synchronous inversion. 15. Define – Commutation Angle or Overlap Angle The commutation period when outgoing and incoming thyristors are conducting is known as overlap period. The angular period, when both devices share conduction is known as the commutation angle or overlap angle. Performance characteristics 16. Define – Displacement Factor and Total Harmonic Distortion (M/J 07) The input displacement factor is defined as the cosine of the input displacement angle. The harmonic factor of the input current is defined as the ratio of the total harmonic current to the fundamental component. IH = ( I2rms – I21) / I1 Effect of source inductance 17. What are the effects of source impedance in a controlled rectifier? The effects of source impedance in the controlled rectifiers are, 1. The average output voltage is reduced 2. Reduced displacement factor 3. Output current waveform is changed (N/D 06) UNIT- III DC TO DC CONVERTERS Chopper 1. Define – Duty Cycle of DC Chopper (N/D 06, 07) Duty cycle means the ratio of the on time of the chopper to the total time period of the chopper. It is denoted by α. 2. What is a DC Chopper? (N/D 07) A DC chopper is a high speed static switch used to obtain variable DC voltage from a constant DC voltage. 3. What are the applications of DC Choppers? The applications of DC choppers are, 1. Battery operated vehicles 2. Traction motor control in electric traction 63 3. 4. 5. 6. Trolley cars Marine hoists Mine haulers Electric braking Time ratio and current limit control 4. What are the control strategies used in DC choppers? The types of control strategies in DC choppers are, 1. Time Ratio Control (TRC) 2. Current Limit Control method (CLC) (N/D 03) 5. What are the disadvantages of FM scheme used in Chopper? 1. Filter design is very difficult 2. FM scheme produces interference (N/D 04) 6. What are the methods of controlling the output voltage of a chopper? The methods of controlling the output voltage of a chopper are 1. Time Ratio Control (TRC) 2. Current Limit Control method (CLC) (A/M 05) 7. Differentiate constant frequency control strategy from variable frequency control strategy of varying the duty cycle of DC choppers. Constant frequency control Chopping frequency is constant It has fast response Variable frequency control Chopping frequency is varied It has slow response 8. What is meant by time ratio control of DC–DC converter? In time ratio control (TRC), the value of Ton / T is varied in order to change the average output voltage. 9. What is meant by pulse width modulation control in a DC chopper? (M/J 07) The PWM control method in DC chopper means, the on time T on is varied but chopping frequency „f‟ is kept constant. The width of the pulse is varied and this type of control is known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Buck regulator 10. What are the different types of switching regulators used in DC Choppers? The different switched mode regulators available are, 1. Buck converter 2. Boost converter 3. Buck – Boost converter 4. Cuk converter 64 11. What is meant by buck regulator? (M/J 07) The buck converter is defined as, a converter used to step down an unregulated DC input voltage to regulated variable DC output voltage. Chopper classification 12. What are the classifications of DC to DC converter depending upon the directions of current and voltage? (M/J 06) Depending on the direction of current and voltage, choppers can be classified into the following types, 1. Type A chopper or first quadrant chopper 2. Type B chopper or second quadrant chopper 3. Type C chopper or two quadrant type A chopper 4. Type D chopper or second quadrant type B chopper 5. Type E chopper or four quadrant chopper 13. What is two-quadrant DC chopper? (A/M 08) A DC chopper can be operated in the I and II quadrant as well as I and IV quadrant. Here the output voltage is always positive but output current is either positive or negative. SMPS 14. What are the applications of SMPS? The applications of SMPS are, 1. Computer 2. Television receiver 3. Battery charger UNIT IV INVERTERS Single phase inverter 1. List out the industrial applications of inverters. The applications of inverters are, 1. Adjustable speed drives 2. Induction heating 3. Stand-by aircraft power supplies 4. UPS 5. HVDC transmission (A/M 04) 2. What is the purpose of connecting diode in antiparallel with thyristors, in inverter? (A/M 04) For RL loads, load current will not be in phase with load voltage and the diodes connected in antiparallel will allow the current to flow when the main thyristors are turned off. These diodes are called feedback diodes. 65 3. What is meant by inverter? An inverter means a device that converts DC power into AC power at desired output voltage and frequency. PWM technique 4. What is PWM? (A/M 05) PWM control means, a fixed DC input voltage is given to the inverter and a controlled AC output voltage is obtained by adjusting the on and off periods of the inverter components. This is the most popular method of controlling the output voltage and this method is termed as PWM control. 5. Define – Modulation Index of PWM. (N/D 05) The amplitude modulation index defined as the ratio of reference voltage ER to the control voltage EC and it is denoted by M. M = ER / Ec where, M - Modulation index ER - reference voltage Ec - control voltage 6. What are the modulation techniques used in an inverter? 1. Single pulse width modulation 2. Multi pulse with modulation 3. Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (M/J 06) 7. What are the advantages of PWM control? The advantages of PWM control are, 1. The output voltage can be obtained without any additional components 2. Lower order harmonics can be eliminated or minimized along with its output voltage control. As the higher order harmonics can be filtered easily, the filtering requirements are minimized. Current source inverter 8. List out the applications of CSI. The applications of a CSI are, 1. Induction heating 2. Lagging VAR compensation 3. Speed control of AC motors 4. Synchronous motor starting 9. Differentiate VSI from CSI. Sl. No. 1 VSI Input voltage is maintained constantly The output voltage does not (N/D 04) (N/D 03, 06, 07) CSI Input current is constant but adjustable The output current does not depend 66 2 3 4 depend on the load The magnitude of the output current and its waveform depends on the nature of the load impedance It requires feedback diodes Commutation circuit is complicated i.e. it contains capacitors and inductors. on the load The magnitude of the output voltage and its waveform depends on the nature of the load impedance It does not require feedback diodes Commutation circuit is simple i.e. it contains only capacitors. 10. What are the advantages of current source inverter? The two advantages of CSI are, 1. CSI does not require any feedback diodes. 2. Commutation circuit is simple as it involves only thyristors. (M/J 07) UNIT V AC TO AC CONVERTERS AC voltage controller 1. What is an AC voltage controller? (M/J 10) An AC voltage controller means it converts fixed alternating voltage into a variable voltage without change in frequency. 2. What are the applications of AC voltage controllers? The applications of AC voltage controllers are, 1. Domestic and industrial heating 2. Lighting control 3. Speed control of single phase and three phase ac motors 4. Transformer tap changing 3. What are the types AC voltage controllers? 1. Single phase AC voltage controller 2. Three phase AC voltage controller (M/J 13) 4. What is meant by unidirectional or half-wave AC voltage controller? (N/D 11) In a unidirectional or half-wave AC voltage controller, the power flow is controlled only during the positive half-cycle of the input voltage. 5. What is meant by bidirectional or half-wave AC voltage controller? (N/D 10) In a bidirectional or half-wave AC voltage controller, the power flow is controlled during both cycles of the input voltage. 67 Cycloconverter 6. What is meant by cycloconverter? (N/D 12) A cycloconverter converts input power at one frequency to output power at another frequency with one-stage conversion. Cycloconverter is also known as frequency changer. 7. What are the two types of cycloconverters? The two types of cyclo-converters are, 1. Step-up cyclo-converters 2. Step-down cyclo-converters 8. What are the applications of cycloconverters? The applications of cyclo-converters are, 1. Induction heating 2. Speed control of high power ac drives 3. Static VAR generation 9. What is meant by negative converter group in a cycloconverter? The negative converter group in a cycloconverter is the part of the cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during the negative half cycle of output current is called negative converter group. 10. What is a positive converter group in a cycloconverter? The positive converter group in a cycloconverter is the part of the cycloconverter circuit that permits the flow of current during the positive half cycle of output current is called positive converter group. 68 EE2302 ELECTRICAL MACHINES – II UNIT I SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR 1. Why are almost all large size synchronous machines constructed with rotating field system type? The following are the principal advantages of the rotating field system type construction of synchronous machines: 1. The relatively small amount of power, about 2%, required for field system via sliprings and brushes. 2. For the same air gap dimensions, which are normally decided by the kVA rating, more space is available in the stator part of the machine for providing more insulation to the system of conductors, especially for machines rated for 11kV or above. 3. Insulation to stationary system of conductors is not subjected to mechanical stresses due to centrifugal action. 