Why the Water Industry is Promoting Shale Gas Development ,VVXH%ULHI'HFHPEHU S OHSLNHZKL]LSVWTLU[JYLH[LZHWV[LU[PHST\S[PIPSSPVUKVSSHYTHYRL[MVY^H[LYZ\WWS` and treatment services,1[OLWYVZWLJ[VM^OPJOJV\SKILLUJV\YHNPUNZVTLSHYNL investor-owned water utilities to support shale gas and downplay its water risks. Certain water companies suggest that with regulation, shale gas drilling poses no real threat [V^H[LYX\HSP[`;OLJVTWHUPLZ»ÄUHUJPHSPU[LYLZ[PU[OLZOHSLTHYRL[OV^L]LYJHZ[Z KV\I[VU[OLYLSPHIPSP[`VM[OH[HZZLZZTLU[-VY[OLWYP]H[L^H[LYPUK\Z[Y`ZOHSLNHZ KL]LSVWTLU[WYLZLU[ZHUVWWVY[\UP[`ILJH\ZLVM·UV[KLZWP[L·P[Z^H[LYWYVISLTZ Gas drillers use a water-intensive process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract natural gas from shale. The process injects millions of gallons of water, mixed with sand and chemicals, under high pressure to crack the rock formation to release natural gas. Much of that water returns to the surface, along with water from underground, con[HTPUH[LK^P[OMYHJRPUNÅ\PKZHUKV[OLYWVZZPIS`YHKPVHJ[P]LZ\IZ[HUJLZ2 Private water players can make money on IV[OLUKZI`ZLSSPUN^H[LY[VKYPSSLYZHUK[OLU[YLH[PUN[OL wastewater. KYPSSPUNHYLHZVM7LUUZ`S]HUPHHJJVYKPUN[V*,61LMM:[LYIH He added, “We’re continuing to expand service in the Marcellus Shale region where we have 29 points of interconnection, serving 12 different drilling companies.”4 During 2011, Aqua America and American Water were at the forefront of the private water utility industry’s push to exploit fracking’s water needs. (X\H(TLYPJH[OLZLJVUKSHYNLZ[W\ISPJS`[YHKLK<: water utility,5 was perhaps more aggressive in that arena. In July 2011 when SmartMoney asked what was on the company’s radar, CEO Nick DeBenedictis replied, “We’re SVVRPUNH[WYVIHIS`[OLIPNNLZ[[OPUN[VOHWWLU[V7LUUZ`Svania in the past 30 years, which is the natural gas in the Marcellus Shale.”60UH:LW[LTILYSL[[LY+L)LULKPJ[PZ told stockholders, “We are currently pursuing the growth VWWVY[\UP[PLZWYV]PKLKI`[OLZOHSLKYPSSPUNPUK\Z[Y`LZWLcially in Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, and focusing on [OLºJSLHU^H[LY»HZWLJ[ZVM[OLKYPSSPUNI\ZPULZZ¹7 (TLYPJHU>H[LY[OLSHYNLZ[W\ISPJS`[YHKLK^H[LYHUK sewer utility in the country,3 had “strategic positioning”in Through several multimillion-dollar deals that year, the company sought to focus its operations and strengthen its -VVK>H[LY>H[JO7:[5>:\P[L>HZOPUN[VU+*^^^MVVKHUK^H[LY^H[JOVYN position in three states with active shale plays: Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas.8 Although Pennsylvania was a pilot MVYP[ZI\ZPULZZTVKLS[OLJVTWHU`WSHUULK[VL_WSVYL applying it in Texas,9 as well as Ohio. DeBenedictis told the Marion Star that the shale market opportunity in Ohio was the “icing on the cake” of the company’s planned $120 million purchase of water and sewer systems in the state, adding, “When drilling starts in