ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes What is a strong/good (I)LP formulation? ILP Formulation Properties and Strenghtening Techniques Linear program: Version 2010.3 low number of variables low number of constraints Andreas M. Chwatal complexity grows polynomially in these entities Algorithms and Data Structures Group Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms Vienna University of Technology VU Fortgeschrittene Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen April 2010 1 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 2 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes What is a strong/good (I)LP formulation? The pigeonhole Integer Linear Program: Suppose, we want to place n + 1 pigeons into n holes, such that each hole contains exactly one pigeon. (This is clearly infeasible) Let F = {x1 , . . . , xk } denote the set of feasible integer solution to some ILP under consideration Convex hull conv(F) = ( k X i=1 Variable xij = 1 if pigeon i is in hole j, zero otherwise. ) X k λi xi λi = 1, λi ≥ 0 Each hole pigeon must be placed in one of the holes: i=1 Let P denote the polyhedron given by the linear relaxation of the ILP: n X xij = 1, i = 1, . . . , n + 1 (1a) j=1 conv(F) ⊆ P xij ∈ {0, 1} Optimal case: conv(F) = P, but this can usually not be achieved i = 1, . . . , n + 1, j = 1, . . . , n (1b) In a strong formulation P closely approximates conv(F) 3 4 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations The pigeonhole (cont.) xij ≤ 1, k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Formulation 1: j = 1, . . . , n, i 6= k, i, k = 1, . . . , n + 1 n+1 X Cutting-plane separation Given: n potential facility locations with opening costs cj , m clients with service costs dij (for client i from facility j) Two alternatives for the additional constraints, i.e. each hole must contain no more than one pigeon: xij + xkj ≤ 1, Spanning Trees Example: Facility Location (2) j = 1, . . . , n min (3) s.t. i=1 n X j=1 n X cj yj + m X n X dij xij (4a) i=1 j=1 xij = 1 for all i (4b) j=1 Linear relaxation of formulation with (2) is feasible (with xij = 1/n, for all i, j), but infeasible with (3). xij ≤ yj for all i, j (4c) 0 ≤ xij ≤ 1, yi ∈ {0, 1} for all i, j (4d) 5 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Facility Location (cont.) Formulation 2: min Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Spanning Trees In this section we study various (M)ST formulations. Why? n X cj yj + m X n X j=1 s.t. 6 n X dij xij (5a) Spanning tree (ST) problems arise in various contexts, often as subproblems to more complex problems. (5b) While the MST is solvable in polynomial time, further constraints usually make the problem NP-hard. Variants: i=1 j=1 xij = 1 for all i xij ≤ m · yj for all j (5c) for all i, j (5d) j=1 m X i=1 0 ≤ xij ≤ 1, yi ∈ {0, 1} Which formulation is better? F1 has n + nm constraints, whereas F2 has n + m constraints But, PF 1 ⊂ PF 2 !! (where PX denotes the polyhedron corresponding to the LP relaxation of formulation X ) 7 Minimum (Weight) Spanning Tree Steiner Tree, Prize Collecting ST {Delay, Resource, Hop, Diameter, ...} - Constrained S.T. Minimum Label Spanning Tree ... 8 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Notation Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Variables In this section we consider various formulations of spanning trees as Integer Linear Programs (ILPs) Constants: Graph G = (V , E ), n = |V |, m = |E | edge-weights we > 0 for all e ∈ E S ⊆ V,T ⊆ V Variables: E (S, T ) = {e = {i, j} ∈ E | i ∈ S ∧ j ∈ T } Edge-variables xe ∈ {0, 1}, indicating if edge e is part of the solution (xe = 1), or not (xe = 0) Complement S¯ = V \S ¯ Cutset δ(S) = E (S, S) Flow variables fe ≥ 0, indicating how much flow goes over edge e Ingoing arcs: δ − (v ) = {(u, v ) | u ∈ V \{v }} Outgoing arcs: δ + (v ) = {(v , u) | u ∈ V \{v }} 9 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations ILP-Formulation min X 10 Spanning Trees xe we (6a) X xe = n − 1 (6b) Psub = {x ∈ R|E | | General Purpose Cutting Planes xe ≤ |S| − 1 for all S ⊂ V , S 6= ∅ X xe = n − 1, e∈E X e∈E X k-MST Let Psub denote the polyhedron associated to the linear programming relaxation of formulation (6), i.e. e∈E s.t. Cutting-plane separation Subtour Elimination Formulation xe ≤ |S| − 1 for all S ⊂ V , S 6= ∅, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1} e∈E (S) (6c) e∈E (S) xe ∈ {0, 1} (6d) Subtour elimination constraints: Inequalities (6c) ensure that no subgraph induced by S contains a cycle. 