48 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1911 The Call's of Page the Lissak Handicap Arasee Captures EDITED Price Sports Long at IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE POINT OF VIEW. Goldberg BEDWELL LIKELY 100 TO 1 SHOT wINS TO BE REINSTATED RACE AT JUAREZ Meeting of Kentucky Racing Charlie Rothschild Is Longest Commission Called and ClemPriced Horse to Score at ency May Be Shown the Meeting [Special Dispatch la The Call] WHAT IS 'LIKELY DIEU' I THE CALL'S RACING FORM LIKELY TO DO NEXT? 7998 OAKLAND. Saturday. .Tun. C. Hopper, presiding judge. |E. f 14. 1911.— Flftv fifth day. Richard Pwyer. starter. ITlST RACB—S!^ fWkOft! selling: 3 year Index! |wt «t. t; Horse and Owner. i!K!7 I(I)DOMITHILDA, 4 (M!chell)!lO1l 8 TW4 Ren Stone. 5 <W. C. Clancy). Ill* 3 ... Yellow Foot. .'. (O. Ml«isman)!ll2' 5 ... 25* .!W4 i.nrlv Iten««ela*r. 5 (Miller). .1110! 4 ... ...... ...... ... ......... < No Doubt the Horse Is Honest, But the Ways ol Some Jockeys Are Peculiar Weather Track rainy. Gossip of the Ring and Paddock "loppy. olds and upward; value to first $22.%. Str. Fin. I II li 2 11 0L 7-2 fi 30 ........ ..... -...... • «• 4 15 6 I ,•»2 7 12 ! SO fiO ! 8 .. t 207 2-"i10I Corey ...1 Plourd .'..... 1 I' 30" 00 Dmnlthllda. 8-S plaee, tJi . M8 Op. : 5-2 I Jockey. 'Hewitt no" I Archibald 4 3 4 3^3 2H8 % IHscher 5 2^S -\ 4 % A 3 IGanMC 2 2 1 3 1 1 5 14 IRllMle 3 % tt % R 3 1 2VT«yi.>r 7 '.." ISoldeiT S«7171 f> n 8 2 «4 iRadtke 11 9 «11 •> H 9 n IKlrschbanm 10 n 10 2 10 2 10 5 Irnvanaogh fl 1U5 2 1 M, 2 2 2 % 2 8h 7974 (3)SWAOEB1ATOR. 0. (Basst)lll2! <\ 7974 |O«.»«lprr 11. -i Oferckel).. 1110! 2 TWO I'.Tide. .''. (Wilson & Co.);.... ' OOllO 7«<12 Mlcco. 3 (Keen? Bros.) > ftO'11 772» lUnmpaw. H (J. J. runner) 1151 9 7002 IMmiI*. a if. B. Beaty)...;. .IllOl 1 78.T; U2)KJ8S BLY, 4 (J. Rlnnottt .IIORI'7 7 (Indlanola stable);ilO| Pulled up i2«t |Tom Reid, 5 . CHART \ 11 JOE MURPHY ! 10 ... -I 3-S. :40 3 s, 1:17 2 3. At pout 3 minutes. Off at 1:48. fhow; stone, r, 2 [ilace. 6-5 show; Foot, H sii-.w. Winner b, m. bv Kl-uid .Tonnle K. on Thursday afternoon when What happened Trsined by TV H. Mleliell. Start Rood. Woi or-in* nway. Next two drlvins. Hi<?h prlcw DorMc IS, H»mp«SB 10. Winner entered fo r $400; no bid. Pomlthlldn ontrun early. looked Jockey Chris Kirschbatim rode the gelding and it finished absolutely last in of It entirely, furlong nut mor^d "P fast In final and ran over the lenders at the end. Ren Stone hune on well. Yellow root ran a smart race. Ij<dy Ren«selner run her race. a. field of five entries at five and a half furlongs? The horse looked to have Swagerlator stopped badly after showing good speed. Gosslper had some early speed. Mlcco ran a promlslnir were mispoor players' occasion, an excellent chance oa that but the form race. taken, as Daddy Gip won the race easily. Yesterday, "with Jockey Eddie BBCOND RACE—Three and a half fur'onRs; purBe; 2 year olda; value to first 1225. 'Martin in the saddle, Likely Dieudonne ran six furlongs and won by half a Jockey. Horse and Owner. Str. Fin. I !Wt]8t. % ! Op. length from Daddy Gip and showed rare gameness, staying better than Index. I A M.i'120! 2 111-10 1,5 J..2H1 n 'J. McJntyre..\u25a0\u25a0! 'i^Si,iI)0AKLAND the latter horse. lBlan<%bl (2)AM0N (S. W. Berry). ,-. li.V4 4 4 4 r. 2 2HT,lat.H 6-.'