Why Shaykh Muhammed al-Imaam is not Treated like al-Halabee and the Deception of the Hajaawirah Taken from http://www.sahab.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=137419 by Abu Umar Usamah al-Utaybi Translated by Abu Makkah Abdur Rahman Masjid Daar us Sunnah | www.DuSunnah.com | London The Hajaawirah [the followers of Yahya al-Hajooree] say: “You’ve refuted the book “Manhaj Al-Khalaf Ad-Daalih” [Manhaj As-Salafus Saalih] by al-Halabee, so why don’t you refute the book “Al-Ibaanah” by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam?” The response to this is from [a number of] angles: First Angle: From the principles of the Salafi methodology is to refute the opposition upon legislated paths, so we do not favour so and so or so and so in refuting his mistake or his opposition whether the opposition of the truth is Salafi or not. So it is a must to clarify the truth Dealing with the erroneous has to be done according to legislated principles. The erroneous Salafi who‟s mistake does not necessitate tab‟dee and exiting him outside of the Sunnah is not equated to the innovator who follows his desires. So he is dealt with according [the level of] his mistake, whether it reoccurred and the affect it had on him. Likewise [dealing] with the erroneous Salafi who‟s mistake doesn‟t exit him from the Sunnah is not like the dealing of the innovator who follows his desires. Indeed none makes a similarity between them except a hateful Haddaadi who resembles the Khawaarij and Mu‟tazilah Second Angle: The likening of al-Halabee‟s book and the book al-Ibaanah demonstrates the ignorance of the book of al-Halabee, and clarifying this can 1|Page prolong [the matter], but I‟ll mention some points which prevents the equalization of the 2 books; First Point: al-Halabee based his book on the advice of Shaykh Rabee to (Faalih) al-Harbee and he distorted, edited and changed it, and this isn‟t present in alIbaanah Second Point: al-Halabee utilised false principles and rejected clear Salafi principles such as: • The affairs connected to detailed Jarh, examining people with Ahlul Sunnah and Ahlul Biddah. • Separating Aqeedah and Manhaj in devious ways with evil intent. • His manipulation in regards to al-Muwaazanaat and claiming that it is wrong to forbid one who opposes other than him in Jarh. • The false principle that “we shouldn‟t make our difference (in stance) towards others a reason for our differing” • The false principle that “we rectify instead of destroying.” • The false principle that “it‟s not upon me (to accept the Jarh of scholars) • His attacks upon the Companions [i.e Abul Hasan al-Ma‟ribee] with him deeming the word „ghuthaa‟iyyah – scum‟ isn‟t an insult, and that fitnah will occur with announcing the tabdee of a mubtadi – which necessitates him affirming the person‟s Salafi – (ie legislating compromising), including that which is found in his book of cutting (the statements of the scholars), lies and distorting. According to my knowledge these principles aren‟t found in al-Ibaanah, and the Hajaawirah have attempted to find these principles inside al-Ibaanah, and they perplexed and sought to cut out and distort words until they attained their goal. They were helped (in attaining their goal) with words that require observation which were generalized, so with this they deceived the Salafi youth Third Point: al-Halabee authored his book in refutation of Shaykh Rabee as he professed, but in contrary to this, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam only authored his book to refute the extremism of al-Hajooree and his deaf followers! His intent in the book is clear, and when Al-Hajooree and his party saw this their flow of rage begun, and al-Hajooree placed himself in the position of Shaykh Rabee (with 2|Page regards to al-Imaams book) and he placed al-Imaam in the position of al-Halabee so with this they tricked and deceived the Salafi youth. Fourth Point: al-Halabee's intent of his book was to spread the tamyee' methodology and to praise the people of innovation that claim Salafiyyah or those people of Innovation that have been given the title „Salafi‟ but in reality they are not. As for Shaykh al-Imaam his intent was to defend the Salafis, to refute the extremists whilst disassociating himself from innovation and its people and also warning the tamyee. Fifth Point: al-Halabee praised the organisation Ihyaa at-Turaath, and set principles in doing so, as for Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam he warns against them and other various organisations similar to them. He declares their hizbiyyah. Sixth Point: al-Halabee calls to the „Oman Treatise‟ which includes encourages religious unity and paths, and it encourages „humanity‟ which is a Masonic banner, this is contrary to the speech and Manhaj of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam and as the far and near will bear witness, his authorships are in contradiction to what alHalabee is upon in this affair and his other Hizbi activities. Seventh Point: al-Halabee permits elections, and Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam is against it and he has books and lectures regarding this. Eighth Point: The book of al-Halabee was not commended by any Salafi scholar, rather it was commended by innovators. As for the book al-Ibaanah then it was commended by a group of scholars of Sunnah in Yemen, and other than them praised it. Ninth Point: al-Halabee took the approach of backbiting and slandering of the contemporary scholars of Sunnah, and this is something not found in the book of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam. Tenth Point: al-Halabee claimed to bring a solution for some of the current problems between the Salafis, and that he‟ll guide them to the middle course, but in actuality he committed the opposite, rather his book, website and situation all lean to one side which is splitting, differing and violent warning against the Salafis. As for Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam‟s book then it calls to harmony and unity upon the truth, and reconciling between Salafis, and he calls to the middle course, and we don‟t see from him except good manners and respect towards the Scholars of Sunnah, especially the contemporary ones, contrary to what al-Halabee is upon in speech and action! 3|Page Third Angle: Al-Ibaanah was praised by a number of scholars of Sunnah, and they know the author is a person of Sunnah who seeks rectification, thus they had good suspicions for him, along with pointing out mistakes which could be of benefit to him and others. As for the book fo al-Halabee, no Salafi scholar commended it nor did they pay any attention to it, rather they warned against it and they knew the evil intent of the author, thus the differentiation between the 2 (books) was clear to the Salafis Fourth Angle: al-Ibaanah included a number of mistakes, and some ambiguous generalized statements which are utilized by the people of desires and innovations, and I will try to look into these issues to clarify to Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam and to the readers to aid clarifying the truth along with preserving the honour of the Salafi Shaykh Muhammad Al-Imaam – may Allah grant him success. Fifth Angle: Due to my knowledge of the extremism of al-Hajooree and his deaf followers, it doesn‟t make me one who does the opposite in order to refute them with that which opposes the truth, rather justice is compulsory and the intent is to give victory to Allah‟s religion. As for my speech regarding al-Ibaanah and not equalling it to al-Halabee‟s book, then it only came to light after looking through it, and reading several refutations on it from al-Hajooree and his disciples. Allah knows that had al-Ibaanah been like al-Halabee‟s book, or if it appeared to me as such, I wouldn‟t have delayed refuting it, because this is a matter of religion and I don‟t favour so and so or so and so. And may Allah have mercy on a Salafi who reveals to me my faults, and I‟m with the truth wherever it may be. And whosoever had with them authentic evidences or proof without cutting out or distorting or trying to carry the speech to other than its meaning; then he‟s welcome to clarify and he won‟t find from me or any other Salafi except abidance to the truth. 4|Page
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