TWIGS The Newsletter of Children’s Hospital Branches, Inc.

The Newsletter of Children’s Hospital Branches, Inc.
Winter 2012 - Spring 2013
Published quarterly by CHB, Inc.
5700 Martin Luther King, Jr. T-2
Oakland, CA 94609-1673
(510) 428-3355 / (510) 597-7153 - fax
My TWIGS letters remind me of someone
writing in her diary, and I must say our events
are definitely “diary-worthy”! So, here we go!!
Betty Jo Olson..............................President
Our Foundation launched our Fall FundMarilyn Zecher.............................Garden
raising season by hosting our Branch luncheon
Cyndi Santaella............................Teak
meeting at CHORI. Our hospital’s “top brass”
Debbie Civello..............................Rowan
not only atttended our event but contributed
Cece Werson, Parliamentarian....Hawthorne
to a perfect educational and productive
Joy Faussner, Bambino Liaison...Teak
Sheila Challey..............................Rowan
Other September events were Live Oak’s
beautiful Miniature Show and Cacao’s fun
Joan Deuel...................................Hill
Day-at-the-Races. Children’s Hospital celebrated its 100 Anniversary
Wendy Dunn.................................Lombardy
at Oakland’s Children’s Fairyland which turned out to be a huge success, Jeannie Graham..........................Garden
especially for Orvie Pamp’s grandson who won a season ticket to Fairyland! Joanne Knapp..............................Rowan
October is always a big fund-raising month. Mulbery held its
Pam Pauletich..............................Lombardy
annual Emeritus Luncheon, and Acorn hosted its popular Italian Dinner Kristina Smith...............................Rowan
evening. On October 13th we had three outstanding events: Blossom Lucy Talbot...................................Hill
Garden’s Moonlight Hideaway, Rowan’s Moonlight and Martinis, and Lynne Wilson...............................Acorn
Lilac’s Centennial Celebration. Our Bambino Thrift Shop held its
“Appreciation Day” on November 4 for its workers and friends. The Shop was beautifully decorated (see pg 4),
making it a terrific time to start Christmas Shopping!
Every November we look forward to Live Oak’s Dinner/Theater evening and Garden’s Boutique/Santa/Fashion
Show and luncheon. I spent several hours before the latter event working with Joy Faussner, producing a ‘70’s
fashion show for them. The clothes came into the Thrift Shop and Joy and Orvie Pamp thought up the fashion
show idea. Joy did the model fittings, gave me the list and I proceeded to put the show together, working with
the models and the music for the D.J. (Thank you to our Hospital’s Board of Directors’ Chairman, Jim Keefe).
Joy requested three numbers: “Staying Alive”, “These Boots are Made for Walking” and “Y.M.C.A.” I had
everyone stay on stage at the end and had our D.J. play “Y.M.C.A.” and everyone (200+) in the audience joined
in - it was a riot!
Speaking of Jim Keefe, he attended a banquet on the 13th in San Francisco where our President Bert Lubin won
the award for “Best CEO of a mid-size Organization”. On December 6th I attended the “Threads of Hope” award
ceremony held at the Orinda Theater, honoring community volunteers. I was thrilled to learn three out of the five
people being honored had ties to Children’s Hospital: Eric Rudney, Gerald Brody and Tomas Magana.
I also attended the Children’s Health Guild Luncheon Boutique at the Ritz-Carleton in San Francisco. This is
the group of fund-raisers with whom I met when they left St. Luke’s in San Francisco and were moving on. They
now give half their proceeds to our hospital and half to San Leandro children’s hospice, the George Mark House.
Our hospital Board of Directors’ meetings these last months have been mainly discussions on melding with
UCSF. The final decision will be announced soon.
I would like a rousing round of applause for Cece Werson, Branch Board Parlimentarian, and her supergreat committee for the fabulous job they did in bringing our by-laws up to date. Thank you! Thank you! May I
suggest to all of you making New Year’s resolutions to put it on your list to attend some of the marvelous fundraisers besides your own. Take it from me, you won’t regret it! Again, Happy New Year to you all!
Betty Jo
Board of Directors
Dear Friends,
As we start the new year I wanted to thank you at the Branches for your tremendous support of
Children’s Oakland in 2012.