. to Likely Dieudonne - 7999 . . ........ ...... . Vni\1r (G. W. Ben-v 1 ll««ll This sarte Jockey Kirschbaum rode Lescar last Monday afternoon, and ,I?? (79.1) (3)C. on DELIVERY (Turnmr)lll2! 3 ISleepland (Captain Cassatt). r, :... the horse was beaten 30 lengths, finishing absolutely last; but on Friday, in 79.11 a..'. IBIlly (B. \u25a0 V . post. It \u25a0was remarked hy expert horsemen and those who know something about racing that Klrschbaum ro<io a very peculiar race on Dieudonne on Thursday afternoon and It only took yesterday's race to bear them out. On Thursday Dieudonne opened second choice but receded In thp betting. It will be recalled that Klrschbaum rode the gelding Into the ground on that day and then made a very wide turn Into the stretch, by which his lengths. mount lost -several Kirschhaum's ride was severely criticised at that time. «£he boy's reputation Is bad and he ha* been sot down before for suspiclrm looking riding. His nickname around the racecourse Is "Strong Arm" Chris." This rank Ntwml overshadowed the <lever Victory of Arasee in the Lissak Earl; Wright's clever perhandicap. former was entirely overlooked, as it was not believed that the son of Blues was able to negotiate the going, but he nil by showing rare form. Wright's entry receded from 8 to 15 made a nice clean veral hundred on the gelding straight and place. Spellbound, winner of the Thanksgiving and Christmas handicaps was the choice, closing at 9 to \u25a0". The heavy Impost of 118 pounds was too much for Prlchard's gelding to handle and he never was a serious contender. R. J. Mackenzie's entry, Veneta Strome. came In for a big play. Her odds were hammered down from 8 to 4 to 1. Early Tide made the running during the early part of the Journey when Ronevale assumed the lead and led Into the stretch. Arasee had been laying off the pace and Glass was putting up an Intelligent rlda on the Wright gelding. He made his move In the stfetch and Arasee ran over the pacemakers, finishing fast. He crossed the wire two lengths and a half In front of Rosevale, which beat Veneta Strome a note for th» place. The mile was covered In 1:4 4. Notwithstanding the mean weather, Uiere was a good Saturday crowd «t n<T the track. The first three events on the card were captured by favorites and then outsiders had an Inning, winning- the last half of the card. The baby race created a great deal of excitement. George W. Berry's entry, Amon, showed a flight of speed which stamped him as. the best youngster that has faced the barrier bo far this season. • Though beaten by Oakland, Daggle Smith's colt. It was only the result of a flying start which the. Bearcatcher colt secured at the barrier. : 'Amon, as usual slow to begin,- was going great guns at the finish and he dropped, from the clouds only to lose the race by a neck. He showed Oakland up In the run down the stretch and had the distance been half a furlong farther Amon would have won by several lengths.The Bearcatcher colt was away flyIng arid; by the time Oakland entered the. stretch Amon was half a dozen lengths (Ait of It. -The son of Puryear D showed: a remarkable I flight of speed • In Ithe. stretch and was catching:the leaders at every Jump. The lead Oakland secured at the Start was too much for Berry's colt to overcome and he was just