What is That Thing in
My Front Yard?...............................Pg.
You Have the Wrong Number!.......Pg.
Award-Winning Product..................Pg.
Employee Focus.............................Pg.
What is that thing
in my front yard?
You Have the
Many people at some
point will change telephone
numbers. We always think
to call family and friends to
give them a new number but
sometimes forget to update
utility companies with this
information. Paducah Water
relies on having an accurate
phone number on your account
in the event that we need to
contact you about your water
For example, PW provides
a courtesy phone call to
customers if their service is in
danger of being disconnected
due to nonpayment. The call
is computer generated based
on the phone number we have
on record. Please take the time
to contact our office and make
sure the phone number listed
on your account is current.
Paducah Water serves each of our over 23,000 customers through a water meter located in a
meter box. Water meters are generally located in front of each home or business at the street
right of way. Each service includes a connection to a water main, service line to the meter box,
shut off valve, water meter, short section of water line for the customer connection and the
meter box.
Please do not obstruct the meter box at your location with plantings, bushes or mulch. Also,
do not tamper with the water meter in any way. Water meter tampering is against the law,
and Paducah Water will take action as necessary if a meter or box has been disturbed or
damaged. If you notice that the lid for your meter box is missing, is not securely bolted or has
been damaged, please contact our office.
Way to Go!
Congratulations to PW Customer
Service Representative Ashley
Rankin on completing her
Bachelor’s degree. Ashley
graduated from Murray State
University in December 2011.
Paducah Water has again successfully met
the goals set by the Kentucky Division of Water
for optimized drinking water treatment plant
performance in 2011! This achievement provides
our customers protection against waterborne
disease, extending above and beyond government
regulations. The award comes about as a result of
the hard work of the Paducah Water staff and the
commitment to the standards for excellence that are
at the heart of the Area-Wide Optimization Program.
Facilitated by the Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA), the Area-Wide Optimization
Program (AWOP) is a multi-state effort in which states
work together to develop and implement programs
to enhance particle removal and disinfection
capabilities of water treatment plants. It is designed
to assist water systems in optimizing their existing
treatment processes in an effort to increase public
health protection. (www.asdw.org)
Award-winning treatment plant processes; that's
why Paducah Water is the clear, clean choice!
Glad You’re Part of the Team!
Brandy Belt began working at PW
August 3, 2011. She is a Customer
Service Representative and works
part time at our business office.
Melissa Taylor has been employed
at Paducah Water since August
1, 2011 as a Customer Service
Representative. Her experience
as a bank teller is an asset to PW’s
customer service department.
Dallas Gipson joined the PW team
on May 2, 2011 as a Treatment Plant
Operator. He states he really enjoys
working with the other employees in
his department.
Commissioners Of Waterworks
W.R. Johnston, Chair
Jim Wheeler, Vice Chairman
W. Edward Barker, Commissioner
Tom Clayton, Commissioner
Deborah Edmonds, Commissioner
Bill Holsapple, Commissioner
Ex-officio City Commissioner Gayle Kaler
You may contact any of the people
listed below using the contact
information to the right.
General Manager
Glen Anderson
Engineering Manager
Bill Robertson
Water Plant Superintendant
Keith Emmons
Customer Service Supervisor
Tracie Case
Published By
Paducah Water
401 Washington Street
P.O. Box 2377
Paducah, KY 42002-2377
Interim Editor
Clarissa White
This publication is printed quarterly for Paducah Water customers. PW is happy to include your community or non-profit organization’s event or message. If you would like to submit an item for publication, please do so,
in writing, by the 10th of the month prior to the month of desired publication. PW reserves the right to refuse any submission and/or edit submissions due to space availability.