HOW TO READ A METER We install meters which have been calibrated and certified for accuracy. All our installations are fully sealed to ensure safety to the public and should not be interfered with. You may require at some stage to read your own meter to either compare an actual reading against an estimated one or to establish your consumption. We have a number of different types of meter. In order to accurately read these meters please follow the instructions below: Roller Register Disc Meters The image to the left illustrates a typical single-phase roller register disc meter. 1 1. To read the meter accurately, read the 5 digits from left to right, including any zeros, e.g. 40861 (the dial indicated in red is a test dial and should be ignored). When the total number of units used reaches 99999 the register advances again to 00000. 2. This disc will rotate in the direction of the black arrow when electricity is being used, its speed is dependent on the load. 3. Our meters unique identification number. 4. Security seals. 2 3 4 Roller Register Digital Meters The image to the right illustrates a typical single-phase roller register digital meter. 1. 2. To read the meter accurately, read the 5 digits from left to right, including any zeros, (the dial indicated in red is a test dial and should be ignored). When the total number of units used reaches 99999 the register advances again to 00000. The red LED will pulse when electricity is being used, its speed is dependent on the amount of electricity being used. 3. Our meters unique identification number. 4. Security seals. 1 2 3 4 Comfy Heat Digital Meter The image to the left shows a typical Comfy Heat Meter. 1 1. To read the meter accurately, read the 5 digital digits from left to right, including any zeros, e.g. 00003. 2 3 4 2. If reading the meter in the morning the display will show ‘Rate 1’ on the right hand side. In the afternoon the display will show ‘Rate 2’. 3. Always remember to take both Rate 1 and Rate 2 when reading the meter. The additional rate can be shown be pressing the blue button once 5 When the total number of units used reaches 99999 the register advances again to 00000. 4. Our meters unique identification number. 5. Security seals. Pointer Dial Meters The image to the right shows a typical pointer dial meter. We are currently in the process of replacing all pointer dial meters and there are very few left on our Network. Should you find that you have a pointer dial meter installed at your property, please contact our Meter Department on 687762 to arrange a convenient appointment for a replacement meter to be installed. This service is provided at no cost to the customer. Frequently Asked Questions 1. When is the meter read? Domestic customer meters are billed quarterly. 2. How often is the meter estimated? It is our policy to gain an actual reading for each account sent. However in line with our General Conditions of Supply we reserve the right to send your account based on an estimate of consumption if an actual meter reading is not obtained. We will replace an estimated reading with a customer reading. Special meter readings can be arranged at a customer’s premises by giving 3 full working days’ notice. Contact our Customer Services Department on 687687. 3 The meter box housing the meter is broken. What should I do? Contact our Revenue Protection Manager on 687663. Frequently Asked Questions Continued 4. The seals on your equipment is broken, what should I do? Contact our Revenue Protection Manager immediately on 687663. 5. I want to build an enclosure to cover your equipment, what should I do? All meters and equipment are installed in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Supply and must be easily accessible for our Staff to inspect and maintain. For guidance contact our Meter Department on 687762. 6. I have noticed something different about your equipment, what should I do? Contact our Revenue Protection Manager immediately on 687663. They will arrange for a representative to call and inspect our equipment, free of charge. Please ensure that access to the service position is available. 7. I’m making home improvements, the Manx Utilities equipment and meters may have to be removed or re-sited to progress work, what should I do? An Electricity Network Enquiry Form must be completed and submitted to the Manx Utilities, who will arrange a site survey if required. A contribution maybe payable by you towards the cost of providing the alteration to the service. For guidance contact our Network Services Department on 687723. Revenue Protection No one other than our authorised officials are permitted to connect, unseal, remove or otherwise alter our apparatus. Tampering with our equipment is a criminal offence, doing so can also be extremely dangerous! Should you suspect that a meter has been tampered with or you suspect someone is tampering with their electricity supply then please contact our Revenue Protection Manager on 687663. How can I get further information or advice? Further information can be found on our website alternatively contact our Customer Services Team on 687687. If you have any practical needs where we could help - for example providing this information in another format (eg large print or in a different language) or are having difficulties completing application forms please contact our Customer Services Team on 687687, during our office hours. Our office hours are 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am - 4.30pm Friday. ————–—–———————-—-———————————————————————————————Manx Utilities • PO Box 177 • Douglas • Isle of Man • IM99 1PS e: • t: 01624 687687 • April 2014
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