4. Stationary system of conductors can easily be braced to prevent deformation. 5. It is easy to provide cooling arrangement for a stationary system of conductors. 6. Firm stationary connection between external circuit and system of conductors enable the machine to handle large amount of volt-ampere as high as 500MVA. 2. Write the equation for frequency of emf induced in an altenator. Frequency of emf induced in an alternator, f , expressed in cycles per second or Hz, is given by the following equation F = (PN)/120 Hz, Where P- Number of poles N-Speed in rpm 3. How are alternators classified? According to type of field system 1. Stationary field system type 2. Rotating field system type 3. According to shape of field system 4. Salient pole type 5. Smooth cylindrical type 4. Name the types of alternators based on their rotor construction. Alternators can be classified into the following two types according to its rotor construction. They are 1. mooth cylindrical type alternator 2. Salient pole alternator 5. Why do cylindrical Alternators operate with steam turbines? Steam turbines are found to operate at fairly good efficiency only at high speeds. The high speed operation of rotors tends to increase mechanical losses and so the rotors should have a smooth external surface. Hence, smooth cylindrical type rotors with less 69 diameter and large axial length are used for synchronous generators driven by steam turbines with either 2 or 4 poles. 6. Which type of synchronous generators is used in Hydro-electric plants? As the speed of operation is low for hydro turbines used in Hydro-electric plants, salient pole type synchronous generators are used. These allow better ventilation and also have other advantages over smooth cylindrical type rotor. 7. What are the advantages of salient pole type construction used i n s ynchronous machines? The advantages of salient-pole type construction are as follows: 1. They allow better ventilation 2. pole faces are so shaped that the radial air gap length increases from the pole centre to the pole tips so that the flux distribution in the air-gap is sinusoidal in shape which will help the machine to generate sinusoidal emf 3. to variable reluctance the machine develops additional reluctance power which is independent of excitation 8. Why is the stator core of Alternator laminated? The stator core of Alternator is laminated to reduce eddy current loss. 9. How does electrical degree differ from mechanical degree? Mechanical degree is the unit for accounting the angle between two points based on their mechanical or physical placement. Electrical degree is used to account the angle between two points in rotating electrical machines. Since all electrical machines operate with the help of magnetic fields, the electrical degree is accounted with reference to the magnetic field. 180 electrical degree is accounted as the angle between adjacent North and South poles. 10. What is distributed winding? When coil-sides belonging to each phase are housed or distributed in more than one slot under each pole region, then the winding is called distributed winding. A full pitch coil has width of coil otherwise called coil-span as 180º - angle between adjacent slots in electrical degree and x= 1,2,3… 11. Why is short-pitch winding preferred over full-pitch winding? Short-pitch winding is preferred over full-pitch winding because, 1. Waveform of the emf can be approximately made to a sine wave and distorting harmonics can be reduced or totally eliminated. 2. Conductor material copper, is saved in the back and front end connections due to less coil-span. 3. Fractional slot winding with fractional number of slots/phase can be used which in turn reduces the tooth ripples. 4. Mechanical strength of the coil is increased 70 12. Define – Winding Factor The winding factor Kd is defined as the ratio of phasor addition of emf induced in all the coils belonging to each phase winding to their arithmetic addition. 13. Why are alternators rated in kVA and not in kW? The continuous power rating of any machine is generally defined as the power the machine or apparatus can deliver for a continuous period so that the losses incurred in the machine gives rise to a steady temperature rise not exceeding the limit prescribed by the insulation class. Apart from the constant loss incurred in Alternators is the copper loss, occurring in the 3 –phase winding which depends on I2R, the square of the current delivered by the generator. As the current is directly related to the apparent – power delivered by the generator, the Alternators have only their apparent power in VA/kVA/MVA as their power rating. 14. What are the causes of changes in voltage in alternators when loaded? Variations in terminal voltage in Alternators on load condition are due to the following causes: 1. Voltage variation due to the resistance of the winding, R 2. tage variation due to the leakage reactance of the winding, Xt 15. What is meant by armature reaction in Alternators? The interaction between flux set up by the current carrying armature and the main is defined as the armature reaction. 16. What is meant by synchronous impedance of an Alternator? The complex addition of resistance, R and synchronous reactance, jXs can be represented together by a single complex impedance Zs called synchronous impedance.In complex form Zs = (R + jXs ). 17. What is meant by load angle of an Alternator? The phase angle introduced between the induced emf phasor, E, and terminal voltage phasor, U, during the load condition of an Alternator is called load angle. UNIT II SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR 1. Write the various methods for predetermining the voltage regulation of 3-phase alternator. The following are the three methods which are used to predetermine the voltage regulation of smooth cylindrical type Alternators: 1. Synchronous impedance / EMF method 2. Ampere-turn / MMF method 3. Potier / ZPF method 71 2. How is synchronous impedance calculated from OCC and SCC? Synchronous impedance is calculated from OCC and SCC as |Zs| = E0/Isc(for same If) A compromised value of Zs is normally estimated by taking the ratio of (E0/Isc) at normal field current Ifn. A normal field current Ifn is one which gives rated voltage Ur on open circuit. |Zs| = Ur/Iscn 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of estimating the voltage regulation of an Alternator by EMF method? Advantages: 1. Simple no load tests (for obtaining OCC and SCC) are to b 2. Calculation procedure is much simpler Disadvantage: The value of voltage regulation obtained by this method is always higher than the actual value 4. Why i s t h e syn ch ron ou s i mp ed an c e meth od of es ti m ati n g v ol tag e r egu l at i on considered as a pessimistic method? Compared to other methods, the value of voltage regulation obtained by the synchronous impedance method is always higher than the actual value and therefore this method is called the pessimistic method. 5. In what way does the ampere-turn method differ from synchronous impedance method? The ampere-turn /MMF method is the converse of the EMF method in the sense that instead of having the phasor addition of various voltage drops/EMFs, here the phasor addition of MMF required for the voltage drops are carried out. Further the effect of saturation is also taken care of. 6. What are the test data required for predetermining the voltage regulation of an alternator by MMF method? Data required for MMF method are: 1. Effective resistance per phase of the 3-phase winding R 2. Open circuit characteristic (OCC) at rated speed/frequency 3. Short circuit characteristic (SCC) at rated speed/frequency 7. Why is the MMF method of estimating the voltage regulation considered an optimistic method? Compared to the EMF method, MMF method, involves more number of complex calculation steps. Further the OCC is referred twice and SCC is referred once while predetermining the voltage regulation for each load condition. Reference of OCC takes care of saturation effect. As this method requires more effort, the final result is very close to the actual value. Hence this method is called optimistic method. 72 8. Write the conditions to be satisfied before connecting two alternators in parallel. The following are the three conditions to be satisfied by synchronizing the additional alternator with the existing one or the common bus-bars. 1. The terminal voltage magnitude of the incoming alternator must be made equal to the existing alternator or the bus-bar voltage magnitude. 2. The phase sequence of the incoming alternator voltage must be similar to the bus- bar voltage. 3. The frequency of the incoming alternator voltage must be the same as the bus-bar voltage. 9. How do the synchronizing lamps indicate the correctness of phase sequence between existing and incoming Alternators? The correctness of the phase sequence can be checked by looking at the three sets of lamps connected across the 3-pole of the synchronizing switch. If the lamps grow bright and dark in unison it is an indication of the correctness of the phase sequence. If on the other hand, they become bright and dark one after the other, connections to any two machine terminals have to be interchanged after shutting down the machine. 10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of three dark lamps method of synchronizing? Advantages: 1. The synchronous switch using lamps is inexpensive 2. Checking for correctness of the phase sequence can be obtained in a simple manner which is essential especially when the Alternator is connected for the first time or for fresh operation after disconnection. Disadvantage: The rate of flickering of the lamps only indicates the frequency difference between the bus-bar and the incoming Alternator. The frequency of the incoming alternator in relation to the bus-bar frequency is not available. 