earnest in Ohio, I think we ^HU[[VILWVZP[PVULK[VILHZ\WWSPLY¹10 W\ISPJPaLK[OLYLZ\S[ZVM¸HM\SSIH[[LY`VM[LZ[Z¹[OH[¸JVUÄYTLK¹[OH[4HYJLSS\Z:OHSLKYPSSPUN^HZ[L^H[LYOHKUV[ affected the company’s drinking water.20 The company did not actually assess water quality risks of drilling wastewater I\[WYV]PKLKHZUHWZOV[VMJLY[HPUZ\YMHJL^H[LYJVUKP[PVUZ0[[LZ[LK^H[LYHSVUNZL]LYHSYP]LYZI\[KPKUV[ZWLJPM` ^OL[OLYZHTWSLZ^LYL[HRLUULHY·VYL]LUKV^UZ[YLHT VM·[YLH[TLU[WSHU[Z[OH[^LYLYLJLP]PUNKYPSSPUN^HZ[L^Hter at the time.216]LY[OLWYL]PV\Z`LHYHU\TILYVMSHYNL gas drillers had sought to avoid sending their wastewater to sewage plants,22HUK[OLU\TILYVMWSHU[ZHJJLW[PUNKYPSSPUN wastewater fell from 27 to 15.23) Shilling for the Shale Gas Industry Aqua America was a vocal supporter of the development and regulation of shale gas drilling, particularly in Pennsyl]HUPH0[^HZHUHZZVJPH[LTLTILYVM[OL4HYJLSS\Z:OHSL *VHSP[PVU·HNYV\W[OH[HK]VJH[LZVUILOHSMVM[OLKYPSSing industry11·HUKJVZWVUZVYLKHUPUK\Z[Y`JVUMLYLUJL called Shale Gas Insight 2011.12 Aqua America executives OH]LHSZVZWVRLUPUMH]VYVMZOHSLNHZKYPSSPUNILMVYL[OL Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee and the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission.13 Nonetheless, some shale gas proponents seized on the company’s results, inappropriately overstating and generalPaPUN[OLTPUHUH[[LTW[[VKPZJYLKP[]HSPKJVUJLYUZHIV\[ MYHJRPUN»ZWV[LU[PHS[VJVU[HTPUH[L^H[LYZ\WWSPLZ-VY example, the Marcellus Shale Coalition used the results to attack a widely cited New York Times investigation,24 which among other things, found that some sewage plants were UV[HKLX\H[LS`[YLH[PUNKYPSSPUN^HZ[L^H[LYILMVYLKPZJOHYNing it to surface waters.25 During his opening remarks at a JVUNYLZZPVUHSOLHYPUNHIV\[UH[\YHSNHZKL]LSVWTLU[HUK [OLLU]PYVUTLU[9LW;PT4\YWO`97(·^OVZL LSLJ[PVUJHTWHPNUOHZYLJLP]LKTVYLJVU[YPI\[PVUZ[VKH[L from the oil and gas industry than from any other industry26·YLMLYYLK[V[OLYLZ\S[ZHZOLYHPSLKHNHPUZ[[OL<: Environmental Protection Agency for inspecting sewage plants that treated drilling wastewater.27 America’s Natural Gas Alliance used the results in a statement denouncing an American Rivers report,28 which found that the SusquehanUH9P]LY^HZ[OLJV\U[Y`»ZTVZ[LUKHUNLYLKYP]LYILJH\ZL of natural gas extraction;29 Pennsylvania American Water did not test water from the Susquehanna River.30 “In short, we want to support the efforts to grow an indus[Y`[OH[WYV]PKLZ[YLTLUKV\ZLJVUVTPJILULÄ[Z[V7LUUsylvania and critical energy resources for our country,” DeBenedictis said in his prepared statement to the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission, adding that [OLJVTWHU`^HU[LKP[[VIL¸KVULYPNO[¹·[OH[P[^HZ regulated.14 American Water’s Pennsylvania arm also tacitly endorsed the shale gas industry and implied that regulation was sufÄJPLU[[VWYV[LJ[^H[LYZ\WWSPLZ15 “As an industry we know [OH[4HYJLSS\Z:OHSLPZHZPNUPÄJHU[LJVUVTPJVWWVY[\UP[` for the Commonwealth,” Kathy Pape, head of Pennsylvania (TLYPJHU>H[LY[VSKZ[H[LSLNPZSH[VYZPU4HYJO¸I\[ [OH[LJVUVTPJVWWVY[\UP[`OHZ[VILIHSHUJLKHIV\[^OH[ TH`ILULNH[P]LPTWHJ[Z¹:OLJSHYPÄLK¸>L»YLUV[ZH`PUN[OH[H[[OPZWVPU[PU[PTL[OLYLHYLULNH[P]LPTWHJ[ZI\[ ^L^HU[[VILZ\YL[OH[[OLB+LWHY[TLU[VM,U]PYVUTLU[HS Protection] staff is there to enforce the regulations that are in place.”16 The Margins on Contamination Regulation is often not enough to prevent fracking from JVU[HTPUH[PUN^H[LYZ\WWSPLZ-VYPU]LZ[VYV^ULK^H[LY utilities, this is not necessarily unfortunate; in fact, it can HJ[\HSS`ILÄUHUJPHSS`YL^HYKPUN>H[LYJVU[HTPUH[PVUJHU necessitate and justify costly treatment plant upgrades that IVVZ[JVYWVYH[LYL[\YUZ)LJH\ZLVMOV^[OL`HYLYLN\SH[LK PU]LZ[VYV^ULK^H[LY\[PSP[PLZPUJYLHZL[OLPYWYVÄ[ZI`PU]LZ[PUNPUPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLHUKI`YHPZPUNYH[LZ31 Downplaying Risks +LZWP[LJSHPTPUN[VZOHYL[OLW\ISPJ»Z¸KLLWHUKQ\Z[PÄHISL LU]PYVUTLU[HSJVUJLYUZ¹HIV\[ZOHSLNHZKL]LSVWTLU[17 Aqua America’s DeBenedictis criticized newspaper coverHNLHIV\[NYV\UK^H[LYJVU[HTPUH[PVUULHYKYPSSPUNZP[LZ and downplayed health risks of potential contaminants.18 /LJSHPTLK¸>LILSPL]L[OH[[OLYLPZSV^WV[LU[PHSMVY adverse impacts on our water supplies from Marcellus :OHSLKYPSSPUNHJ[P]P[`PUSHYNLWHY[K\L[VB[OL7LUUZ`S]HUPH Department of Environmental Protection’s] effective regulations coupled with enforcement.”19 Water contamination can also create new customers for ^H[LYJVTWHUPLZ(Z+L)LULKPJ[PZUV[LK[OL¸YLHZVUHISL¹ treatment methods for removing methane from drinking ^H[LYJV\SKIL¸KPMÄJ\S[¹MVYZTHSSWYP]H[L^LSSZ32 When fracking pollutes water sources, households and small water systems that cannot afford to treat their water have to ÄUKHUV[OLY^H[LYZ\WWS`;OLPYVUS`HS[LYUH[P]LTH`IL[V JVUULJ[[VH^H[LYZ`Z[LTV^ULKI`HWYP]H[L\[PSP[`-VYL_ample, after natural gas drilling contaminated groundwater wells in Dimock, Pa., the state agreed to fund a $12 million Pennsylvania American Water has tacitly expressed a ZPTPSHYILSPLMHIV\[[OLZHML[`VMKYPSSPUN^HZ[L^H[LY0[ 2 project to connect 18 homes in the community to Pennsylvania American Water’s water system.33(ZVM+LJLTILY [OLWYVQLJ[HWWLHYLK[VILZ[HSSLK JVTWHU`HUKPU]LZ[LKTPSSPVU[VI\PSKHUKVWLYH[LHU 18-mile pipeline to supply fresh water to Marcellus Shale gas producers, including Range Resources Corporation.43 Hydraulic fracturing requires a “tremendous amount of water,” in the words of Aqua America’s DeBenedictis.34 In <:UH[\YHSNHZMYHJRPUNVWLYH[PVUZ\ZLKHULZ[PTH[LKIPSSPVUNHSSVUZVM^H[LYZLL[HISL According to DeBenedictis, water sales to drillers are unYLN\SH[LKZVP[PZTVYLWYVÄ[HISL[VZLSS^H[LY[VNHZKYPSSLYZ than to regular customers like households.44 He expected [OLJVTWHU`»Z4HYJLSS\ZHJ[P]P[`[VIVVZ[ZHSLZI` percent to 0.4 percent,45^OPJO^V\SKILTPSSPVU[V