2012 was another amazing year at Children’s Oakland. We launched our Centennial celebrating our first 100 years. I encourage you to visit to see the interactive
timeline of Children’s history which highlights the important role the Branches has played since our
beginning. Other 2012 highlights include:
- Children’s was recognized by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of healthcare
organizations, as one of only seven pediatric hospital’s in the country as a “Top Performer on
Key Quality Measures.”
- CHORI scientists continued their innovative research in several areas including cancer, heart
disease, and obesity.
- Community partner Kaiser Permanente gave us a $5 million grant to rebuild and modernize
our facilities.
- We made progress in our discussions about a possible affiliation with UCSF.
I look forward to an even more amazing year in 2013, including a continuation of our Centennial celebration. As we continue to evolve with the times, one thing has remained the same at Children’s our 100% commitment to making 100% of kids 100% healthy!
Thank you for your continued support of our patients, families, and medical center.
Best wishes,
Bertram Lubin, MD
President & Chief Executive Officer
Happy New Year to all Branch Members and Supporters!
The last Twigs Newsletter had a short piece calling on Branch Members to help us locate former members. We also put a notice
in HandPrints, a hospital publication, and so far the response has been great. I’m happy to report that quite a few former members
called and wrote about how fondly they recall their time with the Branches. To all those ladies, welcome back!
I have a Gift Planning Newsletter, called “A Century of Healing”, going out to over 5,000 people with a similar call to action. It has a
touching story about a woman whose daughter spent quite a bit of time in Children’s Neonatal ICU almost 30 years ago. What made
the story special was a Branches connection, so we are also sending it to Branch members. If you haven’t already received our gift
planning newsletter, look for it in your mailbox soon.
As Director of Gift Planning for the Foundation, my job is to help donors support Children’s Hospital and, by extension, anyone who
supports The Branches, Inc. Whether it’s figuring the best way to make a current gift, helping with a gift that could provide lifetime
income or assisting someone considering a gift in her will or trust, please let me be of service. The Branches has been critical to the
success of Children’s Hospital and my goal is to help support our hospital for the next century of healing.
So, from everyone here at the Children’s Hospital Foundation, Happy New Year 2013!
Kevin Hughes, Director of Gift Planning
Children’s Hospital & Research Center Foundation
PS: In case you haven’t heard, there were some last-minute changes to the tax law that may affect you, your families and the
donors we all rely on for support. If you have any questions about your particular situation or about how these changes may affect the
Branches, please let me know; I’d be happy to talk.
“One generation plants the tree, so that the next may enjoy the shade.” Proverb
Blossom Garden’s Moonlight Hideaway
It was a night of vintage elegance… glitz, glamour and sparkle… to be remembered by everyone who
attended the sold-out event on October 13th. Blossom Garden of Alameda welcomed 236 guests who
indulged in 1920’s swanky style at its 16th Annual Moonlight Hideaway fundraising event to benefit
Children’s Hospital & Research Center of Oakland. Always unique, this year’s event location was the
historic Alameda Hotel, which was the perfect backdrop for this evening of vintage glamour. As guests
arrived, they strolled past a 1920’s classic car, walked the red carpet and were greeted with champagne
and the sounds of the a cappella singing group, The High Seas.
As guests enjoyed the scenery, they tapped their toes to the hottest rhythm swings while listening to
live music by Bay Area’s favorite Tin Pan Alley–era band, The Frisky Frolics. It was definitely the Cat’s
As guests stepped back in time for the evening, they walked through the showcase of more than five
dozen auction items, all donated by generous merchants and businesses throughout the Bay Area. There
was the opportunity to rock out with friends at a Bruce Springsteen concert or escape to Puerto Vallarta
for a full week’s stay over Spring break; ride on the open road on a Spyder, a futuristic hybrid motorcycle;
or receive a consultation package with an architect, contractor and interior designer.
Of course, the hit of the evening was two separate bidding wars over two adorable puppies, a Chocolate Lab and a white Shih Tzu puppy, both of which came complete with puppy training classes and veterinarian services. Swanky Catering & Events catered the buffet dinner, which was followed by a moving talk
from Dr. Ziad Saba, cardiologist at Children’s Hospital. One family with first-hand experience with Dr. Saba
and his dedicated staff at Children’s Hospital also shared some thoughtful words. After the live auction,
dancing commenced as guests celebrated the evening.
