FEBRUARY 2, 2014 WHY, WHAT, HOW from Pastor Christopher Ek, Senor Pastor If we were to ask, “What is the biggest danger to the church today?” we could come up with a few answers. Maybe some would say the biggest danger is outsiders changing us, but it is not that, in fact the church is kept alive by those coming in from the outside. Others may say it is the changing culture around us, but I don’t think that is the biggest danger. Some may say it is persecution, which is high throughout the world right now, but really when you look back at history the church has always thrived in the face of persecution. Some may say it is apathy or a “dumbing down” of church, but I don’t think it is that either. I think our biggest danger to the work of Jesus Christ through the church is losing our sense of “WHY.” Why do we do this? Why do we believe? Why do we follow Jesus? Because once you get away from asking why, you enter into a place where you just do something because you have always done it and many churches have fallen into that trap. Once you get away from why, you let institutional habits take over and forget about creating more cultural change in the church. Once you get away from why, it is easy to rest on what has already been done instead of innovating and pushing forward. So we must always return to the question of “why” to keep our edge, to keep our passion, to keep innovating, and our heart alive. C.S. Lewis wrote: "There exists in every church something that sooner or later works against the very purpose for which it came into existence" C.S. Lewis Our “WHY” is to be a church, “Where people come to life.” We worship because we believe through worshipping we come alive to God in a unique way. We become more aware of God’s presence and grow in our gratitude towards God. That is life. We go to Life Together (Sunday School) on Sundays not because we have always done it, but we believe that relationships and Bible Study are two ways that we come to life in Jesus Christ. We are putting on Financial Peace University, because good stewardship and being healthy with money is part of “Coming to Life.” We welcome new people to the church because hospitality towards others is a major way we ourselves and others find “life.” We give our resources, time and money because generosity is a way we “come to life” in Christ. As we begin 2014, in everything we do we must ask the question “why?” and only do what fits our “why.” As we get that right, we will work on the “what,” how our why gets lived out. And as we work on the “what,” we will figure out “how” best to get those things done. CREATED AND CREATIVE From Holly Weiss and Kristen Walsh We have learned from recent sermons that we are made in the image of a very creative God. How blessed we are that God has bestowed us with diverse gifts. This is evident every Sunday morning as we hear our amazing musicians, watch drama, and listen to sermons. 1 Peter 4:10 tells us: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace… in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.” As a church, we want seek out those who do creative and artistic things, support and encourage you. Do you knit, make jewelry, enjoy pottery, draw, play a musical instrument, or sculpt? Have you ever thought that what you create on your own might be encouraging to others? We would like to celebrate God’s special gift given to you by highlighting it to our congregation. We’ll work with you to showcase your gift in a large or small way, whatever you feel comfortable with. Won’t you help us celebrate God’s handiwork by revealing His endowment to you? Think of the song, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” Help us coordinate this celebration of God’s creativity. Don’t be shy. Please email Kristen Walsh at scrapcookie@aol.com or Holly Weiss at weiss_holly@yahoo.com. Or give the church office a call. February 2, 2014 Page 2 Music Ministries Bethany Music Series presents: Jazz Pianist Joe Utterback in Concert on Sunday, March 2 at 4:00 PM “GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK” Nationally acclaimed American jazz pianist Joe Utterback will present a concert at Bethany Covenant at 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 2. His performance is part of Bethany Covenant’s annual Music Series. The concert will include beloved jazz and Broadway tunes, spirituals and hymn tunes, arranged for piano by Utterback, as well as a number of his original compositions. Also included will be jazz music for the pipe organ, organ-piano duets, and sacred choral music in the style of jazz. Joining “Dr. Joe” will be the Bethany Sanctuary Choir, Bethany Chorale and Olga Ljungholm. Utterback grew up in Wichita, Kansas, where he developed an exuberant traditional jazz style. He added the high refinement of sensuous and sophisticated harmonies, building on the sounds of famed American jazz pianist Bill Evans, who is the subject of Utterback’s doctoral degree. “Dr. Joe” recently released “Souvenirs!,” one of his many CDs, to mark 50 years of performing jazz both nationally and internationally. His musical base currently is New York City, where he makes solo and cabaret appearances, including the annual Tony Awards Gala Reception. Joe Utterback has nearly 400 published compositions. He recently completed “Newtown Requiem” to honor the victims of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He has taught for more than 20 years at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield. He directs the Stratford Sister Cities Chorus and serves as Director of Music and Organist at the First Congregational Church of Stratford, Connecticut. The March 2 concert will have free admission and will be open to the public. A reception will follow the concert, child care will be provided and a free-will offering will be received. More information about the Bethany Music Series is available at www.bethanymusicseries.net CHORAL SINGERS JOIN THE COMBINED CHOIRS AT BETHANY THIS SPRING PERFORMING FAURE REQUIEM on SUNDAY, MAY 18th The performance of G. Faure’s sacred choral masterpiece “Requiem” is scheduled at the conclusion of Bethany Music Series’ season on Sunday, May 18th. Choral Singers, do not miss this great musical opportunity to join the combined Bethany Sanctuary Choir and the Choir of the First Church of Christ of Wethersfield for rehearsals and the performance! Olga Ljungholm will be directing and David Spicer will take the organ bench and will make our pipe organ sound like A symphony orchestra! The First Church Choir singers have blessed us several times in the past by their performances with us at Bethany. Together, we’ve performed Brahms Requiem, Mendelssohn Elijah, Mozart Requiem, Shubert Mass in G and music by Rachmaninov. We are looking forward to once again unite with this wonderful group of musicians and Christians. All Choral Singers at Bethany are welcome to join. We need your voices! The rehearsals will start in March, on Thursdays, at 7:30 PM. The full schedule will be published soon and the sign-up sheet will be available at church. Please talk to Olga Ljungholm if you have an interest. Children’s Ministries from the desk of Colleen Kim, Director of Children’s Ministries… Plan for a New Year in Prayer! … Moms, Aunts, Grandmas, Girlfriends! Do you have a desire to join together with other Christian women and pray for your children, their schools, teachers and administrators? We know the power in prayer when two or three are gathered together in Jesus’ name! We meet following our Wednesday Night Life schedule, and use the “Moms in Prayer” guideposts to biblically praying for our children. Prayer time will be facilitated and kept to one hour during the time that kids are participating in youth groups. Please call or e-mail colleen@bethanycovenant.org or 860-828-3637 for more info! Teacher’s Café – Feb. 9, 2014! Please stop by and grab a drink and snack before or after “Life Together” in the downstairs Kitchenette area across from the Children’s Welcome Center on February 9, 2014. We’ll have members of the Children’s Ministry Team on hand to disseminate information for those interested in teaching or helping in the classrooms at Bethany, as well as appreciating our Teachers as we enter the New Year 2014 together! Thank you for your support and interest! Vacation Bible Camp/Afternoon “Savior” Camp… Hold the dates of July 7-11, 2014 for Vacation Bible Camp (9:00 -12:00 noon). We are beginning to gear up for another great year of Vacation Bible Camp 2014 with “Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind” from Group.com. Many people are needed to make this big VBC initiative a success! Also, our afternoon games camp, “Savior” will be back for its second year under the youth leadership of Evan Augeri and Jared Zima. We’ll need every person on board and would love to hear from you today! Feel free to call or email colleen@bethanycovenant.org or angie.zima@snet.net for more info! YOUTH MINISTRY With 2014 well underway we are excited to get back into a groove with our student ministry. We had a great kick off to the new year with back to back retreats the first two weekends in January. Take a look at pictures below to see the groups! We have one more retreat in February for our JAM (Jr. High) students. The retreat is February 21-23 and you can register at the website below. http://pilgrimpines.org/campsquanto/youthretreats/winterblast/ Here is our calendar for the month of February SALT (Sr. High) -Sun. Feb. 9th 6-8pm -Sun. Feb. 16th SALT is Lunch 12pm-3pm location and cost TBD -Sun. Feb. 23rd 6pm-8pm a special night you will not want to miss... JAM (Jr. High) -Wed. Feb. 12th @ 6:15-7:30pm -Wed. Feb. 19th @ 6:15-7:30pm Winter Retreat Feb 21-23- register online at the above link, and please remember to pay Pastor Andrew $10 to help with the transportation fee -Wed. Feb. 26th @ 6:15-7:30pm BRIDGE (grades 5 & 6) -Wed. Feb 5th @ 6:15-7:30pm -Wed. Feb. 12th @ 6:15-7:30pm -Wed. Feb. 19th @ 6:15-7:30pm -Wed. Feb. 26th @ 6:15-7:30pm Alicia and I are also expecting the arrival of baby Sturdy in early February! When the baby arrives I will have two weeks of family leave to be with my new family. Should any need arise please contact the church office and they will get in touch with me. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your students here at Bethany Covenant Church. Grace and Peace, Pastor Andrew Senior High students at Winterfest 2014, Glen Spey, NY BRIDGE students singing along with the SALT Band. SALT Band leading students in worship at WinterJam Weekend, Pilgrim Pines. Mission Ministries SHORT TERM MISSION TEAM PREPARES TO RETURN TO OAXACA, MEXICO, February 15-23 Six members of Bethany are preparing for a health screening mission clinic in the preschools and churches in the Isthmus of Mexico. We are delighted that we will be joined by a member of the Bedford Covenant Church. This year’s team members include: Linda and Kristen Mathew, Julie Volpe, David Belman, Ted Olson, Ellie King (from Bedford Covenant church) and Diane Stevenson. We will partner with Covenant Missionary, Dr. Cyndi Hoover to provide basic health screening for young children. Last year we partnered with a local church and were able to provide health screening for over 200 children. We anticipate working with this church again this year and their partnership with Compassion International. We invite your prayers for our ministry, safe travels and health. To assist with the expenses of our mission trip, the Mission Team will be hosting a Used Clothing Drive from March 210. Items being collected include: usable clothing (men, women & children), shoes, belts, handbags, hats, scarves, home linens including sheets, blankets, tablecloths, towels. Please place clothing and shoes in separate tied bags. You can leave them in the Gathering Place from March 2-10. Contact Pastor Diane for more information. Bethany Tidings February 2, 2014 Page 4 CARE MINISTRIES Feb. 3, 6:30pm SM Peer Group Support/Planning Feb. 17, 6:30pm SM Continuing ED/Peer Group Support CARE & PRAYER: Stephen Ministers are available Communion Sundays after Services and other times upon request for individual prayer or to confidentially share life concerns. Stephen Ministers are available for hospital visits, contact Sandi Noel, David Belman or Rich Laury to request a visit. Feeling overwhelmed with life’s issues and responsibilities? Consider a Stephen Minister. Know a military person or family needing extra support and care? Consider HEROES CARE. Info: Pick up a Stephen Ministry Pew Card, Brochure. or see vwww.heroescare.org; www.stephenministries.org AVA - THE UNDERGROUND (formerly Prayer with Purpose) Prayer Meeting, Feb. 7th, 7pm, Mill Pond Church, Berlin Tpke. Join with local churches as we pray to end sex trafficking on the Berlin Turnpike. FAMILY CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Jamie’s Group Feb. 18, 6:00-7:30pm All Family Caregivers welcome! Invite a friend! Info: Pick up a Jamie’s Group brochure; contact Todd Johnston or Sandi Noel We wish to express our love and sympathy to the following Bethany families: Ray & Arlene Burek and their family on the death of Ray’s father, Walter on December 17, 2013 in Clifton Park, NY; With Sympathy Family of Beryl Hopkins who died on December 13, 2013 at Pilgrim Manor; Joe & Aimee Coursey and their family, on the death of Joe’s father, Joseph Coursey, Sr. December 27, 2013 in Northbridge, MA; Rachel & Pastor Chris Ek and their family on the death of Rachelle’s grandmother, Billie Watts on January 1, 2014 in Casper, Wyoming; Edie and David Chandler and their family, on the death of Edie’s mother, Ruth Marsters in New Jersey; Sue & Dan Carr on the death of Sue’s brother-in-law in New Hampshire; The family of Jeffrey Ekwurtzel who died on January 16, 2014 in New Britain, CT. Peace be to their memory. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to the following Bethany families as they welcome and celebrate these new lives: Axel Landon Underwood, born on January 3, 2014 to Greta & John in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The proud grandparents and great-grandmother are Tom & Susan Green and Esther Green; Micah Philip Fredericksen, born on January 6, 2014 to Eric and Kristin. The proud grandparents are Harlan and Val Fredericksen; Noah Benjamin Smith, born on January 22, 2014 to Ben and Becca Smith. The proud grandparents are Bob & Cathy Smythe and Tom & Maureen Smith. Bethany Tidings February 2, 2014 CARE MINISTRIES (continued from previous page) Page 5 NOTES OF THANKS Dear Bethany Family, Thank you for the beautiful plant and many thanks to Judy Jennings. I enjoyed her visit very much. Ginny Anderson (Newington) Dear Bethany Friends, Thank you for the lovely plant. God bless you for your kindness. Lovingly in Christ, Lu Larson Bethany Church, Thank you for the nice potted flowers that I received for Christmas. They are on my window ledge that I sit by. Thank you to Dave Carlson for delivering them. Phil Klatt Bethany Covenant Church, On December 26th a large bouquet of red carnations was brought to me by Jane Palmer. It was so good to be remembered. This also reminded me of being in my