Document 242698

The Mission Statement of the UUMF (Unitarian Universalist Men’s Fellowship) The UUMF supports men in their quest for lives of compassion, integrity, responsibility, and balance. We are a caring, intentionally diverse brotherhood, committed to social justice, and offering opportunities for intimate sharing, personal growth, and spiritual deepening. The UUMF made a conscious decision that the men at the weekend were not going to “withdraw” or “pull in”... not retreat, but rather, to refresh, regenerate....hence: R E N E W A L
What is the history of UUMF Renewals ?
In the mid 1980‟s, Tom Owen-­‐Towle, the minister at First Unitarian Universalist Church in San Diego, was a member of a group of men who desired a deeper, more meaningful connections with other men. The fellowship has since facilitated more than 30 renewals, held twice each year (spring and fall). Nearly all have been theme related. We hold the spring renewal at our UU camp, DeBennevile Pines, in the mountains near Riverside, and open it to all men in the Pacific Southwest District of the UU Association. However, men do not have to belong to or be affilated with the church to attend. In the fall we have the renewal at a camp near Julian, Cedar Glenn, and open to all, but, generally attended by the local San Diego men. The goal of the renewals is to assist men to come to know themselves as a men, brothers, fathers and partners. What happens at a UUMF Renewal?
Interested men, about 4 or 5 months before the event, gather as a planning group to establish the theme and organize the renewal. © First Unitarian Universalist Menʼs Fellowship 2012
W e d i v i d e t h e w e e k e n d i n t o 5 p h a s e s . Phase 1-­‐ Friday afternoon/evening: INTRODUCTION Men are welcome to come up early to relax, settle in and have dinner. Friday evenings program is an introduction to the theme for the weekend and then meet in small groups, called “Kinship Groups” of 5 or 6 men to start to reflect on and develop the theme. Following the program we have informal socialization, visit brothers and sing and chant to bring everyone together. As an integral part of the program, the music and chanting, assists us in moving from the head and into a deeper place. Phase 2-­‐ Saturday morning: THEME DEVELOPMENT Often the men take short hikes or mediatate before breakfast both Saturday & Sunday. After breakfast on Saturday, we spend time in both kinship and large circle groups, addressing the theme. This has come to be the crux of the weekend. Members of the fellowship speak and share their life experiences as they relate to the topic. Phase 3-­‐ Saturday afternoon: INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES The men engage in some optional individual activities. Among these OPTIONAL activities might be: games, swim, sweat lodge, hiking, workshops, music, etc. Did I say that ALL the afternoons events are strictly optional?? Many men simply take the afternoon to enjoy the surroundings, being alone and, perhaps, reading or resting. Phase 4-­‐ Saturday evening: CELEBRATION After dinner the evening program we celebrate some of the internal work that each man has been engaged with over the weekend. Phase 5-­‐ Sunday morning: REFLECTION On Sunday morning program we reflect on the weekend and, if desired, share during our traditional “Quaker style service (“when the spirit moves you”). Many often feel a powerful and heartfelt conclusion to the renewal. © First Unitarian Universalist Menʼs Fellowship 2012
Guidlines for Attendees
There are a few “rules” that are always practiced while attending any UUMF function which facilitate protecting everyone’s privacy and ensuring safety for all. The right of reticence-­‐ no one is urged, encouraged or compelled to share deeper than he is comfortable. Confidentiality-­‐ no one is to reveal or discuss personal information, EVER, of details shared at any of the meetings or functions. Our circles are considered sacred space and we adhere to the following guidelines:
• avoid crosstalk-­‐ active listening is encouraged • refrain from giving advice • use “I” statements (share your story) • be mindful of the need to allow time for all to share Alcohol and drugs are strongly discouraged and firearms are not permitted. INFORMATION for our FELLOWSHIP
For more information please contact Mike Dorfi at, or stop by the UUMF Table after the service and talk to a member. We welcome all to our Fellowship.
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© First Unitarian Universalist Menʼs Fellowship 2012