THE HARRISON COUNTY POSTAL PATRON LOCAL AD-VISOR INC. PRESORT STANDARD HARRISON CO. AD-VISOR PERMIT #22 BETHANY, MO 64424 GALLATIN, MO 64640 vOLUME 47 P.O. Box 106 • 305 N. 25th • Bethany, MO 64424 iSSUE NO. 16 Phone 660-425-3433 or 660-425-7536 Fax 660-425-6984 email: online pages: Mailed Each Tuesday to Residents In Harrison County And Surrounding Areas Owners: Mona Selby, Ron Scott, and Sherri Scott Hippler Manager: Debra McChesney Copy deadline Friday At 4:30 p.m. JANUARY 13, 2015 FOR SALE: 2000 Ford Explorer, runs good, weak transmission, cheap. 660845-2247 (15-2tp) FOR SALE: Large round bales of grass hay, $45 bale. 867-5607 (15-2tcx360) FOR SALE: 2009 Z71 extended cab 4x4 pickup. Great shape, only 26,000 miles. 660-425-1805 (162tc-x360) 660-367-4407 888-669-5765 The United Methodist Church welcomes you! Sunday Worship Schedule Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Rob’s Cycle Parts • Sales • Service Rob & Tricia Bozarth, Sales #1 Polaris Drive Pattonsburg, MO 64670 2703 Crestview Road Bethany, Mo. 425-3570 Wynne’s Backhoe & Trenching LLC Jerry 660-425-6043 or DeWayne 660-867-5539 Mobile 660-425-1858 WE DIG IT- Water Lines, Sewer Lines, Septic Tanks, Water Hydrants ANd TOWiNg HFull Service gas HTowing HTires Hinspections HBrakes HTune-ups Thomas Farm Quality Meats 23386 W. 220th Ave., Ridgeway, MO 64481 I-35, Exit 99 Phone 660-872-6716 Fax 660-872-6717 Custom Processing Beef, Pork, Deer (across from Eckard’s) 660-425-3939 Farms Residential Hunting and Commercial Buying Rick Clark/Sales 660-868-1948 or Selling? Jim Krueger/Sales 660-425-0680 “We’ll do Adele Rowland/Sales 660-748-3039 you right!!” Ken & Joyce Stitt/Sales 660-382-4376 dick Smith/Broker “GOT DIRT... WE CAN MOVE IT!” 425-7436 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Call for appointments. Oil Change...$10 plus oil & filter Brake Jobs...$49.95 per axle plus parts (includes turning of rotors and drums) Computer Scan...$40 (one time fee per year /per vehicle) Auto Transmission Rebuilding...Call for prices Daniel elliS 660-373-9494 Cell 660-425-7366 Keep safe in the cold with a set of new tires for your truck, tractor, farm machinery, car, or ATv! We Also Offer: Front end and 4-wheel alignments We are an after-market wheel dealer 24 Hour Expires 2/1/2015 We want your listings! (behind 404 S 12th, Bethany, MO (since 1988) “The Name Says it All” Large Selection of Car, Truck & Farm Tires Shop hours are Monday-closed Tuesday-3:00-8:00 pm Wednesday & Thursday10:00 am-6:00 pm Friday 9:00 am-6:00 pm Saturday appointment only. Walk-ins are welcome Can’t wait to see you. Appreciate your business. Sarah Hall 1308 N. 25th Bethany, MO Dan’s auto Service Bethany Tire Center 28606 W. State Hwy W, Bethany, MO FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Windstar mini van, runs and drives great, $3995 inspected. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-4253440 (16-1tc-x365) gREEN HiLLS REALTY Warm up from winter with Bodybronz 24/7 Tanning! $10 OFF your first month of a 3 month or more Low Pressure Package or $15 OFF your first month of a 3 month or Med pressure package 24-Hr. Member Access Tan day Or Night! WE ARE BUYING TOP PRICES PAID SCRAP Call Jack Briggs at 660-425-1060 or Greg Cracraft at 660-425-5543 METAL Style Shop 660-439-4215 410 N. 39TH BETHANY, MO 660-425-8800 Now Selling Conklin Products Rainbow New Hampton, MO BODYBRONZ TANNING NEED ?? Y MONE WRECKER SERVICE Closed on Monday April thru August 1304 S 25th (across from Pettijohn’s) Bethany, MO 425-2312 WANTED TO LEASE: Row crop land for the 2015 and future crop years. Cash or shares. If no answer please leave message and I will return your call. Larry Cracraft. 660-541-0025 or 660-448-2305 (13-12tp) Call for transportation Hours: 8:00-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 8:00-12:00 Noon Sat. CLOSED SUNDAY FREE ESTiMATES SOUTHSidE MFA TREE TRiMMiNg ANd REMOvALS, call Bobby Bowen 660-868-0043 (27tfc-x360) MECHANIC WORK •Oil Changes•Tune-ups• Brake Work, etc. C L AU D E C OX & S O N S I NC . 33748 W US Hwy. 69, Bethany, MO Trackhoe & Dozer Work Schuyler Cox 660-425-5996 FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NODAWAY COUNTY Cliff Addison 410 N 39th St Suite D Bethany, MO 64424 Phone: 660-425-3520 For Your Farm, Home, And Liability insurance Needs Glenn Dale Cox 660-425-5569 DIESEL TUNE-UP Specializing in rebuilding diesel injection pumps and injector nozzles Pickup performance accessories Turbos Bruce Provance 425-8862 • Now Offering guitar Repair • Buying And Selling guitars • 10% OFF All instruments ALSO BUYiNg & SELLiNg gOLd & SiLvER Rick and Jennifer, former owners of d&J Enterprises West Side Of e Square, Bethany, MO 660-425-4439 Hours: Tues.-Fri. 10 am to 5 pm NORTHWEST MISSOURI JEWELRY & COIN, LLC HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. FOR SALE: 2006 Chevy Impala, black, runs great, 28 mpg, $3995 inspected. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-425-3440 (16-1tcx360) BALDWIN MAINTENANCE Carpet, upholstery, smoke damage cleaning. 46 years experience. 1-888-8542949 “Your dirt is our bread and butter” (52-EOW-x360) DAIRY QUEEN FROZEN CAKES..Take one home for a quick family dessert, party pleaser, or order in advance for special orders, 24 hr. notice requested. Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 425-7515 (23-tfc-x430) FOR RENT: Nice clean efficient 2 bedroom, stove, refrigerator, w/d hookup. No pets, references and deposit required. Don Jennings 425-6475 (13tfc-x360) FOR SALE: Used furniture, antiques, collectibles, pottery, appliances. Buy and sell daily! Bartlett’s Used Furniture And Antiques 425-3577 Five miles north on Hwy. 69, Bethany, MO (23-tfc-x390) FOR SALE: 2007 Ford F150, 4x2, small V-8, long bed, super clean truck, $6995 inspected. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-4253440 (16-1tc-x375) FOR SALE: Blades, 6-7-89-10 ft, 3 pt Land Leveler box scrapers, scoops, loaders, post augers, new and used flatbed & cargo trailers, bale stabbers, loaders. Casady Motor and Implement Co., 504 Hwy. 69 North, Bethany, MO 4253283 (23-tfc-x445) TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 PAGE 2 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house in Bethany, stove, refrigerator, w/d hookup, central heat and air. 660-8681022 (9-tfc-x360) MACHINE QUILTING Dixie Weller Some outlining and freestyle. Batting and thread furnished. Located next to Jim’s Antique Mall. 425-6073 (28-EOW-x360) I’m Back and Taking Appointments...Please Call 660-425-3588 Cuts, Perms, Colors, and Highlights • Decks • Free Estimates We can help you with all your needs from start to finish! 