beaten out. " ; Vanlr was third. . John, H. Sheehan< ran right back to t his last race and had no trouble In beating his field in the third event over the futurity course. He beat the barrier and opened up a gap on his field, winning easily from the.faint hearted Warfare at the finish. ' Fernando finished third. i The opening race was captured by the 7 to 2 favorite, Domlthllda, which was very slow to begin but finished with a great burst of speed. . Little Hewitt had the mount on. the winner and his task;was to get the favorite going. .At the far turn the favorite began to move up and in the" stretch the daughter of Kismet was running over the leaders. She i was -a length and a half in front of Ben Stone at the finish. Yellow Foot, which ran a very clever race, was Just nosed out " for second place. , Belle of Iroquols, well backed at 5 to I,^ won an easy victory in the fifth event for the futurity course. Old Burleigh made the pace ito the stretch when Lewis' entry came :on and 1 won easily by two lengths. Blacksheep, the favorite, hugged the rail all the way around, * but could not get; through' In the stretch ;run.;*Dacla finished a close : third. •\u25a0 __:'\u25a0: /V: .. ;\u25a0;\u25a0.- :. Likely Dfeudonne assumed the lead at] the outset s in; the ; final 5 event iat six furlongs and never relinquished i It. He easily withstood Daddy Glp's challenge In, the; final part. Fountain '\u25a0 Square was third. '; It; Is Ievident! that "Mackenzie's horse is not at his best in this going. . 100 100 George W. 'give lot of a . One is» thing. \u25a0 .... 6 13 20 IW Cnreaii 40 4 3 4 2'44 n 7 1Fischer."; ".'. 06 -8 8 Time .24 :48 3-.-. 1:02 2-5. 1:122-5. At p08: s minutes. Off at 2:41.. \u25a04 1. Sheehan. 1-3 place, out ;™: Warfare. 4 place.. 8-5>liow: Fernando. 2-5 show. Winner ell. e. by Rubiconar ,"\u25a0 V,VleA T J- DUontart poo Won ia a (Mllop. " Second easily.-. Third c? handily. High price—John II. Sheehan 4-.'. Winner entered for $800; no bid. John • H. . fare, Mieehan ,V.it the pate and Ealloped home. He corked himself very at the post. Warclosest In pursuit of the winner all the way, ran right to herbadlr form. Fernando could not keep up at all. but made up some grotnd In final . sixteenth. He in not at his best In this kind of coing. He wants It stickier and heavier. Mo;ia made a good showingB Lisa • No Quarter stopped to a walk early. . WADHEM. MAKES SEW RECORD ROCHESTER. H. V.. Jan. 14.—"Rube"; Waddell Is the proud "holder of a new record at. indoor baseball. In a game; here last night lie fanned 25 men Id nine innings. Tie pitched for ; a team which -••« Included Stars," "McGrath's Wiltse. Mageo. " Zimmerman and others, : against big league i players managed by another team of John Ganzell. former; manager of the Cincinnati Reds. The Stars won, oto 0. " > KOIUTH RACE mile; th< 1; 3 year to first $990. r. I ' aad Owner. I mi Arasoo. IB. K. Wright) 1108! n C %, 7 4 H,2 >, 1 2U|r,Iass ' .T! (Roserale stable) 100 2 2 1 2 7BS2 Rosevale. B 1 l%i 1H2 11 ''F Martin"' 4 r, T988 (3.V. STS01TE. 5 (Mackenzie) 103 3 5 1^0 TM nii 8 4 7S75 (DSPELLBOUND, 5 (Prichard) 118 5 S'K 3 M| ."• n 4 2 4 n \rrhlhaiii' 3-2 Jt-.% 77.S4 Stick. 4 (Orange Vale).. 90,44%'4h7 5356 KederU 20 •'" 12 7-2 (7917) (2)C0PPEST0WN. 4 (T.4 R..( 102 ! 7 7 .5 n R tU« 1-^ 2% 5-2 -BBS JEarly Tide, a (Spokane). ' 7 .....J108 1 ll'lUjd Scot He I:44 At post inlnuteK. Off at 3:1134. Arasee. fi place. 3 «how : Eosevale. o-2 place, 1 show; Strom 1 show. Winner c : hv BIuea-Bnnrh TYalne.1 by; I. F. Wrigbt. v< Scratched-(7952) Jim OafTney. 79S9 (7887) -Eddie Dale Start fair. Won eastly. Second drWintr. Third eaMIy.- Hi Kn : 2. AraVee rated to perfection. Glaus : waited patipntl.r with him. ,made hi run In final furlong and the horse breezed over the leader* at the. finish. noscTale" ran her race Veneta ran « cwl ra.e. hut was not ood enough. Spellbound made a dismal nhowlnif. He should be able to do much better than this. Oppertown. cut off at start was pocketed flr.t to a walk. Tills walk. This -la Is not ht» race by any means. not his He nulled-npqnlte nulled up quite la lame. TTr rue. • $3.50 Recipe Free, 7!W>5 Madeline 7950 Beds. 4 7P:;.-, 5 (Ontar) 10« Walker).....' 981 (»iyo QUARTER, a Bat-sett)' 10SI (J. O. 5 « 2 ... 77 7 5 5 1; Garner 1% 1," . . . •x.l « \u25a0» - 2^2 u^3 BJ« IPiTi:*' A -,25-- i:19 m -. t « . For Weak Men 1^3 - ? \u25a0Mrlntm" 2^7 - b?jest!' Send Same and Address' Today—Ton j Can HaTe It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous prlce^Spe^ound Strom? - .^——.—_^_ possession a prescripI have in tion for nervous debility* lack of vigor, manhood, falling memory and weakened lame.back, brought on by excesses, unKACE—Six furlonys;»el :; 3 year olds ai I upward: value to natural > drains, or the follies ;of youth, and Owner. that has cured so many worn and nerIndei.l P tr. Fin. vous men <\u25a0 right in their own; homes— (S)B. TOM of IEOaUOIS, a (Lewl!)|110i 1 2 1 2 n 2 n 12 IRlddle ' i without s any additional ». help or imcdi7964 Iiurlelfh. « (Q -A. Robeth.n). 112 4 bai,i' "'' 1M 1H1 8*2 n I: 5 ' cine—that Is think every * man who [8T1 Darla, 3 (T. Tnrnmirei 00(3 3 n 5 n 8 1 Callahan 12 12 wishes to regain his manly power and <-fM) (l)BLACKBHEEP. 6 (TlKue). 112U !\u25a0-' 4*3 2H3 142 "" quickly v and quietly, should -7927 Father Stafford. 3 (PaodarrU) 112 2 3* 4 V* b 5 3 5 1 Ci '*"*' 8-5I 102 ii virility, (7fi27) Billy Myer. 6 (J. U. Crane).. 112 7 a copy. So I;have : determined fir, «4 6 4 fir, klrs.hhaum"' 4 . « have 7967 MlMPlPnic, 4 fJ.Schrelber):. 109 I ... 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 B i\v g,™; to send a : copy'>of the prescription free I fl 10 of ! charge, in a plain, ordinary, sealed iVV- Oabrtel).... lli| ... 8lOSlO»2 S% IPir-keni -!>^ 71 ILY^V' 8 12 U8)DAa0IM. 7»2» a IB. Schrclber). 112 ft envelope to any man who will write me 9.- 9 9 0 Cohnrn • ~... 5 -T, ;> \ u 25a0: \ u 25a 0 : . \ u 25a 0 \ u 25a 0 ' \ u 25a 0 ' ;'. •..:,. uuio-- :24 2-.>, :49 4-5. 1:16 At pout 5 minutes. for it. » '. .\u25a0 \u0084 . Off at 8:31. Iroquoia. 5-2 place 7-5 show This prescriptioni comes from,* phy2 plaM-.a 5-2 show. Winner b.,m. by Ben Flow7r' by N. K. Moody. sbow^Dacia. special Trained ! sician who made a study (7862) Scratched— Paul Clifford. Ben Greenleaf 7949 NatlVe has! I of ' n 0^^^?nc^M erIr- Second and third driving. High price-Belle men and -I,; am convinced-! it ;is the of Div.th^ h« RStafford surest-acting ; combination ; for the cure entered for $400; no bid. of Iroquol. cam^froin g-.f». and ran oxer i 16the: Winner behind leaders at the end. Burlelgh had Belle the .peed of deficient manhood