TPSSPVUH`LHYIHZLKVUP[ZVWLYH[PUNYL]LU\LZ46 Aqua America American Water In 2011, DeBenedictis predicted that water usage in the Marcellus Shale would grow “geometrically” in a year or two.35 To capitalize on this market, Aqua America develVWLKI\SR^H[LYZ[H[PVUZUL_[[VOPNO^H`Z^OLYL[Y\JRZ can collect water for gas drillers.36 As of 2011, it had eight site locations: six in Pennsylvania, one in New York and one in Ohio.37 +\YPUN[OLÄYZ[OHSMVM(TLYPJHU>H[LYZVSK million gallons of water to a dozen gas-drilling companies, making $702,000 in revenue.470[ZVSK^H[LYH[ KPZ[YPI\tion points,48 mostly through pipeline extensions from its water systems.49 The company gave gas drillers a major discount on the price of water. On average, drillers paid 45 percent less than residential customers per 1,000 gallons of ^H[LYZLL[HISLVUWHNL DeBenedictis emphasized frequently that the stations OLSWLKYLK\JL[Y\JR[YHMÄJVUZTHSS[V^UYVHKZ38 which he JHSSLKH¸NYLH[W\ISPJZLY]PJL¹39I\[[OPZLMMLJ[PMHU`[OPUN is incidental or at least secondary to the company’s priTHY`VIQLJ[P]L(X\H(TLYPJHWSHJLK[OLZ[H[PVUZVMMTHQVY OPNO^H`Z[VHWWLHS[VKYPSSLYZI`J\[[PUN[OLPY[YHUZWVY[Htion costs.40¸>L»]LKLZPNULK[OLI\SRZ[H[PVUZJVTWSL[LS` around the needs of the Marcellus Shale industry including technology to track who is taking water and how much they HYL[HRPUN¹+L)LULKPJ[PZZHPKPUHJVYWVYH[LIYVJO\YL41 Pennsylvania American Water’s natural gas drilling company customers included ALTA Operating Company, LLC; *HIV[6PS.HZ*VYWVYH[PVU"*HYYPaV6PS.HZ0UJ,6. Resources, Inc. and Rex Energy Corporation.50 -YHJRPUNWYVK\JLZIPSSPVUZVMNHSSVUZVMJVU[HTPUH[LK wastewater each year.51-VYLHJOMYHJRHIV\[TPSSPVU gallons of contaminated water returns to the surface and T\Z[IL[YLH[LK52 Although projections vary,53 one industry -PSSPUNZ[H[PVUZHYLUV[[OLVUS`^H`[OH[[OLJVTWHU` planned to tap the shale water market.420U:LW[LTILY 2011, Aqua America partnered with an energy services Estimated Annual Water Use of Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States Water Use Per Well (gallons) A Wells Per Total Water Use Year B (gallons per year) C Barnett Shale Fayetteville Shale Haynesville Shale Marcellus Shale Average New Fractured Gas Wells (Drilling and Fracturing) 2,700,000 3,060,000 3,700,000 3,880,000 3,335,000 11,400 38,019,000,000 Re-Fractured Existing Gas Wells (Fracturing) 2,300,000 2,900,000 2,700,000 3,800,000 2,925,000 14,000 40,950,000,000 Total New and Existing Gas Wells 78,969,000,000 Sources: A U.S. Department of Energy. “Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer.” April 2009 at 64. B U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Addressing Air Emissions from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry: Overview of EPA’s Proposed New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.” July 28, 2011 at 4. C Total water use = average water use/well * wells /year 3 analyst predicted that the total market for treating the shale NHZ^HZ[L^H[LY^V\SKSPRLS`L_JLLKIPSSPVUV]LY[OL next 40 to 50 years.54 This has caught the attention of many water companies. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, “The growing volume of dirty water produced in shale-gas drilling has triggered a gold rush among watertreatment companies.”55 [OH[[OLYLZ[PSS^HZU»[Z\MÄJPLU[KLTHUKMVY[OL[YLH[TLU[ WYVJLZZHKKPUN¸)\[^L^PSSILYLHK`^OLU[OLKLTHUKPZ there.”64 That demand will come from the expansion of the shale gas drilling and strict regulation of its wastewater. )LJH\ZLVM[OLÄUHUJPHS[PLZIL[^LLU[OLWYP]H[L^H[LY \[PSP[`HUKNHZKYPSSPUNPUK\Z[YPLZW\ISPJVMÄJPHSZZOV\SK IL^HY`VMYLS`PUNVUWYP]H[L^H[LYJVTWHUPLZ[VHZZLZZ O`KYH\SPJMYHJ[\YPUN»ZLMMLJ[ZVU^H[LYZ\WWSPLZ<UYLN\SH[LK sales of water from investor-owned utilities to gas drillers HSZVTLYP[W\ISPJZJY\[PU` “GE is involved, Veolia is involved, Siemens is involved,” an undisclosed water treatment company executive told Global Water IntelligenceH^H[LYPUK\Z[Y`W\ISPJH[PVU HIV\[[OL produced water market in the Marcellus Shale. “Most of the people who are major players in the water industry are focused on that market.”56 ;OLUH[PVU»ZSHYNLZ[^H[LY\[PSP[`JVYWVYH[PVUZOH]LÄUHUJPHS PU[LYLZ[Z[OH[IPHZ[OLTPUMH]VYVMZOHSLNHZKL]LSVWTLU[ Their endorsement of a regulated shale gas industry should UV[IL[HRLUHZL]PKLUJL[OH[MYHJRPUNPZZHMLVY[OH[YLN\SH[PVUZHYLZ\MÄJPLU[[VWYV[LJ[^H[LYZ\WWSPLZ;OYV\NO[OL sale of water or treatment services to gas drillers, water JVTWHUPLZILULÄ[MYVT[OLNYV^[OHUKYLN\SH[PVUVMZOHSL gas drilling. Regulations Driving the Treatment Market Some water companies support strong regulations for the disposal and treatment of drilling wastewater,57 perhaps WHY[S`ILJH\ZLZ[YPJ[YLN\SH[PVUZ^V\SKJYLH[LHTHYRL[ VWWVY[\UP[`MVY[OLPY[YLH[TLU[I\ZPULZZLZ58 Both Aqua America and American Water stated support of drilling regulations that they claimed would protect water quality.59 ;OL`IV[OHSZV^HU[LK[VZLSS^HZ[L^H[LY[YLH[TLU[ZLY]PJLZ to gas drillers. Despite the claims of some water corporations, regulation is not enough to protect water supplies from the dangers of O`KYH\SPJMYHJ[\YPUN-YHJRPUNPZL_LTW[MYVTRL`MLKLYHS 0U(\N\Z[(TLYPJHU>H[LY*,61LMM:[LYIHZHPK[OH[ water protections,65 and often-overwhelmed state regula[OLJVTWHU`PZ¸]LY`KLÄUP[LS`SVVRPUNHUK^VYRPUNPU[OL tors primarily oversee the practice.66 Both state and federal ^HZ[L^H[LY[YLH[TLU[HYLH¹I\[KLJSPULK[VKPZJSVZL^OH[ YLN\SH[VYZOH]LHWVVY[YHJRYLJVYKVMWYV[LJ[PUN[OLW\ISPJ [OLJVTWHU`»Z¸ZWLJPÄJPUP[PH[P]LZ¹^LYL600[ZLLTLK[VIL 67 ^HP[PUNVUYLN\SH[PVUZZV[OH[Y\SLZ^V\SKIL¸ZL[PUZ[VUL¹ from the impacts of fracking. ,]LUPM[OLSH^ZVU[OLIVVRZ ^LYLZ[YLUN[OLULKMYHJRPUNWVZLZ[VVZL]LYLHYPZR[VW\Iin the words of one corporate executive.61 Similarly, Aqua America investigated treatment options for drilling wastewa- lic