660-425-1065 Owner Mike Spurling Let us be your Preferred Choice for Land Title Services Serving Harrison, Gentry, Worth, Mercer, Daviess, DeKalb, and Caldwell Counties Ph. 660-425-3250 •email Contact Bob Butler at 425-5451 Little Clara’s Garden Flowers, Unique Gifts, & A Dash of Whimsy! 100 North 25th Street Bethany, MO 64424 Rhonda Taylor 660-425-3000 • 888-273-0650 Take an extra 10% Off all KD Tools On The Wall Conklin Meeting January 13, 2015 toot toot’s Restaurant, Bethany, Mo at 7 PM Come join us for a free buffet PRODUCTS Big Creek Services Small Engine Repair 1399 North 25th Bethany, MO Across from the water plant on Hwy 69! 660-425-8284 660-425-3142 LIFE•HOME•AUTO FARM•BUSINESS 110 N. 16th St. Bethany, MO 64424 East side of the square (660) 425-TOOL (8665) Member SIPC FILING NOTICE For the April 7, 2015 election, the following filing dates for The Village of Eagleville board have been set: December 16, 2014 - 8:00 a.m. to January 20, 2015 - 4:00 p.m. The Village of Eagleville will be electing three positions for board members. 2 board members to serve a two year term and one to finish out a (1) year term. The Village of Eagleville office will be open Monday thru Thursday 8-4 and Friday 8-12 noon. HSnow & Ice ManagementH Contact Cully Nichols 660-425-5878 • Parking Lots • Sidewalks • Commercial & Residential Licensed and insured References available We’re your Shield. We’re your Shelter. ••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•• 105 N 15th Street Bethany, MO 64424 660-425-4495 Nichols Snow Busters LLC Now Accepting Credit Cards 501 N 25TH ST. BETHANY, MO tools plus . We will be hosting a meeting on Conklin Products for farmers. Come and learn how to increase your profits. LONG INSURANCE AGENCY LLC 5 gal. buckets laundry soap Financial Advisor Did You Know? Stallings Law Office LLC Just Received A Large Quantity Of Soap Tide Type and Gain Type 425-8137 Attention FARMeRS Please call us at 660-425-8822 1520 Main St., Bethany, Mo. 64424 Mike A. Rogers Structures, terraces, cleaning building sites, basements dug, demolition and removal. More than 22 years of service to the community. At our office, you will receive open, honest, and friendly service. PURCHASE ANY HANDHELD HUSQVARNA PRODUCT FROM ELLIS TIRE CENTER Of Bethany, Get Three Cans Missouri Get 2 More Years of Warranty for a Total of 4 Years!* Husqvarna Pre-Mix Fuel FREE! Get a stylish Husqvarna Hat FREE! FREE! Ask about our Husqvarna Financing 0% APR for 48 Months* Ellis Tire Center HWY 69 IN BETHANY, MO 660-425-6118 *with approved credit see dealer for details ••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON •• AIRMAN TM HEATING & COOLING PROFESSIONAL ••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•• Callaway Farms Construction •Adoptions•Real Estate Contracts •Limited Liability Companies •Dissolution Of Marriages•Custody •Estate Planning and Estates NEED A TOOL AND CAN’T FIND IT! WE CAN SPECIAL ORDER WHAT YOU NEED! NEW TOOLS ARRIVING DAILY Have IRA questions? Let’s talk. talk. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-2 Dave Callaway HELP WANTED HARRISON COUNTY GROUP HOMES Is now taking applications for a day-time aide. 12 hour shifts, 4 days on, 4 days off. Involves houskeeping and resident care. Must have high school diploma, be able to pass background check and drug testing. $8.75 per hour. Please apply in person. 501 South 26th Bethany, MO EOE ••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•••COUPON•• Countryside East in Bethany 2 lots combined, 3.3 acres, perfect for privacy, walkout basement. Restrictions apply upon contract. $35,000 for both lots together 2502 HIGHLAND ST. (Broyles Addition) BETHANY, MO Kim Hansen N G C O N S T RU C T I I L O U R • New Construction S P • Remodeling • Siding • Windows N Missouri Land Title Co. FOR SALE TANGLES HAIR DESIGNS FREE estimates FREE second opinions all work insured! Heating and Cooling Authorized Trane® Dealer Integrity First, Quality Work, Excellence In All We Do! Home: 425-6575 or 853-0755 • 2001 Monson, Bethany, MO Chris Allen - Local Veteran Owned and Operated HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. Whatever you’ve got... STORAGE motorcycles, tools, junk, UNITS yard items... AVAILABLE CLEAN AND DRY! UPTOWN U-STORE BETHANY, MO 660-425-3440 Filing Notice Colfax Township will be accepting declarations of candidacy. Positions available are: 1-trustee 1-clerk 2-board members Forms can be picked up at the County Clerk’s office Monday-Friday regular business hours. Last date to file is January 20, 2015. JOB OPENING – HARRISON COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, 1400 N 41ST STREET, BETHANY, MO 64424, 660-425-7655 #3 For Sale 2 bedroom house, large fenced backyard, small shed, one bath, new cabinets in kitchen new floors. $25,000 706 S. 10th, Bethany Call 660-254-2780 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 PAGE 3 (660)425-7707 1404C Main St., Bethany, MO with Tips, Toes, & Tans Dawn Sunderman Owner/Stylist Call Us For Tractor Tire Service FOR SALE: 2013 Ford Taurus SES, loaded, 28,000 miles, perfect condition, wholesale price w/warranty. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-4253440 (16-1tc-x370) FOR SALE: Appliances, washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, some as low as $75. Some financing available. 425-8071 Country Bargains, 6 miles north of Bethany on Hwy. 69. (23-tfc-x390) FOR RENT: Nice clean efficient 3 bedroom, 2 bath, storage shed, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, w/d hookup. No pets, references, and deposit required. Don Jennings 425-6475 (13-tfc-x390) HUTTON’S TIRE CENTER 660-867-5231 Eagleville, MO For Sale 2001 GMC Sierra 1500 pickup Extended cab Some rust 660-425-1800 Stocking complete line of passenger, truck, and tractor tires. TECHNICIAN POSITION - STARTING SALARY: $11.06 WITH PROMOTION POTENTIAL UP TO $13.87 PER HOUR WITH TRAINING, TESTING AND LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE. JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS, WORKING INDOORS AND OUTDOORS WITH LANDOWNERS DESIGNING COST-SHARE PRACTICES ETC. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED REQUIRED VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE REQUIRED APPLICANT MAY BE SUBJECT TO A BACKGROUND CHECK FOR RENT One bedroom apartment. Rent no more than $311 Utilities included POSITION WILL BE SHARED WITH MERCER, GRUNDY, HARRISON AND GENTRY COUNTIES. COUNTY IN WHICH EMPLOYEE WILL BE STATIONED FROM WILL BE DETERMINED AT A LATER DATE. YOU MAY PICK UP AN APPLICATION AT ANY OF THESE SWCD OFFICES. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT WILL BE 18 MONTHS (WITH POSSIBLE EXTENSION WITHOUT FUTURE COMPETITION) WITH FULL BENEFITS (HEALTH INSURANCE, RETIREMENT) APPLICATIONS MAY BE PICKED UP FROM ANY OF THESE OFFICES AND MUST BE RETURNED BY FEBRUARY 2, 2015 Blythedale Community Housing is institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer 660-867-5218 or 867-3390 TDD # 1-800-735-2966 Mo Relay 711 Equal opportunity employer and provider UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Daviess County Livestock Market 912 W Grand • Gallatin, MO 64640 HELTON PHILIP or LEAH Medicare Supplements Nursing Home Major Medical Life & Annuities * Sales every Tuesday *Special bred cow sales as advertised Find us online at for upcoming sales dates and updated livestock listings. Helton Insurance Feeder Calf Sales: Tues. Jan. 13th - 11AM Tues. Jan. 20th - 11AM 1601 G East 9th St. Trenton, MO 64683 660-359-3806 If you have cattle ready to sell, give us a call. We will come take a look anytime. Barn 660-663-2177 Dave Cannon 515-442-3003 Troy Jennings 660-373-1995 Brent Nible 660-373-0190 BID NOTICE FOR THE SALE OF THE 2015-2016 CARPENTRY PROJECT HOME The South Harrison R-2 School District will be accepting bids for the sale of the 2015-2016 carpentry project home. Phase I: Submission of drawings or plans for the home, which must meet the educational merit and design standards. Also, in order to qualify for the bid process, you must submit a signed statement of plans and statement that you are willing to pay cost plus $5000 if your plan is approved. The submission of plans and statement are due no later than 12 o’clock (noon) on Friday, March 6, 2015 at the North Central Career Center located at 1401 Daily Road, Bethany, Missouri. In the event of multiple, acceptable submitted plans with statements, the second phase will be implemented. Phase II: You will submit a bid of cost-plus your bid amount ($5,000 or greater). The South Harrison Board of Education reserves the right to refuse any or all bids based on the educational benefit of the North Central Career Center Construction Technology Program. If you have any questions, please call Bill Pottorff, Director or Eric Sweat, Instructor at 660-425-2196. or 660-635-0537 HOMAN REALTY Serving Northwest Missouri Since 1973!! OFFICE: 660-726-3777 Rex Homan, Owner/Broker CELL: 660-868-0990 Rick Naylor, Sales Associate 109 W. Jackson • Albany, MO 64402 NEW LISTING! Hunter’s Paradise Price $216,000. #6035-72 acres of prime hunting and recreational land located adjacent to the Harrison County Lake. This tract has it all - heavy woods with numerous oaks, native grasses and 14 acres of crop land. Call or text Rick Naylor today 660-868-0990 Ready for you in New Hampton: #1210 -Move right into this 2 bedroom home located on a landscaped corner lot. Open floor plan with large bay window in living room. The 2 car detached garage with shop area is an added bonus. Call or text Rick Naylor today at 660-868-0990. HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. HELP WANTED Temporary/full time factory laborer. Apply in person. GHS Paper Tubes 805 E Hwy 136 Albany, MO THANK YOU The family of J.J. Harrold wishes to thank many family and friends for the support during the illness and death of our loved one. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and sympathy, visits, food, flowers, cards, memorials, and the continued prayers. We want especially to thank the caring staff at Bristol Manor, Bethany Care Center, The V.A. Home in Cameron, and Comfort Care Hospice. Also, a special thanks to Roberson Funeral Home for the extra care and comfort. Thank you to the American Legion Post 56 for serving the luncheon and for the military rites. May God Bless You All The Family of J. J. Harrold LAMONI, IA Office 641-784-3323 Fax 641-784-4298 OWNERS: Randy and Sandy Gibson Cell 641-442-5501 Jason Allen 641-782-0790 SALE THURSDAY, JAN. 15 Weigh Animals at 9:30 a.m. Feeders at 11:30 a.m. Expecting 1000 Hd For upcoming consignments, visit our website: Visit our auction broadcast live every Thursday on: First time viewers must register online TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 PAGE 4 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS by South Harrison R-2 School District 3400 Bulldog Ave., Bethany, MO 64424 for CAREER CENTER PARKING LOT Sealed Proposals will be received until 1:00 pm, prevailing time, on February 5, 2015, at the North Central Career Center Office, 1401 Daily Road., Bethany, Missouri 64424. All bids submitted shall be clearly marked to indicate them as bids on the outside of the sealed envelope. All bids received will be publicly opened and read by the School Board Representative at the above time and place. The work shall generally consist of: The removal of existing asphalt and concrete parking lot and concrete sidewalk and construction of new concrete parking lot, driving lanes and sidewalks, including 110 lf of storm piping and 1 curb inlet, 3300 sy of aggregate base, 470 lf of concrete curb & gutter, 3200 sy of concrete pavement and 180 sy of concrete sidewalk and other associated work. In submitting Proposals for the planned work, the Bidder shall declare that only persons or parties interested in the proposed work as Principals are those contained in the Proposal; and that the Proposal is made without collusion with any person, firm or corporation. Contract Documents, including Drawings and Technical Specifications, are on file at the office of: South Harrison R-2 School District Howe Company, LLC 3400 Bulldog Ave. Engineers & Land Surveyors Bethany, MO 64424 1119 S. Missouri St., Ste A Macon, MO 63552 (660)395-4693 Bid documents may be obtained from Howe Company, LLC, 1119 S. Missouri St., Ste A, Macon, MO 63552 for a nonrefundable fee of $60.00. The bid documents will be mailed upon payment of $25.00 for shipping and handling, for a total of $85.00 for each set. The shipping and handling charges will be waived if the prospective bidder contacts the Engineer with a valid account number for shipping services with United Parcel Service (UPS), so the shipping cost is billed to the bidder. Hard copies of the bid documents can be ordered by calling 660-395-4693. A PDF version of the bid documents may be obtained from for a nonrefundable fee of $50.00 paid through PAYPAL. Bidders must obtain their bid documents from either Howe Company, LLC, or and be plan holders in order to bid the project. All proposals must be on the forms provided in the bid documents. A MANDATORY PRE-BID Meeting will be held at 9:00 am, prevailing time on January 27, 2015, at the North Central Career Center. The purpose of this meeting is to: 1. Discuss the BIDDING REQUIREMENTS. 