vigor ; but hun* at the and flnl"hed ' failure a put together. : \u25a0.I""* BIll<*rt<H*P on rail in close quarters final part.' Others new ever ..il. think I owe it to my fellow man to them copy send a In confidence so that !UXT**RACE—Six furlong*; purge; 3 year; olds and upward; value to first $275. -"*. any ; man ' anywhere who 'is < weak: and discouraged with repeated failures may urtex.l Owner. orse stop drugging I himself ;with: harmful patent medicines, secure what I believe Is the ' quickest-acting Irestorative nr> building, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever '.' L RoM) 10T « \u2666* 4 10 4« 4 12 Garner 4,1^ devised, and so cure -£« v ••• 2 .005 ,The Bailiff's Daughter, 3.(Cst) 93 3 « 8 5 4 5 12 Dsvles quietly and quickly. ;'himself at homea 15 20 Clara W. 3 (B. 8chrelb«r)....i (»'. 1 dron me 52 51 ft ,6 ?.¥..'. 4og 100 fine like this: Dr. A. Just .Robinson 4592 3 3'5- 1:153"6- s At. pout 1 minute. Off, at 8:54*. Dieudonne, 12-5 place n-io Luck Building, Detroit, Mich., Timti^^ and I will Olp. .:1?* show; *rM' 3-5 place, out show; Square, oat show. you g. by .Winner eh. Dleudonne Saner send a copy of.this splendid recipe by R, T- Owen Scratched—;B8» Jest. i Start good. fWon drivln. —Se^id in a plain ordinary, envelope 11*^! 1*"1^ • handily. Third easily. free of High price—Phil M 9hr 5-2. Likely Dleudonne set all; pace gamely. war ami hung on wry nee in 3iarp contrast to his previous effort when doct°™writing would , the charge $8.00 to 15.00 for merely 1>h,Mt Sin ranIll* he stopped^.;..walk. IiW raw. Fountain following the P »«» hung badly and the 011 llkt at. end. Pull Jlohr h»i no;. »peed at \u25a0; h£. He can , this~but \u25a0 ...... \u25a0 ...... ... ...... ... "'' - \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 1?'/ ...... .... i Iro^uois - \u25a0 - . • \u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0 - Widen £ ; 1^5 "fa*' Snnarf"tlnJP 'do litter 1 i . ' \u25a0 - rhnrf-Mn'nf 1"*!*-1^"5' iT«tKITtSi xBenl - 1 GERMAN PHY9CIIN , % , a surprise today at Terrazas park, when he won the second race, a proved mile scramble. He has started several times at the, meeting, but today was the first time he had ever shown any speed. .Incidentally he was the largest priced horse to win since the meeting began. Upright.; favorite in the fourth, won the Puebla stakes. FIRST RACE—Six furlongs, 3 rear olds, gelling: " \u0084:-, \u25a0NgijMft': t X w*\u25a0\u25a0* - I Ml/ - -^ - . . - — 48 \u25a0 . .-. \u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0 . THIRD STREET NEAR MARKET. ?,*,\u25a0.;• Horse, Weight and Jockey. Odds. , Fin. Balella, 110 (Reid) l «-W-Canapa, 105 (Molesworth) 2 7-2—Tee May. 105 (Forehand).. •...;..."....; 3 1 .13 4-5. Soon, Vanity Time. Fair, Texan." ' Hersaw, Belle- Marohmoatt, Scarlet Pimpernel and Pipe Vision also ran. SECOND RACE—One- mile, 4 year olds and up Mllinj: ': r Fin. Weight and Jockey. d?" Horse. Rothschild, 100-I—Charlie 111: (McCullongh). 1 I—Marous.' 106 (McGee)........ 7... 2 «-l—Lady Elizabeth, 104 (Anderson) :. 3 Time. 1:412-5. Helen Carroll, Lucky Mow Cathrrn Scott. Venne, Sallan, Dare Montgomery. Xebulosug Colonel Bronaton and ran. THIRD RACE—Sit furlongs, also 4 year-olds and up. selling: -• " Hon.*, Weight Jockey. Odd*. and ;.;Fin i 7-2—Antlßo, 115 (Wilson) 15-I—Biskra. 