The members of Blossom Garden are grateful to their friends, family, and the community for their willingness to continue to support this important cause. Thanks to everyone involved, the event raised close
to $60,000 for Children’s Hospital. Blossom Garden of Alameda especially thanks the following sponsors
for their kindness and support: One Toyota of Oakland, Karin Ingerman Fox (Harbor Bay Realty), McGuire
& Hester, Richard and Susan Sherratt, Parker Orthodontics, Charles Schwab & Co., Claremont Behavioral
Services, Mermaid Series, and Perforce Software.
Natalie Chriss, Monisa Croxton,
Jolyn Stockton, Karen Granados
and Elgina Conner
Christine Naish-Naccarelli
and Sabrina Baltutis decked
out for the evening
Members l-r: Heather Tega, Amy Roizen, Hillary Ratto, Michelle
Hill, Beverly Leong, Liana Hans, Sabrina Baltutis, Natalie Chriss,
Holly Zaches, Jennifer Roloff, Monisa Croxton, Leticia Arnold,
Karen Granados, Jolyn Stockton, Natalie Olsen
Todd and Jennifer Roloff with guests
getting into character in the photo booth
Photographer J. Michael
Tucker with Larry Baltutis
Members Monisa Croxton and Amy Roizen
with two of the adorable auction items
Garden’s Annual Holiday Party
On November 14, 2012 Garden Branch held its annual Holiday Luncheon at the Elk's Lodge in Alameda.
The fun-filled day included a delicious lunch and a most amusing fashion show featuring 1970's clothing
from the Bambino Thrift Shop. Thank you to our dear Teak Branch friends, Orvie Pamp and Joy Faussner,
for the great idea and, along with CHB President, Betty Jo Olson, the execution of the show. Of course
we held our traditional raffle of sixty-six glorious baskets, a superb bake sale and an awesome boutique
with new and vintage delights, and a Santa Grab Bag offering the opportunity to win gift cards and cash.
This was a delightful occasion for a great cause!
Betty Jo with Joy Faussner showing
off the very latest in ‘70’s lounge wear
Sharlyn McIntyre looks
splended in her hat and
afternoon attire.
“John Travolta” aids Joy in showing off her
shockingly colorful costume
Bambino Thrift Shop
Dresses up for the Holidays
Back row - Derryl Zeller, Laurie Hobson, Valerie Greer, Suzy
Silva, Roleen Silva, Yolanda Northridge, Sharon Young, Jeanne
Edgar, Susan Potter, Marilyn Zecher
Front row - Kathryn Mosher, Norma Cabral, Joanie Sims, Jan Curtis,
Carol Paden, Pat Heimans, Marilyn Appezzato, Honora Murphy
Holiday treasures to
choose from
Fabulous, attentiongrabing new sign
kindly donated by
Jim Rizzo of Neon
Works. Thank you,
Hill Branch’s 2012 Winter Ball
15 Young Ladies Celebrated at Winter Ball
The St Francis Hotel in San Francisco came alive on Friday, December 21, for the 55th annual Winter Ball, where 15 young ladies from
Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin Counties were celebrated and honored. The memorable and magical evening took place in the Grand Ballroom where these impressive young ladies took their bows with presenters and escorts by their side.
Shand Green, this year’s Winter Ball Chair, addressed the guests: “We are grateful for our community support and the support of these
young women’s families and friends. Thank you for being with us tonight to celebrate and honor these fine young ladies. It has been an honor
for me to serve as chair for this wonderful tradition for the benefit of the community and Children’s Hospital Oakland and for the lovely accomplished young ladies who are our 2012 debutantes.” The Ballroom was elegantly dressed with shimmery silver table linens, accented effectively
by centerpieces of red blooms. The room came alive to the music of Dick Bright’s orchestra with the ladies, family members, friends and guests
dancing well into the early morning hours. It was a night to be fondly remembered by all.
It was a special year as it marked the 100th anniversary for Children’s Hospital, Oakland. Dr. Bert Lubin addressed the guests and
remarked on the great accomplishments of the hospital over the past century, thanking families and guests for their continued support of a worthy
institution. Children’s Hospital Oakland provides more care to charity and MediCal recipients than any other California children’s hospital.
In the spirit of giving and a lifetime commitment to philanthropy, it is a goal to introduce the talented young ladies each year to the mission of
Children’s Hospital Oakland.