2. Receive any questions regarding the Plans, Specifications, and Project in general. 3. Visit the proposed construction areas. All questions of a technical nature regarding the project will only be answered in writing by ADDENDUM. Any questions may be submitted by telephone, in writing, or at the PRE-BID Meeting. Questions should be submitted to the Engineer five (5) working days prior to the bid date. All proposals must be made on the PROPOSAL forms furnished by the Owner’s Engineer and shall contain the signature of the Bidder. Not less than the general prevailing rate of wages, including general prevailing rate for legal holidays and/or overtime work in the locality, must be paid for by craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the Contract or perform the work. The School Board may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any or all bids, and to determine which is the lowest, responsive, and most responsible bid for the work. HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 PAGE 5 JENNINGS PLUMBING Caleb Jacobs •General Dozer and Bobcat Work •CRP Clearing •Brush Removal •Fence Line Clearing •Tree Shearing and Pulling •Laser Grading and Lot Leveling Eagleville, MO Give Us A Call!!! FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS AND REPAIRS FOR SALE Drain Cleaning Septic Tank Installation Call Chuck Jennings cell 660-868-1919 home 660-425-7736 Cell (785) 840-4690 Home (660) 867-5237 NOTICE OF FILING The Village of Mt. Moriah is now accepting declarations of candidacy. For the April General Election. Positions available are: (2) Board Members - 2 year terms The first day for filing for candidacy is Tuesday 16th, 2014 at 8:00 a.m., with the last day to file for office being Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 . Forms available at the County Clerks Office , during regular business hours; Monday through Friday, or contact Nadine Peugh. RIDGEWAY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT The Ridgeway Fire Protection District is attempting to reacquire pagers and radios that have been previously issued to former Volunteer Firefighters. Anyone who has these items is asked to please contact Rhonda Gibson at 872-6305 to arrange the return of them. --------------------Also, we are still in the need of additional Volunteer Firefighters. Anyone interested may call Rhonda for more information or attend the next scheduled board meeting Monday, January 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Department building. Your services will be greatly appreciated. Faith Community Christian Center If you want to experience the presence of the Lord’s annointed teaching, preaching, and worship. CNA, LPN, RN Flexible hours, we are looking for people who care and will love our residents. Fill out an application online at: or stop by Bethany Care Center 1305 S. 7th Street, Bethany, MO 64424 Ad-Visor Deadlines: Color ads-Thursday noon All other ads Fridays at 4:30 p.m. Sundays: Sunday School 9:45 am, Worship 10:45 am Evening Supper 5:30 pm, Bible Study 6:30 pm Tuesday Evenings: Women’s Meeting 6:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm 602 S 15th St., Bethany, MO New Portable 8 1/2 x 12 1/2 Forest Green storage and mower shed with 58’ door and floor. $850 660-373-0445 FOR RENT: Bottom land 28 acres Bids due 1/31/15 See Matt Maize for details 660-373-1129 FOR RENT New office, across from Bethany Hospital, very efficient, ready! Richard Easton 660-425-3440 N OT I C E O F F I L I N G F O R C A N D I DA C Y Madison Township is now accepting declarations of candidacy. Positions available are: President - 2 year term Board Member - 2 year term Trustee - 2 year term Clerk - 2 year term The first day for filing for candidacy is Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 2014 at 8:00 a.m., with the last day to file for office being Tuesday, January 20th, 2015. Forms can be picked up at the County Clerk’s Office during regular business hours; Monday through Friday, or by contacting Rachel Wooden at 660-893-5369. R A D W 701 N 25th Bethany, MO 64424 ROOFING Chris Fritzel-Owner Travis Cridlebaugh Proudly Offering 800-580-8560 660-373-2052 Donate 2 cans of non-perisable food, and get $10 off labor charges For all donations received, we will match and donate to the Harrison County Food Pantry Free Estimates Serving Northwest Missouri and Southern Iowa Bethany - Albany - Princeton PROPERTY OF THE WEEK #6380-Nice 3 br. ranch home has over 1700 sq. ft of living space with an attached 500 sq. ft. garage. It sits on a level lot on the edge of Bethany in a quiet neighborhood. The furnace & A/C were replaced in 2010. $144,900 #6060-Excellent 2 bedroom home in Bethany has had a lot of updating. Completely remodeled bath, newer F/A furnace & central air. Shaded yard & storage shed. $45,000 #6147-Mid century 3 br., 2 bath modern ranch home in Bethany. Original St. Charles steel cabinets in kitchen, brick f/p in living room, enclosed porch off dining room. 30x45 metal bldg. $189,900 #6338-1200 sq. ft. modular home on a neat little 2 acres in Daviess Co. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 decks. 12x24 bld. & 8x12 shed. Acreage looks like a park with some good White Oak trees. $105,000 #6360-63 ac. m/l with hunting, pasture, row crop & bldg. site currently 30 ac. pasture, you could row crop around 20 acres or more. Some thick bedding areas for good deer hunting. $156,555 #6319-76 ac. with 10 ac. partially open ground, 8 ac. grown up in cedars & brush, balance timber & pond. 4x8 blind, tripod stand, ladder stand, 755 JD tractor w/brush hog included. $197,600 Nelson Real Estate & Auction Company Toll Free: (888) 518-8705 email: National Marketing, Local Expertise FOR SALE: Small square bales hay, grass or alfalfa starting at $3.50. 