103 (Cotton). ......; 2 10-I—Thnrbet. 112 (Ander50n).......... a Time. .1:13 silk. High Culture. Joe Enrich, i Ijing Pearl, *•*• Joe Woods and Waldorf Belle also ran. '. • ; o FOURTH RACE—Pqebla Hake, three furlong 2 year olds:. •. : \ •. Odds. Horse. Weight and Jockey. Tin r rta;ht, 115 (Rice) 1.............'... i 5-I—Closer, 115 (Mcflee)...:.. :!M 2 5-I—John Roberts, 115 (McCullough). :! \u25a0t Time, :34 I-.",. Great Friar, >Kirn Star' and Jack Lamar also ran. furlongs, RACK—Six selllne: \uOdds. 25a0^ FIFTHHorse, Weight and Jockey. ', Soooua. 112 (l>ennj-| • Fin 5-2— B. Shaw, 107 (Mcfiee).......'! S 8-I—He Knows, 112 (Reid)......".!." a 1:14. Banthel. Rbamn*l' ' Old an Boy rrTime, G"***' Sh«Hd. Mia and .***f rlS' Cub. Judith Page also ran ' H RACE-One mile, 3 year old« and np. Odds. Horse. Weight and Jockey. ; Fin, 9-2—Roberta. 103 (Rice)... "'" 8-s—Short Order, 105 (Reid).... i 2-I—Barney Oldfleld, 106 (MeGee). . \u25a0 ----- - .. °™ .. . . ....... \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - . - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .. .-. •\u25a0 *"*• Kit. f>efl?**. \u25a0 , . ' Bon'TonVl'so- „£"*""""•*""*&Holi '•••'•\u25a0 r »' IIfill I Give Yob the Mr Ml Bsst Treatment IfI la II\u25a0 for the Least Cost My specialty Is treating and curing ACUTE and ' 4&B&m*. r*sr^®L >BB f CHRONIC diseases L « of MEN. I can give WmgS MM you more real bene7 -^t IpM fit and.prompter re- ' Jg£ ' <f9' lief,'; because my' tS% ,&--vast experience tells >^_" JL ,me Just what you a f^/lfiL. need •-\u25a0• to '•\u25a0 make you I rtJpK^ STRONG. HKAL-OT 8mpw!&& m THY , and VIGOR-\u25a0TV"™.. OUS. I will convince you that 1 can cure you, otherwise Iwill not accept I you .i for treatment. In view 'of my career, my standing a* a successful physician, and the FOREMOST SPECIALIST ON DISEASES OF MEN you should not hesitate to give me a call \u25a0 . \u25a0 Specialist for Chronic and Private DUrn.ec of Both Sexes : HjtajA Treats sueBp cessfully All Diseases of Jk'X Blood, Hk the .^Bfit^B Skin Diseases 2Wj9 \u25a0HPV and Con t a gious Blood v,,: Poison in all • M its stages. Contracted? Ailments of every description guaranteed to be cured In a few days and all straces eradicated from the system: Strictures; cured. without any cutting operation. Un.natural- Discharges, no matter of how long standing and how many so called specialists have : treated you vain, in will be cured by remedies of, my own \u25a0'> invention. Prostatitis or Enlargement of -the Prostatic Gland promptly relieved.^ VarlcopHe and- Piles or Hemorrhoids cured without the. use of ;. the knife.' \u25a0;"- All Nervous iDiseases., certain affections of the heart, vNeurasthenia etc., .•will all yield to ;my 'treatment! \u25a0Old ulcerating sores of. the? leg healed promptly, never to reopen • r 'again.\u25a0•; \u25a0\u25a0«. ;.:• .'•;tCharges'are-reasonable. '; Consultation free. -; /§? t| •\u25a0 Stromi-Pa^lon i dauBerS?. * 8003 \u25a0 \u25a0 * '"re Ked*rl" Burlelrt^ f° \u25a0 my dleTaway \u25a0 DR.THIEUE \u25a0 (V ...... « 1%« 1%« \u25a0 Berry has three yearlings which ' promise If breeding counts for anyby the famous performer Dr. i \Leggo, and Is the tlrst of his get. It is a chestnut colt out of Xorrlne. The others are a bay I by colt Solltalre-Formella and a bay colt -by , Solitaire out of the imported mare Candid.