11. How is synchronoscope used for synchronizing alternators? Synchronoscope can be used for permanently connected alternators where the correctness of phase sequence is already checked by other means. Synchronoscope is capable of rotating in both directions. The rate of rotation of the pointer indicates the amount of frequency difference between the alternators. The direction of rotation indicates whether incoming alternator frequency is higher or lower than the existing alternator. The TPST switch is closed to synchronize the incoming alternator when the pointer faces the top thick line marking. 73 12. Why a r e synchronous generators constructed with more synchronous reactance and negligible resistance? The presence of more resistance in the synchronous generators will resist or oppose their synchronous operation. More reactance in the generators can cause good reaction between the two and help the generators to remain in synchronism in spite of any disturbance occurring in any one of the generators. 13. List out the factors that affect the load sharing in parallel operating generators. The total active and reactive power delivered to the load connected across the common bus-bars, are shared among synchronous generators operating in parallel, based on the following three factors 1. Prime-mover characteristic/input 2. Excitation level 3. Percentage synchronous impedance and its R/X ratio 14. How does the change in prime mover input affect the load sharing? An increase in prime-mover input to a particular generator causes the active power shared by it to increase and a corresponding decrease in active-power shared by other generators. The change in reactive power sharing is less appreciable. The frequency of the bus-bar voltage will also subject to slight increase in value. 15. How does change in excitation affect the load sharing? The decrease in excitation in one generator causes the reactive power shared by it to decrease and a corresponding increase in reactive-power shared by other generators. The change in active-power sharing is less appreciable. There will be a slight decrease in terminal voltage magnitude also. 16. What steps are to be taken before disconnecting one alternator from parallel operation? The following steps are to be taken before disconnecting one alternator from parallel operation: 1. The prime-mover input of the outgoing generator has to be decreased and that of other generators has to be increased and by this the entire active-power delivered 2. The excitation of the outgoing generator has to be decreased and that of other generators has to be increased and by this the entire reactive-power delivered by the outgoing generator is transferred to other generators 3. After ensuring that the current delivered by the outgoing generator is zero, it has to be disconnected from parallel operation. 74 17. What is meant by infinite bus-bars? The source or supply lines with non-variable voltage and frequency are called infinite bus-bars. The source lines are said to have zero source impedance and infinite rotational inertia. 18. How does increase in excitation of the Alternator connected to infinite bus- bars affect this operation? Increase in excitation level of the synchronous generator will effectively increase the reactive component of the current supplied by the generator and hence the active power delivered. 19. An a lternator is found to have its terminal voltage on load condition more than that on no load. What is the nature of the load connected? The nature of the load is of leading power factor, load consisting of resistance and capacitive reactance. UNIT III – THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR 1. State the principle of 3 phase induction motor. While starting, rotor conductors are stationary and they cut the revolving magnetic field and so an emf is induced in them by electromagnetic induction. This induced emf produces a current if the circuit is closed. This current opposes the cause by Lenz‟s law and hence the rotor starts revolving in the same direction as that of the magnetic field. 2. Why is an induction motor called a rotating transformer? The rotor receives electric power in exactly the same way as the secondary of a two-winding transformer receiving its power from the primary. Therefore, an induction motor can be called as a rotating transformer i.e. one in which primary winding is stationary but the secondary is tree to rotate. 3. List out the advantages of skewing. The advantages of skewing are, 1. It reduces humming effect. 2. It reduces magnetic locking of the stator and rotor. 4. What are the effects of increasing rotor resistance on starting current and starting torque? The effects of increasing rotor resistance on starting current and starting torque are: 1. The additional external resistance reduces the rotor current and hence the current drawn from the supply. 2. It improves the starting torque developed by improving the power factor in high proportion to the decrease in rotor current. 75 5. What is slip of an induction motor? The slip speed is defined as the percentage difference of relative speed to synchronous speed. It is expressed as, S = (Ns - N)/Ns*100 6. What are the advantages of slip-ring induction motor? The advantages of slip-ring induction motor are: 1. Rotor circuit is accessible for external connection. 2. By adding external resistance to the rotor circuit the starting current is reduced with the added advantage of improving starting torque. 3. Additional speed control methods can be employed with the accessibility in the rotor circuit. 7. What are the various losses that occur in an induction motor? The various losses that occur in an induction motor are: 1. Magnetic losses Wi, 2. Electrical losses Wcu 3. Mechanical losses Wm 8. What are the tests to be conducted for predetermining the performance of a 3 phase induction Motor? The tests to be conducted for predetermining the performance of a 3 phase induction motor are: 1. No load test 2. Blocked rotor test 9. What is meant by circle diagram of an induction motor? This circle diagram is used to predict the performance of the machine at different loading conditions as well as mode of operation. When an I M operates on constant voltage and constant frequency source, the loci of stator current phasor is found to fall on a circle. 10. What are the advantages of direct load test for a 3 phase induction motor? The advantages of direct load test for a 3 phase induction motor are, 1. Direct measurement of input and output parameters yield accurate results 2. Aside from the usual performance other performances like mechanical vibration, noise etc can be studied. 3. By operating the motor at full load for a continuous period, the final steady temperature can be measured. 76 11. What is cogging of an induction motor? When the number of teeth in stator and rotor are equal, the stator and rotor teeth have a tendency to align themselves exactly to minimum reluctance position. In such case the rotor may refuse to accelerate. This phenomenon is called magnetic locking or cogging. UNIT IV – STARTING AND SPEED CONTROL OF THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR 1. Write the different types of starters used for induction motor. The different types of starters used for induction motor are, 1. Primary resistor 2. Autotransformer starter 3. Star-delta starter 4. Rotor rheostat 2. What are the advantages of a primary resistance starter of induction motor? The advantages of a primary resistance starter of induction motor are, 1. Starting torque to full load torque is x2 of that obtained with direct switching or across the line starting. 2. This method is useful for smooth starting of small machines only. 3. What are the advantages of an autotransformer starter? The advantages of an autotransformer starter are, 1. Reduced voltage is applied across the motor terminal. 2. There is a provision for no-voltage and over-load protection. 4. Write the relationship between starting current and full load current of an autotransformer starter. The relationship between starting current and full load current of an autotransformer starter is given by, I2 = K. Isc where, K = Transformation ratio I2 = Full load current Isc = Starting current 5. Write the relationship between starting torque of an induction motor with an autotransformer starter and star delta starter Star delta starter is equivalent to an autotransformer starter in the ratio of 58% in approximation. 77 6. How is the starting current reduced using rotor resistance starter? The controlling resistance is in the form of a rheostat, connected in star. The resistance being gradually cut-out of the rotor circuit as the motor gathers speed. Increasing the rotor resistance, not only in the rotor current reduced at starting, but at the same time starting torque is also increased due to improvement in power factor. 7. Write the methods of speed control on stator side of an induction motor. The methods of speed control on stator side of an induction motor are, 1. By changing the applied voltage 2. By changing the applied frequency 3. By changing the number of stator poles. 8. Write the methods of speed control from rotor side of an induction motor. The methods of speed control from rotor side of an induction motor are, 1. Rotor rheostat control 2. By operating two motors in concatenation or cascade 3. By injecting an emf in the rotor circuit 9. What are the applications of speed control of an induction motor by pole changing method? The applications of speed control of an induction motor by pole changing method are, 1. Elevator motors 2. Traction motors 3. Small motors driving machine tools 10. How is the speed control achieved by changing the number of poles? Synchronous speed of induction motor can also be changed by changing the number of stator poles. This change of number of poles is achieved by having two or more entirely independent stator windings in the same slots. 