660-8681022. (24-tfc-x360) ® •24 Hr Service Available •Now selling and servicing geothermal systems. •Servicing boiler systems HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. FOR SALE: Approx. 200 grass mix bales, net wrapped in 2014. $40 each, approx. 150 grass mix bales net wrapped in 2013, $30 each. 6 miles N/W of Cainsville, call 660893-5881 for info. (16-4tp) Drivers- Universe Truck Lines is now offering a $1000 SIGN-ON Bonus!! New Pay Package for OTR/Regional!! TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 Apply: 1-866-958-7825 (15-4tc-x360) D A I LY LUNCH SPECIALS Divorce, Domestic, DWI, Criminal Defense We rent trenchers, aerators, tractors, skid steer, etc...Bull’s Eye Trading 1/4 mile north of Dairy Queen, Bethany, MO 64424 660-425-7888 (42-tfc-x365) FOR SALE: Toyota Tacoma, 4 dr, V-6, auto, 4x4, super nice 2010 model, better hurry, 80,000 miles. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-4253440 (16-1tc-x385) Hours: Tues-urs 11 am-2 pm Fri & Sat 11 am-2 pm 5 pm-8 pm Nathan M. Easton Attor ney At Law Bethany, Mo. Rebecca & Cassie Daniel R. Richert, Au.D., C.C.C. - A/SLP Audiologist - Speech Pathologist Hearing Aid Specialist 1706B Miller Street For All Your Plumbing Needs! 660-425-7400 Call for appointment 660-425-6378 •Backhoe •roto rooter •Water Lines •Trenching •septic Tanks •sewer Lines •video sewer inspection ORD F F E M Pest Control FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1974 Termites - Ants - Roaches - Fleas Residential or Commercial Toll Free 1-877-6327778 Bethany 660-4253090 FREE INSPECTIONS FREE ESTIMATES Full time administrative assisant at Shelton Fireworks Headquarters in Eagleville Mo. Must have strong organizational skills, be a self starter, have attention to detail, and a sensitivity to working with confidential material. Should be proficient in Microsoft Office and Quickbooks. Starting pay $10.00 per hour. Applications available at Shelton Fireworks’ Eagleville location or mail resume to Shelton Fireworks, PO. Box 249, Eagleville MO 64442 Position open until filled. 1-800-747-7420 BULL’s eYe TrADiNg Serving The Area For Over 20 Years HELP WANTED (16-1tc-x730) horizoN heAriNg serviCes 1101 S. 25th • P.O. Box 503 • Bethany, MO 64424 Hair Salon & Tanning 660-365-0148 Say hello to the world’s smartest hearing aid...and the world’s first hearing aid made for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Imagine hearing speech that’s clear, strong, and easy to understand no matter where you are, what you’re doing, or who you’re listening to. Imagine ReSound LiNX. SHEAR IMAGE B HOOVER O B PLUMBING #1004 Lots of room! 1 1/2 story, 5 bdrm. 2 bath, (1,590 sq ft.) large deck, concrete parking. Lots of updating! $65,000. Call Rick for more info. 660425-3589 GREEN HILLS REALTY, 1308 N. 25th St., Bethany, MO. Phone 660425-3939 visit our website ReSound LiNXTM 660-425-7799 Hwy. 69 North, Bethany, MO 660-373-9168 660-748-3472 MIDDLE LEFT PAGE FOR RENT: Office space2304 E Main and 2306 E Main, Bethany. Available Now! Donna Barker 660425-3067 (37-tfc-x360) FOR SALE: Big round bales alfalfa, net wrapped with JD baler. 1-660-8681022 (16-tfc-x360) Payday Loans, BUy, sELL, TRadE, PaWn Buying all gold, silver, and diamond jewelry FREE Shirt With Every Gun Purchase Buy, Sell, Trade, Pawn Huge Selection of Guns, Scopes, & Ammo 1/4 mile north of Dairy Queen, Bethany MO 64424 660-425-7888 Hours: Mon.-Sat.10 am-6 pm WE SPECIALIZE IN TERMITES We’re here for all your automotive needs. FILING NOTICE For the April 7, 2015 election, the following filing dates for North Harrison R-III School Board of Education Candidates have been set: December 16, 2014 - 8:00 a.m. to January 20, 2015 - 5:00 p.m. This year we will be electing two (2) directors to serve a three year term. Anyone wishing to file for this position is asked to please drop by the district office on Monday through Friday to pick up the appropriate forms. The office will be closed for the holidays from December 18, 2014 until 8:00 a.m. - January 5, 2015. Office hours are normally 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but on January 20, 2015 we will remain open until 5:00 p.m. RANDY’S AUTO SERVICE Appliance Service & Repair Call Mike Salmon At Cole Hardware 660-425-8126 Hwy 69 N. Bethany, MO Registerby byJanuary January 23 secure a spot. Register 23toto secure a spot. Contact: Janet Contact: JanetHackert Hackert CourtHouse House Basement, Bethany Court Basement, Bethany 660-425-6434 660-425-6434 660-425-2311 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a United States federal holiday marking the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King's birthday, January 15. King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. Stay Strong, and Stay Healthy When: Thursdays, Jan 29-Mar 19, 2015 When : Thur s days , J an 29- Mar 19, 2015 2-3 pm 2- 3 pm Where: Eagleville Community Center Wher e : Eagl evi l l e Communi t y Cent er available Cost: Cost: $20, $20, s cscholarships hol ar s hi ps avai l abl e All types of GoodYear Tires •State Inspections •Air Conditioning Service •Tune-ups •Overhauls •Brake Work •Tires •Front End Alignments •And More! 1510 Main Bethany, MO Coming Eagleville: a class for older Coming totoEagleville: a class for older adults to learn simple strength-building adults to learn simple strength-building exercises that help you exercises that help you Stay Strong, and Stay Healthy Complete Full Auto Service Appliances Available At COLE HARDWARE FlowersBank BTC BANK of Northern Missouri Bethany, MO In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 19th, the following financial institutions will be closed. Member FDIC Bethany, Gallatin, Albany, Pattonsburg, Chillicothe, Lamoni, Carrollton Eagleville Ridgeway Brookfield Kearney North Kansas City HaRRISOn COUnTY ad-VISOR, InC. TOdd’S SMaLL ReMOdeL: Windows and doors, roofing and wood siding, drywall, framing, etc... Todd Stowell, Pattonsburg MO (417)298-1718. (12-8tp) FOR SaLe: 2 and 3 bedroom houses, owner financing available, 10% down, monthly payments, cheaper than rent! (660)868-2673 (15-2tp) TUeSdaY, JanUaRY 13, 2015 FOR SALE: Net wrapped grass/legume large bales of hay, can deliver hay. Butcher calves, half or whole. John Beals 660868-1075 (15-4tp) Apply online at We offer competitive wages, ! ! company pension, insur paid life or "Main # $ company 401K, in persn atour Office-ance, matched and 4 miles north benefits including of %Princeton comprehensive Hwy 65. medical, dental, and vision! on &US '( )* ! is an Equal Employer. If you require accomodation complete MBM Opportunity/Affirmative Action !"# $ or assistance to the % Recruiter at 660-748-HOGS. application process, R008 &please contact the % ''()* (+ ,! nqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnqnq Monday Hot Beef DAILY Jan. 5th-15th ALL WEEK LONG No Substitutions FOR $6.99 Please, 10:30 am-4:00 pm Jan. 5th-15th Starting at 5 pm Tuesday Crispy Chicken Sandwich w/2 Country Sides Wednesday Chicken Strips w/Choice Of Potato Thursday BBQ Pork Sandwich with Fries Friday Fish Sandwich w/Tots, Fries, or Potato Wedges Saturday Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich Sunday Buffet Lasagna, Roast Beef, Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Salad Bar, and Dessert All You Can Eat For $10.49 Monday Catfish Nuggets with Hushpuppies, Fries, and Slaw.....$8.49 Tuesday Chicken Strip Basket w/Two Sides.....$7.49 Wednesday Spaghetti, Garlic Toast, and Side Salad.....$6.99 Thursday Hamburger w/Choice of Potato.....$7.49 Friday Smothered Chicken w/Choice of Two Sides.....$9.99 Saturday Hot Tenderloin.....$6.99 Dinner Bell Café I-35 exit 106 at the eagleville Travel Center eagleville, MO • Phone: 660-867-5226 South Harrison Basketball Tournament Thursday Night, January 15th You Could Win A FREE Car! Sponsored by Pettijohn auto Center MIddLe RIGHT PaGe wanTed: Upholstery of any kind. Local delivery. Free estimates. Carol’s Upholstery, 305 N. College, Albany, MO 660-7265631 (23-tfc-x360) Horseshoeing and Trimming 19 years experience, reliable, will come to the farm. 660-425-5580 or 660-876-5500 (23-tfc-x360) FOR SALE: Office desks, fireproof file cabinets, file cabinets, office chairs, folding tables, folding chairs, farm & industrial equipment, new & used MF, Ford, AC, Farm Hand, and misc. parts, etc. Casady Motor and Implement Co., 504 Hwy. 69 north, Bethany, MO 425-3283 (23-tfc-x475) daIRY QUeen FROZen CaKeS are available in a variety of sizes, 8” round serves 8-10; 10” round serves 14-16; heart cakes serve 10-12; sheet cakes serve 20-25; logs make eight 1” servings. For special orders, 24 hr. notice requested. dairy Queen Grill & Chill 425-7515 (23tfc-x480) #1023 BRand new! Lovely ranch 3 bdrm., 2 bath, (1,904 sq. ft. finished) on main level + full unfinished walkout basement, also has a 2 car attached garage. Large lot 134x167. Prequalified and approved buyers only may call Rick at 660-4253589 for apppointment to view this lovely property. GReen HILLS ReaLTY, 1308 n. 25th St., Bethany, MO. Phone 660-425-3939 visit our website (16-1tc-x735) Briggs & Cracraft L.L.C. Eagleville, Mo •Backhoe & Trackhoe• Basements Dug-Trenching Septic Tanks-Road Bores Ponds Cleaned Dump Trucks For Gravel & Sand Reasonable RatesFree Estimates Nice street side apartment near downtown area. Available now. Partial utilities by landlord and partial by renter. Deposit and references needed. Call 660-425-3421 or 660-868-0846 (C) for further information." In Business Over 40 Years 660-867-5522 or 425-5543 cell SanderS Electric, Heating, and Air Conditioning Major Appliance Repair Larry Sanders Mobile 660-425-5459 Mobile 660-868-1663 dwain Cox Business Phone 660-425-6618 ROBERSON FUNERAL HOMES Visit our website at Bethany eagleville 660-425-3315 660-867-3112 King City 660-535-4321 Gilman City 660-876-5714 Pattonsburg 660-367-2117 Jamesport 660-684-6999 Stanberry 660-783-2869 Or Call Toll Free at 1-877-425-3315 KICK DIRT REBATE ON FIRESTONE RADIAL TRACTOR AND Sign up in a free drawing for a chance to win a car! Drawing to be held at halftime of the 3rd game! DESTINATION FARM RADIAL IMPLEMENT TIRES! January 1, 2015 through March 31, 2015, get money back on topperforming Firestone farm tires-available only at your Certified Firestone Farm Tire Dealer. $50 back on select Destination Farm AD2™ technology implement radials $100 back on select standard tractor radials $125 back on select AD2 technology rear tractor radials 660-425-2244 Bethany 660-726-5228 Albany 1-800-253-2568 CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY OVER 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE Free Consultation on criminal matters • Alcohol and Drug Offenses • DWI • Minor Visibly Intoxicated • Felony & Misdemeanor Defense • Probation Violations • Juvenile Charges • Municipal Charges • Traffic Amendments JAY HEMENWAY Adoption, Guardianship, Probate, Real Estate, Family Law, Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts Evening/weekends consultations by appointment only 425-4422 see dealer for details 1503 Miller Street Bethany, MO •Minor Mechanical work • 24 Hr. Towing • aaa Service • Large Tire Selection • Unlock • Jump Starts • Large Selection Of agriculture Tires To Choose From 24 Hour Towing Motor Vehicle Inspections & dOT Inspections BeTHanY Tow: 660-425-3630 Tires: 660-425-3814 Fax: 660-425-3062 TOwInG LLC Rick & Beth Ratliff 22916 e US Hwy 136 Bethany MO 64424 Weigh Cows 8 am H H 31683 US Hwy 34 Russell, IA 50238 H H HRUSSELLH H H Feeders 10 AM Livestock Market Phone 641-535-6065 LIVESTOCK MARKET ** SPeCIaL CaTTLe SaLe, MOndaY, Jan. 19, 2015 ** visit for listings!!! ** SPeCIaL CaTTLe SaLe, MOndaY, Jan. 26, 2015 ** **SPeCIaL BRed HeIFeR and BRed COw SaLe, SaTURdaY, Jan. 31, 2015** visit for updated listings!!! WATCH OUR AUCTION LIVE AT WWW.CATTLEUSA.COM email: A family owned and operated business Owners: “Quality service-a team effort!” Tony & Meshara Ballanger Cell 641-777-3113 cell Field Representatives: Justin Murphy Brian Mitchell Tim Rinehart Andy Merritt Barn # 641-535-6065 Shawn & Jana Murphy Cell 641-777-0103 cell Cell 641-891-9899 Home 641-535-4073 Cell 515-360-1486 Home 641-449-3334 Cell 660-425-0991 Home 660-872-6943 Cell 641-892-2250 Aunt Jack’s Cafe Opens at 7 am Sale Day!! HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. FORT TRANSFER is now hiring Independent Contractors! 76% pay package option Bring drivers for chance to win $25,000 CDL Class A must have TWIC & HAZMAT Call 855-252-1634 (16-2tcx395) NOTICE: I, Sheila Langfitt, am no longer responsible for any other person’s debt but my own. (16-3tc-x360) Ad-Visor Deadlines: Color ads-Thursday noon All other ads Fridays at 4:30 p.m. If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things. -Henry Miller They can because they think they can. -Virgil REVIVAL y Assembly of God Church n a h t e B 22311 E Hwy 136 • (across from Camaro’s) Reverend Jerry McCartney January 18th • 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m. January 19th • 7 p.m. January 20th • 7 p.m. January 21st • 7 p.m. For over 33 years, Pastor/Evangelist Jerry McCartney has preached the Gospel without Compromise. He has traveled all over the country and has especially focused on the Northern Missouri area in recent years, preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ! Through his evangelistic crusades, he has had the opportunities to lead thousand of souls to the Lord and see many receive miraculous healings. He has sung and toured with some of the greatest Gospel music singers and musicians; many of which are Gaither Homecoming artists. Jerry McCartney is a dynamic, anointed preacher of the Word of God whose message is challenging and relevant for today. Joining alongside of him is his wife Andrea who minsters in music at the piano. This will be a week you will not want to miss. If you are lost, hopeless, helpless, feel like giving up and in the search of a real answer, if you are sick in body, mind, or spirit, come and receive what God has in store for you! Pastor Richard & Norma Birdsong welcome you. Rev. Birdsong: 660-373-1980 Church: 660-425-8806 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 PAGE 8 The Power Orange Everyone knows oranges are good for you. Advice like “Eat an orange when you have a cold” or “Oranges are full of vitamin C” are commonplace. It’s true that oranges are good for you, and, yes, the vitamin C in oranges may help you recover from your next cold more quickly or easily. However, did you know there is an orange variety out there that can claim even more health attributes? It’s called the Cara Cara and it just might be your favorite healthy snack this winter. The Sunkist Nutrition Bureau dubbed the Cara Cara “The Power Orange” for good reason. Cara Cara oranges boast a pinkish-red, juicy flesh that sets them apart from other oranges. Bite into one and taste a unique blend of sweet with rose, blackberry and cherry undertones that can’t be beat. If you thought oranges were out because of reflux or other issues, think again. The Cara Cara has a lower acid content than traditional oranges. It also beats plain old navel oranges in the area of vitamins and minerals with more folate and vitamins A and C. So, how do you eat “The Power Orange”? Try some of these ways to enjoy Cara Caras adapted from Fruits and Veggies More Matters: • Right off the Tree – Simply peel and eat. • Fruity Pizza – Top a freshly toasted whole grain English muffin with low-fat cream cheese, grapes, strawberries and Cara Cara segments. • A Vibrant Salad – Add color and pizazz to any salad with the addition of Cara Caras. Try them tossed with greens, pecans, red onion and strawberries, topped with a poppy seed dressing. • Cara Cara Frosty – Combine vanilla frozen yogurt, 100% orange juice and Cara Caras in a blender for a quick, kid-approved snack or dessert. • Cara Cara Salsa – Combine chopped Cara Cara oranges, tomato, cilantro, green onion, walnuts and lime juice for dipping or as a topping for fish or chicken. Cinnamon Oranges Serves 4 Active: 10 minutes Total: 10 minutes All you need 4 navel oranges 2 tbsp Hy-Vee orange juice 2 tbsp Hy-Vee lemon juice 1 tbsp Hy-Vee sugar ¼ tsp Hy-Vee ground cinnamon All you do • With a sharp knife, remove rind and white pith from oranges. Cut each into 5 or 6 slices and arrange on 4 plates. • Whisk together orange juice, lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon. Spoon over the orange slices. Nutrition per serving: 86 calories; 0 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 22 g carbohydrate; 3 g added sugars; 1 g protein; 3 g fiber; 2 mg sodium; 258 mg potassium. Nutrition bonus: Vitamin C 150% daily value. Source: Adapted from Eating Well, Inc. The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual advice. In this day and age, you need to spend those advertising dollars wisely. With the Harrison County Ad-Visor, your hard-earned dollars will get the best return. FOR THE VERY “BEST” Call 4 2 5 - 3 4 3 3 o r 4 2 5 - 7 5 3 6 or fax 425-6984 OR email: to place your ad. Yo u c a n s e e y o u r a d o n l i n e a t w w w. h a r r i s o n c o u n t y a d v i s o r. c o m Classifieds are priced at $3.60 for the first 20 words, 5¢ a word over 20 words. Special rates apply for over 40 words. Save the billing charge of 70¢ and send the payment in with this handy classified sheet. HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. Specializing in surgery and medical treatment of the foot FIlING NOTICE Dr. Robert A. Shemwell, D.P.M. Cameron Regional Medical Center 1600 E. Evergreen, Cameron, MO 816-632-2101 Harrison County Comm. Hospital 2600 Miller St., Bethany, MO 660-425-2211 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 Treat Your Feet With Extra Care! We advertise local listings nationwide Now offering Auction Services Nelson Real Estate & Auction Company 4122 Miller St, Box 289 Bethany, MO 64424 FRED BENNETT Sales Person Hunting Land for you in NW Mo. (660) 867-5598 Residence (660) 425-2288 Business • (660) 425-2287 Fax (660) 373-0835 Mobile • (888) 518-8705 Toll Free email: No One Knows The Country Like We Do© Each office independently owned and operated The Sugar Creek Township has 4 positions open for the Board. First day for filing will be December 16, 2014 and the last day will be January 20, 2015. The General election will be held April 7, 2015. We have 2 Board Member openings, Trustee, and Clerk. Please contact linda Robertson, Clerk at 660-876-5369 for forms. Nelson Heating & Electric For all your Electric, Heating, Air Conditioning needs. Independent Dealer Lennox York 1500 Washington St., Cainsville, MO 64632 660-893-5631 toll free 855-772-2168 PAGE 9 WANNA BUY A GOOD USED CAR?? Best in the area! Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-425-3440 (16-1tcx360) FOR SALE: 20 ft. continuous pipe fencing 6 bar $85pipe post- custom heavy gates- bale rings-portable welding available. Hilltop Welding 660-748-4061 Modena area. (37-tfc-x380) FOR RENT: One & two bedroom apts., washer & dryer hookups, newly remodeled, no pets, reference & deposit required. 660-425-3286 (31-tfcx360) ADKISSON SAWMIll PORTABLE SAWMILL SERvICE..Your place or mine! Serving the area since 1989. Call Gerald at 712-537-2433 (23-tfcx360) Office Space For lease 900 sq. ft. m/l office space located behind Nelson Real Estate. Can be remodeled if necessary. Call 660-3730835 for more information or to view the property. $350 per month. (30-tfcx425) FOR SAlE: large selection of electric guitars and amps. Bull’s Eye Trading 1/4 mile north of Dairy Queen, Bethany, MO 64424 660-425-7888 (42-tfc-x370) FOR SAlE: 2004 Toyota Camry, 4 dr., deluxe model, 84,000 miles, nice. Uptown Motors 1212 North 25th, Bethany, Mo 660-425-3440 (16-1tcx360) All Positions- All Shifts Rolling Hills Creative Living is a non-profit provider that provides quality, professional care to individuals with developmental disabilities in personal and group home care settings within Bethany, Albany, and surrounding communities. All employees must pass multiple background checks and initial and random drug screens. We offer competitive wages and an exceptional benefit package to full time employees. Our part time positions often lead into full time positions. Please apply in person at: Rolling Hills Creative Living Office 121 S. Polk, Albany, Mo. 64402 Inquiries may also be made to Jan Moldenhauer at 660-726-4155 ext. 31 or CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Your Options In Information Technology The Ad-Visor Has It All.... And At Such Reasonable Rates, Who Doesn’t Want To Advertise??? 3 Auctions 3 Garage Sales 3 Birthdays 3 Thank Yous 3 Help Wanted 3 In Memory 3 Reunions 3 Livestock 3 Vehicles 3 In-Store Specials 3 Anniversaries 3 Special Events 3 Custom Work 3 School Events 3 Church Dinners 3 And Much More! When you need to advertise, think of the Ad-Visor for the best place to spend those advertising dollars. We offer the best rates with the best readership, so you can’t go wrong! THE HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR INC. 305 N 25th PO Box 106 Bethany, MO 64424 660-425-3433, 425-7536, fax 425-6984, email Online pages weekly at (NAPSI)—If you or someone you care about is contemplating a first or new career, here’s something to think about: Information technology (IT) is deeply embedded in virtually every industry. More than ever, employers seek technology workers who think strategically, communicate effectively and possess strong business fundamentals. A job in technology can mean a rewarding, well-paying career that lets you combine an interest in tech with another field: health care, education, government, finance, entertainment, sports or dozens of other industries. Here are just a few of the tech jobs that are in high demand: • Network Administrators are responsible for maintaining a reliable, secure and efficient data communications network. This typically includes a local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), intranet and Internet that organizations rely on to communicate, share, store and process information. • Information Security Architects plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems. • Cloud Computing Architects fill a critical role in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions and resilient and stable cloud platforms. This involves analysis and planning to meet business needs within budget guidelines. • Mobile App Developers work in video game studios; advertising and marketing shops; media firms looking for new ways to distribute their content; and government agencies, financial institutions, health care concerns, retailers and others that want to deliver information, products and services to mobile users. • Software Engineers develop, test, maintain, support and upgrade the software solutions used by an organization. Medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific, and general computing and technology are just a few of the industries with high demand for software engineers. To help you see whether the IT workforce is for you, there’s a free, interactive career road map. It can help job seekers identify career paths in a variety of tech disciplines and it’s available from CompTIA, a nonprofit association for the IT industry. The association also offers CompTIA IT Fundamentals, a credential that covers a range of IT topics and provides a solid grounding in the technology concepts and practices organizations use today. To learn more, visit HARRISON COUNTY AD-VISOR, INC. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015 BACK PAGE WEEKLY SAVINGS Hwy. 69 South Bethany, MO 425-6353 Pharmacy 425-8171 January 14-20, 2015 DOLE HEAD PLU95923 98 LETTUCE ¢ 24 PKS. COKE 5 $ 49 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PLU95924 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 IMPERIAL CRISPY RICE SPREAD HY-VEE 12 OZ. PLU95926 1 CEREAL $ 48 1 LB. QUARTERS LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PEANUT BUTTER PLU95929 16 OZ. 1 $ 18 LIMIT 2 PLU95932 TABLETS CAPLETS COMPARE TO MOTRIN OR ADVIL 2 16 OZ. OR $ 99 LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PLU95930 MARSHMALLOWS 99 ¢ LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 HY-VEE 100 CT. IBUPROFEN 77 ¢ LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 HY-VEE MINI GOURMET LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PLU95933 ENERGIZER MAX DOUBLE A OR TRIPLE A PLU95925 TWICE BAKED POTATO WITH THE PURCHASE OF AN 8 OZ. CHOICE RESERVE KC STRIP LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PLU95928 PLU95927 14 OZ. LIMIT 2 LIMIT 2 HY-VEE CRUNCHY LIMIT 2 FREE NESQUIK MILK 99 ¢ LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 PLU95931 HY-VEE FRESH SINGLE TOPPING 12” PIZZA 4 $ 98 LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 9 MEGA OR 12 DOUBLE ROLL PLU95934 BATTERIES COTTONELLE 3 $ 77 8 PACK LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 5 BATH TISSUE $ 48 LIMIT 2 LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. GOOD AT BETHANY HY-VEE, 1/14-20, 2015 Shop and Save at Hy-Vee!
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