11 Theorem The extreme points of the polyhedron Psub are the 0 − 1 incidence vectors of spanning trees. 12 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cycle-Elimination Formulation Cutset Formulation Special case: Let Pcec denote the polyhedron resulting from the subtour-formulation, but restricting E(S) with S ⊂ V , S 6= ∅ to cycles. Pcut = {x ∈ R|E | | X Cutting-plane separation X xe = n−1, e∈E k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes xe ≥ 1 for all S ⊂ V , S 6= ∅, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1} e∈δ(S) (7) Theorem Psub ⊆ Pcec . Theorem Psub ( Pcut . Pcut can have fractional extreme points and is thus larger than Psub . Question: Does Psub ( Pcec , i.e. strict inclusion hold? 13 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 14 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees 1 k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 3 1 5 0 0 2 e∈E X 1 0 ¯ E = E (S) ∪ δ(S) ∪ E (S) P P ¯ − 1. If x ∈ Psub , then e∈E (S) xe ≤ |S| − 1 and e∈E (S) ¯ xe ≤ |S| Since X xe = n − 1 we obtain Cutting-plane separation Example of fractional solution of Pcut Proof. For any set of nodes S we have edge weights we xe ≥ 1 1 1 4 1 3 1/2 e∈δ(S) . Hence, x ∈ Pcut and therefore Pcut ⊇ Psub . 1/2 1 By the example from the next slide we can show that the inclusion may be strict. 2 15 1/2 0 1 1/2 edge selection variables xe LP = 3/2 (z ILP = 2) zcut opt 4 1 0 5 0 1 16 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Single Commodity Flow Formulation min wT x s.t. Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes (8a) X fe − X e∈δ + (1) e∈δ − (1) X X fe − fe = n − 1 (8b) for all v 6= 1, v ∈ V (8c) fij ≤ (n − 1)xe fe = 1, for every edge e = {i, j} (8d) fji ≤ (n − 1)xe for every edge e = {j, i} (8e) for all e ∈ E (8g) e∈δ + (v ) e∈δ − (v ) X Spanning Trees Single Commodity Flow Formulation xe = n − 1 (8f) e∈E f ≥ 0, xe ∈ {0, 1} Pflow = {x ∈ R|E | | x, f satisfy Inequalities (8) without the integrality conditions} (9) Remark: The single commodity flow formulation just requires a polynomial number of equations, but the corresponding polyhedron is larger than Psub . Theorem Psub ( Pflow . 17 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 18 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Properties Example of solution of Pflow 4 1 1 3 1 1 0 1/4 1 2 1 1 0 Theorem 1 3/4 5 0 1 4 Psub ⊆ Pcut ⊆ Pflow (10) 0 Often directed formulations yield tighter polyhedra. 1 To derive the directed formulations introduce for each edge {i, j} the arcs (i, j) and (j, i) and associate variables ya to them and set xe = yij + yji . Let Pdcut denote the polyhedron of the directed cut formulation: 1 Theorem LP = 1 (z ILP = 2) zflow opt Psub = Pdcut 19 (11) 20 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Steiner Tree Prize Collecting Steiner Tree (cont.) Steiner Tree (ST) Problem Let zj ∈ {0, 1} indicate if node j is included in the Steiner tree. By extending the subtour formulation for the MST problem, we obtain: Given a graph G = (V , E ); find a minimum weight subtree of G spanning all terminal nodes T ⊂ V min X we xe − e∈E The subtree might, or might not include some of the other optional “Steiner” nodes S = V \T . s.t. X X (12a) for all U ⊂ V and for all k ∈ U (12b) for all i ∈ T ∪ {r } (12d) xe ∈ {0, 1} for all e ∈ E (12e) zi ∈ {0, 1} for all i ∈ V (12f) X zi i∈U\{k} X xe = e∈E Given a graph G = (V , E ) with edge weights we for each e ∈ E , root node r . For the other nodes j ∈ V \{r } we have a profit pj if the tree contains j. pi z i i∈V xe ≤ e∈E (U) Prize Collecting Steiner Tree (PCST) Problem X zi (12c) i∈V \{r } zi = 1 22 21 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Prize Collecting Steiner Tree (cont.) Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Prize Collecting Steiner Tree (cont.) G0 = (V 0, E 0) Determination node: Inequalities (12b) are called generalized subtour elimination constraints ⇒ graph spanned by selected nodes does not contain a subtour. of the root a Artificial root node a Enhanced graph G 0 = (V 0 , E 0 ) Equality (12d) ensures the correct number of edges. V 0 = V ∪ {a} Of course this the LP-relaxation of this formulation does not guarantee x and z to be integer. G = (V, E) E 0 = E ∪ {{a, i} | i ∈ V } Make sure, that only one of the edges in E 0 \E is used! 23 24 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Cycle Elimination Cuts Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Cycle Elimination Cut Separation Cycle-Elimination Cuts: based on subtour-formulation, but instead of S ⊆ V we only consider cycles C ⊆ V . Consider each edge e = {i, j} with xe > 0. (can this be improved?) Cycle elimination cuts can be separated by shortest-path computations Compute a shortest path from i to j w.r.t. edge weights we = (1 − xelp ). Here, xelp denotes the value of variable xe in the current LP-relaxation. X xe ≤ |C | − 1 ⇔ |C | − e∈E (C ) X xe ≥ 1 ⇔ e∈E (C ) X “delete” the edge, or set its weight to some sufficiently large constant (1 − xe ) ≥ 1 If we found a path, and it’s value (plus wij ) is less than 1, we can add an inequality enforcing these arcs “not to form a cycle” e∈E (C ) 25 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 26 ILP Formulations Directed Connection Cuts, Subtour Elimination Cuts Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Strategies Compute minimum (s, t)-cut by max-flow algorithm Given some root node s, this needs to be done for every node t ∈ V \{s} as target node t Add “most violated” cut vs. add all cuts Add cuts “globally”, or just for the current node (and it’s children) of the branch-and-bound tree As each node needs to be connected X xe ≥ 1, S ⊂ V , S 6= ∅, s ∈ S, t ∈ V \S, s 6= t Various improvements: nested cuts, back-cuts, ... e∈δ + (S) When sum over such a cut-set δ + (s) is lower than one, we have found a cut, and can add the inequalities: Directed connection cut: X Remark 1: Considering the edges/nodes in a randomized order might improve the overall process. xa ≥ 1 Remark 2: For many (tree) problems, the directed connection cuts show the best performance in practice, e.g. due to their fast separation. a∈δ + (S) Subtour elimination: X xa ≤ |S| − 1 and a∈E (S) X ¯ −1 xa ≤ |S| ¯ a∈E (S) 27 28 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Dual-Simplex Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes k-Node Minimum Spanning Tree (k-MST) Given: (undirected) graph G = (V , E , w ) nonnegative weighting function w (e) ∈ R Purpose: effectively resolve LP after further addition of constraints Goal: Find a minimum weight tree spanning exactly k nodes. Starting with a dual feasible solution Example: k = 6, z = 22 Method tries to transform into primal feasible basis while maintaining dual feasibility 4 Operations are carried out on primal simplex tableau 12 7 8 7 13 3 2 10 5 15 6 7 8 3 4 10 4 6 6 15 6 7 29 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 30 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Applications Oil-field leasing: Company bought lease for an oil field. After some period, they must return 50% of the oil-field. This part is required to be connected! 