-- Quacker Lake PO Box Oakland, CA 94602-0009 Lake Merritt Merritt Breakfast Breakfast Club Club PO2709 Box -10468, Oakland CA 94610 Meeting every Thursday morning, 7:00 a.m. at the Garden Center, Lakeside Park, Oakland California Sept 19, 2013 Edition 13-38 Children’s Fairyland Carla Betts Program Chair Terrie Kurrasch Invocation Speaker: CJ Hirschfield Upcoming Events & Speaking Engagements September 26:Martie Lurie, Giant’s Pregame Broadcast host Steve Hanson, President; Lise Pearlman, Vice President; Aileen Frankel, Secretary; Anthony Thompson, Treasurer; Rob Stewart, Executive Director Carole Agnello, Editor; Ace Reporters: Al Clancy, Lauren Clum, Myrna Dean, Dria Fearn, Aileen Frankel, Larry Ginsburg, Terrie Kurrasch, Kurt Libby, Suzanne Waligore, and Patricia Wells LMBC CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, P.O.BOX 10468, OAKLAND, CA 94610 Fairyland’s 63rd Birthday Party September 12, 2013 On a calm, beautiful summer afternoon Carla Betts, festive organizer, arrived at Fairyland, followed by Dr. Eric Braun and past President Jose Guzman Jr. who served beer, wine and other libations and shared stories and greetings. (Did you know Joe climbed Mt.Tallac?) Dr. Ron Krause, Steve Glaser and many others kept conversation going. Jack London George Rowan and his friend David were the welcoming musical duet. Inga Foreline checked in guests and handed out illustrated programs. We had previews of the Fairyland Hold ‘Em Scavenger Hunt when we occasionally encountered a Club members in character: Best dressed Billy Wilkes as Captain Hook; calm Queen of Hearts Anne Woodell; tall Mad Hatter Rob Stewart; the Evil Queen Joyce Hooks; Little Miss Muffet Sharyn Gayton with an elegant spider crown; mischievous Scarecrow Jeff Wong; and Wicked Witch of the West Lise Pearlman. Approximately 60 club members, family and friends attended this great event. We were treated to the Puppet Theater performance of “Tashi, a Boy from Tibet” – a boy who didn’t want to hurt living beings, a challenge for his hunter father. Then we walked to the Emerald City Stage (renovated with the help of the LMBC and Charitable Foundation) to see excerpts from the latest youth musical with talented Cow Girls. They serenaded the audience who joined in for “Don’t Fence Me In”, “Home on the Range” and “Happy Trails”. 510-261-2990 Fax 510-261-6077 Steven Von Querner EAST BAY BLUE PRINT & SUPPLY CO. INC. 1745 FOURTEENTH AVENUE, OAKLAND, CA 94606 www.eastbayblueprint.com stevevq@eastbayblueprint.com The LMBC Almost All Stars were in place for the “Fairyland Hold ‘em Scavenger Hunt.” The audience was asked to break into five teams to explore Fairyland using clues to get to each of seven locations, where they would find a special character who would ask them a question. A correct answer would be rewarded with the draw of a playing card. The team with the best poker hand would be declared the winner. Production planners Holly Tigard, Terrie Kurrasch, and Sarah Kidder guided the players. This scribe started with Emmy and Jeff Fearn’s team, and had the opportunity to stroll with upcoming member James Alvers. 1-800-404-2388 “WE’RE THE BETTS” Effelgreen Endorses his better half For all your real estate needs Martha Shin Realtor East Bay Southeby’s International Realty 510-384-0762 DRE Lic. #00821697 Chef Robert, Marie Pimentel and Ernesto prepared a meal fit for two Queens (and a witch, a pirate, a scarecrow, a Mad Hatter and Missy Muffet) that included smoked brisket with b-b-q sauce and chicken with a money mustard sauce. During dinner with the glow of evening lights and the illuminated Fairyland store, we were honored with remarks by Carla Betts, who earned applause for the event and saluted the planning and dinner hosts. Vice President Lise Pearlman thanked the chair and CJ Hirschfield who has brought special Children’s Fairyland to a level that is extraordinary we are fortunate to appreciate today. Lise also announced the tribute reception scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at the Lake Merritt Hotel to honor Bob Castle, accountant and long-time Finance Committee anchor. Rob Stewart, Executive Director and past president of the LMBC Charitable Foundation reviewed the transition of the LMBC status from a non-profit to a not-for-profit organization, sparking the establishment of the Charitable Foundation. With a Foundation grant, the tunnel through which the Jolly Trolley goes will be enhanced with creative sets and lights designed by the artists February 14: We Love Oakland! Annalee Allen who work with CJ. Taking the stage at this point, she talked about the fantastic bond that continues between the LMBC and featured in a book artist,of Heidi Wyckoff. Fairyland and indicated that by shelocal is so proud the dedicated staff (that finally has ended the 7 days a week work of the summer for the 5 days a week schedule of the autumn). We applauded the Puppet Theater Director Randall Metz, the Youth Theater from many groups and, Barbara, a silentand auction Director Doyle Ott, local the work of Jessica Maria of plus other staff. CJ triumphed to declare that in 2012 Fairyland welcomed 191,000 visitors. This year will exceed that figure. Special events for young adults have been sold out. A recent art in the park event was a fine fundraiser. Two horticultural therapy events for autistic children were held. A precedent event for troubled children was hosted in this refuge. A large chocolate birthday cake, coffee, and more applause and handshakes finished the enjoyable evening. AF (with a little help from TK) CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHER Wm. W. 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(510)444-5645 OAKLAND, CA 94610 FAX(510)452-0363 bbrady@bhpins.com CARL WEST ANDERSON PRESIDING JUSTICE (RETIRED) CALIFORNIA COURT OF APPEAL 15 SOTELO AVENUE PIEDMONT,CA 94611 AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOC. (510) 420-8642 (415) 981-3901 FAX(510)420-8643 ALTERNATI VE ADJUDICATION justiceanderson@sprynet.com (510)465-0400 -- Marcia Weske Realtor ® GHS.SFR. Leading Edge Award 510.853.1483 mweske@mcguire.com www.marciaweske.com This Space Available Call Rob Stewart Ginsburg Financial Advisors, Inc. Larry P. Ginsburg, CFP Certified Financial Planner 6201 Medau Place, Suite 101- Oakland, Ca 94611 Phone:(510) 339-3933 Fax:(510) 339-1611 Email: LGinsburg@GinsburgAdvisors.com Personal Financial Planning & Investment Management “Helping You Shape Your Financial Future Since 1981” The Entertainer Visit jacklondonclub.com “Jack London” George Rowan (510) 712-9698
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