Sunday School adult class which met in the choir room when the Sanctuary was being built. M. Elaine Toms Thank you for the poinsettia I received for Christmas. Believe it or not it’s still alive on my dining room table. Doris Sundmark Thank you dear Bethany Family for the beautiful poinsettia that graced the Sanctuary during the Christmas season and thanks to Tom Smith for his pleasant visit. Chuck Wahlberg Dear Bethany, We would like to send our sincere thanks to each of you for the generous financial gift that we received at Christmas. Your kindness and generosity to each of us is very much appreciated. With sincere thanks, The Church Staff A quick note to thank everyone who has remembered me in their thoughts and prayers as I underwent surgery earlier this winter and as I convalesced at home this past month. Your support helped me through the surgery, and greatly speeded the healing process. I realized that I was not alone in facing this physical trial, and that I, and my family, are indeed fortunate to be members of such a strong and caring family. I am appreciative of your reminding me of the power of prayer in the world. I am living proof that God listens to our prayers. Thank you again for embracing me in my hour of need. Pat Walsh Thank you to the members of Bethany Covenant Church for their generous support of the Town of Berlin 2013 Holiday Assistance Program. Your donations enabled the town to provide local families that are in need of assistance with food and gifts during Thanksgiving & Christmas. Town of Berlin, Department of Community Services Dear Members of the Sanctuary Choir, Bethany Chorale, Handbell Choir & Act of Praise, I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for the great generosity shown to me and my family this past Christmas. Your generous Christmas gift helped me tremendously to endure the travel expenses of my family trip to Russia after the death of my grandmother. I thank God for the safe trip and for your support of me. Olga Ljungholm ADULT MINISTRIES AFTERNOON MOVIE & FELLOWSHIP TUES. FEB. 18, 2pm –4pm (snow date 2/25) Movie: The Mighty Macs—A Women’s Basketball Story Coach Cathy Rush, at Immaculata College, encounters challenges as imposing as the big-school teams her girls will face. There's no gym, fans, or money! But with the help of Sister Sunday---her spunky assistant and a group of elderly nuns, she spurs her ragtag team to unexpected heights. CELEBRATE MARDI GRAS TUES. MAR. 4, 2PM –4PM Join us as we learn the origin of Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday as a solemn time of repentance before Lent, and how it became the carnivale it is today. We’ll share an authentic New Orleans King Cake as we view Mardi Gras videos and jazz from the French Quarter. CT RIVER EAGLE BOAT WATCH & CT RIVER MUSEUM SAT. MAR. 8., 9:15am - 2:30 pm, $40pp (Incl. River Museum admission & boat tour) We’ll start with a visit to CT River Museum, then climb aboard Project Oceanology’s Enviro Lab III for a cruise on the river to discover eagles and other wildlife. After the boat tour, lunch at Griswold Inn, for those who wish. This is a carpool event, sign-ups are required to reserve a space. All ages invited! Bethany Covenant Church 785 Mill Street Berlin, CT 06037 FEBRUARY 12—APRIL 9 No matter what part of life you find yourself in, just starting out or well down the path, many folks struggle with financial management. This course focuses on taking control of your money, investing for the future and giving like never before. You will learn practical steps on dumping debt; cash flow planning; retirement and college planning. This nine-week course runs from Wednesday, February 12th through April 9th from 6-7:30 p.m. Cost for the materials is $93. Register through a special link on the church web site (www.bethanycovenant.org) and follow the link, use this link: UNIQUE CLASS LINK:http:www.daveramsey.com/fpulocations/org/48678/class/247719 or call the church office. Come to the first session and try it out! NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 217 New Britain, Conn. 06050 Email Addresses for Staff: [first name]@bethanycovenant.org Phone (860) 828-3637 Rev. Christopher P. Ek, Senior Pastor Rev. Diane M. Stevenson, Associate Pastor Olga Ljungholm, Minister of Music Andrew Sturdy, Youth Pastor Colleen Kim, Director of Children’s Ministries Sandi Noel, Director of Congregational Care and Senior Ministries Sharon Orlich, Administrative Assistant Jean Olson, Office Assistant Laura Michaud, Web Coordinator Bruce Eaton, Sexton Email: office@bethanycovenant.org Fax: (860) 828-6109 Worship Services: Sundays, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Life Together, 9:45 a.m. On the web:bethanycovenant.org Where people come to Life! We invite people into a dynamic Christian community where they can engage – with God, with one another and with opportunities to make a difference in our changing world. E-Mail: office@bethanycovenant.org The Vision of Bethany Covenant is to be a church
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