The introduction of BS 5839 Part 1 2002 (the updated code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and installation of fire detection and alarm systems) has seen a substantial increase in the number of fire alarm system specifications requesting compliance with EN54 Parts 2 & 4 as opposed to BS 5839 Part 4. Many in the life safety industry remain uncertain as to what this new EN standard is and how it differs from BS 5839 Part 4. This document - produced by C-TEC, manufacturers of BS and EN compatible fire alarm control panels - aims to answer all of these questions. EN54 is the European Standard for fire detection and alarm systems. Part 2 of the standard (BS EN54-2) focuses on fire alarm control and indicating equipment and Part 4 (BS EN54-4) on power supply equipment. On 15 July 2003, the 1988 edition of BS 5839 part 1 was withdrawn and the 2002 version became compulsory. As a result, several changes took place regarding the specification of new fire alarm equipment. For example:The specification of fire alarm control panels complying with BS EN54-2/4 is now mandatory. Any power supply used to perform a mandatory function of the fire alarm system now has to comply with BS EN54-4. C-TEC manufacture a wide range of EN54 compliant products including the CFP 2-8 zone conventional fire panel and the AFP 1 to 2 loop analogue addressable fire panel. Both products are fully compliant with EN54 parts 2 and 4, both have more features than their equivalent BS offerings and both are up to 35% cheaper. The trade price of our BS compliant MFP four zone panel, for example, is £231.18 whilst our EN54 compliant CFP standard four zone panel trades at £149.35 - a saving of £81.83 or, in percentage terms, 35.4%! C-TEC also manufacture a 24V EN54 part 4 compliant 3A power supply unit which is ideal for use on fire alarm systems requiring externally powered beam detectors and/or auxiliary sounder circuits. For more detailed information on any of the above products, please contact our Marketing Department on 01942 322744. In the meantime, please refer to the reverse of this leaflet for an easy to follow comparison chart showing the main differences between EN54-2/4 and BS 5839-4. C-TEC, Stephens Way, Wigan, WN3 6PH 01942 322744 01942 829867 The main differences between BS 5839-4 & BS EN54-2 BS 5839 Part 4 EN54 Part 2 RESPONSE TIME Clause 3.1.2. states that the time between the detector entering the alarm state and the sounders being operative should be no longer than 10 seconds, and no longer than 3 seconds from the activation of a manual call point. RESPONSE TIME Clause 7.1.3. states that the fire alarm state should be indicated within 10 seconds of the alarm in a detector. If there is an alarm output, this must be asserted within a further 3 seconds of the fire alarm state, i.e., a maximum time of 13 seconds. Clause 7.7.3. states that the outputs should be activated within 10 seconds of the activation of a call point. Clause 7.11. states that there may be delays to Sounders and other mandatory outputs up to a maximum of 10 minutes. INTERNAL SOUNDER Clause 3.1.1. states that there must be a control sounder adjacent to or within the panel that is active during the fire alarm state. Clause 3.2.3. states that its sound must be different to the fault warning sound. However, if internal, it may be similar to the fault warning sounder during the silenced fire state. INTERNAL SOUNDER Clause 12.10.1. states that the internal audible indicator must be part of the panel and that the same internal audible indicator may be used for fire alarm and fault warning. Clause 3.1.3. states that in a fire alarm condition, the internal control sounder must sound when the alarm sounders have silenced until the panel has been reset. Clause 7.4.1. implies that it is possible to silence the internal sounder at any time, including during the fire alarm state. Clause 3.1.3. states that the control for silencing the alarm sounders and the internal sounder may be combined, and if so, should only be available at Access Level 2. Clause 7.4. states that there should be a separate manual control to silence the internal audible indication. The word ‘separate’ in this context means exclusively provided for the purpose stated, i.e., it cannot be used for any other function such as silencing alarm sounders. This control may be available at Access Level 1 or 2. RESET SWITCH Clauses 3.1.5. and 3.2.5. state that resetting from fire and fault conditions must be via a manual switch. RESET SWITCH Clause 7.6.1. states that resetting from the fire or fault condition must be by a separate manual control, i.e., the key can have no other purpose. FAULT OUTPUT Clause 3.2.1. states that a fault output may be provided. FAULT OUTPUT Clause 8.8. states that the panel must have a fault output. DISABLEMENTS Clause 3.3. states that disablements may be provided. DISABLEMENTS Clause 9 states that disablements must be provided. Clause 3.3.1. states that the disablements of sounders may only be done at Access Level 3. Clause 9.4.2. states that the disablement of sounders may be done at Access Level 2. Clause 3.3.2. states that any disablement must be indicated both visually and audibly. There is no requirement for audible indication of disablements. EVACUATION CONTROL Clause 3.1.4. states that there should be a clearly labelled facility to start or re-start the alarm sounders. EVACUATION CONTROL Clause 7.8. states that it should be possible to resound the sounders, following silencing them in a fire alarm state, i.e., there is no requirement for an Evacuate control that can start the sounders from a normal condition. However, the general understanding is that provision of an Evacuate control is not prohibited. POWER SUPPLIES Clause 5.2. describes the requirements for the power supply for the panel. POWER SUPPLIES Details of the power supply are not specified in the standard directly. However, EN54-4, the Fire Detection and Alarm Systems Power Supplies standard is referred to in relevant areas, i.e., that the panel’s power supply should meet the EN54-4 standard. PSU rating is done differently in EN54 in that the PSU should give the rated output at both the Max. and Min. supply voltages with a flat battery connected. This means an effective derating sometimes in excess of 50% for many current so called BS 5839 part 4 PSUs. Approved Document. No. DFS1213666 Rev 2. © 2003 C-TEC (Computionics Limited). Errors and omissions excepted. All information is provided in good faith. Full copies of all standards referenced on this datasheet are availlable from your local reference library or from the BSI (British Standards Institute), Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.
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