and environmental health. *VUNYLZZZ[H[LSLNPZSH[VYZHUKSVJHSNV]LYUTLU[HSIVKPLZ [LYPUJS\KPUNHTVIPSL[YLH[TLU[\UP[623PHIPSP[`JVUJLYUZ ZOV\SKIHUZOHSLNHZMYHJRPUN stalled its progress,63 and in May 2011 DeBenedictis said The Gas Driller Discount: Comparison of Pennsylvania American Water’s Water Sales to Gas Drillers and Residential Customers Customer Class Period Volume Sold (in gallons) Revenues Average Charge (Revenues/Volume) ($ per 1,000 gallons) Gas Drillers A First half 2011 115,300,000 $702,000 $6.09 Residential Customers B Full year 2010 29,237,005,000 $325,273,489 $11.13 Difference $5.04 Driller discount (% less for drillers) 45% Sources: A American Water. “Institution Investor Meetings.” August 2011 at 41. B Pennsylvania American Water Company. “Operating Revenues.” Data requirements for the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. (Docket Number R-2011-2232243). April 29, 2011 at Vol. 6 FR.II.1. 4 1 6 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 26 27 28 Pickrell, Emily. “Water follows the shale trail.” Global Water Intelligence. Vol. 11, Iss. 1. January 2010 at 25. <:+LWHY[TLU[VM,ULYN`¸4VKLYU:OHSL.HZ+L]LSVWTLU[PU[OL<UP[LK:[H[LZ! A Primer.” April 2009 at ES- 4, 64, 66 and 70. (TLYPJHU>H[LY>VYRZ*VTWHU`0UJ<::LJ\YP[PLZHUK,_JOHUNL*VTTPZZPVU -VYT2-LIY\HY`H[ :[LYIH1LMM¸8(TLYPJHU>H[LY>VYRZ*V0UJ,HYUPUNZ*VUMLYLUJL*HSS¶ -PUHS¹FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire. August 4, 2011 at 3. (X\H(TLYPJH0UJ¸:\Z[HPUHIPSP[`9LWVY[¹4H`H[ Prior, Anna. “CEO Interview: Aqua America.” The Wall Street Journal’s SmartMoney. July 12, 2011. +L)LULKPJ[PZ5PJOVSHZ(X\H(TLYPJH0UJ¸3L[[LY[VZOHYLOVSKLYZ¹:LW[LTILY 2011 at 1. (X\H(TLYPJH0UJ7YLZZYLSLHZL¸3HYNLZ[WYP]H[L<:^H[LY\[PSP[PLZ[VL_JOHUNL Z\IZPKPHYPLZLHJOUV^SHYNLZ[PU]LZ[VYV^ULK^H[LY\[PSP[`PUYLZWLJ[P]LZ[H[LZ¹1\S` "2L`7L[LY¸(X\H(TLYPJH(TLYPJHU>H[LY[YHKLZL_WSHPULKI`(X\H CEO.” Philadelphia Business Journal. July 28, 2011; Aqua America, Inc. (Press release). “Aqua America reports record earnings for second quarter.” August 2, 2011. +L)LULKPJ[PZ5PJOVSHZ¸80(X\H(TLYPJH0UJ,HYUPUNZ*VUMLYLUJL*HSS¶ -PUHS¹FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire. May 6, 2011 at 6. Jarvis, John. “Aqua America, American Water to swap.” The Marion Star. July 12, 2011. 4HYJLSS\Z:OHSL*VHSP[PVU)YVJO\YL¸@V\Y4LTILYZOPW¹(\N\Z[H[HUK :OHSL.HZ0UZPNO[*VUMLYLUJL:WVUZVYZ(]HPSHISLH[http://shalegasinsight. com/sponsorship/sponsors(JJLZZLK:LW[LTILY6UÄSL^P[O-VVK Water Watch; Marcellus Shale Coalition. “Inaugural shale gas insight conference OPNOSPNO[ZUH[PVUHSZLJ\YP[`LJVUVTPJLU]PYVUTLU[HSILULÄ[ZVMUH[\YHSNHZ¹ :LW[LTILY DeBenedictis, Nicholas. Aqua America, Inc. Presentation to the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission. May 20, 2011 at 3 and 9; Luitweiler, Preston. Aqua America, Inc. Testimony on Marcellus Shale. House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing. House of Representatives. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. June 9, 2011. DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 3. Pape, Kathy. Pennsylvania American Water. Testimony on Water and Wastewater Industries. Consumer Affairs Committee. House of Representatives. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. March 2, 2011 at 16 to 17; Pennsylvania American Water. “Pennsylvania American Water position on Marcellus Shale drilling.” 2011. Pape at 16. DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 2. Ibid. at 3 to 5. Ibid. at 5. 7LUUZ`S]HUPH(TLYPJHU>H[LY7YLZZYLSLHZL¸5VKL[LJ[HISLSL]LSZVMYHKPVSVNPJHS contaminants or volatile organic compounds found at Pennsylvania American Water intakes along Allegheny, Clarion and Monongahela Rivers and Two Lick Creek.” May 16, 2011. Ibid. 3L]`4HYJ¸7H^H[LY\[PSP[`KVLZU»[ÄUKKYPSSPUNWVSS\[PVU¹Associated Press. May 16, 2011. Hopey, Don and Sean D. Hamill. “PA: Marcellus wastewater shouldn’t go to treatment plants.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. April 19, 2011. 4HYJLSS\Z:OHSL*VHSP[PVU¸5L^[LZ[ZJVUÄYT4HYJLSS\ZKL]LSVWTLU[UV[PTWHJ[ing Pa. waterways.” May 18, 2011. <YIPUH0HU¸9LN\SH[PVUSH_HZNHZ^LSSZ»[HPU[LK^H[LYOP[ZYP]LYZ¹The New York Times. -LIY\HY` Open Secrets. Congressional Elections: Pennsylvania District 18 Race: 2012 Cycle. (JJLZZLK:LW[LTILY Murphy, Tim. “The Congressional Natural Gas Caucus convenes a hearing on ‘natuYHSNHZKL]LSVWTLU[HUK[OLLU]PYVUTLU[!HZ[H[LYLN\SH[VY»ZWLYZWLJ[P]L»¶-PUHS¹ FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire. June 2, 2011. America’s Natural Gas Alliance. (Press release). “ANGA statement on the recent American Rivers report.” May 18, 2011; Petersen, Laura. “Rivers: Energy sector [OYLH[ZOPNOSPNO[LKPUSH[LZ[ºLUKHUNLYLK»SPZ[¹,U]PYVUTLU[HUK,ULYN`7\ISPZOPUN»Z Land Letter. Vol. 10, Iss. 9. May 19, 2011. 29 American Rivers. “America’s Most Endangered Rivers.” May 2011 at 3. 30 Pennsylvania American Water, May 16, 2011. (]LYJO/HY]L`HUK3LSHUK31VOUZVU¸)LOH]PVYVM[OL-PYT<UKLY9LN\SH[VY` Constraint.” The American Economic Review. =VS0ZZ+LJLTILY H[ 1053 to 1055 and 1059; American Water. “Institution Investor Meetings.” August 2011 at 13, 34 to 36. 32 DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 3. /\NOLZ4H[[¸(TPKKYPSSPUNÄNO[+PTVJRNL[ZW\ISPJ^H[LY¹The Times Leader. 6J[VILY":RYHWP[Z,SPaHIL[O¸+YPSSPUNJVTWHUPLZL`LZP[LZULHY^H[LY sources.” Citizens Voice. May 3, 2010. 34 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 5. 35 Ibid. at 7. 36 DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 8. 37 Aqua America. (Brochure). “Aqua Resources makes splash in water supply for Marcellus shale developers.” 2011. 38 DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 8. 39 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 3. 40 Aqua America, (Brochure), 2011; DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 5. 41 Aqua America, (Brochure), 2011. 42 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 6. 43 Penn Virginia Resource Partners, L.P. (Press release). “Aqua America and PVR Partners announce joint venture private water pipeline in the Marcellus Shale.” :LW[LTILY 44 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 7. 45 Ibid, at 7. (X\H(TLYPJH0UJ<::LJ\YP[PLZHUK,_JOHUNL*VTTPZZPVU-VYT2-LIY\ary 25, 2011 at 5. 47 American Water. “Institution Investor Meetings.” August 2011 at 41. 48 Ibid. at 41. :[LYIHH[ 50 Susquehanna River Basin Commission. “Approved Water Sources for Natural Gas Development.” March 30, 2011. ¸-VV[Z[LWZ[V[OLZOHSL¹American Water Intelligence. =VS0ZZ6J[VILY at 10. 52 Chernova, Yuliya. “In fracking’s wake.” The Wall Street Journal. :LW[LTILY .SVIHS>H[LY0U[LSSPNLUJL¸7YVK\JLK>H[LY4HYRL[!6WWVY[\UP[PLZPU[OLVPSZOHSL and gas sectors in North America.” March 17, 2011 at 137 to 138; Arnold, Mark. 8\HU[HPJ*VYWVYH[PVU7YLZLU[H[PVUH[Global Water Intelligence’s American Water :\TTP[>HZOPUN[VU+*5V]LTILYH[ 54 Pickrell at 25. 55 Chernova. .SVIHS>H[LY0U[LSSPNLUJLH[ +L)LULKPJ[PZ4H`H["7LUUZ`S]HUPH(TLYPJHU>H[LY(SLY[UV[PÄJH[PVU¸)YVTPKL(SLY[<WKH[L¹(WYPS"7HWLH[ 58 “Waste not, want not in the Marcellus Shale.” Global Water Intelligence. Vol. 11, 0ZZ-LIY\HY`H["¸-V\U[HPU8\HPSWSHUZP[Z4HYJLSS\Z:OHSLJVUX\LZ[¹ American Water Intelligence. Vol. 2, Iss. 1. January 2011 at 11. 59 DeBenedictis, May 20, 2011 at 6; Pennsylvania American Water, April 20, 2011; Pape at 16. :[LYIHH[ 61 Vallejo, Edward. “American Water Works Co Inc at Philadelphia Securities Associa[PVUPUMVYTH[PVUS\UJOLVUTLL[PUN¶ÄUHS¹FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire. April 6, 2011 at 7. 62 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 6. +L)LULKPJ[PZ5PJOVSHZ¸(X\H(TLYPJHH[.HILSSP*VTWHU`0UJ)LZ[0KLHZ *VUMLYLUJL¶-PUHS¹FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire.+LJLTILYH[ 64 DeBenedictis, May 6, 2011 at 6. <YIPUH0HU¸7YLZZ\YLSPTP[ZLMMVY[Z[VWVSPJLKYPSSPUNMVYNHZ¹The New York Times. March 3, 2011; “Lax rules for the natural gas industry.” The New York Times. March 3, 2011. 1LY]PZ9PJR¸.HZKYPSSPUNM\LSZHIVVT¶HUKOLHS[OJVUJLYUZ¹USA Today. DecemILY <YIPUH March 3, 2011. Food & Water Watch ^VYRZ[VLUZ\YL[OLMVVK^H[LYHUKÄZO^LJVUZ\TLPZZHMLHJJLZZPISL HUKZ\Z[HPUHISL:V^LJHUHSSLUQV`HUK[Y\Z[PU^OH[^LLH[HUKKYPUR^LOLSWWLVWSL[HRL JOHYNLVM^OLYL[OLPYMVVKJVTLZMYVTRLLWJSLHUHMMVYKHISLW\ISPJ[HW^H[LYÅV^PUNMYLLS`[V V\YOVTLZWYV[LJ[[OLLU]PYVUTLU[HSX\HSP[`VMVJLHUZMVYJLNV]LYUTLU[[VKVP[ZQVIWYV[LJ[PUN JP[PaLUZHUKLK\JH[LHIV\[[OLPTWVY[HUJLVMRLLWPUNZOHYLKYLZV\YJLZ\UKLYW\ISPJJVU[YVS *VW`YPNO[+LJLTILYI`-VVK>H[LY>H[JO All rights reserved. ;OPZPZZ\LIYPLMJHUIL]PL^LKVYKV^USVHKLKH[^^^MVVKHUK^H[LY^H[JOVYN
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