95 25 10 60 30 40 20 15 55 70 80 45 10 20 25 Theorem (Complexity of k-MST) The k-MST problem is NP-hard. Proof by reduction from Steiner tree. Programming exercise: develop a (1) flow- and a (2) cycle-elimination or a directed cut formulation for the k-MST problem. Implement the corresponding branch-and-bound and branch-and-cut algorithms! For more information to the programming exercise see the seperate slides! Company assigns profit-values to the pumps. Node-weighted d|V |/2e-node MST (blue area) corresponds to the best connected part for the company to return. 31 32 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Chv´atal-Gomory (C-G) Cutting Planes We consider the following ILP Valid inequality: A linear inequality αT x ≤ α0 , or (α, α0 ), that is satisfied by all points of a polyhedron is called valid inequality. We are interested in valid inequalities w.r.t. conv(F) max cT x (13a) s.t. Ax ≤ b (13b) We can now choose a u ∈ Rm + . All x satisfying (13) also satisfy If (α, α0 ) is valid for conv(F) but not P ⇒ strenghtening the ILP formulation n n X X (uT Aj )xj ≤ uT b ⇒ buT Aj cxj ≤ uT b There exist general techniques to find such inequalities j=1 Better LP relaxations imply better bounds ⇒ speedup of branch-and-bound methods j=1 .. and by using the integrality of x .. Chv´atal-Gomory Cutting Planes n X buT Aj cxj ≤ buT bc (14) j=1 34 33 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations C-G Example [4] max 2x1 + x2 (15a) s.t. 7x1 + x2 ≤ 28 (15c) − 8x1 − 9x2 ≤ −32 (15d) x1 , x2 ∈ Z+ ∪ {0} (15e) 1 21 , u2 = 7 22 , u3 Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Gomory cutting planes are particular manifestations of C-G cutting planes x2 Can be directly extracted from simplex tableau P Let x0 − kj=1 cj xj = 0. Consider the following ILP in its standard form (including slack variables xk+1 , . . . , xn ): 1 3 ⇒ −3x1 − 2x2 ≤ −9 u1 = (15b) − x1 + 3x2 ≤ 7 u1 = 0, u2 = 13 , u3 = Spanning Trees Gomory Cutting Planes max n X cj xj (16a) j=1 x1 s.t. =0 n X aij xj = bi i = 0, . . . , m (16b) j=0 ⇒ x2 ≤ 3 35 36 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Gomory Cutting Planes (cont.) Gomory Cutting Planes (cont.) We now introduce a partitioning of the indices, where β = (β1 , . . . , βn ) represent the basic solution indices, and η = (η1 , . . . , ηn−m ) the non-basic indices. A basic solution is thus given by (18) can also be solved in terms of nonbasic variables: ∗ x = (xβ∗1 , . . . , xβ∗m , xη∗1 = 0, . . . , xη∗n−m = 0) xβ∗1 , . . . , xβ∗m is a unique solution to m X aiβj xβj = bi , i = 1, . . . , m (17) xβi + j=1 xβi + m X aiβj xβj + j=0 n−m X n−m X j=1 A−1 β b It follows, that = By this partitioning a solution to 16 is given by ¯aβi ηj xηj = xβ∗i , i = 0, . . . , m (19) This is exactly what we have in a row of the Simplex-tableau!!! By rounding down the coefficients we obtain the Gomory (fractional) cutting planes: j=1 x∗β n−m X b¯aβi ηj cxηj = bxβ∗i c, i = 0, . . . , m (20) By subtracting (19) from (21) we obtain an equivalent inequality aiηj xηj = bi , i = 1, . . . , m (18) j=1 xβi + n−m X j=1 (b¯aβi ηj c − ¯aβi ηj )xηj = bxβ∗i c − xβ∗i , i = 0, . . . , m (21) 37 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes 38 ILP Formulations Gomory Cutting Planes Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Gomory Cutting Planes Example (continued). We are given the following optimal simplex table: x0 x1 7 x3 22 3 x3 22 1 x2 + x3 22 3 + x3 2 5 x4 22 1 x4 22 7 + x4 22 5 + x4 + x5 2 21 2 7 2 7 = 2 55 = 2 + + = =⇒x0 ≤10 (22a) + − = =⇒x1 − x4 ≤3 (22b) =⇒x2 ≤3 (22c) =⇒x3 + 2x4 + x5 ≤27 (22d) x2 Drawbacks: Large LPs ⇒ long running times in each iteration Many non-zero coefficients ⇒ numeric issues x1 39 40 ILP Formulations Spanning Trees Cutting-plane separation k-MST General Purpose Cutting Planes Literature 1 2 3 4 Bertsimas, Weismantel, “Optimization over Integers”, Dynamic Ideas, 2005 Magnanti, Wolsey, “Optimal Trees”, 1994 Nemhauser, Wolsey, “Integer and Combinatorial Optimization”, Wiley, 1999 Lee, “A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization”, Cambridge University Press, 2004 41
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