Kate Faust, Hill Branch President, noted, “The Winter Ball is a terrific way for families, their daughters and their escorts to come together
to support a great cause. This year was no exception!”
Hill Branch, founded in 1914, has been committed to raising funds for children’s care, pediatric research and teaching at Children’s Hospital Oakland. Through the success of the Winter Ball, an annual event since 1958, Hill Branch has proudly donated over $4.7 million to the
Hospital. Hill Branch is proud that the work and compassion demonstrated by supporters of Winter Ball assist Children’s Hospital Oakland to
sustain its mission to turn no child away due to a lack of financial resources.
Alameda County debutantes
Front: Katharine DeWitt, Carlyn Wright, Michelle
Fournier, Gabriela Blum, Isabel Goldman
Middle: Haley Cassriel, Elizabeth Haney, Katherine
O’Brien, Monica Fiedler-Ross, Anna Wender
Back: Megan Everett, Caroline Counts, Jamie Fiero,
Elizabeth Brickley, Jordan Todd
James Brian Fidelibus, Photographer
Solo deb from Marin County
Debs from Contra Costa County
Another Successful Lilac Event - With Style!
In observance of the Hospital’s 100 year anniversary, Lilac held a tribute
event, Centennial Celebration, as this year’s Fall fundraiser. It was held on
October 13 at the Green Valley Country Club, the perfect location for this
elegant black-tie optional affair.
Co-chairs Eileen Emerson and Beth Morgese are quick to praise fellow
Lilac members who worked diligently to make the evening a success.
Jeanne Mackie and Rosemary Nelson designed a beautiful invitation
to entice participants to attend. Betty McMahon and Gloria Taft
created table decorations so stunning that the Country Club asked
to borrow them for another upcoming event! Patricia Tubbs and
Carolyn Reno created appealing displays of both silent and live
auction items to bring the most bang for the buck. Virtually every
Branch member had a hand in making the evening a smashing success.
Co-chair Eileen Emerson and her husband Jon
Wine Cellar (auction item). Note picture
in background from Hospital’s archives.
Lilac was pleased to have Ira Smith as the auctioeer
encouraging competitive bidding by attractng attention to each item with a personalized vignette. The band Struttin’ played well into the night to the delight of members and
guests who love to take to the dance floor.
Emily and Beth were fortunate to have help from the Hospital’s Research Center. Through
the Center they were able to obtain vintage photos of Hospital activities for display. What
better way to demonstrate the good cause participants were supporting.
Lilac happily reports close to record proceeds from the silent and live auctions to the tune of just over 19,000!
Members Gloria Cordeiro, Nancy
Mueller and Gloria Taft
Members Fran Kassis and Jeanne
Mackie with their husbands Phil and Ken
Ken and Jeanne Mackie
Acorn’s Always Fun and Successful Italian Dinner
Nina Fadelli, Denette Accornero
and Maria Langbein
Michael and Jeannie Klinger and Mae and
Richard Ritz break from their cooking duties.
Andrew Fadelli and Bill Fernanco assume
their usual spots in the kitchen.
Orinda Country Club ~ 315 Camino Sobrante
Orinda, California (925) 254-4313
No-host cocktails 11:00 a.m. Luncheon 12 Noon
$ 40 per person
From The West: (S.F./Oakland area): Take HWY 24 toward Walnut Creek, go through the Caldecott Tunnel and exit at
Orinda. At bottom of ramp, turn left onto Camino Pablo. At second stoplight, turn right onto Camino Sobrante. Pass
Safeway, cross over Orinda Way and bear left up the hill (stay on Camino Sobrante) – it will dead end at “El Ribero”; Lake
Cascade will be in front of you. Turn left, pass tennis courts on your right. Turn left at stop sign into the Clubhouse parking
From The East: (Concord/San Jose Area): Take HWY 24, exit at Orinda; bear right toward Orinda Village. At bottom of
ramp turn right onto Camino Pablo. At the second stoplight, turn right onto Camino Sobrante. Pass Safeway, cross over
Orinda Way and bear left up the hill (still on Camino Sobrante) – it will dead end at “El Ribero”; Lake Cascade will be in
front of you. Turn left, pass tennis courts on your right. Turn left at stop sign into the Clubhouse parking lot.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of guests _____ at $40 per person = total of check $ _________
Please make check(s) payable to Children’s Hospital Branches, Inc. or CHB, Inc. and mail to:
CHB, Inc. 5700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way T-2, Oakland, CA 94609
Direct questions to the Branch Office: (510) 428-3355 /
Name _________________________________Branch __________________Phone ________________
______ I require a vegetarian meal
Please seat me with:
Always needed are paper (not styrofoam) plates which can go in the
microwave, individual toiletries, individual cereal boxes, paper goods.