11. What are the limitations of rotor rheostat speed control of an induction motor The limitations of rotor rheostat speed control of an induction motor are, 1. With increase in rotor resistance, I2R losses also increase which decrease the operating efficiency of the motor. In fact, the loss is directly proportional to the reduction in the speed. 2. Double dependence of speed, not only on R2 but also on load as well. 12. Write the three possible methods of speed control of cascaded connection of an induction motor. The three possible methods of speed control of cascaded connection of an induction motor are, 1. Main motor may be run separately from the supply 78 2. Auxiliary motor may be run separately from the mains. 3. The combination may be connected in cumulative cascade. 13. How is the tandem operation of induction motor started? When the cascaded set is started, the voltage at frequency, f is applied to the stator winding of main motor. An induced emf of the same frequency is produced in main motor (rotor) which is supplied to the auxiliary motor. Both the motors develop a forward torque. As the shaft speed rises, the rotor frequency of main motor falls and so does the synchronous speed of auxiliary motor. The set settles down to a stable sped when the shaft speed become equal to the speed of rotating field of Auxiliary motor 14. Write the method of speed control by injecting emf in the rotor circuit. The speed of an induction motor is controlled by injecting a voltage in the rotor circuit. It is necessary for the injected voltage to have the same frequency as the slips frequency 15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of slip power scheme? The advantages of slip power scheme are, 1. Easier power control 2. Higher efficiency The disadvantages of slip power scheme are, 1. Reactive power consumption. 2. Low power factor at reduced speed. 16. Write the types of slip power recovery schemes. The types of slip power recovery schemes are, 1. Scherbius system 2. Kramer drive UNIT V SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS AND SPECIAL MACHINES 1. Write the two windings of a single-phase induction motor. The two windings of a single-phase induction motor are, 1. Running winding (main winding) 2. Starting winding (auxiliary winding) 2. What are the various methods available for making a single-phase motor self-starting? The various methods available for making a single-phase motor self-starting are, 1. By splitting the single phase 2. By providing shading coil in the poles 3. Repulsion start method. 79 3. What is the main difference between the principle of operation of a 3 phase and single phase induction motors? When three-phase supply is given to 3-phase induction motor, a rotating magnetic field is produced and the rotor-starts rotating. But when single-phase supply is given to single-phase motor only a pulsating flux is produced. So motor is not self-starting. Therefore to make it self-starting split-phase arrangement is made by providing an auxiliary winding. 4. Write the main difference in construction of an AC series motor and a DC series motor. The main difference in construction of an AC series motor and a DC series motor are, 1. The entire iron structure of the field cores and yoke are laminated to reduce the eddy current loss 2. Number of turns in the field winding is reduced to have large reactance and higher power factor. 3. AC series motors are provided with commutating poles 5. Write the advantages of a capacitor run type motor. The advantages of a capacitor run type motor are, 1. It has high starting and running torques 2. Current drawn is less because of higher power factor 3. It can be started with some load. 6. How can the rotation of a universal motor be reversed? 1. The direction of rotation of the concentrated-pole (or salient-pole) type universal motor may be reversed by reversing the flow of current through either the armature or field windings. 2. The direction of rotation of the distributed field compensating type universal motor may be reversed by interchanging either the armature or field leads and shifting the brushes against the direction in which the motor win rotate. 7. Why is a single-phase induction motor not self-starting? When the motor is fed from a single-phase supply, its stator winding produces an alternating or pulsating flux, which develops no torque. Therefore, a single-phase motor is not self-starting. 8. List out the applications of a universal motor. The applications of a universal motor are, 1. Used for sewing machines 2. Table fans 3. Vacuum cleaners 4. Hair driers 5. Blowers 80 9. Write the advantages of capacitor run induction motor. The advantages of capacitor run induction motor are, 1. Running torque is more. 2. Power factor during running is more, thereby line current is reduced. 10. What is a universal motor? A universal motor is defined as a motor, which may be operated either on direct current or single phase A.C supply, at approximately, the same speed and output. 11. What is the use of shading ring in a shaded pole motor? The shading coil causes the flux in the shaded portion to lag behind the flux in unshaded portion of pole. This gives in effect a rotation of flux across the pole face and under the influence of this moving flux a starting torque is developed. 12. Write the advantages of a capacitor start motor. The advantages of a capacitor start motor are, 1. The starting current of capacitor start motor is less than resistance split phase motor 2. Starting torque of the capacitor motor is twice that of resistance start motor. 13. What are the different types of single phase induction motor? The different types of single phase induction motor are, 1. Split-phase motor 2. Shaded pole motor 3. Single phase series motor 4. Repulsion motor 5. Reluctance motor 14. Write the two different theories with which principle of 1 phase induction motors are explained. The two different theories employed for explaining the principle of single phase induction motors are 1. Double revolving field theory 2. Cross field theory 81 EE2303 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION UNIT I INTRODUCTION 1. Why are all transmission and distribution systems 3 phase systems? A 3 phase AC circuit using the same size conductors as the single phase circuit can c a r r y three times the powers which can be carried by a1 phase circuitand uses 3conductors for the 2 phasesand one conductorfor the neutral. Thus a 3phase circuit is more economical than a 1 phase circuit interms of initial cost as well as the losses. Therefore all transmission and distribution systems are 3 phase systems. 2. Why are the transmission systems mostly overhead systems? Because of the cost consideration,the transmission systems are mostly overhead systems. 3. Why do all overhead lines use ACSR conductors? ACSR conductors comprise of hard drawn aluminium wire stranded around a core of single or multiple strand galvanized steel wire. They provide the necessary conductivity while the steel provides the necessary mechanical strength. It has less corona loss. The breaking load is high and has less weight. 4. Why are transmission lines 3 phase 3 wire circuits while distributionlines are 3 phase 4 wire circuits? A balanced 3 phase circuit does not require the neutral conductor, as the instantaneous sum of the 3 line currents are zero. Therefore the transmission lines and feeders are 3 phase 3 wire circuits. The distributors are 3 phase 4 wire circuits because a neutral wire is necessary to supply the 1 phase loads of domestic and commercial consumers. 5. Why is overhead line conductors invariably stranded? They are stranded to make them flexible during erection and while in service. 6. Write the advantages of interconnected systems. Any area fed from one generating station during overload hours can be fed from another power station. Thus reserved capacity required is reduced, reliability of supply increased and efficiency increased. 7. What is a ring distributor? A ring distributor is a distributor which is arranged to form a closed circuit and is fed at one or more than one point. 8. State any two advantages of ring main system. 1. Less voltage fluctuations at consumer‟s terminals 2. Less copper is required as each part of the ring carries less current than in radial system. 82 9. What are the disadvantages of a 3wire system? 1. In 3 wire system a third wire is required 2. The safety is partially reduced 3. A balancer is required and therefore cost is increased. 10. What are the advantages of a 3 wire DC distribution system over a 2 wire DC distribution system? If a 3 wire system is used to transmit the same amount of power over the same distance with same efficiency with same consumer voltage we require 0.3125 times of copper as required in a 2 wire system. 11. State Kelvin‟s law. The annual expenditure on the variable part of the transmission system should be equal to the annual cost of energy wasted in the conductor used in that system. 12. State any two limitations of Kelvin‟s law. It is difficult to estimate accurately the annual charge on the capital outlay. It does not give the exact economical size of the conductor. 13. Define – Resistance of the transmission line Resistance of the transmission line is defined as the loop resistance per unit length of the line in a single phase system. In a 3 phase system it is defined as the resistance per phase. 14. What are the advantages of high voltage AC transmission? 1. The power can be generated at high voltages. 2. The maintenance of ac substation is easy and cheaper. 15. What are the disadvantages of high voltage AC transmission? 1. An AC line requires more copper than a DC line. 2. The construction of an AC line is more complicate than the construction of a DC transmission line. 3. Due to skin effect in the AC system the effective resistance of the line is increased UNIT II TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS 1. Define – Inductance of a line Inductance of a line is defined as the loop inductance per unit length of the line. Its unit is henry per meter. 2. Define – Capacitance of a line Capacitance of a line is defined as shunt capacitance between the two wires per unit line length. Its unit is farad per meter. 3. What is meant by skin effect? The steady current when flowing through the conductor does not distribute uniformly, rather it has the tendency to concentrate near the surface of the conductor. This phenomenon is called skineffect. 83 4. Why is skin effect absent in DC system? The steady current when flowing through a conductor distributes itself uniformly over the whole cross section of the conductor .That is why skin effect is absent in DC system. 5. What is the effect of skin effect on the resistance of the line? Due to skin effect the effective area of cross-section of the conductor through which current flow is reduced. Hence the resistance of the line is increased when AC current is flowing. 6. On what factors does the skin effect depend? The skin effect depends on nature of the material, diameter of the wire and frequency and shape of the wire. 7. What is called symmetrical spacing? In 3 phase system when the line conductors are equidistant from each other then it is called symmetrical spacing. 8. What is the necessity for a double circuit line? To reduce the inductance per phase and to increase the efficiency 9. Write the factors governing the inductance of a line. The factors governing inductance of a line are: 1. Radius of the conductor 2. Spacing between the conductors. 10. Define –Neutral Plane It is defined as a plane where electric field intensity and potential is zero. 11. Define – Proximity Effect The alternating magnetic flux in a conductor caused by the current flowing in a neighbouring conductor gives rise to a circulating current which causes an apparent increase in the resistance of the conductor. This phenomenon is called proximity effect. 12. What is the effect of proximity effect? It results in the non-uniform distribution of current in the cross-section, and the increase of resistance. 13. What is called a composite conductor? A conductor which operates at high voltages and is composed of 2 or more subconductors and run electrically in parallel is called composite conductors. 14. What is meant by bundle conductor? It is a conductor made up of 2 or more sub conductors and is used as one phase conductors. 15. What are the advantages of using bundled conductors? The advantages of using bundled conductors are as follows: 1. Reduced reactance 2. Reduced voltage gradient 84 3. Reduced corona loss 4. Reduced Interference 16. What is meant by transposition of line conductors? Transposition is meant by changing in the positions of the three phases on the line supports twice over the total length of the line. The line conductors in practice are so transposed that each of the three possible arrangements of conductors exist for one-third of the total length of the line. UNIT III MODELLING AND PERFORMANCE OF TRANSMISSION LINES 1. What is meant by corona? The phenomenon of violet glow, hissing noise and production of ozone gas in an over headline is called corona. 2. What are the factors that affect corona? The factors that affect corona are, 1. Atmosphere 2. Conductor size 3. Spacing between conductors 4. Line voltage 3. Define – Critical Disruptive Voltage It is defined as the minimum phase voltage at which corona occurs. 4. Define – Visual Critical Voltage It is defined as the minimum phase voltage at which corona appears all along the line conductors. 5. Write any two merits of corona. The merits of corona are, 1. Reduces the effects of transients produced by surges 2. System performance is improved. 6. Write the two demerits of corona. The two demerits of corona are, 1. The transmission efficiency is affected. 2. Corrosion occurs. 7. Write the methods of reducing the corona effect. By increasing the conductor size and conductor spacing. 8. Why are ACSR conductors used in lines? If the size of the conductor is larger, corona effect is reduced and reduces the proximity effect. Hence they are used in lines. 85 9. Define – Medium Lines Lines having length between 60 and 150 km and line voltages between 20 and 100 kV are called medium lines. 10. Define – Short Lines Lines having lengths below 60 km and voltages below 20 kV are called short lines. 11. Write the limitations of end condenser method. This over estimates the effects of line capacitance. It is assumed to be lumped or concentrated. 12. What is meant by voltage stability? The ability of the system to maintain the voltage level within its acceptable limits is called voltage stability. 13. What is meant by shunt compensation? Shunt compensation is the use of shunt capacitors and shunt reactors is the line to avoid voltage instability. UNIT IV INSULATORSAND CABLES 1. Why are cables not used for long distance transmission? Cables are not used for long distance transmissions due to their large charging currents. 2. List out the main parts of the cable? The main parts of the cable are, 1. Conductor 2. Dielectric 3. Sheath 3. What is the function of a conductor? A conductor provides the conducting path for the current. 4. What is the purpose of insulation in a cable? The insulation or dielectric withstands the service voltage and isolates the conductor with other objects. 5. What is the function of sheath in a cable? The sheath does not allow the moisture to enter and protects the cable from all external influences like chemical or electrochemical attack fire, etc.. 6. Write the conductor materials in cables. The conducting materials in cables are, 1. Copper 2. Aluminium 86 7. What is the purpose of stranding of conductors? The purpose of stranding of conductors are: 1. Stranding increases the resistance of the cable 2. It has flexibility 8. Define – Segmental Conductors The stranded wires which are compacted by the rollers to minimize the air spaces between the individual wires are called segmented conductors. Here the conductor size is reduced for a given conductance. 9. Write the properties of insulating materials. It should have high insulation resistance, high dielectric strength, good mechanical properties, non-hygroscopic, capable of being operated at high temperatures, low thermal resistance and low power factor. 10. Write the commonly used power cables. Impregnated paper, Polyvinylchloride and Polyethene 11. Write the advantages of PVC over paper insulated cables. The advantages of PVC over paper insulated cables are, 1. Reduced cost and weight 2. Insulation is resistant to water 3. Simplified jointing 4. Increased flexibility 5. No plumbing required 12. Write the merits of paper insulated cables. The merits of paper insulated cables are, 1. High current carrying capacity, 2. Long life 3. Greater reliability 13. Write the advantages of polythene insulators. The advantages of polythene insulators are, 1. They are non-hygroscopic 2. Light in weight 3. Low dielectric constant 4. Low loss factor 5. Low thermal resistance 14. By what materials are cable sheaths made? 1. Lead sheaths 2. Aluminium sheaths 15. In what ways are Al sheaths superior to lead sheaths? Al sheaths are smaller in weight, have high mechanical strength, greater conductivity, cheap, easy to manufacture and install and withstand the required gas pressure without reinforcement. 87 16. Where is CSA sheath used in cables ? Corrugated seamless aluminium sheath is used in high voltage oil filled cables and telephone lines. UNIT V SUBSTATION, GROUNDING SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. Define – Sag of a line Sag of a line is defined as the difference in level between the points of supports and the lowest point of the conductor. 2. Write the factors that affect sag in the transmission line. The factors that affect sag in the transmission line are, 1. Weight of the conductor 2. Length of the span 3. Working tensile strength 4. Temperature 3. What is the reason for the sag in the transmission line? While erecting the line, if the conductors are stretched too much between supports then there prevails an excessive tension on the line which may break the conductor. In order to have safe tension in the conductor, a sag in the line is allowed. 4. How is the capacitance effect taken into account in a long line? They have sufficient length and operate at voltage higher than 100 kV. The effects of capacitance cannot be neglected. Therefore, in order to obtain reasonable accuracy in long lines, the capacitance effects are taken. 5. Write the limitations of nominal T and pi methods in the line problems. Generally the capacitance is uniformly distributed over the entire length of the line. But for easy calculations the capacitance is concentrated at one or two points .Due to these effects there are errors in the calculations. 6. What are the limitations of end condenser method? There is considerable error in calculations because the distributed capacitance has been assumed to be lumped or concentrated. This method over estimates the effects of the line capacitance. 7. What is meant by end condenser method? It is a method used for obtaining the performance calculations of medium lines. Here the capacitance of the line is lumped or concentrated at the receiving end. 8. What is meant by power circle diagram? It is a diagram drawn for the transmission lines network involving the generalized circuit constants and the sending end and receiving end voltage. 88 9. What are the voltage regulating equipments that used in transmission system? The voltage regulating equipments that used in transmission system are, 1. Synchronous motors 2. Tap changing transformers 3. Series and shunt capacitors 4. Booster transformers 5. Compound generators 6. Induction regulator 10. Write the methods used for voltage control of lines. The methods used for voltage control of lines are, 1. Tap changing auto-transformer 2. Booster transformer 3. Excitation control 4. Induction regulator 11. What is meant by sending end power circle diagram? The circle drawn with sending end true and reactive power as the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates are called sending end power circle diagram. 12. What is meant by receiving end power circle diagram? The circle drawn with receiving end values are called receiving end power circle diagram. 13. What is meant by neutral grounding? Connecting the neutral or star point of any electrical equipment (generator, transformer, etc..) to earth is called neutral earthing. 14. What is meant by substation? The assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristic ( e.g. : voltage, AC to DC frequency power factor, etc.) of electric supply is called a substation. 89 EC2311 COMMUNICATION EHGINEERING UNIT I MODULATION SYSTEMS 1. Define – Amplitude modulation Amplitude Modulation defined as the process of changing the amplitude of a high frequency carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal. 2. Define – Modulation index and percent modulation for an AM wave Modulation index is defined as an amount of amplitude change present in an AM waveform .It is also called as coefficient of modulation. Mathematically modulation index is where m = Modulation coefficient Em = Peak change in the amplitude of the output waveform voltage Ec = Peak amplitude of the un modulated carrier voltage Percent modulation gives the percentage change in the amplitude of the output wave when the carrier is acted on by a modulating signal. 3. Define – Low level Modulation Low level modulation is defined as the modulation that takes place prior to the output element of the final stage of the transmitter. For low level AM modulator class A amplifier is used. 4. Define – High level Modulation High level modulation is defined as the modulation that takes place in the final element of the final stage where the carrier signal is at its maximum amplitude. For high level modulator class C amplifier is used. 5. What is the advantage of low level modulation? The advantage of low level modulation is: Less modulating signal power is required to achieve a high percentage of modulation 6. Distinguish between low level and high level modulation. S.NO Low level modulation High level modulation 1 In low level modulation, modulation takes place prior to the output element of the final stage of the transmitter. In high level modulation, the modulation takes place in the final element of the final stage where the carrier signal is at its maximum amplitude. 2 It requires less power to It requires a much higher amplitude achieve a high percentage of modulating signal to achieve a modulation. reasonable percent modulation. 90 7. Define – Image frequency Image frequency is defined as any frequency other than the selected radio frequency carrier that, if allowed to enter a receiver and mix with the local oscillator, will produce a cross product frequency that is equal to the intermediate frequency. 8. Define – Local oscillator tracking Local oscillator tracking is defined as the ability of the local oscillator in a receiver to oscillate either above or below the selected radio frequency carrier by an amount equal to the intermediate frequency throughout the entire radio frequency band. 9. Define – High side injection tracking High side injection tracking is defined as the local oscillator should track above the incoming RF carrier by a fixed frequency equal to 10. Define – Low side injection tracking Low side injection tracking is defined as the local oscillator should track below the RF carrier by a fixed frequency equal to . 11. Define – Tracking error. How is it reduced? Tracking error is defined as the difference between the actual local oscillator frequency and the desired frequency. It is reduced by a technique called three point tracking. 12. Define – Image frequency rejection ratio Image frequency rejection ratio is defined as the measure of the ability of pre selector to reject the image frequency. Mathematically, IFRR is where 13. Define – Heterodyning Heterodyning is defined as the process of mixing two frequencies together in a nonlinear device or to translate one frequency to another using nonlinear mixing. 14. What are the disadvantages of conventional (or) Double Side Band Full Carrier system? The disadvantages of DSBFC system are : (i). Carrier power constitutes two thirds or more of the total transmitted power. This is a major drawback because the carrier contains no information. The sidebands contain the information (ii). Conventional AM systems utilize twice as much bandwidth as needed with single sideband systems 91 14. Define – Single sideband suppressed carrier AM. Single sideband suppressed carrier is defined as a form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier is totally suppressed and one of the sidebands removed. 15. Define – AM vestigial sideband AM vestigial sideband is defined as a form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier and one complete sideband are transmitted and a portion of the second sideband is transmitted. 16. What are the advantages of Single Side Band transmission? The advantages of SSBSC are (i). Power conservation: In SSB only one sideband is transmitted and the carrier is suppressed. So less power is required to produce essentially the same quality signal. (ii). Bandwidth conservation: Single Side Band transmission requires half as much bandwidth as conventional AM double side band transmission. (iii). Noise reduction: The thermal noise power is reduced to half that of a double side band system. 17. What are the disadvantages of single side band transmission? The disadvantages of single side band transmission are : (i). Complex receivers: Single side band systems require more complex and expensive receivers than conventional AM transmission. (ii). Tuning Difficulties: Single side band receivers require more complex and precise tuning than conventional AM receivers. 18. Define – Direct frequency modulation Direct frequency modulation is defined as the frequency of constant amplitude carrier signal which is directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal. 19. Define – Indirect frequency Modulation Indirect frequency modulation is defined as the phase of a constant amplitude carrier directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal. 20. Define – Instantaneous frequency deviation The instantaneous frequency deviation is the instantaneous change in the frequency of the carrier and is defined as the first derivative of the instantaneous phase deviation. 21. Define – Frequency deviation Frequency deviation is defined as the change in frequency that occurs in the carrier when it is acted on by a modulating signal frequency. The Frequency deviation is typically given as a peak frequency shift in Hertz (∆f).The peak to peak frequency deviation (2∆f) is sometimes called carrier swing. 92 22. State Carson rule. Carson rule states that the bandwidth required to transmit an angle modulated wave is twice the sum of the peak frequency deviation and the highest modulating signal frequency. 23. Define – Deviation ratio. Deviation ratio is defined as the maximum peak frequency deviation divided by the maximum modulating signal frequency. Mathematically, the deviation ratio is 24. What is direct FM? Direct FM is a type of angle modulation, where the frequency of the carrier is varied directly by the modulating signal. This means an instantaneous frequency deviation is directly proportional to amplitude of the modulating signal. 25. What is indirect FM? Indirect FM is a type of angle modulation, where FM is obtained by phase modulation of the carrier. This means, an instantaneous phase of the carrier directly proportional to amplitude of the modulating signal. UNIT II DIGITAL COMMUNICATION 1. What are the advantages of digital transmission? The advantages of digital transmission are: (i). Digital signals are better suited to processing and multiplexing than analog signals. (ii). Digital transmission systems are more noise resistant than the analog transmission systems. (iii). Digital systems are better suited to evaluate error performance. 2. What are the disadvantages of digital transmission? The disadvantages of digital transmission are: (i). The transmission of digitally encoded analog signals requires more bandwidth. (ii). It requires additional encoding and decoding circuitry. 3. Define – Pulse code modulation Pulse code modulation is defined as the process in which the analog signal is sampled and converted to fixed length serial binary number. The binary number varies according to the amplitude of the analog signal. 93 4. What is the purpose of sample and hold circuit? The purpose of sample and hold circuit is to periodically sample the analog input signal and converts those samples to a multilevel PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation) signal. 5. State Nyquist sampling rate. Nyquist sampling rate states that, the minimum sampling rate is equal to twice the highest audio input frequency. 6. State the causes of fold over distortion. Fold over distortion states that the minimum sampling rate (f s) is equal to twice the highest audio input frequency (fa).If fs is less than two times fa, distortion will result. The side frequencies from one harmonic fold over the sideband of another harmonic. The frequency that folds over is an alias of the input signal hence, the name “aliasing” or “fold over distortion”. 7. Define – Overload distortion Overload distortion is defined as the magnitude of sample which exceeds the highest quantization interval. 8. Define – Quantization Quantization is defined as the process of changing the actual values to the standard values. 9. Define – Dynamic range Dynamic range is defined as the ratio of the largest possible magnitude to the smallest possible magnitude. Mathematically, dynamic range is 10. Define – Coding efficiency Coding efficiency is defined as the ratio of the minimum number of bits required to achieve a certain dynamic range to the actual number of PCM bits used. Mathematically, 11. Define – Companding Companding is defined as the process in which the higher amplitude analog signals are compressed prior to transmission, then expanded at the receiver. 12. Define – Slope overload. How is it reduced? Slope overload is defined as the value of analog signal which is greater than the delta modulated value. Slope overload is reduced by increasing the clock frequency and by increasing the magnitude of the minimum step size. 94 13. Define – Granular noise. How is it reduced? Granular noise is defined as the original input signal has relatively constant amplitude, the reconstructed signal has variations that were not present in the original signal. Granular noise can be reduced by decreasing the step size. 14. What is adaptive delta modulation? Adaptive delta modulation is similar to delta Modulation (DM) with the ability to adjust the slope of the tracking signal. In feedback adaptation, the adaptation is made based on the history of the quantizer‟s output. 15. Define – Peak frequency deviation for FSK Peak frequency deviation (f) is defined as the difference between the carrier rest frequency and either the mark or space frequency. 16. Define - Modulation index for FSK The modulation index in FSK is defined as where, h = FM modulation index called the h factor in FSK. = fundamental frequency of the binary modulating signal. f = Peak frequency deviation. 17. Define – Bit rate Bit rate is defined as the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. 18. Define – Baud rate Baud rate is defined as the number of bits transmitted per second. 19. Define – QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation is defined as a form of digital modulation where digital information is contained in both the amplitude and phase of the transmitted carrier. 20. Write the relationship between the minimum bandwidth required for an FSK system and the bit rate. The relationship between the minimum bandwidth required for an FSK system and the bit rate is given below where, B = minimum bandwidth (Hertz) f = minimum peak frequency deviation (Hertz) and = bit rate 95 21. Define – MSK . MSK is defined as a special type of continuous phase – frequency shift keying (CPFSK) where the peak frequency deviation is equal to ¼ of the bit rate and the modulation index. 22. Compare binary PSK with QPSK. SI. No. BPSK QPSK 1. One bit forms a symbol. Two bits form a symbol. 2. Two possible symbols. Four possible symbols. 3 Minimum bandwidth is twice of fb. Minimum bandwidth is equal to fb. 4. Symbol duration = Tb. Symbol duration = 2Tb. 23. What happens to the probability of error in M-ary FSK as the value of M increases? The Euclidean distance between the symbols reduces, as the value of „M‟ increases,. Hence, the symbols come closer to each other. This increase the probability of error in M-ary systems. UNIT III SOURCE CODES, LINE CODES AND ERROR CONTROL 1. Define – Shannon Entropy Shannon entropy, which quantifies the expected value of the information contained in a message. Entropy is typically measured in bits, or bans. Shannon entropy is the average unpredictability in a random variable, which is equivalent to its information content. 2. Define –Shannon source coding theorem Shannon's source coding theorem (or noiseless coding theorem) establishes the limits to possible data compression, and the operational meaning of the Shannon entropy. Define – Shannon limit The Shannon limit or Shannon capacity of a communication channel is the theoretical maximum information transfer rate of the channel, for a particular noise level. 3. 4. Define – Huffman coding Huffman coding is an entropy encoding algorithm used for lossless data compression. The term refers to the use of a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file) where the variable-length code table has been derived in a particular way based on the estimated probability of occurrence for each possible value of the source symbol. 96 5. What are the uses of Modified Huffman coding? Modified Huffman coding is used in fax machines to encode black on white images (bitmaps). It combines the variable length codes of Huffman coding with the coding of repetitive data in run-length encoding. 6. Define – Signal to Noise Ratio Signal to Noise Ratio is defined as the ratio of the strength of an electrical or other signal carrying information to that of unwanted interference. It is expressed in decibels. Define – NRZ Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) line code is a binary code in which 1s are represented by one significant condition (usually a positive voltage) and 0s are represented by some other significant condition (usually a negative voltage), with no other neutral or rest condition. 7. Define – RZ Return-to-zero (RZ) describes a line code used in telecommunication signals in which the signal drops (returns) to zero between each pulse. This takes place even if a number of consecutive 0's or 1's occur in the signal. The signal is self-clocking. 8. 9. Define Error control coding Error control coding is a developing methods for coding to check the correctness of the bit stream transmitted. The bit stream representation of a symbol is called the codeword of that symbol. 10. Mention the types of error control. The types of error control codes are i) Linear Block Codes ii) Repetition Codes iii) Convolution Codes 11. Define – Linear Block Codes A code is linear if two codes are added using modulo-2 arithmetic produces a third codeword in the code. Consider a (n, k) linear block code. Here, 1. n represents the codeword length 2. k is the number of message bit 3. (n - k )bits are error control bits or parity check bits generated from message using an appropriate rule. 12. Define – Repetition Codes This is the simplest of linear block codes. Here, a single message bit is encoded into a block of n identical bits, producing an (n, 1) block code. This code allows variable amount of redundancy. It has only two codewords – (i) all-zero codeword (ii) all-one codeword. 97 13. Define – convolution Codes A convolution code is a type of error-correcting code in which Each m-bit information symbol (each m-bit string) to be encoded is transformed into an n-bit symbol, where m/n is the code rate and the transformation is a function of the last k information symbols, where k is the constraint length of the code. 14. Define – Block Codes Block codes comprise the large and important family of error-correcting codes that encode data in blocks. The Block Codes are conceptually useful because they allow coding theorists, mathematicians, and computer scientists to study the limitations of all block codes in a unified way. Such limitations often take the form of bounds that relate different parameters of the block code to each other, such as its rate and its ability to detect and correct errors. 15. Define – Modified AMI Codes. Modified AMI codes are Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) line codes in which bipolar violations may be deliberately inserted to maintain system synchronization. There are several types of modified AMI codes, used in various T-carrier and E-carrier systems. 16. Define – Shannon Fano coding. In Shannon Fano coding, the symbols are arranged in order from most probable to least probable, and then divided into two sets whose total probabilities are as close as possible to being equal. All symbols then have the first digits of their codes assigned symbols in the first set receive "0" and symbols in the second set receive "1". UNIT – IV MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES 1. What is Multiplexing? Multiplexing is a process of combining several message signals for their simultaneous transmission over the same channel. 2. Define – Spread Spectrum Modulation In telecommunication and radio communication, spread-spectrum techniques are methods by which a signal (e.g. an electrical, electromagnetic, or acoustic signal) generated with a particular bandwidth is deliberately spread in the frequency domain, resulting in a signal with a wider bandwidth. 98 3. How are spread spectrum methods classified? The different types of spread-spectrum methods are BPSK / DSSS QPSK / DSSS, MSK / DSSS, coherent slow frequency-hop spread spectrum (FHSS), non-coherent slow-frequency-hop spread spectrum, non-coherent fast frequency-hop spread spectrum, and hybrid DSSS/FHSS. 4. List the applications of spread spectrum. Spread spectrum and CDMA are cutting-edge technologies widely used in operational radar, navigation and telecommunication systems and play a pivotal role in the development of the forthcoming generations of systems and networks. 5. What are the advantages of SDMA? [A/M - 12] SDMA Space Division Multiple Access is a channel access method used in radio telecommunication systems such as mobile cellular networks. SDMA is based on the creation of parallel data streams travelling from multiple antennas (also known as spatial (multiplexing). 6. Mention the applications of multiple access techniques used in wired communication. Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for shared medium networks. It allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots. The users transmit in rapid succession, one after the other, each using its own time slot. This allows multiple stations to share the same transmission medium (e.g. radio frequency channel) while using only a part of its channel capacity. 7. Mention the advantages of CDMA system. The advantages of CDMA system are: [N/D - 10] 1. CDMA employs spread-spectrum technology and a special coding scheme (where each transmitter is assigned a code) 2. CDMA is used as the access method in many mobile phone standards such as cdmaOne, CDMA2000 (the 3G evolution of CDMAOne), and WCDMA (the 3G standard used by GSM carriers), which are often referred to as simply CDMA 8. What is FDMA? Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is a channel access method used in multiple-access protocols as a channelization protocol. FDMA gives users an individual allocation of one or several frequency bands, or channels. It is particularly common place in satellite communication. FDMA, like other Multiple Access systems, coordinates access between multiple users. 99 9. Define – Time Division Multiplexing Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is a method of transmitting and receiving independent signals over a common signal path by means of synchronized switches at each end of the transmission line so that each signal appears on the line only a fraction of time in an alternating pattern. 10. Distinguish between TDMA and FDMA TDMA : Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for shared medium (usually radio) networks. It allows several users to share the same frequency channel by dividing the signal into different time slots FDMA: Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is a channel access method used in multiple-access protocols as a channelization protocol. FDMA gives users an individual allocation of one or several frequency bands, allowing them to utilize the allocated radio spectrum without interfering. 11. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of FDMA? The advantages and the disadvantages of FDMA are : FDMA or Frequency Division Multiple Access, allows users to access a single channel, through a shared frequency; this system is advantageous as it is run through a satellite and offers users the chance to share a channel easily without time delays. The disadvantage of FDMA is the expense of running the system, which requires costly, custom filters and other technical equipment. 12. What is CDMA? Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used by various radio communication technologies CDMA is an example of multiple access, which is where several transmitters can send information simultaneously over a single communication channel. This allows several users to share a band of frequencies. 13. What are the disadvantages of CDMA? The disadvantages of CDMA are: 1. As the number of users increases, the overall quality of service decreases 2. Self-jamming 3. Near- Far problem arises 100 14. What is space division multiple access (SDMA)? Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) is a channel access method based on creating parallel spatial pipes next to higher capacity pipes through spatial multiplexing and diversity, by which it is able to offer superior performance in radio multiple access communication systems 15. What are the differences between FDMA, TDMA and CDMA? CDMA : 1. Same frequency is used by every user and simultaneous transmission occurs. 2. Every narrowband signal is multiplied by wideband spreading signal, usually known as codeword Every user has a separate pseudo-codeword, i.e., orthogonal to others only the desired codeword is detected by the receivers and others appear as noise. It is mandatory for the receivers to know about the transmitter‟s codeword. FDMA : 1. Bandwidth of Channel is relatively narrow (30 KHz), known as narrowband system Little or no equalization is needed for spreading symbol time. 2. Framing or synchronization bits are not needed for continuous transmission. TDMA : 1. All slots are assigned cyclically. 2. Overhead tradeoffs are size of data payload and latency. UNIT-V SATELLITE, OPTICAL FIBER-POWERLINE, SCADA 1. Define Geo synchronous satellite? Geo synchronous or geo stationary satellites are those that orbit in a circular pattern with an angular velocity equal to that of Earth. Geosynchronous satellites have an orbital time of approximately 24 hours, same as the earth thus geosynchronous satellites appear to be stationary as they remain in a fixed position in respect to a given point on earth. 2. State Snell‟s law. The angle of refraction can be larger smaller than the angle of incidence, depending on the refractive indexes of the two materials. Snell‟s law stated mathematically is N1 sinФ1 = N2 sinФ2 where N1- refractive index of material1 N2-refractive index of material2 Ф1- Angle of incidence Ф2 - Angle of refraction 101 3. Write about the uplink and downlink frequencies used in satellite communication system. Transmissions from base station to mobile units are called forward links, whereas transmissions from mobile units to base station are called reverse links. Forward links are called uplinks. 4. Define Angle of inclination of satellite orbit The angle of inclination is the angle between the earth equatorial plane and the orbital plane of a satellite measured counterclockwise at the point in the orbit where it crosses the equatorial plane traveling from south to north 5. What is Geosynchronous satellite? Geosynchronous satellite provides a ‟Big picture‟, view, enabling coverage of weather events. This is especially useful for monitoring severe local storms and tropical cyclones. 6. What is meant by Apogee and Perigee? The distance of the satellite from the earth varies according to its position. Typically two points of greatest interest are the highest point above the earth – the Apogee and the lowest point –the Perigee 7. Define – Look angles of a satellite The coordinates to which the earth station antennas must be pointed to communicate with the satellite is called look angles. 8. List any two advantages and disadvantages of Geosynchronous satellite. The Advantages of Geosynchronous satellite: Satellites have revolutionized global communications, television broadcasting and weather forecasting and have a number of defence applications. The Disadvantages of Geosynchronous satellite: 1. High altitude. 2. Incomplete Geographical coverage. 9. Define –Numerical Aperture The Numerical Aperture of an optical system is a dimensionless number that characterizes the range of angles over which the system can accept or emit light. 10. Expand and define EIRP. In communication systems, Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is the amount of power that a theoretical isotropic antenna would emit to produce the peak power density observed in the direction of maximum gain. 102 11. State the advantages of fiber optic system. The advantages of fiber optic system are : 1. Less expensive 2. Less signal degradation 3. Higher carrying capacity 4. Low power 5. Light weight 12. Define – Critical angle in optical fibers The Critical angle (minimum angle for total internal reflection) is determined by the difference in index of reflection between the core and cladding materials. 13. Define- Single mode fiber A single mode optical fiber is an optical fiber designed to carry the light only directly down the fiber . 14. What is SCADA? SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) is a system operating with coded signals over communication channels to provide control of remote equipment. 15. What are the advantages of optical fiber communication? The advantages of optical fiber communication are: 1. Greater information capacity 2. Immunity to crosstalk 3. Immunity to static 4. Interference Environmental 5. Immunity Safety 6. Security 16. Define – Critical angle Critical angle is defined as the minimum angle of incidence at which a light ray may strike the interface of two media and result in an angle of refraction of 0°or greater. 17. Define – Single Mode and Multimode propagation Single mode propagation is defined as the only one path through which the light propagates down the cable. Multimode propagation is defined as the light propagates down the cable through one or more path. 103 18. What are the disadvantages of injection laser diode? The disadvantages of injection laser diode are : ILDs are typically on the order of 10 times more expensive than LEDs because ILDs operate at higher powers, they typically have a much shorterlife time than LEDs. ILDs are more temperature dependent than LEDs. 19. Define – Modal Dispersion Modal dispersion or pulse spreading is caused by the difference in the propagation times of light rays that take different paths down a fiber. Modal dispersion can occur only in multimode fibers. It can be reduced by using single mode step index fibers and graded index fibers. 20. Define – Angle of elevation Angle of elevation is the vertical angle formed between the direction of travel of an electromagnetic wave radiated from an earth station antenna pointing directly toward a satellite and the horizontal plane. 21. Define – Azimuth angle Azimuth is the horizontal angular distance from a reference direction, either the southern or northern most point of the horizon.
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