-.;..' : tr \u25a0•' • . JUAREZ., Hex.; iJan. Charlie Rothschild,. 100 :to . 1 in the betting, '\u25a0•- 7980 niIUI> RACK Futurity~ course; sell nsr; | year oUi and Bp*»rt; vnlne to first *22.'.. Index IWtjSt. % u, and Owner. »i Str. Fin. I Jockey.r. 1 Op.'CI. ' J- 11HoneSHEEHAS, (Crane) Wl 1 ... 1 2 . 1 3, {KlrsctftMUB I 7-10 7-10 'I^» x.> 12K1S(J. trmensetter)... i!h.4 WurfHre, 01' 4 4 2 2%3 4 2 2 ... ...... 12 12 SeMen (R. Frailer) 104 7 ... 5 2J2.3J 6 (f'FEKNAinK).(Keen* Taplin.. 3 4 5-2 5?S Bros.).. 3 3 ... 3 % 3n nii.j4(i Radtke CO ioo co 100 -2^ M»na IJsa.MnsKrave, '«, . • -• . \u25a0 \u25a0 . 4 .*, n !W. Mclntyr* ~t\ 40 516 'Coburn ...I 50 • • \u25a0 •>:\u25a0\u25a0• 4 . \u25a0 \u25a0 .'. 2 Schrelber)..|m| 5 Hancock •Coupled with Amoo. Time—:24 3-5.f :42 1-5.- At post H minute. Off at 2:WV.. Oakland. 1-3 place, out show, Amon, 1-3 place, out show: Vanir, out show. No separate entry betting. Winner blk. c. by Hearcatcher-I/avena C. : Trained by 0. A. P.lanclil. Start good. .Won ridden out. Second easily. driving. Oakland Is a remarkably fast Third horse to' eel going, set the pace nil th,. way. but was beginning to come ba ~k to his field at the finish• owing to the weight concessions he was making. Amon ran-Tery. sluggishly first three furlongs, but closed like a whirlwind In final 50 yards, rnnn'ng a grand race. Vanlr began to tire at the Delivery Cash , finish.:: on also weakened at tho end. Other two no chance. \u25a0 practically the same field of horses and the same Jockey In the saddle, Lescar won easily by a length and a half, covering the same distance In faster time than when he was beaten 30 lengths. b-l^ngs t i the Likely Pietidnnne Raisin City stable and is trntno'l by a veteran handler. R. T. Owen. The stable reputaand trainer have established tions for honesty and the public has confidence In the horses sent to the post. The regular stable jockey is C. Williams, but he has been out of the saddle for being delinquent in paying a fine of $25 for misbehavior at the ...... ....... . 3 .'. .12 3 h * IKlrseabanm 1' .\u25a0_• U 4 in 'Garner ......I 2 s CHICAGO, Jan. 14.—H. G. Bedwell, who was ruled off the turf with his $75,000 stable of horses at Latonla last July, and who has since been quartered at Emeryville. Cal., with his | extensive racing string, may shortly obtain the reinstatement which he has J been so strenuously seeking. j Vice Chairman Milton Young, at the I request of Chairman T. F. Clay, who |is wintering in Florida, today instructed Secretary Bldwell to issue a call for a meetinK of the Kentucky i stste racing commission at Lexington j January 24. The allotment of spring dates for racing at Lexington, Louisville and Latonla will probably be made. The Bedwell case will then be reopened, and there appears to be a likelihood that some action favorable anything 'Oakland does not appear to be more to Bedwell will be taken. Bedwell than a shifty sprinter with a flight of speed for has lately written to Judge Charles a limited distance. The Bearentcher colt Is a F. Price declaring advantage himself "down and fast breaker, which giTcs It an over the other colt*. Anton looks to be a much better out" and in distress, save for the kindracehorse, judging from his race yesterday. ness of his friends. Judge Price has George W. Berry was a little ruffled over the written to George J. Long expressing of the baby rare, n< he was not satisfied ; result with the start. It Is reported that he Is willing i sympathy for Bedwell and suggesting Ito bet any gum of money that Amon can beat | that if" the commission can pee its Oakland at three furlongs and farther with a | jway clear to do so clemency might be running start and with equal weights. Long extended. has written Colonel On yesterday's race Amon would undoubtedly be a big choice over Oakland under these condi- Clay inclosing the letters of Bedwell tions. and Price, and Colonel Clay has indi•... \ cated that he favors action that will T. W. Flynn. the Chicago? horseman. Is desirgive at least an opportunity ous of disposing of the horses which lie has to sellBedwell his horses. Colonel Young has quartered at Emeryville.' He Is ' going -, to pnt '; them up at public auction at the paddock at noon i said that the rules stand in the way on January 21. IJ. G. McQranc will be the auc- II of any action in this case, other than tioneer. The horses that will go under the ham* \ jreinstatement, and he is disposed to mi>r are: Home Run, Lotta Creed, Rttfila Granda. Waponoca, Starry Night, Nettle Traver,: Point reinstate Bedwell and his horses rather than Agreement., take a devious route entailing Lace and Business calls the eastern owner back to his home town. He will go south j amendments and equivocations. on his way back, stopping at Jnarez. \u25a0Tames Howe, for 12 years trainer for : '-'\u25a0'\u25a0".•\u25a0 Keene, James R. has been engaged to J. Umensetter, owner of 5 Warfare, claimed Madeline Musgrave out of the third race for train for Herman B. Duryea in France, and will leave thlrf country for ChanUK tilly shortly. The Keene horses are The horses Meltondale, Roy Junior and others, now in care of Thomas Green, for running been In the J. Robwhich hare name of the stable foreman. bins, have been shifted back Into the hands of years < E. L. Jones. It is reported that the plans of the \u2666\u25a0• Canadian racing .associations call for It Is reported that Early Wright bet a couple of the opening of in Canada this hundred on his gelding Arasce to win the I,!s- year at Toronto racing May 20 and the clossak handicap. The track conditions , made the ing of the season at the same place price.- .'..,\u25a0,, .-'\u25a0'•'' ''t'X? in October. C. P. Jones will have the call on Jockey J. Me-' Intyre after T. W. Flynn. who has first call on ihim, disposes of his stable. \u25a0 \u25a0 and let me explain to you wonderful, yet simple, methods theI employ by my system of ; treatment in f restoring? the = sick to full ; health v and vigor.IsSR9}SBiSS% Many m«« «*nred for 910. LOST STRENGTH by, my system, of treatment is permanently irrespective of i the : time you cured ' have been afflicted, in 14 days. CHRONIC DISEASES that sap the very life from you, wrecking your mind and; body and later lead "to a complete ,-breakdown. stopped at - \u25a0- . - VARICOSE VBIKS. : HVDHOrRT.E permanently cured: In ,' one f treatment: no' pain, no loss of time Bl.oon nisEASES, causing body "y rash, cured in > 30 days BI.AnDKn. Kin\KY ana PRO« <3 ™y o? trpatmf>nt improvp vqt treatment improve at once SPECIAi;-DISEASES. 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