Also, those wonderful and handy gift cards to Trader Joes, Safeway and
Costco - all denominations gratefully accepted! 5222 Dover Street Oakland, CA 94609. A special thanks to all of you who remembered us
during the holidays - what a joy!
Rowan’s 24th Annual Gala
Rowan Branch held its 24th annual gala in October, raising over $200,000 for the
hospital. With “Moonlight and Martini’s” as its theme, the ice-vodka sculpture received plenty of attention! Many thanks to (its continued dedication in) McKesson
Foundation, our lead sponsor, for helping to make our event so successful every year!
In Memoriam
Wini Buss of Live Oak Branch passed on October 2, 2012 after a brief
illness. As her Branch buddies can attest, Wini was involved deeply in all
phases of Live Oak and being an ambassador of the hospital. She is
survived by her four children.
Sandra Humphries
1945 - 2012
Sandra was a long-time member of the Children’s Hospital Teak Branch
and Chair of the Board of the Children’s Hospital Family House. She was
known for her kindness, strength, generosity and Madeline Kahn-like sense
of humor. Sandy is survived by her two children, three grandchildren, sister,
brother, mother and partner, Marc Ericson.
Wini Buss
1937 - 2012
Lombardy Members - 2012
Back Row l-r: Wendy Dunn, Ellen Davis, Andrea Restrepo, Debie Lomas, Tili Tasker, Betsy Fraser, Susan Wisk,
Betsy Fraiser, Erika Odell, Katie Kosturas, Trisha Axelrode, Stephanie Catron, Sara Nelson, Clare McDonald, Julie
Davidson, Sharon Hillstrom, Carolyn Stenovec, Pam Pauletich, Barb Boster
Seated l-r: Denae Reath, Nancy Maravin, Kathy Valcke, Susan Candel, Ann Healy, Sheila Wendt, Carol West, Meg
Pauletich, Cheryl Tyler, Laurel Browman, Joy Deveny
Not pictured: Kami Davis, Margie Hyman, Margaret Schultz, Lisa Steele, Cathy Stein, Roberta Tanner
Save the Date for Lombardy’s Spring Event featuring Kate Spade New York fashions!
Children’s Hospital Branches, Inc.
@ CHORI Campus
5700 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way T-2
Oakland, CA 94609-1673
March 14, 2013 (Thursday)
Kate Spade New York Fashion Show
April 10, 2013 (Wednesday)
Helen Lyall Fashion Show “Retro!” Lilac
6:00pm Tickets: available after Feb 7
Reservations: Elizabeth Bunker
Orinda Country Club
11:00 social; 12 Noon - luncheon followed
by fashions of helen lyall Price: $70/person
Hilton Garden Inn, Fairfield
11:00am - social; 12 Noon - lunch and
program Cost: $40/person
April 24, 2013 (Wednesday)
Annual Meeting & Volunteer All Branch
Recognition Luncheon
Orinda Country Club, Orinda
RSVP: Branch Office (510) 428-3355
May 6, 2013 (Monday)
Shopping Spree Rowan
May 11, 2013 (Saturday)
Bridge/Whist Luncheon
10:00 - 12:00 shopping; 12:00 Noon lunch
followed by more shopping - new vendors
and returning favorites Cost: $75/person
Roundhill Country Club, Alamo
11:00am - social; 12 Noon - lunch
raffle, silent and live auctions
2:00pm - card games
Price: $50/person
Reservations: Nia Blakeney (510) 547-3686
May 18, 2013 (Saturday)
An annual event benefiting Children’s Hospital
Oakland and featuring NY Times best-selling
authors and KFOG recording artists; Notes &
Words promises an intimate and inspiring
evening of spoken word and original music
Hilton Garden Inn, Emeryville
Fox Theater in Oakland
1807 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA